Pressure Swing Adsorption

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Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) A-102







Carbon dioxide
+ Water

Table 2 Process control loop descriptions in Pressure Swing Adsorber A-102

Control Controlled Manipulated Control action
objective variable variable
To control Operating Inlet vapor The pressure of the column can be detected
pressure of pressure of flowrate of by transmitting the pressure is deviated from
pressure adsorber pressure swing desired value, the signal from transmitter
swing adsorber will be send to the control valve connected
adsorber to feed stream. The signal will going to
regulate the flow rate of the product until it
is the same with set point.
To control Methane Inlet flowrate of The composition of methane at the outlet of
the composition associated gas adsorber is detected. If the composition is
composition in product of deviated from desired value, the signal from
of the pressure transmitter will be sent to the control valve
methane swing connected to inlet flowrate. The signal will
produced adsorber going to regulate the bottom flow rate until
it is the same with set point. If the
composition liquid is higher than desired
value, it will send a signal to increase the
opening of the valve so that the inlet
flowrate will be increased and thus, reducing
the flow rate out of the adsorber.
To control Pressure Steam flow rate The operating temperature of the adsorber is
temperature swing at the adsorber detected inside the adsorber. If the
of pressure adsorber temperature is deviated from desired value,
swing temperature the signal transmitter will be send to the
adsorber at control valve connected to the steam flow
desired value rate of the steam until it is the same with set
point. If the temperature is lower than the
desired value, it will send a signal to
increase the opening of the valve so that the
steam flow rate will be increase and thus,
increasing the temperature of the pressure
swing adsorber.

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