2003 RutqvistTsang
2003 RutqvistTsang
2003 RutqvistTsang
EOS PVT functions for
This paper presents development of a simulator for Fluids water, air, CO2 etc
coupled thermal-hydrological-mechanical (THM)
processes in fractured porous geological media and
recent applications of the simulator related to coupled TOUGH2 Multiphase fluid and
Reservoir heat transport analysis
THM processes under multiphase flow conditions.
The simulator is denoted TOUGH-FLAC because it Simulator
utilizes two established computer codesTOUGH2
and FLAC3Dwhich are linked and jointly executed P, T, S THM Loop , k, Pc Coupling Modules
for analysis of coupled thermal-hydrologic-mechani-
cal (THM) processes. Capabilities of the TOUGH-
FLAC3D Geomechanical Stress-
FLAC simulator are demonstrated on several Soil&Rock
complex coupled problems related to injection and strain analysis with HM
Mechanics and TM coupling
storage of carbon dioxide in aquifers and to disposal
of nuclear waste in unsaturated fractured porous Constitutive model for
media. Mechanical Model
visco-elastic, poro-
elasto-plastic material
P = Pressure k = Permeability
The TOUGH-FLAC simulator (Rutqvist et al. 2002) T = Temperature Pc = Capillary pressure
is based on a coupling of the two existing computer S = Saturation H= Material function
codes TOUGH2 (Pruess et al. 1999) and FLAC3D = Stress = Strain
(Itasca Consulting Group 1997). TOUGH2 is a well- = Porosity t = time
established code for geohydrological analysis with
Figure 1. Schematic of linking TOUGH2 and
multiphase, multicomponent fluid flow and heat
FLAC3D for a coupled THM simulation.
transport, while FLAC3D is a widely used commer-
cial code that is designed for rock and soil mechan-
ics. For analysis of coupled THM problems, the
TOUGH2 and FLAC3D are executed on compatible TOUGH2 mid element node
numerical grids and linked through external coupling
modules, which serve to pass relevant information
between the field equations that are solved in respec-
tive code (Figure 1 and 2).
T = I T (1) t ( ) k +1 (6)
Rn( ) k +1 M n( ) k +1 M n( ) k Anm q nm + Vn Qn
( ) k +1
= + IP (2) Vn m
tk tk+1
In the explicit sequential procedure (Figure 3), the TIME
TOUGH2 code is executed for a TH analysis
k k+1
between time t to t until mass conservation is Figure 3. Numerical procedure of a linked
assured by solving the TOUGH2 flow and heat TOUGH2 and FLAC3D simulation with
equation: explicit sequential solutions
k0 0
Two recent application examples demonstrate the Pc = Pc 0 (S l ) (11)
capability of a linked TOUGH-FLAC simulation. k
The first example is related to sequestration of CO2
The parameters for the porosity-mean stress and
green-house gas in brine aquifers (Rutqvist and
Tsang, 2002), and the second is related to a high permeability-porosity relationship0, r, b, c in
temperature nuclear waste repository in unsaturated Equations (9) and (10)were determined to repre-
rock. Within each application, material specific sent laboratory data by Davis and Davis (1999),
hydromechanical coupling relationships are which shows a one-order-of-magnitude reduction in
developed and applied. permeability from zero to 30 MPa effective stress.
H Calculation with k = k0
porosity at high stress, and the exponent a should be
experimentally determined. 35 Lithostatic
The permeability is correlated to the porosity 30
according to the following exponential function HM Calculation with k = k(')
(Rutqvist and Tsang, 2002): 25
Youngs modulus, E (GPa) 5 5 Cap 25 20
Injection Zone
Poissons ratio, (-) 0.25 0.25
Saturated rock density, s (kg/m3) 2260 2260 2000
Irreducible gas saturation Coreys (1954) 0.05 0.05 Figure 5. Calculated fluid pressure distribution and
relative permeability function (-)
the spread of the CO2 plume after 10
Irreducible liquid saturation for Coreys 0.3 0.3 years of injection.
(1954) relative permeability function (-)
Air-entry pressure for van Genuchtens 3100 19.6
(1980) retention curve (kPa)
Exponent, m for van Genuchtenss 0.457 0.457
(1980) retention curve
Increased Horizontal Stress at XX (MPa)
500 the Injection Point Caused by
Poro-elastic Effects
Exponent for Equation (9), a (1/Pa) 510-8 510-8
Exponent for Equation (10), c 22.2 22.2
Biots parameter in Equation (2), 1.0 1.0 1500
10 5
2000 0
1000 0
1100 1100
Upper Aquifer 'xx (MPa) Upper Aquifer
1200 1200
Possible Fracturing
Cap 5 Cap
1300 1300
CO2+Brine Water
1400 1400 Injection Zone Brine Water
Injection Zone C02
5 1500
Base 5
1600 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000
-2000 -1000 0 1000 2000
(a) Hydraulic fracturing
(a) Changes in horizontal effective stress
1100 Upper Aquifer
'zz (MPa)
Upper Aquifer
Zone of Possible Slip
Cap 10 1300
x y
x bmax Calculated results after 12 months of heating are
y presented in Figures 10 to 13. These results are
kx = kx(y ,z) 1/d selected to illustrate how TOUGH-FLAC can be
kx = kx(y ,z) br utilized to calculate THM-induced changes in air-
kx = kx(y ,z) Normal Stress, n permeability in fractured rocks. Changes in air-
(b) (c) permeability are particular important because they
are largely dependent on stress-induced changes in
Figure 9. TOUGH-FLAC simulation of the Yucca fracture permeability, which is a key process in
Mountain Drift Scale Test (a) Schematics coupled THM modeling of fractured rocks.
of two-dimensional model geometry. (b)
Conceptual model for stress-permeability Figure 10 shows that after 12 months of heating the
coupling. (c) Normal stress-aperture temperature has reached above the boiling tempera-
relationship for fractures. ture around the heated drift and near the wing
heaters. The high temperature induces strong
For the Yucca Mountain site, the correction of thermal-hydrological processes with evaporation of
hydraulic properties with stress are based on a liquid water near the heatsource (Figure 11). The
conceptual model of a highly fractured rock mass that evaporated water is transported as vapor away from
contains three orthogonal fracture sets as shown in the heat source toward cooler regions where it is
Figure 9b (Rutqvist and Tsang, 2003). The porosity condensed to liquid water (Figure 11). As a result, a
and permeability-correction factors are calculated dry-out zone is created near the heat source and a
from the initial and current apertures in Fracture Set condensation zone is progressively moving away
1, 2, and 3 according to: from the heat source. In the condensation zone, an
increase in fractures moisture content should result in
b1 + b2 + b3 (12)
F = a decrease air-permeability.
b1i + b2i + b3i
The high temperatures shown in Figure 10 gives rise
b 3 + b33 , b13 + b33 , b13 + b23 (13) to thermal expansion of the rock mass with associ-
Fkx = 32 Fky = F =
b13i + b33i
b2i + b33i b13i + b23i ated thermal stresses (Figure 12). Near the heat
source, the horizontal compressive stresses increases
where fractures in Fracture Sets 1, 2, and 3 are strongly with a maximum at the drift wall and near
assumed to be equally spaced and oriented normal to the heat sources. Such increase in compressive
x, y, and z directions, respectively, and a parallel- stresses tends to tighten fractures to smaller aperture
plate fracture flow model (Witherspoon et al. 1980) is leading to a reduction in air-permeability. Away from
adopted. The capillary pressure is corrected with the heat source, the horizontal stresses decreases
porosity and permeability changes according to the slightly (Figure 12). A reduction in horizontal
Leverett (1941) function: stresses will tend to open pre-existing vertical
fractures to a larger aperture leading to an increase in
FPc = (14) air-permeability.
Fk = 3 Fkx Fky Fkz (15)
Z (m)
van Genuchten mm (or ) 0.247 100
Residual saturation 0.18 160
Hydraulic and
Hydro- Porosity 0.263E-3
Figure 10. Calculated temperature distribution after
mechanical van Genuchten, f (1/Pa) 9.73E-5 Pa-1
12 months of heating.
van Genuchten, mf (-) (or ) 0.492
Residual saturation 0.01 25
Initial fracture S l (-)
Fracture frequency 4.32 m-1
20 saturation 0.1
Initial fracture aperture, bI 51.8 m 0.4
bmax for Equation (16) 150 m
15 Condensation Zone with 0.2
Wetting of Fractures 0
Exponent d for Equation (16) 0.6 MPa 10
Rock Mass
Z (m)
0 Strong Thermal
Compressive Stress
-5 and Fracture Closure
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
X (m)
complex geological media. The codes were linked
with modules representing the coupled thermo-
Reduced k mechanical and hydrologic-mechanical behavior of
-5 rocks. The coupling modules contain nonlinear stress
-10 Reduced k versus permeability functions, which were calibrated
against site-specific data. These coupling modules
-15 could be exchanged with modules containing any
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
X (m) other type of empirical or theoretical hydrologic-
mechanical coupling relationship. We have demon-
Figure 13. Calculated changes in air-permeability as strated the usefulness of linked, sequentially coupled
a result of TH induced changes liquid THM analyses for complex problems related to
fracture saturation and TM induced injection and storage of CO2 in brine aquifer forma-
changes in fracture aperture. 74:4 and tions and to the expected conditions at a high
76:3 are borehole sections at which temperature nuclear waste disposal in unsaturated
calculated and measured air-permeability rock. In both these examples, the hydromechanical
is compared in Figure 14. changes are relatively slow, which is most suitable
for the sequentially explicit solution. Problems with
Figure 14 presents a comparison of calculated and higher strain rates relative to fluid mobility may
measured air-permeability at two borehole sections. require the sequential implicit approach or ultimately
The calculated changes in air-permeability is in good a fully implicit coupled approach.
agreement with the measured ones both in trends and
magnitude. The good agreement between the calcu- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
lated and measured results shows that the adopted Technical review and comments by Dr. Kazumasa Ito
conceptual model for stress induced changes in and Dr. Guomin Li, Lawrence Berkeley National
permeability depicted in Figure 9 is sound and Laboratory are much appreciated. This work was
validates the numerical values of bmax and d that jointly supported by the Director, Office of Science,
defines the normal stress-aperture function in Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of
Figure 9c. Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biological
Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy, under
contract No. DE-AC03-76-SF00098, and by the
1.8 Calculations Director, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste
1.4 74:4 Management, U.S. Department of Energy, through
1.2 Inecreased k Memorandum Purchase Order EA9013MC5X
1 between Bechtel SAIC Company, LLC and the
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National
0.4 76:3 Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) through the U.S.
Reduced k
0.2 Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC03-
0 76SF00098, and by the Swedish Nuclear Power
0 10 20 30 40 50
TIME (Months) Inspectorate.
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definition of Fk). Biot, M. A., General theory of three dimensional
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