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To understand a name you must be acquainted with the particular of which

it is a name.

Like mother, like daughter


This chapter covers inheritance, polymorphism, and interfaces, three key concepts
in object-oriented programming. These concepts are also needed in order to
use many of the libraries that come with the Java programming language.
Polymorphism makes objects behave as you expect them to and allows you to
focus on the specifications of those behaviors. Inheritance will enable you to use
an existing class to define new classes, making it easier to reuse software. Finally,
interfaces allow you to specify the methods that a class must implement.

After studying this chapter, you should be able to
Java application programs

You need to have read the material in Chapters 1 through 6 before you can
understand the material in this chapter. Chapter 7 is needed to understand
some of the examples presented in Sections 8.3 and 8.4.


Socrates is a person.
All people are mortal.
Therefore Socrates is mortal.

Suppose we define a class for vehicles that has instance variables to record the
vehicles number of wheels and maximum number of occupants. The class
also has accessor and mutator methods. Imagine that we then define a class
for automobiles that has instance variables and methods just like the ones

8.1 Inheritance Basics 577

in the class of vehicles. In addition, our automobile class would have added
instance variables for such things as the amount of fuel in the fuel tank and
the license plate number and would also have some added methods. Instead
of repeating the definitions of the instance variables and methods of the class
of vehicles within the class of automobiles, we could use Javas inheritance
mechanism, and let the automobile class inherit all the instance variables and
methods of the class for vehicles.
Inheritance allows you to define a very general class and then later define Inheritance
more specialized classes that add some new details to the existing general class lets you define
definition. This saves work, because the more specialized class inherits all the specialized classes
from a general
properties of the general class and you, the programmer, need only program
the new features.
Before we construct an example of inheritance within Java, we first need
to set the stage. Well do so by defining a simple class called Person. This

LISTING 8.1 The Class Person

public class Person

private String name;

public Person()
name = "No name yet";
public Person(String initialName)
name = initialName;
public void setName(String newName)
name = newName;
public String getName()
return name;
public void writeOutput()
System.out.println("Name: " + name);
public boolean hasSameName(Person otherPerson)
578 CHAPTER 8 / Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces

person is a name. We will not have much use for the class Person by itself, but
we will use it when defining other classes.
Most of the methods for the class Person are straightforward. For example,
the method hasSameName is similar to the equals methods weve seen, but
note that it considers uppercase and lowercase versions of a letter to be the
same when comparing names.

Derived Classes
Suppose we are designing a college record-keeping program that has records
for students, faculty, and other staff. There is a natural hierarchy for grouping
these record types: They are all records of people. Students are one subclass
of people. Another subclass is employees, which includes both faculty and
staff. Students divide into two smaller subclasses: undergraduate students and
graduate students. These subclasses may further subdivide into still smaller
Figure 8.1 depicts a part of this hierarchical arrangement. Although your
program may not need any class corresponding to people or employees,
thinking in terms of such classes can be useful. For example, all people have
names, and the methods of initializing, displaying, and changing a name will
be the same for student, staff, and faculty records. In Java, you can define a
class called Person that includes instance variables for the properties that
belong to all subclasses of people. The class definition can also contain all the

FIGURE 8.1 A Class Hierarchy


Student Employee

Undergraduate Graduate Faculty Staff

Masters Doctoral Nondegree

8.1 Inheritance Basics 579

methods that manipulate the instance variables for the class Person. In fact,
we have already defined such a PersonDMBTTJO-JTUJOH
person, so we define the class Student to be a derived class, or subclass, of
the class Person. A derived class is a class defined by adding instance variables
and methods to an existing class. We say that the derived class extends the
existing class. The existing class that the derived class is built upon is called
A derived class
the base class, or superclass. In our example, Person is the base class and extends a base
Student is the derived class. We indicated this in the definition of Student class and inherits
JO-JTUJOHCZJODMVEJOHUIFQISBTFextends Person on the first line of the the base classs
class definition, so that the class definition of Student begins public members

public class Student extends Person

LISTING 8.2 A Derived Class (part 1 of 2)

public class Student extends Person

private int studentNumber; super is explained in a later section. Do
public Student() not worry about it until you reach the
{ discussion of it in the text.
studentNumber = 0;//Indicating no number yet
public Student(String initialName, int initialStudentNumber)
studentNumber = initialNumber;
public void reset(String newName, int newStudentNumber)
studentNumber = newStudentNumber;
public int getStudentNumber()
return studentNumber;
public void setStudentNumber(int newStudentNumber)
studentNumber = newStudentNumber;
public void writeOutput()
System.out.println("Name: " + getName());
System.out.println("Student Number: " + studentNumber);

580 CHAPTER 8 / Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces

LISTING 8.2 A Derived Class (part 2 of 2)

public boolean equals(Student otherStudent)

return this.hasSameName(otherStudent) &&
(this.studentNumber == otherStudent.studentNumber);

The class Studentlike any other derived classis said to inherit the
public instance variables and public methods of the base class that it extends.
When you define a derived class, you give only the added instance variables
and the added methods. Even though the class Student has all the public
instance variables and all the public methods of the class Person, we do not
declare or define them in the definition of Student. For example, every object
of the class Student has the method getName, but we do not define getName
in the definition of the class Student.
A derived class, such as Student, can also add some instance variables
or methods to those it inherits from its base class. For example, Student
defines the instance variable studentNumber and the methods reset,
getStudentNumber, setStudentNumber, writeOutput, and equals, as well as
some constructors. (We will postpone the discussion of constructors until we
finish explaining the other parts of these class definitions.)
Notice that although Student does not inherit the private instance
variable name from Person, it does inherit the method setName and all the
other public methods of the base class. Thus, Student has indirect access to
name and so has no need to define its own version. If s is a new object of the
class Student, defined as
Student s = new Student();

we could write
s.setName("Warren Peace");

Because name is a private instance variable of Person, however, you cannot

write outside of the definition of the class Person, not even within
the definition of Student. The instance variable exists, however, and it can
be accessed and changed using methods defined within Person -JTUJOH 
contains a very small demonstration program to illustrate inheritance.
Inheritance An object of Student has all of the methods of Person in addition to all
should define of the methods of Student. Earlier, we noted that a student is a person. The
a natural is-a classes Student and Person model this real-world relationship in that Student
has all the behaviors of Person. We call this relationship an is-a relationship.
between two
You should use inheritance only if an is-a relationship exists between a class
and a proposed derived class.
8.1 Inheritance Basics 581

LISTING 8.3 A Demonstration of Inheritance

Using Student

public class InheritanceDemo

public static void main(String[] args)
Student s = new Student();
setName is inherited from
s.setName("Warren Peace") the class Person.

Screen Output
Name: Warren Peace
Student Number: 1234

PROGRAMMING TIP Use Inheritance Only to Model

Is-a Relationships
If an is-a relationship does not exist between two proposed classes, do not
use inheritance to derive one class from the other. Instead, consider defining
an object of one class as an instance variable within the other class. That
relationship is called has-a. The programming tip titled Is-a and Has-a
Relationships talks more about these two relationships.

When discussing derived classes, it is common to use terminology derived A base class is
from family relationships. A base class is often called a parent class A derived also called a
class is then called a child class. This makes the language of inheritance very superclass, a
smooth. For example, we can say that a child class inherits public instance parent class, and
an ancestor class
variables and public methods from its parent class.
This analogy is often carried one step further. A class that is a parent of
a parent of a parent of another class (or some other number of parent of
iterations) is often called an ancestor class. If class A is an ancestor of class B,
then class B is often called a descendant of class A.

RECAP Derived Class

You define a derived class, or subclass, by starting with another already

defined class and adding (or changing) methods and instance variables.
The class you start with is called the base class, or superclass. The derived
582 CHAPTER 8 / Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces

class inherits all of the public methods and public instance variables from
the base class and can add more instance variables and methods.


public class Derived_Class_Name extends Base_Class_Name



A derived class See Listing 8.2.

is also called a
subclass, a child As you will see in the next section, changed methods are
class, and a said to be overridden.
descendant class

Overriding Method Definitions

Overriding a The class StudentJO-JTUJOHEFGJOFTBNFUIPEOBNFEwriteOutput that has
method redefines no parameters. But the class Person also has a method by the same name that
it in a descendant has no parameters. If the class Student were to inherit the method writeOutput
from the base class Person, Student would contain two methods with the
name writeOutput, both of which have no parameters. Java has a rule to avoid
this problem. If a derived class defines a method with the same name, the same
number and types of parameters, and the same return type as a method in the
base class, the definition in the derived class is said to override the definition in
the base class. In other words, the definition in the derived class is the one that
is used for objects of the derived class. For example, the invocation

JO-JTUJOHXJMMVTFUIFEFGJOJUJPOPGwriteOutput in the class Student, not

the definition in the class Person, since s is an object of the class Student.
When overriding a method, you can change the body of the method
definition to anything you wish, but you cannot make any changes in the
methods heading, including its return type.

A method
overrides another RECAP Overriding Method Definitions
if both have
the same name,
In a derived class, if you include a method definition that has the same
return type, and
parameter list name, the exact same number and types of parameters, and the same
return type as a method already in the base class, this new definition
8.1 Inheritance Basics 583

replaces the old definition of the method when objects of the derived
class receive a call to the method.
When overriding a method definition, you cannot change the return type
of the method. Since the signature of a method does not include the
return type, you can say that when one method overrides another, both
methods must have the same signature and return type.

Overriding Versus Overloading

%P OPU DPOGVTF overriding a method with overloading a method. When you A method
override a method definition, the new method definition given in the derived overloads
class has the same name, the same return type, and the exact same number another if both
and types of parameters. On the other hand, if the method in the derived class have the same
were to have the same name and the same return type but a different number name and return
type but different
of parameters or a parameter of a different type from the method in the base
parameter lists
class, the method names would be overloaded. In such cases, the derived class
would have both methods.
For example, suppose we added the following method to the definition of
the class StudentJO-JTUJOH
public String getName(String title)
return title + getName();

In this case, the class Student would have two methods named getName: It
would inherit the method getName, with no parameters, from the base class
Person -JTUJOH 
with one parameter, that we just defined. This is because the two getName
methods have different numbers of parameters, and thus the methods use
If you get overloading and overriding confused, remember this:
Overloading places an additional load on a method name by using it for
another method, whereas overriding replaces a methods definition.

The final Modifier

If you want to specify that a method definition cannot be overridden by a A final method
new definition within a derived class, you can add the final modifier to the cannot be
method heading, as in the following sample heading: overridden

public final void specialMethod()

When a method is declared as final, the compiler knows more about how
it will be used, and so the compiler can generate more efficient code for the
584 CHAPTER 8 / Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces

A final class An entire class can be declared final, in which case you cannot use it as a
cannot be a base base class to derive any other class. You are not very likely to need the final
class modifier right now, but you will see it in the specifications of some methods
in the standard Java libraries.

PROGRAMMING TIP Constructors That Call Methods

If a constructor calls a public method, a derived class could override that
method, thereby affecting the behavior of the constructor. To prevent that
from happening, declare such public methods as final.

Private Instance Variables and Private Methods

of a Base Class
An object of the derived class Student -JTUJOH 
instance variable name from the base class Person -JTUJOH 
access or change names value via the public methods of Person. For example,
the following statements create a Student object and set the values of the
instance variables name and studentNumber:
Student joe = new Student();
joe.reset("Joesy", 9892);

Since the instance variable name is a private instance variable in the definition
of the class Person, it cannot be directly accessed by name within the
definition of the class Student. Thus, the definition of the method reset in
the class Student is
public void reset(String newName, int newStudentNumber)
setName(newName); Valid definition
studentNumber = newStudentNumber;
Private instance
variables in a It cannot be as follows:
base class are
not inherited by public void reset(String newName, int newStudentNumber)
a derived class; {
they cannot name = newName;//ILLEGAL! Illegal definition
be referenced studentNumber = newStudentNumber;
directly by name }
within a derived
As the comment indicates, this assignment will not work, because a derived
class does not inherit private instance variables from its base class. Thus, the
definition of reset in the class Student uses the method setName to set the
name instance variable.
8.1 Inheritance Basics 585

GOTCHA Private Instance Variables Are Not Directly Accessible

from Derived Classes
A derived class cannot access the private instance variables of its base class
directly by name. It knows only about the public behavior of the base class.
The derived class is not supposed to knowor carehow its base class stores
data. However, an inherited public method may contain a reference to a
private instance variable.

The fact that a private instance variable of a base class cannot be accessed
by name within the definition of a method of a derived class often seems
wrong to people. After all, students should be able to change their own
names, rather than being told Sorry, name is a private instance variable of
the class Person. If you are a student, you are also a person. In Java, this is
also true; an object of the class Student is also an object of the class Person.
However, the rules regarding the use of private instance variables must be as
weve described, or else the private designation would be pointless. If private
instance variables of a class were accessible in method definitions of a derived
class, whenever you wanted to access a private instance variable, you could
simply create a derived class and access it in a method of that class. This
would mean that all private instance variables would be accessible to anybody
who wanted to put in a little extra effort.
Similarly, private methods in a base class are not directly accessible by Private methods
name within any other class, not even a derived class. The private methods still in a base class are
exist, however. If a derived class calls an inherited public method that contains not inherited by a
derived class; they
an invocation of a private method, that invocation still works. However, a
cannot be called
derived class cannot define a method that invokes a private method of the directly by name
base class. This should not be a problem. Private methods should serve only from a derived
as helping methods, and so their use should be limited to the class in which class
they are defined. If you want a method to serve as a helping method in a
number of derived classes, it is more than just a helping method, and you
should make the method public.

GOTCHA Private Methods Are Not Directly Accessible from

Derived Classes
A derived class cannot call a private method defined within the base class.
However, the derived class can call a public method that in turn calls a private
method when both methods are in the base class.

PROGRAMMING TIP Assume That Your Coworkers Are

The reason private instance variables cannot be accessed by name in a derived
class is that otherwise a malicious programmer could access them by using
a trick. You may argue that your coworkers are not malicious. In fact, in
586 CHAPTER 8 / Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces

a beginning course you may sometimes be the only programmer on an

assignment, and you certainly are not trying to sabotage your own work. Those
are good points. However, your coworkersor even you yourselfmight
inadvertently do something that, although not intended to be malicious, still
creates a problem. We think in terms of a malicious programmer not because
we think our coworkers are malicious, but because that is the best way to
protect against honest mistakes by well-meaning programmersincluding

An arrow points UML Inheritance Diagrams

up from a derived
diagram show only as much of the class diagram as you need for the design task at

FIGURE 8.2 A Class Hierarchy in UML Notation


An Employee is a
Person and so forth
hence the arrows point up.

Student Employee

Undergraduate Graduate Faculty Staff

8.1 Inheritance Basics 587

unfilled arrowheads. Note that the arrowheads point up from the derived
class to the base class. These arrows show the is-a relationship. For example,
a Student is a Person. In Java terms, an object of type Student is also of type
The arrows also help in locating method definitions. If you are looking
for a method definition for some class, the arrows show the path you (or the
computer) should follow. If you are looking for the definition of a method
used by an object of the class Undergraduate, you first look in the definition
of the class Undergraduate; if it is not there, you look in the definition of
Student; if it is not there, you look in the definition of the class Person.
Figure 8.3 shows more details of the inheritance hierarchy for two classes:
Person and one of its derived classes, Student. Suppose s references an object

FIGURE 8.3 Some Details of the UML Class Hierarchy

Shown in Figure 8.2


name: String

+ setName(String newName): void

+ getName( ): String
+ writeOutput( ): void
+ hasSameName(Person otherPerson)): boolean


studentNumber: int

+ reset(String newName, int newStudentNumber): void

+ getStudentNumber( ): int
+ setStudentNumber(int newStudentNumber): void
+ writeOutput( ): void
+ equals(Student otherStudent): boolean
588 CHAPTER 8 / Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces

of the class Student. The diagram in Figure 8.3 tells you that definition of the
method getStudentNumber in the call
int num = s.getStudentNumber();

is found within the class Student, but that the definition of setName in
s.setName("Joe Student");

is in the class Person.


1. What is the difference between overriding a method and overloading a

method name?

  4VQQPTF UIF DMBTT SportsCar is a derived class of a class Automobile.

Suppose also that the class Automobile has private instance variables
named speed, manufacturer, and numberOfCylinders. Will an object of
the class SportsCar have instance variables named speed, manufacturer,
and numberOfCylinders?

3. Suppose the class SportsCar is a derived class of a class Automobile,

and suppose also that the class Automobile has public methods named
accelerate and addGas. Will an object of the class SportsCar have
methods named accelerate and addGas? If so, do these methods have
to perform the exact same actions in the class SportsCar as in the class

4. Can a derived class directly access by name a private instance variable of

the base class?

5. Can a derived class directly invoke a private method of the base class?

6. Suppose s is an object of the class Student. Based on the inheritance

diagram in Figure 8.3, where will you find the definition of the method
hasSameName, used in the following invocation? Explain your answer.

Student other = new Student("Joe Student", 777);

if (s.hasSameName(other))

7. Suppose s is an object of the class Student. Based on the inheritance

diagram in Figure 8.3, where will you find the definition of the method
used in the following invocation? Explain your answer.

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