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Business Education & Accreditation

Vol. 7, No. 1, 2015, pp. 67-76

ISSN: 1944-5903 (print)
ISSN: 2157-0809 (online)


Diah Hari Suryaningrum, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
Eni Wuryani, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Intan Yuniar Purbasari, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur


The fast developments of information and communication technology (ICT) today not only have an impact
on the world of industry, but also in the world of education. In the world of education, the useage of ICT is
expected to improve the performance, especially the performances of students with regard to their academic
matters. The need to improve the quality of accounting graduates who have personal skills has long been
a concern of accounting education. This study aims, first to provide empirical evidence that mobile learning
will improve student performance not only in technical skills but also in personal skills. Second, to prove
and test the effectiveness of mobile learning as opposed to face-to-face learning in improving the
competence of accountants in accordance with the standards established by the Indonesian Institute of
Accountants (IAI) and the national education goals. Method of learning with mobile technology is expected
to support the learning process of the present method so as to improve the competence of accountants in
terms of technical competency skills, personal skills, business knowledge and extensive expertise. The third
objective is to understand the students motivation in learning. This study is an exploratory research and
developed a new mobile learning application of Accounting Information Systems. This study used quasi-
experimental research design to test the new application.. Research results of the pre-test and post-test
score indicated that mobile based learning technology is more effective than face-to-face learning for
additional learning of accounting information systems.

JEL: M49

KEYWORDS: Mobile Learning Applications, Quasi-Experimental Design, Students Performance


T he fast developments of information and communication technology (ICT) today not only have an
impact on the world of industry, but also in the world of education (Moore et al., 2011; Behera,
2013; Siragusa et al., 2007). In the world of education, the useage of ICT is expected to improve the
performance, especially the performance of students with regard to their academic matters. Basically the
development and use of ICT can be grouped into two learning systems, ie the system of e-learning as a
form of learning that utilizes electronic devices and digital mediaand mobile learning (m-learning) as a
special form of learning that utilize devices and communication technologies such as mobile phone (smart
phone). This new concept will influence the educational learning process transformation from conventional
education into digital form.

The need to improve the quality of accounting graduates who have personal skills has long been a concern
of accounting education. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) published a
framework of core competencies (Core Competency Framework) that must be possessed by students
entering the accounting profession, both in the public sector, industry, government, or other service


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D. H. Suryaningrum et al | BEA Vol. 7 No. 1 2015

business, which was also adopted by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants/IAI (AICPA, 2004, 2010; IAI,
2010). The competency framework supports the concept of continuous learning that starts from the
academic environment and continuing (life-long) through professional education and experience. Learning
accounting requires more than knowledge transfer which include the active role of accounting students in
their learning process. Quality of learning is not something that can be given away by educators, but need
to be developed by the students through the process of interaction between students, educators and other
students. In addition to developing technical knowledge and skills of accounting, accounting education
programs must be designed to be able to develop computer competency and information systems,
communication, interpersonal, intellectual, critical thinking, problem solving, integrity, and othegeneric
(soft) skills (Holcomb and Michaelsen, 1996; Boyce, 1999; Behera, 2013). Accounting education is also
expected to develop a level of expertise that can be applied in a variety of contexts, including skills that
enable students to understand and criticize accounting information and its role in economic and social, as
well as the role of accountants in creating and re-creating the social reality (Hines, 1988). Supporting
learning methods such as mobile learning appears to be an ideal solution to improve the quality of
accounting graduates.

One of the benefits of mobile learning is the life-long learning as indicate on the Core Competency
Framework (from AICPA) which supports the concept of continuous learning that starts from the academic
environment and continuing (life-long) through professional education and experience. Therefore, this
study aims to provide empirical evidence that the approach to learning with mobile learning will improve
student performance not only in technical skills but also in personal skills. In addition, by adopting mobile
learning technology in accounting education, accounting students not only understand the importance of
personal skills in the accounting profession, but they also learn to accept and use ICT as part of the
accounting profession. In other words, mobile learning that support conventional learning will drive the
achievement of the overall competence of accountants: the technical competence, personal competence and
a broad business perspective competency.

This research also aims to prove and test the effectiveness of mobile learning as opposed to face-to-face
learning in improving the competence of accountants in accordance with the standard established by the
Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) and the national education goals. Method of learning with mobile
technology is expected to support the learning process of the present method so as to improve the
competence of accountants in terms of technical competency skills, personal skills, business knowledge
and extensive expertise. Important issue in accounting education is how to have a qualified accounting
graduates competencies in line with the expectations and the needs of the community. Indonesian Institute
of Accountants (IAI) has adopted the core competencies of accountants based Core Competency
Framework issued by the AICPA.

IAI also stated that although the curriculum/syllabus of undergraduate accounting education and
Accountants Professional Education (PPA) in terms of skills, values, ethics and professional attitude is
subjected to International Education Standard (IES) no. 3 - professionals contents and skills, no. 4 -
professional values, ethics, and attitudes, but still need to balance the percentage of the knowledge, skills,
values, ethics and professional attitude, and assessment of methods and techniques of teaching (IAI, 2010).
This study is important for several reasons: first, this study tried to carry out a review of the methods and
techniques of teaching by providing a solution that is more sophisticated learning methods in accordance
with the advancement of technology, the mobile technology-based learning methods. Second, although
mobile technology has developed very rapidly, up to date positive impact of mobile learning is still
questionable, considering there are positive and negative impacts of the emerging mobile technologies.
Finally, the application of mobile learning in accounting education and its impact to date, to the author's
knowledge has not been done. The rest of this paper will be organized as follows: the second section of this
paper is the literature review. The third section outlines the research methods and the forth section describes
research results. Finally, conclusion is set in the last section.


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Theories in Mobile-Learning

Integration of technology based learning like M-Learning in the learning process is supported by several
theories.The first theory is socio-constructivist theory. Swan (2005) indicated that socio-constructivist
theory basically constructed from cognitive-constructivist teory and sosial-cognitive theory. Constructivists
believe that reality is constructed by the human mind when interacting with the world where we live
physically, socially, and mentally. We try to understand the experience by constructing and adjusting the
internal structure of knowledge that is collected and organized in our mind as a perception and is reflected
in the reality. Socio-constructivist learning theory suggests that learning in the minds of individuals and is
an active process of forming mental interacts with the environment or emerging from social interaction
(Duffy and Jonassen, 1992). Learning is essentially a social activity, and that reality is constructed through
communication, collaborative activities and interactions with others. This indicates that students naturally
organize and construct their knowledge and computer technology is a media that support the interaction
process. Thus, constructivists believe that the computer has a unique capacity to represent abstract ideas
into more concrete form.

From the point of view of constructivist, learning becomes more individualized and increased knowledge
of individuals will center on the learner (learner-centered). Therefore, the individual will interact with other
individuals (collaborative) and perform continuous learning (life-long), so that the technology can be used
as a means of learning the (Swan 2005). The second theory is situated learning theorywhich suggested that
learning must be conducted in the context of actual environment. Digital learning technology can be used
not only to represent the contexts but also learning content (Brown et al., 1989). Theorists of learning-
situations (situated learning), argues that learning is a function of activity, context and culture in which the
learning takes place, so it can not be separated from the support of community participation. The important
concept in this theory is the existence of a statement of legitimacy surrounding them. That is, proficiency
in the knowledge and skills can be achieved gradually by the plunge in a community of practice. In the
context of education, students (cognitive apprenticeship) in the class working on a problem with the help
of a friend or someone more expert, like the professor or instructor (knowledge building communities),
where students collaborate and learn from the self and community environment gradually (Swan, 2005).

The third theory is Authentic Learning Theory. This theory stated that stated that the development of
multimedia technology capabilities able to deliver learning products that facilitate communication and
division (sharing) of knowledge so that learners can use it to reflect and construct further knowledge
(Herrington dan Oliver, 2000). In developing learning environments in higher education, the constructs
used in authenthic situated learning theory is derived from learning theory, which can be defined as the
context of task and role of participants (users). Task context is created by making a realistic and authentic
problem. Realistic and authentic problems are generally complex and difficult to be defined so that depth
analysis from various perspectives, collaboration and reflection of participants are needed (Herrington dan
Oliver, 2000). Such characteristics exist in ICT including mobile technology. This means that ICT with
mobile technologies can be used to leran by creating problems that occur in the real world (realistic and
authentic world). Based on these theories, the learning can be done with ICT-based learning media. ICT-
based learning can be grouped into two learning systems, namely the e-learning as a form of learning that
utilize electronic devices and digital media systems, and mobile learning (m-learning) as a special form of
learning that utilize devices and mobile communications technology. These two concepts of learning bring
the transformation process from conventional education into digital form, both in content and system.

D. H. Suryaningrum et al | BEA Vol. 7 No. 1 2015

Mobile-Learning Development

The education system has been and until now mostly done by traditional face-to-face between educators
and students in one classroom. The development of ICT has an important role in changing education
method. Teaching and learning processes which was originally dominated by the role of the teacher - the
area of teacher, and then the process started much dominated by the role of the teacher and books - the area
of teacher and book. Furthermore, this role began to shift with the dominant role of teachers, books, and
technology thearea of teacher, books, and technology (Soekartawi, 2003; Haythronthwaite et al., 2011;
Behera, 2013). Thus there is a shift in learning paradigm from conventional learning to sophisticated
learning with digital technologies such as mobile learning. Research by Motiwalla (2007) using experiment
study of wireless learning proved that wireless technology can be adopted in learning process. In the world
there are more than 5 billion people who bring a very powerful tool in their pocket or bag that is mobile
device. Of these people, 500 million people use the internet in 2009. The amount will be doubled within
five years in which mobile technology replaces the Personal Computer (PC) as a means to get into the web
(Cumavo, 2011). In Indonesia alone, there are 68 million mobile users at the end of 2006, 94.7 million in
2007, and this number will increase to 133 million by 2010. In other words, nearly half the Indonesian
population (about 250 million people) will be mobile users (Bahar, 2009).

Indonesia is the world's three biggest users after China and India. Guild Research results regarding the
adoption of mobile learning in the organization showed that in the world of education 14.5% had used
mobile learning, 10.3% started to build a business case based mobile learning, 47.6% began researching
how other organizations use mobile learning, and 22 , 1% do not have any plans with mobile learning.
Based on these data, although there was an extraordinary development in mobile learning, but research on
mobile learning in accounting education in Indonesia is scarce or even not yet done. Research on learning
using information and communication technology (ICT) has been conducted by researchers whose focus is
on learning or electronic learning methods are more commonly known as e-learning (Suryaningrum et al.,
2009). The research results prove that despite the ease of use of e-learning, but until now the use of e-
learning in accounting education in Indonesia is not developed as expected.

In accordance with the development of ICT, learning models shift towards the use of mobile technology
that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Ramli (2011), a senior adviser at the Ministry of
Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, said that based on market research in 2010
in the Indonesian cellular telecommunications penetration (full mobility) of 84.5% ( 203 million), much
larger than the penetration of fixed wireless (limited mobility) which only amounted to 13.3% ( 8.3
million), and the remaining 9.3% for fixed wirelines and broadband penetration. Ramli further revealed that
in the field of education, the government plans to networking with relation (link) to 40 million students.
The factors driving the expanding opportunities of the use or application of mobile learning as a new trend
in the study are the level of development of mobile devices is very high, the level of use is relatively easy,
and the price of the device is more affordable around $ 100, compared to personal computers around $ 500
(Ramli, 2011). This has formed a new learning paradigm that can be done anywhere (where ever) and
anytime (when ever).

Historically, electronic learning objects, were designed anddeveloped specifically for playback on unique
devices, e.g. videotapes, cassette tapes,CDs, television, personal computers, etc. Accessing courseware
specifically developed for these electronic devices resulted in a tethered learning approach, restricting the
ability of mobile students to take courses. M-Learning, as a subset of D- and E-Learning, wasdesigned to
overcome such limitations(Idrus and Ismail, 2010; Moore et al., 2011). M-Learning 1) provides the ability
to create homogenous learning objects for heterogeneous mobile devices, and 2) does so by utilizing
wireless connectivity.This approach benefits a growing audience of post-secondary institution and
workforce learners, e.g. those in hard to reach, isolated locations, away from their home or office, or in FTF
environments where a need to augment the classroom experience exists. The advent of M-Learning created


an environment of anywhere, anytime learning (Keegan, 2005; Low and OConnell, 2007; Moore et al.,
2011). Chocrane (2011) indicated that M-Learning bridges pedagogically designed learning contexts,
enables learner generated contexts, and content, while providing personalization and ubiquitous social
connectedness.This M-Learning practice was adopted by universities and firms that wished to reach a
diverse audience of learners many of whom were mobile with restricted access to the devices that
traditionally made D- and E-Learning possible.


To find out how important the material content in the curriculum/syllabus is taught to accounting students,
a preliminary interviews were conducted with several professors and students of accounting at the
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional"Veteran" jawaTimur, particularly on the learning materials of
Accounting Information Systems (AIS). Preliminary results of this interview suggest that learning AIS
especially with regard to capabilities in the areas of technology and information systems are still very weak.
There are two reasons why it happened. First, accounting educators are to focus on the material that will
improve practice skill competency (or technical skills) with the hope of accounting graduates to be an expert
accountant in applying accounting practices. Second is the limited time in learning with face-to-face
teaching methods in the classroom. In accordance with the system of semester credit, accounting courses,
which generally have 3 credits given face-to-face teaching time in the classroom (face-to-face) about 2.5
hours (50 minutes x 3 credits = 150 minutes). Face-to-face time in the classroom is generally focused on
learning technical skills that do not allow providing or discussing matters relating to ethics, behavior, or
technology as learning to improve personal skills.Supporting learning methods such as mobile learning
appears to be an ideal solution to solve that problem.

This study is an exploratory research program to develop a mobile learning application of Accounting
Information Systems (AIS). Once the AIS mobile learning application is completed, tests on the application
made by using the quasi-experimental research design. There are two things that will be measured: 1)
student learning outcomes in the domain of knowledge (cognitive) knowledge of AIS. Knowledge was
measured using MCQs (Multiple Choice Question) conducted in pre-test and post-test. 2) Students' attitudes
and motivation were measured after students attend one lecture or teaching methods by using a mobile
learning. MSLQ (Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire) developed by the National Center for
Research University of Michigan to improve postsecondary teaching and learning (Pintrich et al., 1991;
Garcia and Pintrich, 1995; Duncan and McKeachie, 2005) is used in this research.

Research subjects are fifty two students of the Faculty of Economics majoring in Accounting who has
passed the AIS courses. Students are grouped into two randomized groups. Each group will follow the
learning process of AIS with a certain topic of data warehaousing with different methods: 1) face-to-face
classes are held at the Laboratory of accounting and 2) mobile learning that can be done by students anytime
and anywhere. Respondent responses are 100% and all 52 datas can be used for further examination. The
quasi-experiment was started in February 2014 (pre-test) and finished in May 2014 (post-test). The pilot
study of mobile technology-based learning applications is done at the user level (accounting student who
has completed an AIS course). Design research is quasi-experimental control group pre-test and post-test
non-equivalent (non-equivalent pre-test and post-test control group design) testing pre-post test, attitude
assessment, and student motivation to use mobile learning.a). Pre-post test was conducted to measure the
impact of behavioral changes in students after the students utilize mobile learning application program with
their cell phone. Pre-test conducted before students take advantage of mobile learning applications program,
which aims to measure the ability of students before the beginning of the use of technology-based learning
mobile applications. Post-test was performed after an application program utilizein the student learning.
Students were given for 6 days to try and take advantage of learning applications. Test post-test is intended
to measure the ability of students after using the mobile technology-based learning application. b).

D. H. Suryaningrum et al | BEA Vol. 7 No. 1 2015

Assessment of attitude and motivation of accounting students is done to seek information from students
after the students get a chance to try and make use of mobile technology-based learning application.


Numbers of students who are willing to follow the pre-test are as many as 52 students.Pre-test questions
are multiple choice questions with topic of data warehouse that consists of 20 questions randomly selected
from the 30 available questions. In the pre-test, the students were grouped into 4 grupto distinguish given
multiple choice questions. This is done so that each student can not imitate each other answers. The average
pre-test score of students is 53.94 or 54 (fifty-four). The pre-test scores will then be compared with the post-
test scores, the value after the student got to the topic of AIS data warehouse learning. Comparison of pre-
test and post-test was conducted using paired sample t-test. At the post-test activities, students were also
asked to complete a questionnaire about the attitude and motivation of the use of mobile technology in
learning. Data tabulation and analysis was conducted in May 2014. Data qualified test was conducted to
prove that the instruments and datas are suitable for further analysis. The reliability test showed alpha of
0.88 more than 0.60 which indicated that the data was reliable. Validity test Ujishowed that Kaiser-Meyer-
Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequate (KMO-MSA) score was 65.3% more than 50% which indicated that
the data was valid for further analysis.The analysis was conducted to provide: 1) whether the additional
learning using mobile learning is effective in improving students knowledge and ability and 2) whether
there is motivation difference in learning using mobile-learning between the two groups of mobile-learning
(ML) and face-to-face (FTF).

Table 1: Normality Test

No Item Sig. Conclusion

1 Pre-test Score 0,229* Normal
2 Post-test Score 0,200* Normal
3 Learning Motivasion 0,987* Normal
*Significance at the 5 percent This table showsthe result of normality data test. The significance values show more that 0.05 which indicates that
all data are normal.

Table 2: Pre-Test and Post-Test Comparison of AIS Score

Group N AIS Score (Average)

Pre-Test Score Post-Test
Face-to-Face (FTF) 26 51.54 55.65
Mobile-Learning (ML) 26 56.35 71.73
Total (average) 52 53.94 63.69
This table shows on average the AIS score before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the additional learning both of face-to-face and mobile learning

Comparison of Accounting Information System (AIS) score before and after the additional learning in Table
2. Table 2 showed that on average SIA score for both group are increased. The average AIS score for FTF
group increase from 51.54 to 55.65 while ML group increase from 56.35 to 71.73.

Table 3: Paired T-Test on AIS Score

Group Mean Std.Dev Std.Error T Df Sig.

FTF 4.115 3,374 0,662 6,219 25 0.000*
ML 15.385 11,363 2,229 6,903 25 0,000*
Total 9.750 10,062 1,395 6,987 25 0,000*
*Significance at the 5 percent This table showsthe result of paired t-test on AIS score after additional learning. The significance values show less
than 0.05 which indicates that there is difference between students who received additional learning with face-to-face to students with mobile


On total, the AIS score increase from 53.94 to 63.69. Paired t-test was used to examine whether these scores
are significantly different as shown in table 3.

The results using paired t-test proved that there are significant differences between students who received
learning materials of accounting information systems with face-to-face classes and mobile learning.
Learning with mobile learning indicated the average change in the value of knowledge at 15.385, while the
face-to-face learning of only 4.115. This implies that additional learning with mobile learning is more
effective than the face-to-face learning.

Table 4: One-Way Anova Post-Test Score Dependent Variable: Post-Test Score

Item Sum of Square Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Group 3360.077 1 3360.077 30.530 0.000*
Within Group 5503.000 50 110.060
Total 8863.077 51
*Significance at the 5 percent This table shows the result of one-way ANOVA on post-test score. The significance values show less than 0.05 which
indicates that there is difference between students who received additional learning with face-to-face to students with mobile leraning.

Testing with one-way ANOVA (Table 4) shows the F value of 30.530 with significance value of 0.000.
The significance value less than 0.05 so it can be concluded that the post-test score between groups (face-
to-face and mobile learning group) are significantly different. It is proved that additional learning materials
using mobile learning is more effective than face-to-face learning. Therefore, the material of AIS that could
not be thought in face-to-face classroom activities can be added using mobile learning.

Table 5: One-Way ANOVA of Learning Motivation Dependent Variable: Learning Motivation

Item Sum of Square Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Group 0.050 1 0.050 0.165 0.686*
Within Group 15.109 50 0.302
Total 15.159 51
*Not-Significance at the 5, 10, 25 percent This table shows the result of one-way ANOVA on learning motivation. The significance value showsmore
than 0.05 which indicates that there is no difference of learning motivation between students who received additional learning with face-to-face to
students with mobile leraning.

Testing with one-way ANOVA (Table 5) shows the F value of 0.165 with significance value of 0.686. This
value is greater than 0.05 so it can be concluded that the learning motivation between groups (face-to-face
and mobile learning group) did not differ significantly. This proves that students are motivated to learn
similarly despite different method in learning materials. Because of the same motivation to learn, it is
suggested that the learning material is added with mobile learning if it is not enough time to explain all of
the material in the syllabus on face-to-face classroom activities.


This study aims to provide empirical evidence that mobile learning will improve student performance and
to prove and test the effectiveness of mobile learning as opposed to face-to-face learning and to understand
the students motivation in learning. This study is an exploratory research and developed a new mobile
learning application of Accounting Information Systems. This study used quasi-experimental research
design to test the new application. The test results prove that the additional learning with mobile learning
is more effective than face-to-face learning. The advantage of mobile learning is no limitation of space and
time, making students can learn anywhere and anytime as required. At least four limitations should be noted
in this study. First, this study using experiemental design that focused more in internal validity than external

D. H. Suryaningrum et al | BEA Vol. 7 No. 1 2015

validity. Second, students performance may be different since individual participant provided the empirical
data, possible biases or preferences (e.g. learning styles, students GPA, social preferences, etc) may exist
due to different personal experiences, family, or educational background. Third, since this study is an
exploratory research, it didnt control for other variables that may influence the students performance.
Finally, this study use paired t-test and ANOVA to analyze the different of students performance and
learning motivaton between face-to-face and mobile learning that may have some limitations. Future
research may conduct the same study with larger participants to expand the external validity, use a control
variable as a moderating variable (such as GPA, learning styles), and use other analysis like two-ways
ANOVA or multivariate analysis.


This research is founded by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education Republic
of Indonesia (DIKTI) with SKIM Competition Grant (Hibah Bersaing) for the implementation year of 2014.


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Diah Hari Suryaningrum completed her master degree at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
in 2002 and currently a doctoral student of accounting program at University of Brawijaya, Malang
Indonesia. Her research interest includes information system, ethics, and accounting behavior. She is a
lecturer and researcher at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur Indonesia majoring
in accounting. She is a member of Indonesian Economist Association (ISEI), Economist and Faculty Forum
(FORDES), and staff member of Indonesian Institute of Accountant (IAI) East Java, for 2013-2018 periods.

Eni Wuryani completed her doctorate degree at University of Airlangga, Indonesia in 2011. Her research
interest includes financial accounting, accounting behavior, and good corporate governance. She is a
lecturer and researcher at Universitas Negeri Surabaya Indonesia majoring in accounting. She is a member
of Indonesian Economist Association (ISEI), Economist and Faculty Forum (FORDES), and Indonesian
Institute of Accountant (IAI).

Intan Yuniar Purbasari completed her master degree at The University of Queensland, Australia in 2011.
Her research interest includes computing & intelligence system, software engineering, and mobile
applications. She is a lecturer and researcher at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
Indonesia majoring in information technology.


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