Fan 2013
Fan 2013
Fan 2013
Soria R, Egger M, Scherrer U, Bender N, Rimoldi SF. Pulmo- MORE THAN 140 MILLION people worldwide live at high altitude,
nary artery pressure and arterial oxygen saturation in people living at defined as 2,500 m above sea level or higher (32). At high
high or low altitude: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Appl altitude, arterial hypoxemia related to decreased barometric
Physiol 121: 11511159, 2016. First published September 22, 2016; pressure leads to a series of physiological responses (24),
doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00394.2016.More than 140 million peo-
including increased pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) and pul-
ple are living at high altitude worldwide. An increase of pulmonary
EMTREE in EMBASE), including pulmonary artery, pressure, diography in general populations living at high (2,500 m above sea
and altitude and terms denoting study designs and publication types. level) or low altitude (1,500 m) were included. Participants had to
Separate searches to identify eligible studies from low- and high- have lived at the study altitude for at least 1 yr. We included
altitude regions were developed. We also examined the bibliographies randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, and cross-sectional stud-
of relevant articles to identify eligible studies that may have been ies published in English or Spanish. Studies reporting data in 10
missed by the database searches. participants and case reports and studies reporting duplicate data or
Study Selection data in participants with morbidities (e.g., systemic hypertension,
diabetes mellitus, etc.) were excluded. The abstracts of retrieved
Articles that reported the mean value and standard deviation (SD) articles were first checked for eligibility, and ineligible studies were
[or standard error (SE)] of estimations of PAP by Doppler echocar- excluded at this stage. The full text of potentially eligible articles was
Records Records
identified identified
Excluded based on
titles and abstracts
Titles and abstracts Titles and abstracts (n=1610)
Excluded based on screened (n=336) screened (n=1749) Reasons:
titles and abstracts Studies in animals
(n=313) (n=310)
Reasons: Other languages
Studies with animals (n= 62)
(n=63) Catheterization (n=5)
Other languages Different pathologies
(n= 21) (n=885)
Studies at low Case report (n=12)
altitude (n=55) Without variables of
Different pathologies interest (n= 90)
(n=48) Meta-analysis (n=8)
Case report (n=6) Information not
Without variables of available (n=23)
interest (n= 68)
comorbidities (n=6)
Measurement of
pulmonary artery
exposure to high
pressure with
altitude (n=2) Studies included in Studies included in
different method
the the (n=6)
analysis analysis Measurement were
performed at high
(n=12) (n=18) altitude (n=5)
Fig. 1. Flow of information through the different phases of systematic review. n, Number of studies.
High-altitude studies
Hoit (2005) (17) 57 20 0 33 (9) Panam Xiang (China) 4,200 Tibetan
0 37 29 (12) 4,200
Schwab (2008) (41) 34 24 10 36 (9) La Paz (Bolivia) 3,600 Aymara
34 21 13 38 (7) La Paz (Bolivia) 3,600 Caucasian
Stuber (2008) (43) 200 105 95 9.5 (3.6) La Paz (Bolivia) 4,000 Aymara
77 42 35 9.7 (3.7) La Paz (Bolivia) 3,600 Caucasian
Richalet (2008) (39) 15 15 0 44 (9) Cerro de Pasco (Peru) 4,300 Quechua
Stuber (2010) (44) 32 32 0 46 (11) La Paz (Bolivia) 3,600 Aymara
Jayet (2010) (21) 90 55 35 14 (7) La Paz (Bolivia) 3,600 Aymara
Hoit (2011) (18) 75 53 0 32 (9) Amhara (Ethiopia) 3,700 Amhara
0 22 30 (8) 3,700
Pratali (2012) (35) 26 26 0 48 (7) La Paz (Bolivia) 3,600 Aymara
Groepenhoff (2012) (13) 15 9 6 41 (7.7) Cerro de Pasco (Peru) 4,350 Quechua
Pratali (2013) (34) 40 40 0 48 (8) La Paz (Bolivia) 3,600 Aymara
Bruno (2014) (7) 95 30 65 33.7 (13.8) Khumbu Valley (Nepal) 3,800 Tibetan
Faoro (2014) (11) 13 10 3 25 (3.6) Khumbu-Sagarmatha National Park 5,050 Tibetan
Low-altitude studies
Aessopos (2000) (1) 53 19 34 38.9 (12.9) Athens (Greece) 338 Caucasian
Grnig (2000) (14) 11 11 0 37 (11) Heidelberg (Germany) 100 Caucasian
Lindqvist (2003) (26) 20 10 10 46 (12) Sweden Caucasian
Ricart (2005) (38) 17 17 0 33.1 (7.2) Barcelona (Spain) 12 Caucasian
Modesti (2006) (29) 20 17 3 3253 (range) Florence (Italy) 50 Caucasian
Senn (2006) (42) 26 13 13 28 (11) Zurich (Switzerland) 490 Caucasian
Reichenberger (2007) (36) 14 12 2 37 (mean) Giessen (Germany) 171 Caucasian
Huez (2007) (20) 13 2 11 54 (12) Brussels (Belgium) 13 Caucasian
Stuber (2008) (43) 29 16 13 8.8 (2.6) Bern (Switzerland) 450 Caucasian
Kriemler (2008) (22) 20 10.7 (1.1) Bern (Switzerland) 450 Caucasian
Huez (2009) (19) 15 7 8 36 (12) Brussels (Belgium) 13 Caucasian
Baillie (2009) (5) 42 26 16 22.4 (6.3) Edinburgh (Scotland) 47 Caucasian
41 18 23 21.2 (2.3)
Naeije (2010) (31) 30 15 15 35 (mean) Brussels (Belgium) 13 Caucasian
Bates (2011) (6) 42 26 16 21.5 (2.7) Edinburgh (Scotland) 47 Caucasian
20 11 9 21.2 (3)
Hoit (2011) (18) 46 21 0 32 (9) Cleveland (USA) 282 Caucasian
0 25 38 (12)
54 45 0 34 (9) Zarima (Ethiopia) 1,200 Amhara
0 9 28 (9)
Allemann (2012) (3) 118 63 55 11 (2) Bern (Switzerland) 568 Caucasian
Groepenhoff (2012) (13) 15 9 6 35 (11.6) Brussels (Belgium) 13 Caucasian
Bruno (2014) (7) 64 24 40 36.2 (12.4) Pisa (Italy) 4 Caucasian
*Mean (SD) is shown unless otherwise indicated.
square root of the number of participants included in the analysis. We of 139 full-text low-altitude articles were examined, and 18
used random-effects meta-regression to assess the effects of age, articles included. We excluded 121 studies, mostly because
ethnicity, and altitude of measurement on the results. Results from participants with comorbidities, (e.g., diabetes mellitus, arterial
meta-analyses are expressed as mean values and 95% confidence hypertension) were studied.
intervals. Based on the results of the meta-analysis (using the point
estimates and the mean of the standard deviations), we plotted normal
distributions of systolic PAP and oxygen saturation for hypothetical Characteristics of Included Studies
populations at low and high altitude. The statistical package Stata
High-altitude studies. Twelve studies with a total of 834
(version 11.2; Stat, College Station, TX) was used for all analyses.
participants fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The number of
participants included ranged from 200 in the largest (39) to 13
in the smallest study (35) with mean ages of the participants
Identification of Eligible Studies ranging from 9.5 to 48 yr (Table 1). With the exception of one
study that was performed at 5,050 m, all others were performed
We identified a total of 2,505 articles, 388 studies from between 3,600 and 4,350 m. Slightly more than half of the
high-altitude settings and 2,117 from low altitude. The flow of participants studied (54%) had an Andean indigenous back-
the selection of studies and the reasons for exclusion are shown ground; the remaining participants were made up by Asians
in Fig. 1. (24%), Caucasians (13%), and Africans (9%).
High-altitude studies. Database searching revealed 388 arti- Low-altitude studies. Eighteen studies including a total of
High-altitude Studies
Hoit 2005 (17) yes unclear 8 (9.1) unclear yes yes
Schwab 2008 (41) yes yes 0 (0) yes yes no
Stuber 2008 (43) yes no 14 (5) unclear yes no
Richalet 2008 (39) yes no 0 (0) unclear yes yes
Stuber 2010 (44) yes no 1 (3.1) unclear yes no
Jayet 2010 (21) yes unclear 6 (6.7) unclear yes yes
Hoit 2011 (18) yes unclear unclear unclear yes no
Pratali 2012 (35) yes no unclear unclear yes yes
Groepenhoff 2012 (13) yes no unclear unclear yes no
Pratali 2013 (34) yes no 0 (0) unclear yes yes
Bruno 2014 (7) yes yes unclear unclear yes yes
Faoro 2014 (11) yes no 0 (0) unclear yes yes
Low-altitude Studies
Aessopos (2000) (1) yes yes no unclear yes yes
Grnig (2000) (14) yes yes unclear unclear yes yes
Lindqvist (2003) (26) unclear no 0 (0) unclear yes yes
Ricart 2005 (38) no no 3 (17.6) unclear yes no
Modesti 2006 (29) unclear yes 0 (0) unclear yes no
Senn 2006 (42) unclear no 10 (38.5) unclear yes no
Reichenberger 2007 (36) yes yes 0 (0) yes unclear no
Huez 2007 (20) no no 0 (0) unclear yes unclear
Stuber 2008 (43) unclear no 1 (3.4) unclear yes no
Kriemler 2008 (22) yes yes unclear unclear yes yes
Huez 2009 (19 unclear no 9 (60) unclear yes no
Baillie 2009 (5) no no 16 (19.3) unclear unclear yes
Naeije 2010 (31) yes no 8 (26.7) unclear yes yes
Bates 2011 (6) unclear no 7 (11.3) unclear yes yes
Hoit 2011 (18) yes unclear unclear unclear yes no
Allemann 2012 (3) yes no 5 (4.2) unclear yes yes
Groepenhoff 2012 (13) yes no unclear unclear yes no
Bruno 2014 (7) yes yes unclear unclear yes yes
over, pulmonary hypertension appears to be very rare among 8. Claessen G, La Gerche A, Voigt JU, Dymarkowski S, Schnell F, Petit
apparently healthy high-altitude inhabitants. The results from T, Willems R, Claus P, Delcroix M, Heidbuchel H. Accuracy of
echocardiography to evaluate pulmonary vascular and RV function during
this meta-analysis are expected to provide useful reference exercise. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 9: 532543, 2016. doi:10.1016/
values for these variables in the general population, and j.jcmg.2015.06.018.
marked deviations from these values, such as those in meta- 9. DAlto M, Romeo E, Argiento P, DAndrea A, Vanderpool R, Correra
analyzed studies (6) and (42), should render suspicion of a A, Bossone E, Sarubbi B, Calabr R, Russo MG, Naeije R. Accuracy
potential systematic error. More research in distinct ethnic and precision of echocardiography versus right heart catheterization for
groups, particularly Tibetans and Africans, living at high and the assessment of pulmonary hypertension. Int J Cardiol 168: 4058 4062,
2013. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.07.005.
low altitudes is needed to provide information on how evolu- 10. Eichstaedt CA, Anto T, Pagani L, Cardona A, Kivisild T, Mormina
tion may have resulted in different high-altitude phenotypes in M. The Andean adaptive toolkit to counteract high altitude maladaptation:
humans. genome-wide and phenotypic analysis of the Collas. PLoS One 9: e93314,
2014. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093314.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 11. Faoro V, Huez S, Vanderpool R, Groepenhoff H, de Bisschop C,
Martinot JB, Lamotte M, Pavelescu A, Gunard H, Naeije R. Pulmo-
We thank Drs. Yves Allemann, Emrush Rexhaj, David Cerny, Marcel
Zwahlen, Beatrice Minder, Doris Kopp for helpful comments and guidance. nary circulation and gas exchange at exercise in Sherpas at high altitude.
J Appl Physiol (1985) 116: 919 926, 2014. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.
GRANTS 00236.2013.
12. Galderisi M, Henein MY, Dhooge J, Sicari R, Badano LP, Zamorano
The authors acknowledge funding from Bundesbehrden der Schweizeri- JL, Roelandt JR; European Association of Echocardiography. Rec-