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Ch6 Part 1 - Design of Spread Footings (1-82) New

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Footings are foundation components that transmit the load from the superstructure to soil or
rock. Their shapes usually vary with specific requirements and design needs. For spread footings,
square shapes are common and usually most economical, but rectangular shapes are used if space is
limited in one direction, or when loads are eccentric in one direction. The typically desired case is
to select the footing shape that makes the soil pressure as uniform as possible. Furthermore,
footings may be of uniform thickness or may be sloped or stepped. Fig.(6.1) shows typical
configurations of various types of footings.

Fig.(6.1): Typical configurations of various types of footings.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

1. The footing is assumed to be rigid (the thickness is sufficient enough) for easy calculation.
2. Actually, the soil pressure distribution under a footing is not uniform and depends upon
footing rigidity, shape, and depth. However for simplicity, the distribution of the soil
reactions is considered uniform as shown in Fig.(6.2).


t t t

Cohesive soil Cohesionless soil

(a) Actual soil Pressure (b) Assumed soil pressure

Fig.(6.2): Soil pressure distribution under rigid footings.


The ACI 31814 code for reinforced concrete foundation requirements specifies that the
service loads should be converted to ultimate through several load combinations as:

Pult . = 1.4 DL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL
.....(ACI 31814 Section 9.2)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL
where, DL, LL, WL and EL are service dead, live, wind, and earthquake loads, respectively.

From the above various combinations of the load cases, the load case control is considered as
a design load. Note that in general as a rule, actual applied load ( ) and actual net soil pressure
( . ) are used to find the area of footing ( ). Whereas, factored loads and soil pressure are
used to determine the steel area ( ) and footing thickness (t).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


The ACI 31814 code designates the critical locations for shear and moments depending on
type of column or wall (e.g., concrete, steel, or masonry) as shown in Fig.(6.3). Notice that
circular columns are treated as square columns with an equivalent width for location of critical
sections for shear and moment.

(a) Critical sections for shear in isolated footings.

Isolated column footing. Pedestal footing. Isolated column or pedestal footing.

Critical section S


Column with steel base plate. Masonry wall.

(b) Critical sections for moment in isolated footings.

Fig.(6.3): Critical footing sections for shear and moment.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


A summary of strength design principles that apply to foundation design are presented in
Table (6.1). The table is divided into two parts: (1) general design principles that apply for strength
design and (2) principles that are specifically applicable to foundation design.

Table (6.1): Summary of ACI 318 14 code requirements.

Principle Design item Code requirement

General Load Combinations Pult . = 1.4 DL 9.2

Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL
DL = dead load, LL= live load, WL= wind
load, and EL = earthquake load.

Load factor, Flexure: 0.9 9.3

Shear and torsion: 0.75
Flexure in plain concrete: 0.65

Minimum flexure 0.25 1.4 10.3

. = b.d b.d

Temperature and . = 0.0020 b t ---------- for < 420 MPa 7.12

shrinkage reinforcement
= 0.0018 b t --------- for = 420 MPa

0.0018 420
= b t --- for > 420 MPa

Shear reinforcement and = (0.16 + 17
) 11.5
minimum required steel

,. = 0.062 0.35 11.13

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Development length, ,
for deformed bars and
deformed wires:

(a) Tension:

Either 12.1 or 12.2.2 =

+ 12.1
equations is applicable
1.1 (

provided that 300
mm. in which the confinement term:
+ 40
2.5, and =

where, n is the number of bars or wires
being spliced or developed along the plane of
splitting. However, it shall be permitted to
use = 0 as a design simplification even if
transverse reinforcement is present.

No. 19 and No. 22 and

Spacing and cover
smaller bars larger bars
Clear spacing of bars or
wires being developed or
= = 12.2.2
spliced not less than db, 1.7
clear cover not less than db,
and stirrups or ties
throughout not less than
the Code minimum.
Clear spacing of bars or
= = 12.2.2
wires being developed or 1.1
spliced not less than 2db
and clear cover not less
than db.


l = bar location factor; l = 1.3 for top reinforcement, l = 1.0 for other
e = coating factor; e = 1.5 for epoxycoated bars or wires with cover
less than 3db or clear spacing less than 6db; e = 1.2 for other
epoxycoated bars or wires; e = 1.0 for uncoated reinforcement;
provided that l e 1.7.
s = bar size factor, s = 0.8 for 19 mm and smaller bars and deformed
wires; and s = 1.0 for 22 mm and larger bars.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

cb = spacing or cover dimension: Use the smaller of either the distance

from the center of the bar to the nearest concrete surface or onehalf
the centertocenter spacing of the bars being developed.
= transverse reinforcement index, which is equal to (1.6 /sn),
where = total crosssectional area of all transverse reinforcement
within ld that crosses the potential plane of splitting adjacent to the
reinforcement being developed, s is the maximum spacing of
transverse reinforcement within ld , centertocenter (mm); and n is
the number of bars or wires being developed along the plane of
= lightweightaggregate concrete factor, = 1.0 for normal weight
concrete. = 0.75 for lightweight aggregate concrete; however, when
is specified, use = /1.8 (in SIunits).

(b) Compression: 0.24

= (0.043 ) 12.3.2

The ACI code 31814 permits a
reduction multiplier of given by: But not less than 200 mm.
s = excess reinforcement factor; if
the longitudinal flexural reinforcement
is in excess of that required by
analysis except where anchorage or
development for fy is specifically
required or the reinforcement is
designed for seismic effects. The
reduction multiplier is: s = (As
required)/(As provided), or s1 = 0.75
for spirally enclosed reinforcement not
less than 6 mm diameter and not more
than 100 mm pitch or within No.13
ties and spaced at not more than 100
mm on center, and s2 = fy/415 for
cases where fy > 415 MPa.

Reinforcement spacing Clear distance not less than 7.6.1

diameter of bar or 1.0 inch (25

Walls and slabs: not to be spaced 7.6.5

father apart than 3 times the wall
or slab thickness or 18 in. (450

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Minimum reinforcement cover 3.0 inch (75 mm) for castin 7.7.1
place concrete and permanently
exposed to earth.

Modulus of elasticity of concrete, = 1.5 0.043 () 8.5.1

for normal weight concrete.
(MPa) = 4700 ()

Footings General considerations See ACI code 15

Round columns Use equivalent square of same 15.3

area for location of critical
sections for moment, shear, and
development of reinforcement in

Maximum moment See ACI code 15.4

Minimum footing depth (a) Not less than 6 in. (152 mm) 15.7
above the bottom of
reinforcement for footing on
(b) Not less than 12 in. (305 mm)
for footing on piles.

One-way action (Widebeam shear): . = 0.17 11.3
Two-way action (Punching shear): . = 0.17(1 + ) -------(a) 11.31
Take smaller value from a, b and c.

. = 0.083( + 2) ---(b) 11.32

The units of both shear are in (MPa).
. = 0.33 ---------------(c) 11.33


= 0.75, =

= 50 cm for corner columns,
= 75 cm for edge columns,
= 100 cm for interior columns.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Bearing strength (column on footing): . = 0.85 2 /1 -------- (a) 10.15

Take the smaller value from (a) or (b).
. = 0.85 -------- (b)

= 0.65 and 2 /1 2.0
1 = area of contact (or column),
2 = projection area.

Minimum steel reinforcement As,min. = 0.005 A1

for bearing strength (dowels). where, A1 = area of column.

Walls General considerations See ACI code 14

Reinforcement Vertical: As 0.0012 Ag of wall 14.3.2

Horizontal:As 0.002 Ag of wall 14.3.3
As = area of reinforcement, and
Ag = gross area of the wall.

Maximum thickness Not less than 1/25 the supported

height or length, whichever is
shorter; not less than 4 in. (102

Exterior basement walls and

foundation walls not less than 7.5
in. (191 mm).

Grade beams See ACI code 14.7

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


As shown in Fig.(6.4a), if the moments about both x and y axes are zero, then, the soil
pressure distribution under the footing is simply equal to the total vertical load divided by the
footing's area. While in case of moment or (moments), the contact pressure below the footing is
non-uniform (see Fig.6.4b).


center line
center line
e e

q act. q min . q min .
Af center line
q max . q max .

(a) Concentric load (b) Eccentric load

Fig.(6.4): Contact pressure distribution under footings.

In general, when the load is concentric according to footing center, the contact soil pressure is
uniform. But when the load is eccentric (i.e., there is a moment), the contact pressure below the
footing is non-uniform as shown under the following three cases:

Case (1): When ex L / 6 , the resultant of load passes within the middle third of the footing.
Here, there is compression under the footing with maximum pressure on one side and
minimum pressure on the other side.
P = D.L.+L.L.
Moment in (Ldirection only) and ex L / 6

M L B.L3 M
e x = eccentricity = ; c ; I ;
P 2 12
L/3 L/6 L/6 L/3
M.c 6M P
; M = P..e x q act.
I B.L2 Af
P 6 P.e x
q max .
min . B.L
B.L2 I
P 6.e x +
or q max . 1 I
min . B.L L
q min .
q max .
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Moments in (both directions) and ex L / 6 ; e y B / 6

My Mx My
ex ; ey
P 6 P.e 6 P.e y
or q max .
min . B.L
B x
B.L2 B2 .L

P 6.e x 6.e y
or q max .
min . 1

Case (2): When ex L / 6 , the resultant of load passes on edge of the middle third of the
P = D.L.+L.L.
Moment in (Ldirection only) and e x L / 6 ex

P 6.e x P L 2 P
q max . 1 = 1 =
B.L L B.L L B.L L/3 L/6 L/6 L/3

P 6.e x P L
q min . 1 = 1 =0 q min . = 0

B.L L B.L L q max .

Case (3): When ex L / 6 , the resultant of load is outside the middle third of the footing. Here,
there is a tension under the footing.
P = D.L.+L.L.
Moment in (Ldirection only) and ex L / 6
P q max . .L1.B ......(a)
L1 L
ex ......(b)
3 2 L/6
2. P
From Eq.(a): q max . ....(c) L/2
ex L1/3
From Eq.(b): L1 3 e x .....(d)
2 q min . = 0
Substituting Eq.(d) into Eq.(c) gives: q max .
2. P
q max . L1
3.B e x
P = D.L.+L.L.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings
Problem (6.1): Proportion a footing subjected to
concentric column load (1600 kN) and to an
overturning moment (800 kN-m), q all. = 200 kPa. My
B =?
My 800
ex 0.5 m ; put q max . q all . of soil
p 1600
P 6.e x 1600 3
or q max . 1 ; 200 = 1
Area Proportion: Choose B and L such that (L/B < 2.0)

L (m) B (m) Area (m2) L/B

Let, L = 6e = 3 5.40 16.20 0.55 < 2.0

4 3.50 14.00 1.14 < 2.0
5 2.56 12.80 1.95 < 2.0 Take L = 5.0 and B = 2.6
6 2.00 12.00 3.00 > 2.0
7 1.63 11.42 4.29 > 2.0
Check : L / 6 = 5 / 6 = 0.83m > e x = 0.5m The load is within the middle 3rd. (O.K.)

Problem (6.2): What size of footing can carry an
axial load of P = 360 kN and moments Mx
Mx clockwise =108 kN-m, My clockwise =180 kN-m B =?
given that q all. 200.kN / m .

180 108
M y e x . P ; e x 0.5m and M x e y . P ; e y 0.3m
360 360
P 6.e B 6.e L
q max . 1
min . B.L B L
Equate q max. to q all. (200.kPa ) and q min . to zero then solve for B or estimate L and B by trial
and error provided that q max. q all. (200.kPa ) and q min. 0 .
360 6(0.5) 6(0.3)
Using L / B = 1.5; 200 1 1.5B B gives: B = 1.9m and L = 2.85m
1.5B 2
Check : L / 6 = 2.85 / 6 = 0.475m < e x = 0.5m (Not safe)
360 6(0.5) 6(0.3)
Using L / B = 1.7; 200 1 gives: B = 2.0m and L = 3.4m
1.7B 2 1.7B B
Check : L / 6 = 3.4 / 6 = 0.56m > e x = 0.5m; B / 6 = 2.0 / 6 = 0.33m > e y = 0.3m
The resultant is within the middle 3rd. (O.K.)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


6.7.1 Design Steps of Square Spread Footings

(1) Find the area of footing:

Assume footing thickness (t).
Calculate () of soil from allowable bearing capacities due to DL, (DL+ LL), (DL +
LL+ WL) as follows:

() = () . ( ) ; =

() + = (+) . ( ) ; =
() +

+ +
() ++ = (++) . ( ) ; =
() ++

Then, for square footing = ()

(2) Convert the loads into ultimate and according to control ultimate loads
calculate the ultimate soil pressure:
Pult . = 1.4 DL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL
...... (ACI 31814 Section 9.2)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL
. =

(3) Check: (a) bearing capacity [S.F. 3.0]; (b) settlement [S .S allowable ].

(4) Determine the thickness of footing:

(i) Check twoway action or punching shear at (d/2) from column face:
. = 0.17(1 + ) ....(ACI 318-14 section 11.31) ..... (a)

. = 0.083( + 2) ..(ACI 318-14 section 11.32)...... (b)

. = 0.33 ...(ACI 318-14 section 11.33).. (c)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Take the smaller value from (a), (b) and (c). P

where, G.S. d/2

b b
= = 1 or 2 , b2
b2 b1
b1 .
= 0.75
= 50 cm for corner columns, b+d
= 75 cm for edge columns, b
= 100 cm for interior columns. b2 d/2
b+d b
Punching area = (b + d)2 ;
Punching force = . [ ( + )2 ]

Punching face = ; and = 4( + ) ... for square column

. [ ( + )2 ]

Set = . and solve for (d).

(ii) Check one-way or wide-beam shear at distance (d) from face of column:

. = 0.17 .(ACI 318-14 section 11.3) P

L1 d
= 0.75
Bb b
L1 d ; Punching area = 1
Punching force = . 1
. 1 . 1
= =
d b
Set = . and solve for (d); then take the larger B

value of (d) obtained from (i) or (ii). L1

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(5) Determine the required steel (Calculate moment at face of column):

q ult . .L22 Bb L2
Mu where, L2 Mu Mu
2 2
As ; . = . .
0.9.fy .0.9d .
where, . is the larger of: 1.4/ or 0.25 / B
.(. & ) = 0.0020 b t ------------ for < 420 MPa
= 0.0018 b t ---------- for = 420 MPa
0.0018 420 b
= b t ---- for > 420 MPa
Compare A s with . and take the larger value for design.
(6) Spacing and steel distribution:

Number of bars: =

15 ( )
Spacing (c/c) =

(7) Check the bond:


(a) Steel in tension:

() = 2 7.5 (concrete cover) 7.5cm
ld(required) either ACI 31814 code (12.1 or 12.2.2) Eq. is used provided that ld 300 mm

() = + .. (ACI 31814 section 12.1)
1.1 ( )


= yield strength of steel reinforcement,

= bar location factor, = coating factor, = bar size factor, Steel
= lightweightaggregate concrete factor, L2
= compressive strength of concrete,
cb = spacing or cover dimension,
7.5 cm

= transverse reinforcement index, and = bar diameter.

Tensile Steel
7.5 cm

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(b) Steel in compression:

() = (d) of footing
() = (0.043 ) ..(ACI 31814 section 12.3.2)

provided that 200 mm.

(8) Check contact pressure between the column and footing:

() =

() = 0.85 2 /1 0.85

where, = 0.65 and 2 /1 2.0

Pult . Pult .

b b
A1 A1
2 2
d 1 1
A2 A2 / A1 1.0
For this case: fc(all .) 0.85..f c

2 = projection area = (b 4d)

1 = area of contact (or column) ;

Note: If () > (): (1) Increase the section of column, or (2) Design dowels
for excess load.
[ () () ] 1

(9) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels = 4 for square or rectangular columns.
Minimum number of dowels = 6 for circular columns.
Minimum of dowels = 0.005 A1 ....ACI 318-14 sec.(
where, A1 = area of column.

(10) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections) showing all details required for

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Problem (6.3): (Square Spread Footing Design)

Design a reinforced concrete square footing for the following data:
D.L.= 222 kN, L.L.= 311 kN, the base of footing is at 1.5m below the ground surface,
the soil unit weight is 16 kN/m3, q all (DL) = 100 kPa, q all ( DL+LL) = 170 kPa, = 21 MPa,
= 345 MPa, and column of 30cm in diameter with 6 bars 20 mm .


(1) Area of footing:

Assume footing thickness (t) = 45 cm, dassumed = 45 7.5 1.0 (20 mm ) = 36.5 cm
q all (net) due to DL = 100 0.45 (24) (1.5 0.45)(16) = 72.4 kN/m2 ; A f 3.07 m2
222 311
q all (net) due to DL+LL = 170 27.6 = 142.4 kN/m2 ; A f 3.74 m2 (control).
For square footing; = () = 3.74 = 1.93 m, Use (2m x 2m).

(2) Ultimate loads:

Pult . = 1.4 DL = 1.4 (222) = 310.8 kN
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL = 1.2 (222) + 1.6 (311) = 764 kN (control)
Pult .(control ) 764
q ult . 191 kN/m2
Af ( 2)( 2)

(3) Check bearing capacity, settlement and soil pressure as before. P

(4) Thickness of footing:

Treating circular column as square with an equivalent width: d/2

b (0.3)2 0.266m
. =191 kPa
(i) Check punching shear at (d/2) from column face:
2 2m
. = 0.17(1 + ) ACI 318-14 sec.(11.31) ... (a)
= 0.17(1+ 1 ) 0.75 21 = 1753 kPa bd
b+d d/2
2m b d

. = 0.083( + 2) ..ACI 318-14 sec.(11.32).... (b) b+d

100 36.5
= 0.083(4 (26.6 + 36.5) + 2) 0.75 21 = 4696 kPa

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

. = 0.33 ......ACI 318-14 sec.(11.33). (c)

= 0.33 (0.75) 21 = 1134 kPa (control).

. [ ( + )2 ]

Now either set = . and solve for (d) or find with dassumed =36.5 cm
and then compare it with .
191[( 2)( 2) (0.266 0.365) 2 ]
= = 747 kPa < 1134 kPa L1 d
4(0.266 0.365)( 0.365)
(d) = 36.5 cm (O.K.)

q ult.
(ii) Check wide-beam shear at distance (d) from face of column: 2m

. = 0.17 .(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)

= 0.17 (0.75) 21 = 584 kPa d b
B b 2 0.266
L1 d = 0.365 0.502 m L1
2 2
. 1 191(0.502)
= = 263 kPa < 584 kPa (O.K.)

(5) Determine the required steel: L2

Mu Mu
Calculate moment at face of column.
B b 2 0.266
L2 = 0.867m q ult.
2 2
q ult . .L22 191(0.867) 2
Mu = 71.78 kN-m
2 2
Mu 71.78(10) 3 b
As = (100) 2 7.04 cm2/m 2m b
0.9.fy .0.9d 0.9.(345).0.9(0.365)
1.4 0.25( 21)
min . % 0.00405 or 0.25 / = 0.0033 L2
345 345
. = . = 0.00405(1.0)(0.365)(100)2 = 14.782 cm2/m
As min. (. & ) = 0.0020 b t = 0.0020(1.0)(0.45) (100)2 = 9.0 cm2/m
Use . = 14.782 cm2/m ; A s total = 14.782 (2) = 29.564 cm2

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings
(6) Spacing and steel distribution:
Use size 20 mm ; A s bar = 3.14 cm2

at 20.5 cm c/c
As 29.564
Number of bars: N 9.4; Use 10 bars

10 bars 20mm
Area.of .bar 3.14
B 15 cm 200 15
Spacing (c/c) = 20.5 cm

N1 9
Use 10 bars 20mm at 20.5 cm c/c in each direction. 10 bars 20mm
at 20.5 cm c/c
(7) Check the bond:
(a) Steel in tension:
() = 2 7.5 (concrete cover) = 86.7 7.5 = 79.2 cm

() = + ... (ACI 31814 section 12.1)
1.1 ( )

But, not less than 300 mm (30 cm).

= = = = 1.0 Compression
L2 Steel
Bars spaced 20.5 cm c/c
cb = bottom cover = 45 36.5 = 8.5 cm or
= c to c spacing of bars= (20.5) = 10.25 cm
Take cb = 8.5 cm ; = 0

+ 8.5 + 0 +
( ) = (20/10) = 4.25 > 2.5; Take ( ) = 2.5 Tensile Steel

7.5 cm
345 (1.0)(1.0)(1.0)
() = 1.1 (1.0)21 2.5
(2.0) = 54.7 cm

and () = 79.2 cm > () = 54.7 cm (O.K.)

Note: If () < () , use either bent bars or increase the footing thickness.

(b) Steel in compression:

() = (d) of footing = 0.365 (100) = 36.5 cm
() = (0.043 ) ...(ACI 31814 section 12.3.2)

But, not less than 200 mm (20 cm).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

0.24 (345)
() = (2.0) = 36.14 cm
(1.0) 21

or 0.043 = 0.043 (345) (2.0) = 29.67 cm

() = 36.14 cm
and () = 36.5 cm > () = 36.14 cm (O.K.)

(8) Check column bearing on footing: Pult .

A1 = (0.3 / 2) 2 = 0.071 m2
0.3 m
A2 = (1.76 / 2) 2 = 2.433 m2
A2 / A1 2.433 / 0.071 5.8 > 2.0 2 2
d = 0.365 m 1 A2 1
Use A2 / A1 2.0
b + 4d = 1.76m
() = 0.85 fc A2 /A1 0.85 fc

() = 0.85 fc A2 /A1 = 0.85 (0.65)(21)(2.0) = 23.20 MPa

0.85 fc = 0.85 (0.65)(21) = 11.60 MPa
() = 11.60 MPa
Pult. 764
() = = 0.071 = 10.76 MPa < () = 11.60 MPa (O.K.)

(9) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels bars = 6 for circular columns.
Use size 20 mm ; A s bar = 3.14 cm2; A s total = 6 (3.14) = 18.84 cm2
Minimum of dowels = 0.005 A1 ....ACI 318-14 sec.(
= 0.005(0.071)(1002) = 3.55 cm2 < 18.84 cm2

(10) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections):

=+ + concrete cover
20mm / 10
t 36.5 7.5 45 cm

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

30 cm

6 bars size 20 mm
f c = 21 MPa
fy = 345 MPa

t = 45 cm
7.5 cm

10 bars 20mm at 20.5 cm c/c

7.5 cm in each direction
200 cm


200 cm

10 bars 20mm
at 20.5 cm c/c

10 bars 20mm
at 20.5 cm c/c

Note: If () = 30 MPa > () = 21 MPa; Design dowels for excess load.

[ () () ] 1 (30 21)(0.071)(100 ) 2
= 20.58 cm2
0.9 (0.9)(345)
Using size 22 mm ; A s bar = 3.80 cm2
Number of dowels bars 5.4 , Use 6 bars
Then, check As min. for dowels and minimum number of bars, and check the
bond in compression.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

6.7.2 Design Steps of Rectangular Spread Footings

(1) Find the area of footing:

Assume footing thickness (t).
Calculate () of soil from allowable bearing capacities due to DL, (DL+ LL), (DL +
LL+ WL) as follows:

() = () . ( ) ; =

() + = (+) . ( ) ; =
() +

+ +
() ++ = (++) . ( ) ; =
() ++

For rectangular footing = () . Then, choose B and L such that (L/B < 2.0).

For example if the required area = 6 m2, then:

B L Area L/B
1.0 6 6 6.00 > 2.0
1.5 4 6 2.67 > 2.0
2.0 3 6 1.50 < 2.0 Take L = 3.0 and B = 2.0
2.5 2.4 6 0.96 < 2.0

(2) Convert the loads into ultimate and according to control ultimate loads
calculate the ultimate soil pressure:

Pult . = 1.4 DL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL
...... (ACI 31814 Section 9.2)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL
. =

(3) Check: (a) bearing capacity [S.F. 3.0]; (b) settlement [S .S allowable ].

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(4) Determine the thickness of footing:

(i) Check widebeam shear at (d) from column face:

. = 0.17 fc ..(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)

where, = 0.75

In long-direction:
. 1 L b1
= where, L1 d

In short-direction: .
. 2 B b2
= where, L 2 d L
Set = . and solve for (d).
d L1
b2 B

(ii) Check twoway action or punching shear at (d/2) from column face:
. = 0.17(1 + ) ...(ACI 318-14 section 11.31) ..... (a)

. = 0.083( + 2) .(ACI 318-14 section 11.32)...... (b)

. = 0.33 ..(ACI 318-14 section 11.33).. (c)

Take the smaller value from (a), (b) and (c).
where, L

b b b1 d
= = 1 or 2 , = 0.75
b2 b1 b1 d/2
b 2 d b2 B
= 50 cm for corner columns,
= 75 cm for edge columns,
= 100 cm for interior columns.
. [()() (1 + )(2 + )]
[2(1 + ) + 2(2 + )]

Set = . and solve for (d), then take the larger (d) obtained from (i) or (ii).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(5) Determine the required steel for each direction:

Calculate moments at column faces in both directions. Pult .
(a) Steel in Long-Direction:
M u (11) X1 M u (22)
q ult . .X12 L b1
M u(11) where, X1
2 2
M u(11) q ult.
0.9.fy .0.9d

. = . . where, min. is the larger of: 1.4/fy or 0.25f c /fy

.(. & ) = 0.0020 b t ------------- for fy < 420 MPa
= 0.0018 b t ----------- for fy = 420 MPa
0.0018 420
= b t ----- for fy > 420 MPa

Compare As(11) with Asmin. and take the larger value for design.

As total (long .dir .) As(11) .B

(b) Steel in Short-Direction:
X1 X2
q ult . .X 2
2 B b2 2 2
M u ( 2 2) where, X 2 b2 B
2 2
M u ( 2 2)
A s ( 2 2)
0.9.fy .0.9d
Compare A s ( 22) with A s min . and take the larger value for design.

As total (short .dir .) As(22) .L

(6) Spacing and steel distribution:

(a) Steel in long direction:
Steel in long direction (computed as that for square footing) should be distributed uniformly
across entire width of footing.
( .) 15 ( )
Number of bars: = ; Spacing (c/c) =

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(b) Steel in short direction:

In short direction a portion of total steel (more steel) must be distributed uniformly under the
column (centered on centerline of column or pedestal) within a distance (B) at S %:
S% ..(% of steel located within B distance) and the remainder of steel is
( L / B) 1
L B 15cm
distributed uniformly within ( ) in each direction.
Assume total number of bars required (in short direction) = 25 bars with L = 3m and B = 2m
% of steel located within (B) = S% 0.8 %
( 3 / 2) 1
Number of steel bars within (B) = 0.8 (25 bars) = 20 bars.
L B 15cm 300 200 15
25 20 = 5 bars; use 6 bars distributed within ( ) 42.5 cm in each
2 2
3 bars 20 bars 3 bars
7.5cm LB LB
B = 2.0m
2 2

Column 2.0m

3.0m 7.5cm

(7) Check the bond:

(a) Steel in tension:
() = 1 7.5 (concrete cover)
() = 2 7.5 (concrete cover)
() either ACI Code 31814 (12.1 or 12.2.2) Eq. is used provided that ld 300 mm.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

() = + .. (ACI 31814 section 12.1)
1.1 ( )


= yield strength of steel reinforcement, Compression

= bar location factor, = coating factor, = bar size factor, X1 Steel
= lightweightaggregate concrete factor,
= compressive strength of concrete,
cb = spacing or cover dimension, Ld

7.5 cm
= transverse reinforcement index, and = bar diameter.

Tensile Steel
7.5 cm

Note: If () < () is unsafe ; use Hooks.

(b) Steel in compression:

() = (d) of footing
() = (0.043 ) ..(ACI 31814 section 12.3.2)

provided that 200 mm.

(8) Check contact pressure between the column and footing:

() =

() = 0.85 2 /1 0.85 ; where, = 0.65 and 2 /1 2.0

Pult . Pult .

b1 b2
A1 A1
2 2 2 2
d 1 1 d 1 1
A2 A2

b1+4d b2+4d
Long direction Short direction

1 = area of contact (or column)= 1 2 . 2 = projection area = (1 + 4)(2 + 4)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Note: If () > (): (1) Increase the section of column, or (2) Design dowels
for excess load.
[ () () ] 1

(9) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels = 4 for square or rectangular columns.
Minimum number of dowels = 6 for circular columns.
Minimum of dowels = 0.005 A1 ....ACI 318-14 sec.(
where, A1 = area of column.

(10) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections) showing all details required for

Problem (6.4): (Rectangular Spread Footing Design)

Design a reinforced concrete rectangular footing placed at a depth of 1.7m below the
ground surface with the following data:
Loads: D.L. = 1110 kN, L.L. = 1022 kN, wind O.T. load = 1000 kN.
Soil pressures: q all (DL) = 195 kPa, q all ( DL+LL) = 300 kPa, q all ( DL+LL+WL) = 387 kPa.
Soil: c = 70 kPa, 15 , = 17 kN/m3, Es 2.0.x.104 kPa, s 0.3 .
Materials: = 21 MPa, = 415 MPa.
Column: 45 cm x 45 cm with 8 bars 25 mm .


(1) Area of footing:

Assume footing thickness (t) = 75 cm, dassumed = 75 7.5 1.1 (22 mm ) = 66.4 cm
q all (net) DL = 195 0.75 (24) (1.7 0.75)(17) = 160.85 kPa ; A f 6.90 m2
1110 1022
q all (net) DL+LL = 300 34.15 = 265.85 kPa ; Af 8.02 m2
1110 1022 1000
q all (net ) DL+LL+WL = 387 34.15 = 352.85 kPa; A f 8.87 m2 control
Choose B and L such that (L/B 2.0) as follows:

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

B L Area L/B
1.0 8.87 8.87 8.87 > 2.0
1.5 5.91 8.87 3.94 > 2.0
2.0 4.43 8.87 2.21 > 2.0
2.5 3.55 8.87 1.42 < 2.0
Take B = 2.2 m , L 4.03m , use L = 4.1 m,
Check: L/B = 1.86 < 2.0 (O.K.)
Thus Af (2.2)(4.1) 9.02 m2 > 8.87 m2 (O.K.)
Pactual(control) 3132
q all.(applied ) 347 .228 kPa.
Af ( 2.2)( 4.1)

(2) Ultimate loads:

Pult . = 1.4 DL = 1.4 (1110) = 1554 kN
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL = 1.2 (1110) + 1.6 (1022) = 2967.2 kN
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0LL = 1.2 (1110) + 1.6 (1000) + 1.0 (1022) = 3954 kN control
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL = 0.9 (1110) + 1.6 (1000) = 2599 kN

Pult .(control ) 3954

q ult . (applied ) 438.36 kN/m2
Af ( 22 )( 4.1)

(3) Check bearing capacity, and settlement:

(a) Bearing capacity using Hansen's equation:
q ult . cN cScdcicgc bc qNqSqdqiq gq bq 0.5.B.N S d i g b .r

Since all g i ..and..bi factors are 1.0; the Hansen's equation simplifies to:
q ult. cN c Sc d c qN q Sq d q 0.5.B.N S d .r

No need to compute ps , since L/B = 1.86 < 2.0 and 15 34 .

Bearing capacity factors from Table (3.2) in Chapter 3:

N q e . tan .. tan 2 (45 / 2) , Nc ( Nq 1). cot , N 1.5( Nq 1) tan

for 15 : N q 3.94 , N c 10.97 , N 1.18

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Shape factors from Table (3.5):

Nq B 3.94 2.2
Sc 1 1 1.193
Nc L 10.97 4.1
B 2.2
Sq 1 tan 1 tan 15 1.144
L 4.1
B 2.2
S 1 0.4 1 0.78
L 4.1
Depth factors from Table (3.5):
For D f = 1.7m, and B = 2.2m, D f / B = 1.7/2.2 = 0.773 < 1.0 (Shallow footing)

D 1.7
d c 1 0.4 f 1 0.4 1.309
B 2.2

Df 1.7
d q 1 2 tan .(1 sin ) 2 1 2. tan 15.(1 sin 15) 2 1.227
B 2.2
d 1.0

B 2.2
For B > 2.0 m: r 1 0.25. log 1 0.25. log 0.989
2 2
q ult. ( net) (70)(10.97)(1.193)(1.309) + (1.7)(17)( 3.94 1 )(1.144)(1.227)

+ (0.5)(17)(2.2)(1.18)(0.78)(1.0)(0.989) = 1335.469 kN/m2

q ult .( net ) 1335.469
S.F. for B.C. = 3.05 3.0 (O.K.) Safe for B.C. Check.
q ult .(applied ) 438.36

(b) Immediate settlement at center:

Since rock bed is very deep, take H or H / B = 500, B B / 2 1.10m, L/B = 1.86
From Tables (5.10a and 5.10b): I1 0.741 by interpolation ( I1 0.731 for L/B =1.8 and
I1 0.748 for L/B = 1.9) and I 2 0.001
1 2 s 1 2(0.3)
I s I1 I 2 0.741 0.001 0.741
1 s 1 0.3

ID = 0.66 (Df /B)(0.19) + 0.025 L / B 12.s 4.6

= 0.66 (1.7/2.2)(0.19) + 0.025 [4.1/2.2 + 12 (0.3) 4.6] = 0.715

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

1 2
s I .I .C
() q o .B s D N
1 (0.3) 2
(236.4)(1.10) (0.741)( 0.715)( 4)
2.x.10 4

= 0.0251m or 2.51cm 2.5cm (O.K.) Safe for settlement.

(4) Determine the thickness of footing:

(i) Check wide-beam shear at (d) from face of column:

. = 0.17 fc ....(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)

= 0.17(0.75) 21 584 kPa

In longdirection:
Take dassumed = 66.4 cm
L b1 4.1 0.45
L1 d 0.664 1.161 m d
2 2
q .L 438.36.(1.161)
ult . 1
d 0.664 .
766.47 kPa > 584 kPa (Not O.K.)
Therefore, take = . and solve for (d).
L b1 4.1 0.45 d
L1 d d 1.825 d L1
2 2 d
0.45m 2.2m
q .L 438.36(1.825 d )
ult . 1 ; 584 0.45m
d d
584d = 800.007 438.36d ; d = 0.78 m.

In shortdirection:
B b2 2.2 0.45
L2 d d 0.875 d
2 2
q .L 438.36(0.875 d )
ult . 2 ; 584
d d
584d = 383.565 438.36d ; d = 0.375 m; Use the larger value of (d) = 0.78 m

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(ii) Check punching shear at (d/2) from face of column:

. = 0.17(1 + ) ACI 318-14 sec.(11.31)
= 0.17(1+ 1 ) 0.75 21 = 1753 kPa

. = 0.083( + 2) ..ACI 318-14 sec.(11.32)

100 78
= 0.083(4 (45 + 78) + 2) 0.75 21 = 5093 kPa
0.45 + d
. = 0.33 ......ACI 318-14 sec.(11.33)
0.45 + d d/2 2.2m
= 0.33 (0.75) 21 = 1134 kPa (control).

. [()() (1 + )(2 + )]

438.36[( 4.1)( 2.2) (0.45 0.78)2 ]

857.518 kPa < 1134 kPa (O.K.)
[4(0.45 0.78)]( 0.78)

Use (d) = 0.78 m

(5) Determine the required steel for each direction:

Pult .
(a) Steel in long direction:
M u (11) X1 M u (22)
L b1 4.1 0.45
X1 1.825m
2 2

q ult . .X12 438.36(1.825)2

M u(11) 730.006 kN-m q ult .
2 2
M u(11) 730.006(103 )(104 )
As(11) 4.1m
0.9.fy .0.9d 0.9(415)( 0.9)( 0.78) 1

= 27.84 cm2/m X1 X2
Asmin. = min. b. d; where, min. is the larger of: 2 2
0.45m 2.2m
1.4/fy = 1.4/415 = 0.0033 or 0.45m
0.25f c /fy = 0.25 21 /415 = 0.00276
2 2
Asmin. = min. b. d = 0.0033(1.0)(0.78)(100) = 25.74 cm /m

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

ASmin.(Temp.& hrinkage) = 0.0020 b t ------------ for < 420 MPa

= 0.0020(1.0)(0.865)(100)2 = 17.3 cm2/m
Use As(11) 27.84 cm2/m

As total (long .dir .) As(11) .B = 27.84 (2.2) = 61.248 cm2

(b) Steel in short direction:

B b 2 2.2 0.45
X2 0.875m
2 2

q ult . .X 22 438.36(0.875) 2
M u ( 2 2) 167.809 kN-m
2 2
M u(2 2) 167.809(103 )(104 )
As(2 2) 6.40 cm2/m < (Asmin. = 25.74 cm2/m)
0.9.fy .0.9d 0.9(415)( 0.9)( 0.78)

Use As(22) 25.74 cm2/m

As total (short .dir .) As(22) .L = 25.74 (4.1) = 105.534 cm2

(6) Spacing and steel distribution:

(a) Steel in long direction:
Steel in long direction is measured as that for square footing.
( .) 61.248
Using size 22 mm : = = = 16.1 ; Use 17 bars
15 ( ) 2.2(100) 15
Spacing (c/c) = = = 12.8 cm ; Use 13 cm c/c.
1 16
Use 17 bars size 22 mm @ 13 cm c/c.

(b) Steel in short direction:

( .) 105.534
Using size 22 mm : = = = 27.7 ; Use 28 bars

Number of steel bars within (B) = (28 bars) = 20 bars
( 4 .1 / 2 .2 ) 1

L B 15.cm 410 220 15

28 20 = 8 bars distributed within ( ) 87.5 cm in each direction.
2 2

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(7) Check the bond:

(a) Steel in tension:

() = 1 7.5 (concrete cover) = 182.5 7.5 = 175 cm
() = 2 7.5 = 87.5 7.5 = 80 cm

() = + ... (ACI 31814 section 12.1)
1.1 ( )

But, not less than 300 mm (30 cm).

= = = = 1.0 Compression
L2 Steel
Bars spaced 13.0 cm c/c
cb = bottom cover = 86.6 78 = 8.6 cm or
= c to c spacing of bars= (13.0) = 6.5 cm
Take cb = 6.5 cm ; = 0

+ 6.5 + 0 +
( ) = (22/10) = 2.95 > 2.5; Take ( ) = 2.5 Tensile Steel

7.5 cm
415 (1.0)(1.0)(1.0)
() = (2.2) = 72.4 cm
1.1 (1.0) 21 2.5

() = 175 cm > () = 72.4 cm (O.K.)

and () = 80 cm > () = 72.4 cm (O.K.)

(b) Steel in compression:

() = (d) of footing = 0.78(100) = 78 cm
() = (0.043 ) ...(ACI 31814 section 12.3.2)

But, not less than 200 mm (20 cm).

0.24 (415)
() = (2.2) = 48 cm
(1.0) 21

or 0.043 = 0.043 (415) (2.2) = 40 cm

() = 48 cm
and () = 78 cm > () = 48 cm (O.K.)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(8) Check contact pressure between the column and footing:

. 3954
() =
= 0.2025 = 19.526 MPa

() = 0.85 2 /1 0.85 ; where, = 0.65 and 2 /1 2.0

Pult . = 3954 kN Pult . = 3954 kN

0.45m 0.45m
A1 A1
2 2 2 2
d 1 1 d 1 1
A2 A2

3.57m 3.57m
Long direction Short direction

A1 = (0.45)2 = 0.2025 ; A2 = [4(0.78) + 0.45]2 = 12.745 m2

A 2 / A1 12.745 / 0.2025 7.9 > 2.0 Use A2 / A1 2.0

() = 0.85 2 /1 = 0.85 (0.65)(21)(2.0) = 23.20 MPa

() = 0.85 = 0.85 (0.65)(21) = 11.60 MPa
() = 11.60 MPa < 19.526 MPa (N.O.K.) therefore, the dowels must be
designed for excess load as follows:
[ () () ] 1

[19.52611.6] 0.2025
= (0.9)(415)
(100)2 = 42.97 cm2

Using size 25 mm : = = 8.75 bars, Use 9 bars as dowels ( = 44.19 cm2).

(9) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels = 4 for square or rectangular columns
Required dowel areas = (9)(4.91) = 44.19 cm2
Available dowel area = (8)(4.91) = 39.28 cm2
Minimum for dowels = 0.005 A1 = 0.005 (0.45)2(100)2 = 10.12 cm2 < 44.19 cm2 (O.K.).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(10) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections) showing all details required for

=+ + concrete cover
22mm / 10
t 78 7.5 86.6 cm; Use t = 90 cm.

45 cm

= 21 MPa
= 415 MPa 9 bars size 25 mm
20 bars 22 mm at 11.5 cm c/c
4 bars 22 mm at 29 cm c/c 4 bars 22 mm at 29 cm c/c

t = 90 cm
7.5 cm

17 bars 22 mm at 13 cm c/c
7.5 cm
410 cm

4 bars 20 bars 22 mm 4 bars

7.5 cm L B B = 220 cm LB
2 2

Column 220 cm

28 bars 22 mm

17 bars 22 mm at 13 cm c/c 7.5cm

410 cm

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

6.7.3 Design Steps of Wall Spread Footings

(1) Width of footing: Total load

Per meter length

() 1.0 m

b L
q ult.
(2) Convert the loads into ultimate per meter length:

Pult . = 1.4 DL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL
...... (ACI 31814 Section 9.2)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL

./ ()
./ =

(3) Check: (a) bearing capacity [S.F. 3.0]; (b) settlement [S .S allowable ].
(4) Determine the thickness of footing: Pult. /m

Check widebeam shear at (d) from face of wall: d

. = 0.17 .....(ACI 31814 section 11.3) b

where, = 0.75 .
. 1 Bb B
= where, L1 d

Set = . and solve for (d). d L1


Minimum (d) for reinforced concrete wall = 15 cm.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Pult . / m
(5) Determine the required steel for each direction:
(a) Steel in short direction (Main steel):

q ult ..X12 Mu X1 Mu
where, X1 . for concrete wall.
2 q ult .
Bb b
or X1 ... for masonry wall. Main steel
2 4
As (per meter length) 1

. = . . (per meter length)

where, min. is the larger of: 1.4/fy or 0.25f c /fy
X1 L
.(.& ) = 0.0020 b t -------- for fy < 420 MPa
= 0.0018 b t ------- for fy = 420 MPa
0.0018 420
= b t - for fy > 420 MPa

where, = + + concrete cover

Compare with . and take the larger value for design.

As total = As (per meter) L

(b) Steel in long direction:

Use As min . min . .b.d (Per meter length)

As total = As min.(per meter) B

(6) Spacing and steel distribution:

(a) Steel in short direction:
15 ( )
Number of bars: = ; Spacing (c/c) =

(b) Steel in long direction:

15 ( )
Number of bars: = ; Spacing (c/c) =

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(7) Check the bond:

(a) Steel in tension:
() = 1 7.5 (concrete cover)
ld(required) either ACI 31814 code (12.1 or 12.2.2) Eq. is used provided that ld 300 mm

() = + .. (ACI 31814 section 12.1)
1.1 ( )

= yield strength of steel reinforcement,
= bar location factor, = coating factor, = bar size factor, Steel
= lightweightaggregate concrete factor,
= compressive strength of concrete,
cb = spacing or cover dimension, Ld

7.5 cm
= transverse reinforcement index, and = bar diameter.

(b) Steel in compression:

Tensile Steel
() = (d) of footing 7.5 cm
() = (0.043 ) ..(ACI 31814 section 12.3.2)

provided that 200 mm.

(8) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections).

Problem (6.5): (Wall Spread Footing Design)

Determine the size and reinforcement for a continuous footing that is placed at 1.5m
depth below the ground surface and supports a 30 cm bearing wall of a 10 story
building founded on soil; with the following data:

Loads Allowable soil bearing pressures Materials

Soil: s = 17 kN/m3
D.L. = 365 kN/m
qall (DL) = 145 kN/m2
L.L. = 180 kN/m Column: 45 cm x 45 cm with
qall ( DL+LL) = 190 kN/m2 8 bars 25 mm
W.L. = 60 kN/m
qall DL+LL+ (WL or EL) = 240 kN/m2 Concrete: = 21 MPa
Seismic (E.L.) = 75 kN/m
= 415 MPa

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


(1) Width of footing:


Assume footing thickness (t) = 60 cm, dassumed = 60 7.5 1.25 (25 mm ) = 51.25 cm
q all (net) DL = 145 0.6 (24) (1.5 0.6) (17) = 115.3 kPa ; B 3.165 m
365 180
q all (net) DL+LL = 190 29.7 = 160.3 kPa ; B 3.399 m (Controls)
365 180 60
q all (net )DL+LL+(WL) = 240 29.7 = 210.3 kPa; B 2.877 m
365 180 75
q all (net )DL+LL+(EL) = 240 29.7 = 210.3 kPa; B 2.948 m
Take B = 3.5 m
() 365 180
. () = 155.714 kPa.

(2) Ultimate loads:

Pult . = 1.4 DL = 1.4 (365) = 511 kN/m

Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL = 1.2(365) + 1.6(180) = 726 kN/m (Controls)

Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0LL = 1.2(365) + 1.6(60) + 1.0(180) = 714 kN/m

Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL = 0.9(365) + 1.6(60) = 424.5 kN/m

Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL = 1.2(365) + 1.0(75) + 1.0(180) = 693 kN/m

Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL = 0.9(365) + 1.0(75) = 403.5 kN/m

./ () 726
. () = 207.428 kPa.

(3) Check: Bearing capacity [S.F. 3.0] and Settlement [S .S allowable ] as before.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(4) Determine the thickness of footing:

Check wide-beam shear at distance (d) from face of column:

. = 0.17 fc ....(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)

= 0.17(0.75) 21 584 kPa Pult . = 726 kN/m

Take dassumed = 51.25 cm
B b 3.5 0.3 d
L1 d 0.5125 1.0875 m
2 2
q .L 207.428(1.0875)
ult . 1
d 0.5125 . = 207.428 kN/m2
440.152 kPa < 584 kPa (O.K.) 3.5m

or take = . and solve for (d).

d L1
B b1 3.5 0.3
L1 d d 1.6 d
2 2 L
q .L 207.428(1.6 d )
ult . 1 ; 584
d d
584d = 331.885 207.428d ; d = 0.42 m.

Use (d) = 0.5125 m. Pult . / m

Mu X1 Mu
(5) Determine the required steel for each direction:
(a) Steel in shortdirection (Main steel):
B b 3.5 0.3 q ult.
X1 1.6 m
2 2
Main steel
q ult . .X12 207.428(1.6) 2
Mu 265.508 kN-m/m 1
2 2

Mu 265.508(10 3 )(100) 2
As = 15.412 cm2/m
0.9.fy .0.9d 0.9(415)( 0.9)( 0.5125)
X1 L
Asmin. = min. b. d; where, min. is the larger of:
1.4/fy = 1.4/415 = 0.00337

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

or 0.25f c /fy = 0.25 21 /415 = 0.00276

Asmin. = min. b. d = 0.00337(1.0)(0.5125)(100)2 = 17.271 cm2/m
ASmin.(Temp.& hrinkage) = 0.0020 b t = 0.0020 (1.0)(0.60)(100)2 = 12.000 cm2/m

Use As Asmin. = 17.271 cm2/m

(b) Steel in long direction:
Use As Asmin. = 17.271 cm2/m

As total As min . B = 17.271 (3.5) = 60.448 cm2

(6) Spacing and steel distribution:

(a) Steel in short direction:
/ 17.271
Using size 25 mm : = = = 3.6 ; Use 4 bars /meter length
100 15
Spacing (c/c) = = 28.3 cm; Use 28 cm c/c

Use 4 bars / meter length size 25 mm @ 28 cm c/c hooked at ends.

(b) Steel in long direction:
Using size 22 mm : = = = 16 bars
15 ( ) 350 15
Spacing (c/c) = = = 22.3 cm ; Use 22 cm c/c
1 15

Use 16 bars size 22 mm @ 22 cm c/c.

30 cm
= 21 MPa; = 415 MPa
22 mm at 28 cm c/c
for shear due to earthquake 16 bars 22 mm at 22 cm c/c
load effects Top & Bottom (straight)

t = 60 cm
7.5 cm

25 mm at 28 cm c/c hooked at ends

7.5 cm
B = 350 cm

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


(1) Find the area of footing:
Assume footing thickness (t).
Calculate () + = (+) . ( ) ; =
() +

For square footing: = () .

For rectangular footing: = (). Then, choose B and L such that (L/B < 2.0).

(2) Convert the loads into ultimate:

. = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL ; Bearing pressure: . =

(3) Check: (a) bearing capacity [S.F. 3.0]; (b) settlement [S .S allowable ].

(4) Determine the thickness of footing:

(i) Check tensile strength:

. = 0.42 fc where, = 0.60 ...(ACI 31814 section 22.2)

3 6
= ; = ; = ; and =
2 12 2
Set = . and solve for (d) gives:


(ii) Check widebeam shear at (d) from column face:

. = 0.11 fc where, = 0.60 ...(ACI 31814 section 22.9)

In longdirection: d
. 1 1
= where, 1 =

In shortdirection: .
. 2 2
= where, 2 = L

Set = . and solve for (d). d d L1

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(iii) Check twoway action or punching shear at (d/2) from column face:
. = 0.11(1 + ) 0.22 ..(ACI 31814 section 22.10)

1 2
where, = = or , = 0.60
2 1

. [()() (1 + )(2 + )]
[2(1 + ) + 2(2 + )]

Set = . and solve for (d).

Take the larger value of (d) obtained from (i), (ii) and (iii), but not less than (d) = 20 cm
accordance ACI Code.
Minimum thickness (t) = 20 + 5 (Screed or lean concrete 1:3:6) = 25 cm.

(5) Check contact pressure between the column and footing:

() =

() = 0.85 2 /1 0.85

where, = 0.65 and 2 /1 2.0

Pult . Pult .

b b
A1 5 cm A1 5 cm
2 2
d 1 A2 1 OR d A2
Screed 5 cm thick Screed 5 cm thick
b + 4d (B or L) 10 cm
1 = area of contact (or column)= 1 2 . 2 = projection area = (1 + 4)(2 + 4)

(6) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels = 4 for square or rectangular columns.
Minimum number of dowels = 6 for circular columns.
Minimum of dowels = 0.005 A1 ....ACI 318-14 sec.(
where, A1 = area of column.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(7) Check bond for steel in compression:

() = (d) of footing
() = (0.043 ) ..(ACI 31814 section 12.3.2)

provided that 200 mm.

Note: Even though plain concrete footings are designed according to ACI Code
requirements, they are necessary to be reinforced in the longitudinal direction to prevent the
appearance of cracks due to temperature and shrinkage effects and to enable the footings to
bridge over soft spots in the underlying soil.

(8) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections).

Problem (6.6): (Plain Concrete Square Footing Design)

Design a plain concrete square footing that subjected to D.L. = 222 kN, L.L. = 311 kN, to
support a column of 30 cm diameter with 6 bars 20 mm . Given that q all . net = 145 kPa,
= 21 MPa and = 345 MPa.


(1) Area of footing:

222 311
Af 3.67 m2; for square footing; B 3.67 1.917m , Use (2m x 2m).

(2) Convert the loads into ultimate:

Pult . 1.2.D.L 1.6.L.L = 1.2( 222) 1.6(311) 764 kN
P 764
q ult . ult . 191 kPa.
Af (2)(2)

(3) Check: Bearing capacity [S.F. 3.0] and Settlement [S .S allowable ] as before.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(4) Thickness of footing:

(i) Check tensile strength:

. = 0.42 fc .....(ACI 31814 section 22.2)

= 0.42(0.6) 21 = 1155 kPa

Treating circular column as square with an equivalent width. L2
b (0.3) 2 0.266 m
B b 2 0.266 q ult.
L2 = 0.867 m 2m
2 2

q ult . .L22 191(0.867) 2

Mu = 71.786 kN-m b
2 2
2m b
6 6 (71.786)
d= = = 0.61 m L2
. 1155

(ii) Check widebeam shear at (d) from face of column:

. = 0.11 fc ....(ACI 31814 section 22.9)

= 0.11(0.6) 21 = 302.449 kPa

. 1
= ; 1 = = 0.85
(191)(0.85 )
Set = . and solve for (d); 302.449 = ; d = 0.33 m

(iii) Check punching shear at (d/2) from face of column:

. = 0.11(1 + ) 0.22 ....(ACI 31814 section 22.10)
. = 0.11(1 + 1)(0.6) 21 = 907 kPa ; or 0.22 (0.6) 21 = 605 kPa
. [()()(1 +)(2 +)] 191 [(2)(2)(0.266+)2 ]
[2(1 +)+2(2 +)]

Set = . and solve for (d) ; d2 + 0.285 d 0.287 = 0 ; d = 0.41 m

Use (d) = 65 cm > 20 cm (ACICode) (O. K.)

Minimum thickness (t) = 65 + 5 (screed or lean concrete 1:3:6) = 70 cm.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(5) Check contact pressure between the column and footing:

. 764
() =
= 0.071 = 10.76 MPa

() = 0.85 2 /1 0.85 ; where, = 0.65 and 2 /1 2.0

Pult . = 764 kN
A1 = (0.3)2 = 0.071 m2 ; A2 = (1.9)2 = 3.61 m2

A2 / A1 3.61 / 0.071 7.13 > 2.0

5cm A1 5cm
Use A2 / A1 2.0
65cm A2
Screed 5 cm thick

() = 0.85 2 /1 = 0.85 (0.65)(21)(2.0) = 23.20 MPa

() = 0.85 = 0.85 (0.65)(21) = 11.60 MPa
() = 11.60 MPa > 10.76 MPa (O.K.)

(9) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels = 6 for circular columns
Available dowel area (6 bars size 20 mm ) = (6)(3.14) = 18.84 cm2
Minimum for dowels = 0.005 A1 = 0.005 (0.071)(100)2 = 3.55 cm2 < 18.84 cm2 (O.K.).

(7) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections). 30 cm

= 21 MPa 6 bars 20 mm
= 345 MPa

65 cm
t = 70 cm

Screed 5 cm
200 cm 200 cm

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Problem (6.7): (Plain Concrete Wall Footing Design)

Design a plain concrete footing for 30 cm masonry wall that supports D.L. = 60 kN/m,
L.L. = 50 kN/m (ignore weight of wall). Given that the base of the footing is at 1.5m
below the final grade, = 16 kN/m3, . = 120 kPa, and = 21 MPa.


(1) Area of footing:

Assume footing thickness (t) = 35 cm, dassumed = 35 5 (screed) = 30 cm

() + = 120 0.35(24) (1.5 0.35)(16) = 93.2 kPa.

60 50
= 1.1 m
. () 93.2

(2) Convert the loads into ultimate:

. 1.2.D.L 1.6.L.L = 1.2(60) + 1.6(50) = 152 kN/m
P 152
. = ult . 138.182 kPa.
Af (1.1)(1.0)

(3) Check: Bearing capacity [S.F. 3.0] and Settlement [S .S allowable ] as before.

(4) Thickness of footing:

(i) Check tensile strength:
Mu Mu
. = 0.42 fc ..(ACI 31814 section 22.2) L1
= 0.42(0.6) 21 = 1155 kPa

L b b 1 .1 0 .3 0 .3
For masonry wall: X1 = 0.475 m q ult.
2 4 2 4
q ult . .L21 138.182(0.475) 2
Mu = 15.588 kN-m/m
Masonry wall

2 2

6 6 (15.588) L
d= = = 0.28 m or (28 cm) b/4
. 1155
dassumed = 30 cm (O.K.)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(ii) Check widebeam shear at (d) from face of column:

. = 0.11 fc ....(ACI 31814 section 22.9)

= 0.11(0.6) 21 = 302.449 kPa

. 1
= ; 1 = = 0.4

Set = . and solve for (d):

(138.182)(0.4 )
302.449 = ; d = 0.13m

Use (d) = 30 cm > 20 cm (ACICode).

Minimum thickness (t) = 30 + 5 (screed or lean concrete 1:3:6) = 35 cm.

(7) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections).

30 cm

= 21 MPa
= 345 MPa Use 1.0 bar size 20 mm
each meter both sides

30 cm t = 35 cm
Screed 5 cm
110 cm

Masonry wall footing

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


(1) Find the area of footing:

Assume footing width (B) and footing thickness (t).

Calculate () ++ = (++) . ( )

Find e ; where, M = Overturning moment measured at base of footing,

P D.L. L.L. any other vertical loads.

L 6
Assume e and obtain = [1 + ].

Set = () and solve for L or B by trial and error. For square footing; L=B,
for rectangular footing; choose B and L such that (L/B 2.0), and for wall footing;
area = B 1.0m.
. 6
Calculate . = [1 ] and check that () and 0.

(2) Determine the factored loads and stresses:

Pult . = 1.4 DL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL
...... (ACI 31814 Section 9.2)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL

.() .()
.(.) = . ( ) ; .(.) = . ( )

(3) Check: Bearing capacity [S.F. 3.0] and Settlement [S .S allowable ].

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(4) Determine the thickness of footing:

(i) Check one-way or wide-beam shear at distance (d) from face of column:

. = 0.17 ..(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)

where, = 0.75 ; =

From right side: V = q av. L1 d d

qmax. + q1 L b1
where, q av. = and L1 d
2 2
(.) q2
From left side: V = q av. L2 q 1 (.)
qmin. + q2 L b1 x
where, q av. = and L 2 d x
2 2
q1 x
Here; q min . (q max . q min . )
q2 L
L2 d d L1
b2 B
Set = . and solve for (d).

(ii) Check twoway action or punching shear at (d/2) from column face:
. = 0.17(1 + ) ..ACI 318-14 section 11.31...... (a)
. = 0.083( + 2) ACI 318-14 section 11.32...... (b)

. = 0.33 ....ACI 318-14 section 11.33... (c) M

d/2 d/2
Take the smaller value from (a), (b) and (c).

(.) q av. (.)
b b
= = 1 or 2 , = 0.75
b2 b1 L

= 50 cm for corner columns,

= 75 cm for edge columns,
= 100 cm for interior columns. b2 + d b2 B
b1 + d
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

. [ (+)2 ]
for square column: =
4( + )

. [ (1 +)(2 +)]
for rectangular column: =
[2(1 + ) + 2(2 + )]

+ 2
. [ ( ) ]
for circular column: =
( + )
. + .
where, . =
Set = . and solve for (d), then take the larger value of (d) obtained
from (i) or (ii).

(5) Determine the required steel for each direction:

Steel in long direction:
Calculate moments at column faces from right and left sides. Then take the maximum
moment for design.
(a) Moment from right side: P

M u(11)R M1 M 2 M
M u (11) M u (22)
where, X1 X1

q1.X12 (qmax. q1 ) 2
M1 = ; M2 = x1 x1
2 2 3 (.) M3 q 2 q M1 (.)
L b1 M4 1
and X1 M2
(b) Moment from left side: x
M u(11)L M3 M4
1 1
where, X2 X1
2 2
q min . .X12 (q2 qmin. ) X1 b2 B
M3 = ; M4 = x1
2 2 3 2 2
. ((11) (11) )
(11) = 1 1
0.9 0.9

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

. = . where, . is the larger of: 1.4/ or 0.25 /

.(. & ) = 0.0020 b t --------- for < 420 MPa
= 0.0018 b t ------- for = 420 MPa
0.0018 420
= b t - for > 420 MPa

where, = + + concrete cover
Compare (11) with . and take the larger value for design.

( ) = ( (11) . )

Steel in short direction:

q av. .X 22 q +q B b2
M u ( 2 2) ; where, q av. = max. min. , X2
2 2 2
(22) =
0.9 0.9
Compare (22) with . and take the larger value for design.

( ) = ( (22) . )

(6) Spacing and steel distribution:

Steel in long direction:
For square or rectangular footings, steel reinforcement in long direction is measured as:
( )
Number of bars: =

15 ( )
Spacing (c/c) =
Steel in short direction:
For square footing: Use same steel as that for long direction (same steel in both directions).
For rectangular footing: % of ( ) must be located within B distance at
2 L B 15cm
S% and the remainder of steel is distributed uniformly within ( ) in
( L / B) 1 2

each direction.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(7) Check the bond:

(a) Steel in tension:
() = X1 7.5 (concrete cover)
() = X2 7.5 (concrete cover)

() = + .. (ACI 31814 section 12.1)
1.1 ( )

provided that 300 mm.

X1 Steel
= yield strength of steel reinforcement,
= bar location factor, = coating factor, = bar size factor,
= lightweightaggregate concrete factor,
= compressive strength of concrete, Ld

7.5 cm
cb = spacing or cover dimension,
= transverse reinforcement index, and = bar diameter.
Tensile Steel
(b) Steel in compression: 7.5 cm

() = (d) of footing
() = (0.043 ) ..(ACI 31814 section 12.3.2)

provided that 200 mm.

(8) Check contact pressure between the column and footing:

() =

() = 0.85 2 /1 0.85 ; where, = 0.65 and 2 /1 2.0

Pult . Pult .

b1 b2
A1 A1
2 2 2 2
d 1 1 d 1 1
A2 A2

b1+4d b2+4d
Long direction Short direction
1 = area of contact (or column) = 1 2 . 2 = projection area = (1 + 4)(2 + 4)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Note: If () > (): (1) Increase the section of column, or (2) Design dowels
for excess load.
[ () () ] 1

(9) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels = 4 for square or rectangular columns.
Minimum number of dowels = 6 for circular columns.
Minimum of dowels = 0.005 A1 ....ACI 318-14 sec.(
where, A1 = area of column.

(10) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections) showing all details required for

Problem (6.8): (Eccentric Square Footing Design with Moment in One Direction)
Determine the size and reinforcing bars for a square footing with the following data:
D.L.= 700 kN, L.L.= 1200 kN, . = 235 kPa, Moment in L direction = 175 kN-m. The
base of footing is at 1.2 m below the ground surface, the soil unit weight is 16 kN/m 3,
= 21 MPa, = 415 MPa, and column 35 cm x 35 cm with 4 bars 20 mm .


(1) Find the area of footing:

Try footing width (B = 3.5 m) and footing thickness (t = 60 cm).
= 60 7.5 1.0 (20 mm ) = 51.5 cm
() + = (+) . ( )

= 235 0.6 (24) (1.2 0.6) (16) = 211 kPa.

Total wt. of base of footing + soil above footing + wt. of column from G.S. to top of footing
=3.5(0.6)(24) + (3.5 0.35)(1.2 0.6)(16) + 0.35(1.2 0.6)(24) = 85.68 kN
M 175 B 3.5 B
e 0.088 m ; 0.583 m e (O.K.)
P 700 1200 85.68 6 6 6

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Obtain = [1 + ] ; for square footing (L = B), then set = () and

solve for B by trial and error.
1985.68 (6)( 0.088)
211 1
B2 B

Try B = 3.50m: 211 186.549

Try B = 3.30m: 211 211.514; Use B B = (3.3 m x 3.3 m).
Check: B/6 = 3.3/6 = 0.55 m > e = 0.088 m (i.e., e < L/6) No tension (O.K.).
6 1985.68 (6)( 0.088)
. = [1 ] = 1
(3.3)2 3.3

= 211.5 kPa (() = 211 kPa).

= 153.2 kPa < (() = 211 kPa) and 0.

(3) Determine the factored loads and stresses:

Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL = 1.2 (700) + 1.6 (1200) = 2760 kN
P D.L L.L = 700 + 1200 + 85.68 = 1985.68 kN

q ult. (max .) q max . ult. = 211.5 (2760/1985.68) = 293.975 kPa
q ult. (min .) q min . ult. = 153.2 (2760/1985.68) = 212.941 kPa
P d/2 d/2

d = 51.5 cm
(3) Determine the thickness of footing:
. q av.
For square footing always the punching shear is control. .
(i) Check punching shear at (d/2) from face of column:
2 B
. = 0.17(1 + ) ACI 318-14 sec.(11.31) ... (a)
2 b +d
= 0.17(1+ 1 ) 0.75 21 = 1753 kPa
35 cm

. = 0.083( + 2) ..ACI 318-14 sec.(11.32).... (b) b +d 35 cm B

100 51.5
= 0.083(4 (35 + 51.5) + 2) 0.75 21 = 4816 kPa

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

. = 0.33 ......ACI 318-14 sec.(11.33). (c)

= 0.33 (0.75) 21 = 1134 kPa (Control).

. [ (+)2 ]
4( + )

. + . 293.975 212.941
. = = 253.458 kPa
2 2
Set = . and solve for (d).

253.458[( 3.3)( 3.3) (0.35 d ) 2 ]

4(0.35 d).d

d 2 0.368d 0.57 0

0.368 (0.368) 2 (4)(1)( 0.57)

d 0.59 m; Use (d) = 0.6m.
( 2)(1)

(ii) Check wide-beam shear at distance (d) from face of column: P

. = 0.17 .(ACI 318-14 section 11.3) M

= 0.17 (0.75) 21 = 584 kPa
d d
Determine the maximum from left or right sides.

Maximum in this case is obtained from right side.

From right side: V = q L . q2
av. 1
x .
B b 3.3 0.35 x
L1 d = d = (1.475 d )
2 2 B
x = 3.3 L1 = 3.3 (1.475 d) = (1.825 + d)

q 1 q min . (q max . q min . )
L2 d b d L1
(1.825 d )
= 212.941 ( 293.975 212.941) B
= (257.755 + 24.556 d)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

q max . q 1
q av. .
293.975 ( 257.755 24.556.d )
= = (275.865 + 12.28 d)
V ( 275.865 12.28.d )(1.475 d )
= ; 584 =
d d

d 2 68.546.d 33.135 0

68.546 (68.546) 2 ( 4)(1)( 33.135)

d 0.48 m < 0.60 m (from punching shear).
Use (d) = 0.6m.

(4) Determine the required steel for each direction: M

Steel in long direction: X1=1.475m

Maximum moment from right side: M u (11) M1 M 2

q1 .X12 q max . q1 2 212.941 kPa q2

M1 ; M2 ( )X1 . X1 q1 M1
2 2 3 293.975 kPa
L b 3.3 0.35
X1 = 1.475m x
2 2
B = 3.3m
q1 293.975 ( 293.975 212.941) 257.755 kPa 1
3.3 X1
257.755(1.475) 2
M1 280.389 kN-m 0.35m
0.35m B
293.975 257.755 2
M2 ( )(1.475) (1.475) 26.267 kN-m 2 2
2 3
M u (11) 280.389 26.267 306.656 kN-m

306.656.1x10 3
M u (11)
A s (11) = (100) 2 15.20 cm2/m
0.9.fy.0.9d 0.9(415)( 0.9)( 0.6)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Asmin. = min. b. d; where, min. is the larger of:

1.4/fy = 1.4/415 = 0.00337 or

0.25f c /fy = 0.25 21 /415 = 0.00276

Asmin. = min. b. d = 0.00337(1.0)(0.6)(100)2 = 20.22 cm2/m
ASmin.(Temp. & hrinkage) = 0.0020 b t = 0.0020 (1.0)(0.685)(100)2 = 13.70 cm2/m

Use As Asmin. = 20.22 cm2/m

( ) = . = (20.22)(3.3) = 66.726 cm2

Steel in short direction:

q av. .X 22 293.975 212.941 (1.475) 2

M u ( 2 2) = 275.715 kN-m
2 2 2
(22) 275.715.(10 3 )
As (22) = = (100) 2 = 13.67 cm2/m
0.9 0.9 0.9(415)( 0.9)( 0.6)
< As min. (20.22 cm2/m).
Use As Asmin. = 20.22 cm2/m
( ) = . = (20.22)(3.3) = 66.726 cm2

(5) Spacing and steel distribution:

Use size 20 mm ; A s bar = 3.14 cm2
( .) 66.726
N= = = 22 bars
15 ( ) 330 15
Spacing (c/c) = = = 15 cm
1 21

Use 22 bars size 20 mm @ 15 cm c/c each direction.

Then for complete design all the following can be checked (as before):

Check the bond.

Check contact pressure between the column and footing.
Design the dowels.
Sketch the footing showing all details required for construction.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Problem (6.9): (Rectangular Footing Design with Moment in One Direction)

Determine the size and reinforcing bars for a rectangular spread footing that
supports 40 cm x 40 cm square column with 6 bars 25 mm and subjected to D.L.=
800 kN, L.L.= 600 kN, Moment in Ldirection = 700 kN-m. Given that .()= 150
kPa, = 21 MPa, = 415 MPa.


(1) Find the area of footing:

M 700 L
e = 0.5m ; Assume e and set q max . q all.(net) of soil.
P (800 600) 6

P 6.e
q max . 1
1400 (6)( 0.5) 1400 (6)( 0.5)
150 1 or B 1
B.L L 150.L L
L (m) B (m) Area (m2) L/B
3 6.22 18.66 0.48 < 2.0
5 2.98 14.93 1.67 < 2.0 Take L = 5.0 m and B = 3.0m
5.5 2.62 14.42 2.11 > 2.0

Check: L/6 = 5/6 = 0.8 m ; e = 0.5 m ; Since e < L/6 No tension (O.K.)

P 6.e 1400 (6)( 0.5)

min .
q max 1
L (5)( 3)
B.L 5

q max . = 149.33 kPa < ( q all.( net) = 150 kPa) (O.K.).

q min . = 37.33 kPa ( 0 and < q all.( net) = 150 kPa) (O.K.).

(2) Determine the factored loads and stresses:

Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL = 1.2 (800) + 1.6 (600) = 1920 kN
P D.L L.L = 800 + 600 = 1400 kN

q ult .(max .) q max . ult . = 149.33(1920/1400) = 204.795 kPa
q ult .(min .) q min . ult . = 37.33(1920/1400) = 51.195 kPa

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(3) Determine the thickness of footing:

For rectangular footing always the wide-beam shear is control.

(i) Check wide-beam shear at distance (d) from face of column:

. = 0.17 .(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)

= 0.17 (0.75) 21 = 584 kPa

Determine the maximum from left or right sides. P

Maximum in this case is obtained from right side. M

d d
From right side: V = q av. L1

51.195 kPa

204.795 kPa
Lb 5.0 0.40
L1 d= d = (2.3 d ) q2
2 2 q1
x = 5.0 L1 = 5.0 (2.3 d) = (2.7 + d) x

q 1 q min . (q max . q min . ) 5.0m
( 2.7 d )
= 51.195 ( 204.795 51.195)
5.0 0.40m
L2 d d L1
= (134.139 + 30.72 d) 3.0m

q max . q 1
q av. .
204.795 (134.139 30.72.d )
= = (169.467 + 15.36 d)
V (169.467 15.36.d )( 2.3 d )
= ; 584 =
d d

d 2 46.754.d 25.376 0

46.754 ( 46.754) 2 (4)(1)( 25.376)

d 0.53 m
Use (d) = 0.55m.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(ii) Check punching shear at (d/2) from face of column:

. = 0.17(1 + ) ACI 318-14 sec.(11.31)
= 0.17(1+ 1 ) 0.75 21 = 1753 kPa
d/2 d/2

. = 0.083( + 2) ..ACI 318-14 sec.(11.32)
d = 55 cm

51.195 kPa
100 55

204.795 kPa
= 0.083(4 (40 + 55) + 2) 0.75 21 = 4699 kPa
q av.
. = 0.33 ......ACI 318-14 sec.(11.33)

= 0.33 (0.75) 21 = 1134 kPa (Control).


. [ (+)2 ] 0.4+
= d
4( + )
0.4+ 3m
. + . 204.795 51.195 d
. = = 127.995 kPa
2 2

127.995[(5)( 3) (0.4 0.55) 2 ]

4(0.40 0.55) 0.55
= 863.35 kPa < . = 1134 kPa (O.K.) P

Use (d) = 0.55m. M

M u (11) M u (22)
(4) Determine the required steel for each direction:

204.795 kPa
51.195 kPa

Steel in long direction:

q2 q1
Maximum moment from right side: M u (11) M1 M 2 M1

q1 .X12 q max . q1 2 x
M1 ; M2 ( )X1 . X1
2 2 3 5m 1

L b 5.0 0.4 X1=2.3m

X1 = 2.3m
2 2
q 1 204.795 ( 204.795 51.195) 134.139 kPa 2 2
5.0 X2=1.3m

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

134.139( 2.3) 2
M1 354.798 kN-m
204.795 134.139 2
M2 ( )( 2.3) ( 2.3) 124.590 kN-m
2 3
M u (11) 354.798 124.590 479.388 kN-m

479.388.(10 3 )
M u (11)
As(11) = (100) 2 25.93 cm2/m
0.9.fy .0.9d 0.9( 415)( 0.9)( 0.6)

Asmin. = min. b. d; where, min. is the larger of:

1.4/fy = 1.4/415 = 0.00337 or

0.25f c /fy = 0.25 21 /415 = 0.00276

Asmin. = min. b. d = 0.00337(1.0)(0.55)(100)2 = 18.54 cm2/m.

25mm / 10
Using size 25 mm : t 55 7.5 63.75 cm; Use t = 65 cm.
ASmin.(Temp.& hrinkage) = 0.0020 b t = 0.0020(1.0)(0.65)(100)2 = 13.00 cm2/m

Use As A s (11) 25.93 cm2/m

( ) = (11) = (25.93)(3) = 77.79 cm2

Steel in short direction:

q av. .X 22 204.795 51.195 (1.3) 2

M u ( 2 2) = 108.156 kN-m
2 2 2
(22) 108.156.(10 3 )
As (22) = = (100) 2 = 5.85 cm2/m
0.9 0.9 0.9(415)( 0.9)( 0.55)
< As min. (18.54 cm2/m).
Use As Asmin. = 18.54 cm2/m
( ) = . = (18.54)(5) = 92.70 cm2

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(5) Spacing and steel distribution:

Steel in long direction:

Use size 25 mm ; A bar = 4.91 cm2
( .) 77.79
N= = = 16 bars
15 ( ) 300 15
Spacing (c/c) = = = 19 cm.
1 15
Use 16 bars size 25 mm @ 19 cm c/c in long direction.

Steel in short direction:

Use size 25 mm ; A bar = 4.91 cm2
( .) 92.70
N= = = 19 bars

Number of bars within (B) = (19 bars) = 15 bars size 25 mm @ 21.5 cm c/c.
(5 / 3) 1
L B 15cm 500 300 15
19 15 = 4 bars distributed within ( ) 92.5 cm in each
2 2

Then for complete design all the following can be checked (as before):

Check the bond.

Check contact pressure between the column and footing.
Design the dowels.
Sketch the footing showing all details required for construction.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Problem (6.10): (Rectangular Footing Design with Moment in Both Directions)

Design a reinforced concrete rectangular footing placed at a depth of 2.5m below the
surface with the following data:
Loads: D.L.= 800 kN, L.L.= 600 kN,
Materials: = 24 MPa, = 343 MPa,

Column: 45 cm x 45 cm with eccentricity e L e B 0.2m and 6 bars 25 mm ,

Soil: c = 60 kPa, 10 , s 17 kN/m3, Es = 20 MPa, = 0.3, q all. = 200 kPa.


(1) Find the area of footing:

Required area of the footing (assuming no eccentricity):
A f P / q all. 1400 / 200 7.m 2 ; using L = 1.5B gives B =2.16 m and L = 3.25 m.
But, since the column is eccentric, larger values for B and L are required.
For design purposes: q max. q all. and q min. 0

P 6.e B 6.e L 1400 6(0.2) 6(0.2)

where, q max. 1 1 B 1.5B
min . B.L B L 1.5B 2
Equate q max. to q all. (200.kPa ) and q min . to zero then solve for B or estimate L and B by trial

and error provided that q max. q all. (200.kPa ) and q min. 0 .

L (m) B (m) Area (m2) L/B q min . , kPa q max. , kPa

3.75 2.50 9.38 1.50 29.85 268.60
4 .0 2.50 10.00 1.60 30.80 249.20
4.5 2.75 12.38 1.64 33.60 192.67
4.4 2.75 12.10 1.60 33.70 197.70

Therefore, Use B = 2.75 m and L = 4.40 m ; L / B = 1.6 < 2.0 (O.K.)

(2) Determine the factored loads and stresses:

Allowable load: P DL + LL = 800 + 600 = 1400 kN
ultimate load: Pult . 1.2DL + 1.6LL = 1.2(800) + 1.6(600) = 1920 kN

P 1920
ru ult . 1.37
P 1400

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

The calculated applied pressures at each corner are shown in figure below and listed in table.
P 6.e B 6.e L 1400 6(0.2) 6(0.2)
q max . 1 1 B 1.6B
min . B. L B L 1.6B2

.@ (.) = 197.7 kPa , . @ (.) = [ .@ (.) ] = 197.7(1.37) = 270.8 kPa.

.@ (.) = 33.7 kPa , . @ (.) = [ .@ (.) ] = 33.7(1.37) = 46.2 kPa.

d Point q act. (applied) q ult. (applied)

g a 46.2 (minimum)
96.7 kPa (minimum)
132.5 kPa b 134.6 184.4
197.7 kPa 197.7
e 270.8 kPa c 270.8 (maximum)
a f d 96.7 132.5
Average values at mid points
33.7 kPa h
h 115.30
46.2 kPa 134.6 kPa
g 201.65
184.4 kPa e 89.35
f 227.60
Actual and ultimate applied soil pressure (not to scale)

(3) Check: Bearing capacity (S.F. 3.0),Tilting ( 1/500) and Settlement (S . ):

(a) Bearing capacity using Hansen's Equation:
q ult. cNcSc d ci c g c bc qNqSq d q i q g q bq 0.5.B.N S d i g b

Since all g i ..and..bi factors are 1.0; the Hansen's equation simplifies to:
q ult. cN c Sc d c qN q Sq d q 0.5.B.N S d .r

Here, no need to compute ps , since L/B = 1.6 < 2.0 and 10 34 .

Bearing capacity factors from Table (3.2) in Chapter 3:

N q e . tan .. tan 2 (45 / 2) , Nc ( Nq 1). cot , N 1.5( Nq 1) tan

for 10 : N q 2.47 , N c 8.34 , N 0.93

B 2.75 2(0.2) 2.35 ; L 4.4 2(0.2) 4.00

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Shape factors from Table (3.5):

N q B 2.47 2.35
Sc 1 1 1.17
N c L 8.34 4.0
B 2.35
Sq 1 tan 1 tan 10 1.04
L 4.0
B 2.35
S 1 0.4 1 0.77
L 4.0
Depth factors from Table (3.5):
For D f = 2.5 m, and B = 2.75 m: D f / B = 0.9 < 1.0 (Shallow footing)
Df 2.5
d c 1 0.4 1 0.4 1.36
B 2.75
Df 2.5
d q 1 2 tan .(1 sin ) 2 1 2. tan 10.(1 sin 10) 2 1.22
B 2.75
d 1.0

B 2.75
For B > 2.0 m: r 1 0.25. log 1 0.25. log 0.965
2 2
q ult. ( net) (60)(8.34)(1.17)(1.36) + (2.5)(17)(2.47-1)(1.04)(1.22)

+ (0.5)(17)(2.35)(0.93)(0.77)(1.0)(0.965) = 889.31 kN/m2

q ult .( net ) 889.31

Safety factor = 3.3 3.0 Safe for bearing capacity check.
q ult .(applied ) 270.8

(b) Tilting:
In long direction:
= ........(5.1a)
4.38 4.12
From Table (5.3) for L / B = 1.6: Im (0.1) 4.12 4.172
(1920)( 0.2) 1 0.32
tanL = ( 4.172) = 0.0014 < (1/500 or 0.0020) (O.K.)
( 4.4) 2 ( 2.75) 20000

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

In short direction:

= ........(5.1b)

(1920)( 0.2) 1 0.32

tanB = ( 4.172) = 0.0022 (1/500 or 0.0020) (O.K.)
( 2.75) 2 ( 4.4) 20000

B = 2.75 m and L = 4.40 m (O.K.)

(c) Immediate Settlement Based on Elastic Theory:

Due to missing data about the soil profile under the footing, the settlement calculations
are only limited to immediate settlement.

1 s 2
S i (1) q o .B I s .I D .C N .......(5.3)

(.) = . @ (.) = 270.8 kPa

H = Depth of hard stratum or 5.0B whichever is smaller; Take H = 5.0B = 13.75m

B = B/2 = 1.375,
For H / B =13.75 / 1.375 = 10 , and L / B = 1.60:
I1 0.597 and I 2 0.025 (from Tables (5.10a and 5.10b)).
1 2s 1 2(0.3)
I s I1 I 2 0.597 0.025 0.611
1 s 1 0.3
( 0.19)
I D 0.66 f 0.025 12s 4.6
0.66 0.0251.6 12(0.3) 4.6 0.687
C N = 4 (for center)

1 (0.3) 2
Si ( 270.8)(1.375) (0.611)( 0.687)( 4)(100) 2.84 cm 2.50 cm which can
be considered acceptable (O.K.).

Note: Exact total settlement must be checked depending on actual soil profile.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(4) Determine the thickness of footing:

L Direction P
(a) WideBeam Shear Check:
. = 0.17 .(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)
2.175m 1.775m
= 0.17 (0.75) 24 = 625 kPa d d
h g
From right side: V = q av. L1
k l

115.3 kPa
L1 (1.775 d)

201.65 kPa
x = 4.4 L1 = 4.4 (1.775 d ) = (2.625 + d)
q 1 q min . (q max . q min . ) x
(2.625 d )
= 115.3 (201.65 115.3) = (166.816 + 19.625 d) 4.4m
q max . q 1
q av. . L2
d L1
2 d
201.65 (166.816 19.625.d )
= (184.233 9.812.d )
V (184.233 9.812.d )(1.775 d )
= ; 625 =
d d
d 2 80.699.d 33.328 0
80.699 (80.699) 2 (4)(1.0)( 33.328)
d 0.41 m 2.175m 1.775m
(2)(1) d/2 d/2
h g
Use (d) = 0.45m.
k l
115.3 kPa

201.65 kPa
(b) Punching shear check:
q avg.
. = 0.17(1 + ) ACI 318-14 sec.(11.31)
= 0.17(1+ 1 ) 0.75 24 = 1874 kPa 4.4m

0.45 + d
. = 0.083( + 2) ..ACI 318-14 sec.(11.32)

0.45 + d

100 45 2.75 m
= 0.083(4 (45 + 45) + 2) 0.75 24 = 4422 kPa

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

. = 0.33 ......ACI 318-14 sec.(11.33)

= 0.33 (0.75) 24 = 1212 kPa (Control).

. [ (+)2 ]
4( + )

. + . 115.3 201.65
. = = 158.475 kPa
2 2

158.475[( 4.4)( 2.75) (0.45 0.45) 2 ]

4(0.45 0.45) 0.55
= 1104.43 kPa < . = 1212 kPa (O.K.)
Use (d) = 0.45m. P

B Direction
1.35m 0.95m
(a) WideBeam Shear Check:
d d
From right side: V q av. .L1 e f
i j

89.35 kPa
L1 (0.95 d)

227.6 kPa
x = 2.75 L1 = 2.75 (0.95 d) = (1.8 + d) q1
q1 q min . (q max . q min . ) x
(1.8 d )
= 89.35 (227.6 89.35) = (179.84 + 50.27 d)
q max . q1 227.6 (179.84 50.27.d )
q av. . = 0.45m
2 2 L2 d d L1
= (203.72 + 25.13 d)
V ( 203.72 25.13.d )( 0.95 d )
c act. ; 625 =
d d

d 2 32.027 d 7.701 = 0

32.027 (32.027) 2 (4)(1)( 7.701)

d 0.24 m < 0.45 m ; Use (d) = 0.45m.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(b) Punching shear check: M

. = 0.33 ......ACI 318-14 sec.(11.33) 1.35m 0.95m

d/2 d/2
= 0.33 (0.75) 24 = 1212 kPa (Control). e f
k l
. [ (+)2 ]

89.35 kPa

227.6 kPa
4( + )
q avg.
. + . 89.35 227.6
. = = 158.475 kPa
2 2 2.75m

158.475[( 4.4)( 2.75) (0.45 0.45) 2 ]

0.45m + d
4(0.45 0.45) 0.55

0.45m + d
= 1104.43 kPa < . = 1212 kPa (O.K.)
0.45m 4.4m
Use (d) = 0.45m.

(5) Determine the required steel for each direction:

Calculate moments at column faces in both directions.
Steel in longdirection:
(1) Maximum moment from right side:
M u (11) X1=2.175m X1=1.775m M u (11)
M u (11) M1 M 2 ; X1 1.775 m
R h g
k l
q1.X12 q max . q1 2
115.3 kPa

M ; M ( ) X1. X1

201.65 kPa
1 2 2 2 3 M3
q2 q M1
M4 1
q 1 201.65 ( 201.65 115.3) 166.816 kPa M2
166.816(1.775) 2 4.4m
M1 262.787 kN-m;
2 1

201.65 166.816 2 X1=1.775m

M2 ( )(1.775) (1.775) 36.583 kN-m
2 3
M u (11)R 262.787 36.583 299.37 kN-m 2 2
X2 = 0.95m

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(2) Maximum moment from left side:

M u (11) M 3 M 4 ; X1 2.175 m

q min .X12 q q min . X

M3 ; M4 ( 2 )X1. 1
2 2 3
q 2 115.3 ( 201.65 115.3) 157.984 kPa

115.3( 2.175) 2
M3 272.72 kN-m
157.984 115.3 ( 2.175)
M4 ( )( 2.175) 33.654 kN-m
2 3
M u (11) 272 .72 33.654 306.374 kN-m

Note: The ultimate moment in Ldirection can be estimated by writing the pressure
equations from right and left sides, then, integrating once gives the shear equations, and
integrating once more gives the moment equations as shown below:

From right side in the direction (g - h):

q ult . 201.65 (115.3 201.65) 201.65 19.625.x ; where (x) is from point (g).

Vult . 201.65.x 9.812.x 2

M ult . 100.825.x 2 3.271.x 3

At the edge of the column, x = 1.775m. Substituting gives M u (11) = 299.37 kN-m.
From left side in the direction (h - g):
q ult . 115.3 (201.65 115.3) 115.3 19.625.x ; where (x) is from point (h).

Vult . 115.3.x 9.812..x 2

M ult . 57.65.x 2 3.271.x 3

At the edge of the column, x = 2.175m. Substituting gives M u (11) = 306.374 kN-m.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

for steel in L direction use the maximum ultimate moment M u (11) L = 306.374 kN-m

M u (11) 306.374.(10 3 )
A s (11) = (100) 2 24.51 cm2/m
0.9.fy .0.9d 0.9(343)( 0.9)( 0.45)

Asmin. = min. b. d; where, min. is the larger of:

1.4/fy = 1.4/343 = 0.00408 or

0.25f c /fy = 0.25 21 /343 = 0.00334

Asmin. = min. b. d = 0.00408(1.0)(0.45)(100)2 = 18.36 cm2/m.

25mm / 10
Using size 25 mm : t 45 7.5 53.75 cm; Use t = 55 cm.
ASmin.(Temp.& hrinkage) = 0.0020 b t = 0.0020(1.0)(0.55)(100)2 = 11.00 cm2/m

Use As A s (11) 24.51 cm2/m

( ) = (11) = (24.51)(2.75) = 67.40 cm2


Steel in shortdirection: 1.35m 0.95m

M u ( 2 2) M u ( 2 2)
(1) Maximum moment from right side: e f
M u (2 2) M1 M 2 ; X1 0.95 m
89.35 kPa

227.6 kPa
q1.X12 q2
q . q1 2 M4 q 1 M1
M1 ; M 2 ( max ) X1. X1
2 2 3 x
0.95 x
q 1 227.6 ( 227.6 89.35) 179.84 kPa 2.75m
179.84(0.95) 2
M1 81.153 kN-m X1=0.95m
227.6 179.84 2
M2 ( )( 0.95) (0.95) 14.368 kN-m 1 1
2 3 4.4m
M u (2 2) R 81.153 14.368 95.52 kN-m.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(2) Maximum moment from left side:

M u (2 2) M 3 M 4 ; X1 1.35 m

q min .X12 q q min . X

M3 ; M4 ( 2 ) X1 . 1
2 2 3
q 2 89.35 ( 227.6 89.35) 157.22 kPa

89.35(1.35) 2
M3 81.42 kN-m
157.22 89.35 (1.35)
M4 ( )(1.35) 20.62 kN-m
2 3
M u (2 2) 81.42 20.62 102.04 kN-m.

Note: In a similar way, the ultimate moment in Bdirection can be estimated by writing the
pressure equations from right and left sides, then, integrating once gives the shear
equations, and integrating once more gives the moment equations as shown below:

From right side in the direction (f - e):

q ult . 227.6 (89.35 227.6) 227.6 50.27.x ; where (x) is from point (f).

Vult . 227.6.x 25.135.x 2

M ult . 113.8.x 2 8.378.x 3

At the edge of the column, x = 0.95m. Substituting gives M u (2 2) = 95.52 kN-m.

From left side in the direction (f - e):
q ult . 89.35 ( 227.6 89.35) 89.35 50.27.x ; where (x) is from point (e).

Vult . 89.35.x 25.135..x 2

M ult . 44.675.x 2 8.378.x 3

At the edge of the column, x = 1.35m. Substituting gives M u (2 2) = 102.04 kN-m.


Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

for steel in Bdirection use the maximum ultimate moment M u (2 2) = 102.04 kN-m.

M u ( 2 2) 102.04.(10 3 )
A s ( 2 2) = (100) 2 8.16 cm2/m < Asmin. = 18.36 cm2/m
0.9.fy .0.9d 0.9(343)( 0.9)( 0.45)

Use As Asmin. = 18.36 cm2/m

( ) = . = (18.36)(4.4) = 80.78 cm2

(6) Spacing and steel distribution:

Steel in long direction:
Use size 25 mm ; A bar = 4.91 cm2
( .) 67.40
N= = = 14 bars
15 ( ) 27515
Spacing (c/c) = = = 20 cm.
1 13

Use 14 bars size 25 mm @ 20 cm c/c in long direction.

Steel in short direction:

Use size 25 mm ; A bar = 4.91 cm2
( .) 80.78
N= = = 17 bars

Number of bars within (B) = (17 bars) = 14 bars size 25 mm @ 21 cm c/c.
(4.4 / 2.75) 1
L B 15 440 275 15
17 14 = 3 bars; Use 4 distributed within ( ) 75 cm in each
2 2
Then for complete design all the following can be checked (as before):

Check the bond.

Check contact pressure between the column and footing.
Design the dowels.
Sketch the footing showing all details required for construction.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Problem (6.11): (Eccentric Wall Spread Footing Design)

Determine the size and reinforcement for a continuous footing under a 30 cm bearing
wall founded on soil and subject to loading includes an overturning moment with the
following data:
Depth of footing = 0.9 m,
Density of soil above footing = 16 kN/m3,
Density of concrete = 24 kN/m3,
Horizontal wind shear = 75 kN/m (applied at 0.3 m above G.S.),
D.L. = 100 kN/m (including wall height above G.S.),
L.L. = 150 kN/m, D.L. + L.L. = 250 kN/m
. = 192 kN/m2,
= 28 MPa, = 415 MPa.

Wind load = 75 kN/m


G.S. 0.3 m
0.9 m
0.3 m
(1) Area of footing:
Try footing width (B = 3.0 m) and footing thickness (t = 35 cm).
= 35 7.5 1.0 (20 mm ) = 26.5 cm
() + = (+) . ( )

= 192 0.35 (24) (0.9 0.35) (16) = 174.8 kPa.

Wt. of base of footing + wt. of soil above footing + wt. of column from G.S. to top of footing
= 3.0(0.35)(24) + (3.0 0.3)(0.9 0.35)(16) + 0.3(0.9 0.35)(24)
= 52.92 kN/m.
Total dead load = 100 + 52.92 = 152.92 kN/m.
Wind load moment measured at base of footing = M = H . y = 75 (0.3+0.9) = 90 kN-m/m
M 90 B 3. 0 B
e 0.29 m ; 0.5 m ; e No tension (O.K.).
P 152.92 150 6 6 6

6 302.92 (6)( 0.29)

. = [1 ] = 1
3 3

= 159.537 kPa < (() = 192 kPa).

= 42.409 kPa < (() = 192 kPa) and ( q min 0).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(2) Determine the factored loads and stresses:

Pult . = 1.4 DL
= 1.4 (152.92) = 214.088 kN/m
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
= 1.2 (152.92) + 1.6 (150) = 423.504 kN/m
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0LL
= 1.2(152.92) + 1.6(75) + 1.0(150) = 453.504 kN/m (Controls)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
= 0.9(152.92) + 1.6(75) = 257.628 kN/m
P D.L L.L = 152.92 + 150 = 302.92 kN/m

q ult. (max .) q max . ult. = 159.537 (453.504 / 302.92) = 238.844 kPa
q ult. (min .) q min . ult. = 42.409 (453.504 / 302.92) = 63.491 kPa

(3) Determine the thickness of footing:

(a) Widebeam shear check from right side: Centerline
. = 0.17 fc ..(ACI 318-14 section 11.3) 0.14m
1.64m 1.06m
= 0.17(0.75) 28 675 kPa
d d
V q av. .L1
B 3.0 0.30m
q avg. q avg.
63.491 kPa

L1 d (0.14 0.30) = d (0.44)

238.844 kPa
2 2
q2 q1
= (1.06 d ) x
x = 3.0 L1 = 3.0 (1.06 d ) = (1.94 + d) x

x 3.0m
q 1 q min . (q max . q min . )
(1.94 d)
= 63.491 (238 .844 63.491) L2 d d L1
3.0 1.0m

= (176.886 + 58.451 d)


Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

q q1
q av. . max .
238.844 (176.886 58.451.d )
= = (207.865 + 29.226 d)
V ( 207.865 29.226.d )(1.06 d )
= ; 675 =
d d

d 2 29.172.d 7.539 0

29.172 ( 29.172) 2 ( 4)(1)( 7.539)

d 0.26 m (from right side).
( 2)(1)

(b) Widebeam shear check from left side:

V q av. .L 2
B 3. 0
L2 d (0.14) = d 0.14 = (1.64 d )
2 2
x = L 2 = (1.64 d )
q 2 q min . (q max . q min . )
(1.64 d )
= 63.491 ( 238.844 63.491) = (159.351 58.451 d)
q min . q 2
q av. .
63.491 (159.351 58.451.d )
= = (111.421 29.226 d)
V (111.421 29.226.d )(1.64 d )
= ; 675 =
d d

d 2 28.548.d 6.252 0

28.548 ( 28.548) 2 ( 4)(1)( 6.252)

d 0.22 m (from left side).
( 2)(1)

Use (d) = 0.26m.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(4) Determine the required steel for each direction:

(a) Steel in shortdirection (Main steel):
Due to unsymmetry calculate moments at column faces:

Moment from right side:

M u (11).right .side M1 M 2

X1 1.06 m Centerline

(1.64 0.3)
q 1 63.491 (238.844 63.491) 176.886 kPa 0.14m
1.64m 1.06m
q .X 2 176 .886 .(1.06) 2
M1 1 1 ; 99.374 kN-m

63.491 kPa
2 0.30m
Main steel
. q1

238.844 kPa
q 2
M 2 ( max ).X1. X1 M3
q2 q
2 3 M4 1

238.844 176.886 2 x
=( )(1.06) (1.06) 23.205 kN-m M2
2 3
M u (11). right.side 99.374 23.205 122.579 kN-m

Moment from left side:
M u (11) .left.side M 3 M 4
X2 X1
Wall 1.0m
X 2 1.64 m
q 2 63.491 ( 238.844 63.491) 159.351 kPa
q min . .X 22 63.491(1.64) 2
M3 = 85.383 kN-m
2 2
q q min . X 159.351 63.491 1.64
M4 ( 2 )X 2 . 2 = ( )(1.64) 42.971 kN-m
2 3 2 3
M u (11).left .side 85.383 42.971 128.354 kN-m > M u (11).right .side

Use M u M u (11).left.side 128.354 kN-m.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Mu 128.354(10 3 )(100) 2
As = 14.68 cm2/m
0.9.fy .0.9d 0.9( 415)( 0.9)( 0.26)

Asmin. = min. b. d; where, min. is the larger of:

1.4/fy = 1.4/415 = 0.00337 or

0.25f c /fy = 0.25 28 /415 = 0.00318

Asmin. = min. b. d = 0.00337(1.0)(0.26)(100)2 = 8.76 cm2/m
20mm / 10
Using size 20 mm : t 26 7.5 34.5 cm; Use t = 35 cm.
ASmin.(. & ) = 0.0020 b t = 0.0020 (1.0)(0.35)(100)2 = 7.00 cm2/m

Use As 14.68 cm2/meter length

(b) Steel in long direction:

Use As Asmin. = 8.76 cm2/m

As total As min . B = 8.76 (3.0) = 26.28 cm2

(5) Spacing and steel distribution:

(a) Steel in short direction:

/ 14.68
Using size 20 mm : = = = 4.7 ; Use 5 bars /meter length

Use 5 bars per meter length at bottom size 20 mm hooked at ends.

(b) Steel in long direction:

Using size 16 mm : = = = 13.1 ; Use 14 bars
15 ( ) 300 15
Spacing (c/c) = = = 22 cm
1 13

Use 14 bars at bottom size 16 mm @ 22 cm c/c to satisfy the requirements for

temperature and shrinkage.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(6) Sketch the footing showing all details required for construction.

30 cm

= 28 MPa
= 415 MPa 14 bars size 16 mm
at 22 cm c/c
Top & Bottom
t = 35 cm
7.5 cm

7.5 cm 5 bars /meter length size 20 mm

hooked at ends
B = 300 cm


The ACI Code 31814 defines pedestals as upright compression members with a ratio of
unsupported height to average least lateral dimension of less than 3.0 (i.e., h/B 3.0).
Pedestals are used as a link between steel structures, trusses, or steel columns and footings at
some depth into ground, since steel columns should not be embedded into or being contact with

Steel column Steel column Steel column

Bolts Bolts Bolts

G.S. Plate G.S. Plate G.S. Plate

h h Pedestal
Pedestal Pedestal
OR Footing


Fig.(6.5): Typical configurations of pedestals.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

6.10.1 Method (1):

The ACI Code (section 22.5.5) states that a pedestal may be designed with unreinforced or
plain concrete with a maximum design compressive stress equal to 0.85 , where is 0.65. If
the total load applied to the member is larger than 0.85 Ag, it is necessary either to enlarge
the crosssectional area of the pedestal or to design it as a reinforced concrete column.

(1) Determine the area of footing


(2) Find the area of plate

. = 1.2 + 1.6
() = 0.85 ; where, = 0.65

(3) Find the area of pedestal and check h/B =?

Area of pedestal = 1.5 x (area of plate)
Check: h/B 3.0 ; if it is not satisfied (N.O.K.), increase (B).

(4) Calculate A s in long-direction:

0.01Ag (area.of .pedestal ) As(min .) 0.08Ag (area.of .pedestal )

Since at 0.08A g ; there is crowding of steel; therefore usually use (0.01Ag )..or..(0.02Ag ) .

(5) Calculate A s in lateral-direction and spacing

Size of lateral ties longitudinal steel

use 10 mm (# 3) for up to 32 mm (# 10)
use 12 mm (# 4) for 35 mm (# 11) and larger.

Spacing should be less than:

(a) 16 d b (bar diameter) of longitudinal steel,
(b) 48 d b of tie steel,
(c) least column dimension of compression member.
Note: The ties should enclose the anchor bolts in order to minimize the effects of sapling
and to increase the pull-out resistance of the bolts.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

6.10.2 Method (2):

Pedestals are designed as short columns with factored axial load Pult . for axially, loaded
columns (no bending moments), determined as:

Pult . ... .0.85fc (Ag As ) f y .As ......(ACI 31814 Section 9.3.2)

where, the values of and depends on the type of stirrup as below:

Type of stirrups
Tied columns 0.80 0.65
Spiral columns 0.85 0.75

and to find the pedestal or column dimensions, assume A s = (0.02A g ) and solve for ( A g ) . Then,
return back to the same equation above to find A s (the longitudinal steel).

Problem (6.12): (Design of Pedestal)

Design a pedestal for the following column data:
D.L. = 1200 kN, L.L. = 940 kN,
. of soil = 200 kN/m2,
Depth of pedestal = 1.85 m,
= 24 MPa, = 345 MPa.


(1) Determine the area of footing:

+ 1200 940
= = 10.7 m2, Use square footing of (3.3m x 3.3m).
. 200
(2) Find the area of plate:
. = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL = 1.2(1200) + 1.6(940) = 2944 kN = 2.944 MN
() = 0.85 = 0.85 (0.65)(24) = 13.26 MPa
. 2.944
= = 0.222 m2, Use square plate of (0.5m x 0.5m).
. 13.26
(3) Find the area of pedestal and check h/B:
Area of pedestal = 1.5 x (area of plate) = 1.5 x 0.222 = 0.375 m2, Use (0.65m x 0.65m).
h/B = 1.85/0.65 = 2.85 < 3.0 (O.K.)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(4) Calculate A s in longdirection:

As(min .) 0.02Ag (area.of .pedestal ) = 0.02(65)(65) = 84.5 cm2
Use 25mm . , A bar = 4.91cm2, No. of bars = 17.2; Use 18 bars.

(5) Calculate A s in lateral-direction and spacing:

Use 10 mm ties at c/c spacing; the lesser of the following:
(a) 16 d b (bar diameter) of longitudinal steel = 16(25) = 400 mm,
(b) 48 d b of tie steel = 48(10) = 480 mm,
(c) least column dimension of compression member = 650 mm.


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