Performance Comparison of AODV, DSDV, OLSR and DSR Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Performance Comparison of AODV, DSDV, OLSR and DSR Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Performance Comparison of AODV, DSDV, OLSR and DSR Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) represent complex distributed systems that comprise wireless mobile nodes that can
freely and dynamically self organize into arbitrary and temporary ad hoc network topologies. A mobile ad hoc network is a
collection of nodes that is connected through a wireless medium forming rapidly changing topologies. The widely accepted
existing routing protocols designed to accommodate the needs of such self-organized networks do not address possible
threats aiming at the disruption of the protocol itself.
every node. This causes more overhead in the routing table loops in routing tables by using sequence numbers. It was
leading to consumption of more bandwidth. Examples of developed by C. Perkins and P. Bhagwat in 1994. The DSDV
such schemes are the conventional routing schemes, protocol can be used in mobile ad hoc networking
Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV). environments by assuming that each participating node acts
as a router. Each node must maintain a table that consists of
2.1.2. Reactive (On-Demand) Protocols all the possible destinations. In this routing protocol, an entry
of the table contains the address identifier of a destination,
Reactive routing is also known as on-demand routing the shortest known distance metric to that destination
protocol since they dont maintain routing information or measured in hop counts and the address identifier of the
routing activity at the network nodes if there is no node that is the first hop on the shortest path to the
communication. These protocols take a lazy approach to destination. Each mobile node in the system maintains a
routing. They do not maintain or constantly update their routing table in which all the possible destinations and the
route tables with the latest route topology. If a node wants number of hops to them in the network are recorded. A
to send a packet to another node then this protocol searches sequence number is also associated with each route/path to
for the route in an on-demand manner and establishes the the destination. The route labeled with the highest sequence
connection in order to transmit and receive the packet. The number is always used. This also helps in identifying the
route discovery usually occurs by flooding the route request stale routes from the new ones, thereby avoiding the
packets throughout the network. Examples of reactive formation of loops. Also, to minimize the traffic generated,
routing protocols are the dynamic source Routing (DSR), there are two types of packets in the system. One is known
ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing (AODV). as full dump, which is a packet that carries all the
information about a change. However, at the time of
2.2. Single Path vs. Multi Path occasional movement, another type of packet called
incremental will be used, which will carry just the changes,
There are several criteria for comparing single-path routing thereby, increasing the overall efficiency of the system.
and multi-path routing in ad hoc networks. First, the DSDV requires a regular update of its routing tables, which
overhead of route discovery in multi-path routing is much uses up battery power and a small amount of bandwidth
more than that of single-path routing. On the other hand, even when the network is idle. Whenever the topology of
the frequency of route discovery is much less in a network the network changes, a new sequence number is necessary
which uses multi-path routing, since the system can still before the network re-converges; thus, DSDV is not suitable
operate even if one or a few of the multiple paths between a for highly dynamic networks.
source and a destination fail. Second, it is commonly
believed that using multi-path routing results in a higher
The Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing
algorithm is a routing protocol designed for ad hoc mobile
2.3. Table Driven vs. Source Initiated
networks. AODV is capable of both unicast and multicast
In Table Driven Routing protocols, up-to-date routing routing. It is an on demand algorithm, meaning that it builds
information from each node to every other node in the routes between nodes only as desired by source nodes. It
network is maintained on each node of the network. The maintains these routes as long as they are needed by the
changes in network topology are then propagated in the sources. Additionally, AODV forms trees which connect
entire network by means of updates. Destination Sequenced multicast group members. The trees are composed of the
Distance Vector Routing (DSDV) and is scheme classified group members and the nodes needed to connect the
under the table driven routing protocols head. The routing members. AODV uses sequence numbers to ensure the
protocols classified under Source Initiated On-Demand freshness of routes. It is loop-free, self-starting, and scales
Routing, create routes only when desired by the source node. to large numbers of mobile nodes. The AODV protocol uses
When a node requires a route to a certain destination, it route request (RREQ) messages flooded through the network
initiates what is called as the route discovery process. in order to discover the paths required by a source node. An
Examples include DSR and AODV. intermediate node that receives a RREQ replies to it using a
route reply message only if it has a route to the destination
3. DESTINATION-SEQUENCED DISTANCE-VECTORS whose corresponding destination sequence number is greater
ROUTING (DSDV) or equal to the one contained in the RREQ. The RREQ also
contains the most recent sequence number for the destination
Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV) is
of which the source node is aware. A node receiving the
a table-driven routing scheme for ad hoc mobile networks
RREQ may send a route reply (RREP) if it is either the
based on the Bellman-Ford algorithm. The improvement
destination or if it has a route to the destination with
made to the Bellman-Ford algorithm includes freedom from
corresponding sequence number greater than or equal to that
contained in the RREQ. If this is the case, it unicasts a RREP network. RREQ is replied by the destination node or an
back to the source. Otherwise, it rebroadcasts the RREQ. intermediate node, which knows the route, using the Route
Nodes keep track of the RREQs source IP address and Reply (RREP) message. The return route for the RREP
broadcast ID. If they receive a RREQ which they have message may be one of the routes that exist in the route
already processed, they discard the RREQ and do not cache (if it exists) or a list reversal of the nodes in the RREQ
forward it. As the RREP propagates back to the source nodes packet if symmetrical routing is supported. In other cases
set up forward pointers to the destination. Once the source the node may initiate it owns route discovery mechanism
node receives the RREP, it may begin to forward data packets and piggyback the RREP packet onto it. Thus the route may
to the destination. If the source later receives a RREP be considered unidirectional or bidirectional. DSR doesnt
containing a greater sequence number or contains the same enforce any use of periodic messages from the mobile hosts
sequence number with a smaller hop count, it may update for maintenance of routes. Instead it uses two types of
its routing information for that destination and begin using packets for route maintenance: Route Error (RERR) packets
the better route. As long as the route remains active, it will and ACKs. Whenever a node encounters fatal transmission
continue to be maintained. A route is considered active as errors so that the route becomes invalid, the source receives
long as there are data packets periodically traveling from a RERR message. ACK packets are used to verify the correct
the source to the destination along that path. Once the source operation of the route links. This also serves as a passive
stops sending data packets, the links will time out and acknowledgement for the mobile node. DSR enables
eventually be deleted from the intermediate node routing multiple routes to be learnt for a particular destination.DSR
tables. If a link break occurs while the route is active, the does not require any periodic update messages, thus avoiding
node upstream of the break propagates a route error (RERR) wastage of bandwidth.
message to the source node to inform it of the now
unreachable destination(s). Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)
Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol is a
proactive routing protocol where the routes are always
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) is a routing protocol for immediately available when needed. OLSR is an
wireless mesh networks and is based on a method known as optimization version of a pure link state protocol in which
source routing. It is similar to AODV in that it forms a route the topological changes cause the flooding of the topological
on-demand when a transmitting computer requests one. information to all available hosts in the network. OLSR may
Except that each intermediate node that broadcasts a route optimize the reactivity to topological changes by reducing
request packet adds its own address identifier to a list carried the maximum time interval for periodic control message
in the packet. The destination node generates a route reply transmission. Furthermore, as OLSR continuously maintains
message that includes the list of addresses received in the routes to all destinations in the network, the protocol is
route request and transmits it back along this path to the beneficial for traffic patterns where a large subset of nodes
source. Route maintenance in DSR is accomplished through are communicating with another large subset of nodes, and
the confirmations that nodes generate when they can verify where the [source, destination] pairs are changing over time.
that the next node successfully received a packet. These OLSR protocol is well suited for the application which does
confirmations can be link-layer acknowledgements, passive not allow the long delays in the transmission of the data
acknowledgements or network-layer acknowledgements packets. The best working environment for OLSR protocol
specified by the DSR protocol. However, it uses source is a dense network, where the most communication is
routing instead of relying on the routing table at each concentrated between a large numbers of nodes. OLSR
intermediate device. When a node is not able to verify the reduce the control overhead forcing the MPR to propagate
successful reception of a packet it tries to retransmit it. When the updates of the link state, also the efficiency is gained
a finite number of retransmissions fail, the node generates compared to classical link state protocol when the selected
a route error message that specifies the problematic link, MPR set is as small as possible. But the drawback of this is
transmitting it to the source node. When a node requires a that it must maintain the routing table for all the possible
route to a destination, which it doesnt have in its route routes, so there is no difference in small networks, but when
cache, it broadcasts a Route Request (RREQ) message, the number of the mobile hosts increase, then the overhead
which is flooded throughout the network. The first RREQ from the control messages is also increasing. This constrains
message is a broadcast query on neighbors without flooding. the scalability of the OLSR protocol. The OLSR protocol
Each RREQ packet is uniquely identified by the initiators work most efficiently in the dense networks.
address and the request id. A node processes a route request
packet only if it has not already seen the packet and its A comparison of the characteristics of the above three
address is not present in the route record of the packet. This ad hoc routing protocols DSDV, DSR, AODV, and OLSR is
minimizes the number of route requests propagated in the given in Table 1.
548 S. A. ADE & P.A.TIJARE
Protocol Property DSDV DSR AODV OLSR It is difficult for the quantitative comparison of the most of
the ad hoc routing protocols due to the fact that simulations
Multicast Routes No Yes No Yes have been done independent of one another using different
Distributed Yes Yes Yes Yes metrics and using different simulators. This paper does the
Unidirectional Link No Yes No Yes realistic comparison of three routing protocols DSDV,
Support AODV and DSR. The significant observation is, simulation
Multicast No No Yes Yes results agree with expected results based on theoretical
analysis. As expected, reactive routing protocol AODV
Periodic Broadcast Yes No Yes Yes
performance is the best considering its ability to maintain
QoS Support No No No Yes connection by periodic exchange of information, which is
Routes Maintained Route Route Route Route required for TCP, based traffic. AODV performs predictably.
in Table Cache table table Delivered virtually all packets at low node mobility, and
Reactive No Yes Yes No failing to converge as node mobility increases. Meanwhile
DSR was very good at all mobility rates and movement
6. COMPARISONS speeds and DSDV performs almost as well as DSR, but still
requires the transmission of many routing overhead packets.
In order to evaluate the performance of ad hoc network
At higher rates of node mobility its actually more expensive
routing protocols, the following metrics were considered:
than DSR. Compared the On-Demand (DSR and AODV)
and Table-Driven (DSDV) routing protocols by varying the
6.1. Packet Delivery Fraction (PDF) Result number of nodes and measured the metrics like end-end
PDF is the ratio between the numbers of packets originated delay, dropped packets, As far as packet delay and dropped
by the application layer sources and the number of packets packets ratio are concerned, DSR/AODV performs better
received by the sinks at the final destination. It will describe than DSDV with large number of nodes. Hence for real time
the loss rate that will be seen by the transport protocols, traffic AODV is preferred over DSR and DSDV. For less
number of nodes and less mobility, DSDVs performance is
which in turn affects the maximum throughput that the
network can support. In terms of packet delivery ratio, DSR
performs well when the number of nodes is less as the load
will be less. However its performance declines with REFERENCES
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