2046 Chapter 15
2046 Chapter 15
2046 Chapter 15
Chemical Equilibrium
Learning goals and key skills:
Understand what is meant by chemical equilibrium and how it relates to reaction rates
Write the equilibrium-constant expression for any reaction
Relate Kc and Kp
Relate the magnitude of an equilibrium constant to the relative amounts of reactants and
products present in an equilibrium mixture.
Manipulate the equilibrium constant to reflect changes in the chemical equation
Write the equilibrium-constant expression for a heterogeneous reaction
Calculate an equilibrium constant from concentration measurements
Predict the direction of a reaction given the equilibrium constant and concentrations of
reactants and products
Calculate equilibrium concentrations given the equilibrium constant and all but one
equilibrium concentration
Calculate equilibrium concentrations given the equilibrium constant and the starting
Understand how changing the concentrations, volume, or temperature of a system at
equilibrium affects the equilibrium position.
Chemical equilibrium occurs when
opposing reactions are proceeding at equal rates.
Equilibrium Constant
Therefore, at equilibrium
Ratef = Rater
kf [N2O4] = kr [NO2]2
Rewriting this, it becomes
kf [NO2]2
kr [N2O4]
kf [NO2]2
Keq = =
kr [N2O4]
Relationship Between Kc and Kp
From the Ideal Gas Law we know that:
PV = nRT and P = (n/V)RT = [A]RT
Kp = Kc (RT)n
n = (moles of gaseous product) - (moles of gaseous reactant)
What Does the Value of K Mean?
If K>>1, the reaction is
product predominates
at equilibrium.
2 NO2 (g) N2O4 (g) Kc = [NO 2 = 4.72 at 100 C
Manipulating Kcs
Reverse directions.
Kc,new = inverse of Kc, old.
The Concentrations of Solids and
Liquids Are Essentially Constant
Therefore, the concentrations of solids
and liquids do not appear in the
equilibrium expression.
Kc = [Pb2+] [Cl-]2
An Equilibrium Problem
A closed system initially containing 1.000 x
10-3 M H2 and 2.000 x 10-3 M I2 at 448 C
is allowed to reach equilibrium. Analysis of
the equilibrium mixture shows that the
concentration of HI is 1.87 x 10-3 M.
Calculate Kc at 448 C for the reaction
taking place, which is
What Do We Know?
Stoichiometry tells us [H2] and [I2]
decrease by half as much.
Kc =
[H2] [I2]
(1.87 x 10-3)2
(6.5 x 10-5)(1.065 x 10-3)
= 51
Phosphorus pentachloride gas partially decomposes
to phosphorus trichloride gas and chlorine gas.
1.20 mol PCl5 is placed in a 1.00 L container at 200
C. At equilibrium 1.00 mol PCl5 remains. Calculate
Kc and Kp at 200 C.
aA + bB cC + dD
[C] [ D]d
Q =
[ A]a [ B ]b
Comparing K and Q
If Q < K
Theres too much reactant
Need to increase the amount of products and
decrease the amount of reactants
If Q > K
Theres too much product
Need to decrease the amount of products and
increase the amount of reactants
Problem: Finding equilibrium concentrations from
initial concentrations and the equilibrium constant.
Problem: Finding equilibrium concentrations from
initial concentrations and the equilibrium constant.
Le Chteliers Principle
Changing concentration
Changing volume/pressure
Kp = 0.0214 at 540 K
Example: at equilibrium
PH2 = 2.319 atm
PNH3 = 0.454 atm
PN2 = 0.773 atm
What happens upon addition of 1 atm of H2?
The Haber Process
If H2 is added
to the system,
N2 will be
consumed and
the two
reagents will
form more
Le Chteliers Principle: pressure
Le Chteliers Principle: temperature
endothermic H > 0
heat can be thought of as a reactant
increasing T results in an increase in K
exothermic H < 0
heat can be thought of as a product
increasing T results in an decrease in K