BDBL So Math Solution by Khairul Alam
BDBL So Math Solution by Khairul Alam
BDBL So Math Solution by Khairul Alam
A.- 8.2 c. 1
13 l3 13 13
lSolution:( B)
There are 4 kings and 4 queens in a desk of52 cards.
IBDBL - (SO) -20171
4. The difference between two number is 5 and the difference between their squares is 65.
What is the larger number f (@ltrtil-{ e1tra16 q<R\oIcE-{<rf{ "fif+lgc q6{Iqs{lt?rnBssr)
[BD House Building FC (SO)-2017]+ IBDBL - (so ) -201U
A. 13 B. 11 C.8 D.9
let two number a and b
a-b:5.... (i) here a > b
and. *-b2:65
5. The lengths of two sides of a right angle triangle are 13cm and 5cm respectively. The
Iength of the third side is (qsB Ergqr EF <tq< ffi l{Edr 1 \e 8 r yeT <1qr tq.6:-) -1BDBL -
(so ) -201u
A. greater then 15cm B .less then 10cm
C. equal to 3cm D. equal to lZcm \
0Solution: @)
e-ww 6q 6q1-a @ {5 arB'em Ear <R qrqtl gs-{ {6u q5a,
q<\ mrstft fuWsTT csrqq&yrard qqi + yfrt <u<cur coB
fr-Wq{qGEq )e \e Et a scqq<yqT<Rq<.Rt 5q qaaffi{r{ | B 12 c
6. Considerthatw*x= - 4, xty:25 and y*w= 15. Then the average ofw, xryis-
A.3 B.4 c.5 D.6
tSolution: (D)
w*x * x*y * y+qz = -4 +25 + 15
36 :3
=2w+2xi2y = =2(w+x+y)
w+x+y:36+2=18 So, average of w,x,y:l8+3 = 6 Ans:
7. How long will it take for an amount Tlc 450 to yield Th 81 as interest at 4.5Y" per
annum of simple interest efs-sil <fff-+' 8.c% qT :i;m d[q' sco bffi{ {n b) ?l-ol qcs so qrr Et'f?)
IBKB - (Cash) -2017J a. IBDBL- (So ) -2017]
A.4 years B. 4.5 years C.5 years D. 5.5years
oSolution: (A)
) <q5gaqa- 8co qT 8.a%<Iqo.tctffi tqi{mbl fi-qqaaslv*qHr{
= 8 <q{ tAns:
8. Today is Ratul's 12th birthday and his father's 40th birthday. How -uoy y"u.. frJ.
today will Ratu[s A father be twice as old as Ratul's at that time? (qm<Erq-* 5qsqq-"IfrT
(Cash) -20171 & IBDBL- (So ) -2017]
4.12 8.24 c.l8 D.16
lSolution: (D)
Let, after x years Ratul's fathers will be double
Ot,24+2x= 40+x So, x = 16 Ans:
9. A grocer buys some eggs at Tk 3 each. He finds thatl2 of them are broken, but he sells
the others at Tl<. 4 each and makes profit of Tl<. 96. How many eggs did he buy? (q+sT{
qfr cflrl+ilrftRfu qt'tr rrBrotqm@sn-<mr'r &frrq.ttT{w )qF&q ffi c"rre qT,r{..; OAqOO
frq a Elst Trr ftfu +r< b\eblft sls <'-{rE s#r.g ssF frT qi{ sr{Erq-{7 ) IBKB - (Cash ) -2 u U a
A. 140 8.142 C.144 D. 150
lSolution: (C)
Let, The grocer buys = x eggs
4(x-12) - 3x- 96 or, 4x-48-3x = 96, Then, x = 144 Ans:
qGfts > bffiorrErlsq6a 5sffiqlsw{ bsft c6 q<( )qtrsmfrr{{qnrs& )a.x8 8bt.lsf r qt auF
frrr<sry rHqcq mFfrc{{cRqfl = bs*8u = )88fr r
10. What is the original price of a T-shirt, if the sale price after l5o/o discount is 272
lff I c% qV' frT r qqq Afi-r fr-sr e{I Er{ .tffi{ ef{s W. Fs Rq ?)? [ B D B L - (S O ) - 2 0 I 7J
A.300 8.280 c.320 D.314
oSolution: (C)
272 272xloo
S5%:272 So,lo% -
.'.100% - = 320 Ans:
IBDBL - (SO) -20171
12. Tk- 5000 is deposited in a savings account which prys 7o/" annual interest compounded
semi-annually. To the nearest Taka, how much is in the account at the end of the year?
(xts-$<t <tff'o q% q1r6 qsF csft Rrcr< cooo b[4'1-6 <t{lfrF {rq' ) <sr 6rim Wq'qq(q wFr ss
Bmrqr{? ) -IBDBL- (SO ) -20171
A.5423 B. 5356 C.5r22 D.s247
1% q[C{ Gooo ffi{
) <W<-<W = Cooo ,4{ 1% = rrGo B[$[ I
qfi "rcf{ s Tlm qtffi BfoK B"r< q-{K ) rc tsffi q<\ qqq s IlrqT {E ) 1a blTF E"t{ "lGK v Ilm
1nftmqc< )1c qTe.c% = $.)\6bffi;
EW{ mF nn 51c+)1c+s.)\c = ece.)tc BFpI , e<l{qlT{ cooo*eGs.)\G = cecs Bmqm r
(eF[c{ q% q? qrfs e. 670 q64 qcm o<t qEE qc{ \oR c % ffit R6ffi qcs qa-ro srcf+ qs5q {qq Er{)
13. A cricket team has won 40 games out of 60 played. It has 32 more games to play. How
many of these must the team win to make it record 70o/o win for the season? (qstr ffi
Eq qfi-{ q?m sofr crtEl-{ soEcu ecsrq q<\ qtfi e\E clEt w<fiB qne r q<FE Rf{NrEI{ ss-frcE-
&sr{ & dWTq-qEsEE< mE crflir ro% &-wcr) -[BDBL- (SO ) -2017J
A.20 B.2s C.23 D.32
Total game: 60+32: 92,Total win:\\Yo of 92 = 2* = 64.4
Already won 40, So need to win 64.4 - 40 :24.4 = 25
14. Three workers, X, Y and Z, are paid a total of Tk 5,500 for a particular job. X Is paid
the amount paid to Y and Y Is paid 75o/" of amount paid to Z. How much is
133.33o/o of
paid to Z? (frqq-{ qfrr X, Y q<\ Z ro qsF +trqril wr c,coo bmt em EIr{ sFt sri [qrt q[sl ({
x'llT Y q< ) r qFlT Y "ttsz q< rc% r slqre Z+obmrqnn? ) IBDBL - (so ) -2017J
A. Tk. 1780 B. Tk. 1890 C. Tk. 1975 D. Tk.2000
oSolution:( D)
Ratio of payment of X and Y = 133.33 : 100 or 4:3
Again ratio of Y andZisY:Z = 75:100 or 3:4
So, Ratio of X, Y andZ:4:3:4
Sum of the ratio: 4+3+4: ll
So, Z got: S500x1= 2000 TK. Ans: 2000 Tk.
IBDBL - (SO) -20171
bnttqcq H:TE| [Sonali BonkJunior Officer & Officer - 2010] & IBDBL* (SO ) -201ry
4.25 B. 20 C. 30 D. 32
f Solution: (A)
Jl *g,*O=;:(oficrID{nr)
Total interesr:(H%ofH)x=
r-: u
(rseg emTfl qcrcq c{ mFwqr ffirFr - uit+I r)
16. log. - -2 then x =?[BDBL - (So ) -2017J
A.-l s. 1 c.-3 D.3
oSolution:( D)
log = -Z<1,{2: 1 * *-, =
g3z- 1 <I, rr: 3'2 :. x:31 Ans: D. 3
17 . If 5o/o is gained by selling an article for tk 350 then selling it for Tk 340, the cost of the
article is ?(e+tr E-{r e8o ffi qffi \eco ?T<Flsfrfu s<m a% sls Es I E-<jE{ qiTar +v.z) IBD
House Building FC (SO)-20 I 7l & -[BDBL - (So ) -20 I 7J
A, Tk, 180 B. Tk. 1s0 c. Tk.200 D. Tk.250
oSolution:( C)
Selling price difference:350-340=10 tk. Ando/odifference is= 5c/o
5% of cost =10th
Or,lYoof cost:?rO
1o x 1oo
so loo% of cost - 5
- 2oo tk Ans:
18. In first 1000 natural numbers, how many Integers exist such that they leave a
remainder 4 when divided by 7 and e remainder 9 when divided by ll? (eFt"{ >ooo F
tfqcqlrqrqslffiffie qft6svlrts-drq 8 w<ftb q<\ )) nrowe<re I w<Ft?
{tro r ) [BD House Building FC (SO)-201U+ -IBDBL_ (So) _201U
A. 11 B. 13 c. 1s D.17
OSolution:@ )
t ft-ssFr +((E 8 q<FB {lrs ${-{ d?BBrfif qcEq, 8, )), )b, \c, eq, eb, 8\9, ce, so . . . . .
Khairul's Bank Recent Math -5
IBDBL - (SO) -20171
)) frrr vtrtsrcq b q-<fiB qIre qE-{{\q?jlqrEl'qcE b, \o, e), 8i, ce, s8
SffiKEE$f q q-sq'qlI{ qr{q$m0ErEae
qfi qt cs q<wcsf 1 q<R )) q<E.qte 11 q&<K mFtsffi 6{qET:rE{c(qitecq[qlT6{ cqer{t\e
E"ir<<tsitr {+-+c< r
)ooo "dg q:{-{{(q]ler{tqGt ce, teo, )ol - - - - b11 (qfu cc sr{ 6<ft)
b1l - ce
{s<R q<?F{ crE cq?m qEq - + ) = 59 Ans: )eF | [e1qqq{tt 6qg p-aK fi'gc{]
19. A 240 m long train passed a pole in 24 seceond. How long will it take to pass a 650 m
long platform ? (lao fiFt<Ert qsE G{ r.8 cryrsts e-$q-{m{r$'q&@{s<r6 "ilra r & ,lTq ff4F
sc'ofitsK Ett qsF em+* sB'eq s;rrc s-s {rr-s sn(<e) [B D Hous e Building FC (SO) - 2 0 1 U +
IBDBL-(SO) -2017]
A. 65 sec B. 89 sec C. 100 sec
D. 130 sec
OSolution:( B)
train speed in 1 second is=240+24: 10m/s
The train has to go:240+650:890m
So Total time taken:890+10 = 89 seconds Ans:
20. The average of the smallest and largest primes between 60 and 80 is (vo rqlr<F'bo q<vc{rT{w
TEE{ ffifr-E q$Bt{ - (SO ) -2017J
'l-ss-s? ) - IBDBL
A.60 8.70 c.60 D.77
vo q<( bo {r$ wE{ dfro qr1rt s) q<R. T{sq ffifr$ q$RT
= 15 1
21. In the triangle ABC if AB > AC then which of the following is irue? (ABC frRTq'AB > AC
qrqFrr<r+ffiqfrol ) TBDBL-(SO) -201U a
"rm$rq-{ ABC frEffi, AB <tq > AC rtqE\erlT AB <twfr"rfts cstT ACB roFt AC <I{{
fr{A\5Csl"tZABCnrco<vrsE Bq<, D. ZACB> ZABC
22. If x2 - 7xy+ y' is divided by , - 2y, the result is - IBDBL - (SO ) -201U
A.3x+2y B.3x-2y C.2x-3y D.2x+3y
IBDBL - (sO) -20171
OSolution:( none)
q{F6o qNql' W <rrrq ; p1-s6t qffi flFnF qry q+E <tft frr* W e-<rE c{ gFIF-{ q'Eo + cr+ ot
qc1-q-q/ - 7xy+
v2 <wqt6Tl'srotqnrafrqfiMfisq[Rrq I
23.1f the first and sixth term of a geometric series are respectively
"2I uoO I64 tnen tne
common ratio is-? (qsF wfie-o ffiK qqt s s6 "iq rtlqdfi I q<\ I )
2 6 ",*qmT{qfl\5$se
A.1 8.1 c. D,2
42 1
u.flfiB-r {<f{ eFN qoO ,4<\ {$ qo I
1 firrt Gil<ft {1q q&{F fir5< qR?fl1 qlct ecl s-fi qGlrq
264 l
OSolution:( A)
ollrtr fiqlq{tft, ABC m-<tqfr'Wq AB : AC : BC = 4cm q<q. an <efrrVeffi{ qoF $nqt r
CD:4 +2=2
,sfi, ACD qrrotft frWq.,
AD2 + CD2 = AC2 (q<1-*,tC tqfrEsT)
qt, AD2 AC2 CD2
<T, AD2 =42-22 = 16-4 = !2