2017 Issue 4
2017 Issue 4
2017 Issue 4
Representing Northeast Indiana P.O. Box 13131, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46867
Rodger was the best in the state. He could The Big Sit! Bird Count Results for
pick up the faintest of notes. I have worked Team FIBS (Fox Island Bird Sitters) -
very hard to learn the primary songs and some - submitted to Bird Watchers Digest by
of the chip notes. Rodger knew the chip notes,
Natalie Haley, team captain
flight call and any other noises a bird made.
1. Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura
He went on trips with Jim and other close 2. Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica
birding friends and accumulated a life list of 3. Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura
4. Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus
over six hundred birds. In recent years his 5. Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii
primary focus was southwest Allen County. 6. Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus
During migration he might go out in both the 7. Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis
8. Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus
morning and afternoon. Eagle Marsh was his 9. Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens
favorite stop. Since I live nearby, he would 10. Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus
call if he found a good bird. I still have two 11. Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus
12. Merlin Falco columbarius
voice mail messages from him. 13. Eastern Phoebe Sayornis phoebe
14. Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata
He was not only a wonderful birder; he was a 15. American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos
wonderful person. Rodger was always 16. Carolina Chickadee Poecile carolinensis
17. Tufted Titmouse Baeolophus bicolor
generous with others in sharing his knowledge 18. White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis
and helping us find birds he spotted. He had a 19. Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus
wonderfully dry sense of humor. In all the 20. American Robin Turdus migratorius
21. European Starling Sturnus vulgaris
years I knew him, I never heard him say 22. Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum
anything bad about anyone. 23. American Goldfinch Spinus tristis
24. Yellow-rumped Warbler Setophaga coronata
Rodgers wife Nan asked that memorials be 25. Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis
donated to Little River Wetlands Project. 26. American Kestrel Falco sparverius
Stockbridge is working with them to find the
best way to honor Rodgers memory. If you Project FeederWatch
would like to contribute, send a check to For anyone who likes to watch birds antics as
them. Their address is 5000 Smith Road, Fort they dine at feeders, Project FeederWatch
Wayne, IN 46804. Please specify that this is may be just whats called for in the cold days
donated in Rodgers name. ahead. A program of the Cornell Laboratory
He will most definitely be missed. of Ornithology, FeederWatch is about to
begin its 24th season. It runs from November
13, 2017 through April 8, 2018. Join your
fellow Stockbridge members in this fun and
educational endeavor! More information can
be found at
Stockbridge Board Elections
Its time already to start thinking about the nomination process for positions on the Stockbridge
board. The requirements for board membership, per Cynthia Powers, are as follows:
Qualifications, other than being a carbon-based life form, would be an interest in birding and
conservation and a willingness to come to meetings and to have ideas. E-mail access is helpful.
So it couldnt be much easier! If you think that you would like to give board membership a try,
please contact any of the current board members listed on the back of this newsletter. This is a
great way to help the community of birders, and we would love to have you (plus, such a
position looks great on your resume or company profile).
Tiffany Conrad
Interpretive Naturalist
Gene Stratton-Porter SHS
Rome City, IN 46784
[email protected]
The 38th Annual Pokagon Christmas Bird Count will be held on Thursday, December 28, 2017.
Birders in predetermined teams will disperse into a 15-mile diameter circle, the center being the
center of Steuben County, to count both species and numbers of all birds.
Participants will gather at the Pokagon State Park Potawatomi Inn, Lonidaw Lounge (west end
of building), by 7:45am to divide into teams and head into the field. Birders should bring their
own birding optics and dress for a day in the field. Participants should also bring a sack lunch
to enjoy in the field, or their team may wish to make other lunch arrangements on their own.
All results will be returned to the count compiler and a final report will be sent to the National
Audubon Society and to all participants. There is no fee for the event.
Residents within Steuben County may also participate by recording birds at their feeders and
reporting them to the count compiler.
To participate is free, but prior registration is required. To do so, contact count compiler Fred
Wooley at 260-495-3307 or 260-243-0513 or E-mail [email protected]. Registration
deadline is December 26. For further information, contact Fred Wooley.
Tippecanoe Audubon Society will hold its annual Christmas Bird Count on Saturday, December
30, 2017. This bird count is held in Kosciusko County with the center of the 15 mile circle at
Oswego, IN. For details and to volunteer contact compiler Dave Hicks at 260-982-2471 or
[email protected]. Please contact Dave in advance if planning to participate.
We welcome new members using the form below (or apply online). To speed your service and save us postage, mail renewals
directly to National Audubon, using the form that they provide. Any questions relating to membership? Ed Powers, Membership
Chair, will be glad to help!
Mail to: Stockbridge Audubon Society, P. O. Box 13131, Fort Wayne, IN 46867