Block 3 MEC 003 Unit 8
Block 3 MEC 003 Unit 8
Block 3 MEC 003 Unit 8
8.0 Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Difference Equations in Economics
8.3 Solving First Order Difference Equations
8.3.1 Behaviour of Solutions of First Order Equations
8.3.2 Economic Applications of First Order Equations
8.4 Solving Second Order Difference Equations
8.4.1 Homogeneous Equations
8.4.2 Behaviour of Solutions of Homogeneous Equations
8.4.3 Non-homogeneous Equations
8.4.4 An Economic Application of Second Order Non-homogeneous Equation
8.5 Let Us Sum Up
8.6 Key Words
8.7 Some Useful Books
8.8 Answer or Hints to Check Your Progress
8.9 Exercises
After going through this unit you should be able to:
solve problems of economic dynamics where the time variable takes only
discrete values.
A difference equation is used to solve the values of an unknown function
y(x) for different discrete values of x. We obtain a function y(x) such that it
satisfies the equation for all values of x. In order to understand the process of
formulation of the difference equation, you may recall the discussion on
differential equation presented in the preceding unit. See that difference and
differential equations are exactly analogous with the only difference that the
former applies when the independent variable takes only discrete values,
whereas the latter when it is continuous.
= a t y0 + a t k bk
k =1
= yt ,
so that the solution obtained is correct.
Taking the equation (2), we can examine the special case of
bk = b for all k = 1..
We have
t 1
yt = aty0 + b a t 1
j =0
j =0
t 1
may be expanded as 1 + a + a2 + ... + at1 to give
Equilibrium or Stationary Value Difference Equations and
Applications in Economic
For a given value y0, the value of yt changes with t. But there may be some Dynamics
value of y0 for which yt doesn't change. Such a solution exists if
y* = b/(1 a)
and yt is constant, equal to b/(1 a).
We call y* the equilibrium value of y and rewrite the solution as
yt = at(y0 y*) + y*.
Example: Solve yt +1 = yt + , ....(3)
where and are constants.
Look for a stationary or equilibrium value of yt over time which
can be repeated for any t consistently satisfying the above equation.
May be you consider y as an equilibrium value of yt such that
y =y +
or , y =
To understand the above example, we need to remember the
dynamic multiplier.
Ct = yt 1 + ..(4)
where ' = + I
Use the above relation (4) we have
Yt +1 = Yt + '
( yt y ) 0.
If these values of yt and y t+1 hold, we can write
gt = yt y ..(5) 45
Integral Calculus and Since yt and y satisfy (3), we have
Economic Dynamics
yt +1 = yt + and
y = y +
yt +1 y = ( y t y ) .
From (5),
gt = yt y
or, g t+1 = yt +1 y
or , g t+1 = yt +1 y
or , gt +1 = gt ..................(6)
gt +1 = gt
gt = gt 1
g1 = g0
Substituting backward,
g & +1 = 2 gt 1 = 3 gt 2 ..................
we get
gt +1 = t 1g 0
or g t = t g 0 for t = 0, 1, 2 ..............
Thus, any difference equation of the form yt = yt 1 has a
solution yt = t y0 , where y0 is the value of y at some chosen initial point.
General Solution
Suppose we intend to solve the equation
yt +1 + ayt = c................ (7)
or , (b + a ) = 0
or , b = a
We must have b = a in the trial solution such that the complementary
solution can be written as
yc = Abt = A ( a ) .
In case a = 1, however, the particular solution is not defined and some other
solution of (7) must be searched for.
k ( t + 1) + akt = c.
or , k = = C and y p = Ct . .
t+1+a t
The general solution can now be written in one of the following forms:
Integral Calculus and C
ytt = A ( a ) + if a 1
Economic Dynamics
1+ a
or , y t = A ( a ) + Ct =A+C t if a = 1.
Notice that the solution above still remains indeterminate. This is due to the
presence of arbitrary constant A. We have to take the help of initial condition
( yt = yo ) for eliminating it. Thus, taking t =0, we have
y0 = A +
1+ a
or , A = y9
1+ a
1+ a 1+ a
or , yt = yo + Ct for a = 1
Difference Equations and
t at Applications in Economic
a Dynamics
t t
(1) a>1 (2) 0<a<1
at at
t t
(3) 1<a<0
(4) a < -1
(5) a = 1
Fig. 8.18.1
In short,
a > 1 time path explodes (diverges)
Integral Calculus and
Economic Dynamics
8.3.2 Economic Applications of First Order Equations
We consider three applications of the type of equations discussed in the
previous section. The first is an analysis one sector Harrod-Domar model
while the second is of price dynamics. The last one deals with the amortisation
problem of hire purchase of consumer durables.
a) Harrod-Domar One Sector Model
An economy produces one good Q with capital K through a production
function Qt = bKt, where b = constant productivity of capital. Accumulation of
capital between t and t+1 is given by
It = Kt+1 Kt, where It = investment in t.
Saving St = sQt.
Equilibrium level of income is determined at the equality of savings and
investment. So,
S t = It
or, sQt = Kt+1 Kt.
Since Qt = bKt, we have sbKt = Kt1 Kt
or, Kt+1 = (1 + sb)Kt, a homogeneous first order linear difference equation.
Therefore, solution to this equation is given by
Kt = (1 + sb)tK0.
Since b is productivity of capital in the model, we write = capital output
ratio = v (say).
Now Kt = 1 + K0 and
Qt = 1 + Q0
Remember that = warranted rate of growth and constituted by two basic
parameters s and v. We can find out the output growth rate given s and v.
b) The Cobweb Model
The essential feature of this model is that production or supply responds to
price with a one-period lag. This type of lagged supply response is often
observed for agricultural products.
We assume: 1) The market demand and supply functions are linear and do not
change over time, 2) demand in any period t responds to price prevailing in
the same period t, but supply in t depends on price that prevailed in the last
period, (t 1) and 3) the market is competitive in the sense that the price that
prevails in each period is the price that equates demand and supply. Thus, the
model can be set out as consisting of the following equations.
Dt = a b Pt; a, b > 0
St = Pt 1; , > 0, < a
Dt = St for all t.
The first equation gives us the simple demand curve in period t. The second Difference Equations and
Applications in Economic
displays the lag in supply. Supply in t, St, is determined by prices of the Dynamics
immediately preceding period, Pt 1. The last equation is the condition of
market clearing in each period. The three equations together yield a first order
constant coefficient non-homogeneous difference equation in price.
Pt = P t 1 + (9)
b b
With a, b , known, a specification of the initial price P0 allows us to solve
the equation as:
a a
Pt = P0 + (10)
b+ b b+
From our previous discussion, it is clear that the behaviour of P over time
depends crucially on the term .
Since this term is negative (b, > 0) the time path will always be oscillatory.
Let us denote the constant by P*.
>1 Price diverges
=1 Price oscillates uniformly
<1 Price converges to P*.
Only in the last case (Pt approaches P* as t increases), the system is stable.
Thus, the condition for stability is < 1. Since graphically is the
slope of the supply curve and that of the demand curve in absolute
value, the stability condition states that the slope of the supply curve must be
steeper than the absolute value of the slope of the demand curve.
At this point, we pause to note the significance of the value . This is
the constant value of price that is a solution of the equation (9). To check,
substitute Pt = Pt 1 = P* (a constant) in (9).
P* = P* +
b b
or, P* = .
Integral Calculus and a
Economic Dynamics Thus, Pt = is a solution of (9). This type of constant solution is called
Stationary solution. The price P* may be called the equilibrium price
because it equates demand and supply and stays unchanged over time.
Example: We want to investigate the behaviour of price in a market with the
demand and supply functions:
Dt = 86 0.8 Pt
St = 10 + 0.2 Pt 1
Assuming market clearing in each period (Dt = St) we have
(0.8) Pt = 0.2 Pt 1 96
or, Pt = (0.25)Pt 1 + 120
The solution is
120 120
Pt = P0 (0.25) +
1 + 0.25 1 + 0.25
= (P0 96) (0.25)t + 96
Since -0.25 = 0.25 < 1, the time path of P is oscillating but converges. The
market is stable and with the passage of time price approaches the equilibrium
value 96.
c) The Amortisation Problem
We are all familiar with the practice of hire purchase or purchase by
instalments of consumer durables like refrigerators, cars or T.V. sets. The
buyer pays a part of the price at the time of purchase (the down payment) and
pays the rest in monthly or annual instalments over a specified period.
Because the payments are spread over a period of time, an interest cost is
included in the value of instalments. Amortisation is the term associated with
this method of repaying an initial debt plus interest charges by a series of
payments of equal magnitude at equal intervals.
Let the value of the article purchased by V and P the down payment. Then the
initial debt of the buyer is D0 = V P. The contract states that the debt, D0 is
to be paid off over T periods. The rate of interest is r (100 r%). The question
we are interested in is: how is the magnitude of periodic instalment to be
Let us denote the value of the instalment (still unknown) by B. This value
stays constant over time. The outstanding debt Dt at the end of the period t
obeys the equation
Dt = (1 + r)Dt 1 B ..(11)
This simply says that to find the outstanding debt at the end of the tth period
you take the debt outstanding at the end of the previous ((t 1)th) period Dt 1,
add the interest charge on it, rDt 1, but subtract the payment B made in that
period. Given the initial debt of D0 the solution of (11) is
Dt = D0 + (1 + r)t + . (12)
r r
The value of B is to be selected so that the debt disappears at the end of period
T, that is, Dt = 0. From (12) we get
B B Difference Equations and
D0 + (1 + r) + = 0
Applications in Economic
r r Dynamics
or, B =
1 (1 + r ) T
Thus, we have the exact relationship between the magnitude of the periodic
payment and the rate of interest, the magnitude of the initial debt and the time
horizon of the contract. The expression:
1 (1 + r ) T
is referred to as the amortisation factor and value of this factor has been
extensively tabulated for different values of r and T.
Check Your Progress 1
1) What is a difference equation? Distinguish it from a differential equation.
2) Discuss the nature of the following time paths
i) yt = 3t + 1 (ii) yt = 5 + 3
3) Suppose you find the following the path of y.
yt = Aat + B; A < 0, B > 0.
Draw the different cases of the behaviour of yt for different values of a.
4) Solve the following equations:
i) yt +1 yt = 6 for y0 = 1
ii) yt +1 yt = 3 for y0 = 5
Integral Calculus and
A general second-order difference equation which we have already
mentioned at begniging outset of this unit takes the form
yt+2 = f (t, yt, yt+1).
Just as in the case of first-order equation, a second-order equation will
have a unique solution and can be derived by successive (recursive)
calculation. We will show that given y0 and y1 there exists a uniquely
determined value of yt for all t 2. Note that for a second-order equation
we need two starting values, y0 and y1, in place of one taken in the first
order counterpart.
8.4.1 Homogeneous Equations
Consider the following second order constant coefficient equation
yt + 2 + ayt +1 + byt = 0 . (13)
We need to find two solutions of the equation above.
If we make a guess that the solution takes the form ut = mt
In order for ut to be a solution, we must have
mt(m2 + am + b) = 0
or, if m 0,
m2 + am + b = 0.
This is called the characteristic (or auxiliary) equation of the difference
equation and its solutions are
(1/2)a ((1/4)a2 b).
8.4.2 Behaviour of Solutions of Homogeneous Equations
Looking at the component ((1/4)a2 b), we distinguish three cases:
i) Distinct real roots
If a2 > 4b, the characteristic equation has distinct real roots, and the
general solution of the homogeneous equation is
Amt1 + Bm2t ,
where m1 and m2 are the two roots.
ii) Repeated real root
If a2 = 4b, then the characteristic equation has a single root, and the
general solution of the homogeneous equation is
(A + Bt)mt,
where m = (1/2)a is the root.
ii) Complex roots
If a2 < 4b, then the characteristic equation has complex roots, and the
general solution of the homogeneous equation is
Art cos(t + ),
where A and are constants, r = b, and cos = a/(2b), or, alternatively, Difference Equations and
Applications in Economic
C1rt cos(t) + C2rt sin(t), Dynamics
1 Difference Equations and
b= 4cv c 2 (1 + v) 2 Applications in Economic
2 Dynamics
r= a2 + b2 = cv
The solution is
C0 + I 0
Yt = ( cv )2 (A1 cos(t) + A2 sin (t)) +
1 c
4cv c 2 (1 + v) 2
where = tan1
c(1 + v)
In this case, we have a cyclical time path of national income Y. If cv < 1,
then ( cv )t will tend to zero as t increases and Yt will approach the value
C0 + I 0
1 c
Thus, the condition for stability (damped oscillations in Y) is cv < 1, that is,
the product of the marginal propensity to consume and the accelerator
coefficient should be less than unity.
Check Your Progress 2
1) Solve the following difference equations and determine whether the
solution paths are convergent or divergent, oscillating or not.
a) yt+2 + 3yt+1 (7/4)yt = 9.
b) yt+2 2yt+1 + 2yt = 1.
c) yt+2 yt+1 + (1/4)yt = 2.
d) yt+2 + 2yt+1 + yt = 92t.
e) yt+2 3yt+1 + 2yt = 35t + sin((1/2)t).
2) Find the roots of the equation
yt = ayt 1 + byt 2
Examine when the roots are
1) real, unequal
2) real, equal
3) complex
What is the auxiliary or the characteristic equation of the equation above?
What are the final forms of general solution of the equation in each case?
Integral Calculus and
Economic Dynamics
3) Find the solutions of the equations:
a) yt + 4yt 2 = 0, y = 12, 11 at t = 0, 1 respectively.
b) yt = 2yt 2 yt 2 , y = 0, 1 at t = 0, 1 respectively.
a1, a2, ., an and b are constants, is an example of an n-th order linear, Difference Equations and
Applications in Economic
constant coefficient, difference equation. Dynamics
Homogeneous Difference Equation: A difference equation is homogeneous
if the constant term b is zero.
Linear Difference Equation: A difference equation is linear if (i) the
dependent variable y is not raised to any power and (ii) there are no product
Non-homogeneous Difference Equation: A difference equation is non-
homogeneous if the constant term, b, is non-zero.
Order of a Difference Equation: It is determined by the maximum number
of periods lagged.
t t
a) A1 + A2 + 4 . Nonconvergent oscillations.
2 2
t t
1 1
c) A1 + A2t + 8. Convergent, non-oscillating.
2 2
d) The characteristic equation is m 2 + 2m + 1 = (m + 1) 2 = 0 , which has
a double root of 1. So the general solution of the homogeneous
equation is yt = ( C1 + C2t ) (1)t . A particular solution is obtained
Integral Calculus and
Economic Dynamics
by inserting ut * = A2t , which yields A = 1. So the general solution of
the inhomogeneous equation is yt = ( C1 + C2t )( 1) + 2t.
2 3
b) yt = sin(t )
3 2 sin
where = tan-1
1) Investigate the behaviour of price in a market, i.e., the stability of a
system with demand and supply functions:
a) Dt = 86 0.8 Pt
St = 10 + 0.8 Pt 1
b) Dt = 86 0.8 Pt
2) What is amortisation? Derive the exact relationship between the
magnitude of the periodic payment B and the rate of interest r, the
magnitude of the initial debt D0 and the time horizon of the contract T.
3) Establish the stability condition of Samuelsons multiplier-accelerator
interaction model.
4) Find the time path represented by the equation yt = 2 + 9 .
5) Find the solution of the equation yt +1 + 14 yt = 5 for y0 = 2 .
5) The demand and supply for cobweb model is given as
Qdt = 19 6 Pt and Qst = 6 Pt 1 5 . Find the intertemporal equilibrium
price and comment on the stability of the equilibrium.
Answer or Hints to Exercises
1) Note that for the Cobweb model
Dt = a b P t a, b > 0
St = + Pt 1 , > 0, < 0
Dt = St for all t. Difference Equations and
Applications in Economic
A specification of the initial price P0 allows us to solve the equation. Dynamics
Pt = Pt 1 +
b b
a a
as Pt = P0 +
b + b b +
or, Pt = ( )
P0 P + P * ; P * =
b b+