Pahrmacyprofession Lecture1history
Pahrmacyprofession Lecture1history
Pahrmacyprofession Lecture1history
Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
Jamilah Alsaidan, Msc
Pharmacy History I - Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
Brief overview of profession roots
Highlight history from its origin in ancient
Mesopotamia to early modern times
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
No one can be sure when pharmacy started.
However, early humans most likely discovered that by
applying water, mud, and some plants the skin.
By simple trial and error, humans slowly discovered
things in nature that helped them.
Therefore pharmacy was practiced instinctively as
people used the elements around them for soothing
compresses on wounds and ailments.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
The earliest known record of the art of apothecary ( the
forerunner of the pharmacist) is in Mesopotamia at about
2600 B.C
Babylonian healing practitioners combined the
responsibilities of priest, physician, and pharmacist.
Some of the oldest pharmacy records are found in
Sumerian ( Babylonian) clay cuneiform tablets that date
back to about 2000B.C.
Sumerian clay cuneiform tablets
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
In ancient China ( 2000 B.C) legend tells that Emperor
Shen Nung investigated the medical properties of
hundreds of herbs.
He recorded 365 native herbal drugs in the first pen
Tsao. ( Book called the Great Herbal)
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
In ancient Egypt, Egyptian priests, as part of their duties,
prepared medicines.
Exact time unknown, approximate time 1900-1100 B.C,
the most famous papyrus of Egyptian medicine was
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
It was uncovered by a German Egyptologist Georg
Ebers , and is now known as Ebers Papyrus.
It is the best known and most important pharmaceutical
record from ancient history.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
It contains 800 prescriptions using 700 drugs, of
particular note in the papyrus is inclusion of quantities of
substances , which were largely missing from
Babylonian clay tablets.
Many modern dosage forms are also referred to in the
Ebers Papyrus as gargles, inhalations, suppositories,
ointments, plasters, and lotions.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
In ancient Greece
Lived the father of Botany, Theophrastus (300 B.C).
His observations about the medicinal qualities of
herbs have proven uncannily accurate.
Theophrastus covered most aspects of botany:
descriptions of plants, classification, plant distribution,
propagation, germination, and cultivation.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
In ancient Greece
Hippocrates of Cos was a Greek Physician and
considered one of the most outstanding figures in the
history of medicine. He is credited with greatly
advancing the medical profession and for writing the
Hippocratic oath.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
While the oath is rarely used in its original form today, it
serves as a foundation for other, similar oaths and laws
that define good medical practice and morals.
He also formulated the theory of the four humors
that parallel the four elements.
air- blood,
water- phlegm,
earth-black bile,
fire- yellow bile.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
He surmised that disease was caused by an
imbalance of these bad humors. This lead to
centuries of medicine aimed at expelling from the ill
person of the offending, excess, bad humors.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
In Ancient Rome,
Galen (A.D 130-200) was a was a prominent
Roman (of Greek ethnicity) physician, surgeon, and
Developed principles of preparing and compounding
medicinal agents
Sought to restore humeral balances within a patient
by the use of medicine of opposing qualities.
e.g. inflammation would be treated with cucumber, a
cool drug.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
Moreover, Galen also drew from many available sources
and attempted to systematize the work begun by
What s more from the Roman era came the twin
brothers Damian and Cosmas. They were Christians of
Arabian Descent. Damian was the apothecary, and
Cosmas the Physician.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
The Middle Ages:
Pharmacy differentiates in the middle ages.
Pharmaceutical Knowledge,- and the number of drugs
available- began to grow considerably, thanks to the
Arab World.
Pharmacy as a separate activity began to develop and
privately owned pharmacies were established in Islamic
Medicine and pharmacy were for the first time separated
from each other.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
First known apothecary shop was opened in Baghdad
in the 18th century, and the Muslims carried this
concept into Europe during wars and other excursions
into Africa, Spain, southern France.
These shops were open street stalls that sold sweets,
syrups, perfumes, and medicines.
Pharmacy History I Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
Ibn Sina (980-1037 His Canon Medicinae
A.D)- Avicenna- brought together the best
intellectual giant, he was knowledge of the Greeks
a physician, poet, and Arabs into a single
philosopher, diplomat.
medical text.
Pharmacy History I- Pharmacy in Ancient
Times up to Modern Era
Pharmacy differentiate during middle ages
German emperor Frederick II issued an edict in about
1240 that legally separated pharmacy from medicine
in southern Italy and Sicily
German emperor Frederick II
This edict is known as the Magna
Carta of pharmacy.