Soybean Fiber
Soybean Fiber
Soybean Fiber
American users of a protein-base fiber will doubtless de- tory fiber must go into a textile mill, be blended with other
mand a strength capable of withstanding reasonable carding, fibers, and withstand all the operations common to a textile
combing, and spinning operation without help from other plant without requiring any change in operating conditions.
fibers. They will require dyeing properties similar to wool, When, and if, a casein-base fiber is produced and offered to
under the same conditions of dyeing, because casein fiber and our domestic trade, which meets the above requirements, it
wool will be frequently mixed. Felting properties should be will doubtless fmd a successful use in many classes of textile
good in mixtures with feltable materials. The product must goods. In addition, such a fiber will have many properties
have a permanency which will avoid any breakdown by bac- unique to itself and, without supplanting or interfering with
teria, mold, etc. It must withstand all common cleansing the use of any present textile fibers, will add materially to the
agents under normal conditions of use. In general, a satisfac- versatility of the textile industry.
Production of fiber from soybean protein is de- is fast becoming one of our most important vegetable oils, is
scribed. Difficulties encountered in obtaining recovered in the first step of the fiber production.
uniform protein necessitate strict control of the
variety of the soybeans and thorough chemical Production of Fiber from Soybeans
analysis and fertilization of the soil on which they
OF OIL. The continuous solvent extraction
are grown. When good protein is used, spinning
solutions containing 20 per cent protein can be
method is used to extract the oil. The crushed beans are
obtained. Soybean fiber as made at present has
washed countercurrently with hexane which removes the oil.
about 80 per cent the strength of wool, has more
The resulting oil-free meal is passed through a steam-jacketed
elongation both wet and dry, and does not wet so
pipe for removal of the solvent. Although the Ford extrac-
easily as wool or casein fiber. It does not promote
tion equipment is different, the whole operation is standard
mold growth so readily as casein fiber. The fiber
in the soybean industry with the exception that meal pre-
blends well with wool and cotton and has been
pared for fiber work is treated at much lower temperatures
processed satisfactorily on both cotton and worsted
than meal prepared for cattle food.
textile equipment. Plans are being made for a
pilot plant capable of producing 1000 pounds per
a critical and important part of the fiber preparation. Al-
day of soybean fiber.
though protein extraction is a relatively simple operation,
extreme care must be exercised in order to produce uniform
batches. There are many ways of extracting protein, some
of which are closely guarded secrets. The indications are that
YNTHETIC fiber production has been one of the most the simpler methods will be the most satisfactory. One
1. (Above) STAINLESS
. (._
The finished fiber is white to light tan in color with medium
luster; i t bas a warm soft feel, a natural crimp, and a high de-
gree of resilience.
The tensile strength of soybean fiber is about 80 per cent
8s compared to wool; its dry elongation of 40 per cent and
wet elongation of 60 per cent are much higher. The tensile
strength a t break is approximately the same dry and wet:
however, the yield point is lower on the wet fiber.
The specific gravity of soybean fiber is 1.31 measured in
water. The fiber is nearly circular and has little pigmenta-
tion. Water does not wet soybean fiber so readily as it does
casein fiber and wool. Preliminary experiments indicate that
soybean fiber is very resistant to the action of mold as com-
pared to casein fiber which is more readily attacked.
Fiber sizes range from 1.5 to 5 deniers in staple lengths of
1.5to 6 inches. It can be produced in natural color or can be F I G U ~3.~ :DRYING SOYBEAN FIBERI N I ~ I ~ M I D I T Y - ~ ~ N -
spun dyed, with or without a fixed, highly permanent crimp. TROLLED OVEN