PDF Report Halal Cosmetics and Skin Care Survey 10992

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The survey provides insights into cosmetic product usage habits and preferences of female respondents in Indonesia, with a focus on perceptions of halal certification. Key findings include that over 86% of respondents routinely use cosmetics, Wardah is the most popular brand, and halal certification is seen as very important by most respondents.

86.83% of respondents routinely use makeup or skin care products.

Wardah is the most preferred cosmetic brand, with 61.07% of respondents reporting using this brand.

Halal Cosmetics

and Skin Care

JAKPAT Survey Report

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Respondent Profile

Gender Age

Total Respondents = 2210 1.90%

3.03% 0.32%
9.73% < 16
100.00% 36-39
> 45


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Total Respondents = 2210


3% 0.68% 1.60% 0.37%

Jawa Sumatera Kalimantan Sulawesi Nusa Tenggara & Maluku & Papua

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Survey highlight

From 2210 total respondents 86,83% routinely using make-up or skin care, its
mean there are 1919 respondents using cosmetics or skin care regularly.
Many famous companies sell their cosmetic products in the market. But from
survey result, Wardah is the most favorite cosmetics product that used by our
Mostly our respondents have been using their cosmetics for more than 2 years.
For our respondents, halal cosmetics is very important.
We are assume that perception on halal label and attention to ingredients
information affects simultaneously the purchase intention. Furthermore
religiosity also one of factors our respondents consume halal cosmetics.
Advertising on TV /Radio /mass media is the most important source information
of Halal product particularly of Halal cosmetics and skincare with 38.89% of the
respondents believes so.

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Frequency using make up or skin care
Based on our survey result, most of our respondents regularly using make up or skin care

Total Respondents = 2210



Routine Not a routine

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Cosmetics and skin care products actual buying experience

Total respondents = 1919


25.07% 26.73%
19.07% 19.28% 20.32%
14.90% 14.85% 12.66% 14.85%
11.20% 10.06% 10.53%
6.51% 4.59% 4.38% 3.28% 6.31% 3.49% 6.10%

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Cosmetics and skin care products actual buying experience

Only respondents who routine using make up or skin care are eligible to answer
this question. Respondents allow to choose more than one answer.
Based on this data, Wardah is highest cosmetic product that choosen by our
respondents with percentage 61.07% from total 1919 respondents. It was followed
by Maybelline 26.73%, then Sariayu 25.07% from 1919 respondents.

n = 1919 respondents

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Period of using cosmetics and skin care products

This survey reported that most of our respondents have been using their
cosmetics for more than 2 years.

Total respondents = 1919




< 5 months 6 months - 1 year 1 - 2 years > 2 years

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Halal cosmetics perception
Total respondents = 1919
1.93% 0.99% halal MUI certified labels on its
cosmetics products do not contain pig
or alcohol
56.80% 68.89% cosmetics offered by hijab endorsers

cosmetics are offered based on Islamic

25.59% Cosmetics that do not contain harmful
I don't know
8.65% Other option

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Halal cosmetics perception

We want to know respondents opinion about what the meaning of halal

cosmetic. This survey reported that mostly (68.89%) our repondents answer
halal cosmetics is halal MUI certified labels on its cosmetics. On the other
hand 60.29% from total respondents said that halal cosmetics is cosmetic
product that do not contain pig or alcohol. It followed by perception that
halal cosmetics is cosmetics that do not contain harmful chemicals.

n = 1919 respondents.

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Halal awareness before buying
Respondents who regularly using make up always checking ingredients on that cosmetics before buying.

Total respondents = 1919




I was checking ingredients Sometimes Never check ingredients

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Halal awareneass about cosmetics that theyve been used

According to this data, most of our respondents sure that cosmetics that theyve been used are halal.

Total respondents = 1919




Yes, halal Maybe halal Not halal I dont know halal or no

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How do you know?
Total respondents =1919
I've been using cosmetics or skincare that
labeled 'halal MUI'
15.63% I've checked that cosmetics or skincare I use
free from pig or alcohol ingredients
Cosmetics and skin care that I use have a good
30.43% reputation

Cosmetics or skincare that I use is consumed by

the majority of Muslims
43.56% cosmetics or skincare I use is advertised by
hijab model /endorsers

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How do you know?

This is follow-up question. How do our respondents know if

cosmetics that theyve been used is halal? Based on this data
mostly they said that there is halal MUI label on their cosmetics.
Furthermore 43.56% respondents said that their cosmetics have a
good reputation. While 36.27% our respondents already checked
that their cosmetics free from pig or alcohol ingredients.

n = 1919 respondents.

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Still buying even no labeled halal?
We are curious what if no labeled halal on their cosmetics, do they still keep buying or no. And here
comes the result, more than 60% from total 1919 respondents answer that they will stop buying.

Total respondents = 1919



I keep buying No, stop buying

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How important halal is
A half of our total respondents said that halal labeled on cosmetics products is very important.

Total respondents = 1919



3.75% 3.91%

Very important Important So-so Not really important Very not important

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Information sources about halal cosmetics or skincare

Advertising on TV /Radio /mass media is the most important source information of Halal product
particularly of Halal cosmetics and skincare with 38.89% of the respondents believes so. This was followed
by social media with 31.70% from 1687 total respondents.

Total respondents = 1687 38.89%



2.49% 4.56%

Friends of Parents Family Social media Advertising Other

mine siblings on TV /Radio
/mass media

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Ever been looking for which serves hal/non-halal cosmetics

In this survey we asked question, have you been looking for which cosmetics are halal and which are not?
The result is most of our respondents already looking for which cosmetics are halal and which are not.

Total respondents = 1919




Yes already Not yet Not too interested to find out

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Willingness to buying halal cosmetics
Respondents are asks to scale /rate about statement I prefer to use halal cosmetics even though
the price is more expensive.
This survey reported that scale 5 is highest scale that choosen by our respondents. It means, theyre strongly agree that
they will spend more money to buying halal cosmetics.

Total respondents = 1919


24.23% 25.90%


Scale 1 Scale 2 Scale 3 Scale 4 Scale 5

1= very disagree, 5= strongly agree

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Respondents are asks to scale /rate about statement , I prefer to use halal cosmetics because it is in
line with my religious values.
The result is almost a half of our total respondents strongly agree with that statement. Religiosity commitment of an our
respondents affects the selection of halal product (cosmetics) impacting on the purchase intention of purchasing a product
with halal label.
Total respondents = 1919

Scale 1 Scale 2 Scale 3 Scale 4 Scale 5

1= very disagree, 5= strongly agree

Web : http://jakpat.net App (Android/iOS) : http://jakpat.net/app - Mail : [email protected]

Attention to ingredients information
Respondents are asks to scale /rate about statement, I
wont buy cosmetics which are I dont know
exactly what every single ingredients does.
The result is more than 50% from total respondents totally agree about that statement. It indicates that our respondents
already sconsider the importance of information on ingredients of product to be consumed.

Total respondents = 1919 59.98%

6.10% 3.54%

Scale 1 Scale 2 Scale 3 Scale 4 Scale 5

1= very disagree, 5= strongly agree

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