Synthesis: Ehealth Philippines Deliverables
Synthesis: Ehealth Philippines Deliverables
Synthesis: Ehealth Philippines Deliverables
We have heard interesting presentations for the day, on how eHealth can provide solutions
to address the challenges of our health system, primarily, the access to health care services,
and access to real-time information for decision-making, and contribute in the attainment of
our much-so desired Kalusugang Pangkalahatan.
Today, we were given a glimpse of the different initiatives of what the government and
private sector alike are doing in order to push forward the use and adoption of eHealth in the
Morning Session:
As we have heard from Dir. Nitz Valdez of DOH, the DOH and DOST are working together to
come up with a comprehensive and working Philippine eHealth Plan, some components of
which are the following:
eHealth Initiatives
Some examples of eHealth initiatives in the country were presented such as:
- Digitized Prescriptions
During open forum, it was pointed out that the two important things in terms of eHealth
initiatives are a) Harmonization and b) Standardization. These would make all eHealth
related efforts create their own intended impacts.
Afternoon Session
- Users and health providers can work together to populate the different health
registries with standardized information in order to be useful thru a health
interoperability layer
- Map projects from the regional level and evaluate how these can be useful at the
regional level, and how these can be scaled up to the national level.
- Research streams can be developed along the lines of health information,
connectivity/transmission, ict-enabled devices
- Industry groups are looking forward to smaller sessions to introduce gaps and
encourage HEIs to address these gaps
- Very limited access would require less security
- Government can be one participant, but not a controlling participant, in deciding
privacy and access to health information. A joint group decision would be a smart
- Follow up sessions would definitely be held to operationalize the eHealth Plan,
including capacity building