Techniques and Fundamentals - Budo Taijutsu

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Kihon Happo

Kihon Happo, or the Eight Fundamentals, are one of the major building blocks of Budo Taijutsu.
Constant refinement and perfect practice of these movements are what make one flexible and
versatile in whatever circumstance they encounter, using whatever means they've developed in the
pursuit of ninpo.

The following are Kosshi Sanpo Waza, or the foundational three-method techniques.

1. Ichimonji no Kata

2. Hicho no Kata

3. Jumonji no Kata

Below are the Torite Goho (five) Kata, which are responses to various grabs to the defender's body
and clothing. They can also be used fluidly against strikes and other offenses.

1. Omote gyaku

2. Ura gyaku

3. Ganseki nage

4. Oni-kudaki

5. Musha dori

Hoken Juroppo Uchi (Striking with 16 fists)

Another fundamental of Budo Taijutsu is Hoken Juroppo Uchi (16 fists strikes). These fists are unique
to this art in the way they are deliverd via angle, timing, and body movement.


2. SHUKIKEN Elbow smash

3. FUDOKEN (KONGOKEN) Clenched fist strike

4. KITENKEN (SHUTO) Open hand palm edge strike

5. SHISHINKEN Any individual fingertip as a striking weapon

6. SHITANKEN 3 or 4 fingertips together as a stabbing spear

7. SHAKOKEN Palm & fingertip claw

8. SHITOKEN Extended thumb stab

9. SHIKANKEN Extended knuckle fist

10. KOPPOKEN Middle knuckle of folded thumb as a strike point

11. HAPPAKEN Open hand slapping strike

12. SOKKIKEN Knee strike

13. SOKUYAKU Bottom of foot stomp kick

14. SOKUGYAKU Toe drive kick

15. TAIKEN Any part of the body as a weapon; shoulder, hips, etc.

16. SHIZENKEN Total body weapon variations

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