Shova Biology Sheets

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The nutrient, which a plant receives from soil and its environment for its normal

growth, physiological activities, reproduction, is plant nutrition. As most of the

nutrients are taken up from the soil, they are called mineral nutrition.
About 60 inorganic nutritional elements have been identified in plants. Only 16
nutrient elements from 60 are very essential for the normal growth of plants.
These 16 nutrient elements are collectively called essential elements because they
are required for the normal growth, physiological activities and reproduction of all
types of plants.
Deficiency of any element results in deficiency symptoms in plants and causes
diseases in them. The necessity of an element cannot be substituted for another
element. Of these 16 nutrient elements, some are consumed in large amount and
some others are used in low amount by plants.
On the basis of the amount of essential mineral nutrition consumed by plants, nutrient
elements are divided into two groups: macro-nutrient or macro-element and
micro-nutrient or micro-element.

(a) Macronutrient or macro element: The nutrient elements, which are consumed
by plants in large quantities for their normal growth, are called macronutrient or
macro-element. Plants use 9 macronutrients or macro-elements and they are nitrogen
(N), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), carbon (C),
hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and sulfur (S).

(b) Micronutrient or microelement: The elements, which are taken in very small
quantities required for the normal growth of plants, are called micronutrients or
microelements. Plants use 7 micronutrients and they are zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn),
iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo), boron (B), copper (Cu) and chlorine (cl).

Source of nutrient elements: Among all nutrient elements, plants take up carbon
and oxygen from atmosphere while hydrogen and oxygen are obtained from water.
Other elements are taken from soil by the absorption of roots. These elements are
found in the form of different salts. Plants cannot directly absorb them as slats. They
are absorbed in different ionic forms, such as Ca++, Mg++, NH4+, NO3+, K+ etc.

Role of different mineral elements in plant nutrition:

Mineral nutrition plays a very important role for the normal growth of plants. The
formation of chlorophyll is hindered if shortage of nitrogen is there in plants. If the
formation of chlorophyll is hindered, the production of food will be affected. And, if the
production of food is interrupted, the release of energy through respiration will be
Magnesium is one of the chemical components of chlorophyll molecule. If any
shortage of magnesium is there in a plant, the formation of chlorophyll molecule and
the production of food through photosynthesis will be hampered.
In closing and opening of stomata, the role of potassium is immense. Potassium
controls the growth of plants through cell division. It also helps plants in developing
and growing of root, flower and fruits. For the development of roots, phosphorous is
very essential.
Phosphorous is the structural component of DNA, RNA and ATP in living cells. So,
without phosphorous, nutrition of plants is not possible.
For their role in nutrition, chemical fertilizers such as urea for nitrogen, muriate of
potash for potassium chloride, triple super phosphate for phosphorus are used in the
cultivating fields for high yield.

Significance of nutrient element:

Different mineral nutrients play a very important role in the normal growth of plants.
Nitrogen is the essential element of nucleic acids, proteins and chlorophyll. Nitrogen
plays a very important role in general growth of plants and increases amount of water
in plant tissues.
Phosphorous is the important structural element of nucleic acids, different
phospholipids, NADP and ATP. Phosphorous is a very essential element for the
elongation of root.
Potassium helps a plant to absorb water. It also plays an important role in opening
and closing stomata. In addition, it helps the development and growth of roots, flower
and fruits.
Magnesium is an important component of chlorophyll molecule and helps the
process of respiration.
Iron is the structural component of cytochrome, and so it is required for aerobic
respiration. Iron also plays an important role in the formation of chlorophyll.
Manganese is needed to construct and maintain chloroplasts.
Copper is needed for the normal growth of tomato, sunflower plants, and it plays an
important role in the respiration process.
Boron is required for the active growing regions of plants, and it also plays a role in
the conduction of sugar.
Zinc is a necessary thing for the synthesis of amino acids. It is required little for the
general metabolic activities of plants.
Molybdenum is essential for the fixation of nitrogen by microorganisms. For the
growth of root and stem of sugar beet, chlorine is a prime need.

Deficiency symptoms of nutrient elements: In deficiency of any nutrient element,

deficiency symptoms are expressed in plants. These symptoms are called deficiency
symptoms. By observing the symptoms, one can assess which nutrient element the
plant lacks. Some deficiency symptoms of some nutrient elements are mentioned

Element Deficiency symptoms

Nitrogen (N) The formation of chlorophyll is inhibited if the deficiency of nitrogen
happens to a plant. Leaves turn yellow. The condition of leaves
becoming yellow is called chlorosis. Growth and division of cell is
decreased and ultimately the total growth of a plant is reduced.
Phosphorus The colour of leaves turns purple if deficiency of phosphorus occurs
(P) in them. Necrotic spots are developed in leaves. Leaves, flowers
and fruits may be fallen off trees. The plant becomes stunted for
the growth being stopped.
Potassium (K) In deficiency of potassium, the tip and the blade of leaf turn yellow
and necrotic spots are developed. Growth of plant is reduced, and
apical and lateral buds become dead.
Calcium (Ca) Young leaves face chlorosis in deficiency of calcium and the
growing apical parts of a plant become dead. At the time of
flowering in plants, stems are dried up and the plants get wilted.
Magnesium Because chlorophyll is not synthesized for the deficiency of
(Mg) magnesium, the green colour gets paler and rate of photosynthesis
is reduced. Chlorosis occurs deeply and rapidly in the middle places
of veins.
Iron (Fe) In deficiency of iron, the young leaves first turn pale, and the
middle places in between thin veins face chlorosis being pale first.
Sometimes the whole leaf becomes pale. The stem gets weak and
Sulfur (S) Leaves show overall a general chlorosis, and reddish and purple
spots appear on them. Chlorosis happens much with young leaves
and less in old ones. The tips of stem die and die back disease is
caused. Inter-nodes of stem become short, and consequently the
plant becomes stunted.
Boron (B) Necrosis of meristematic tissue in growing regions occurs in
deficiency of boron. Growth of young leaves is inhibited and the
leaves lose their proper shapes, and become brittle having their
surface rapture. The initiation of floral bud is obstructed.

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