Addition Reinforcing The Doubles Strategy

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Name: Tamika Berezniak

Title: Addition: Reinforcing the Doubles Strategy (Doubles + 1)

Grade/Subject Area: Math

Length of Lesson: 1 hour


Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of
Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP8 Look for and express regularity in

repeated reasoning.


Objectives What Students Will I Can

Learn Statements

Students will use the Students will learn I can use the
doubles strategy in how to use the doubles strategy to
addition. doubles strategy in solve addition
solving addition problems.
Students will Students will learn I can use doubles
decompose a near how to use doubles facts to solve near
doubles fact into a facts to solve near doubles addition
known or easier fact doubles addition problems.
to make equivalent problems.
equations (6+7 =
Students will reason Students will learn I can reason and
and explain how we how to reason and explain other ways
can use the doubles explain ways of of using the doubles
strategy in problems using the doubles and near doubles
that do not present and near doubles strategy.
themselves as strategies in a
doubles (5+7 = 6+6). variety of addition


What are doubles facts?

Where do we see doubles?
What are some doubles facts that you know?
What is a near doubles fact?
What are near doubles addition facts that you know?
How can we use the doubles strategy to solve addition
How can we use the doubles strategy to solve near doubles
problems (doubles +1)?
How can we use the doubles strategy to solve problems that
do not look like a doubles addition fact? Ex.: 5+7 is the same
as 6+6.


Begin the lesson by reviewing doubles facts with numbers 1-9, as

well as what the students know about using doubles to help them
figure out totals that are close to a double, like 6 + 7. Students will
share their thinking as we work together to use images of dice to
solve doubles and near doubles addition (double-plus-1) problems.

Students will work in partners to practice using the doubles plus

one strategy to add near double addition problems. Each pair will be
given a dice cube and a Pumpkin Math game sheet. Students will
take turns with their partner rolling the dice. They will double the
number shown on their dice and add one. If their total matches a
number on the Pumpkin Math sheet, they will color it in. The first
student of the pair, who has each number colored in, wins the game.
As students complete their Pumpkin Math game, students will
work individually in their Stepping Stones workbook to practice more
doubles and near doubles addition problems.


1. Stepping Stones Module 2, Lesson 11 (For Teacher)

2. Promethean board
3. Dice (1 cube for every 2 students)
4. Pumpkin Math game sheet
5. Stepping Stones Student Workbook (Module 2, Lesson 11)



Review previous lesson (Mod. 2, Lesson 10) on doubles facts.

! Ask, What are doubles?
! Ask, Where do we see doubles?
o Ex.: A car has two wheels in the front and two wheels
in the back. Therefore, 2 + 2 = 4. There are 4 wheels
on a car.


Review doubles facts.

! Choose a number from 1 to 9.
! Call upon volunteers to show that double with their
! The remaining students can call out the doubles fact to
match (ex: double 6 is 12).
! Continue for each double from 1 to 9.
Review what the students know about using doubles to help
them figure out totals that are close to a double.
! Ask, If double 6 is 12, what is 6 + 7?
! Invite students to share their thinking.
Project slide 1, showing two dice (4 and 5).
! Ask, What addition fact does this card show?
! Ask, How can we figure out the total?
! Ask, What doubles fact will help you figure out the total?
! Invite students to describe their thinking.
Project the open card (slide 2).
! Say, Start with double 4. Then, add one more to the
total. 4 + 5 is the same as double 4 and 1 more.
Project slide 3 (4+5) to reinforce this relationship.
! Call upon students to write the facts 4+4=8, 4+5=9, and
5+4= 9 below the cards and relate each to the thinking
Repeat the previous steps for 6+7 (slides 4 to 6) and 8+9
(slides 7 to 9) to show double-plus-1 facts, and then for 4+6
(slides 10 to 12), 7+9 (slides 13 to 15), and 5+7 (slides 16-18)
to show double-plus-2 facts.
! Use the term near doubles to describe these facts.


Students will play the Pumpkin Math game for more practice
using the doubles and doubles plus one strategy.
! Separate students into partners.
! Each pair will be given a dice and two Pumpkin Math
game sheets.
! Students will take turns with their partners rolling the dice.
! They will double the number rolled and add one.
! They will look for the total on their sheet and color it in.
! The student who has all of the numbers colored in on the
Pumpkin Math sheet first, wins the game.
Reflect on the practice as a whole group.
! Ask, How did the game go? Invite students to share
their thoughts on the game.
! Ask, Was it easy to recall doubles facts during this
! Ask, What are other ways we can practice using our
doubles facts to help us with addition?

Students will work on Module 2, Lesson 11 in their Stepping

Stones workbooks.
! We will begin by reading through the first few questions
as a class to ensure understanding.
! Students will proceed working on the rest of the questions


Formative Assessment
! Students will be informally assessed based on their class
participation and interactions during the review session,
discussion, and math game.
! I will gain a sense of their understanding of solving
doubles and near doubles addition problems from their
Stepping Stones workbooks.
Summative Assessment
! Students will be given a formal assessment at the end of
Module 2 unit.
! This test will cover all concepts covered in Module 2
including solving doubles and near doubles addition


During this lesson, students picked up on using the doubles

strategy very quickly. As we reviewed, the majority of the students
were able to participate in calling out known doubles facts from
numbers one through nine. We reviewed examples of doubles
addition facts using images of dice. I called upon students to come to
the board and write what addition fact was shown and what strategy
they would use to solve it. I was pleased to see many of the students
volunteer. Each volunteer had given the correct addition fact and was
able to explain how they used a doubles fact to solve it. I then
introduced near doubles addition facts using images of dice. I
proceeded with the same system of calling upon volunteers to write
the addition fact, the known doubles fact, and the strategy they used
to solve the problem. Again, I had many students who wanted to

Unfortunately, I had planned the majority of my lesson around

using a Promethean board. About five minutes before my lesson
began, the Promethean board froze. I called upon our computer
teacher to see if she could assist, but it was already time to begin. I
decided to proceed with the lesson on the white board. Instead of
projecting the slides, I drew the images of the dice. After some
practice, I then invited some of the students to draw pictures of the
dice. Although I am pleased that this worked, next time I will make
sure to prepare for an alternative plan. All of my sample problems
that I intended to use were on the slides and I did not recall them
from memory. This made me feel less prepared than I would have
liked to be. In the future, I will print out a copy of my lesson, including
my practice problems. For my next lesson, although I am not using
the Promethean board, I have still printed a copy of my plans just

After our whole group practice and review, I gave instructions

for the math game and reminded them that the instructions were also
written on their game sheet. My CT had suggested that I make a list
of the partners prior to the lesson to ensure that each student could
work well together. This was a great idea and we were able to quickly
transition into our game. Unfortunately, there were some students
that did not understand the directions to the game. I thought this
would be avoided by having the instructions written on their paper,
however this did not help. I was able to walk around to each group to
assist them and most of them began playing quickly. To avoid any
confusion for future games, I will invite a student to the front to show
a demonstration of how to play. I then might use a strategy of asking
a couple students to rephrase the directions in their own words, or
turn and tell your neighbor the instructions. This was a strategy that
my Semester 1 supervisor suggested, although I did not think of
using it on this activity.

As students began to finish the game I called their attention

back to the front of the class. I used a call back strategy by saying,
1,2,3 all eyes on me, in which they replied, 4,5,6 our eyes are
fixed. I then put my hands up to signal for them to stop touching their
dice and listen for the next directions. I waited until all of the students
had acknowledged this signal. I have struggled in previous lessons
with call back the class attention when doing an activity. I was
pleased that these strategies worked and the majority of the class
responded quickly.

By this time the Promethean was working and I was able to

display the questions from their workbooks onto the board. We
reviewed the first couple of problems and then the students finished
working on their own.

Overall, I am pleased with how this lesson went. I was able to

see how I have improved in the organization of my lessons. This was
evident in how smoothly the class transitioned from activities. I was
also pleased with my ability to call back their attention quickly and
efficiently. In the future, I will try multiple strategies to ensure that
directions are clear and understood. I will also come prepared for
alternate ways of teaching a lesson incase my original plan cannot or
does not work. I will do this by printing out my lesson and preparing
an alternate activity.

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