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(400 marks)

THURSDAY, 13th JUNE 2002 MORNING 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

This paper is divided into 3 Sections:

Section 1: Financial Accounting (120 marks).

This section has 4 questions (Numbers 1- 4). The first question carries 120 marks and the remaining three
questions carry 60 marks each.
Candidates should answer either QUESTION 1 only OR else attempt any TWO of the remaining three
questions in this section.

Section 2: Financial Accounting (200 marks).

This section has three questions (Numbers 5-7). Each question carries 100 marks.
Candidates should answer any TWO questions.

Section 3: Management Accounting (80 marks).

This section has two questions (Numbers 8 and 9). Each question carries 80 marks.
Candidates should answer ONE of these questions.


Calculators may be used in answering the questions on this paper: however, it is very
important that workings are shown in the answer-book(s) so that full credit can be given
for correct work.

SECTION 1 (120 Marks)

Answer Question 1 OR any TWO other questions

Page 1 of 8 OVER o
1. Final Accounts of a Manufacturing Company

The following balances were extracted from the books of Tallon Ltd., on 31/12/2001

Share Capital
Authorised - 800,000 Ordinary Shares at 1 each
Issued - 550,000 Ordinary Shares at 1 each ......................................................550,000
Plant and Machinery (Cost 170,000)..........................................................120,000
Delivery Vans (Cost 24,000)........................................................................18,000
Factory Buildings.......................................................................................470,000
Patents .........................................................................................................60,000
Debtors and Creditors ..................................................................................36,800 44,000
10% Debentures (issued on 1/4/2001) ...................................................................................80,000
Stocks 1/1/2001
Raw Materials .............................................................................................35,000
Work in Progress..........................................................................................27,000
Finished Goods............................................................................................42,000
Purchases of Raw Materials.......................................................................430,000
Sales ....................................................................................................................................642,000
Factory Wages..............................................................................................70,000
Direct Expenses............................................................................................10,000
Returns in ......................................................................................................2,000
Stationery ......................................................................................................1,600
Provision for Bad Debts...........................................................................................................1,500
Sale of Scrap Materials ............................................................................................................6,000
Directors Fees..............................................................................................30,000
Advertising Expenses.....................................................................................8,800
Factory Insurance...........................................................................................6,600
Factory Light and Heat...................................................................................9,500
Profit and Loss Balance (1/1/2001)........................................................................................21,000
VAT ..........................................................................................................................................5,100
Bank ..........................................................................................................................................
1,377,300 1,377,300
You are given the following additional information:

(i) Stocks at 3 1/12/2001:

Raw Materials; 32,000
Work-in-progress; 38,000
Finished Goods. 47,000
(ii) Depreciation is to be provided as follows:
Plant and Machinery - 20% of cost
Delivery Vans - 10% of book value
Buildings - 2% of cost
(iii) Wages are to be divided - 80% for direct wages and 20% for supervisors wages.
(iv) Factory Insurance was for the year ended 31/3/2002.
(v) Provision should be made for Debenture Interest due.
(vi) Finished Goods are to be transferred from factory at Current Market Value of 580,000.

You are required to prepare a:

(a) Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31/12/2001. (40)

(b) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/2001. (40)
(c) Balance
Sheet as at 3
(40) (120
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2.___Bank Reconciliation Statement

Set out below are the Bank Account and Bank Statement of Marie Thompson for the month of April 2002.

Bank Account

April 1 Balance b/d 1,120 April 5 P Jones 567891 690
April 9 Sales Lodged 1,220 April 7 Rent 567892 300
April 16 Lodgement 1,600 April 10 M. Walsh 567893 280
April 29 Sales Lodged 1,750 April 12 J Grady 567894 220
April 13 P Hughes 567895 512
April 14 Insurance 567896 1,260
April 18 J. Molloy
April 30 Balance b/d
5,690 5,690

Bank Statement on 3 1/4/2002

Debit Credit Balance

April 1 Balance b/d 1,120
April 4 Interest Received 120 1,240
April 7 567891 - P Jones 690 550
April 9 567892 - Rent 300 250
April 9 Lodgement 1,220 1,470
April 14 567893 M. Walsh 280 1,190
April 13 J. Foley (R/D Dishonoured) 230 960
April 16 Lodgement 1,600 2,560
April 16 567895 - P Hughes 512 2,048
April 17 567896 - Insurance 1,260 788
April 20 Bank Charges 33 755
April 24 Standing Order 320 435
April 26 T Browne 160 275

Note: The 160 entered in the Bank Statement on April 26 was debited in error to Marie Thompsons
account instead of to Mick Thompsons account.

You are required:-

(a) To show Marie Thompsons Adjusted Bank Account and to bring down the adjusted balance. (35)

(b) To prepare a statement on 30/4/2002 reconciling the adjusted Bank Account Balance with the Bank
Statement balance. (25)

(60 marks)

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3. Incomplete Records net worth.

James Treacy, a sole trader, has not been keeping a full set of accounts. The following figures relating to the
business were supplied on 1/1/2001:

Stock 33,300
Debtors 27,600
Insurance prepaid 1,500
Premises 350,000
Furniture and Equipment at cost 22,000
Motor Vehicles at book value 27,200
Accumulated Depreciation of Furniture and Equipment 6,600
Bank Overdraft 11,500
Creditors 31,600
Expenses due 1,600

Treacy also supplied the following additional information on 31/12/2001:

(i) During the year 15,000 was transferred from a personal bank account to the business bank account.

(ii) During the year, Treacy had paid 1,500 out of business funds for private house repairs
and also had taken goods to the value of 600 per month for private use.

Treacy estimated that on 31/12/2001 the business assets and liabilities were 490,000 and 27,000
respectively before allowing for depreciation on Furniture and Equipment at the rate of 20% of cost,
depreciation on Motor Vehicles at the rate of 20% of book value and before allowing for expenses due
of 800.

You are required to:

(a) Prepare a statement showing Treacys Net Worth/Capital on 1/1/2001. (20)

(b) Prepare a statement showing Treacys Profit or Loss for the year ended 31/12/2001. (40)
(60 marks)

4. Depreciation and Revaluation of Fixed Assets

The following details were taken from the books of Talbot Ltd:

1/ 1/2000 Buildings at cost amounted to 300,000.

1/ 1/2000 The balance in the Provision for Depreciation Account was 45,000.
1/ 4/2000 Purchased buildings for 140,000.
1/ 4/2000 Sold for 160,000 a building which cost 90,000. The book value of this building on
1/4/2000 was 81,000.
31/12/2000 The total depreciation for the year ended 31/12/2000 was 6,750.
1/01/2001 The buildings were re-valued at 400,000.
31/12/2001 Provide for depreciation at the rate of 2% of the value of the buildings on 1/1/2001.

You are required to show:

(a) The Buildings Account for the two years 2000 and 2001. (15)

(b) The Provision for Depreciation Account for the two years 2000 and 2001. (20)

(c) The Buildings Disposal Account for the year ended 31/12/2000. (15)

(d) The Revaluation Reserve Account. (10)

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(60 marks)
SECTION 2 (200 marks)
Answer any TWO questions

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5. Interpretation of Accounts

The following information has been taken from the accounts of Tyndall Ltd for the year ended

Trading Profit and Loss Account for year ended 31/12/2001

Credit Sales 660,000
Less: Cost of Sales
Stock 1/1/2001 58,000
Purchases ?

Less: Stock 3 1/12/2001 60,000_________?

Gross Profit 130,000
Less: Total Expenses (including Interest) 53,000
Net Profit 77,000

Balance Sheet as at 31/12/2001

Fixed Assets 340,000
Current Assets (including Debtors 55,000) 116,000
Less Creditors: amounts falling due within 1 year.
Trade creditors 66,000_____50,000

Financed By
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
10% Debentures (2005/2007). 75,000

Capital and reserves

Ordinary Shares 270,000
Profit and loss account 45,000

(a) You are required to calculate and show:

(i) The purchases amount.

(ii) Return on Capital Employed.
(iii) The Period of Credit given to Debtors.
(iv) The Acid Test Ratio. (40)

(b) Explain the following

(i) 10% Debentures (2005/2007).

(ii) Preference Dividend.
(iii) Stock Turnover.
(iv) Shareholders Funds. (40)

(c) Would the above firm have difficulty paying its bills as they fall due? Give reasons for your answer. (10)

(d) If the Return on Capital Employed for 2000 was 13% comment on the current profitability of the firm. (10)

(100 marks)

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6. Club Accounts

Included in the assets and liabilities of the Barrs football club on 1/1/2001 were the following:
Clubhouse and Land 360,000; Equipment 8,000; Investments 16,000; Bar Stock 1,400; Membership
Fees due 400; Bar Creditors 1,000; Expenses due 2,400.

The following is a summary of the clubs receipts and payments for the year ended 31/12/2001

Receipts Payments
Cash in Hand - 1/1/2001 2,200 Bar Purchases for cash 36,000
Interest 800 Purchase of equipment 3,200
Membership Fees 7,600 General Expenses 48,300
Bar sales 66,400 Cake sale costs 440
Cake sale receipts 2,700 Bar Creditors 2,100
Sponsorship 18,000 Cash Balance - 3 1/12/2001 8,860
Donations 1,200
98,900 98,900

The treasurer also supplied the following information as at 31/12/2001

(i) Bar stock was 1,800

(ii) Bar Creditors were 1,650
(iii) Expenses prepaid were 350
(iv) Subscriptions prepaid were 800
(v) Equipment held on 31/12/2001 to be depreciated by 25%
(vi) Depreciate clubhouse at 2% of cost.

You are required to:

(a) Prepare a statement showing the Clubs Accumulated Fund on 1/1/2001. (20)

(b) Prepare the Clubs Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/2001. (40)

(c) Prepare the Clubs Balance Sheet on 3 1/12/2001. (30)

(d) Explain the difference between the closing balance in the Income and Expenditure Account and
the closing balance in the Receipts and Payments Account. (10)

(100 marks)

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7. Cash Flow Statement

The following information has been extracted from the books of Tarpey Ltd.

Profit and Loss Extract for year ended 31/12/2001

Operating profit 113,000
Interest paid
Taxation (25,000)
Proposed dividend (3 5,000)
Retained profits for year 46,000
Profit and loss balance 1/1/2001 63,000
Profit and loss balance 3 1/12/2001 109,000

Balance Sheets as at 31/12/2001 31/12/2000

Fixed Assets
Land & buildings 490,000 380,000
Less depreciation provision 55,000 435,000 48,000 332,000
Current Assets
Stock 131,000 109,000
Debtors 82,000 67,000
Cash 6,000 11,000
219,000 187,000
Less Creditors: amounts falling due
within 1 year
Creditors 85,000 72,000
Taxation 25,000 24,000
Proposed dividend 35,000__________________30,000
(145,000) (126,000)
Net Current Assets _____________________74,000
Total Net Assets 509,000 393,000

Financed by
Creditors: amounts falling due after
more than 1 year
10% Debentures 100,000 70,000
Capital and Reserves
Ordinary share capital issued 300,000 260,000
Profit & Loss Account 109,000 63,000
509,000 393,000

You are required to:

(a) Reconcile the operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities (30)

(b) Prepare the Cash Flow Statement of Tarpey Ltd for the year ended 31/12/2001 using
the following headings:
(i) Operating Activities
(ii) Return on investments (and servicing of finance)
(iii) Taxation
(iv) Capital expenditure and financial investment (Investing activities)
(v) Equity/Ordinary Dividend paid
(vi) Financing (70)

(100 marks)
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SECTION 3 (200 marks)
Answer any ONE questions

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8. Skyhigh Ltd, a small jobbing company, has the following budgeted costs for the coming year:

Direct materials 260,000

Direct labour 35,000
Factory overheads 56,000
Labour hours 8,000 Hours
Machine hours 14,000 Hours

The details of a customers order number 1014 are as follows:

Direct materials 9,000

Direct labour hours 220 Hours
Machine hours 310 Hours

You are required to calculate:

(a) The overhead absorption rate per machine hour

(b) The overhead absorption rate per direct labour hour
(c) The cost of job no 1014 using overhead absorption rate per machine hour
(d) The cost of job no 1014 using overhead absorption rate per direct labour hour
(e) The selling price of job no 1014 to the customer using b o t h overhead absorption rates and
assuming a mark up of 20% on cost . (80 marks)

9. Cash Budgeting

S. Tynan had the following Assets and Liabilities and Capital at 1 Jan 2002.

Fixed assets 240,000
Stock 16,800
Debtors 44,000
Cash 2,200
Creditors 57,000
Capital 246,000

The expected sales and purchases for the next 5 months are as follows:
Jan Feb Mar April May Total
Sales 80,000 75,000 85,000 95,000 100,000 435,000
Purchases 55,000 58,000 64,000 62,000 70,000 309,000
All sales are on credit and are paid for one month after sale.
All purchases are on credit except for 15,000 in May and are paid one month after purchase.
Tynan rents the premises for 12,000 per annum payable each month.
Wages to be 5,000 per month.
Equipment bought in May for 7,000 cash.
Closing stock at 3 1/5/2002 expected to be 18,800.
Net profit for 5 months is expected to be 98,000.

You are required to prepare:-

(a) A Cash Budget showing Tynan's expected monthly receipts and payments for the
five months January to May, 2002.

(b) A Budgeted Balance Sheet as at 3 1/5/2002.

(80 marks)

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