(Ebook) Wizoo's Reaktor 3 Book
(Ebook) Wizoo's Reaktor 3 Book
(Ebook) Wizoo's Reaktor 3 Book
Reaktor 3
All rights reserved. No part of this book and the cd-rom enclosed may be
used, reproduced, transmitted or stored in any form or by any means
without prior written permission of wizoo. Making copies of any part of
this book for any purpose other than your own personal use is a violation
of copyright laws.
This book is sold as is, without warranty of any kind, either express or
implied. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this
book, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or
omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from
the use of the information or instructions contained herein. It is further
stated that the publisher and authors are not responsible for any damage
or loss to your data or your equipment that results directly or indirectly
from your use of this book.
Len Sasso
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Index 225
1 First Light
Chapter 1 First Light
Reaktors Toolbars
Reaktors Toolbar is control central; taking a few minutes
now to learn your way around can save you hours of frustra-
The Toolbar is divided into two sections: Ensemble (on the
top) and Instrument (on the bottom). The Ensemble Toolbar
is used to monitor and control overall Reaktor settings such
as the audio sample rate, audio levels and the cpu load on
your computer. It also handles file management, midi File
playback and midi remote control. Each of its sections is la-
beled in the illustration, following which youll find descrip-
tions of its various controls.
Reaktors Toolbars
Chapter 1 First Light
Reaktors Toolbars
Chapter 1 First Light
Voices, Channels and Outputs
Chapter 1 First Light
Audio File Recorder and Player
Menus and Key Commands
Chapter 2 The Factory Library
On the Mac, you can change Snapshots from your computer key-
board by typing and _. On the pc, you can do this by typing I
and M, but only if the Snapshot menu is selected.
On all platforms, you can use the computer keyboard to play notes in
Reaktor. The key assignments mimic a piano keyboard with C on z
and q, C# on s and 2, , B on m and u. S raises all keys two oc-
taves and S lowers all keys two octaves.
You can also use the computer keyboard to change the value of the
selected Control Panel control. IM increment and decrement the
value by the controls step size. On the pc, the Page Up/Down keys in-
crement and decrement by ten times the step size.
In this section, well start off with several classic subtractive
synthesizers, then move on to fm and hybrid models that
employ other synthesis methods. Several of the Ensembles in
this section are modeled after classic hardware synthesizers.
We wont attempt to judge how close a match they are soni-
cally, but guarantee they will give you that vintage experi-
Subtractive synthesizers start with oscillators and perhaps
a noise generator, then use filters to alter the harmonic con-
tent of the sound. (That is called subtractive synthesis be-
Chapter 2 The Factory Library
r 05 Me2SalEm Instrument Josue Arias, ni, John Bowen
Sounds John Bowen
Demo ni
Chapter 2 The Factory Library
Chapter 2 The Factory Library
Reaktor sampling runs the gamut from bread-and-butter
multi-sample playing to advanced granular techniques. Well
have a look at several factory samplers here and examine
each technique in detail in Chapter 4 Building a Sampler
on page 141.
Instrument Martin Brinkman r 19 GrainStates
Sounds Martin Brinkman
Chapter 2 The Factory Library
Many Reaktor Ensembles have built-in sequencers that are
driven by Reaktors Master Clock. You must start the Master
Clock using the Transport in the Ensemble Toolbar in order
for the sequencers in these Ensembles to play. (See Reak-
tors Toolbars on page 16.)
There are two ways to approach sequencing in Reaktor:
using one of Reaktors step-sequencer Modules and using
event-tables. Well look at each method in detail in Chapter 5
Building a Sequencer on page 165. Here well look at some
ready-built sequencers using each method.
Instrument Siegmar Kreie r 20 Cyclane
Sounds Rob Acid, ni
Demo ni
Cyclane illustrates the traditional approach to step-sequenc-
ing, whereas Obvious101 (see Obvious101 on page 68) il-
lustrates the more flexible, Event Table approach. Cyclane
contains two 16-step sequencers. The one at the top-left is
driving a sine wave based drum-synth whose controls are
reminiscent of NewsCool (see NewsCool on page 71), but
without NewsCools randomization features. The one at the
bottom drives a built-in fm synth with two parabolic carriers
and a single triangle-wave operator.
Cyclanes output section (top-right) includes a multi-mode
filter, dual resonators and a delay line. The little mixer has
separate levels and effect sends for the top percussion row,
the lower three percussion rows, the fm synth, an external
Chapter 2 The Factory Library
input and all the effects outputs. The effects section is an ex-
cellent candidate for copying to your own Ensembles.
Structure Overview
3 Building a Synthesizer
Now that weve had a good look at what others have done
with Reaktor, its time to do it ourselves. First, well build a
basic subtractive synthesizer in the simplest way. Well use
that as a starting point for adding refinements and enhance-
ments. Finally well move into other synthesis techniques.
The following chapters will take a similar approach to
building samplers, sequencers and effects processors. In all
cases, our aim is not to build the most sophisticated, feature-
laden Ensemble possiblewell leave that to you. What we
will endeavor to do is lead you step-by-step to the edge of the
Structure Overview
In Ensemble? Control Panel? Structure? on page 11 we
took a brief look at Reaktors structural organization. The
highest level is the Ensemble and there is one and only one
Ensemble open in Reaktor at a time. Ensembles are made up
of Instruments, Macros and Modules connected by wires.
Modules are Reaktors basic building blocks. They are part
of the Reaktor application (they are not files on your hard
drive) and are created using Reaktors Insert menu or the
context menu that opens when you right-click (-click on
the Mac) in the empty space in any Structure window (see il-
Chapter 3 Building a Synthesizer
Structure Overview
Reaktors New
Ensemble contains
the required Audio In
and Audio Out Mod-
ule as well as optional
Master and Tune con-
trols. Its Control Panel
is shown in the inset
on the right.
You can wire an event output into an audio input, but not vice versa.
When you need to do that, you can use the A to E Module (in the
Auxiliary section) to convert the audio signal to an event signal.
Chapter 3 Building a Synthesizer
Ensemble Control
Panel window for the
basic synth, bs-3, fea-
turing a single oscilla-
tor, lowpass filter and
two adsr envelopes.
Building a Basic Synth
The process is the same for adding any new structural element (In-
strument, Macro or Module) in any Structure window. Instruments
and Macros are stored on your hard drive. Modules are part of the
Reaktor program and are created using sub-menus of the context
Chapter 3 Building a Synthesizer
Caveat Emptor: Save the Ensemble to your hard drive at regular inter-
vals during the construction process.
Building a Basic Synth
5 Use the midi sub-menu of the Modules menu to create a Note Pitch
Module. This Modules output carries all incoming midi Note num-
bers. Draw a wire from the Note Pitch Modules output into the top
input of the Event Add 4 Module.
6 Place the cursor over the second input of the Event Add 4 Module and
right-click. Select Create Control from the context menu that appears
(see illustration). This will create a Control Panel control named Add 2
already wired into the second input of the Event Add 4 Module.
Change the settings to those shown in the illustration. (Function tab:
Label to Transpose, Range Max to 36, Range Min to 36, Step to 1.
Appearance tab: Size to Medium, Visible in Ensemble is checked.)
The range of 36 to 36 allows a three octave transposition up or down
and the step size of 1 results in semitone steps.
Chapter 3 Building a Synthesizer
When you create controls automatically this way, Reaktor will take a
guess at the proper name and range for the control. Often you will
want to change these as well as the controls appearance. You do so
using the controls context menu (right-click).
7 Repeat step 6 for the third input of the Event Add 4 Module to create
a fine tuning control. The range for this knob should be 0.5 to 0.5 in
steps of 0.01. This covers the full range between the semitone steps of
the Transpose knob.
Applying an envelope The final steps add an adsr envelope to control the oscilla-
to an oscillators am- tors amplitude:
plitude is one of sev-
eral ways to control 8 Use the +,,X,/ sub-menu of the Modules menu to create an Audio
amplitude. Alterna- Mult 2 Module. This Module will multiply two audio signals and well
tives include multi- use it to multiply the output of the adsr envelope generator by the
plying the output sig- value of an amount control. Wire the Audio Mult 2 Modules output
nal by the envelope to the oscillators A input.
value, using the enve-
lope to control an All of the +,,X,/ Modules come in both audio and event varieties. Re-
amplifier and using call that the only difference between audio and event signals is the
the envelope to con- sampling rate with which Reaktor processes themevent signals re-
trol mixer levels. quire much less processing. Weve used an Audio Mult 2 Module
here to match the adsr Envelopes output and the oscillators ampli-
tude input (A). In the case of the adsr Envelope Module, this results
in smoother enveloping and in the case of the oscillator, it also allows
for amplitude (am) and ring (rm) modulation.
9 As in step 6, place the cursor over the first input of the Audio Mult 2
Module and right-click. Select Create Control from the context menu
Building a Basic Synth
that appears. That will create a Control Panel control named Mult 1
wired into the first input of the Audio Mult 2 Module. Open the con-
trols Properties and in the Functions section, change the Label to
Amount, the range minimum to 0 and the step size to 0.01. In the
Appearance section change the knobs size to medium.
10 Select adsr from the lfo/Envelope sub-menu of the Modules menu to
create an adsr Envelope Module. Open its Properties window and in
the Appearance section check Visible in Instrument and Visible in
Ensemble. This will cause a graphic of the adsr shape to appear on
the Instrument and Ensemble Control Panels. Also change its Pixel in
X Size parameter to 200 and change its name to Amplifier-Env. Wire
the adsr Envelope Modules output into the second input of the
Audio Mult 2 Module.
11 As in steps 6, 7 and 9, create controls for the bottom four inputs
(labeled A, D, S and R) of the adsr Envelope Module. In this case, all
the default control properties will be ok, but change each of the knob
sizes to medium.
12 Select Gate from the midi sub-menu of the Modules menu to create a
midi Gate Module. Wire the Gate Modules output into the G input of
the adsr Envelope Module. Double-click the Gate Module to open its
Properties and change its name to Gate +V to indicate that Mod-
ules output will reflect the midi Note-On velocity. Note that its Range
and midi parameters match the illustration.
The Range and midi parameters of the Gate Module allow you to
scale the Gate Modules velocity range. Setting the Range Min and
Max both to one results in no velocity sensitivity. Creating velocity
sensitivity this way only works if the receiving Modules gate (G) in-
put automatically scales its output by the incoming gate value, as
does the adsr Envelope Module.
Chapter 3 Building a Synthesizer
Ensemble Control
Panel for bs-1.
15 Open the Ensemble Control Panel. (Make sure the menu at the left
end of the Instrument Toolbar displays Ensemble, then click the
Control Panel icon in the Toolbar.) Unlock the Control Panel (to allow
you to move the controls around) by clicking the Unlock button (pad-
lock icon) in the Ensemble Toolbar until it is not indented. Now
rearrange the individual controls to match the Basic Synth Control
Panel in the illustration. Finally, move the Ensemble Control Panel
with the Master and Tune controls next to the Basic Synth Control
Panel as shown.
16 Double-click the Basic Synth Control Panel. The bad news is that you
have to arrange the controls separately in the Ensemble and Instru-
ment Control Panels. The good news is that you can have different
visual arrangements in these panels (including different sets of visible
17 Lock the Control Panels again in the Toolbar. (When the Control Pan-
els are unlocked, using the mouse moves the controls around rather
than changing their settings.)
Chapter 3 Building a Synthesizer
Ensemble Control
Panel for the 12 oscil-
lator additive synthe-
sizer, Add-1. The sine
wave oscillators are
organized in three
groups of four. Each
group shares a single
adsr envelope and is
based on Reaktors
Multi-Sine Module,
which provides four
sine waves with inde-
pendent tuning, level
and output.
r 34 Add-1 Harmonic Additive synthesis has been around since before there was
synthesisthink organ. From a synthesis standpoint, it
amounts to combining a number of sine wave oscillators at
different frequencies and levels to construct complex wave-
r 35 Add-1 You probably knoweven if youre not sure exactly why
Inharmonic that any periodic waveform (which roughly speaking means
Other Synthesis Methods
You can see from the Instrument Structure that the adsr en-
velope generators are providing control signals for the oscil-
Chapter 3 Building a Synthesizer
lator group levels. The midi Gate Module triggers the enve-
lopes and the midi Note Pitch Module provides the oscillator
pitches and also affects the adsr-Env Macros time settings.
Heres how the time settings track the pitch (sometimes
called keyboard tracking):
Other Synthesis Methods
The Order Module is the only way to control the order in which
events are propagated through the system.
Add-1s oscillator
Macros use Reaktors
Multi-Sine Module to
mix four sine waves of
different frequencies
and amplitudes.
The only thing left is the oscillator groups, and their struc-
ture is very straightforward. They use a Multi-Sine Module,
which provides four sine waves with their own frequency
Chapter 3 Building a Synthesizer
If you want to envelope each sine wave individually, use the separate
Building a Very Simple Sampler
4 Building a Sampler
Chapter 4 Building a Sampler
Reaktor has three sampler Modules that are ideal for manip-
ulating long, looping sound files like beat-loops and speech
fragments. The simplest, Sampler Loop, allows you to control
the playback start-point (i. e. the position where the sample
begins to play when it is gated), the loop start-point and the
loop length. The Beat Loop Module adds automatic tempo
calculation to facilitate breaking the loop into logical seg-
ments. Finally, the Sample Lookup Module gives you sample-
accurate control of the sample pointeryou could think of it
as the sampler equivalent of the Audio Table Module that we
used in the wavetable synths in Chapter 3.
Looping Based Samplers
sired loop from the sample Map, then use the St, LS and LL
sliders to adjust the loop to taste.
The Sampler Loop Module works slightly differently than
the samplers weve used so far. For one thing it is gated
rather than triggered; playback loops as long as the gate
(e. g. midi note) is held, but stops as soon as it is released.
There is an override for this in the Sampler Loop Modules
Properties called Loop in Release. When that is turned on,
the gate input works like a triggeri. e. the sample plays
continuously as with the Sampler and Sampler fm Modules.
The Sampler Loop Module has separate inputs for pitch (P)
and sample select (Sel), but you can still use pitch to select
samples by leaving the Sel input un-wired. There is also a
linear frequency input (F) that is handy for speed adjust-
ments independent of sample selection.
Finally, there are three inputs and one output tailored spe-
cifically to loop management. The inputs (St, LS and LL) set
the playback start-point when the Sampler Loop Module is
gated and set the loop start-point and length. The output
(Lng) tells the length of the selected sample in milliseconds.
As well see, that is handy when you want to set the other pa-
rameters as fractions of the full sample length.
Instrument Structure
of SLp-1. The start,
loop-start, loop-
length and hold time
are all set as fractions
of the sample length.
The inset shows the
hold-release envelope
Chapter 4 Building a Sampler
Looping Based Samplers
Instrument Control
Panel of SLp-2 beat
loop player.
For example, if the sample is exactly eight seconds long, the Beat
Loop Module will assume it is 16 beats long at 120bpm because thats
the solution that fits within the assumed ranges.
Chapter 4 Building a Sampler
Instrument Structure
of SLp-2 with inset
showing the Macro
Structure for quantiz-
ing the start and loop
parameters to 116-