Chap 10 Hvac

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HVAC: Air Conditioning


This chapter discusses heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. A description of each
type of equipment, its general uses, operation, and common opportunities for energy conservation are

10.1 Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is the process of treating air to control its temperature, humidity, cleanliness, and
distribution to meet the requirements of the conditioned space. If the primary function of the system is to
satisfy the comfort requirements of the occupants of the conditioned space, the process is referred to as
comfort air conditioning. If the primary function is other than comfort, it is identified as industrial air
conditioning. The term ventilation is applied to processes that supply air to or remove air from a space by
natural or mechanical means. Such air may or may not be conditioned.
10.1.1 Equipment
Air conditioning systems utilize various types of equipment, arranged in a specific order, so that
space conditions can be maintained. Basic components consist of:
A fan to move air.
Coils to heat and/or cool the air.
Filters to clean the air.
Humidifiers to add moisture to the air.
Controls to maintain space conditions automatically.
A distribution system to channel the air to desired locations, including dampers to control the
volume of air circulated, as shown in Exhibit 10.1.
Within each basic component there are different types and styles, each with their own operating
characteristics and efficiency, method and materials of construction, and cost, all of which greatly affect the
initial design and resulting operating economics of the system. While this manual is directed principally to
conservation with existing installations, ideally energy conservation should start during the initial design and
equipment selection stages of the system. Fans
The centrifugal fan with a backward-curved impeller is the predominant fan used in built-up type
air conditioning units, while the forward-curved impeller centrifugal fan is used in package type air
handling units. Coils
Coils are used in air conditioning systems either to heat or cool the air. The typical coil consists of
various rows deep of finned tubing. The number of fins per inch varies from 3 to 14. The greater the number
of fins per inch and rows depth that a coil contains, the greater its heat transfer rate will be. An increase in
heat transfer surface results in an increase in heat transfer efficiency and also in increased airflow resistance
that will, in turn, require increased fan horsepower.
Heating coils will use either steam or hot water as a heating medium. The primary purpose of the
coil depends upon its location in the air handling system. A preheater is the name given to a coil located in
the makeup outdoor air duct. The preheaters purpose is to raise the temperature of makeup air to above
freezing. The heating coil doing the final heating of the air before it enters the conditioned space is referred
to as a reheater. Its purpose is to maintain satisfactory space temperature by adding heat to the supply air
when it is required.

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Notes Exhibit 10.1: Air Conditioning Equipment

Cooling coils similar to that of the heating coils described above except that the coils cool the air
instead of heating. The cooling medium used is chilled-water, brine, or refrigerant in a direct expansion-type
coil. Direct expansion-type coils are used on small systems when a chilled water system is not economical.
Chilled water is used on all other systems when the air temperature required is above 50F. When the air
temperature required is less than 50F, a brine solution is used as the cooling medium because of its exposure
to subfreezing temperatures in the refrigeration machine. Air Washers
A spray-type air washer consists of a chamber or casing containing a spray nozzle system, a tank for
collecting the spray water as it falls, and an eliminator section at the discharge end for removal of entrained
drops of water from the air. An air washer can be used either to humidify or dehumidify the treated air
depending upon the temperature of the spray water. Air washers will also clean the air to a small extent. Air
washer efficiency increases as the volume of spray water circulated increases. When spray water is used for
humidification purposes, it is recirculated with only sufficient makeup to satisfy evaporation losses. When
spray water is used for cooling, it is a mixture of recirculated water and chilled water. The amount of chilled
water is controlled to provide desired results.
The use of air washers in the comfort air conditioning field has been gradually replaced by the use of
cooling coils. Some industrial air conditioning systems, particularly in the textile industry, still use air
washers. Air Cleaners
Air cleaners (filters) are used to reduce the dirt content of the air supplied to the conditioned space
and to keep equipment clean. The type of air cleaning equipment required depends upon the requirements of
the conditioned space, the amount of dirt to be removed from the air stream, and the size of the dirt particles
to be removed. The smaller the particles size to be removed, the harder and more expensive the air cleaning

282 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
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Three operating characteristics distinguish the various types of air cleaners: efficiency, airflow Notes
resistance, and life or dust-holding capacity. Efficiency measures the ability of the air cleaner to remove
particulate matter from an air stream. The interpolation of air cleaner ratings for efficiency and holding
capacity is complicated by the fact that there are three types of tests, along with certain variations, employed
for testing filters. The operating conditions that exist are so varied that there is no individual test that will
adequately describe all filters. Air cleaners used in the comfort air conditioning field fall into three broad
categories: fibrous media, renewable media, and electronic. Various combinations of these types can be used.
Air cleaners for industrial applications fall into five basic types: gravity and momentum collectors, centrifugal
collectors, fabric collectors, electrostatic precipitators, and wet collectors.
The installation cost and the operating cost of an air cleaning system vary over a wide range.
Therefore, an economical installation is one in which the air cleaning unit(s) provides only the degree of
cleaning required to satisfy the actual space requirements and not those of an arbitrarily excessively clean
The pressure drop to which the air cleaning devices subject the air system varies from a low of 0.1
inch of water gauge (inches W.G.) to 10.0 inches W.G. in industrial air conditioning systems. In comfort air
conditioning, generally, the higher the air cleaner efficiency, the higher its pressure drop will be. Air
conditioning systems must compensate for the pressure drop through an increase in fan horsepower. Humidifiers
Humidifiers are devices that add moisture to the air stream, thereby raising the relative humidity of
the conditioned space. In most comfort air conditioning systems and in many industrial air conditioning
systems, humidifying devices are commonly sparging steam or atomizing water directly into the air stream.
Since the advent of energy conservation, the standards for comfort air conditioning systems have
been reviewed and revised. One of the revisions eliminated the control of humidity as a comfort air
conditioning system standard, since controlling humidity requires additional energy consumption year-round.
In industrial air conditioning systems that employ humidity control, it is recommended that this need be
reviewed and be reduced to the lowest degree the process will permit. Controls
Controls for an air conditioning system contain various control loops, which automatically control
selected functions of the air conditioning system operation. The control system can be very simple or very
complex depending upon the size and complexity of the air conditioning system, the extent of operation, and
the degree of sophistication desired.
Control systems can control temperatures, humidity, duct pressure, airflow, sound alarms, and
provide data to remote locations. These systems are operated either pneumatically or electronically, or a
combination of both can be used. For the most economical operation of the air conditioning system, controls
must be maintained. Their calibrations should be routinely checked along with the proper operation of valves
and dampers. Distribution System
The distribution system is a network of ducts which transports the air between the conditioning
equipment and the conditioned space(s). The system consists of outlet and inlet terminals (diffusers,
registers, grilles) for distribution of air within the conditioned space, and dampers (automatic and manual) for
control of air volume. The design of the distribution system greatly affects the amount of pressure drop
(resistance) it adds to the total system. Low-pressure (low-velocity) systems are designed with duct velocities
of 1,300 fpm or less for comfort air conditioning systems and up to 2,000 fpm for industrial air conditioning
systems. High-pressure (high-velocity) systems employ duct velocities from 2,500 fpm on small systems
(1,000 to 3,000 cfm) up to 6,000 fpm on large systems (40,000 to 60,000 cfm). Higher duct velocities result
in higher duct system resistance (pressure drop resulting in increased fan horsepower).
10.1.2 Psychrometry
Psychrometry deals with the determination of the thermodynamic properties of moist air and the
utilization of these properties in the analysis of conditions and processes involving moist air. Air

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Notes conditioning deals with changing the properties of air to provide desired results in the conditioned space. The
psychrometric chart, a graphical representation of the thermodynamic properties of moist air, is an invaluable
aid in illustrating and solving air conditioning problems.
Since the properties of moist air are affected by barometric pressure, corrections must be made when
equipment installation is done at other than sea level (29.92 inches Hg). Psychrometric charts are available
for elevations at sea level, 2,500 feet, 5,000 feet, 7,500 feet, and 10,000 feet. Also, charts are available for
different temperature ranges. The properties of moist air shown on a psychrometric chart are dry bulb (DB)
temperature, wet bulb (WB) temperature, dew point temperature (DP), relative humidity (RH) in percent,
specific humidity (W) in grains per pound, specific enthalpy (h) in Btu per pound, and specific volume (V) in
cubic feet per pound. A description of these terms is listed in Appendix D. These properties can be found by
using a typical psychrometric chart.
10.1.3 Computation
The following formulae and factors are used in the air conditioning field:
Btu = (lbs) (sp. heat) (t)
Btu/hr = (lbs/hr) (sp. heat) (t)
Btu/hr = (lbs/hr) (hg - hf)*
Lbs/hr std. air = (cfm) (lbs/cf) (60 min/hr)
= (cfm) (0.075) (60)
= (cfm) (4.5)
SH, Btu/hr std. air = (lbs/hr) (sp. heat) (t)
= (cfm) (4.5) (0.24) (t)
= (cfm) (1.08) (t)
cfm = SH / [(1.08)(room temperature supplied air temperature)]
LH, Btu/hr std. air = (lbs/hr) (hg hf) (grains of moisture diff./7,000 grains/lb)
= (cfm) (4.5) (1,054) (grains diff./7,000)
= (cfm) (0.68) (grains diff.)
Lbs/hr water = (gpm) (lbs/gal) (min/hr)
= (gpm) (10.33) (60)
= (gpm) (500)
hp air = [(cfm)( P)] / [(6,350)(fan efficiency)]
hp water = [(gpm)( P)] / [(3,960)(pump efficiency)]

t = temperature difference
P = pressure difference
*(hg -hf) = 1,054 Btu/lb represents the heat of vaporization at 70F. Variation in value for different
conditions will be small.
10.1.4 Energy Conservation
The potential for energy conservation in the air conditioning field can vary greatly depending upon
the following:

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1. Design of systems 4. Maintenance of control systems Notes

2. Method of operation 5. Monitoring of system
3. Operating standards 6. Competence of operators

Examples of various energy-saving methods used in the following sections are based on a facility
having the following characteristics:
1. Supply fan capacity: 10,000 cfm @ 3,0 in S.P., 6.8 bhp
2. Outdoor air: 30% = 3,000 cfm
3. Return air: 70% = 7,000 cfm
4. Room temperature: 75F DB, 62.5F WB, 55.0F DP, 50% RH
5. Room loads: summer = 108,000 Btu/hr/(sensible heat)
winter = 216,000 Btu/hr/(sensible heat)
6. Space, volume: 55,000 cu. ft.
7. Space, area: 5,500 sq. ft.
8. Space, cfm/sq.ft.: 1.8
9. Space, supply air temp.: summer design = 65F,
winter design = 95F
10. Design preheater load : 162,000 Btu/hr = 169 lbs/hr (based on 50F disc. temp.)
11. Design on cooling coil load: 364,500 Btu/hr = 30 tons
12. Design outdoor temp.: summer = 95F DB, 78F WB; winter 0F
13. Design outdoor degree days : 5,220 (65F), 3,100 (55F), 2,100 (50F)
14. Design outdoor avg. winter temp.: 41.4F (Oct. to Apr. inclusive)
< 67.0F, 3,052 hrs/yr
38.0F = Avg. < 50F, 3,543 hrs/yr
33.0F = Avg. < 40F, 2,162 hrs/yr
15. Equiv. hrs/season refrig. at full load: 750 hrs Operate Systems Only When Needed
Air conditioning systems, including refrigeration machines, pumps, and cooling tower systems,
should be operated only when areas are occupied (for comfort air conditioning systems) and when processes
are operating (for non-comfort air conditioning system). It is not uncommon for systems to operate
continuously. Reducing operating hours will reduce electrical, cooling, and heating requirements.
Continuous operation during normal working hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., five days per week, such as that for an
office building is a good example of excessive operation of equipment.
The savings resulting from reducing operating hours from 168 hours per week to 50 hours per week
is calculated as follows.

Savings from Reduced Fan Operation

= (Supply fan bhp) (Cost, $/hp-yr) [(hrs/wk shut off) / (hrs/wk current operation)]
= (6.8) ($360) [(168 - 50) / (168)] = $1,720/yr

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Notes Savings from Reduced Space Heating Operating

= {[(24)(deg day)(design htg. load, Btu/hr)] / [room T - outside T]}(stm. cost, $/MM-Btu) x
{(hrs/week off) / (hrs/week current on)}(allowance for heat up)
= {[(24)(5,220)(216,000)] / [(75 - 0)]}{$4.24 / 10 6 }{(168 - 50) / 168}(0.5) = $537/yr

Savings from Reduced Preheater Operation of Outdoor Air

= (cfm) (1.08)* (design disc. temp. - avg. temp. < disc. temp.)x (hrs/yr temp. < disc. temp.) x (stm.
cost, $/MM-Btu) x {(hrs/week off) / (hrs/week current operation)}
= (3,000) (1.08) (50 - 38) (3,543) {$4.24 / 106 }{(168 - 50) / 168} = $410/yr
* Factor of 1.08 = 0.075 lbs/cu. ft. x 0.24 sp. heat x 60 min/hr

Savings from Reduced Cooling Operation

= (design cooling oil load, tons) (equiv. hrs/season @ full load) x (refrig. sys. load, hp/ton)
{(hrs/week off) / (hrs/week current operation)} x (cost, $/hp-hr) (allowance for cool down)
= (30) (750) (1.25){(168 - 50) / 168}($0.041) (0.75) = $607/yr

Summary of Total Annual Savings

Fans = $1,720
Space Heating = 537
Preheater = 410
Space Cooling = 607
Total = $3,274 Eliminate Overcooling and Overheating
Eliminating overcooling and overheating normally requires revising operating standards and
modifying air conditioning system controls. Instead of maintaining a constant temperature, the more energy
efficient standard allows the temperature to fluctuate within a dead-band range. Heating should be used only
to keep the temperature of the conditioned space from going typically below 68F to 70F and cooling should
be used only to keep the temperature from exceeding 78F to 80F. These conditions apply only during
normal hours of occupancy. During unoccupied periods, the standard should specify minimum conditions
necessary to protect the buildings contents. Process requirements may, of course, dictate maintaining special
conditions. Exhibit 10.1 illustrates a single zone system with a simple control system that results in
overcooling and overheating. Exhibit 10.2 shows this system with a modified control system that would
eliminate simultaneous cooling and heating.
Cooling Example
The cooling coil and reheat coil are controlled as shown in Exhibit 10.1. The savings resulting
during the heating season if the coils were controlled in sequence as shown in Exhibit 10.2 is calculated
below. Assume that the mixed air temperature entering the cooling coil is 68F, and the heating season is
seven months long.
Savings from Eliminating Excessive Cooling
= {[(cfm)(1.08)(temp. diff.)] / [Btu/ton]}(hp/ton) ($/hp-yr) (htg. season, mos./12)
= {[(10,000)(1.08)(68 - 50)] / [12,000]}(1.25) ($360)(7/12) = $3,040/yr

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Total Annual Savings Notes

Cooling = $3,070 (from previous example)
Reheating = 3,040
Total = $6,110
Heating Example
The savings resulting from changing the room thermostat setting from 75F to 68F during the
heating season is calculated as follows.
1. Room heating load at 75F = 216,000 Btu/hr
2. Room heating load at 68F = (216,000)(68/75) = 195,800 Btu/hr
Annual Cost75F
= {[(24)(deg day)(design htg. load, Btu/hr)] / [room T - outside T]}(stm. cost, $/MM-Btu)
= {[(24)(5,220)(216,000)] / [(75 0)]}{$4.24 / 106 } = $1,530
Annual Cost68F
= (Annual cost at 75F) [(68F - winter average temp.) / (75F - winter average temp.)]
= ($1,530)[(68 - 41.4) / (75 - 41.4)] = $1,211
Annual Savings = $1,530 - $1,211 = $319
Note: Difference in cost is proportional to temperature difference maintained with ambient temperature
Exhibit 10.2: Modified Air Conditioning System Controls

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Notes Eliminate Reheat

When humidity control is required, the conventional method is to cool the air to the required dew
point temperature to remove the excess moisture and then reheat the air to deliver it at the desired humidity
and temperature as illustrated in Exhibit 10.2. The cost of reheating for humidity control is not considered
justified in todays energy situation for comfort air conditioning systems.
The inclusion of a humidity standard is not recommended for normal air conditioning comfort
standards and should be discontinued. Likewise, no system should operate in a manner that requires it to heat
and cool at the same time. At any given instant the system should be either heating or cooling--never both.
The process of cooling and then reheating is inefficient, whether for humidity control or because of system
design. Economizer Cycle
Many air conditioning systems operate with a fixed minimum amount of outdoor air. The
mechanical refrigeration load on these systems can be reduced by modifying the system to utilize outdoor air
at up to 100 percent of its supply airflow when outdoor air is cooler than return air. This is referred to as an
economizer cycle. Many systems do not have an economizer cycle and fail to take advantage of its potential
An economizer cycle will eliminate or reduce mechanical cooling when the outdoor air is cooler
than return air. When outdoor air is warmer than return air, only the minimum amount of outdoor air required
for fresh air supply is used.
The switchover point of an economizer cycle is usually done by one of two methods: sensing
outdoor dry bulb (DB) temperature or sensing outdoor and return air enthalpy (heat content). Exhibit 10.3,
Exhibit 10.4 (dry bulb method), and Exhibit 10.5 illustrate the two methods of economizer control.
In the outdoor DB temperature switchover method, when the outdoor DB temperature is above the
set point temperature, the dampers are in their normal position--outdoor damper closed to minimum air inlet
flow position and return air damper fully open. When the outdoor DB temperature is less than set point
temperature, the dampers are modulated by the temperature controller.
In the enthalpy switchover method, the enthalpy control senses DB temperature and relative
humidity in both the outdoor air and return air streams and feeds these values into an enthalpy logic center.
The logic center compares the enthalpy (heat content) of each air stream and allows outdoor air to be used
whenever its enthalpy is less than that of the return air.
When the outdoor enthalpy is greater than the enthalpy of the return air, the dampers are maintained
in their normal position--outdoor damper closed to minimum air inlet flow position and return air damper
fully open in the same manner as the outdoor temperature switchover method. When the outdoor enthalpy is
less than the enthalpy of the return air, the dampers are modulated by the temperature controller.
The energy switchover method is more efficient because it is based on the true heat content of the
air. The enthalpy of air is a function of both the DB temperature and its relative humidity (or wet bulb
temperature). Therefore, DB temperature alone is not a true measure of the airs heat content. Under certain
conditions, air with a higher DB temperature can have a lower enthalpy than air with a lower DB temperature
because of differences in humidity. The outdoor DB temperature switchover method utilizes a single
conservative DB temperature between 55F to 60F, which ensures the enthalpy of the outdoor air is always
less than the enthalpy of the return air. On the other hand, since the enthalpy switchover method determines
the use of outdoor air on its enthalpy, the switchover point will vary and normally occur at a higher outdoor
DB temperature than the DB temperature typically selected for the outdoor DB switchover method.
Consequently, less mechanical cooling is required than with the outdoor DB temperature switchover method.
In the method shown in Exhibit 10.3, which is found in many installations, the makeup air and return
air dampers are controlled to maintain a fixed mixed air temperature. In Exhibit 10.4 the control system that
operates the chilled-water valve also operates the makeup air and return air dampers in sequence with the
chilled-water valve. The method illustrated in Exhibit 10.4 is better because it results in a lower load on the
cooling coil. The preferred method, however, is shown in Exhibit 10.5, which utilizes enthalpy control for

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Exhibit 10.3: Economizer Cycle (Outdoor Temp. Swi tchover, Mixing Temp. Control) Notes

Exhibit 10.4: Economizer Cycle (Outdoor Temp. Switchover, Chilled H 2 O Control)

Exhibit 10.5: Economizer Cycle (Enthalpy Switchover, Chilled H 2 O Control)

The savings resulting from an economizer cycle vary with the type of economizer cycle control and
the type of air conditioning system control. Savings for different conditions are given in the examples shown

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Notes Outdoor Temperature Method

The saving resulting from an economizer cycle with outdoor temperature switchover at 56.5F on a
year-round air conditioning system (continuously operating) is calculated as follows. The preheater discharge
temperature is controlled at 40F. Savings are determined in two steps.
1. Economizer savings when the outdoor temperature is < 40F. The temperature of the air entering the
cooling coil when the outdoor air is less than 40F is 64.5F.*
= {[(cfm)(1.08)(temp. diff.)] / [Btu/ton]}(hp/ton)(refrig., hp/ton)(cost, $/hp-yr) x {(hrs temp < 40F)
/ (8,760)}
= {[(10,000)(1.08)(64.5 - 56.5)] / [12,000]}(1.25) ($360)(2,162/8,760) = $800/yr

2. Economizer savings when the outdoor temperature is between 40F and 56.5F. (Above 56.5F only
minimum 30% outdoor air is used.) The average temperature of air entering the cooling coil is
approximately 67F*, which represents the midpoint between the maximum and the minimum
temperature that would occur.
= {[(10,000)(1.08)(67* - 56.5)] / [12,000]}{(1.25) ($360)[(3,052) / (8,760)] = $1,481/yr
Max Min
Outdoor temp. = 56.5F 40.0F
30% outdoor air = 17.0 12.0
70% return air @ 75F = 52.5 52.5
Avg. temp. = 69.5 64.5
Average = (69.5F + 64.5F) / 2 = 67F
Annual Savings for Condition A
Outdoor temp. < 40F = $ 800
Outdoor temp. between 40F and 56.6F = 1,400
Total $2,280
*Temperature of air entering coil.

Enthalpy Switchover Method

Given the same conditions as the previous example, the savings from an economizer cycle using the
enthalpy method. To determine either enthalpy, the wet bulb (WB) temperature or dry bulb temperature (DB)
and relative humidity are needed. The enthalpy value for the particular condition can be read from a
psychrometric chart.
For this example, an average outdoor air relative humidity of 50 percent at 56.5F is assumed, which
corresponds to 47.5F WB temperature. The actual additional reduction in cooling load over the outdoor
temperature method will depend on the outdoor air conditions at the time. The reduction can vary over the
range from no reduction when conditions approach 62.5F WB to a maximum reduction when approaching
47.5F WB. For practical purposes it can assumed an average reduction of approximately one half of the
The cooling load when all return air is used is:
Btu/hr = (ret. air cfm) (4.5) (h ret. air - h cooling air disc.)
= (7,000) (4.5) (28.2 - 19.0)
= 289,000 or 24.15 tons
The cooling load when all outdoor air is used is zero.

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Therefore, the average reduction in cooling load using outdoor air with the enthalpy switchover Notes
method is:
Reduction cooling load = 289,800 / 2 = 144,900 Btu/hr
Enthalpy remains constant for any given WB temperature irrespective of DB temperatures.
Accordingly, the number of hours for which a given enthalpy existed can be obtained from local weather
records of WB temperatures. For this example, the outdoor WB temperature was between 47.5F WB and
62.5F WB for approximately 2,000 hours per year.
Additional annual savings using enthalpy control:
= [(Btu/hr saved) / (Btu/ton)](refrig., hp/ton)(cost, $/hp-yr)[(hrs. applicable) / (8,760)
= [(144,900) / (12,000)](1.25)($360)[(2,000) / (8,760)] = $1,240/yr
Total annual savings for the enthalpy switchover method over no economizer cycle include the
above savings plus the savings for the DB switchover outdoor temperature method in the previous example.
Outdoor temperature method = $2,280
Additional savings with enthalpy method = $1,240
Total $3,520 Minimize Amounts of Makeup and Exhaust Air
The amount of makeup air a system must have depends upon the largest demand caused by the
1. Ventilation for personnel
2. Exhausting of air from work areas
3. Overcoming of infiltration
In many systems, the sum of items No. 2 and 3 dictates the amount of makeup air required. When
this is the case, the amount of air being exhausted should be reviewed to determine if it is excessive.
Minimizing infiltration requires that all openings between conditioned and non-conditioned spaces be closed
and that doors and windows fit tightly. The ventilation rate for people can vary between 5 to 20 cfm and
sometimes higher depending on the use of the room. Also, excessive damper leakage can result in an
excessive amount of makeup air.
Excess makeup air in the winter will result in additional heating load. The cost to preheat 1,000 cfm
of outdoor air to 50F is calculated as follows.
Cost = (cfm) (1.08) (50F - avg. temp. < 50) (hrs./yr. temp < 50F)x (stm. cost, $/MM-Btu)
= (1, 000) (1.08) (50 - 38) (3,543) ($4.26 / 106 ) = $196/yr.
Excess make-up air in the summer will result in additional cooling load. The cost of cooling is
estimated to be $410/yr. Total annual savings = $196 + $410 = $606 Minimize the Amount of Air Delivered to a Conditioned Space
The amount of air delivered to a conditioned space is governed by one or more of the following:
1. Heating and/or cooling load
2. Delivery temperature
3. Ventilation requirements (exhaust, people, infiltration)
4. Air circulation (air changes)
The design of both comfort and many industrial air condition systems requires that, for good air
circulation, the amount of supply air should provide an air change every 5 to 10 minutes. The design of many
systems will be for a 6- to 7-minute change. Reducing airflow will reduce fan horsepower. The model that

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Notes has been used is such a system; it requires heat, and the air change is 5.6 minutes (1.8 cfm per square foot, 10-
foot ceiling height).
The method used in reducing the systems airflow has a great influence on the amount of horsepower
saved. Three methods normally used are:
1. Fan discharge damper
2. Fan vortex damper (fan inlet)
3. Fan speed change
The savings resulting from reduced reheat and fan horsepower on a year-round air conditioning
system when the airflow is reduced from 1.8 cfm per square foot (5.6 minute air change) to 1.1 cfm per
square foot (9.1 minute air change) can be calculated as follows.
1. Find the new airflow
cfm 2 = (cfm)[(air change 2 ) / (air change 1 )] = 10,000 (1.1/1.8) = 6,110
2. Find the new supply temperature:
Supplied air inlet temp. = room temp. - [(given room sensible load, Btu/hr]) / [(1.08)(cfm)]
= 75 - [(108,000) / (1.08 x 6,110)] = 58.6F
3. Find the savings from reheat reduction:
Cost1.8 = (cfm) (1.08) (T2 - T1 ) (cost, $/MM-Btu/hr-yr)
= (10,000) (1.08) (65 - 56.5) [($37,100) / 106 ] = $3,406/yr

Cost1.1 = (6,110) (1.08) (58.6 - 56.5) [($37,100) / 106 ] = $514/yr

Annual Savings (Reheat Reduction) = $3,406 - $514 = $2,892

4. Find the cfm reduction (in percent):
cfm reduction = [(cfm2 )/(cfm1 ](100)=[(6,110)/(10,000)](100)=61%
5. Find the total savings:
Exhibit 10.6: Total Savings

Method of Hp Red* Initial hp Saved hp Cost Savings**

Reduction % $/hp-yr $/yr
Outlet 14.2 6.8 0.97 360 349
Inlet Vane 45.0 6.8 3.06 360 1,100
Fan Speed 63.8 6.8 4.34 360 1,560

*Based on continuous operation

**From Exhibit 10.7
6. Find the total savings:

292 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
HVAC: Air Conditioning

Exhibit 10.7: Effect of Volume Control on Fan Horsepower Notes

$ Savings
Method Fan hp Reheat Total
Outlet Damper 349/yr 2,900/yr 3,249/yr
Inlet Vane 1,100/yr 2,900/yr 4,000/yr
Fan Speed 1,560/yr 2,900/yr 4,460/yr Recover Energy

The use of air-to-air heat exchangers permits the exchange of energy between an exhaust air
stream(s) and a makeup air stream(s). Many of the exchangers will permit the exchange of only sensible heat
while a few will permit the exchange of enthalpy (total heat). The transfer recovery efficiency of air-to-air
heat exchangers varies from 55 percent to 90 percent, depending upon the type of heat exchanger and the face
velocity. Maintain Equipment
The physical condition of the air handling unit is important to its efficient operation. Filters should
be cleaned or replaced as soon as the maximum allowable pressure drop across the filter is attained. If dirt
builds up to a point where the pressure drop exceeds the maximum allowable, the resulting system pressure
increase will reduce the fans pressure and subsequently reduce the air handlers efficiency.
As mentioned in an earlier section, dampers should seal tightly. Air leakage due to poor damper
operation or condition will result in added loading of the air handling unit. The fans should be checked for
lint, dirt, or other causes for reduced flow.

10.2 HVAC Systems

In this section the HVA C will be treated like a system of different functions put together; in other
words the transparency of individual components might not be very transparent. However, in some cases it is
important to treat the whole operation in such a way. Exhibit 10.8 summarizes energy usage in buildings
much of that can be contributed to HVAC, i.e., conditioning of buildings for personnel comfort. The
remainder of this chapter will discuss some of the design factors in HVAC and energy conservation methods
for HVAC systems.
Exhibit 10.8: Energy Use in Buildings


Fans & Pumps


Boilers &

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency 293
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Notes 10.2.1 Equipment Sizing Practices

Usually all existing energy consuming systems are oversized. The reasons for oversizing of HVAC
equipment include:
1. All HVAC design procedures are conservative.
2. A Safety Factor is then applied.
3. Design is for a near-extreme weather condition that is very seldom obtained (2-3% of annual hours).
4. Standard equipment size increments usually result in further oversizing.
Any attempt to conserve energy amplifies the effect of statements above. Operating efficiencies of equipment
decrease with decreasing load - usually exponentially. Reducing Capacity by Fan/Pump Slowdown
The capacity of HVAC systems can be reduced by using a slowdown technique to reduce the hp
output. It should be noted that reducing the hp output of fan and pump motors will also reduce their
efficiency. Exhibits 10.9 and 10.10 illustrate the affects of this technique.




Thus: If CFM/GPM is reduced by 10%, the new hp will be 73% of original and for CFM/GPM
reduction of 40%, new hp will be 22% of original.
Exhibit 10.9: Load vs. Efficiency

Exhibit 10.10: Control Valve Characteristics

294 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Notes Maximize HVAC Savings

Energy conservation in HVAC systems can be maximized by using these techniques:
1. Reduce fan & pump horsepower - replace motors if necessary.
2. Reduce operating time - turn it off when not needed.
3. Retrofit existing HVAC systems to some form of VAV (Variable Air Volume) systems.
5. Eliminate or minimize reheat.
6. Maintain, calibrate & upgrade control systems.
These techniques were discussed in detail earlier in the chapter for independent systems but can be applied to
HVAC system components. When evaluating HVAC requirements and energy conservation measures,
facilities should take into consideration all heating and cooling loads as illustrated in Exhibit 10.11. This will
provide the correct criteria for evaluations and cost savings estimates.
10.2.2 Design for Human Comfort
Providing comfortable conditions for people engaged in the working process is not a superfluous
luxury, as might be viewed by some. Good working conditions definitely increase productivity, besides the
indirect benefit of employees satisfaction in their workplace. However, all the comfort should be provided at
the minimum expense, whether it a company or a private residence.
Determination of the correct HVAC needs for a facility involves many steps, including:
Determination of indoor conditions and how they affect energy use,
Impact upon equipment selection, ducting, and register design,
How to determine if certain conditions will meet acceptable comfort criteria.

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency 295
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Notes The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) publish
standards for many aspects of HVAC design. One example is ASHRAE Standard 62-1989, Ventilation for
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
Exhibit 10.11: Heating and Cooling Loads

ASHRAE Standard 90-1980 Energy Conservation in New Building Design gives the following
guidelines for energy conservation regarding HVAC systems.
1. Summer
Troom 78F
room: Min HVAC energy use
0.3 ACH (residential)

296 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
HVAC: HVAC Systems

2. Winter Notes
T room 72F
room 30%
0.3 ACH (residential)
Exhibit 10.12 defines the comfort zone for personnel using criteria such as temperature and vapor pressure.
From this chart the comfort zone for consideration in the HVAC design is:
1. Summer
73F Tdb 81F
20% 60%
2. Winter
68F Tdb 75F
30% 70%
Most of the work on comfort since about 1970 has been to redefine the x-axis on the comfort chart to
be more general (i.e., include effects of heat radiation, clothing, metabolism, air motion, etc.). There are
different approached to quantifying comfort. To minutely quantify comfort is the EUROPEAN approach
(reason: they dont heat their buildings as much). The UNITED STATES approach is to adjust the thermostat
(becoming less acceptable to do so).
Exhibit 10.12: Comfort Zone Detail Factors Affecting Comfort

There are three major factors affecting personnel comfort. These are biological, clothing, and
environmental indices.
Biological factors that affect personnel comfort include respiration, metabolism, and the types of
activities personnel are performing. Exhibit 10.13 illustrates the biological factors that affect a persons
comfort. For example, a persons average core temperature is:
TCORE =37C + 1C (98.6F)
but their actual skin temperature may be:
TSKIN=92.7F (buffer, adjusts to ambient)

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency 297
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Notes Exhibit 10.13: Biological Factors Affecting Comfort


Respiration Convection

A persons activity has a great affect on their metabolic heat generation. For example an adult
males heat generation rate during three different activities would be:
100 W; seated at rest
850 W; heavy exercise
1,500 W; Olympic Athlete
Exhibit 10.14 lists the heat flux generated for various activities further illustrating how much activity affects
Exhibit 10.14: Heat Flux Generated by Various Activities

Various Activites a Btu/h-ft2 metb

Sleeping 13 0.7
Reclining 15 0.8
Seated, quiet 18 1.0
Standing, relaxed 22 1.2
Walking (on the level)
0.89 m/s 37 2.0
1.34 m/s 48 2.6
1.79 m/s 70 3.8
Office Activities
Reading, seated 18 1.0
Writing 18 1.0
Typing 20 1.1
Filing, seated 22 1.2
Filing, standing 26 1.4
Walking about 31 1.7
Lifting/packing 39 2.1
Car 18-37 1.0-2.0
Aircraft, routine 22 1.2
Exhibit 10.15: Heat Flux Generated by Various Activities (cont.)

298 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Various Activites a Btu/h-ft2 metb Notes

Aircraft, instrument landing 33 1.8
Aircraft, combat 44 2.4
Heavy vehicle 59 3.2
Miscellaneous Occupational Activities
Cooking 29-37 1.6-2.0
House cleaning 37-63 2.0-3.4
Seated, heavy limb movement 41 2.2
Machine work
Sawing (table saw) 33 1.8
Light (electrical industry) 37-44 2.0-2.4
Heavy 74 4.0
Handling 50-kg bags 74 4.0
Pick and shovel work 74-88 4.0-4.8
Miscellaneous Leisure Activities
Dancing, social 44-81 2.4-4.4
Tennis, singles 66-74 3.6-4.0
Basketball 90-140 5.0-7.6
Wrestling, competitive 130-160 7.0-8.7
Complied from various Sources. For additional information see Buskirk (1960), Passmore and
Durnin (1967), and Webb (1964)
1met = 18.43 Btu/h-ft2
Clothing is the second major factor affecting comfort. Clothing acts as insulation for the skin. As
illustrated in Exhibit 10.15 and Exhibit 10.16, the insulation value of clothing can vary widely.
Clothing resistance (clo); 1 clo = 0.155 m 2 C/W = 0.88 h-ft 2 -F/Btu
1 clo R-1
Exhibit 10.16: Clothing Resistance

clo Attire
Slacks, short sleeve shirt
1 Three-piece suit
4 Fur coat

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency 299
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Notes Exhibit 10.17: Garment Insulation Values

Garmenta Description I/clo Garmenta Description I/clo

Underwear Dresses and Skirts
Mans briefs 0.04 Skirt (thin) 0.14
Panties 0.03 Skirt (thick) 0.23
Bra 0.01 Long-sleeve shirt dress (thin) 0.33
T-shirt 0.08 Long-sleeve shirt dress (thick) 0.47
Full slip 0.16 Short-sleeve shirt dress (thin) 0.29
Half slip 0.14 Sleeveless, scoop neck (thin) 0.23
Long underwear top 0.20 Sleeveless, scoop neck (thick) 0.27
Long underwear bottom 0.15 Sweaters
Footwear Sleeveless vest (thin) 0.13
Ankle-length athletic socks 0.02 Sleeveless vest (thick) 0.22
Calf-length socks 0.03 Long-sleeve (thin) 0.25
Knee socks (thick) 0.06 Long sleeve (thick) 0.36
Panty hose stockings 0.02 Suit Jackets and Vests (lined)
Sandals/thongs 0.02 Single-breasted (thin) 0.36
Slippers (quilted, pile-lined) 0.03 Single-breasted (thick) 0.44
Boots 0.10 Double breasted (thin) 0.42
Shirts and Blouses Double breasted (thick) 0.48
Sleeveless, scoop-neck blouse 0.12 Sleeveless vest (thin) 0.10
Short-sleeve, dress shirt 0.19 Sleeveless vest (thick) 0.17
Long-sleeve, dress shirt 0.25 Sleepwear and Robes
Long-sleeve, flannel shirt 0.34 Sleeveless, short gown (thin) 0.18
Short-sleeve, knit sport shirt 0.17 Sleeveless, long gown (thin) 0.20
Long-sleeve, sweat shirt 0.34 Short-sleeve hospital gown 0.31
Trousers and Coveralls Long-sleeve, long gown (thick) 0.46
Short shorts 0.06 Long-sleeve pajamas (thick) 0.57
Walking shorts 0.08 Short-sleeve pajamas (thin) 0.42
Straight trousers (thin) 0.15 Long-sleeve, long wrap robe 0.69
Straight trousers (thick) 0.24 (thick)
Sweat pants 0.28 Long-sleeve, short wrap robe 0.48
Overalls 0.30 (thick)
Coveralls 0.49 Short sleeve, short robe (thin) 0.34
Thin garments are made of lightweight, thin fabrics worn in the summer; thick garments are
heavy weight, thick fabrics worn in the winter.

300 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Environmental indices that affect personnel comfort include factors such as temperature, humidity, Notes
and air flow. Operating temperatures that take into account humidity can be determined using the following

hr Tr + hcTa
To =
hr + hc

To = Tr + ( 1 ) Ta
where Tr = mean radiant temperature
Ta = dry bulb temperature

1 2

3 3

1 N
Tr = T
N i =1 i
Exhibit 10.18 lists equations for convection heat transfer coefficients for various activities.
Exhibit 10.18: Convection Heat Transfer Coefficients

Equation Limits Condition Remarks/Sources

Hc=0.061V 40<V<800 Seated w/moving air Mitchell (1974)
Hc=0.55 0<V<40
Hc=0.475 + 0.44V 30<V<300 Reclining w/moving air Colin & Houdas
Hc=0.90 0<V<30
Hc=0.92V0.53 100<V<400 Walking in still air V is walking speed
Nishi & Ga gge (1970)
Hc=(M-0.85)0.39 1.1<M<3.0 Active in still air Gagge (1976)
Hc=0.146V 100<V<400 Walking on treadmill in still V is treadmill speed
air Nishi & Gagge (1970)
Hc=0.068V 30<V<300 Standing in moving air Seppeman (1972)
Hc=0.70 0<V<30

Where h c is in Btu/h ft 2
V is in fpm
M in met units; 1 met = 110.43 Btu/h ft 2
Standard conditions for comfort are given as:
Icl = 0.60 clo Tr = Ta
m = 1 met im = 0.4 (Moisture permeability index) -
(85% are comfortable)
V 20 fpm

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency 301
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Notes 10.2.3 General Types of Building Heating and Cooling

Exhibits 10.19 10.25 illustrate the various types of building heating and cooling systems that are
currently available. These include:
Sprayed coil dehumidifier,
Evaporative cooling and air washer,
Humidity control through cooling override,
Single zone all direct control from space thermostat,
Dual duct air handling system,
Multi-zone air handling unit, and
Hybrid VAV control system.
Exhibit 10.19: Sprayed Coil Dehumidifier

Exhibit 10.20: Evaporative Cooling & Air Washer

302 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Exhibit 10.21: Humidity Control Through Cooling Override Notes

Exhibit 10.22: Single Zone - All Direct Control from Space Thermostat

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency 303
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Notes Exhibit 10.23: Dual Duct Air Handling System

Exhibit 10.24: Multi-zone Air Handling Unit

304 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
HVAC: HVAC Systems

Exhibit 10.25: Hybrid VAV Control System Notes

Many operations require ventilation to control the level of dust, gases, fumes, or vapors. Excess
ventilation for this purpose can add significantly to the heating load. All air that is exhausted from the
building must be replaced by outside air.
During the heating season the air must be heated to room temperature by makeup air units or by
infiltration and mixing with room air. When process heating is also involved, excess ventilation results in a
loss of energy at all times.
A common problem during the winter heating season is negative building pressure resulting from
attempting to exhaust more air than can be supplied. The most obvious problem encountered with air
starvation is difficulty in opening doors. Negative pressure will lead to a number of other problems.
1. Heaters, ovens, and other plant equipment that depend on natural draft cannot operate properly under
negative pressure and their combustion efficiency drops.
2. Downdrafts can cause condensation and corrosion. Fumes can also be drawn into the plant,
affecting employee health and effectiveness.
3. Without proper exhaust, air stagnation creates concentrations of fumes or odors. Warm, moist air
may even condense on manufactured products or mechanical and electrical equipment.
4. Workers near the buildings perimeters may be subjected to drafts as the pressure differential
between inside and outside draws cold air through doors and windows. Downdrafts can also occur
around ventilation hoods that are temporarily inoperative. Turning up the thermostat causes
employees in the middle of the building to roast and offers little help to those near the walls.
5. Exhaust fans cannot work at rated capacity under negative pressure causing dust, dirt, and
contaminants in the plant increase. Maintenance, housekeeping, and operating costs rise, and
equipment wears out much faster. If new exhaust fans are added without equivalent makeup air
capacity, equipment efficiency suffers.
Exhaust airflows are usually established for the more demanding winter conditions when negative
pressures may exist. Consequently, with no adjustment to the exhaust system during the non-heating season
when the building pressure is at equilibrium with the outside air, the exhaust rate will be greater. Where no

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency 305
HVAC: Ventilation

Notes process heating is involved, the resulting higher summer exhaust rate is not a problem. However, when
process heating is involved, such as with ovens, the higher exhaust rate will increase the heat loss.
10.3.1 Losses
Losses of air from buildings are inevitable. The air which was heated will slowly seep through gaps
around windows, doors and ducts. It is a phenomenon one has to deal with. On the other hand, not only that
the total elimination of air leaks would be prohibitively expensive, but also could cause condensation and/or
pressure inequality in the building with respect to the outside. Room Air
The following two equations may be used to estimate makeup air heating costs on an hourly and
yearly basis.
Hourly Cost = 1.08 x cfm x t x (C/eff.)

Yearly Cost = (0.154 x cfm x D x dg x C) / eff.

cfm = air volume, cfm
t = outside temperature - inside temperature, F
C= cost of fuel, $/Btu
eff = heater efficiency; if unknown, use 0.80 for indirect-fired heater
D= operating time, hours/week
dg = annual degree days: 4,848 for New York City, New York or 5,930 for Pittsburgh,
For example, assume 10,000 cfm with 40F outside temperature, operating 15 shifts per week.
Cost/hr = 1.08 x 10,000 x (70 - 40) x ($3.00/106 Btu) x (1/80%) = $1.215
Annual Cost = 0.154 x 10,000 x 120 x 4,848 x ($3.00/106 Btu) x (1/80%) = $3,360 High-Temperature Exhaust
In the case of a high-temperature exhaust, as from an oven, the loss is magnified by the higher
temperatures of either the dry air or the air-water mixture. During the heating season, this loss also involves
heating an equivalent amount of makeup air to room temperature before further heating to exhaust
temperature in the oven.
An example of the potential saving for a reduction in exhaust for 1,000 cfm at 250F is as follows:
1. Saving for heating outside air to 65F, given:
cfm = 1,000
D = 120 operating hours per week
dg = 2,500 degree days
C = $4.24/MMBtu heat in steam
Using the above formula:
Annual savings = 0.154 x 1,000 x 120 x 2,500 x ($4.24/106 ) = $196/yr
2. Saving for reduction in process heat load (250F - 65F)
Annual Savings = 1,000 x 1.08* x (250F - 65F) x 6,000 x ($4.24/106 ) ** = $5,083/yr
Total Saving = $196 + $5,083 = $5,279/yr

306 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
HVAC: Ventilation

1.08 = 60 min/hr x 0.075 lbs/cu ft x 0.24 specific heat of air Notes
If a direct-fired gas makeup unit is used, the air is heated at nearly 100 percent efficiency.
For an indirect unit an efficiency of 80 percent or $3.75/MMBtu can be used.
Additional saving in fan horsepower is possible if fan speed is reduced. Air -Water Mixture
The heat loss is considerably greater when water vapor is included with the exhaust, as occurs with
washing or drying. As an example of the heat loss from an exhaust including water vapor, the enthalpy of dry
air at 110F is 26.5 Btu per pound; the enthalpy of a saturated mixture of air and water vapor is 87.5 Btu per
pound of dry air. The extent of this loss emphasizes the importance of using minimum exhaust where heated
baths are involved. A high temperature psychrometric chart can be used to determine enthalpies at other
10.3.2 Balance Air Flows
Too often no provision is made to supply sufficient makeup air. Consequently, it must leak through
doors, windows, and stray openings, producing undesirable drafts in the vicinity of the leakage.
Barring the ability to make sufficient reduction in exhaust to balance the air supply and demand, the
best practice is to add more makeup air units to supply heated air in amounts equal to that exhausted and
distribute it in the region of the exhaust system. While this will contribute little to energy conservation, it will
eliminate the problems associated with negative pressure.
Plant personnel should check all exhausts to determine if losses can be reduced or eliminated.
Measures than can be taken to reduce exhaust losses are:

1. Shut off fans when equipment is down.

2. Reduce volume to a minimum.

3. Reduce temperature.

4. Recover exhaust. Shut off Fans

The most obvious improvement is to shut off any exhaust fans that are not needed. Exhaust fans are
often left running even if the equipment they are ventilating is down. Some typical examples are spray
booths and ovens or dryers. Fans can also be left on during periods of no production, such as evenings or
weekends. Reduce Volume
The next best improvement is to reduce exhaust rates to the minimum. Some reduction in existing
rates may be possible because:
1. Exhaust rates may have been established with a large margin of safety when energy costs were not a
significant factor.
2. The exhaust rate may have been increased at one time to resolve a temporary problem, which no
longer exists.
3. Rates may be set to satisfy the most extreme need, which may be far in excess of normal operation.
In the first case, a simple adjustment of the damper setting to reduce flow may be sufficient. Where
production loads fluctuate, the damper setting can be varied with the load when practical.
Often, one of the most direct and easiest means to reduce the volume of exhaust air is by proper
hood design. In many instances, equally effective ventilation can be provided with less exhaust by improving
the design of the exhaust hoods. The result is lower fan power consumption and reduced heat loss. In

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency 307
HVAC: Ventilation

Notes general, the most effective hood designs are those which completely surround the emission source with
minimum openings to the surrounding area. The following are some guidelines for optimum hood design.
The more complete the enclosure, the less exhaust air is required. Exhaust hoods are commonly
located at a considerable distance from the surface of a tank. As a consequence, room air is exhausted along
with the fumes. Rates are also increased if control is upset by cross drafts in the area. The following steps
can provide a more complete enclosure.
1. Extend the hood vertically on one or more sides. This approach can be taken where access is not
necessary on all sides.
2. Provide a hanging drop cloth or plastic strips that will allow for access when necessary without
undue interference with operation.

Distance from Source

If enclosing the source with side panels is not practical, the hood should be as close as possible to the
source and shaped to control the area of contamination. The required volume varies as the square of the
distance from the source.

The addition of flanges will eliminate air flow from ineffective zones where no contaminant exists.
Air requirements can be reduced as much as 25 percent by incorporating flanges in the hood design.
Capture Velocity
The airflow past the source must be sufficient to capture the contaminant. However, if no standards
or arbitrary standards in excess of needs are used, proper capture velocity or volume should be determined to
avoid unnecessary exhaust.
Large Openings
Where exhaust openings are of necessity large in size, the hood can be made more effective by
incorporating multiple take-offs, slotted openings, baffles, etc. Hoods with this feature will provide more
uniform flow over the area to be ventilated and reduce total air requirements.
Outside Air
The introduction of outside air, where possible, at the point of ventilation will reduce the amount of
room air exhausted. Heating requirements will, therefore, be reduced to the extent the exhaust air includes
outside air instead of heated room air. Reduce Temperature
Process requirements usually dictate the temperature at which the process must be maintained.
However, a review of conditions may indicate opportunities to reduce temperature in the following areas:
Current practice maintains temperature above standard to provide a wide margin of safety.
The standard was established arbitrarily or without adequate testing.
The standard was established to handle a worst-case situation, which no longer exists or occurs
rarely (at which time exhaust rate could be increased). Recover Heat

Heat recovery from the exhaust air should be considered after first completing the steps to reduce
exhaust loss by any of the above methods. Several precautions should be considered in the evaluation of a
heat recovery system.
1. Because air is less dense than water, large volumes of air are required to approach the equivalent Btu
content of wastewater. Where heat recovery from both systems cannot be beneficially utilized, a

308 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency
HVAC: Ventilation

heat recovery system for water is generally preferable to air because of the formers better payback Notes
and lower maintenance. The plant-wide potential for waste recovery should, therefore, be studied
first to ensure the design of any installation will be coordinated with an overall plan.
2. Any evaluation of savings must reflect the actual hours of use. For example, if air-to-air heat
recovery from an oven is planned for heating the building, the recovery system will be in use only
during the heating season. Furthermo re, if the oven is not operating continuously, the heat recovery
system will be available for this purpose for an even shorter period.
3. Although considerable heat may be lost in exhaust gases, especially when a number of sources are
involved, the potential for heat recovery is dependent on the temperature of the gases. When the
temperature range is low (200F to 400F), the potential for economical recovery is minimized.
4. The exhaust gases may contain some contaminants that will foul heat exchanger surfaces. In this
situation, the ease of cleaning the exchanger is of prime importance.
10.3.3 Types of Heat Exchangers
As the name indicates, the heat exchanger is a device where heat from one medium is transferred
into another. This way, some of the energy otherwise lost is used to help achieve desired conditions. Several
types of heat exchangers are available depending on the application. Rotary Heat Exchanger
Because the matrix in this type of exchanger has fine air passages, the rotor may soon become
blocked if it is installed in an air stream containing contaminants. This heat exchanger has the highest
efficiency, recovering 70 to 85 percent of the exhaust energy, including both latent and sensible heat. It is
best suited to a clean air stream since some blockages of the exhaust air to the supply side can occur. Sealed Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger
The heat pipe operates on the principle that when heat is applied to one end of a sealed tube,
evaporation of a fluid in the pipe occurs. The vapor flows to the cold end where it is condensed. The
condensed working fluid is then transported by capillary action to the warm end where the cycle is repeated.
In this exchanger, the fins mounted on the outside of the tube to aid heat transfer may also become blocked
with contaminants. Heat exchanger efficiency decreases when deposits build up on the surface, so keeping
the surfaces clean is important. The unit recovers 60 to 80 percent of the sensible heat.
The use of a filtering system and/or periodic cleaning are often necessary to ensure clean heat
transfer surfaces. The advantages of the heat pipe are minimal maintenance, because it contains no moving
parts; and no cross-contamination, because the exit and incoming gas streams are completely sealed off from
each other. Plate Heat Exchanger
Heat transfer is accomplished by counter flowing two streams between plates. This type of
exchanger is less likely to become blocked with contaminants and is more easily cleaned. Maintenance is
also minimized because there are no moving parts. This type is suitable for either air-to-air or air-to-water
heat recovery. About 70 percent of the sensible heat is recovered by these units.
The equipment cost for an air-to-air heat exchanger from one manufacturer ranges from $0.60 to
$1.60 per cfm depending on the size, usage, efficiency, airflow, pattern, etc. An air-to-water heat exchanger
costs from $1.30 to $3.10 per cfm, again depending on efficiency, size, usage, etc. Installation costs range
from 1 to 2.5 times the cost of the equipment.
If the exhaust gases contain oil mists and other contaminants, some form of filter unit may be
necessary ahead of the heat exchanger. Either a conventional filter or electrostatic precipitator can be
considered. Coil-Run-Around System
The above three types of heat exchangers require the supply and exhaust stream to be brought
together. A coil-run-around unit permits the two streams to be physically separated by using an intermediary

Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency 309
HVAC: Ventilation

Notes fluid, usually ethylene glycol, to transfer energy between the two streams. The ethylene glycol is circulated
in a closed loop through heat exchangers in the hot and cold stream. Coil-run-around systems recover 60
to 65 percent of the sensible heat between the two streams. Hot Oil Recovery System
This system has the advantages of eliminating heat exchanger fouling and reducing pollution
abatement problems. In this system, exhausts are passed through cool, cascading oil, which absorbs most of
the heat as well as the high boiling chemicals. The hot oil passes over exchange coils containing incoming
process water and is then recycled.
Where flammable solvents are used, lower flammable limit (LFL) monitoring equipment is
necessary. Improved LFL systems include self-checking equipment and completed control loops that allow
the use of modulated dampers to provide for minimal safe ventilation requirements. The self-checking
system eliminates much of the periodic need to calibrate and check the function of safety circuits.
Accordingly, exhaust reduction can be considered for drying ovens containing solvent vapors. The capital
expenditure for an LFL monitor is about $15,000.

1. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Handbook of
Fundamentals, 1972
2. Sherratt, A.F.C., Energy Conservation and Energy Management in Buildings, Applied Science
Publishers, 1976
3. Southern California Gas Company, How to Save Energy in Commercial Buildings, Publication
4. ASHRAE Standard 90-75, Energy Conservation in New Building Design, ASHRAE, 1975
5. Reay, D.A., Industrial Energy Conservation, Pergamon Press, 1977
6. Kenney, W.F., Energy Conservation in the Process Industries, Academic Press, 1984
7. Payne, G.A., The Energy Managers Handbook, IPC Science and Technology Press, 1977

310 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency

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