Lecture Notes in Group Theory, Karl-Heinz Fieseler, Uppsala University - Kopia
Lecture Notes in Group Theory, Karl-Heinz Fieseler, Uppsala University - Kopia
Lecture Notes in Group Theory, Karl-Heinz Fieseler, Uppsala University - Kopia
Karl-Heinz Fieseler
Uppsala 2008
1 Introduction 4
2 Groups 9
2.1 Definitions and Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3.1 Digression: Quaternions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.4 Order and Cyclic Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5 Factor Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.5.1 Digression: Free Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.6 Abelian Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.6.1 Digression: Free Abelian Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.7 Simple Groups and Composition Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.8 Sylow Subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3 Rings 65
3.1 Definitions and Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.2 Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.3 Ideals and Factor Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.3.1 Digression: p-adic number fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.4 Irreducibility Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
1 Introduction
where the coefficients an−1 , ..., a1 , a0 ∈ Q of the “polynomial” f (x) are ratio-
nal numbers. For n = 2 we find the solutions x = λ1,2 ∈ C given by the well
known formula r
a1 a21
λ1,2 = − ± − a0 ,
2 4
and for n = 3, 4 there are similar, but more complicated formulae (to be
handled with care due to the fact that taking roots is not a unique operation,
but involves choices, and these choices have to be made in a “coherent way”
- for n = 2 this does not play any rôle).
On the other hand one can show that for any n > 0 and arbitrary complex
coefficients an−1 , ..., a0 ∈ C there is a complex solution x = λ ∈ C, and an
iterated application of that fact then leads to a factorization
f (x) = (x − λ1 ) · ... · (x − λn )
of the polynomial f (x) with (not necessarily pairwise different) complex num-
bers λ1 , ..., λn ∈ C. In particular f (x) = 0 if and only if x = λj for some
j ∈ {1, ..., n}.
Unfortunately, the proof1 that a polynomial f (x) (with complex coeffi-
cients) always has a complex zero λ ∈ C does not give an explicit formula for
the λj . Such a formula should exhibit the solutions λ1 , ..., λn as a function
of the coefficients an−1 , ..., a0 using
√ the four arithmetic operations +, −, ·, : as
well as taking r-th roots z 7→ z (with varying r ∈ N), operations which can
In fact, it turns out that the situation is even worse: There are algebraic
equations, e.g.
x5 − 4x + 2 = 0,
whose solutions can not be obtained at all from rational numbers with the
above five operations.
A sufficient and necessary criterion when the solutions of a given equation
f (x) = 0 admit such a representation has been found a little bit later by
Galois. In modern language the procedure is as follows:
First of all one does not only consider rational coefficients an−1 , ..., a0 ,
instead they may be taken from any field K, i.e. a set, where four arithmetic
operations, +, −, ·, : are defined, such that the usual computation rules apply,
e.g. K = Q, R, C, but there are even finite fields! Now for a given equation
f (x) = 0 over K, we first construct a minimal field E ⊃ K, the “splitting
field” of the polynomial f (x), over which f (x) can be written as a product
of linear factors
f (x) = (x − λ1 ) · ... · (x − λn )
with λ1 , ..., λn ∈ E. For K = Q we always can choose E ⊂ C, but in order
to understand the “structure” of the “field extension” E ⊃ K that does not
help very much. In fact, the splitting field E is determined completely by
the “base field” K and the polynomial f (x)!
Galois theory is concerned with the “symmetries” of the splitting field
E as an extension of K, i.e. the bijective maps (”automorphisms”)
σ : E −→ E ,
x σ(x)
σ(x ± y) = σ(x) ± σ(y), σ(xy) = σ(x)σ(y), σ( ) =
y σ(y)
σ|K = idK .
AutK (E) constitutes a group. In fact, AutK (E) is finite: An automorphism
σ ∈ AutK (E) maps each λi onto some λj (since necessarily σ(0) = 0 and
f (σ(x)) = σ(f (x)) because of f |K = idK ), induces thus a permutation of the
set of solutions
f (x) = g(x)h(x)
with polynomials g(x), h(x) of smaller degree with coefficients in the base
field K. In fact, any monic polynomial is the (up to order) unique product
of irreducible monic polynomials
and hence f (x) = 0 if and only if fj (x) = 0 for some j ∈ {1, ..., r}, i.e.
the union being disjoint in case the factors fj are pairwise different. Then
the zeroes of a given factor fj belong to the same class, either they are all
obtained from elements in K with our five operations or they are not. In
fact, given λ1 , λ2 ∈ N (fj ) there is an automorphism σ ∈ AutK (E) with
λ2 = σ(λ1 )!
Now the zeroes of an irreducible polynomial f (x) can be obtained from
elements in K by means of the four arithmetic operations and taking roots
if and only if the group AutK (E) is “solvable” - whatever that means. The
point here is that, since AutK (E) is a finite group, we have found a criterion,
which may be checked in a finite number of steps.
For K = Q a randomly chosen polynomial f (x) of degree n ≥ 5 is irre-
ducible and its Galois group, i.e. the group AutK (E) with the splitting field
E ⊃ K of the polynomial f (x), is not solvable. For example, that is true, if
any permutation of N (f ) is obtained as the restriction of an automorphism.
So, finally, it turns out that the situation is not very encouraging. Nev-
ertheless Galois theory remains a powerful tool in modern algebra. For ex-
ample, if a problem is studied, which depends on a base field K, it often
becomes simpler, if one replaces K with a suitable extension field E ⊃ K, a
splitting field of some polynomial f (x) with coefficients in K. For example if
we study a matrix A ∈ K n,n , we can pass to the splitting field E ⊃ K of its
characteristic polynomial. Then, in E n,n the matrix A can be transformed
into Jordan normal form, and in order to come back to some statement about
A ∈ K n,n it can be useful to know something about Galois theory.
Here is a short summary of our “kompendium”:
2. Chapter II: Rings. Commutative rings R are sets with three arith-
metic operations: Addition, subtraction and multiplication ±, · as for
example the set Z of all integers, while division in general is not always
possible. We need rings, that are not fields, mainly in order to con-
struct extensions of a given field K, but they play also an important
role in algebraic number theory (Number theory deals with the ring
Z ⊂ Q, but for a deeper understanding of Z one has to extend the no-
tion of an integer and to study rings of algebraic integers R ⊂ E, where
E ⊃ Q is a splitting field of some polynomial with rational coefficients)
and in algebraic geometry, where one investigates the set of solutions
of polynomial equations in several variables.
3. Chapter III: Field Extensions and Galois Theory. The main result
relates subgroups of AutK (E) for the splitting field E ⊃ K of some
polynomial with coefficients in K to intermediate fields of the exten-
sion E ⊃ K. As an easy application we show that in the field C of
complex numbers any polynomial can be factorized into linear polyno-
mials and present cyclotomic fields, i.e. the splitting fields over Q of
the polynomials f (x) = xn − 1, before we eventually attack our original
problem, whether the zeros of an irreducible equation f (x) = 0 can be
obtained from elements in the base field K with our five operations.
4. Appendix: Zorns lemma. Here we show how one can obtain Zorns
lemma from the so called axiom of choice. That lemma is usually
needed if one wants to show the existence of certain objects in case
one deals with uncountable sets, e.g. the existence of bases of infinite
dimensional vector spaces. An other example is this: There are no
explicit automorphisms σ ∈ AutQ (C) except the identity and complex
conjugation, but with Zorns lemma, we see that any automorphism of
a splitting field E ⊂ C of a polynomial f (x) with rational coefficients
can be extended to an automorphism of C.
2 Groups
called the “group multiplication” or “group law”, satisfying the following con-
(ab)c = a(bc) .
ea = a = ae
Notation: Often one writes G instead of (G, µ). And the number |G| is
called the order of the group G. Here we denote |M | ∈ N ∪ {∞} the
number of elements in the set M . We define powers an for a ∈ G and n ∈ N
inductively by
a0 := e, an+1 := an a,
and the associative law yields
an+m = an am .
2. There is only one inverse element a−1 for a given element a ∈ G: If ã
is a further inverse element, we have
a−n := (a−1 )n .
3. In many books for a group only the existence of a left neutral element
e, i.e. such that ea = a holds for all a ∈ G, and left inverse elements
a−1 (with e = a−1 a) is required. So the group axioms are a priori
weaker, but it turns out that they are equivalent to ours, though group
multiplication need not be “commutative”:
Example 2.4. 1. A set G := {e} with only one element e and the obvious
group multiplication constitutes a group, the trivial group.
2. With the ordinary addition of numbers as group law the set Z of all
integers forms a (commutative) group, and so do the rational, real and
complex numbers:
Q := { all rational numbers} , R := { all real numbers} and
C := { all complex numbers}.
3. A real or complex vector space V endowed with the addition of vectors
is a (commutative) group.
8. For Mn := {1, ..., n}, the group Sn := S(Mn ) is called the symmetric
group on n letters. For m ≥ n we can understand Sn as subset of
Sm by extending f ∈ Sn to fˆ ∈ Sm with fˆ(k) = k for k > n.
There are two different ways to denote a permutation f ∈ Sn , either as
a 2 × n-matrix: µ ¶
1 2 ··· n
f (1) f (2) · · · f (n)
or as product of ”cycles”: A permutation f ∈ Sn is called a cycle of
length r ≥ 2, if there are pairwise distinct numbers a1 , . . . , ar ∈ Mn ,
such that
ai+1 , if k = ai , i < r
f (k) = a1 , if k = ar .
k , otherwise
In that case we write also f = (a1 , . . . , ar ). Obviously (a1 , ..., ar ) =
(b1 , ..., bs ), iff s = r and there is a number ` ∈ N, 0 ≤ ` < r, with
aj+` , , if j + ` ≤ r
bj = .
aj+`−r , , if j + ` > r
Two cycles f = (a1 , ..., ar ), g = (b1 , ..., bs ) are called disjoint iff ai 6= bj
for all indices i = 1, ..., r, j = 1, ..., s. In that case the cycles commute:
f g = gf , but otherwise, that need not be true, e.g.:
(1, 2, 3)(1, 2) = (1, 3) 6= (2, 3) = (1, 2)(1, 2, 3) .
An arbitrary permutation can be factorized as product of pairwise
disjoint cycles, the factors being unique up to reordering (the iden-
tity “permutation” being the empty product: A “product” in a group
without factors is defined to be the neutral element.) For example the
permutation µ ¶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 7 5 4 6 3 8 1
becomes (1, 2, 7, 8)(3, 5, 6), while (1, 2, 3, 7)(4, 8) has the matrix
µ ¶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 3 7 8 5 6 1 4
We remark that Sn is abelian iff n ≤ 2, cf. the above counterexample
for n ≥ 3.
9. If G1 , ..., Gr are groups, then their cartesian product G1 × ... × Gr
endowed with the componentwise multiplication
(g1 , ..., gr )(h1 , ..., hr ) := (g1 h1 , ..., gr hr )
is again a group, the direct product of the groups G1 , ..., Gr . The
group S2 × S2 is also called ”four-group” or ”Kleins four-group”
(Felix Klein, 1849-1925).
Remark 2.5. If the group G = {e, a, b, c, ...} is finite, the group multiplica-
tion can be given in a multiplication table
e a b c ...
e e a b c ...
a a a2 ab ac ...
b b ba b2 bc ... ,
c c ca cb c2 ...
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . .
where an element in G occurs in every row and column exactly once, since
the equation
ax = b resp. xa = b
has in G a unique solution, namely x = a−1 b resp. x = ba−1 .
Two such tables are equivalent from the point of view of algebra, if one of
them is obtained from the other by exchange of letters. The corresponding
groups then are called isomorphic, cf. Def. 2.7.
Problems 2.6. 1. R: For a set M denote P(M ) its power set. Consider the following
binary operations P(M ) × P(M ) −→ P(M ) on it:
(A, B) 7→ A ∪ B, A ∩ B, A 4 B := (A \ B) ∪ (B \ A) .
Show: Aff n (K) is a group together with the composition of maps as group multi-
plication. Is Aff(K) := Aff 1 (K) commutative?
4. R: Let G := {e, a, b, c} be a set with four elements. Show that there are exactly two
different multiplication tables for a group law on G (up to exchange of letters).
9. A group is called finitely generated iff there are elements a1 , ..., ar ∈ G such that
every g ∈ G can be written g = aki11 · ... · akiss with integers k1 , ..., ks , 1 ≤ i1 , .., is ≤ r.
In that case the elements a1 , ..., ar are said to genererate the group G, or to be
generators of G (but as such they are of course not uniquely determined - there
are many different systems of generators!) If G is abelian, the defining condition
for generators a1 , ..., ar can be simplified: It is enough to require that every g ∈ G
can be written g = ak11 · ... · akr r resp., with additive notation, g = k1 a1 + ... + kr ar
with integers k1 , ..., kr ∈ Z. Show: The group Z is generated by the element 1 as
well as by 2, 3. The group (Q, +) is not finitely generated!
10. Show: The symmetric group Sn is generated by the transpositions (1, 2), ..., (1, n)
resp. by (1, 2), (2, 3), ..., (n − 1, n) resp. by (1, 2), (1, 2, 3, ..., n).
2.2 Homomorphisms
Definition 2.7. A map
ϕ : G −→ H
between two groups G and H is called a (group) homomorphism, iff
ϕ(ab) = ϕ(a)ϕ(b) ∀ a, b ∈ G.
Remark 2.8. For a group homomorphism we have always
8. The map sign : Sn −→ Q∗ , where
Y f (i) − f (j)
sign(f ) := ,
i − j
¡ Y ¢
σA (g) · sign(f ) = sign(g) · sign(f ).
A∈P2 (n)
Definition 2.10. Let G be a group and M a set. A G-action on M is a
G × M −→ M, (g, x) 7→ gx ,
satisfying the following conditions:
1. ex = x, ∀x ∈ M ,
2. g(hx) = (gh)x, ∀ g, h ∈ G, ∀ x ∈ M .
A group action is called effective if gx = x for all x ∈ M implies g = e.
2. The general linear group GLn (K) acts on K n by (A, x) 7→ Ax, where
Ax denotes the product of the matrix A with the column vector x ∈ K n .
3. The general linear group GLn (K) acts on K n,n by (A, X) 7→ AXA−1 .
4. The general linear group GLn (K) acts on the subspace Symn (K) ⊂
K n,n of all symmetric matrices by (A, X) 7→ AXAT , where AT denotes
the transposed matrix.
Definition 2.13. Let the group G act on the set M . The orbit Gx ⊂ M of
an element x ∈ M is defined as
Gx := {gx; g ∈ G}.
Example 2.14. With respect to the natural action of GLn (K) on K n there
are exactly two different orbits in K n , namely GLn (K)0 = {0} and GLn (K)x =
K n \ {0}, where x ∈ K n is an arbitrary vector 6= 0.
In general we have
Proposition 2.15. Two orbits in a set M with G-action are either equal or
disjoint. In particular M is the disjoint union of all orbits.
Remark 2.16. If there is only one orbit (which then coincides with M ), one
says that G acts transitively on M . For example, that is the case, if G acts
on itself by left translation or by right translation with the inverse element.
But for conjugation the situation is different: The orbits
κG (x) = {gxg −1 ; g ∈ G} ⊂ G
then are called conjugacy classes and two elements in the same orbit are
called conjugate. Since κG (e) = {e}, the action of G on itself by conjugation
is never transitive for a nontrivial group G. Note that a cunjugacy class κG (x)
is trivial, i.e. κG (x) = {x}, iff x commutes with all elements g ∈ G.
Z(G) := {x ∈ G; xg = gx ∀g ∈ G} .
In particular, a group G is abelian iff Z(G) = G.
Problems 2.18. 1. R: Determine all automorphisms of Klein’s four group S2 × S2 !
What about the other group (cf. Prblem 2.6.4) of order 4?
2. R: Show that every automorphism of S3 is an inner automorphism, i.e., has the
form κh with some h ∈ S3 .
3. R: Compute sign(f ) for a cycle f ∈ Sn of given length!
4. R: Assume that f ∈ Sn admits two different factorizations as product of transposi-
tions (2-cycles). Show that the numbers of factors have the same parity!
5. R: Show: Two permutations f, g ∈ Sn are conjugate iff in their respective factor-
ization as product of disjoint cycles, for any given length r ≥ 2, there are as many
cycles of length r in the factorization of g as in the factorization of f . How many
conjugacy classes are there in S5 ?
6. R: Let R∗ act on the plane R2 by t·(x, y) := (ta x, tb y) with integers a, b ∈ Z. Sketch
the orbits!
7. Classify the orbits of the GL2 (C)-action of Example 2.12.3.
8. Classify the orbits of the GL2 (R)-action of Example 2.12.4.
9. R: Show Z(Sn ) = {idMn } for n ≥ 3.
10. R: Show Z(GLn (K)) = K ∗ E with the unit matrix E of size n.
11. The group GLn+1 (K) acts in a natural way on the set
Pn (K) := {L ⊂ K n+1 a one dimensional subspace }
of all lines in K n+1 through the origin via:
GLn+1 (K) × Pn (K) −→ Pn (K), (A, L) 7→ A(L).
The set Pn (K) is also called the n-dimensional projective space over K. Determine
the kernel of the corresponding group homomorphism ϕ : GLn+1 (K) −→ S(Pn (K))!
12. A continuation of the previous problem: Using the bijection
b := K ∪ {∞} −→ P1 (K), x 7→ K(x, 1), ∞ 7→ K(1, 0)
µ ¶
a b
and writing A = compute the corresponding action
c d
b −→ K,
GL2 (K) × K b (A, x) 7→ Ax = ? .
Show that given two triples (L1 , L2 , L3 ) and (L̃1 , L̃2 , L̃3 ) of pairwise different lines
there is a matrix A ∈ GL2 (K), unique up to a nonzero scalar factor, satisfying
L̃i = A(Li ) for i = 1, 2, 3.
For K = C the set C b is nothing but the ”Riemann sphere” from complex analysis,
and the transformations z 7→ Az are called Möbius transformations (August
Ferdinand Möbius, 1790-1868).
2.3 Subgroups
Definition 2.19. Let G be a group. A non-empty subset H ⊂ G is called
a subgroup iff H is closed with respect to both, group multiplication and
a, b ∈ H =⇒ ab ∈ H , a ∈ H =⇒ a−1 ∈ H .
ϕ(G) = {ϕ(g); g ∈ G} ≤ F
ker(ϕ) := {g ∈ G; ϕ(g) = e} ≤ G ,
Proposition 2.23. A group homomorphism ϕ : G −→ F is injective iff
ker(ϕ) = {e}.
= {A ∈ GLn (R); AT A = E}
(E ∈ Rn,n denotes the unit matrix) is a subgroup of GLn (R), the
orthogonal group.
the origin. In particular, if we identify R2 with the complex plane C
and denote Rϑ the counterclockwise rotation with angle ϑ ∈ R, i.e.
Rϑ (z) := eiϑ z, we obtain
SO(2) = {Rϑ ; ϑ ∈ R} ∼
= S1 .
SO(2) · S = {Rϑ S; ϑ ∈ R}
of all reflections. Here S denotes the reflection at the real axis, i.e.
complex conjugation S(z) := z.
With C instead of R there is an analogous construction:
= {A ∈ GLn (C); AT A = E}
is a subgroup of GLn (C), the unitary group. And
8. For n ≥ 1 we consider the power map pn : C∗ −→ C∗ , z 7→ z n . Its
kernel Cn := ker(pn ) is called the group of all n-th roots of unity,
Cn = {z ∈ C; z n = 1} = {1, η, ..., η n−1 }
with η := e n .
where E denotes the identity map (or the unit matrix). We note the
Rn = E = S 2 , SRS −1 = R−1 .
Of course SRS −1 = SRS because of S 2 = E, but for systematic reasons
we prefer the expression SRS −1 , since in order to classify groups up
to isomorphy, it is important to understand how elements in the group
act on others by conjugation.
B(η) = η or B(η) = η n−1 = η. But 1, η is a basis of the real vector
space C, and thus B = E or B = S. For the matrix A that means
A = Rν or A = Rν S.
The subgroups of the additive group Z of all integers are determined in the
next proposition:
Proposition 2.25. The subgroups H ⊂ Z are the sets Zn := {kn; k ∈ Z},
where n ∈ N.
Proof. The subsets H := Zn ⊂ Z obviously are subgroups. Consider now
an arbitrary subgroup H ≤ Z. For H = {0} we have H = Z0, and for non-
trivial H there is a least positive integer n := min(H ∩ N≥1 ) in H, the subset
H being symmetric with respect to the origin: a ∈ H =⇒ −a ∈ H. Let us
show H = Zn: On the one hand n ∈ H =⇒ Zn ⊂ H, since H is a subgroup.
Now take any a ∈ H and divide a by n with remainder: a = qn + r with
q, r ∈ Z, 0 ≤ r < n. But r = a − qn ∈ H, such that because of the choice of
n ∈ H only r = 0 is possible. Hence a = qn ∈ Zn.
H(i, n) = {f ∈ Sn ; f (i) = n},
where 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
r + Zn, 0 ≤ r < n.
So a coset consists of all integers which give after division with n the
same remainder r, 0 ≤ r < n.
1. Two left (resp. right) cosets mod H are disjoint or coincide; we have
aH = bH (resp. Ha = Hb), iff a−1 b ∈ H (resp. ab−1 ∈ H).
in particular the order |H| of the subgroup H divides the order |G| of
the group G.
Proof. i) The first part is a consequence of Prop. 2.15, the second is left to
the reader as an exercise.
ii) The left translation λa : G −→ G, x 7→ ax, is bijective, and λa (H) = aH,
whence |aH| = |H| for all a ∈ G. (An analogous argument works for right
iii) follows immediately from i) and ii).
iv) The “inversion” p−1 : G −→ G, a 7→ a−1 is bijective and satisfies p−1 (aH) =
Ha−1 , hence induces a bijection G/H −→ H\G.
Gx := {g ∈ G; gx = x} .
Proposition 2.31 (Class formula). Assume the group G acts on the finite
set M . Then:
2. If Gx1 , .., Gxr are the (pairwise different) G-orbits, the “class formula”
|M | = (G : Gx1 ) + ... + (G : Gxr ) .
Corollary 2.32. Let G be a finite group group and x1 , ..., xr ∈ G a system of
representatives for the non-trivial conjugacy classes in G, i.e. every conju-
gacy class with more than one element is of the form κG (xi ) and the κG (xi )
are pairwise distinct. Then we have
Proof. The order |G| and the indices (G : Gxi ), i = 1, ..., r, are divisible with
p, hence so is the order |Z(G)| of the center, in particular |Z(G)| > 1.
are called quaternions; they have been found by William Rowan Hamil-
ton (1805-1865) - of course not in this form, but instead using a basis like
E, I, J, K below. For the second equality we refer to Example 2.24.6; as a
consequence we see that H is even closed with respect to matrix multiplica-
tion and that all non-zero quaternions A ∈ H are invertible, but note that
H ⊂ C2,2 is not a complex vector subspace! In fact
with the unit matrix E ∈ C2,2 and the matrices I, J, K of Example 2.24.12.
There is more structure on the vector space H: We have a conjugation:
H −→ H, A 7→ A∗ := A
and the inner product
σ : H × H −→ R, (A, B) 7→ σ(A, B) := trace(AB ∗ ).
It satisfies
σ(AB, C) = σ(A, CB ∗ ),
and the corresponding norm
p p
|A| = σ(A, A) = det(A)
is multiplicative, i.e.
S3 = {A ∈ H; |A| = 1} = SU (2).
H = Re(H) ⊕ Im(H)
Re(H) := {A ∈ H; A∗ = A} = R · E
Im(H) := {A ∈ H; A∗ = −A} = R · I + R · J + R · K ∼
= R3 .
A2 = −|A|2 · E, ∀ A ∈ Im(H),
of Im(H). From that and A2 = −E = B 2 we easily derive that {±E, ±A, ±B, ±C}
with C := AB is a group isomorphic to the quaternion group Q.
First of all AB, BA ∈ Im(H) = E ⊥ , since for example σ(AB, E) =
σ(A, B ∗ ) = −σ(A, B) = 0. Hence
SU (2) = S3 = {A ∈ H; |A| = 1}
SU (2) −→ SO(3).
In fact, it is onto and has the kernel {±E}: Write A = cos(ϑ)E+sin(ϑ)B with
a matrix B ∈ Im(H) and 0 ≤ ϑ ≤ π. Take C ∈ Im(H) orthogonal to B and
D := BC. Then E, B, C, D is an ON-basis for H and {±E, ±B, ±C, ±D} ⊂
S3 is isomorphic to the quaternion group Q. An explicit calculation now
shows that
ACA∗ = cos(2ϑ)C + sin(2ϑ)D, ADA∗ = − sin(2ϑ)C + cos(2ϑ)D
while AAA∗ = A implies ABA∗ = B. With other words X 7→ AXA∗ is a
rotation round the axis R · B ⊂ Im(H). From this it follows immediately
that any transformation in SO(3) can be written in the above form and that
X 7→ AXA∗ is the identity iff ϑ = 0, π resp. A = ±E.
There is also a similar description for SO(4): We consider the action
SU (2)2 × H −→ H, ((A, B), X) 7→ AXB ∗ .
It induces a surjective homomorphism
SU (2)2 −→ SO(4)
with kernel {±(E, E)}, namely: If F : H −→ H is an isometry, consider
G : H −→ H with G(X) := F (E)−1 · F (X). Then G(E) = E implies
G(Im(H)) = Im(H), and we find as above a matrix B ∈ SU (2) with G(X) =
BXB ∗ . Finally take A := F (E)B ∈ S3 = SU (2). On the other hand if
AXB ∗ = X for all X, then X = E gives us AB ∗ = E resp. B = A and we
may proceed as above.
Problems 2.33. 1. R: Show: If a, b ∈ Z are integers and gcd(a, b) = 1, one has
Za + Zb = Z, in particular 1 can be written in the form 1 = ra + sb with integers
r, s ∈ Z.
2. R: Determine all subgroups of S3 , Q, C2 × C2 , D4 !
3. R: Show that the subgroups of Cn are the groups Cm with m|n. Hint: Consider
the homomorphism ϕa : Z −→ Cn , n 7→ an with a := e n .
4. R: Let G be a group and a ∈ G, η := e n . Show: There is a homomorphism
ϕ : Cn −→ G with ϕ(η) = a, iff an = 1.
5. R: Show: Aut(C2 × C2 ) ∼
= S3 .
6. Compute Aut(Q)!
7. Show that the ”Möbius-action”
b −→ C,
GL2 (C) × C b
8. Show that for the Möbius action on triplets
the stabilizer of any triplet (L1 , L2 , L3 ) ∈ P1 (K)3 with pairwise different lines Li ⊂
K 2 is K ∗ · E ≤ GL2 (K), see also Problem 2.18.11.
9. Show that SL2 (Z) := SL2 (Q) ∩ Z2,2 is a subgroup of SL2 (Q).
10. Show that O(n) = Sym(Bn ), i.e. O(n) is the symmetry group of the closed unit
ball Bn := {x ∈ Rn ; ||x|| ≤ 1}.
11. R: Show: Every group is isomorphic to a subgroup of a permutation group S(M )
with a suitable set M .
12. R: Let G be a group. Show that a non-empty set H ⊂ G is a subgroup iff ab−1 ∈ H
for all a, b ∈ H.
13. R: Let H1 , H2 ⊂ G be subgroups of the group G. Show: The union H1 ∪ H2 ⊂ G
is again a subgroup iff H1 ⊂ H2 or H2 ⊂ H1 .
14. Show: A finitely generated subgroup H of Q can be generated by one element only,
i.e. H = Za with some a ∈ Q.
15. Show that the following statements for a group G are equivalent:
(a) Every subgroup H ⊂ G is finitely generated.
(b) Each increasing sequence H1 ⊂ H2 ⊂ ... of subgroups Hn ⊂ G becomes
constant, i.e. there is n0 ∈ N with Hn = Hn0 for n ≥ n0 .
(c) Every set A, whose elements are (certain) subgroups of G, has (at least) one
maximal element H0 ∈ A, i.e. A 3 H ⊃ H0 =⇒ H = H0 .
16. Let P ⊂ R3 be a regular tetrahedron or a cube with the origin as barycenter. Is
Sym(P ) isomorphic to one of the groups you have encountered up to now?
aZ := {an ; n ∈ Z} ≤ G
In order to understand cyclic groups we need the notion of the order of an
element a ∈ G:
3. ord(a) = | aZ |.
Corollary 2.38. Theorem of Lagrange (Joseph Louis Lagrange, 1736 -
1813) Let G be a finite group. Then the order ord(a) of any element a ∈ G
divides the group order |G|, or with other words
a|G| = e
aH · bH = abH,
and it looks like we have succeeded in making G/H a group, taking the RHS
as a definition of the LHS. But unfortunately, there is the following problem:
The elements a and b are by no means distinguished representatives of the
cosets aH and bH, and we have to show that the right hand side depends
only on aH and bH, i.e. does not change if we replace a and b with other
representatives ã = ah1 and b̃ = bh2 , where h1 , h2 ∈ H.
On the other hand if in some given situation the above definition works,
then the subgroup H ⊂ G is the kernel of the group homomorphism % : G −→
G/H, and subgroups realized as the kernel of a suitable group homomorphism
turn out to be “normal”:
Hence we could also have required aHa−1 = H for all a ∈ G, but the
given condition is a priori easier to check.
4. A subgroup H ≤ G of index (G : H) = 2 is normal, since for a ∈ G \ H
we have aH = G \ eH = G \ He = Ha.
5. The kernel ker(ϕ) of a group homomorphism ϕ : G −→ F is a nor-
mal subgroup, since h ∈ ker(ϕ) =⇒ ϕ(aha−1 ) = ϕ(a)ϕ(h)ϕ(a−1 ) =
ϕ(a)eϕ(a)−1 = e, i.e. aha−1 ∈ ker(ϕ).
6. Note that E £ H £ G does not imply E £ G. For example G = D2m
has the abelian center H = Z(D2m ) = {E, Rm , S, SRm } £ G (indeed
H∼= C2 × C2 ), but E = S Z = {E, S} £ H is not a normal subgroup of
D2m for m > 2.
Hence H has to be a normal subgroup, in order to have on G/H a natural
group structure. Luckily that is the only condition needed:
Proposition 2.43. If H is a normal subgroup of the group G, then
aH · bH := abH
aH · bH := abH
We leave the proof as an exercise to the reader.
Notation: If it is clear from the context which groups G and H are involved,
we usually write a instead of aH.
Zn := Z/Zn
additively, i.e.
G/E ∼=
−→ G/H, aE(H/E) 7→ aH.
G̃ ∼
6= G. In order to avoid such counterexamples let us assume that H £ G
admits a complementary subgroup F ≤ G, i.e. such that the composition
F ,→ G −→ G/H
of the inclusion F ,→ G and the coset map G −→ G/H is an isomorphism.
Then the map
H × F −→ G, (h, f ) 7→ hf
is bijective, but unfortunately only a group homomorphism if f h = hf holds
for all f ∈ F, h ∈ H.
For example take G := S3 and H := hZ ∼ = Z3 , F := g Z ∼
= Z2 with the 3-
cycle h := (1, 2, 3) and the transposition g := (1, 2). Then G ∼
6= H × F , since
∼ ∼
H × F = C3 × C2 = C6 is abelian. In fact, the information lost when passing
from G to H, G/H is the way how the complementary subgroup F ⊂ G acts
on the normal subgroup H by conjugation, i.e. the homomorphism
σ : F −→ Aut(H), f 7→ κf |H .
If σ ≡ idH , then G ∼
= H × F . Otherwise we can reconstruct G from H, F
and σ as follows:
Definition 2.48. Let F, H be groups and σ : F −→ Aut(H), f 7→ σf := σ(f )
a group homomorphism. Then the group
H ×σ F := (H × F, µ := µσ ), where µσ ((h, f ), (h0 , f 0 )) := (hσf (h0 ), f f 0 )
is called the semidirect product of H and F with respect to the homomor-
phism σ.
2. Let G be a group and F, H ⊂ G subgroups, H normal. If the restriction
%|F : F −→ G/H of the coset map % : G −→ G/H is an isomorphism
and we take σ : F −→ Aut(H) with σf := κf |H : H −→ H, h 7→ f hf −1 ,
then ∼
H ×σ F −→ G, (h, f ) 7→ hf
is a group isomorphism.
3. Let us now consider the case that G/H is cyclic: G/H = aZ . Take
F := aZ ∼ = Zn , i.e. n = 0, if ord(a) = ∞ and n = ord(a) otherwise
(where Z0 ∼ = Z). Define d ∈ N by H ∩ F = (ad )Z , where we may
assume that d|n. The homomorphism σ : F −→ Aut(H) is defined by
σa` := (κa |H )` with the restriction κa |H : H −→ H of the conjugation.
We remark that κna = κan = idH as well as κa (ad ) = ad . Finally we
obtain an isomorphism
(H ×σ F )/(a−d , ad )Z −→ G, (h, a` ) 7→ ha` .
The corresponding abstract construction starts with a group H, natural
numbers d, n ∈ N with d|n and a group isomorphism ψ : H −→ H
(playing the rôle of κa |H ), such that ψ n = idH , furthermore an element
h0 ∈ H (corresponding to ad ∈ H) with ψ(h0 ) = h0 . The rôle of F
is played by the (additive) group Zn . Let now σ : Zn −→ Aut(H) be
the homomorphism with σk = ψ k . The cyclic subgroup (h−1 0 , d)
(H ×σ Zn ) is normal, and the group we associate to these data is
(H ×σ Zn )/(h−1 Z
0 , d) .
where σ : Z4 −→ Aut(C4 ) is determined by σ1 = ψ = p−1 and h0 =
−1 ∈ C4 .
Example 2.53. 1. A group admits a generator system with only one el-
ement iff it is cyclic.
3. The cyclic group Cn of all n-th roots of unity is generated by e2πi/n , i.e.
Cn = he2πi/n i.
4. The dihedral group Dn satisfies
Dn = hR, Si
with the counterclockwise rotation R(z) = e2πi/n z and the reflection
S(z) = z at the real axis.
5. The quaternion group Q satisfies
Q = hI, Ji.
2. For the dihedral group Dn = hR, Si we have the relations
Rn = E, S 2 = E, SRS −1 = R−1 .
I 4 = E, J 2 = I 2 , JIJ −1 = I 3 .
Hence given a set M with more than one element, it is not at all clear
whether there is a group F ⊃ M freely generated by M , but if it exists, it is
unique up to isomorphy:
Remark 2.57. Let Fi ⊃ M be groups freely generated by M for i = 1, 2
and ϕi : M ,→ Fi the inclusion. Then ϕ̂2 : F1 −→ F2 is an isomorphism. In
order to see that we apply the universal mapping property for (F2 , M ) to the
inclusion ϕ1 : M ,→ F1 and obtain the extension ϕ̂1 : F2 −→ F1 . Since both
ϕ̂1 ◦ ϕ̂2 and idF1 extend the identity idM , we get ϕ̂1 ◦ ϕ̂2 = idF1 , and in the
same way, ϕ̂2 ◦ ϕ̂1 = idF2 .
Fortunately we have:
ι : F (M ) −→ G
is onto, hence G ∼= F (M )/H with the normal subgroup H := ker(b ι). Thus
in order to describe G up to isomorphy it suffices to determine a system of
generators for the subgroup H. But since H £ G is a normal subgroup it is
enough to give a system of generators of H as a normal subgroup: Given a
subset R ⊂ F (M ) we denote N (R) £ F (M ) the smallest normal subgroup
of F (M ) containing R; in fact
N (R) = N .
R⊂N £F (M )
Hence in order to describe a group G completely one gives a set M ⊂ G
of generators and a set R ⊂ F (M ), such that H = N (R) respectively
= F (M )/N (R) .
R := {Rn , S 2 , SRSR} ⊂ F (M ).
M −→ M −1 , b 7→ b−1
Hence, if A := M ∪ M −1 , then A −→ A, a 7→ a−1 is a permutation of A
interchanging M and M −1 . Set
W (A) := {e, (a1 , ..., ar ); a1 , ..., ar ∈ A, r ∈ N>0 },
so the elements in W (A) are finite sequences, whose elements belong to A
(they are also called ”words” in the ”alphabet” A), and e denotes the empty
sequence (word). Words can be composed by concatenation and be simplified:
A simplification step looks as follows
u = (a1 , ..., ai−1 , a, a−1 , ai+2 , ..., ar ) −→ u0 = (a1 , ..., ai−1 , ai+2 , ..., ar )
with u0 = e for u = (a, a−1 ). Call a word u = (a1 , ..., ar ) reduced if it can not
be simplified to a shorter word, i.e. if ai+1 6= a−1
i for i = 1, ..., r − 1. Denote
RW (A) ⊂ W (A) the subset of all reduced words.
It is clear that any word u ∈ W (A) can be transformed into a reduced
word u0 ∈ RW (A) by a finite number of simplifications. Indeed, the resulting
reduced word depends only on u and not on the simplification steps applied:
Lemma 2.60. Let u ∈ W (A) be a word. Then there is a unique reduced
word u0 ∈ RW (A), such that u0 is the outcome of any iterated simplification
procedure leading from u to a reduced word.
Let us now derive our claim from Lemma 2.60. Set F (M ) := RW (A)
with the group law:
F (M ) × F (M ) −→ F (M ), (u, v) 7→ (uv)0 ,
where uv denotes the concatenation of the words u, v. The neutral element
is the empty word e, the element u = (a1 , ..., ar ) has the inverse (a−1
r , ..., a1 ).
Finally associativity is obtained as follows:
((uv)0 w)0 = (uvw)0 = (u(vw)0 )0 .
Namely: The left hand side is obtained from uvw by simplifying first to
(uv)0 w and then to the reduced word ((wv)0 u)0 . Now Lemma 2.60 gives
the first equality; the second one follows with an analogous argument.
Identify A = M ∪ M −1 with the one letter words in F (M ) = RW (A).
Now given a map ϕ : M −→ G extend it first to ψ : A −→ G by setting
ψ(a−1 ) := ϕ(a)−1 and then to ψ̂ : W (A) −→ G with
ψ̂((a1 , ..., ar )) := ψ(a1 ) · ... · ψ(ar ), ψ(e) = eG
where (a1 , ..., ar ) is any word. Obviously ψ̂(uv) = ψ̂(u)ψ̂(v) and ψ̂(w0 ) =
ψ̂(w). It follows immediately that ϕ̂ := ψ̂|RW (A) : F (M ) = RW (A) −→ G is
a group homomorphism.
Proof of Lemma 2.60. We do induction on the length of the word u. Assume
the word u may be reduced to the reduced words u1 and u2 . If u itself is
reduced, we obviously have u1 = u = u2 . Otherwise denote vi the result of
the first simplification on the way from u to ui . If v1 = v2 =: v, we may
apply the induction hypothesis to v and obtain u1 = u2 . Otherwise u =
(a1 , ..., ar ) and v1 = (a1 , ..., ai−1 , ai+2 , ..., ar ), v2 = (a1 , ..., aj−1 , aj+2 , ..., ar ),
where we may assume i ≤ j. Since j = i, i + 1 gives v1 = v2 , we have
i + 2 ≤ j, and then v := (a1 , ..., ai−1 , ai+2 , ..., aj−1 , aj+2 , ..., ar ) for j > i + 2
resp. v := (a1 , ..., ai−1 , aj+2 , ..., ar ) for j = i + 2 is both a simplification of v1
and v2 .
But vi being shorter than u has according to the induction hypothesis ui
as its unique reduction. Since we can obtain it via an iterated simplification
procedure through v, we have u1 = u2 .
Remark 2.61. It is not difficult to see that F (M ) ∼ = F (N ) implies |M | =
|N |. A more surprising fact is, that any subgroup H ≤ F (M ) of a free group
again is free, i.e. H ∼ = F (N ) with some set N , but that not necessarily
|N | ≤ |M |, if |M | ≥ 2.
7. Let p be a prime number. Give an example of a non-abelian group of order p3 .
Hint: Consider semidirect products Zp2 ×σ Zp and use the previous problem.
8. Let p be a prime, n ∈ N>0 . Show that
U (pn ) := {1 + kp ∈ Z∗pn ; k ∈ Z}
is a subgroup of Z∗pn of order pn−1 , and that U (pn ) is cyclic for p > 2, more precisely
U (pn ) = 1 + rp for any r 6∈ Zp.
9. Show: The permutations f : Zn −→ Zn of the form f (x) = kx + b, where k ∈ Z
and gcd(k, n) = 1 as well as b ∈ Zn constitute a subgroup of S(Zn ). Show that it is
a semidirect product Zn ×σ Z∗n ! Cf. with problem 2.62.6 and the group Aff 1 (R) in
problem 2.62.5.
10. Let σ, σ̃ : F −→ Aut(H) be group homomorphisms. Assume there are automor-
phisms ψ : F −→ F and ϕ : H −→ H, such that σ̃f = ϕσψ(f ) ϕ−1 for all f ∈ F .
Show: H ×σ̃ F ∼= H ×σ F .
11. Assume G = hai with the relations an = e, am = e, where n, m ∈ N>0 . Compute
12. Let n, m, r ∈ N>0 and G = ha, bi be the group generated by the two elements a, b
with the relations an = e = bm , ba = ar b, where n, m, r ∈ N>0 . Show |G| ≤ nm
with equality iff rm ≡ 1 mod (n). Compute the order of a and b as well as |G| in
the general case!
Hint: hai £ G and hbi −→ Aut(hai), g 7→ κg is a group homomorphism.
13. Write C2∞ := n=1 C2n as a factor group F (M )/N (R)!
14. Let M be a finite set, say |M | = n. Show F (M )/C(F (M )) ∼
= Zn . Use that in order
to conclude: F (M ) = F (N ) =⇒ |M | = |N |, where M, N denote finite sets.
15. Let M := {a, b} be a set with two elements. Set
Definition 2.63. Let G be a group. We denote T (G) ⊂ G the subset
consisting of all torsion elements, i.e. elements of finite order. For an abelian
group T (G) ≤ G is a subgroup, invariant under all automorphisms. We call
G torsion free if T (G) = {0}.
Here we have to insert a warning about the use of the word “free”: A
finitely generated free abelian group is not a group which is free (cf. 2.55),
finitely generated and abelian! In fact, a free group F (M ) is abelian if and
only if |M | ≤ 1 (then F (M ) is trivial or isomorphic to Z); and vice versa,
the finitely generated free abelian group Zn is a free group only for n = 1.
For such a group G, the number n, such that G ∼ = Zn , is called the rank
of G. It is well defined because of
Lemma 2.65. If Zr ∼
= Zs , then r = s.
Proof. If Zr ∼
= Zs , then also
(Z2 )r ∼
= Zr /2Zr ∼
= Zs /2Zs ∼
= (Z2 )s ,
2. The additive group Q is not finitely generated: If Q = Za1 + ... + Zan
with ai = pqii , pi ∈ Z, qi ∈ Z \ {0}, we would have Q ⊂ q −1 Z with
q := q1 · ... · qn . Contradiction!
Lemma 2.69. Let F be a finitely generated free abelian group and e ∈ F a
primitive element (or ”vector”), i.e.
e = λw, λ ∈ Z, w ∈ F =⇒ λ = ±1.
F0 × Z −→ F, (u, k) 7→ u + ke
H0 × Zq −→ H.
Since H 6⊂ qF , there is a vector v0 = µe0 ∈ H0 with µ 6∈ Zq and primitive
e0 ∈ F0 . Now apply Lemma 2.68 once again and obtain a projection π0 :
F0 −→ Z with π0 (e0 ) = 1. Then π̃ := π0 + idZ : F0 × Z −→ Z is a projection
with µ, q ∈ π̃(H), in particular π(H) = Zq $ π̃(H), a contradiction.
Proof of 2.67. We use induction on n. Take q ≥ 1 maximal with H ≤ qF .
We apply Lemma 2.71 to H ≤ qF and find a primitive vector e ∈ F with
qe ∈ H (the primitive vectors in qF are of the form qe with primitive e ∈ F ).
Choose a projection π : F −→ Z with π(e) = 1 and define F0 ≥ H0 as in the
proof of 2.71. By the induction hypothesis H0 ≤ F0 satisfies 2.67, so we find
numbers q2 , ..., qn with the given properties. Set q1 := q and note that q|q2
because of H0 ≤ qF0 .
As a corollary we obtain the classification of all finitely generated abelian
Theorem 2.72. Fundamental Theorem on finitely generated abelian
groups: A finitely generated abelian group G is isomorphic to a finite direct
product of cyclic groups:
= Zq1 × ... × Zqn ,
where Z0 := Z and the natural numbers q1 , ..., qn ∈ N \ {1} satisfy one of the
following two conditions:
1. The number qi divides qi+1 for i = 1, ..., n − 1.
2. All qi > 0 are prime powers.
The numbers q1 , ..., qn are unique in case 1) and unique up to order in
case 2). (PS: The number n need not be the same in both cases!).
If we apply the above theorem to G := F/H in Th. 2.67, we see that the
numbers q1 , ..., qn there are uniquely determined by H ≤ F .
Proof. Existence: 1.) Let us start with the first case: We have G ∼
= Zn /H
with a subgroup H ⊂ Z as in Th.2.67; hence
Z × ... × Z ∼
= = Zq1 × ... × Zqn ,
q1 Z × ... × qn Z
where we of course may assume qi 6= 1 for i = 1, ..., n.
2.) We use the first part and apply the below Chinese remainder theorem
to all q = qi > 1.
Proposition 2.73 (Chinese Remainder Theorem). Let q = pk11 · ... · pkr r be
the prime factorization of q ∈ Z (p1 , .., pr pairwise distinct). Then
Tm (G) := {a ∈ G; ma = 0}.
containing the maps f : M −→ Z, which are non-zero only on a finite subset
of M is called the free abelian group generated by M . If for a ∈ M , we
denote χa the map χa (x) = δax , any f ∈ Z[M ] can uniquely be written
f= na χa
with na := f (a). Formally, the above sum is infinite, and as such not well
defined in the framework of algebra, but since na = 0 for only finitely many
a ∈ M , one can define
na χa := na χa .
a∈M a,na 6=0
2. R: Let H ⊂ Z2 be the subgroup generated by (a, b), (c, d) ∈ Z. Write the factor
group Z2 /H as in Th.2.72!
3. Show that Aut(Zn ) ∼= GLn (Z) := {A ∈ Zn,n , det(A) = ±1}. Furthermore for
A ∈ Z , det A 6= 0, that the index of the subgroup A(Zn ) ⊂ Zn is | det A|.
4. R: Write the groups Z∗n , cf. 2.62.6, for n = 13, 16, 25, 72, 624 as a direct product
of cyclic groups as in Th.2.72! Hint: The “Chinese remainder isomorphism” 2.73
induces an isomorphism Z∗q −→ Z∗k1 × ... × Z∗pkr for q = pk11 · ... · pkr r .
p1 r
5. Show: Z∗4 ∼
= Z2 and Z∗2n ∼
= Z2 × Z2n−2 for n > 2. More precisely
∗ ∼
Z2n =< −1 > × < 1 + 4r > with any odd number r ∈ Z.
6. Show that T (G) ⊂ G in general does not have a complementary subgroup F ⊂ G ,
i.e. such that F −→ G −→ G/T (G) is an isomorphism.
Then f = (i, j)(j, k)(j, k)(k, `) = (i, j, k)(j, k, `). The second non-trivial
case is f = (i, j)(j, k) with three pairwise different numbers i, j, k. Then
f = (i, j, k) is itself a 3-cycle!
3.) Finally we show that a non-trivial normal subgroup N ⊂ An contains a
3-cycle. We take any f ∈ N \ {id}. If it already is a 3-cycle, we are done.
Otherwise we consider the elements h := f κg (f −1 ) ∈ N for g ∈ An . We
rewrite f κg (f −1 ) = κf (g)g −1 and choose g as a 3-cycle g = (a, b, c), such
that κf (g) = (f (a), f (b), f (c)). We distinguish three cases:
a) If f contains a cycle (i, j, k, `, ...)...(...) of length at least 4, we take
g = (i, j, k) and obtain κf (g) = (j, k, `), g −1 = (k, j, i) and h = (i, `, j).
b) If f = (i, j, k)(`, m, ...)...(...) contains a 3-cycle, we take g = (i, j, `)
and obtain κf (g) = (j, k, m), g −1 = (`, j, i) and h = (i, `, k, m, j), hence can
apply the case a) with h instead of f .
c) If f = (i, j)(k, `)...(...) contains two 2-cycles, we choose m different
from i, j, k, ` and take g = (i, k, m) and obtain κf (g) = (j, `, f (m)), g −1 =
(m, k, i) and then have the following possibilities for h: If f (m) = m, then
h = (i, j, `, m, k), so we may apply the case a) with h instead of f . Otherwise
h = (j, `, f (m))(m, k, i) and we may again apply the case b) with h instead
of f .
Remark 2.78. The classification of all finite simple groups was a great
challenge; in fact, it has been completed only so late as in the early 1980-
ies: There are 17 series of finite simple groups, the first one consisting of
the alternating groups An , n ≥ 5. The remaining 16 series contain the simple
groups of “Lie type”: Given a finite field F (cf. section 4.5), their construction
is analogous to that of simple real or complex Lie groups (Marius Sophus Lie,
1842 - 1899) with F replacing R resp. C: They are realized as factor groups
of subgroups of the general linear group GLn (F) over the finite field F. The
first of these 16 series is discussed in Theorem 4.57. Eventually, there are 26
“sporadic” simple groups, which do not fit in one of the above 17 series. For
more detailed information see [3].
Now let us consider an arbitrary finite group G and study, how we can
find the simple groups it is “composed” of. That is done using the notion of
a “composition series”:
Definition 2.79. Let G be a group. A normal series is a finite increasing
sequence of subgroups
G0 = {e} ⊂ G1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Gr = G ,
such that Gi ⊂ Gi+1 is a normal subgroup of Gi+1 for all i < r. The successive
factor groups Gi+1 /Gi for i = 0, .., r − 1 are called the factors of the normal
A composition series is a strictly increasing normal series with simple
Every finite group G admits a composition series, as one proves by in-
duction on the group order: Choose a maximal proper normal subgroup H.
Then H has by induction hypothesis such a composition series and we can
extend it with G, since G/H is simple.
In fact the multiplicity of a simple group as a factor of a composition
series of a given group G depends only on G itself, i.e. is independent of the
actual composition series:
Proposition 2.80. Theorem of Jordan-Hölder (Camille Jordan, 1838-
1922, and Otto Hölder, 1859-1937) Let G be a finite group and {e} = G0 ⊂
G1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Gr = G as well as {e} = H0 ⊂ H1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Hs = G composition
series. Then s = r and there is a permutation f ∈ Sr , such that for j = f (i)
we have
Gi /Gi−1 ∼
= Hj /Hj−1 .
Proof. We forget about the condition that a composition series be strictly
increasing and prove the statement for normal series with simple factors, but
of given length - we may extend the shorter series by adding terms {e} or G.
This gives our theorem, since the trivial group then has the same multiplicity
in both sequences.
Assume first r = s = 2. Then our composition series are of the form
{e} ⊂ E ⊂ G and {e} ⊂ F ⊂ G with simple normal subgroups E, F ⊂ G
and simple G/E, G/F . If G itself is simple or F = E, nothing remains to be
shown. Otherwise we have w.l.o.g. E ∩ F ( F . But then, F being simple,
the proper normal subgroup E ∩ F is trivial. Now consider the injective
homomorphism E ,→ G −→ G/F : Its image is a normal non-trivial subgroup
of G/F , since E ⊂ G is normal, hence the entire group, i.e. E ∼ = G/F . By
symmetry we have F ∼ = G/E as well.
In the general case we consider the groups
Gij := Gi ∩ Hj ⊂ G
and composition series of length r + s starting with G00 and ending with Grs
and inclusion steps
Gij ⊂ Gi+1,j or Gij ⊂ Gi,j+1 .
Then the composition series
G00 ⊂ G01 ⊂ ... ⊂ G0s ⊂ G1s ⊂ .... ⊂ Grs
has the same non-trivial(!) factors as H0 ⊂ H1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Hs resp. G0 ⊂ G1 ⊂
... ⊂ Gr , and the first one can be connected to the second one by a chain of
composition series of length r + s, such that two successive series differ only
in two successive inclusions:
is replaced with
Gij ⊂ Gi,j+1 ⊂ Gi+1,j+1 .
But then it is clear from our initial argument that the two successive com-
position series have the same simple factors taken with multiplicities.
If all the simple factors of a finite group are cyclic, it can successively be
obtained from cyclic groups using the construction step described in 2.49.3.
Such groups are called “solvable”:
Definition 2.81. A group G is called solvable if it has a normal series with
abelian factors.
In fact we have:
Lemma 2.82. A finite group G is solvable if and only if all its simple factors
are cyclic of prime order.
Proof. The non-trivial implication is as follows: Take a normal series with
abelian factors Gi+1 /Gi , i = 1, ..., r − 1. For each factor of that normal series
take a series with simple factors
and then refine the original normal series by inserting the subgroups %−1 i+1
i+1 (Hj ), j =
0, ..., si+1 for i = 1, ..., r − 1. Here %i+1 : Gi+1 −→ Gi+1 /Gi denotes the coset
map. As a consequence of 2.47 the simple factors of G are, counted with
multiplicities, exactly the simple factors of the Gi+1 /Gi , i = 1, ..., r − 1.
Remark 2.83. 1. Abelian groups are solvable.
4. A group G of order |G| < 60 is solvable. This can be seen using the
results of the next section.
In fact, all finite groups of odd order are solvable, as conjectured 1902
by Burnside (William Burnside, 1852-1927) and proved 1963 by Feit and
Thompson (Walter Feit, 1930- , John Griggs Thompson, 1932- ).
Problems 2.86. 1. R: For G = Cpq with different primes p, q determine all composi-
tion series!
Definition 2.87. A subgroup H ⊂ G of a finite group G is called a p-Sylow-
subgroup (Peter Ludvig Mejdell Sylow, 1832-1918), if |H| is the maximal
p-power dividing |G|.
Theorem 2.88. Let G be a finite group. For every prime p dividing the
group order |G|, there is a p-Sylow-subgroup.
3. The number of p-Sylow-subgroups divides the group order |G| and has
the form 1 + kp with a natural number k ∈ N.
Proof. The first two parts are an immediate consequence of the following
fact: Given a p-Sylow subgroup H ⊂ G and a p-subgroup F ⊂ G, there is
an a ∈ G with F ⊂ κa (H): Denote Sylp (G) the set of all p-Sylow subgroups
of G. The group G acts by conjugation on Sylp (G):
and denoted NG (H). Obviously NG (H) = GH contains H - indeed NG (H)
is the largest subgroup of G containing H as normal subgroup - , hence
its index (G : GH ) is not divisible with p. We consider now the induced
F -action F × Sylp (G) −→ Sylp (G) (i.e., obtained by restriction): The G-
orbit κG (H) ⊂ Sylp (G) of H ∈ Sylp (G) then is a disjoint union of F -orbits
κF (Hi ), i = 1, ..., r with Hi = κai (H), and the number of elements in such
an F -orbit is some p-power = pri = (F : FHi ). If ri > 0 for all i, then
|κG (H)| = (G : GH ) is divisible with p. So there is an F -orbit consisting
only of one element, say H1 . With other words, F normalizes H1 , and thus
F H1 := {f h1 ; f ∈ F, h1 ∈ H1 } ⊂ G
is a subgroup satisfying
(F H1 )/H1 ∼
= F/(F ∩ H1 )
with an isomorphism induced by the homomorphism F ,→ F H1 −→ (F H1 )/H1 ,
the composite of the inclusion and the factor map.
As a consequence it is as a factor group of the p-group F again a p-group,
but on the other side also H1 is p-group, and thus F H1 as well because of
|F H1 | = |H1 | · |(F H1 )/H1 | = |H1 | · |F/(F ∩ H1 )|. Since |H1 | is the maximal
p-power dividing |G|, it follows that H1 = F H1 resp. F ⊂ H1 with the
p-Sylow-subgroup H1 = κa1 (H).
In particular G acts transitively on Sylp (G) and therefore |Sylp (G)| = (G :
GH ) is a divisor of |G|, where H ∈ Sylp (G) is arbitrary. But a p-Sylow-
subgroup F instead of G acts no longer transitively because of κF (F ) = {F },
while according to the above reasoning the remaining F -orbits contain more
than one element: Since the number of elements in such an orbit is a p-power
pr , r > 0, we have shown 3).
As an application we prove:
Theorem 2.90. A non-abelian simple group G of order |G| ≤ 60 is isomor-
phic to the alternating group on 5 letters: G ∼
= A5 . In particular, a group G
of order |G| ≤ 60 is either solvable or isomorphic to A5 .
Proof. First, given a group G of non-prime order |G| < 60 we hunt for a
non-trivial normal proper subgroup H ⊂ G, then consider the case |G| = 60:
Proposition 2.91. Let p, q be different prime numbers. Then any group of
order pq or pq 2 has a normal Sylow subgroup.
Proof. Let us first consider the case p < q. Then the number of q-Sylow
subgroups is of the form 1 + nq, and we want to show n = 0. Since on the
other hand 1 + nq divides |G| = pq 2 or = pq, we obtain (1 + nq)|p, but
that is obviously possible only for n = 0. Secondly, if p > q, we denote
1 + np the number of p-Sylow subgroups of G. Now we get (1 + np)|q 2 , i.e.,
1 + np = 1, so n = 0, or 1 + np = q (but that is absurd!) or 1 + np = q 2 .
Thus p|(q 2 − 1) = (q + 1)(q − 1), whence p|(q + 1) or rather p = q + 1,
i.e., q = 2, p = 3, in particular |G| = 12. We now assume that a 2-Sylow
subgroup H ⊂ G is not normal and show that then there is exactly one (and
hence normal) 3-Sylow subgroup: Take a conjugate H 0 . Since |H ∩ H 0 | ≤ 2,
we have at least 5 elements of order 2 or 4 in G, hence at most 6 elements
of order 3. As a consequence, there are not more than 3 different 3-Sylow
subgroups. On the other hand, there are 1 + 3n such subgroups; so n = 0 is
the only remaining possibility.
Hence the cases still to be considered are |G| = 24, 30, 36, 40, 42, 48, 54, 56.
We remark first, that if p, but not p2 , divides G, and H ⊂ G is a non-normal
p-Sylow subgroup, then G contains at least (p + 1)(p − 1) = p2 − 1 elements
of order p.
When looking at the cases |G| = 24, 36, 48, 60 we shall encounter the
following situation: Let F ⊂ G be a subgroup. Denote
X := κG (F ) = {κg (F ); g ∈ G}
m := |X| = [G : NG (F )] ≤ [G : F ]
(2) π : G −→ S(X) ∼
= Sm , g 7→ πg
πg : X −→ X, H 7→ κg (H).
Eventually we come to the case |G| = 60:
Proposition 2.96. A simple group G of order |G| = 60 is isomorphic to the
alternating group on 5 letters: G ∼
= A5 .
Problems 2.97. 1. R: Determine all Sylow-subgroups of S3 , Dn , S4 , A4 !
2. R: Show: A group G of order |G| = 15 is cyclic.
3. Let G be a group of order |G| = 12. Show: There is a normal p-Sylow-subgroup in
G (p = 2 or p = 3). Then G is isomorphic with a semidirect product. Classify now
all groups of order 12.
4. R: Show: If all Sylow-subgroups of a finite group G are normal, then G is isomorphic
with the direct product of its Sylow-subgroups. Hint: If H, F ⊂ G are different
Sylow-subgroups, we have H ∩ F = {e}. Conclude ab = ba for all a ∈ H, b ∈ F
because of F 3 (aba−1 )b−1 = a(ba−1 b−1 ) ∈ H.
3 Rings
3.1 Definitions and Examples
Definition 3.1. A ring is a triple (R, α, µ), with a set R together with two
α : R × R −→ R, (a, b) 7→ a + b := α(a, b) ,
the “addition”, and
µ : R × R −→ R, (a, b) 7→ ab := µ(a, b) ,
1a = a = a1 , ∀a ∈ R .
ab = ba , ∀a, b ∈ R .
2. The above axioms ensure that the arithmetic in a ring R is “more
or less” the familiar one: To be on the safe side let us mention the
following rules:
holds, since a = 1 · a = (1 + 0)a = a + 0 · a and
(−1)a = a(−1) = −a
ab = 0
1 + ... + 1 = 0 .
So we should actually derive all computation rules we use from the ring
Example 3.3. 1. The sets R = Z, Q, R, C with the usual addition and
multiplication of integers resp. rational, real or complex numbers are
2. The factor groups Zn , cf. 2.26, constitute rings with their group law
as addition a + b = a + b and the multiplication āb̄ := ab. We have
to check that the multiplication is well defined, since then the axioms
R1 − R5 carry over from Z to Zn . So let a1 = a, b1 = b, i.e. a1 =
a + kn, b1 = b + `n with integers k, ` ∈ Z. Then we obtain a1 b1 =
(a + kn)(b + `n) = ab + (a` + bk + k`n)n resp. a1 b1 = ab.
4. If M is any set and R a ring, so is the set
RM := {f : M −→ R}
The ring R[[T ]] is called the power series ring in one variable
over R, and the elements areP∞usually,ν in analogy to the above equality
written as ”formal series” ν=0 aν T corresponding to the sequences
(aν ). But since we do not have the notion of an infinite sum, this is a
priori nothing but a notational convention, and only in the finite case
it can be interpreted as a sum in a ring.
6. The polynomial ring R[T ] in one variable over a ring R is the
R[T ] := { aν T ν ; n ∈ N, a0 , ..., an ∈ R} ⊂ R[[T ]] ,
X X XX ν
ν ν
( aν T )( bν T ) = ( ak bν−k )T ν .
ν ν ν k=0
P polynomial f ∈ R[T ] is called monic if it has the form f = T n +
ν<n aν T .
The division algorithm for polynomials plays a central role in the arithmetics
of a polynomial ring:
f = qg + r
(q − q̃)g = (r̃ − r) .
Now the polynomial on the right hand side has a degree < n, while for
q − q̃ 6= 0 the left hand side has at least degree n (since g is monic). Hence
q = q̃ and then of course also r = r̃.
Existence: We do induction on deg(f ): For deg(f ) < n we take q = 0 and
r = f.
If deg(f ) =: m ≥ n, say f = bm T m + ... + b0 , we consider the polynomial
f˜ := f − bm T m−n g. Being of a degree < deg(f ), the induction hypothesis
provides q̃, r̃ with
f˜ = q̃g + r̃
and deg(r̃) < n. Finally choose q := q̃ + bm T m−n , r := r̃.
R∗ := {a ∈ R; ∃ a−1 ∈ R : aa−1 = 1} ,
Note that R∗ is a (multiplicatively written) abelian group.
Example 3.8. 1. Units are are nonzero divisors, in particular fields are
integral domains: If a ∈ R∗ and ab = 0, we find 0 = a−1 (ab) =
(a−1 a)b = 1b = b.
2. The rings Q, R, C are actually fields.
3. The ring Z of integers is an integral domain, but not a field: We have
Z∗ = C2 = {±1}.
4. In a finite ring R nonzero divisors are even units: For a nonzero divisor
a ∈ R the multiplication with a, the map µa : R −→ R, x 7→ ax, is
injective, hence also surjective, R being finite. Therefore there is an
element b ∈ R with ab = 1, i.e. a ∈ R∗ .
5. A residue class ā ∈ Zn is a nonzero divisor iff gcd(a, n) = 1. Hence
according to the previous point, we obtain the equality2 :
Z∗n = {ā ∈ Zn ; gcd(a, n) = 1} .
The function ϕ : N>0 −→ N defined as
1 , if n = 1
ϕ(n) :=
|Z∗n | , if n ≥ 2
is called Eulers ϕ-function (Leonhard Euler, 1707-1783). For a prime
power n = pk we get: Nonzero divisors in Zpk are exactly the elements
in pZpk , and thus |Z∗pk | = |Zpk | − |pZpk | = pk − pk−1 = pk−1 (p − 1).
Hence we have found
ϕ(pk ) = pk−1 (p − 1) for k ≥ 1.
Proof. The ring R being an integral domain, we have
Since only the zero polynomial has degree −∞, this implies that R[T ]
is an integral domain. The inclusion R∗ ⊂ R[T ]∗ is obvious. On the
other hand the “constant” polynomial 1 has degree = 0, so the above
degree equality gives, that units have degree 0 and thus are units in R,
i.e. R[T ]∗ ⊂ R∗ .
8. In the same way as one obtains from Z the rationals one can associate
to any integral domain R a field Q(R) containing R: More generally, a
subset S ⊂ R \ {0} is called multiplicative, if 1 ∈ S and s, t ∈ S =⇒
st ∈ S. On the cartesian product R × S we define an equivalence
relation ∼ as follows
a b at + bs a b ab
+ := , · :=
s t st s t st
provide well defined (check that!) ring operations; the resulting ring
S −1 R is called the localization of R with respect to the multi-
plicative subset S. If S = R \ {0}, the localization S −1 R is actually
a field, called the field of fractions
Q(R) := (R \ {0})−1 R
9. If R is an integral domain, so is the formal power series ring R[[T ]] over
R, but in contrast to the polynomial ring R[T ] the group of units is
quite big:
R[[T ]] = {f = aν T ν ; a0 ∈ R∗ } .
where for each index ν only finitely many akν are 6= 0. So the sum
defining the coefficient aν is in fact finite!
We show now that a series f = ∞ ν
ν=0 aν T is a unit iff the coefficient
a0 is a unit in R. The condition is necessary, since (a0 + ...)(b0 + ...) =
(a0 b0 + ....) = 1 implies a0 b0 = 1. On the other hand, if a0 ∈ R∗ it of
course suffices to consider the series a−10 f , i.e. we may assume a0 = 1
and write then f = 1−g, where the series g has order ω(g) P∞≥ 1.k Then it
follows ω(g ) ≥ k, such that the geometric series h := k=0 g defines
a formal series, satisfying h(1 − g) = 1.
Problems 3.9. 1. R: An element x ∈ R in a ring ispcalled nilpotent if there is a
natural number n ∈ N with xn = 0. The set n = {0} of all nilpotent element is
called the nilradical of R. Show: 1 + n ⊂ R∗ . Hint: Geometric series!
2. R: Let K be a field. Show: R := K + T 2 K[T ] := {f = 1 + T 2 g ; g ∈ K[T ]} with
the from K[T ] induced ring operations is an integral domain with Q(R) = K(T ).
3. R: For a subset P0 ⊂ P of the set P ⊂ N of all primes denote S(P0 ) the multiplicative
subset consisting of 1 and all natural numbers, which are a product of primes in
P0 . Show: All rings R ⊂ Q (endowed with the induced ring operations) have the
form R = S(P0 )−1 Z with a suitable subset P0 ⊂ P .
4. For a ring R we define its affine linear group Aff(R) ⊂ S(R) by Aff(R) := {f ∈
S(R); ∃ a ∈ R∗ , b ∈ R : f (x) = ax + b ∀ x ∈ R}. Show: Aff(R) is a semidirect
product Aff(R) ∼ = R+ ×σ R∗ with some homomorphism σ : R∗ −→ Aut(R+ ), where
R+ denotes the ring R considered as additive group.
5. Let d ∈ N be not a square. Show that R√:= Z + Z d ⊂ R is a ring. Furthermore
that the “norm” N : R −→ Z, x = a + b d 7→ N (x) := a2 − b2 d satisfies N (xy) =
N (x)N (y) and conclude x ∈ R∗ ⇐⇒ N (x) = ±1. Assuming that there is x ∈ R \ Z
∗ ∼
√ show R = Z×Z2 as groups.
with N (x) = ±1 (that is always true, but non-trivial!)
Hint: The units x > 1 are of the form x = a + b d with a, b > 0. Conclude that
there is a smallest unit x ∈ R∗ , x > 1.
6. R: Let R ⊂ C be a ring with z ∈ R =⇒ |z|2 ∈ N, invariant under complex
conjugation, i.e. z ∈ R =⇒ z ∈ R. Determine R∗ .
7. R: Let η ∈ C \ R be a complex number with η 2 ∈ Z + Zη := {a + bη; a, b ∈ Z} ⊂ C.
Show, that Z+Zη endowed with the addition and multiplication of complex numbers
is a ring, satisfying the conditions of the ring R ⊂ C in the previous problem. (Hint:
If η 2 = a + bη, then (T − η)(T √ − η) = T 2 − aT − b.) Show that R∗ is finite! For
2πi 1
η = i, η = ε := e 3 = 2 (−1 + i 3) determine the group of units explicitly! What
does hold for the remaining rings R = Z + Zη?
8. Let K be a field. Interpret K N as a subset of K Z by extending a function N −→ K,
such that it assigns the value 0 to negative numbers in Z ⊃ N. The set K((T )) of
all ”formal Laurent series with finite principal part” consists of all functions
∈ K Z which vanish for almost all n < 0. Show that the Cauchy multiplication for
K[[T ]] = K N can be extended to K((T )) ⊂ K Z and that K((T )) is a field, the field
of fractions of K[[T ]]. Indeed
K((T )) = Q(K[[T ]]) = K[[T ]] ⊕ KT −n .
for all f, g ∈ K((T )) (The first inequality is sometimes called the strong triangle
inequality). Then d(f, g) := |f −g| is a metric (distance function) on the set K((T ))
and the resulting metric space is complete, i.e. every Cauchy sequence has a limit.
Indeed K[[T ]] = {f ∈ K((T )); |f | ≤ 1} then is nothing but the closed ball of radius
P∞ Pn
1 around 0, and any series ν=−` aν T ν = limn→∞ ν=−` aν T ν is the limit of its
partial sums - but note that this convergence is not a convergence of functions! In
K there is no notion of convergence!
3.2 Homomorphisms
Definition 3.10. Let R, S be rings. A map ϕ : R −→ S is called a ring
homomorphism iff
2. The prime field P (K) ⊂ K of a field K is defined as
P (K) := ϕ(Z),
4. Let n = pk11 · ... · pkr r be the prime factorization of the natural number
n ∈ N. The Chinese remainder theorem 2.73 provides even a ring
Zn −→ Zpk1 × ... × Zpkr r , ` = ` + Zn 7→ (` + Zpk11 , ..., ` + Zpkr r ) ,
The polynomial ring is, similarly as for example free groups, characterized
by a “universal mapping property”:
Proposition 3.15. Let ψ : R −→ S be a ring homomorphism and a ∈ S.
Then there is a unique ring homomorphism ψa : R[T ] −→ S with ψa |R = ψ
and ψa (T ) = a.
Proof. For f = aν T ν set ψa (f ) = ψ(aν )aν . Since f = 0 iff all coeffi-
cients aν = 0, the homomorphism ψa is well defined and obviously unique.
Remark 3.16. If R ⊂ S and ψ : R ,→ S is the inclusion, we also write f (a)
instead of ψa (f ), i.e.
f (a) = aν aν ∈ R , if f = aν T ν ,
2. R: Show: There is a (unique) ring homomorphism Zn −→ Zm , iff m|n.
3. R: Show for q := pn with a prime number p that Zq [T ]∗ = Z∗q + pT Zq [T ].
4. R: A universal mapping property: Let R be an integral domain and S ⊂ R \ {0} a
multiplicative subset. Show: Every ring homomorphism ψ : R −→ P to a ring P
with ψ(S) ⊂ P ∗ can uniquely be extended to a homomorphism ψ̂ : S −1 R −→ P .
5. R: Let H ⊂ R∗ be a finite subgroup of the group of units R∗ of an integral domain
R. Show: H is a cyclic group. Hint: Show first: If all elements a ∈ H have an order
< |H|, there is an exponent q < |H| with aq = 1 for all a ∈ H. Then consider the
zeros of the polynomial T q −1 ∈ R[T ]! Show as well H = Cn (R) := {a ∈ R; an = 1}
with n := |H|.
6. R: Every ring homomorphism ψ : R[T ] −→ R[T ] with ψ|R = idR has the form
ψ = ψg with a polynomial g ∈ R[T ], i.e. it is a substitution homomorphism, where
ψ(f ) is obtained by substituting T with g, i.e. ψg (f ) = f (g). Furthermore: If R is
an integral domain: ψg is an isomorphism (or automorphism) iff g = aT + b with
a ∈ R∗ , b ∈ R. Determine an isomorphism Aff(R) −→ AutR (R[T ]) between the
affine linear group Aff(R), and the group AutR (R[T ]) of all automorphisms of R[T ]
fixing the elements in the ring R.
7. A continuation of the previous problem: Show: Every ring homomorphism ψg :
R[T ] −→ R[[T ]] with a power series g ∈ T R[[T ]] extends uniquely to a ring ho-
momorphism ψ̂g : R[[T ]] −→ R[[T ]] (such that we may define substitutions even
for formal power series: f (g) := ψ̂g (f ) in case g ∈ T R[[T ]]). It is an isomor-
phism iff g ∈ R∗ T + R[[T ]]T 2 . Hint: An equality in R[[T ]] holds iff it does in
R[[T ]]/(T n ) ∼
= R[T ]/(T n ) for all n ∈ N.
8. R: Let K be a field, a1 , ..., as , b1 , ..., bs ∈ K, with the elements a1 , ..., as pairwise
distinct. Show: There is a polynomial f ∈ K[T ] with f (ai ) = bi for i = 1, ..., s.
Let K be a field and A ∈ K n,n . For f = ν aν T ν ∈ K[T ] let f (A) := a0 E +
9. P
ν n,n
ν>0 aν A ∈ K . Show:
automatically a ring structure, such that the quotient map becomes a ring
homomorphism. For an arbitrary ring this works iff a ⊂ R is an “ideal”:
a · b := ab
is a ring.
Proof. We have to show that the multiplication is well defined. So let a1 =
a, b1 = b, i.e. a1 = a + c, b1 = b + d with elements c, d ∈ a. Then we have
a1 b1 = (a + c)(b + d) = ab + (ad + bc + cd), where the expression in the
parenthesis belongs to a. Hence a1 b1 = ab.
Example 3.22. 1. The most basic ideals are the entire ring R itself, also
called the unit ideal, and the zero ideal {0}.
3. A ring R is a field iff the unit and the zero ideal are the only ideals in
5. Let a, b ⊂ R be ideals. Then also their intersection a ∩ b, their sum
a + b := {a + b; a ∈ a, b ∈ b}
as well as their product
a · b := {a1 b1 + ... + ar br ; r ∈ N, ai ∈ a, bi ∈ b, i = 1, ..., r}
are ideals. In fact
a · b ⊂ a ∩ b ⊂ a, b ⊂ a + b.
Remark 3.24. One can show that every proper ideal a ⊂ R is contained in
a maximal ideal m ⊂ R, cf. 5.7.
We may reformulate the above definition in terms of factor rings and
obtain, using Example 3.22.3, the following
Proposition 3.25. A proper ideal a ⊂ R is
1. a prime ideal iff the factor ring R/a is an integral domain.
2. a maximal ideal iff the factor ring R/a is a field.
In particular a maximal ideal is a prime ideal.
Remark 3.26. Let a ⊂ R be an ideal in the ring R. Then there is a bijective
correspondence between the set of all ideals in the factor ring R/a and the
set off all ideals in R, which contain a: To an ideal b ⊃ a we associate the
ideal %(b) ⊂ R/a, where % : R −→ R/a denotes the quotient projection. On
the other hand to c ⊂ R/a corresponds the inverse image %−1 (c) ⊂ R.
Example 3.27. 1. Since the ideals in Z are nothing but the additive
subgroups, Proposition 2.25 yields that Z is a principal ideal domain;
the maximal ideals are the ideals (p) = Zp with a prime number p ∈ N
and beside the maximal ideals there is only one prime ideal, the zero
ideal (0) = Z0.
2. If p ⊂ R is a prime ideal in the integral domain R, its complement
S := R \ p is a multiplicative set. The ring Rp := S −1 R is called the
localization of R with respect to the prime ideal p.
Now write Sf := K[T ]/(f ). Let deg(f ) ≥ 1, i.e. (f ) ⊂ K[T ] is a proper
ideal. Since according to Example 3.22.8 the composite map K ,→ K[T ] −→
Sf := K[T ]/(f ) is injective, we may regard K as a subset of Sf and hence,
for a ∈ K, may write simply a instead of a ∈ Sf . With that convention we
Sf −→ C, a0 + a1 ϑ 7→ a0 + a1 i
2. If f = T 2 − 1, let
1+ϑ 1−ϑ
e1 := , e2 := .
2 2
Then each element a0 + a1 ϑ ∈ Sf can uniquely be written as a linear
combination of e1 , e2 with real coefficients. Since ϑ2 = 1, we get the
relations e2i = ei ; i = 1, 2 and e1 e2 = 0 (Elements e in a ring with e2 = e
are called idempotent). Therefore
3. The situation becomes even worse if we take f = T 2 . Then ϑ2 = 0, i.e.
ϑ is a nonzero ”nilpotent” element in the ring Sf : An element a in a
ring is called nilpotent if there is natural number n > 0 with an = 0.
As we have seen in the preceding remark 3.29, the polynomial f ∈ K[T ] has
an obvious zero, the element ϑ = T , in the ring Sf ⊃ K. Now if a ∈ E ⊃ K
is a zero of f in any field E containing K, the evaluation homomorphism
ψa : K[T ] −→ E, g 7→ g(a) of 3.15 induces a homomorphism ψ a : Sf −→ E,
and we obtain an isomorphism
= Sf / ker(ψ a ) ∼
E ⊃ K[a] := ψa (K[T ]) ∼ = K[T ]/p
2. Two elements u, u0 ∈ R \ {0} are called associated, iff (u) = (u0 ) iff
u0 = eu with a unit e ∈ R∗ .
Proposition 3.32. An irreducible element u ∈ R in a principal ideal domain
R is prime.
Proof. We assume u|ab, and show that if u does not divide a, then it divides
b. Consider the ideal Ru + Ra := {ru + sa; r, s ∈ R}, consisting of all linear
combinations of u and a with coefficients in R. Since R is a principal ideal
domain, there is an element d ∈ R with Ru + Ra = Rd. In particular d|u,
say u = cd. But u being irreducible either c or d is a unit. If c ∈ R∗ , we
obtain, since d|a, that also u|a, a contradiction to our assumption. So d is
a unit, and therefore 1 ∈ Rd = Ru + Ra: As a consequence we may write
1 = ru + sa with elements r, s ∈ R. Now we multiply with b and find that
b = rub + s(ab) is divisible by u.
Proof. The zero ideal is prime, since R is an integral domain, but not max-
imal, R ∼= R/{0} being not a field. On the other hand, let (a) ⊂ R be a
prime ideal, a 6= 0. Then a is irreducible: Assume a = bc with non-units b, c.
So one of the factors, say b, is contained in (a), and thus (b) ⊂ (a) ⊂ (b), i.e.
b is associated to a respectively c ∈ R∗ .
It remains to show, that (a) is maximal, if a is irreducible: Consider an ideal
b containing (a). Since R is a principal ideal domain, it is of the form b = (b),
hence a ∈ (b) or a = bc with some element c ∈ R. But a being irreducible,
either b or c is a unit, with other words either (b) = R or (b) = (a).
The second part follows now from the fact that K[T ] is a principal ideal
domain and the first part.
Proposition 3.34. Every monic polynomial f ∈ K[T ] can be written uniquely
(up to order) as a product
maximal ideal, and beside the zero ideal the only prime ideal. In particular
K[[T ]] is a principal ideal domain. The proof relies on the fact that its group
of units K[[T ]]∗ consists of all series with a nonzero constant term.
of the direct product of the residue class rings Zpn , n ∈ N>0 , namely
( ∞
Ẑp := (ξn )n≥1 ∈ Zpn ; ∀ n ≥ 2 : πn (ξn ) = ξn−1 ,
x = pr e, r ∈ N≥0 , e ∈ Ẑ∗p .
for all x, y ∈ Ẑp (The first inequality is sometimes called the strong triangle
inequality). Then d(x, y) := |x − y| is a metric (distance function) on the set
Ẑp and the resulting metric space is complete, i.e. every Cauchy sequence
has a limit, with Z ⊂ Ẑp as dense subset: For x = (ξn = an + (pn )), we have
x = limn→∞ an . Assuming
P 0 ≤ an < pn , the coefficients ck of the finite p-adic
expansions an = k<n ck p , 0 ≤ ck < p, do not depend on n and provide an
infinite unique p-adic expansion
x= ck pk , 0 ≤ ck < p.
This suggests that there should be a relation between p-adic integers and
formal power series Pwithk integer coefficients: Since |p| < 1 and |c| ≤ 1 for all
c ∈ Ẑp , the series ck p converges for any choice of the coefficients ck ∈ Z;
in particular we may define an evaluation homomorphism
X ∞
Z[[T ]] −→ Ẑp , f = ck T 7→ f (p) := ck pk ;
k=0 k=0
where pr Ẑ∗p is the ”sphere” of radius p−r and center 0. Furthermore the
equality na o
Ẑ∗p ∩ Q = ; a, b ∈ Z, gcd(a, p) = 1 = gcd(b, p)
explains how to compute |x| for x ∈ Q ⊂ Qp .
The elements in Qp are called p-adic numbers and the field Qp the
p-adic number field, introduced by Kurt Hensel (1861-1941).
Since Q is dense in Qp , the p-adic numbers can, as the reals, be thought
of as a completion of the rationals, but note that Z ⊂ R is discrete:
R ⊃ Z = Z,
form ideals in Ẑp ; in particular two balls Bε (x) = x + Bε (0) and Bε (y) = y +
Bε (0) being ideal residue classes either coincide or are disjoint. Hence a ball
Bε (x) is both open and closed – its complement is the union of all Bε (y), y 6∈
Bε (x). As a consequence the metric space Ẑp is totally disconnected, i.e.
there are no non-empty connected open sets in Ẑp . Furthermore the natural
order relation on Z can not be extended continuously to the ring of p-adic
integers: E.g. the negative number 1 − p is a unit with the multiplicative
inverse ∞
(1 − p)−1 = pn ,
Show: The nilradical is an ideal and the factor ring R/n is reduced, i.e., does not
contain non-zero nilpotent elements, or equivalently, its nilradical is the zero ideal.
3. R: Let K be a field and R := {f ∈ K[T ]; f = a0 + T 2 g, g ∈ K[T ]}, cf. Problem
3.9.2. Show: The elements T 2 , T 3 are irreducible in R, but not prime.
4. R: A ring is called euclidean if it is an integral domain and there is a function
R \ {0} −→ N, x 7→ ||x|| satisfying:
with Ai := APi . Furthermore that Ai has the minimal polynomial fiki . And that the
vector space V := K n is the direct sum of the A-invariant subspaces Vi := Im(Pi )
(Hint: APi = Pi A and Im(Pi ) is the eigenspace of Pi for the eigenvalue 1!). What
does the polynomial fi look like for K = C? Show: C[Ai ] ∼ = C[T ]/[T ki ]. Is there a
relationship to the Jordan normal form? (Camille Jordan, 1838-1922)
10. If one replaces in the definition of the p-adic integers the rings Zpn with R[T ]/(T n ),
where R is an arbitrary ring, what does one obtain?
11. Show that the following conditions for a ring R are equivalent:
(a) Every ideal a ⊂ R is finitely generated, i.e., there are elements f1 , ..., fr ∈ R,
such that
X r
a = Rf1 + ... + Rfr = { gi fi ; g1 , ..., gr ∈ R}
(b) Every increasing sequence (chain) of ideals a1 ⊂ a2 ⊂ ... in the ring R becomes
stationary, i.e. there is n ∈ N such that am = an ∀ m ≥ n.
(c) Every subset A ⊂ Ideal(R) of the set Ideal(R) of all ideals in R, has a maximal
element b ∈ A, i.e. such that there is no ideal in A containing b as a proper
subset, i.e., ∀ a ∈ A : b ⊂ a =⇒ b = a.
A ring R is called noetherian (Emmy Noether, 1882-1935) if one (and thus all) of
the above conditions are satisfied.
12. Show ”Hilberts Basissatz” (David Hilbert, 1862-1943): The polynomial ring R[T ]
over a noetherian ring is again noetherian. Hint: For an ideal b ⊂ R[T ] regard the
chain an := {a ∈ R; ∃f = aT n + ... ∈ b} ⊂ R of ideals in the ring R.
13. Show: In a noetherian integral domain every element can be written as a product of
(finitely many) irreducible elements. Hint: Assuming the contrary construct with
the previous problem a strictly increasing infinite chain of ideals.
14. Show: The ideal a ⊂ CN consisting of all sequences (aν )ν∈N with only finitely many
aν 6= 0 is not finitely generated.
15. Let O(C) be the ring of all entire functions (i.e. holomorphic everywhere in the
complex plane C) and
Show, that the ideal a is not finitely generated. (Do you see a connection with the
situation of the preceding theorem?) Show: An irreducible function is prime, but
not all functions can be written as a product of ”prime functions”. (Instead there is
an infinite factorization according to Weierstraß’ theorem! (Karl Theodor Wilhelm
Weierstraß, 1815-1897).
16. Let C(R) be the ring of all continuous real valued functions on R. Show: The ideal
m0 := {f ∈ C(R); f (0) = 0} is not finitely generated.
17. Let C ∞ (R) be the ring of all infinitely often differentiable real valued functions on
R. Show: p := {f ∈ C ∞ (R); f (n) (0) = 0 ∀ n ∈ N} is a prime ideal. Here f (n)
denotes the n-th derivative of the function f . (Indeed C ∞ (R)/p ∼ = C[[T ]].)
3 without a zero in K is also irreducible: If we can write f = gh with
polynomials g, h of lower degree, one factor is linear, and thus provides a
zero of f .
But how to check whether f has zeros or not? If K is finite, then, ar least
theoretically, we could simply check by computing all possible values. On
the other hand, if K = Q and f ∈ Z[T ] is monic, every rational zero a ∈ Q
already is an integer: a ∈ Z (Show that or cf. Corollary 3.40.2), dividing
a0 = f (0) (using the factorization f = (T − a)g with g ∈ Z[T ]). So there
are only finitely many candidates for possible zeros, if a0 6= 0 - and that can
always be assumed. But what does hold for deg(f ) > 3? Again there is – at
least theoretically – no problem, if the field K is finite, since then there are
only finitely many candidates for the polynomials g, h.
If K = Q, we may assume that f ∈ Q[T ] even has integer coefficients:
f ∈ Z[T ] – if not, multiply f with some natural number. Indeed, we shall see,
that if f ∈ Z[T ] is not irreducible in Q[T ], then there is even a factorization
in Z[T ]. Eventually, in order to exclude that possibility, we pass to the
polynomial ring Zm [T ] over some factor ring Zm : Fix a natural number
m ∈ N>1 and consider the following ring homomorphism
X n
Z[T ] −→ Zm [T ], f = aν T 7→ f˜ :=
aν T ν .
ν=0 ν=0
Proof. We may assume that cont(f ) = 1 = cont(g), so in particular f, g ∈
Z[T ], and have to show cont(f g) = 1, or equivalently that in the ring Z[T ]
we have
p|f g =⇒ p|f or p|g
for all primes p ∈ Z, i.e. prime numbers p ∈ Z ⊂ Z[T ] are even prime in Z[T ]!
In order to see that we consider the corresponding ”reduced” polynomials
f˜, g̃ ∈ Zp [T ]. Since that ring is an integral domain, we know that 0 = ffg = f˜g̃
implies f˜ = 0 or g̃ = 0, and that is exactly what we need.
Example 3.42. Let f = T 5 − T 2 + 1. Take m = 2. We obtain f˜ =
T 5 + T 2 + 1 ∈ Z2 [T ]. Assume f˜ is not irreducible. Since f˜ has no zeroes in
Z2 , there is an irreducible (monic) polynomial of degree 2 dividing f˜. But the
quadratic polynomials in Z2 are T 2 , T 2 + T = T (T + 1), T 2 + 1 = (T + 1)2 and
T 2 + T + 1. The last one has no zero in Z2 and thus is irreducible, jfr. 2.29,
while the others are reducible. Now the division algorithm for polynomials
3.6 gives
T 5 + T 2 + 1 = (T 3 + T 2 )(T 2 + T + 1) + 1 ;
so f˜ is not divisible with T 2 + T + 1 and hence irreducible. It follows that
f ∈ Q[T ] indeed was irreducible.
Proposition 3.43 (Eisenstein’s criterion). (Ferdinand Gotthold Max Eisen-
stein, 1823-1852)): Let f = an T n + ... + a1 T + a0 ∈ Z[T ] and p be a prime
number such that
p 6 |an , p|aν ∀ ν < n , p2 6 |a0 .
Then f ∈ Q[T ] is irreducible.
Pk Assume fP= gh with polynomials g, h ∈ Q[T ] of lower degree, g =
ν ` ν
ν=0 bν T , h = ν=0 cν T with k + ` = n. According to 3.40 we may again
assume g, h ∈ Z[T ]. We reduce mod p and obtain then
an T n = f˜ = g̃ h̃ .
It looks like that Eisenstein’s criterion is not of much use here. But we can
transform the polynomial by substituting T + 1 for T : Every ring automor-
phism ϕ : Q[T ] −→ Q[T ] maps irreducible polynomials onto irreducible poly-
nomials, and according to 3.15 there is a ring homomorphism ϕ : Q[T ] −→
Q[T ], which is the identity on Q ⊂ Q[T ] and satisfies ϕ(T ) = T + 1. In-
deed, it is an isomorphism with inverse determined by ϕ−1 |Q = idQ and
ϕ−1 (T ) = T − 1. Hence it is sufficient to check that
is irreducible. But
4 Field Extensions and Galois Theory
4.1 Basic Definitions
Definition 4.1. A field extension of the field K is a pair (E, ϕ) with a
field E and a ring homomorphism ϕ : K −→ E.
Corollary 4.3. For any finite field F its order q := |F| is of the form q = pn
with p := char(F) > 0.
Indeed, in section 4.5 we shall see that for any q = pn there is, up to
isomorphy, exactly one finite field Fq of order |Fq | = q.
Let us now study some explicit examples:
(a) The complex numbers as an extension of the real numbers: C ⊃ R.
Indeed C ∼ = R[T ]/(T 2 + 1).
√ √
(b) Let d ∈ N>0 not be a square.
√ Then Q[ d] := Q + Q d ⊃ Q is a
∼ 2
field extension, and Q[ d ] = Q[T ]/(T − d).
(c) A finite counterpart to C: Let p be an odd prime number p 6≡
1 mod(4). Then the polynomial f = T 2 + 1 has no zeros in
K := Fp := Zp , since a zero would be an element of order 4 in F∗p ,
but the order of that group is not divisible with 4.
So we obtain a new field Fp2 := Fp [T ]/(f ), where the element
i := T satisfies i2 = −1 and every element can be written uniquely
in the form a+bi; a, b ∈ Fp . The arithmetic in Fp2 thus is the same
as that for complex numbers with the reals R replaced by Fp .
(a) K(T ) ⊃ K, the field of rational functions in one variable, i.e. the
field of fractions of the polynomial ring K[T ], as an extension of
(b) K((T )) ⊃ K, the field of (formal) Laurent series with finite prin-
cipal part over K (the field of fractions of the ring K[[T ]] of formal
power series over K) as an extension of K, and
(c) K((T )) ⊃ K(T ).
[E : K] := dimK E .
Remark 4.7. Let E ⊃ K be a field extension. We take an element a ∈ E
and consider the ring homomorphism ψa : K[T ] ,→ E[T ] −→ E, f 7→ f (a),
which is the restriction to K[T ] ⊂ E[T ] of the evaluation homomorphism
E[T ] −→ E, f 7→ f (a), cf. 3.15 with R = E. We denote
K[a] := ψa (K[T ]) = {f (a); f ∈ K[T ]} ⊂ E,
its image and
ma := ker(ψa ) = {f ∈ K[T ]; f (a) = 0}
its kernel. As kernel of a ring homomorphism ma is an ideal, such that
K[a] ∼
= K[T ]/ma .
In fact, Prop.2.45 provides an isomorphism of the underlying additive groups,
which even is a ring isomorphism.
If ma = {0}, then K[a] ∼ = K[T ] is an infinite dimensional K-vector space,
but otherwise there is according to 3.28 a polynomial pa ∈ K[T ] \ {0} such
that ma = (pa ), and we then have dimK K[a] = deg(pa ) according to 3.29.
The polynomial pa ∈ K[T ] is determined up to a constant non-zero factor;
requiring it to be monic, it becomes unique. It is irreducible, since the factor
ring K[T ]/ma ∼ = K[a] ⊂ E is an integral domain, indeed, even a field: Non-
trivial prime ideals in the principal ideal domain K[T ] are maximal. So we
have a field extension K[a] ⊃ K with [K[a] : K] = deg(pa ).
Definition 4.8. Let E ⊃ K be a field extension. An element a ∈ E is called
1. transcendent over K, iff ψa is injective, i.e., iff ma = {0}.
2. algebraic over K, iff ma 6= {0}. In that case ma = (pa ) with a unique
monic (irreducible) polynomial pa ∈ K[T ], which is called the minimal
polynomial of a ∈ E over K.
Remark 4.9. 1. If f ∈ K[T ] is an irreducible monic polynomial and
a ∈ E ⊃ K a zero of f , then pa = f .
2. In order to compute the minimal polynomial of an element a ∈ E one
considers the powers a0 = 1, a, a2 , ..., an for n ∈ N. If they are linearly
independent for all n ∈ N, the element a ∈ E is transcendent over
K, otherwise choose n ∈ N minimal with a0 = 1, a, a2 , ..., an linearly
dependent. So there is a linear combination
λn an + ... + λ1 a + λ0 = 0
with λi ∈ K not all zero. If λn = 0, already 1, a, ..., an−1 are linearly
dependent, so necessarily λn 6= 0 according to the choice of n. Then
pa = T + λn−1 λi T i
Furthermore, in the finite case, the degree is multiplicative, i.e.
[L : K] = [L : E] · [E : K] .
where ”almost all” means ”all except finitely many”. With other words: All
our sums are finite.
For r = 1 this is our old definition, and furthermore for r > 1:
Proof of 4.12. The case of finite extensions together with the degree formula
follows from the following observation: If u1 , ..., un is a basis of the K-vector
space E and v1 , ..., vm a basis of the E-vector space L, then the products
ui vj , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ m form a basis of L as K-vector space - the details
are left to the reader.
Let us now consider the algebraic case. Given an element a ∈ L we construct
a finite extension L0 ⊃ K containing it, thus proving that it is algebraic
over K. First of all: If a1 , ..., ar ∈ L are algebraic, then K[a1 , ..., ar ] ⊃ K
is a finite field extension. To see that use remark 4.7 and induction on r as
well as what we just have noticed. Consider now the minimal polynomial
pa = T m + bm−1 T m−1 + ... + b1 T + b0 ∈ E[T ] of a over E and take E0 :=
K[b0 , ..., bm−1 ], L0 := E0 [a]. Then E0 ⊃ K (since b0 , ..., bm−1 are algebraic
over K) as well as L0 ⊃ E0 are finite extensions; so L0 ⊃ K is as well.
T 2 − 2 over Q and√i has minimal
√ polynomial
√ T 2 + 1 over Q[ 2], it folllows
that [E : Q] = [Q[ 2][i] : Q[ 2]] · [Q[
√ 2] : √
Q] = 2 · 2 = 4 and that a basis of
the Q-vector space E is given by 1, 2, i, i 2.
Since deg(pa ) = [Q[a] : Q] divides [E√: Q] = 4 the minimal √ polynomial has
either degree 1, 2 or 4. But 1, a = 2 + i, a2 = 1 + 2 · i 2 are obviously
linearly independent,√so we obtain the degree√4, in particular
√ E = Q[ 2 + i].
Furthermore a3 = − 2+5i and a4 = −7+4·i 2 = 2(1+2·i 2)−9 = 2a2 −9.
Hence pa = T 4 − 2T 2 + 9.
Problems 4.15. 1. R: Let E ⊃ K be a finite field extension and a ∈ E. Show: The
K-vector space endomorphism µa : E −→ E, x 7→ ax, has characteristic polynomial
(pa )s with s := [E : K[a]].
2. R: Show: The number π ∈ R is transcendent, using the fact that ea is transcendent
for any algebraic number a ∈ C.
3. Let K(X) = Q(K[X]) be the field of all rational functions in one variable X over
K (the letter X replacing our usual T in order to reserve the latter for polynomials
over K(X)). Show that the extension K(X) ⊃ K is purely transcendent, i.e.
K(X)a = K. Hint: Take f = g/h ∈ K(X)a with relatively prime polynomials
g, h ∈ K[X] and consider the equation pf (gh−1 )hn = 0, where n := deg(pf ) with
the minimal polynomial pf ∈ K[T ] of f over K.
4. Let K(Y ) = Q(K[Y ]) and K(X) = Q(K[X]) be two copies of the field of all
rational functions in one variable Y resp. X over K. If f := g/h ∈ K(X) \ K,
where g, h ∈ K[X] are relatively prime, the ring homomorphism σ : K[Y ] −→ K(X)
with σ|K = idK , σ(Y ) = f is injective and can therefore uniquely be extended to
a homomorphism σ̂ : K(Y ) −→ K(X). Show that the field extension (K(Y ), σ̂)
has degree max(deg(g), deg(h))! Hint: The minimal polynomial of X over K(Y ) ∼ =
σ̂(K(Y )) is up to a constant factor ∈ K ∗ ∪ K ∗ Y ⊂ K(Y )∗ the polynomial g(T ) −
Y h(T ) ∈ K(Y )[T ]. Here g(T ), h(T ) ∈ K[T ] denote the polynomials obtained from
g, h ∈ K[X] by substituting T for X!
5. R: Let K be a field and f = f1k1 ·...·frkr the factorization of the polynomial f ∈ K[T ]
as product of irreducible polynomials. Show an analogue of the Chinese Remainder
K[T ]/(f ) = ∼ K[T ]/(f ki ) .
Show that the summands are local rings, with their nilradical as the maximal ideal.
Hint: Compare the dimensions of the underlying K-vector spaces!
6. Let K[ϑ] = K[T ]/(f ) with ϑ := T . Determine the matrix of the K-linear map
µϑ : K[ϑ] −→ K[ϑ] given by µϑ (x) := ϑx with respect to the basis 1, ϑ, ..., ϑn−1 ,
where n = deg(f ). Show: K[A] ∼
= K[ϑ].
7. Algebraic integers: A complex number λ ∈ C is called an algebraic integer if
it is the zero of a monic polynomial f ∈ Z[T ]. Show:
(a) A rational algebraic integer (sometimes simply called a “rational integer”) is
a usual integer.
(b) A complex number λ ∈ C is an algebraic integer iff there is an n ∈ N and a
square matrix A ∈ Zn,n , i.e. with integer entries, having λ as an eigenvalue.
(c) The algebraic integers form a subring of C. (For this part you need to know
the notion of the tensor product V ⊗ W of two K-vector spaces V and W .)
(PS: We shall see in Problam 4.46.6 that we also could have required for λ ∈ Qa
to be an algebraic integer that pλ ∈ Z[T ] holds for the minimal polynomial pλ of λ
over Q.)
constitutes a subgroup of the permutation group S(E) and is called the au-
tomorphism group of the extension E ⊃ K.
3. Let d ∈ N>0 not be a square. Then Q[√d ] ⊃ Q is√a field, and beside
idQ we have the automorphism σ : a + b d 7→ a − b d, where a, b ∈ Q.
A “non-algebraic” observation: The automorphism
√ σ is not continuous
(with respect to the topology on Q[ d ]√⊂ R as subset of the
√ reals):
Take a sequence √(xν ) ⊂ Q converging
√ to d ∈ R. Then xν − d tends
to√0, but σ(xν − d) = xν + d does not converge to σ(0) = 0, but to
2 d.
p−1 µ ¶
X p
p p
σ(x+y) = (x+y) = x + xν y p−ν +y p = xp +y p = σ(x)+σ(y) ,
since for 1 ≤ ν ≤ p − 1 the binomial coefficients νp = ν!(p−ν)! p!
divisible by p (p being a prime) and therefore = 0 in the field E. And
σ(1) = 1 implies obviously σ(x) = x for x ∈ Zp .
Finally, if E is finite, σ is an automorphism: As ring homomorphism
defined on a field, σ is automatically injective according to 3.22.8, but
on the other hand as an injective map from a finite set to itself it is
even surjective.
The next proposition describes AutK (E) for E = K[a] as a set. But
for technical reasons the formulation is slightly more general: We consider a
(ring) isomorphism ϕ : K −→ K 0 between two fields K and K 0 . It induces
an isomorphism of the corresponding polynomial rings
K[T ] −→ K 0 [T ], f = aν T ν 7→ f ϕ := ϕ(aν )T ν .
Then we have:
σ : E = K[a] −→ E 0
extending ϕ, and the zeroes of the polynomial pϕa in the field E 0 , given
σ 7→ σ(a) .
2. If E 0 = E = K[a], then
Now every element in K[a] is of the form f (a), hence the above formula
shows that σ is uniquely determined by σ(a).
On the other hand, taking f = pa we see that pϕa (σ(a)) = σ(pa (a)) = σ(0) =
0. It remains to show that every zero of pϕa can be realized as σ(a): The ring
K[T ] −→ E, f 7→ f (a)
induces an isomorphism K[T ]/(pa ) ∼ = K[a] = E, while according to 3.15,
there is for every b ∈ E a ring homomorphism
ϕb : K[T ] −→ E 0
with ϕb |K = ϕ and ϕb (T ) = b – here we regard ϕ as a ring homomorphism
K −→ E 0 . If now b is a zero of pϕa , we have ϕb (pa ) = pϕa (b) = 0. Hence
(pa ) ⊂ ker(ϕb ), and therefore ϕb factors through K[T ]/(pa ) ∼
= K[a] = E, the
second factor being the looked for map σ with σ(a) = b.
ii) Apply i) with K 0 = K and ϕ = idK , using the fact that a K-morphism of
a finite field extension E ⊃ K to itself automatically is an automorphism, as
an injective endomorphism of the finite dimensional K-vector space E.
As an example of such a polynomial f we can take f = T 3 − 3T + 1.
Indeed, the identity
= ζ 3 + 3ζ + 3ζ −1 + ζ −3 − 3(ζ + ζ −1 ) + 1 = ζ 3 + ζ 6 + 1 = 0 .
4. Finally we consider
√ the extension E = Q[ 2, i] ⊃ Q. We know already
that E = Q[ 2 + i] and
√ √ √ √
p√2+i = T 4 −2T 2 +9 = (T −( 2+i))(T −( 2−i))(T +( 2+i))(T +( 2−i)) .
2. Let K be a field containing all n-th roots of unity, i.e. the polynomial T n −1 ∈ K[T ]
can be factorized as a product of linear polynomials, and E := K[b] ⊃ K a field
extension, where bn = a ∈ K. Show that AutK (E) is isomorphic with a subgroup
of the group Cn (K) ⊂ K ∗ of all n-th roots of unity in K, hence in particular a
cyclic group. Furthermore: If n = p is a prime number, either E = K or T p − a is
the minimal polynomial pb ∈ K[T ] of b ∈ E over K.
3. R: Show: AutQ (R) = {idR }. Hint: R≥0 = {x2 ; x ∈ R}.
4. R: Show: Any continuous automorphism σ : C −→ C is the identity or complex
5. Let E ⊃ K be a field extension. Show: A family of pairwise distinct automorphisms
σ1 , ..., σn ∈ AutK (E) ⊂ EndK (E) is linearly independent over K, where EndK (E)
denotes the K-vector space of all endomorphisms of the K-vector space E. Hint:
Induction on n; if λ1 σ1 + ... + λn σn = 0 is a non-trivial relation, we may assume
λ1 6= 0 and choose y ∈ E with σ1 (y) 6= σn (y). Let x ∈ E be arbitrary. Replace x
with yx in the above relation and get a new relation λ1 σ1 (y)σ1 +....+λn σn (y)σn = 0,
multiply the old one with σn (y) and subtract them. One obtains a non-trivial
relation for σ1 , ..., σn−1 .
6. Show: AutK (K(X)) ∼ = GL2 (K)/K ∗ E, where K ∗ E denotes the subgroup of all
matrices λE, λ ∈ K , i.e. being scalar multiples of the unit matrix E ∈ K 2,2 .
is determined by
aX + b
σA (X) = .
cX + d
Check first that σAB = σB ◦ σA ! (The group P GLn (K) := GLn (K)/K ∗ E is called
the projective linear group (of size n) over K.). Cf. Problem 3.19.6, where we
saw that AutK (K[X]) ∼= Aff(K).
bound is its degree deg(f ). But is there always an extension E ⊃ K with
|NE (f )| = deg(f )? In that case every zero of f has multiplicity 1:
Definition 4.21. The multiplicity of a zero a ∈ K of a polynomial f ∈
K[T ] \ {0} is the unique number ` ∈ N, such that
K[T ] −→ K[T ], f 7→ f 0 ,
g(f )0 = g 0 (f ) · f 0 .
f 0 = 0 ⇐⇒ f = a0 ∈ K ,
f 0 = 0 ⇐⇒ f ∈ K[T p ] .
Proof. We comment on the Leibniz rule and the chain rule: Both the left
and the right hand side of the Leibniz rule define bilinear maps K[T ] ×
K[T ] −→ K[T ], so it suffices to check it for the polynomials 1, T, T 2 , ....
(which constitute a base of the K-vector space K[T ]). But for f = T m , g =
T n it holds obviously. The chain rule is linear in g, hence we may assume
g = T n - and then it follows from a repeated application of the Leibniz
The fields K where all irreducible polynomials have automatically only
simple zeros get a name:
Definition 4.27. A field K is called perfect if either char(K) = 0 or
char(K) = p > 0 and the Frobenius homomorphism σ : K −→ K, x 7→ xp , is
Example 4.28. 1. A finite field F is perfect: The Frobenius homomor-
phism F −→ F being an injective map from a finite set to itself is also
2. Let char(K) = p > 0. Then K(T ) = Q(K[T ]) is not perfect, since the
indeterminate T is not a p-th power.
Remark 4.29. An irreducible polynomial over a perfect P fieldpnK has only
pn ν
simple zeros: Write f = g(T ) as in 4.26, with g = ν aν T . Since K
is perfect there are (unique)Ppn -th roots cν ∈ K of the coefficients aν , i.e.
n n
(cν )p = aν . Then for h = ν cν T ν we obtain f = hp , and thus, f being
irreducible, we find n = 1. On the other hand, if K is not perfect, choose
an element a ∈ K, which is not a p-th power: Then f := T p − a ∈ K[T ]
is an irreducible polynomial: Take E ⊃ K, such that f (b) = 0 for some
b ∈ E. Then the minimal polynomial pb ∈ K[T ] of b over K divides f ,
whence pb = (T − b)` with 2 ≤ ` ≤ p. But according to Prop. 4.26 the
multiplicity ` is a p-power; so necessarily ` = p, and f = pb is in particular
For later use we mention the following consequence:
Corollary 4.30. Let char(K) = p > 0 and E ⊃ K be a finite purely in-
separable extension, i.e., such that there is some s ∈ N with xp ∈ K for all
x ∈ E. Then [E : K] = p` for some ` ∈ N.
Proof. We do induction on the extension degree [E : K]. Take some b ∈ E\K
with a = bp ∈ K. Then according to remark 4.29 we have pb = T p − a and
thus [K[b ] : K] = p. Since on the other hand [E : K[b ]] is a p-power by
induction hypothesis, we obtain that [E : K] is as well.
Problems 4.31. 1. Show Hensels lemma: Let f ∈ Ẑp [T ] be a monic polynomial
over the ring Ẑp of p-adic integers, denote f˜ ∈ Zp [T ] ∼
= (Ẑp /(p))[T ] the induced
polynomial. Show: A simple zero ξ ∈ Zp of f˜ has a unique lift a = (ξ, ξ2 , ξ3 , ...) ∈ Ẑp
to a zero of f in Ẑp . Hint: Construct inductively the components ξn ∈ Zpn ! If
ξn = c + (pn ), then ξn+1 = c + tpn + (pn+1 ), where 0 ≤ t < p. Consider the
expansion f (T + c) = f (c) + f 0 (c)T + ....
2. Let r ∈ N>0 , relatively prime to both p and p − 1. Show for the “sphere”
Ẑ∗p = {x ∈ Qp ; |x| = 1} ⊂ Qp
Hint: For the inclusion “⊂” it is sufficient to see that any x ∈ Ẑ∗p is an r-th power
(why?), then use the previous problem with the polynomial f = T r − x.
3. Show AutQ (Qp ) = {idQp }. Hint: Use the previous problem in order to see that
σ(Ẑ∗p ) ⊂ Ẑ∗p for any automorphism σ : Qp −→ Qp . As a consequence, σ is an
isometry, and thus, Q being dense in Qp , the identity.
4. For the ring K[[X]] of formal power series over a field K and the factor ring
K[[T ]]/(T ) ∼
= K formulate and show Hensels lemma, cf. the first problem of this
section 4.31 as well as Problem 3.37.10.
5. Let K be a field and
K((X)) = Q(K[[X]]) = K[[X]] ⊕ KX −n
the field of fractions of the ring K[[X]] of formal power series over K, furthermore
r 6= char(K) a prime number. Show:
K[[X]]∗ = K ∗ + XK[[X]]
6. Show that for σ ∈ AutK (K((X))) we have σ(K[[X]]) ⊂ K[[X]]. (Hint: Use the
previous problem in order to see σ(K[[X]]∗ ) ⊂ K[[X]]∗ .) Hence σ : K((X)) −→
K((X)) is the unique extension of a substitution automorphism ψ̂g : K[[X]] −→
K[[X]], f 7→ f (g), with a series g ∈ K ∗ X + K[[X]]X 2 , cf. Problem 3.19.7.
7. Show AutK(X) (K((X))) = {idK((X)) }.
f = (T − a1 ) · ... · (T − ar )
with elements a1 , ..., ar ∈ E and
E = K[a1 , ..., ar ] .
1. There is an extension of ϕ : K −→ F to a ring homomorphism σ :
E −→ F . The number of such extensions equals [E : K], if f has only
simple zeros or if K is perfect, while for a non-perfect field K it is of
the form p−` [E : K] with p := char(K) and some ` ∈ N.
2. If g ∈ K[T ] is an irreducible polynomial dividing f and a ∈ NE (g), b ∈
NF (g ϕ ), we can even require σ(a) = b.
3. If F ⊃ L := ϕ(K) is a splitting field of f ϕ all extensions σ : E −→ F
are isomorphisms.
3.) Applying i) with the ring homomorphism ϕ−1 : L := ϕ(K) −→ K we
obtain an extension τ : F −→ E. The homomorphisms τ ◦ σ : E −→ E and
σ ◦ τ : F −→ F then are necessarily automorphisms as injective endomor-
phisms of the finite dimensional K-vector space E resp. F , in particular σ
is an isomorphism of K-extensions.
In fact two algebraic closures E ⊃ K and L ⊃ K of a given field K are
isomorphic, cf. 5.8. Algebraically closed fields are characterized in:
Proposition 4.38. For a field K the following statements are equivalent:
1. K is algebraically closed.
3. The set
Qa := {z ∈ C; z algebraic over Q} ⊂ C ,
of all algebraic complex numbers constitutes a field, cf. 4.13, the alge-
braic closure of Q. Note that it is much smaller than C, more precisely:
Qa is countable, but C is not.
Let us return to finite extensions! The next proposition characterizes
splitting fields:
Proposition 4.40. For a finite field extension E ⊃ K the following condi-
tions are equivalent:
1. The extension E ⊃ K is normal.
Before we prove 4.40, let us discuss some examples:
Example 4.41. 1. The extension Q[ 3 2] ⊃ Q is not√ normal, since the
irreducible polynomial f = T 3 − 2 has a zero in Q[
2], but can not be
written as a product of linear polynomials in (Q[ 3 2])[T ].
Proof. ”i) =⇒ iii)”: Assume that E is the splitting field of the polynomial
f ∈ K[T ] and σ : L −→ L is a K-automorphism. Let N (f ) = NL (f ) =
{a1 , ..., ar }. Since f (σ(ai )) = σ(f (ai )) = σ(0) = 0, we have σ(N (f )) ⊂ N (f )
resp. σ(N (f )) = N (f ) (N (f ) is finite and σ injective) and thus σ(E) = E
for E = K[a1 , ..., ar ].
”iii) =⇒ ii)”: Assume that the irreducible polynomial g ∈ K[T ] has the zero
a ∈ E. According to 4.35 there is an extension F ⊃ E such that F is the
splitting field of some polynomial h ∈ K[T ]. Now let L ⊃ F be the splitting
field of g ∈ K[T ]; then L ⊃ K is the splitting field of f = gh ∈ K[T ].
We have to show that NL (g) ⊂ E. Take b ∈ NL (g). According to 4.18 with
the inclusion K ,→ E as ϕ there is an automorphism σ ∈ AutK (L) with
b = σ(a). But then b ∈ σ(E) = E.
”ii) =⇒ i)” : Write E = K[a1 , ..., ar ]. Then E is the splitting field of pa1 · ... ·
par ∈ K[T ].
Let us briefly recall the facts we know about the automorphism group AutK (E)
of a normal extension E ⊃ K:
2. The order |AutK (E)| of the automorphism group is a divisor of the
extension degree [E : K]. Furthermore |AutK (E)| = [E : K], if E ⊃ K
is galois.
ways: The minimal polynomial g ∈ E1 [T ] of ε is g = (T −ε)(T −ε−1 ) =
T 2 + T + 1, lying even in Q[T ]; hence g ψν = g for ν = 0, 1, 2, and ψν
then is the restriction of σν± : E −→ E with σν± (ε) = ε±1 . Note that
any permutation of NE (f ) is realized by some automorphism.
2. R: Let E ⊃ Q be the splitting field of the polynomial T 4 − 2. Show that AutQ (E) ∼=
D4√, where
√ D 4 denotes the dihedral group. Hint: Consider the square with vertices
± 4 2, ± 4 2i!
3. R: Compute the splitting field E ⊃ Q of f := T 4 − 10T 2 + 1. Determine AutQ (E)!
Hint: Consider the splitting field F of the polynomial T 2 − 10T + 1? Then try
to compute the square roots of its zeros in F - that is not possible since there is
missing what in F ?
4. Let f ∈ Q[T ] be an irreducible polynomial whose degree is a prime p and which has
exactly two (simple) non-real roots. Show that its splitting field E ⊃ Q satisfies
AutQ (E) ∼
= Sp . Hint: Apply Problem 2.39.5.
5. Show that the polynomial f := T 5 − 4T + 2 satisfies the conditions in the preceding
problem. Hint: Apply real analysis: Determine the real zeros of its derivative f 0
and the sign of the corresponding value of f . Then one can apply which theorem?
6. Show: An algebraic number λ ∈ Qa is an algebraic integer iff its minimal polynomial
pλ ∈ Q[T ] has integer coefficients: pλ ∈ Z[T ]. Hint: Consider a splitting field E ⊃ Q
containing λ; if λ is an algebraic integers its “conjugates” σ(λ) ∈ E, σ ∈ AutQ (E),
are algebraic integers as well. Cf. also Problem 4.15.7.
To every prime power q = pn we associate a finite field Fq :
Remark 4.51. The field Fpn is also called the field with pn elements. A
more old fashioned notation for it is GF (pn ), where GF is the abbreviation
for “Galois field”. This is also the reason why in English the word “field” is
used in general, while in most other languages the corresponding translation
of “kropp” applies, as introduced by Bourbaki, a group of french mathe-
maticians which beginning in the 1930ies tried to modernize and systematize
Proof. i) The polynomial f := T p − T has derivative f 0 = −1 and hence
only simple zeros, and thus |NFpn (f )| = pn . But on the other side we may
interpret that zero set as the fixed point set of the n-th iterate σ n of the
Frobenius automorphism σ : Fpn −→ Fpn , x 7→ xp , i.e.:
NFpn (f ) = Fix(σ n ) := {x ∈ Fpn ; x = σ n (x) = xp }
and hence is in particular itself a field! Since Fpn is the smallest extension of
Fp , over which f is split, it follows Fpn = Fix(σ n ).
ii) According to Corollary 4.3 we already know |F| = pn with some n ∈ N>0 .
n ∗
On the other hand Corollary 2.38 tell us that xp −1 = x|F | = 1 holds for all
n n
x ∈ F∗ resp. xp = x for all x ∈ F. So the polynomial f := T p − T has the
entire field F as its zero set, in particular
Tp − T = (T − a),
both sides being monic polynomials with the same (simple) zeroes. With
other words, the field F is a splitting field of f ∈ Zp [T ] = Fp [T ].
iii) “=⇒”: Assume ϕ : Fpm ,→ Fpn is a ring homomorphism (it is not unique
for m > 1). Then Fpn is a Fpm -vector space, whence Fpn ∼ = (Fpm )r with
r = dimFpm Fpn resp. pn = (pm )r = pmr resp. n = mr.
Let now n = mr. Since Fpm is the splitting field of T p −1 − 1, it is sufficient
to show:
m n
(T p −1 − 1) divides (T p −1 − 1) .
In any case T − 1 divides T r − 1, and after substitution of T by T m we see
that T m − 1 divides T n − 1. In particular the number pm − 1 divides pn − 1,
and finally, with pm − 1 and pn − 1 instead of m and n we arrive at our claim.
iv) The extension Fpn ⊃ Fp = Zp is galois, since T p − T only has simple
zeros. If we can show, that the Frobenius automorphism σ : Fpn −→ Fpn has
order n, we are done, since the automorphism group AutFp (Fpn ) has order n
according to 4.42. But σ k = idFpn is equivalent to xp −1 = 1 for all x ∈ F∗pn .
Since F∗pn is cyclic and thus there is an element x ∈ F∗pn of order pn − 1, we
see that σ k 6= idFpn för k < n.
we may define
Fp := En .
Definition 4.53. Denote P>2 the set of all odd primes. The Legendre symbol
is the map µ ¶ µ ¶
: Z × P>2 −→ K, (a, p) 7→ ,
where K is any field with char(K) 6= 2 and
µ ¶ 1 , if a ∈ F∗p is a square
:= −1 , if a ∈ F∗p is not a square .
0 , if a = 0 in Fp
Remark 4.54. 1. Fixing the prime p ∈ P>2 , the Legendre symbol may
be regarded as a map µ ¶
: Fp −→ K.
Now if c ∈ F∗p is a generator of the (cyclic) multiplicative group F∗p , i.e.,
F∗p = cZ , we have
µ ν¶
= (−1)ν .
As a consequence we obtain
µ ¶
a p−1
= a 2 ∈ K := Fp
for all a ∈ Fp : Write a = cν and −1 = c 2 . Furthermore the Legendre
symbol is multiplicative in the ”numerator”:
µ ¶ µ ¶µ ¶
ab a b
p p p
for a, b ∈ Fp as well as a, b ∈ Z. In particular it is sufficient to compute
the Legendre symbol for a being a prime as well. For a = 2 that is done
in the next point, while otherwise we may apply quadratic reciprocity,
cf. the below Th.4.55, in order to reduce the complexity of the problem.
2. We have µ ¶ ½
2 1 , if p ≡ ±1 mod (8)
= .
p −1 , if p ≡ ±5 mod (8)
To see that we consider the field Fp2 ⊃ Fp . There is a primitive 8-
th root of unity ζ ∈ (Fp2 )∗ (i.e. ζ ∈ (Fp2 )∗ has order 8): The group
(Fp2 )∗ being cyclic, we need only check that 8|(p2 − 1) = |(Fp2 )∗ |, or
equivalently that for all primes p ∈ P>2 we have p2 = 1 in the residue
class ring Z8 . Now take β := ζ + ζ −1 . We have
β 2 = ζ 2 + 2 + ζ −2 = ζ 2 + 2 − ζ 2 = 2,
β p = ζ p + ζ −p = ζ s + ζ −s ,
γ 2 = χ(−1)p ∈ K.
γ2 = χ(ij)η i+j
(i,j)∈(Fp )2
Xµ X ¶
= χ(ij) η ` .
`∈Fp i+j=`
For ` = 0 the inner sum equals χ(−1)(p − 1), since χ(−i2 ) = χ(i2 )χ(−1) =
χ(−1) for i 6= 0, while χ(−02 ) = 0. Now we assume ` 6= 0 and get
χ(ij) = χ(i)χ(j)
i+j=` i+j=`
= χ(i)χ(` − i)
= χ(i−1 )χ(` − i)
= χ(`i−1 − 1)
= χ(i) = −χ(−1),
i∈Fp \{−1}
Now let us prove 4.55: We choose K ⊃ Fr to be the splitting field of the poly-
nomial T p −1 ∈ Fr [T ]. First we investigate how the Frobenius automorphism
K −→ K, x 7→ xr , acts on our Gauß sum:
p−1 p−1 p−1 p−1
r r ir ir 2 ir
γ = χ(i )η = χ(i)η = χ(r i)η = χ(r) χ(ir)η ir = χ(r)γ,
i=0 i=0 i=0 i=0
where we have used Remark 4.54.1 with respect to a = −1 and the prime p
as well as a = p and the prime r.
of n-th roots of unity in the field K. We note that K ∗ E £ GLn (K) and
Cn (K) · E £ SLn (K) are nothing but the centers of the general resp. special
linear group of size n. Obviously
Generators for SLn (K): We identify a matrix A ∈ GLn (K) freely with
the corresponding linear map K n −→ K n , x 7→ Ax, and denote e1 , ..., en the
standard base of the vector space K n . Denote E = (δij ) the unit matrix and
Ek` = (δik δj` ), i.e. ½
ek , if i = `
Ek` ei = ,
0 , otherwise
whence Ek` Ers = δ`r Eks . An elementary matrix now is a matrix
and that for n > 2 all Qij (λ) for fixed λ ∈ K ∗ belong to the same conjugacy
class in SLn (K): There is some P ∈ SLn (K) with P e1 = ei , P e2 = ej ,
P Q12 (λ)P −1 = Qij (λ).
For n = 2 we take P with P e1 = e2 , P e2 = −e1 and find
From linear algebra it is well known that GLn (K) is generated by the
following three groups of matrices:
• the special transposition matrices Pk` , k < `, with
ek , if i = `
Pk` ei = −e` , if i = k ,
ei , otherwise
1.) The elementary matrices generate SLn (K): We show that the ma-
trices Pk` , k < ` ≤ n, and Dk (λ), k = 1, ..., n − 1, are products of elementary
matrices. In fact
Pk` = Q`k (−1)Qk` (1)Q`k (−1),
and for the Dk (λ) we may assume n = 2 and find for D(λ) := D1 (λ) that
which yields the desired result, since we already know that P12 is a product
of elementary matrices.
of the line L := Ke1 ∈ Pn−1 (K) satisfies
µ ¶
λ b
A ∈ U ⇐⇒ A = with λ ∈ K ∗ , bT , 0 ∈ K n−1 , C ∈ K n−1.n−1 , λ det C = 1.
0 C
and µ ¶
n−1 1 yT
K −→ U0 , y 7→
0 E
is a group isomorphism; in particular, U0 is abelian. –
We have
SLn (K) = N U,
since U = SLn (K)L is the stabilizer of L ∈ Pn−1 (K) in SLn (K) and the
subgroup N £ SLn (K) acts transitively on Pn−1 (K): Take a line Ky 6= L.
Since N % Cn (K)·E, there is some B ∈ N \K ∗ E. Hence we can find x ∈ K n ,
such that x, Bx ∈ K n are linearly independent and choose C ∈ SLn (K) with
Cx = e1 , CBx = λy for some λ ∈ K ∗ . Then A := CBC −1 ∈ N satisfies
Ae1 = λy, in particular Ky = A(L).
Now we show that even
SLn (K) = N U0 .
Finally we see that
is a commutator because of Qrs (µ)−1 = Qrs (−µ). For n = 2 and |K| > 3
choose µ ∈ K \ {0, ±1} 6= ∅. Then with the diagonal matrix
µ ¶
µ 0
D(µ) :=
0 µ−1
we get
D(µ)Q12 (λ)D(µ−1 )Q12 (−λ) = Q12 ((µ2 − 1)λ).
Hence because of µ2 − 1 6= 0, any elementary matrix is again a commutator.
Problems 4.58. 1. R: Show that Z∗pn is a cyclic group for any prime p > 2. Fur-
thermore the residue class of an integer k ∈ Z \ Zp generates Z∗p2 if and only if it
generates Z∗pn for all n ∈ N>0 . Hint: According to Problem 2.62.7 the subgroup
U (pn ) ⊂ Z∗pn is cyclic.
r r−1
2. R: Let char(K) = p > 0. Assume a ∈ E ⊃ K with b := ap ∈ K, ap 6∈ K. Show:
T p − b is the minimal polynomial pa of a over K. Hint: Consider first the case
r = 1 and show then by induction [K[a] : K] = pr .
3. R: Determine all generators of the cyclic group F∗9 and their minimal polynomials
over F3 ! Hint: Example 4.4 c).
∼ Zp [T ]/(f ),
4. R: Find a concrete realization of the field Fpp , i.e. an isomorphism Fpp =
where f = .... ? Same question for F16 , cf. Problems 4.46.1 and 3.45.1.
5. R: Let K be an algebraically closed field. Determine the order |Cn (K)| of the group
Cn (K) ⊂ K ∗ of n-th roots of unity in K.
6. Show the converse of 4.47: If K is a field and K ∗ cyclic, then K is finite. Hint:
Assume K ∗ =< a > and |K| = ∞. Then K has characteristic char(K) = 2 - why?
- and a is transcendent over F2 ∼
= P (K) ⊂ K resp. K = Q(F2 [a]) ∼= F2 (T ).
7. Let F be a finite field. Show for a, b ∈ F: If ab is not a square in F, one of the
factors is a square in F and the other is not. Assume now that p is an odd prime
and 6 not a square in Fp . Then Fp2 = Fp [β] with an element β ∈ Fp2 , β 2 = 6. Show
that the number 5 + 2β ∈ Fp2 is a square in Fp2 .
between the set of all intermediate fields of the extension E ⊃ K and the set
of all subgroups of G = AutK (E), defined as follows
E ⊃ L 7→ H := AutL (E) ⊂ G
G ⊃ H 7→ L := Fix(H) := {a ∈ E; σ(a) = a , ∀ σ ∈ H} .
It satisfies
|AutL (E)| = [E : L] , |H| = [E : Fix(H)] ,
and H = AutL (E) is a normal subgroup of G = AutK (E), iff the extension
L ⊃ K is normal. In that case the restriction
G = AutK (E) −→ AutK (L) , σ 7→ σ|L ,
induces an isomorphism
G/H ∼
= AutK (L) .
Example 4.61. The splitting field of f√:= T 3 − 2 ∈ Q[T ] is E = Q[ 3 2, ε]
with the third root of unity ε := 21 (−1+i 3), cf. Example 4.44.1. We already
know√the automorphisms
√ σ, τ ∈ G := Aut Q (E) with σ( 2) = 2ε, σ(ε) =
3 3 2 ∼ ∼ ∼
ε, τ ( 2) = 2, τ (ε) = ε . In fact AutQ (E) = S(NE (f )) = S3 = D3 .
The automorphism σ has order 3 and τ order 2 and idE , σ, σ 2 , τ, τ ◦ σ, τ ◦ σ 2
constitute the entire Galois group; they have order 1,3,3,2,2,2.
Let us now determine the non-trivial subgroups: The possible orders being
2 and 3, such a subgroup is cyclic. Hence we find < σ >=< σ 2 >, < τ >,
< τ ◦ σ >, < τ ◦ σ 2 >. If we use that always
|H| = [E : Fix(H)] = 6/[Fix(H) : Q]
we obtain the following table of subgroups and corresponding fixed fields:
H Fix(H)
G Q[ 3 2, ε]
<σ> Q[ε]
<τ > Q[√3 2]
< τ ◦ σ > Q[√3 2ε]
< τ ◦ σ 2 > Q[ 3 2ε2 ]
< idE > E
Proof. We have to show that the given maps are inverse one to another, i.e.:
Fix(AutL (E)) = L , AutFix(H) (E) = H
for every intermediate field L of E ⊃ K and every subgroup H ⊂ G. Since
E ⊃ L resp. E ⊃ Fix(H) are again Galois extensions, we may assume
L = K resp. Fix(H) = K and show then for a Galois extension E ⊃ K the
propositions 4.62 and 4.64.
Proposition 4.62. For a Galois extension E ⊃ K we have
Fix(AutK (E)) = K .
whence F = K.
Consequently L = F .
Now every polynomial pL is a divisor of the minimal polynomial pK in the
ring E[T ]. Write then pK as a product of (finitely many) monic irreducible
polynomials ∈ E[T ], cf. 3.34. Any polynomial pL is then a product of certain
of these polynomials (here we use again the unique factorization property
3.34!), and there are of course only finitely many possibilities.
It remains to show that a Galois extension E ⊃ K satisfies the given con-
dition, but Prop. 4.62 with a subfield L instead of K means that L 7→
AutL (E) ⊂ G is injective, and G has of course only finitely many sub-
Proposition 4.64. Let E ⊃ K be a Galois extension and H ⊂ AutK (E) a
subgroup with Fix(H) = K. Then we have
Ha = {σ(a); σ ∈ H} ⊂ E.
being normal: For ”⇐=” we may refer to 4.40, while ”=⇒” is not difficult
either: Again according to 4.40 it is sufficient to show that every irreducible
polynomial g ∈ K[T ] with a zero a ∈ L is split over L. Since E ⊃ K is
normal, that is true over E and we have to show NE (g) ⊂ NL (g). So let
b ∈ NE (g). From 4.42.i) we know that there is an automorphism σ ∈ G =
AutK (E) with σ(a) = b. Consequently b ∈ σ(L) = L.
In particular we see that in this situation the group homomorphism
is well defined, since σ(L) = L for all automorphisms σ ∈ AutK (E). Its
kernel is H := AutL (E), and being surjective according to 4.35, it induces
an isomorphism G/H ∼ = AutK (L).
This finishes the proof of Theorem 4.60.
Problems 4.65. 1. R: Determine all intermediate fields of the extension Q[ 4 2, i] ⊃
Q. Which of them are normal? Cf. Problem 4.46.2.
2. Let char(F ) = p and F [X, Y ] := (F [X])[Y ] be the polynomial ring over F in the
variables X, Y and F (X, Y ) := Q(F [X, Y ]). Compute the degree [E : K] of the field
extension E := F (X, Y ) ⊃ K := F (X p , Y p ) and show that there is no primitive
element a ∈ E, i.e. such that E = K[a] holds.
3. R: Let E ⊃ K be a finite field extension and p := char(K) > 0. An element
a ∈ E is called separable over K, if pa ∈ K[T ] has only simple zeros and purely
inseparable over K, if there is an r ∈ N with ap ∈ K. We denote Es ⊂ E resp.
Ein ⊂ E the set of all separable resp. purely inseparable elements. The extension
E ⊃ K is called separable resp. purely inseparable iff E = Es resp. E = Ein .
(a) Show: A finite extension E ⊃ K is galois, if |AutK (E)| = [E : K]. Hint:
If the latter is satisfied, we have Ein = K (why?) and E can be written
E = K[a].
(b) Show: The sets Es , Ein ⊂ E äre intermediate fields. (Hint: Assume first
that E ⊃ K is normal and use the fact that Ein = K for a Galois extension
E ⊃ K). The intermediate field Es ⊃ K is also called the separable hull of K
in E. Show that E ⊃ Es is purely inseparable, and that E ⊃ Ein separable
for a normal extension E ⊃ K.
4. Let E ⊃ K be a Galois extension P with Galois group G := AutK (E). Show that the
Q Tr : E −→ K, Tr(x) := σ∈G σ(x) and the norm N : E −→ K ∗ , N (x) :=
σ∈G σ(x) define homomorphisms between the additive resp. multiplicative groups
of E and K. Let a ∈ E and n := [E : K], s := [E : K[a]]. Show that (pa )s =
T n + Tr(a)T n−1 + ... + (−1)n N (a). Indeed (pa )s is the characteristic polynomial of
the multiplication µa ∈ EndK (E).
(a) Let p be a prime and K a field with char(K) 6= p. Show: If a 6∈ K p , then the
polynomial f = T p − a ∈ K[T ] is irreducible. Hint: We may assume p > 2.
Let E ⊃ K be the splitting field of f . It is a Galois extension because of
char(K) 6= p. If f would be reducible, then n := [E : K] is not divisible with
p. Take b ∈ E with bp = a. Then N (b)p = N (bp ) = N (a) = an . Consequently
an ∈ K p resp. a ∈ K p (why?), a contradiction.
(b) Let p be an odd prime and fr := T p −a ∈ K[T ] with a field K of characteristic
char(K) 6= p. Show: fr is irreducible iff a 6∈ K p . Hint for the non-trivial
implication: According to a) the polynomial f := T p −a ∈ K[T ] is irreducible,
hence [K[b] : K] = p, where bp = a. If b is not a p-th power in K[b] we may use
the induction hypothesis and obtain that T p − b ∈ K[b][T ] is irreducible,
resp. that [K[c] : K[b]] = pr−1 , if b = cp . Altogether [K[c] : K] = pr , i.e.
T p − a ∈ K[T ] is irreducible. Otherwise take c ∈ K[b] with cp = b and let
E ⊃ K[b] be the splitting field of f with corresponding norm N : E ∗ −→ K ∗ .
As in a) we get the Galois extension E ⊃ K, where s := [E : K[b]] is not
divisible with p. Then with n := [E : K] we find (−1)s as = (−1)n N (b) =
(−1)n N (cp ) = (−1)n N (c)p , and since p is odd and relatively prime to s, that
implies a ∈ K p , a contradiction!
(c) Take now p = 2 in b). Show: fr := T 2 − a ∈ K[T ] is irreducible iff a 6∈ K 2 , 6∈
−4K 4 . Hint: Reason as before and exclude the possibility b = c2 with some
c ∈ K[b].
(d) Show that the polynomial f := T n − a ∈ K[T ], where the exponent n is not
divisible with char(K), is irreducible, iff a 6∈ K p for all primes p dividing n,
and if a 6∈ −4K 4 in case 4|n.
polynomial pa = T p − T − c ∈ K[T ], cf. problems 4.46.1 and 4.58.2. Hint:
Consider τ := σ − idE ∈ EndK (E) (τ is not an automorphism!). Show:
τ p = 0 6= τ p−1 - if already τ p−1 = 0 choose integers r, s with rp + s(p − 1) = 1
and conclude τ = 0. Hence dim ker(τ ) = 1 resp. ker(τ ) = K ⊂ E. But τ
being nilpotent, we have ker(τ ) ∩ τ (E) 6= {0} resp. K ⊂ τ (E). Take now
a ∈ E with τ (a) = 1 resp. σ(a) = a + 1. Finally σ(ap − a) = ap − a and thus
c := ap − a ∈ K.
Let us now go on with the proof of 4.66: The extension E ⊃ C has degree [E :
C] = 2s with some s ∈ N. We show that for s ≥ 1 there is a subgroup H ⊂
G := AutC (E) of index (G : H) = 2. Taking that for granted, Fix(H) ⊃ C is
an extension of degree 2 and thus Fix(H) = C[a] with some element a whose
minimal polynomial pa ∈ C[T ] has degree 2. But every quadratic polynomial
∈ C[T ] has a zero in C, in particular it is reducible. Contradiction!
Existence of the subgroup H ⊂ G: We show that every p-group G has a
subgroup H of index (G : H) = p. If |G| = p, take H := {e}. Let % : G −→
G/Z(G) be the quotient projection. According to 2.32 we have |G/Z(G)| <
|G|, and now may assume, that we already have found a subgroup H0 ⊂
G/Z(G) of index p. Finally take H := %−1 (H0 ).
Problems 4.68. 1. Show: If K has characteristic char(K) = 0 and E ⊃ K is a finite
extension with an algebraically closed field E, then either E = K or E = K[i] with
an element i ∈ E, i2 = −1. Hint: Since i ∈ E, we may replace K with K[i] resp.
assume i ∈ K and have to show E = K. In any case E ⊃ K is galois. Take a
prime number p dividing [E : K] = |AutK (E)| and an automorphism σ ∈ AutK (E)
of order p and let F ⊂ E be its fixed field. We then have [E : F ] = p and all
non-linear irreducible polynomials ∈ F [T ] have degree p. In particular the p-th
roots of unity belong to F - their minimal polynomial being of degree < p, while
all element ∈ F \ E have a minimal polynomial of degree p. According to Problem
4.65.5 c) we may write E = F [a], where b := ap ∈ F . In particular b 6∈ F p and,
for p = 2, nor b ∈ −4F 4 - otherwise a would be a square in F because of i ∈ F .
So the polynomial T p − b ∈ F [T ] is irreducible according to Problem 4.65.4 c).
while f1 := T − 1.
Remark 4.70. 1. We have deg(fn ) = ϕ(n) with Euler’s ϕ-function, cf.
Example 3.8.5.
2. Let S1 := {z ∈ C; |z| = 1} be the unit circle. Then
fn = (T − a)
a∈S1 ,ord(a)=n
and thus:
Y Y¡ Y ¢ Y
Tn − 1 = (T − a) = (T − a) = fd .
a∈Cn d|n a∈S1 ,ord(a)=d d|n
The n-th root of unity ζn being a zero of fn , its minimal polynomial pζn
is a divisor of fn . In fact
Writing a given k as a product of primes, we see that we are done if for
all a ∈ Cn and primes p not dividing n, we can prove the implication:
2. Let Cn ⊂ Q[ζn ] denote the group of all n-th roots of unity. Then the
restriction map
AutQ (Q[ζn ]) ∼
= Z∗n .
Proof. The degree equality is an immediate consequence of 4.71, while the
restriction map in the second part is injective, an automorphism σ being
determined by its value σ(ζn ), and surjective, since the Galois group acts
transitively on the roots of the irreducible polynomial fn . Finally remember
the isomorphism
Z∗n −→ Aut(Cn ), k 7→ pk
Example 4.74. We consider the real part of the n-th cyclotomic field:
4.9 Solvability by Radicals
In the final section we explain how Galois theory leads to a solution of our
problem to decide when a polynomial equation over a field K of characteristic
char(K) = 0 can be “solved by radicals”. First of all we have to make precise
that notion. We begin with
Definition 4.76. An extension E ⊃ K is called a simple radical exten-
sion, if it can be written E = K[a] with a primitive element a ∈ E, such
that am ∈ K for some exponent m > 0.
Remark 4.77. Given a simple radical extension, the polynomial T m − b ∈
K[T ] with b = am is not necessarily the minimal polynomial pa ∈ K[T ] of a
over K (even if m > 0 is minimal with am ∈ K). But in any case pa is of
course a divisor of T m − b.
Example 4.78. Let ζm ∈ C be the m-th root of unity ζm := exp( 2πi ). Then
Q[ζm ] ⊃ Q is a simple radical extension. Another example is Q[ 2] ⊃ Q.
Let us now discuss the automorphism group AutK (E) for a simple radical
extension E = K[a] ⊃ K with b = am ∈ K.
Proposition 4.79. The automorphism group AutK (E) of a simple radical
extension E = K[a] ⊃ K (with, say, am ∈ K) is solvable.
Proof. Consider the group Cm (E) ⊂ E ∗ of m-th roots of unity in E, a cyclic
group (cf. Prop. 4.47) whose order ` := |Cm (E)| divides m (with ` = m
for char(K) = 0) and the intermediate field L = K[Cm (E)], obtained from
K by adjoining the elements in Cm (E), the splitting field of the polynomial
T m − 1. Then the normal series
{idE } £ AutL (E) £ AutK (E)
has abelian factors: The automorphism group AutL (E) is isomorphic to a
subgroup of Cm (E), the group homomorphism
AutL (E) −→ Cm (E), σ 7→ σ(a)a−1
being injective. On the other hand
AutK (E)/AutL (E) ∼
= AutK (L) ,→ Aut(Cm (E)), σ 7→ σ|Cm (E) ,
with the abelian group Aut(Cm (E)) ∼= Z∗` , where a residue class k corre-
sponds to the k-th power map pk : Cm (E) −→ Cm (E), a 7→ ak .
Definition 4.80. An extension E ⊃ K is called a radical extension, if
it is the composite of finitely many simple radical extensions Ei ⊃ Ei−1 , i =
1, ..., r, (often also called a “tower”):
K = E0 ⊂ E1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Er = E .
[L : L1 ] ≤ [E : K], since we may write E = K[a] with some primitive
element a ∈ E. Then L = L1 [a], and the minimal polynomial pa ∈ K[T ] of
a over K is divisible with the minimal polynomial qa ∈ L1 [T ] of a over L1 .
And [E : K] = deg(pa ) as well as [L : L1 ] = deg(qa ).
It remains to show that L ⊃ L1 is a radical extension. In order to simplify
notation we replace L1 with K and L with E, where we may assume that
Cn (K) with n := [E : K] has order n, i.e. all n-th roots of unity lie already
in the base field K. Take now a normal series
with cyclic factors Gi /Gi+1 of prime order and consider the corresponding
tower of intermediate fields
K = L0 ⊂ L1 ⊂ .... ⊂ Lr = E .
Then Li+1 ⊃ Li is a Galois extension with cyclic Galois group AutLi (Li+1 ) ∼ =
Gi /Gi+1 of prime order. The extension degree p := [Li+1 : Li ] divides n =
[E : K] and hence Cp (Li ) ⊂ Cn (Li ) = Cn (K) has order p, i.e., all p-th roots
of unity belong to Li . Problem 4.65.5 a) with K = Li and E = Li+1 gives
us, that we really have a simple radical extension.
“=⇒”: We take a radical extension L ⊃ K, such that f has a zero in L and
construct an extension F ⊃ L, such that F ⊃ K is a Galois extension with
solvable Galois group AutK (F ). This yields the result, since the splitting
field E ⊃ K of f then is isomorphic to an intermediate field of F ⊃ K. Take
a tower
L0 := K ⊂ L1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Lr = L
of simple radical extensions Li+1 ⊃ Li , say Li = Li−1 [ai ], where bi := am
Li−1 . Let m := m1 · ... · mr . Then we take F ⊃ K as splitting field of
(T m − 1)g ∈ K[T ], where g = pa is the minimal polynomial over K of some
primitive element a ∈ L for the field extension L ⊃ K, i.e., L = K[a]. Hence
we may regard L as intermediate field of the extension F ⊃ K. On the other
Now consider the tower
F0 := K ⊂ F1 := K[ζ] ⊂ F2 := F1 [a2 ] ⊂ ... ⊂ F1+nr
F1+(j−1)r+i := K[ζ, a1 , ..., ar , σ2 (a1 ), ...., σj−1 (ar ), σj (a1 ), ..., σj (ai )] ,
where j = 1, ..., n and i = 1, ..., r. Then it is sufficient to show that F` ⊃
F`−1 is a Galois extension with abelian Galois group: That extension is the
splitting field of T m −1 ∈ F0 [T ] = K[T ] for ` = 1 and of T mi −σj (bi ) ∈ F`−1 [T ]
for ` = 1 + (j − 1)r + i, since F`−1 contains all mi -th roots of unity. As above
we see that AutF`−1 (F` ) ⊂ Cmi (F`−1 ) is cyclic.
Example 5.2. In many applications the set M is realized as a subset M ⊂
P(U ) of the power set of some set U (the “universe”) with the inclusion as
order relation
A ¹ B ⇐⇒ A ⊂ B.
2. The set N = {0, 1, 2, ...} of all natural numbers, endowed with the
natural order, is well ordered, but Z, Q and R are not. The set N2 ,
endowed with the lexicographic order
Proof. Take M ⊂ P(V ) as the set of all linearly independent subsets of V .
We can apply Zorns lemma as in Example 5.5. So there is a maximal linearly
independent set B ∈ M , indeed B is a basis: We have to show that any vector
v ∈ V is a finite linear combination of vectors in B. So let v ∈ V . If v ∈ B,
we are done, otherwise B ∪ {v} 6∈ M – the set B ∈ M being maximal in M
– and hence there is a non-trivial relation
0 = λv + λ1 v1 + ... + λr vr
Theorem 5.8. Every field K has an algebraic closure E ⊃ K, and any two
algebraic closures are isomorphic as K-extensions.
Proof. First we make the field K perfect, if char(K) = p > 0: The pair (E :=
K, σ) with √the Frobenius homomorphism σ : K −→ E = K defines a field
extension K ⊃ K, where every element x ∈ K has a p-th √ root. We may
iterate that procedure and obtain after n steps the field p K. Eventually
K∞ := K,
Proof. We have to show that every irreducible polynomial f ∈ K[T ] is split
over E. Consider a splitting field L ⊃ K of f . Since K is perfect, we can
write L = K[a] according to the Primitive Element Theorem 4.63. But the
minimal polynomial pa ∈ K[T ] is irreducible and thus has a zero b ∈ E.
Therefore f is split over E ⊃ K[b ] ∼
= L.
The extension E ⊃ K satisfying the assumptions of Proposition 5.9 is
obtained as follows: Index the irreducible monic polynomials ∈ K[T ] as
fα , α ∈ A, with some index set A, and consider the polynomial ring K[TA ] of
all polynomials in the variables Tα , α ∈ A, every individual polynomial de-
pending only on finitely many variables. To be more precise: The polynomial
ring K[T1 , ..., Tn ] may be defined inductively:
K[T1 , ..., Tn+1 ] := (K[T1 , ..., Tn ])[Tn+1 ].
Now for a finite subset A0 ⊂ A, say A0 = {α1 , ..., αn }, we set
K[TA0 ] := K[Tα1 , ..., Tαn ] ,
and finally [
K[TA ] := K[TA0 ] .
A0 ⊂A, |A0 |<∞
Now let
gα := fα (Tα ) ∈ K[Tα ] ⊂ K[TA ],
i.e. every polynomial fα gets its own variable Tα ! Let now a ⊂ K[TA ] be the
ideal generated by the gα , i.e.,
( r )
a= hαi gαi ; hαi ∈ K[TA ], r ∈ N, α1 , ..., αr ∈ A .
Now take a finite set A0 ⊂ A with hαi , gαi ∈ K[TA0 ] for i = 1, ..., n. In order
to simplify notation write hi , gi instead of hαi , gαi and A0 = {1, ..., m} with
some m ≥ n. So we have the equality
1= hi gi
in the ring K[T1 , ..., Tm ]. Now consider a splitting field F ⊃ K of f := f1 ·...·fn
and substitute x = (x1 , ..., xn , 0, ..., 0) ∈ F m , where xi ∈ F is a zero of fi :
Since gi (x) = fi (xi ) = 0 for i = 1, ..., n, we obtain 1 = 0. Contradiction!
Eventually Theorem 5.7 provides a maximal ideal m ⊃ a, and we may
set E := K[TA ]/m. Obviously K −→ K[TA ]/m is a field extension, where
fα ∈ K[T ] has the zero xα := Tα + m. In particular E ⊃ K is algebraic.
Let now E ⊃ K and F ⊃ K be two algebraic closures. Consider the
set M of all pairs (L, σ), where L is an intermediate field of E ⊃ K and
σ : L −→ F a morphism of K-extensions; furthermore we define
Axiom of Choice (AC): Given a family (Ai )i∈I of pairwise disjoint subsets
Ai ⊂ M of a set M , there is a set A ⊂ M containing precisely one element
out of each set Ai , i ∈ I, i.e., it has the form A = {xi ; i ∈ I} with xi ∈ Ai
for all i ∈ I.
The axiom of choice, though looking quite harmless, has striking conse-
quences, as for example the fact, that every set admits a well ordering, cf.
Problem 5.10. We shall use here the following reformulation:
Reformulation of the AC: Given a subset S ⊂ P(M ) of the power set
P(M ) of a set M , there is a function f : S −→ M such that f (A) ∈ A for
all A ∈ S. (Note that we here do not require the sets in S to be mutually
BT := {x ∈ M ; ∀ t ∈ T : t ≺ x }
of upper bounds for T outside T is non-empty for any T . Then set γ(T ) :=
f (BT ) ∈ M with a function
as in the reformulation of the AC. With other words: The function γ asso-
ciates to every linearly ordered subset T an upper bound γ(T ) ∈ M \ T .
Let us call a subset K ⊂ M a “ γ-chain”, if (K, ¹) is well ordered and
for any y ∈ K the initial segment K≺y := {x ∈ K; x ≺ y} satisfies
y = γ(K≺y ) .
It remains to show that of two γ-chains K, L one is an initial segment of
the other: Consider the set K0 := {x ∈ K; K≺x ⊂ L is an initial segment of L}.
Obviously it is an initial segment of both K and L. If K0 = K, we are done;
otherwise write K0 = K≺a . Since K≺a is an initial segment of L as well, we
have the alternative K≺a = L or K≺a = L≺b with some b ∈ L, and want to
exclude the last possibility. In that case we would have
a = γ(K≺a ) = γ(L≺b ) = b ∈ L ,
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