11-Winches.50 2002 200603

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Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.

Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338

Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337

Winch Index

Trailer Winch..........................................11-10
Winches ...................................11-4, 11-910
Winches ..................................................11-5
THERN WINCHES .................................11-68
Winches ................................................11-10
Air...........................................11-3, 11-1113
Boat Haulings........................................11-10
Capstan....................................11-4, 11-910
Electric ..............................................11-313
Gripwinch ..............................................11-12
Long Distance .................................11-1213
Material Lifting.................................11-1213
Worm Gear ................................11-1, 11-68
Winches .....................................11-1, 11-68

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337


Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337
Hand Winches

Spur Gear Hand Winches CW Series - Compact Heavy Duty Winches
Marine Grade - up to 1 ton Lightweight but Tough - All cast aluminum construction
that makes it lightweight, but rugged for heavy-duty
For both lifting and pulling, these winches offer quick applications.
load movement and ease of operation. Machine cut
gears outlast conventional laminated gears for years Compact - Our model CW 150 measures a compact
of reliable service. Iridescent dichromate plating five inches square (130 mm) without its
resists corrosion, and large diameter drums extend handle.
cable life by minimizing bending and wear. We recom- Model M4311 Removable Hand Cranks - Cranks are
mend disc brakes for all lifting applications. (with Disk Break) removable under load to prevent tamper-
ing with the winch when the operator is
Model Gear Load Rating Load Rating Cable Full Drum Force to Lift Approx. not present.
Ratio 2nd Layer Full Drum Diameter Capacity 1000 lbs Ship Wt. Enclosed Gears - Our fully enclosed gears provide maximum safety.
M401 1.00:1 500 lbs 200 lbs 3/16 in 55 ft - 8 lbs Three Sizes - Three models are available with linepull capacity ranging
M4021 2.85:1 1,000 lbs 300 lbs 3/16 in 55 ft 55 lbs 11 lbs from 150 lbs (68 kg) to 550 lbs (250 kg).
M4031 2.85:1 1,000 Ibs 300 lbs 3/16 in 110ft 55 lbs 13 lbs
M4311 14.70:1 2,000 lbs 850 lbs 1/4 in 70 ft 22 lbs 23 lbs Model Rope Rope Storage Lift Per Hand Force
M4411 14.70:1 2,000 lbs 850 lbs 1/4 in 140 ft 22 lbs 25 lbs No. WLL Dia. Capacity Crank Rotation Required
Drum capacities may be 25-30% less, due to non-uniform winding. Tension in the cable will lb kg in mm ft m in mm lb kg
also affect drum capacity.
CW 150 150 68 1/8 3 65 20 5 127 22 10
CW 275 275 125 1/8 3 65 20 5 127 27 12
Spur Gear Hand Winches CW 550 550 250 3/16 4.7 50 15 2.25 57 35 16
Marine Grade - up to 5 ton
Ideal for heavy-duty use, these winches feature GW Series (Wall Mount)
iridescent dichromate plated gears and handles, Seven rugged sizes available. High-end sizes
with an alkyd enamel finish on the drum and equipped with 2-speed gearing for ease in handling
frame. The solid steel machine cut gears provide heavy loads. Hand cranks are removable under
years of reliable service, and large diameter load to prevent tampering. Other models include:
drums extend cable life by minimizing bending GWC - Chain operated for use in hard to
and wear. The handles can be adjusted in length to reach locations
change operating speed, or moved to the countershaft GWG - with grooved drum.
for quick rewinding of unloaded cable. Hand brakes con-
trol, but do not hold the load. We recommend disc brakes Model M492 Model WLL Rope Dia. Rope Storage
for all lifting applications. No. (lb) (in) Cap. (ft)
GW 550 550 3/16 222
Model Gear Load Rating Load Rating Cable Full Drum Force to Lift Approx. GW 1100 1100 1/4 222
Ratio 2nd Layer Full Drum Diameter Capacity 1000 lbs Ship Wt. GW 2200 2200 3/8 190
M452 19.54:1 4000 lbs 2000 lbs 3/8 in 140 ft 4.5 lbs 81 lbs GW 3300 3300 7/16 165
M492 25.00:1 10000 lbs 4000 lbs 1/2 in 220 ft 5.4 lbs 158 lbs
Drum capacities may be 25-30% less, due to non-uniform winding. Tension in the cable will
also affect drum capacity.
GWC Series (Chain Operated)
Seven rugged sizes available. Chain allows the
winch to be mounted in a location not easily accessi-
ble by the operator. High end sizes equipped with 2-
Worm Gear Hand Winches speed gearing for ease in handling heavy loads.
Good for jobs where accuracy and reliability are Effective use of roller bearings and bushings mini-
important, Worm Gear Hand Winches feature mizes friction, for ease of operation and longer life.
machine cut gears which operate in enclosed oil Model WLL Rope Dia. Rope Storage
baths for smooth operation and long life. Winches No. (lb) (in) Cap.(ft)
can be converted for wall mounting, or equipped with GWC 550 550 3/16 222
handle locks which help hold the load. We recom- GWC 1100 1100 1/4 222
mend disc brakes for all lifting applications. Model 472 GWC 2200 2200 3/8 198
GWC 3300 3300 7/16 165
Model Gear Load Rating Load Rating Cable Full Drum Force to Lift Approx.
Ratio 2nd Layer Full Drum Diameter Capacity 1000 lbs Ship Wt.
465 20:1 750 lbs 300 lbs 3/16 in 55 ft - 12 lbs WMA Series (Aluminum Wall Mount)
462 15:1 1,000 lbs 400 lbs 3/16 in 55 ft 34 lbs 15 lbs Compact all cast aluminum construction that makes it
472 24:1 2,000 lbs 1,000 lbs 1/4 in 75 ft 24 lbs 32 lbs lightweight, but rugged for heavy-duty applications.
482 26:1 4,000 lbs 2,000 lbs 3/8 in 140 ft 31 lbs 100 lbs Cranks are removable under load to prevent tampering.
Drum capacities may be 25-30% less, due to non-undorm winding. Tension in the cable will
Fully enclosed gears for safety.
also affect drum capacity. Model WLL Rope Dia. Rope Storage
Model 465 gears are open (not enclosed in oil bath) No. (lb) (in) Cap. (ft)
WMA 175 175 1/8 98
Disc Brakes WMA 275 275 3/16 39

Thern recommends Disc Brakes for all Hand Winches

used to lift loads or drag loads up an incline. The Weston
type Disc Brake operates automatically, when you turn
the brake handle the brake releases, and when you stop
GS Series (Wall Mount Spur Gear)
turning the handle the brake tightens to hold the load in Leading edge design reduces cranking effort. Space-saver profile and
Disk fold-back crank allows ease of installation in
place. Disc Brakes replace standard winch handles and are Break
field or factory installed depending on the model, see the tight spaces. Effective use of needle and
table below. roller bearings and bushings minimizes fric-
tion ensuring ease of operation, increased life
Installation M4021 M4031 M4311 M4411 M452 M492 462 472 482 and minimum cranking effort.
M4321 M4421
Model WLL Rope Dia. Rope Storage
Field* MB441 MB441 MB451 MB491 No. (lb) (in) Cap. (ft)
Factory** M4021B M4031B 462B 472B 482B GS 275 275 1/8 171
* Field installed models: order the winch and brake separately, using the model GS 660 660 3/16 81
numbers shown. GS 1100 1100 1/4 46
** Factory installed models: add the letter B to the winch model number when ordering. GS 2200 2200 3/8 93
Please Call for Complete Dimensional Information
Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337

11 Winches
Hand Winches

CMG Series WG Series - Heavy Duty Hand Winches

(Galvanized Console Mount) Choose from Six Rugged Models - WG series
(Also available in CMS Series - Stainless Steel) winches have been designed for heavy-duty use.
Models provide linepull from 550 lbs (250 kg) to
Galvanized for corrosion resistance, making it 11,000 lbs (5,000 kg).
ideal for outdoor use. Lightweight for easy han-
dling and installation. Leading-edge design Two Speeds - High-end models - WG 4400 to WG
reduces cranking effort. 11000 - are equipped with two-speed gearing for
ease in handling heavy loads.
Model WLL Rope Dia. Rope Storage
No. (lb) (in) Cap. (ft) Removable Hand Cranks - Hand cranks can be
CMG 330 330 3/16 45 removed under load conditions to prevent tamper-
CMG 1450 1450 1/4 66 ing when the operator is not present.
CMG 2000 2000 5/16 46
CMG 3000 3000 5/16 85
Rope Rope Storage Lift Per Hand Force
WLL Dia. Capacity Crank Rotation Required
GWF Series (Centre Flange) Model Low Gear High Gear
Seven rugged sizes available. Two ropes can be No. lb kg in mm ft m in mm in mm lb kg
operated simultaneously. Drums have a center WG 550 550 250 3/16 4 65 20 1.43 36 37 17
flange and rope anchors at either end. High-end WG 1100 1,100 500 1/4 6 75 23 1.38 35 44 20
sizes equipped with 2-speed gearing for ease in WG 2200 2,200 1,000 3/8 8 90 27 1.42 36 55 25
handling heavy loads. Effective use of needle WG 4400 4,400 2,000 1/2 11 105 32 .28 7.1 1.14 29 33 15
roller bearings and bushings minimizes friction. WG 7000 7,000 3,200 5/8 14 105 32 .32 8 1.26 32 55 25
WG 11000 11,000 5,000 3/4 18 105 32 .22 5.5 .87 22 55 25
Model WLL Rope Dia. Rope Storage
No. (lb) (in) Cap. (ft)
GWF 550 275 1/8 35
GWF 1100 550 3/16 40
WSG Series - Heavy Duty Hand Winches
GWF 2200 1100 1/4 60 Fully Enclosed Gears; Permanently
GWF 3300 1650 5/16 60 Lubricated - The WSGs enclosed worm shaft
and worm wheel are immersed in an oil bath,
providing constant lubrication and protection
from corrosion. Maintenance is reduced while
CMC Series (Aluminum Free life expectancy is increased.
Spooling) High Rope to Drum Ratio - Rope life is sub-
Lightweight permits easy handling and instal- stantially increased with drum diameters a mini-
lation. Ideal for getting rope quickly under no- mum of 20 times the diameter of the rope. With
load conditions. A sealed oil bath ensures wire rope under reduced bending stress, prema-
constant protection and quiet operation. ture rope breakage is minimized.

Model WLL Rope Dia. Rope Storage Tough, All-Cast Construction - Choose from three models
No. (lb) (in) Cap. (ft) designed for heavy-duty use. Models range from 550 lbs (250
CMC 1600 1600 1/4 33 kg) linepull to 1650 lbs (750 kg) linepull.
CMC 2400 2400 5/16 33 Removable Hand Cranks - Hand cranks can be removed under load con-
ditions to prevent tampering when the operator is not present.

CFF Series (Controlled Free Fall) Rope Rope Storage Lift Per Hand Force
Push the handle back in the reverse direction Model WLL Dia. Capacity Crank Rotation Required
and the winch will pay out a controlled speed. No. lb kg in mm ft m in mm lb kg
Payout is variable up to a predetermined maxi- WSG 550 550 250 3/16 5 60 18 .79 20 20 9.2
mum. All gears are fully enclosed for increased WSG 1100 1100 500 1/4 6 95 29 1.0 26 32 14.5
operational protection. WSG 1650 1650 750 5/16 8 157 48 .79 20 35 16

Model WLL Rope Dia. Rope Storage

No. (lb) (in) Cap. (ft)
CFF 660 660 3/16 85
CFF 1100 1100 1/4 67
CFF 2200 2200 3/8 50
CFF 3300 3300 7/16 45

CMA Series
(Seaworthy Aluminum)
Corrosion resistant aluminum, ideal for deck
machinery and dockside applications. High-end
sizes are equipped with 2-speed gearing for ease
in handling heavy loads Cranks from either end.
Mounts in any position.
WLL Rope
Low Speed Drive Rope Storage
Model (1st Layer) Dia. Cap.
No. (lb) (in) (ft)
CMA 440 440 3/16 40
CMA 1100 1100 1/4 50
CMA 1760 1760 5/16 78

Please Call for Complete Dimensional Information

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337
Power Winches

Model 100A/Standard Series - Standard Electric Winch Hoist
1,000 lb. Single-Line or 2,000 lb. Double-Line Lift

APPLICATIONS: 6 amp - No load

For pulling jobs with loads up to 8,000 lbs 19 amp - Full load
Multiple-story construction site work Speeds:
Long-lift applications
59 RPM: No-load drum speed
Tower erection and maintenance
30 FPM: No-load drum speed
Easily portable from job to job
25 FPM: 500 lbs - single-line lift
FEATURES: 20 FPM: 1,000 lbs - single-line lift
Worm gear reduction for positive load holding 10 FPM: 2,000 lbs - double-line lift
Dynamic braking for instant stopping Note: All speeds are based on one layer of cable on drum.
Rugged construction Duty Cycle: single line, up a given incline. All capacities are reduced
115 Volt AC power 20% to allow for minimum friction in pull.
25% 15 min/hr when operating at full load
Low voltage 10 ft. pendant control
Drum Storage: Cable Strength:
High-capacity cable drum
Frictionless bearings Model No. 100A Model No. 150A 5:1 recommended safety factor
Full power reversible Top-quality galvanized cable available in the
1/8" - 1,000 ft 1/8" - 285 ft following breaking strengths:
SPECIFICATIONS: 3/16" - 450 ft 3/16" - 125 ft
1/4" - 250 ft 1/4" - 70 ft 1/8" - 2,000 lbs 1/4" - 7,000 lbs
Construction Features:
5/16" - 150 ft 5/16" - 45 ft 3/16"- 4,200 lbs 5/16" - 9,800 lbs
Heavy-duty angle base drilled for six (6) 1/2" bolts
(9/16" mounting holes) with no welding required For best results, use the minimum amount of cable Dimensions: (W" x H" x L")
Fully sealed aluminum housings, with precision-cut required for application plus four safety turns around 100A: 12" x 13" x 23"
gears, run in an oil bath the drum. Cable sold separately. Length and size must
150A: 12" x 13" x 19"
Stress-proof drum shaft be specified at time of order.
Frictionless bearings Shipping Weight: 67 lbs
Lifting Capacity:
Gear System: 1,000 lbs 1-2 layers of cable (39 ft of 1/4" cable) Factory-installed Options:
286:1 total reduction 850 lbs 3 layers of cable (65 ft of 1/4" cable) 230 Volt
Hardened steel worm and forged bronze worm gear 600 lbs full drum of cable (250 ft of 1/4" cable) Clutch
holds load in position when stopped Limit Switch
Pulling Capacity: Hand Crank
Power: 10% (6O): 8,000 lbs 60% (31O): 1,500 lbs Alternate Drums
Universal 18,000 RPM reversible 1.4 HP motor 20% (11O): 4,000 lbs 80% (39O): 1,300 lbs Upside-Down Mounting
(no-load speed) 40% (22O): 2,100 lbs 100% (45O): 1,100 lbs Variable Speed
15 ft power cord plugs into any 115 Volt, AC, MY-TE winch-hoists are rated for what they will vertically lift. High Speed Gears
grounded outlet Above data is based on the total load that may be pulled,

Model Air 1000/Standard Series - Standard Pneumatic Winch-Hoist

1,250 lb. Single-Line or 2,500 lb. Double-Line Lift
APPLICATIONS 2:1 motor to worm shaft chain drive with
Construction: Mechanical, Sheet Metal, Iron Working chain guard
Industrial: Maintenance, Material Handling, Rolling Power:
Optimal performance with 100 psi, 65 cfm
Conveyor maintenance
Stack Emission testing Speeds:
Tower maintenance 25 FPM: 600 lbs single-line lift
FEATURES 15 FPM: 1,250 lbs single-line lift
7.5 FPM: 2,500 lbs double-line lift
Worm gear reduction for positive load holding
Rugged construction Duty Circle:
Pneumatic power 50% 30 min/hr when operating at full load
10 ft pendant control gle line, up a given incline. All capacities are reduced 20% to
High capacity cable drum Drum Storage: allow for minimum friction in pull.
Frictionless bearings 1/8" - 1,000 ft 1/4" - 250 ft
Cable Strength:
Full power reversible 3/16"- 450 ft 5/16" - 150 ft
Optional manual trolley 5-to-1 recommended safety factor
For best results, use the minimum amount of cable
Top-quality galvanized cable available in the
SPECIFICATIONS: required for application plus four safety turns around
following breaking strengths:
the drum. Cable sold separately. Length and size
Construction Features: must be specified at time of order. 1/8" 2,000 lbs 1/4" 7,000 lbs
Heavy-duty angle base drilled for six (6) 1/2" bolts 3/16" 4,200 lbs 5/16" 9,800 lbs
Lifting Capacity:
(9/16" mounting holes) with no welding required Dimensions: (W" x H" x L")
Fully sealed aluminum housings, with precision-cut 1,250 lbs 1-2 layers of cable (39 ft of 1/4" cable)
800 lbs 3 layers of cable (65 lift of 1/4" cable) 12" x 11" x 22"
gears, run in an oil bath
Stress-proof drum shaft 600 lbs full drum of cable (250 ft of 1/4" cable) Shipping Weight: 77 Ibs
Frictionless bearings Pulling Capacity: Factory-installed Options:
Gear System: 10% (6O): 10,000 lbs 60% (31O): 1,900 lbs Free-Wheeling Clutch
60:1 total reduction 20% (11O): 5,000 lbs 80% (39O): 1,600 lbs Hand Crank
30:1 hardened steel worm and forged bronze worm 40% (22O): 2,600 lbs 100% (45O): 1,400 lbs Trolley Mounting
gear drive My-te winch-hoists are rated for what they will vertically lift- Alternate Drums
Above data is based on the total load that may be pulled, sin-

Please call for complete dimensional information, as well as available options & accessories.

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337

11 Winches
Power Winches

Model AC36 / Max Series - Max Electric Winch-Hoist

3,000 lb. Single-Line or 6,000 lb. Double-Line Lift

APPLICATIONS 15 ft power cord plugs into any 115 Volt, AC,

Heavy duty lifting grounded outlet
Ideal for in-plant use 6 amp No-load
Moving equipment 19 amp Full-load
Lifting motors and heavy apparatus Speeds:
Elevator installation
11 RPM: No-load drum speed
FEATURES 11 FPM: No-load drum speed
Worm gear reduction for positive load holding 9 FPM: 1,000 lbs - single-line lift
Dynamic braking for instant stopping 7.25 FPM: 3,000 lbs - single-line lift
3.5 FPM: 6,000 lbs - double-line lift Cable Strength:
Compact, heavy-duty construction
115 Volt AC power Note: All speeds are based on one layer of cable on drum. 5 to 1 recommended safety factor
Low voltage 10 ft pendant control Top-quality galvanized cable available in the
Duty Cycle: following breaking strengths:
Full power reversible
Cable tensioner for better cable tracking 25% 15 min/hr when operating at full load 1/4" - 7,000 lbs
SPECIFICATIONS Drum Storage: 5/16"- 9,800 lbs
1/4" 250 ft 3/8" - 14,400 lbs
Construction Features: 5/16" 160 ft
Heavy-duty angle base drilled for six (6) 1/2" bolts Dimensions: (W" x H" x L")
3/8" 110 ft
(9/16" mounting holes) with no welding required 13" x 13" x 27"
For best results, use the minimum amount of cable
Fully sealed aluminum housings, with precision-cut required for application plus four safety turns around Shipping Weight: 127 lbs
gears, run in an oil bath the drum. Cable sold separately. Length and size Factory-Installed Options:
Gear guard encloses external gear reduction must be specified at time of order
Frictionless bearings 230 Volt
Lifting Capacity: Clutch
Gear System: Upside-Down Mounting
3,000 lbs - 1-2 layers of cable (54 ft of 5/16" cable)
1430:1 double reduction 2,650 lbs - 3 layers of cable (100 ft of 5/16" cable) Model DC48 (12V DC Power)
First reduction combines spur gears with hardened 2,150 lbs-full drum of cable (160 ft of 5/16" cable) Model DC48 available in 12 Volt DC power.
steel worm and forged bronze worm gear holds in Contact Hanes Supply, Inc. for specifications.
load position when stopped Pulling Capacity:
Second reduction uses hardened heavy-duty spur 10% (61O): 24,000 lbs 60%(31O): 4,600 lbs
gears 20%(11O): 12,200 lbs 80%(39O): 3,800 lbs
Power: 40%(22O): 6,400 lbs 100%(45O): 3,300 lbs
My-te winch-hoists are rated for what they will vertically lift.
Universal 18,000 RPM reversible 1.4 HP motor Above data is based on the total load that may be pulled, sin-
(no-load speed) gle line, up a given incline. All capacities are reduced 20% to
allow for minimum friction in pull.

Model 30-12/300A / Utility Series - Utility Capstan Electric Winch-Hoist

800 lb. Single-Line or 1,600 lb. Double-Line Lift
APPLICATIONS Hardened steel worm and forged bronze worm gear
Utility Truck Installation holds load in position when stopped
Overhead Line Crews Hoisting Rope:
Tower and Antenna Erection
Consult your local dealer for type and size of rope.
Transformer Replacement
Maintain at least three wraps of rope on capstan drum
FEATURES when in use. Heavier loads may require four wraps of
Worm gear reduction for positive load holding rope.
Portable and rugged Power:
12 Volt DC or 115 Volt AC powered
Model 30-12
10 ft pendant hand or foot control
Capstan rope drum Reversible permanent magnet 12 Volt DC motor Model 30-12 shown
Frictionless bearings 10 amp - No-load
Full power reversible 70 amp - Full-load Duty Cycle:
SPECIFICATIONS Model 300A 25% 15 min/hr when operating at full load
Universal 18,000 RPM reversible 1.4 HP motor (no- Dimensions: (W x H" x L")
Construction Features:
load speed) 12" x 14" x 19"
Heavy-duty angle base drilled for six (6) 1/2" bolts 6 amp - No-load
(9/16" mounting holes) with no welding required 19 amp - Full-load Shipping Weight:
Fully sealed aluminum housings, with precision-cut 15 ft power cord plugs into any 115 Volt AC Model 30-12 65 lbs
gears, run in an oil bath grounded outlet Model 30OA 64 lbs
Stress-proof drum shaft
Speeds: Factory-Installed Options:
Frictionless bearings
Model 30-12 Model 30-12
Gear System:
20 FPM - No-load drum speed Foot Switch Swivel Mount
Model 30-12 High Speed Gears Bayonet Shaft Adapter
15 FPM - 500 lbs
175:1 Pole Mount
Hardened steel worm and forged bronze worm gear Model 300A
59 FPM - No-load drum speed Model 300A
holds load in position when stopped
30 FPM - 500 lbs Foot Switch Variable Speed
Model 300A 230 Volt Bayonet Shaft Adapter
286:1 Pole Mount Swivel Mount
Please call for complete dimensional information, as well as available options & accessories.

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337
Power Winches

Model 800/I-Beam Series - I-Beam Electric Winch-Hoist
1,000 lb. Single-Line or 2,000 lb. Double-Line Lift

APPLICATIONS 15 ft power cord plugs into any 115 Volt, AC,

All Purpose Lifting grounded outlet
Long-Lift Applications Where Chain Hoist 6 amp - No-load
Will Not Reach 19 amp - Full-load
In-Plant Operation Where Load is Being Supported Speeds:
by Hoist Hanging from I-Beam
59 RPM: No-load drum speed
FEATURES 30 FPM: No-load drum speed
Worm gear reduction for positive load holding 25 FPM: 500 lbs - single-line lift
Dynamic braking for instant stopping 20 FPM: 1,000 lbs - single-line lift
Low headroom-12" single line, 19" double line 10 FPM: 2,000 lbs - double-line lift
Trolley built to beam size Note: All speeds are based on one layer of cable on drum.
Hoist complete with cable hook and block for Duty Cycle:
20 ft lift
Upper/lower adjustable limit switch 25% 15 min/hr when operating at full load


Unit has adjustable upper and lower limit switch.
Construction Features: Hoist is provided with 42 ft of 1/4" cable for 40-ft lift,
Hoist mounted to 3/8" steel trolley with 4" I-beam single line, and 20-ft lift, double line. Sheave block
wheels and safety hook are included. Applications needing
Fully sealed aluminum housings, with precision-cut 1/8" - 2,000 lbs 1/4" - 7,000 lbs
longer than 100 ft cable lengths require hoist without
gears, run in an oil bath limit switch or with upper limit switch control only. 3/16" - 4,200 lbs 5/16" - 9,800 lbs
Stress-proof drum shaft 1/8" - 1,000 ft 1/4" - 250 ft Dimensions: (W" x H" x L") 15" x 14" x 25"*
Frictionless bearings 3/16" - 450 ft 5/16" - 150 ft *Complete unit size varies depending on I-beam size.
Trolley Size: For best results, use the minimum amount of cable Shipping Weight: 128 lbs
Trolley is built to fit the size of beam required for application plus four safety turns around
specified, from 4" to 15" structural I-beams. the drum. Cable sold separately. Length and size must Factory Installed Options:
We must have your I-beam size. be specified at time of order. 230 Volt
Lifting Capacity: 12 Volt DC Model 80-12
Example: 8" high x 4" wide
3-Ton Hoist Model HAC 36
Gear System: 1,000 lbs 1-2 layers of cable (39 ft of 1/4" cable) Lug Mount Trolley
850 lbs 3 layers of cable (65 ft of 1/4" cable) Motorized Trolley Hoist
286:1 600 lbs full drum of cable (250 ft of 1/4" cable)
Hardened steel worm and forged bronze worm gear Upper Limit Switch Only
holds load in position when stopped Cable Strength:
Power: 5-to-1 recommended safety factor
Top-quality galvanized cable available in the
Universal 18,000 RPM reversible, 1.4 HP motor following breaking strengths:
(no-load speed)

Front View Side View

My-te can even custom design winch-hoists for your
special needs. For application assistance, including
the specification of a My-te winch-hoist to meet your
requirements, contact Hanes Supply, Inc.
NOTE: All My-te winches and hoists are designed for
material handling usage only.

Top View (Frame Only)

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337

11 Winches
Power Winches


Series 4WP - Worm Gear Power Winches
Up to 2000 lb capacity
Wire Rope Assemblies sold separately. 115 Volt Single Phase Electric Motor includes power
Cast Aluminum construction, for lightweight strength. cord with grounded plug and a momentary contact-
Corrosion Resistant durable paint finish protects type push button pendant control on a control cord.
against corrosion in harsh environments. Internal Mechanical Brake provides positive load con-
Large Diameter Drums minimize wear to the wire trol for lifting and lowering operations.
rope and help extend its life. Ball Bearings and self-aligning bronze bearings pro-
Machine Cut Worm Gears provide accurate operation vide smooth and efficient operation.
and long lasting service. Dual Function Cable Anchor for quick disconnect of wire
Enclosed Oil Bath provides continuous lubrication of rope with swagged ball fitting, or recessed cable anchor
gears to minimize wear. Oil seals keep oil in and dirt with set screw for wire rope with unfinished end.
out. Mounting Options include floor, wall, or ceiling.
load rating (lb) wire line speed (fpm) 5 drum capacity (ft) 1 approx.
Model Motor Motor 1st mid full rope 1st full 1st mid full ship
No. Description hp layer drum drum dia. (in) layer drum later drum drum wt. (lbs)
4WP2 2 115/1/60 VAC 6 ft pendant 1.3 2000 1500 1200 1/4 8 13 11 35 77 83
4WP2T8 8 115/1/60 VAC 16 ft pendant 1.3 2000 1200 800 1/4 8 19 19 130 280 100
5/16 8 19 15 85 190
4WP2T8-A 9 115/1/60 VAC no controls 1.3 2000 1200 800 1/4 8 19 19 130 280 100
5/16 8 19 15 85 190
4WP2T8-B 9 230/1/60 VAC no controls 1.3 2000 1200 800 1/4 8 19 19 130 280 100
5/16 8 19 15 85 190
4WP2T8-D 9 230/3/60 VAC no controls 1.3 2000 1200 800 1/4 8 19 19 130 280 100
5/16 8 19 15 85 190
4WP2T8-E 9 460/3/60 VAC - no controls 1.3 2000 1200 800 1/4 8 19 19 130 280 100
5/16 8 19 15 85 190
4WP2T8-PN 6 pneumatic with controls 1.3 2000 1200 800 1/4 8 19 19 130 280 100
5/16 8 19 15 85 190
1 Actual drum capacities may be 25-3096 less, due to nonuniform winding. Tension in wire rope will also affect drum capacity.
2 Model 4WP2,115 VAC motor includes 8 ft. power cord with grounded plug, and push button pendant control on 6 ft cord,
5 For pneumatic model, line speed is based on rated toad, actual line speed varies with load weight and power supply.
6 For Model 4WP2T8-PN, ratings are for 80 cfm at 100 psi.
8 Model 4WP2T8,115 VAC motor includes 16 ft. power cord with grounded plug, and push button pendant control on 16 ft cord.
9 Controls are sold separately for all non-standard electric motors (-A, -B, -D and -E).

Series 477 - Helical/Worm Gear Power Winches

Up to 2,000 lb. capacity
Machine Cut Gears for accurate and long lasting Ball Bearings ensure smooth and efficient operation.
service. Series 4777 is designed with a 4 inch wide drum for
Enclosed Oil Bath provides continuous lubrication of tight fleet angle installations.
gears to minimize wear. Oil seals keep oil in and dirt out. Accessory Options include limit switches, cable
Internal Mechanical Brake for positive load control. pressure plates, torque limiting controls, and
Cast Aluminum construction for lightweight strength, manual overrides.
with durable paint finish to resist corrosion. Wire Rope sold separately.
load rating (lb) wire line speed (fpm) drum capacity (ft) 1 approx.
Model Motor Motor 1st mid full rope 1st full 1st mid full ship
No. Description hp layer drum drum dia. (in) layer drum later drum drum wt. (lbs)
4771 2 115/1/60 VAC - 6 ft pendant 1.2 2,000 1,500 1,200 5/16 13 22 13 40 90 93
4771AC-1PH 115/1/60 VAC - less controls 1.2 2,000 1,500 1,200 5/16 13 22 13 40 90 87
4771AC-1PH2 115/230/1/60 VAC - less controls 1.5 2,000 1,500 1,200 5/16 13 22 13 40 90 115
4771AC-3PH 230/460/3/60 VAC - less controls 1.5 2,000 1,500 1,200 5/16 13 22 13 40 90 111
4771 DC 5 12 VDC - with 10 ft pendant 1.0 2,000 1,500 1,200 5/16 13 22 13 40 90 105
4771 PN 5, 6 pneumatic - less controls 1.2 2,000 1,500 1,200 5/16 13 22 13 40 90 74
4771 HY 5, 6 hydraulic - less controls 2.3 2,000 1,500 1,200 5/16 13 22 13 40 90 72
4777 2 115/1/60 VAC - 6 ft pendant 1.2 2,000 1,500 1,200 5/16 13 22 7 27 60 93
4777DC 5 12 VDC - with 10 ft pendant 1.0 2,000 1,500 1,200 5/16 13 22 7 27 60 105
1 Actual drum capacities maybe 25-30% less, due to non-uniform winding. Tension in wire rope will also affect drum capacity.
2 Motor includes an 8 ft. power cord with grounded plug, and a push button pendant control on 6 ft cord.
5 For pneumatic, hydraulic, and DC models, line speed is based on rated load, actual line speed varies with load weight and power supply.
6 For Model 4771 PN, ratings are for 80 cfm at 100 psi. For Model 4771 HY, ratings are for 4 gpm at 1000 psi.

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337
Power Winches

Series 4WS - Worm Gear Power Winches
Up to 6000 lb capacity
Modular design allows us to make-to-order each winch flange style ball bearings, and 2-year limited warranty.
to meet your exact needs. Standard features include Custom modifications are also available.
TEFC brakemotors, enclosed machine cut gearing, Please order controls separately.
Model No. Extensions Load Rating (lb) Wire Line Speed (fpm) Drum Capacity (ft) 1 Approx. 2
Model Load Line Motor Clutch Motor 1st Mid Full Rope 1st Full 1st Mid Full Ship
No. Rating Speed Codes Option hp Layer Drum Drum Dia. (in) Layer Drum Layer Drum Drum Wt. (lb)
4WS1M6 600 20 A,B,D,E,F C .5 600 420 320 3/16 21 40 21 110 260 130
4WS1M6 600 30 A,B,D,E,F C .75 600 420 320 3/16 34 65 21 110 260 140
4WS1M6 800 15 A,B,D,E,F C .5 800 550 420 3/16 14 27 21 110 260 135
4WS1M6 800 30 A,B,D,E,F C 1.0 800 550 420 3/16 34 65 21 110 260 145
4WS1M6 1,000 15 A,B,D,E,F C .75 1,200 800 600 1/4 15 27 16 62 140 145
4WS1M6 1000 20 A,B,D,E,F C 1.0 1,100 800 600 1/4 22 40 16 62 140 160
4WS1M6 1,000 30 D,E,F C 1.5 1,100 800 600 1/4 35 64 16 62 140 170
4WS1M6 1,300 10 A,B,D,E,F C .75 1,400 1,000 800 1/4 11 20 16 62 140 175
4WS1M6 1,300 30 D,E,F C 1.5 1,300 900 700 1/4 29 53 16 62 140 185
4WS1M6 1,500 15 A,B,D,E,F C 1.0 1,500 1,100 800 1/4 15 27 16 62 140 195
4WS1M6 1,500 30 B,D,E,F C 2.0 1,500 1,100 800 1/4 35 64 16 62 140 210
clutch option for 4WS1M6 (for pulling only) add: 5
4WS3M10 2,000 9 A,B,D,E,F C 1 2,100 1,300 1,000 5/16 9 19 34 220 500 270 Motor Codes
4WS3M10 2,000 20 B,D,E,F C 2 2,200 1,400 1,000 5/16 22 46 34 220 500 275 A 115 volt 1 phase
4WS3M10 2,000 30 D,E,F C 3 2,100 1,400 1,000 5/16 36 77 34 220 500 280 B 230 volt 1 phase
4WS3M10 2,500 10 D,E,F C 1.5 2,700 1,800 1,300 3/8 11 23 27 160 360 275 D 230 volt 3 phase
4WS3M10 2,500 20 D,E,F C 2 2,500 1,600 1,200 3/8 18 38 27 160 360 280 E 460 volt 3 phase
4WS3M10 2,500 30 D,E,F C 3 2,700 1,800 1,300 3/8 28 57 27 160 360 285 F Please call for
4WS3M10 3,000 7 A,B,D,E,F C 1 3,000 2,000 1,500 3/8 7 15 27 160 360 285 information on
4WS3M10 3,000 15 B,D,E,F C 2 3,000 2,000 1,500 3/8 14 29 27 160 360 295 all other voltages
4WS3M10 3,000 20 D,E,F C 3 3,300 2,100 1,600 3/8 22 46 27 160 360 305
1 Actual drum capacities
4WS3M10 3,500 10 B,D,E,F C 2 3,500 2,300 1,700 7/16 11 23 23 120 270 310 25-30% less, due to non-
4WS3M10 3,500 20 D,E,F C 3 3,700 2,500 1,800 7/16 19 38 23 120 270 325 uniform winding. Wire
clutch option for 4WS3M10 (for pulling only) add: 8 rope tension will also
4WS6M12 3,000 8 A,B,D,E,F C 1 3,100 2,000 1,500 3/8 8 16 40 300 660 550 affect drum capacity.
4WS6M12 3,000 15 B,D,E,F C 2 3,000 1,900 1,400 3/8 15 32 40 300 660 575 3 Weight may vary with
4WS6M12 3,000 20 D,E,F C 3 3,200 2,000 1,500 3/8 24 51 40 300 660 580 motor
4WS6M12 4,000 5 A,B,D,E,F C 1 4,500 2,900 2,100 7/16 5 10 34 220 500 575
4WS6M12 4,000 10 B,D,E,F C 2 4,100 2,600 1,900 7/16 10 21 34 220 500 590 Call for Winch
4WS6M12 4,000 15 D,E,F C 3 4,500 2,900 2,100 7/16 15 31 34 220 500 595 Specifications &
4WS6M12 4,000 30 D,E,F C 5 4,200 2,700 2,000 7/16 30 64 34 220 500 605 Catalog Cuts Up to
4WS6M12 5,000 4 A,B,D,E,F C 1 5,200 3,400 2,500 1/2 4 8 30 170 390 590 36,000 lb. Capacity!
4WS6M12 5,000 10 D,E,F C 3 5,400 3,500 2,600 1/2 12 25 30 170 390 610
4WS6M12 5,000 20 D,E,F C 5 5,100 3,300 2,500 1/2 24 51 30 170 390 625
4WS6M12 5,000 40 D,E,F C 7.5 5,200 3,400 2,500 1/2 39 81 30 170 390 640
4WS6M12 6,000 10 D,E,F C 3 6,000 4,000 3,000 9/16 10 21 26 140 310 630
4WS6M12 6,000 20 D,E,F C 5 6,000 3,900 2,900 9/16 20 42 26 140 310 650
4WS6M12 6,000 30 D,E,F C 7.5 6,200 4,100 3,000 9/16 31 63 26 140 310 665
clutch option for 4WS6M12 (for pulling only) add: 12

Series 4HS - Helical/Spur Gear Power Winches

Up to 26,000 lb capacity
Modular design allows us to make-to-order each winch 2-year limited warranty. Custom modifications are also
to meet your exact needs. TEFC severe duty brakemo- available.
tors, enclosed gearing, flange style roller bearings, and Please order wire rope and controls separately.
Model No. Extensions Load Rating (lb) Wire Line Speed (fpm) Drum Capacity (ft) 1 Approx.
Model Load Line Motor Clutch Motor 1st Mid Full Rope 1st Full 1st Mid Full Ship
No. Rating Speed Codes Option hp Layer Drum Drum Dia. (in) Layer Drum Layer Drum Drum Wt. (lb)
4HS6M 5000 15 D, E, F C 2 5100 3800 3100 1/2 13 22 60 220 500 568
4HS6M 5000 20 D, E, F C 3 5100 3800 3100 1/2 20 33 60 220 500 588
4HS6M 5000 30 D, E, F C 5 5100 3800 3100 1/2 33 55 60 220 500 588
4HS6M 6600 15 D, E, F C 3 6600 5000 4000 1/2 15 25 60 220 500 588
4HS6M 6600 25 D, E, F C 5 6600 4900 4000 1/2 25 41 60 220 500 588
4HS6M 6600 40 D, E, F C 7.5 6600 5000 4000 1/2 39 64 60 220 500 645
4HS11M 9000 20 D, E, F C 5 9000 6200 4700 5/8 19 35 59 340 760 1074 Motor Codes
4HS11M 9000 30 D, E, F C 7.5 9000 6200 4700 5/8 27 51 59 340 760 1120 D 230 volt 3 phase
4HS11M 9000 40 D, E, F C 10 9000 6200 4700 5/8 37 70 59 340 760 1160 E 460 volt 3 phase
4HS11M 11000 15 D, E, F C 5 11,000 7600 5800 5/8 15 28 59 340 760 1074 F Please call for
4HS11M 11000 20 D, E, F C 7.5 11,000 7600 5800 5/8 21 40 59 340 760 1120 information on
4HS11M 11000 30 D, E, F C 10 11,000 7600 5800 5/8 27 51 59 340 760 1160 all other voltages
4HS16M 13000 20 D, E, F C 7.5 13,000 8900 6700 3/4 19 37 65 400 880 1573 1 Actual drum capacities
4HS16M 13000 25 D, E, F C 10 13,000 8900 6700 3/4 24 46 65 400 880 1633 25-30% less, due to non-
4HS16M 13000 40 D, E, F C 15 13,000 8900 6700 3/4 37 72 65 400 880 1674 uniform winding. Wire
4HS16M 16000 10 D, E, F C 5 16,100 11,000 8300 3/4 11 21 65 400 880 1516 rope tension will also
4HS16M 16000 15 D, E, F C 7.5 16,000 10,900 8300 3/4 16 30 65 400 880 1573 affect drum capacity.
4HS16M 16000 20 D, E, F C 10 16,100 11,000 8300 3/4 20 38 65 400 880 1633
4HS26M 22000 15 D, E, F C 10 22,000 16,200 12,800 1 16 27 82 370 830 3122
4HS26M 22000 25 D, E, F C 15 22,000 16,100 12,700 1 23 40 82 370 830 3164
4HS26M 22000 30 D, E, F C 20 22,900 16,800 13,200 1 29 50 82 370 830 3343
4HS26M 26000 15 D, E, F C 10 26,000 19,000 15,000 1 13 23 82 370 830 3122
4HS26M 26000 20 D, E, F C 15 26,000 19,000 15,100 1 19 33 82 370 830 3164
4HS26M 26000 25 D, E, F C 20 26,000 19,100 15,000 1 26 45 82 370 830 3343

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337

11 Winches
Power Winches

Series 4HS - Helical/Spur Gear Power Winches

Up to 56,000 lb capacity
Modular design allows us to make-to-order each winch 2-year limited warranty. Custom modifications are also
to meet your exact needs. TEFC severe duty brakemo- available.
tors, enclosed gearing, flange style roller bearings, and Please order wire rope and controls separately.
Model No. Extensions Load Rating (lb) Wire Line Speed (fpm) Drum Capacity (ft) 1 Approx.
Model Load Line Motor Clutch Motor 1st Mid Full Rope 1st Full 1st Mid Full Ship
No. Rating Speed Codes Option hp Layer Drum Drum Dia. (in) Layer Drum Layer Drum Drum Wt. (lb)
4HS40M 33000 20 D, E, F C 20 33,100 24,100 18,900 1-1/4 19 34 95 460 1030 5568
4HS40M 33000 30 D, E, F C 30 33,000 24,100 18,900 1-1/4 29 51 95 460 1030 5652
4HS40M 33000 40 D, E, F C 40 33,100 24,100 18,900 1-1/4 39 68 95 460 1030 5799 Motor Codes
D 230 volt 3 phase
4HS40M 40000 20 D, E, F C 20 40,300 29,300 23,000 1-1/4 17 29 95 460 1030 5568
4HS40M 40000 25 D, E, F C 30 40,300 29,400 23,100 1-1/4 23 41 95 460 1030 5652
E 460 volt 3 phase
4HS40M 40000 35 D, E, F C 40 40,000 29,400 22,900 1-1/4 34 59 95 460 1030 5799 F Please call for
information on
4HS56M 48000 20 D, E, F C 30 48,000 36,600 29,600 1-1/2 21 34 130 550 1230 9217 all other voltages
4HS56M 48000 30 D, E, F C 40 48,000 36,600 29,600 1-1/2 28 45 130 550 1230 9364
1 Actual drum capacities
4HS56M 52000 35 D, E, F C 50 52,200 39,800 32,100 1-1/2 33 53 130 550 1230 9479
25-30% less, due to non-
4HS56M 56000 20 D, E, F C 30 56,000 42,700 34,500 1-1/2 18 30 130 550 1230 9217 uniform winding. Wire
4HS56M 56000 25 D, E, F C 40 56,000 42,700 34,500 1-1/2 24 39 130 550 1230 9364 rope tension will also
4HS56M 56000 50 D, E, F C 50 56,200 42,900 34,600 1-1/2 30 48 130 550 1230 9479 affect drum capacity.

Series 4HPF - Helical/Parallel Gear Power Winches

Up to 26,000 lb capacity
Helical/parallel gearing provides efficiency required for bearings, and 2-year limited warranty. Custom modifi-
applications involving quick line speeds or long travel cations are also available.
distances. Standard features include TEFC severe duty Please order wire rope and controls separately.
brakemotors, enclosed gearing, flange style or roller
Model No. Extensions Load Rating (lb) Wire Line Speed (fpm) Drum Capacity (ft) 1 Approx.
Model Load Line Motor Motor 1st Mid Full Rope 1st Full 1st Mid Full Ship
No. Rating Speed Codes hp Layer Drum Drum Dia. (in) Layer Drum Layer Drum Drum Wt. (lb)
4HPF2M 2000 20 D, E, F 1 2100 1300 1000 5/16 17 38 34 250 560 170 Motor Codes
4HPF2M 2000 35 D, E, F 2 2100 1300 1000 5/16 34 76 34 250 560 200 D 230 volt 3 phase
4HPF3M 3000 20 D, E, F 1.5 3000 2100 1600 3/8 19 33 33 160 360 250 E 460 volt 3 phase
4HPF3M 3000 35 D, E, F 3 3300 2300 1800 3/8 33 59 33 160 360 260 F Please call for
4HPF5M 5000 20 D, E, F 3 5000 3100 2300 1/2 22 49 52 400 890 495 information on
all other voltages
4HPF5M 5000 35 D, E, F 5 5000 3100 2300 1/2 37 81 52 400 890 495
4HPF7M 7000 25 D, E, F 5 7300 5400 4300 5/8 24 40 51 230 510 645 1 Actual drum capacities
4HPF7M 7000 40 D, E, F 7.5 7300 5400 4300 5/8 38 64 51 230 510 760 25-30% less, due to non-
4HPF9M 9000 20 D, E, F 5 9000 6500 5100 3/4 21 37 65 310 700 1000 uniform winding. Wire
4HPF9M 9000 40 D, E, F 10 9000 6500 5100 3/4 41 73 65 310 700 1115 rope tension will also
4HPF15M 15000 25 D, E, F 10 14,300 10,900 8800 7/8 26 41 57 210 480 1340 affect drum capacity.
4HPF15M 15000 35 D, E, F 15 15,100 11,500 9300 7/8 36 59 57 210 480 1370
4HPF20M 20000 20 D, E, F 10 20,100 14,100 10,800 1 17 31 97 520 1160 2395
4HPF20M 20000 40 D, E, F 25 20,100 14,000 10,800 1 43 81 97 520 1160 2620
4HPF25M 25000 20 D, E, F 15 25,200 19,200 15,500 1-1/8 20 32 96 380 840 3185
4HPF25M 25000 40 D, E, F 30 25,000 19,000 15,400 1-1/8 42 68 96 380 840 3440

Series 4HWF - Helical/Worm Gear Power Winches

Up to 8,100 lb capacity
Helical/worm gearing provides rugged reliability suit- gearing, flange style roller bearings, and 2-year limited
able for severe duty applications. Standard features warranty. Custom modifications are also available.
include TEFC severe duty brakemotors, enclosed Please order wire rope and controls separately.

Model No. Extensions Load Rating (lb) Wire Line Speed (fpm) Drum Capacity (ft) 1 Approx.
Model Load Line Motor Motor 1st Mid Full Rope 1st Full 1st Mid Full Ship
No. Rating Speed Codes hp Layer Drum Drum Dia. (in) Layer Drum Layer Drum Drum Wt. (lb) Motor Codes
D 230 volt 3 phase
4HWF1M 1500 25 D, E, F 1.5 1500 900 700 1/4 23 52 43 370 830 190
4HWF1M 1500 35 D, E, F 2 1500 900 700 1/4 32 73 43 370 830 190
E 460 volt 3 phase
F Please call for
4HWF2M 2000 25 D, E, F 2 2200 1500 1200 5/16 22 40 41 230 500 235 information on
4HWF2M 2000 35 D, E, F 3 2200 1500 1200 5/16 34 63 41 230 500 255 all other voltages
4HWF4M 4000 25 D, E, F 3 4000 2500 1800 7/16 21 47 60 510 1140 480
4HWF4M 4000 35 D, E, F 5 4000 2500 1800 7/16 35 78 60 510 1140 480 1 Actual drum capacities
25-30% less, due to non-
4HWF6M 6000 25 D, E, F 5 6000 4400 3400 1/2 24 42 66 350 770 650
uniform winding. Wire
4HWF6M 6000 35 D, E, F 7.5 6000 4400 3400 1/2 35 61 66 350 770 705
rope tension will also
4HWF8M 8000 25 D, E, F 7.5 8100 5800 4500 5/8 27 47 78 440 990 1120 affect drum capacity.
4HWF8M 8000 35 D, E, F 10 8100 5800 4500 5/8 39 64 78 440 990 1180

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337
Power Winches

Heavy Duty Lifting Winch - Single Phase
Rope Motor Power
WLL WLL Line Speed Line Speed Rope Capacity (@ Rated
Model (1st Layer) (4th Layer) (1st Layer) (4th Layer) Dia. (4 Layers) Line Speed) Wt.
No. lb kg lb kg fpm m/min fpm m/min in mm ft m Hp kw lb kg
LS 400 400 181 311 141 16 5 21 6 1/8 3 125 38 0.33 0.2 130 59
LS 800 800 363 613 278 16 5 21 6 3/16 5 200 61 0.75 0.6 212 96
LS 1400 1,400 635 1,064 483 16 5 21 6 1/4 6 250 76 1.00 0.7 322 146
LS 2000 2,000 907 1,519 689 15 5 20 6 5/16 8 300 91 1.50 1.1 420 190
LS 2400 2,400 1,088 1,811 821 16 5 21 6 3/8 10 300 91 2.00 1.5 548 249

Plug and Go - Jeamars new Heavy Duty Single Phase Winch Drums - Drums are steel fabricated and Power In - Power Out - For added safety, all winches
Lifting Winch is supplied complete with controls and designed to specific loading capacity. All Jeamar are fully reversible, giving the operator complete con-
wire rope. Its compact and portable. Just bolt it drums are sized according to ASME B30.7.89 to pro- trol of the winch load in both directions at all times.
down, plug it in and start winching. vide a minimum pitch diameter of 18 times the nomi-
Gear Reducers - All Jeamar lifting winches have high-
nal rope diameter
Motors - The motors used in this series of winches efficiency helical/worm reducers plus high-capacity,
are low horsepower and high efficiency. They are ideal Direct Drive - A simple, direct-drive design increases anti-friction bearings for long life, low noise and high
in situations with limited power supplies. All motors the efficiency of the winch and eliminates drive chains output torque. Totally enclosed reducers make them
in this series of lifting winches are single phase or bull gears to maximize power output. waterproof.
115/230/1/60 at 50 or 60 Hz and conform to NEMA
Any Position - An open-base design permits mount- Electromagnetic Brake - The automatic electromag-
and EEMAC standards.
ing in horizontal or vertical positions. Loads can be netic brake is a disc type that is powered to the off
Controls - Weatherproof controls are pre-wired and pulled through the base itself, a feature which is par- position and spring loaded to the on position. In the
fitted to the winch for instant use. Included are a ticularly useful in limited-space applications. event of a power failure, the brake will automatically
reversing starter, a 10-foot lead with a pendant, push- return to the on position and hold the load securely.
Ball & Roller Bearings Throughout - Friction load
button station and three feet of lead ready to plug in
loss is reduced to a minimum through the use of ball
to a power supply. Controls conform to NEMA and
and roller bearings. No bushings means higher effi-
ciency and more power for pulling.

Heavy Duty Lifting Winch - Three Phase

WLL WLL Line Speed Line Speed Rope Capacity
Model (1st Layer) (4th Layer) (1st Layer) (4th Layer) Dia. (4th Layer) Motor Wt.
No. lb kg lb kg ft/min m/min fpm m/min in mm ft m Hp kw lb kg
L 400 400 182 311 141 23 7.0 29 8.8 1/8 3 125 38 1/2 .370 75 34
L 800 800 363 616 279 30 9.1 40 12.2 3/16 5 200 61 1 .75 135 62
L 1400 1,400 635 1,060 480 25 7.6 33 10.0 1/4 6 250 76 1-1/2 1.1 195 89
L 2000 2,000 909 1,500 682 20 6.1 26 7.9 5/16 8 300 92 2 1.5 263 120
L 3000 3,000 1,364 2,250 1,023 24 7.3 32 9.8 3/8 10 300 92 3 2.2 440 200
L 5000 5,000 2,266 3,750 1,704 28 8.5 37 11.3 1/2 13 300 92 5 3.7 774 351
L 8000 8,000 3,625 6,000 2,727 24 7.3 32 9.8 5/8 16 300 92 7-1/2 5.5 1,390 630
L 12000 12,000 5,437 9,000 4,090 21 6.4 28 8.5 3/4 19 360 110 10 7.5 2,060 936
L 16000 16,000 7,256 12,000 5,755 21 6.4 28 8.5 7/8 22 360 110 15 11.2 3,060 1,390

Winch Drums - Drums are steel fabricated and Ball & Roller Bearings Throughout - Friction load loss Gear Reducers - All Jeamar lifting winches utilize
designed to specific loading capacity. Drums are sized is reduced to a minimum through the use of ball and high-efficiency helical worm or worm reducers plus
according to ASME B30.7.89 to provide a minimum roller bearings. No bushings means higher efficiency high capacity, anti-friction bearings for long life, low
pitch diameter of 18 times the nominal rope diameter. and more power for pulling. noise and high output torque. Totally enclosed reduc-
ers make them weatherproof.
Direct Drive - A simple, direct-drive design increases Power In-Power Out - For added safety, all winches
the efficiency of the winch and eliminates drive chains are fully reversible. This gives the operator complete Electromagnetic Brake - The automatic electromag-
or bull gears, to maximize power output. control of the winch load in both directions at all times. netic brake is a disc type that is activated automatical-
ly in the event of a power interruption. The brake will
Any Position - An open-base design permits mount- Electric Motors - All models are equipped with high-
stop the winch and hold the load securely.
ing in horizontal or vertical positions. Loads can be starting-torque, 3-phase motors in any standard volt-
pulled through the base itself, which is particularly age, 50 or 60 Hz. All motors are TEFC flange mounted
useful in limited space installations. and conform to NEMA EEMAC or IEC specifications.

Heavy Duty Capstan Winches

WLL WLL Rope Rope
Model Starting Running Speed Dia. Motor Wt.
No. lb kg lb kg ft/min m-min in mm Hp kw lb kg Capstan winches are used primarily to pull
VC 2000-26 2,000 907 1,000 453 26 7.92 5/8 16 1.5 1.1 202 92 railcars on a level track and to pull ships to
VC 5000-30 5,000 2,268 2,500 1,134 30 9.14 1-1/8 29 3 2.2 480 218 dockside. In these applications, the working
load limit starting is the intermittent rating
VC 5000-45 5,000 2,268 2,500 1,134 45 13.72 1-1/8 29 5 3.7 450 204
for overcoming inertia and should not be
VC 8000-13 8,000 3,628 4,000 1,814 13 3.96 1-1/2 38 3 2.2 530 240 used on a continuous basis. The working
VC 8000-30 8,000 3,628 4,000 1,814 30 9.14 1-1/2 38 5 3.7 600 272 load limit running is the rating used once
VC 12000-17 12,000 5,442 6,000 2,721 17 5.18 1-3/4 44 5 3.7 700 318 the load is moving at a constant speed.
VC 15000-13 15,000 6,804 7,500 3,402 13 3.96 2 51 5 3.7 820 372
VC 20000-17 20,000 9,091 10,000 4,545 17 5.18 2-1/2 64 7.5 5.6 2,277 1,033

Direct Drive - A direct-drive design increases the effi- Gear Reducers - All Jeamar winches utilize high effi- motors are available in all standard voltages at 50 and
ciency of the capstan puller and eliminates drive ciency worm, helical, helical-worm or helical-bevel 60 Hz. These motors are suited to railcar pulling
chains or bull gears to maximize power output. reducers plus high-capacity, anti-friction bearings where momentary overloads occur when a railcar is
designed for long life, low noise and higher output started in motion. Single phase motors at 115/230
Any Angle - Rope can come off the capstan at any
torque. volts at 50 or 60 Hz are available as an option in some
angle, enabling the operator to stand in the most
appropriate location. High Starting Loads - High-starting-torque, 3-phase

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337

11 Winches
Power Winches

Heavy Duty Electric Winches - Jeamar NHT Series (Hauling)

Jeamar Winches are precision engineered to International standards. WLL Line Speed Rope Rope Cap.
An extensive range of models and sizes are available including: Model (1st Layer) (1st Layer) Dia. (4th Layer) Motor Wt.
Lifting winches Hauling winches Capstan winches No. (lb) (ft/min) (in) (ft) (Hp) (lb)
Numerous options are available relative to the model of NHT 550 550 27 1/8 113 1/2 94
the winch: NHT1100 1100 28 3/16 117 1 146
NHT1900 1900 31 1/4 226 2 229
Grooved drums Controls
Free spooling Limit switches NLT Series (Lifting)
Explosion proof motors WLL Line Speed Rope Rope Cap.
VC Series
Electrics can be supplied at any (Capstan) Model (1st Layer) (1st Layer) Dia. (4th Layer) Motor Wt.
standard voltage at 50 or 60 hertz. No. (lb) (ft/min) (in) (ft) (Hp) (lb)
NLT 400 400 22 1/8 175 1/2 130
NLT 800 800 22 3/16 220 1 212
NLT 1400 1400 24 1/4 250 2 322

VC Series (Capstan)
WLL WLL Rope Rope Dia.
Model Starting Running Speed (Polypropylene) Motor Wt.
No. (lb) (lb) (ft/min) (in) (Hp) (lb)
VC2000-26 2000 1000 26 5/8 1.5 202
VC5000-30 5000 2500 30 1-1/8 3 330
NLT Series NHT Series VC5000-45 5000 2500 45 1-1/8 5 355
(Lifting) (Hauling)
Larger size winches available on request

Electric Winches - Jet

EW-10 EW-30A
Powerful, compact winch Mounted switch can be operated with remote
Power-in and power-out lanyard
Locks and holds in any position Power-in and power-out
6' remote push button control Cable tension plate keeps cable tight on drum
Pulley block for double line operation doubles EW-10 Fairlead included with the winch
pulling capacity and cuts line speed in half Emergency hand crank and hand saver bar
Permanently lubricated gearbox requires no 24 ft power harness and switch
lubrication Pulley block for double-line operation doubles
Dynamic brake stops and holds the load when pulling capacity and cuts line speed in half
switch is off Dynamic brake stops and holds the load when
EW-30A switch is off
EW-20A Self-locking gearbox
Most economical winch available Circuit breaker assembly protects winch and
Designed for mounting in almost any battery from overload
Unit comes complete with 24 ft power EW-60A
harness that connects to the winch switch Motor and solenoids protected from dust, dirt
Local switch can be operated with remote lan- and weather with heavy-duty case
yard Cable tension plate keeps cable tight a drum
Switch rotates in either direction for power Fairlead included with the winch
forward and power reverse Emergency hand crank and hand saver bar
Self-locking gearbox Hand-held forward/reverse switch on 10' cord
Winch will lock and hold load in off permits remote operation
position EW-20A 25 ft power harness included
Switch is spring-loaded to return to the neutral Pulley block for double-line operation doubles
off position pulling capacity and cuts line speed in half
Dynamic brake stops and holds the load when Dynamic brake stops and holds the load when
switch is off switch is off
Self-locking gearbox
Guide for Selecting Winches for Boat Trailers EW-60A Circuit breaker assembly protects winch and
Boat Length Wt (lbs) Sugg. Model battery from overload
All outboards up to 17' up to 2,500 EW-20A
All outboards and I/O's up to 22' up to 6,000 EW-30A
I/O's over 22' up to 9,000 EW-60A

Model: EW-10 EW-20A EW-30A EW-60A

Stock No: 182080 182010 182085 182077
*Vertical Lift Capacity (Ibs)
Single Line: 1,000 1,000 2,500 3,500
Double Line: 2,000 2,000 5,000 7,000
Boat or Vehicle Cap'y (lbs): - 2,500 6,000 9,000 * Vertical lift is equivalent to straight line
Rolling Load (Ibs) pull measured at top layer of fully
Max Wt @ 20% Grade**: - 3,400 8,500 11,900 spooled cable for comparison only.
Max Wt @ 30% Grade**: - 2,600 6,500 9,150 ** A 10% grade is a rise of one foot in
Max Wt @ 50% Grade**: - 1,850 4,650 6,500 ten feet.
Cable Spd FPM (full-no load): 15 - 30 8 - 22 5 - 27 6 - 30
Motor (HP/ V): 1/115V, 1Ph .5/12V, DC 1.3/12V, DC 1.6/12V, DC DO NOT use as an overhead hoist.
Amps (full-no load): 12.5 - 1 80 - 15 175 - 25 230 - 27 Winches are not to be used for lifting, sup-
Gear Ratio: 148:1 123:1 148:1 148:1 porting or transporting people, or lifting or
Aircraft Cable Size (ODxL): 5/32" x 45' 5/32" x 25' 7/32" x 40' 7/32" x 50' supporting loads over people. Before
Dimensions (LxOxH/in): 15 x 5-3/8 x 5-3/4 11-3/8 x 5-3/8 x 5-3/4 12 x 5-3/8 x 5-3/4 13-1/2 x 7-3/4 x 6-1/4 installation, see operations manual for
Net Wt (lbs): 18 15 25 39 warnings and precautions.

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337
Air Winches

Air Winches - Ingersoll-Rand
Ingersoll-Rand offers the broadest selection of air winches in the world, including
utility and personnel lifting winches. This guide will assist you in selecting the
Ingersoll-Rand air winch best suited for your application.
Utility rated air winches
Used for lifting or pulling of materials, or tensioning up to the rated capacity of the winch.
Meets ASME B30.7
Rated with a 5:1 design factor for lifting and lowering loads
Special versions available to meet the European Machinery Directives ClassicTM BU7A Air Winch ClassicTM EU Air Winch
Rated at 3.5:1 design factor for pulling loads 1000 lb (454 kg) capacity 2000 lb (909 kg) capacity
Allow use of clutch with manual band brake and local throttle control for spooling off
unloaded cable. Model BU7A @ 90 psi (6.3 bar)
Applications include construction, mining, offshore oil, refineries, heavy industry, utilities,
shipbuilding, maintenance
Not to be used for lifting people

Utility Air Winch Series Quick Selection Guide*

Utility ASME B30.7 Allowable Rated Lift Clutch Standard European
Models Rated Line Pulls w/Design Factor (DF) Capacity at Cable Union
Lifting (5:1 DF) Pulling (3.5:1 DF) Pay Out Version
lbs kg lbs kg
BU7A 1,000 454 1,425 648 Mid layer Standard Overwound Yes
LS600R 4 1,320 600 2,200 1,000 Top layer N/A Overwound Yes
PS1000R3,4 - - 2,200 1,000 First layer Standard Overwound Yes
EU 2,000 909 2,855 1,298 Mid layer Standard Overwound N/A
LS1500R4 3,300 1,500 5,280 2,400 Top layer N/A Underwound Yes
PS2400R3,4 - - 5,280 2,400 First layer Standard Underwound Yes
FA2A 4,000 1,818 5,715 2,598 Mid layer Option Overwound Yes Series EU @ 90 psi (6.3 bar)
FA2 4,400 2,000 6,285 2,857 Top layer N/A Overwound Yes
FA2.5 5,000 2,273 7,140 3,245 Top layer N/A Overwound Yes
FA2.5A 5,000 2,273 7,140 3,245 Mid layer Option Overwound Yes
FA5T 8,400 3,818 12,000 5,454 Top layer N/A Overwound Yes
FA5A 10,000 4,545 14,285 6,493 Mid layer Option Overwound Yes
FA5 11,000 5,000 15,715 7,143 Top layer N/A Overwound Yes
FA7T 12,600 5,727 18,000 8,182 Top layer N/A Overwound Yes
FA7 15,400 7,000 22,000 10,000 Top layer N/A Overwound Yes
FA10 22,000 1,000 31,425 14,284 Top layer N/A Overwound Yes
*Please call for complete technical information.

Force 5 Third Generation Force 5 Force 5 Offshore

Air Winch Series Air Winch Series Man Rider Series
4000 to 10000 lb 4400 to 22000 lb 3180 to 6875 lb
(181 to 4545 kg) capacity (2000 to 10000 kg) capacity (1445 to 3125 kg) capacity
Air Lifting Line Recommended Rope Size2 Drum Motor Average Pipe Hose Rope Maximum
Winch capacity speed Root hp required Inlet Size Anchor Stall Pull
Series 15:1 18:1 Diameter Size Dia. Hole
lbs 1 kg 1 fpm m/min in mm in mm in mm scfm m3/min in in. in lbs kg
BU7A 1,000 455 45 14 1/4 6.5 1/4 6.5 4-1/2 114 1.6 42 1.2 1/2 3/4 3/8 1,950 886
LS600R4 1,320 600 34 10 1/4 6.5 5/16 6.5 5-1/2 140 2 78 2.2 1/2 3/4 3/8 2,475 1,125
PS1000R 3,4 15 4.6 1/4 6.5 5/16 8 5-1/2 140 2 78 2.2 1/2 3/4 3/8 2,475 1,125
EU 2,000 909 55 17 3/8 10 3/8 10 6 152 4.4 100 2.8 3/4 1 9/16 4,500 2,045
LS1500R 4 3,300 1,500 22 7 3/8 10 3/8 10 7-3/32 180 3.3 125 3.5 3/4 3/4 10mm 7,000 3,182
PS2400R 3,4 12 3.7 3/8 10 3/8 10 7-3/32 180 3.3 125 3.5 3/4 3/4 10mm 7,000 3,182
FA2A 4,000 1,818 118 36 5/8 16 1/2 13 9-1/4 235 15 270 7.7 1 1-1/4 5/8 7,000 3,182
FA2 4,400 2,000 55 17 3/4 19 5/8 16 10-3/4 273 9.4 335 9.4 1 1-1/4 3/4 9,000 4,091
FA2.5A 5,000 2,273 135 41 5/8 16 1/2 13 9-1/4 235 15 560 15.9 1-1/2 1-1/2 5/8 10,400 4,727
FA2.5 5,000 2,273 140 43 3/4 19 5/8 16 10-3/4 273 25 700 19.9 1-1/4 1-1/2 3/4 10,000 4,545
FA5T 8,400 3,818 80 24 1 25 3/4 19 15 381 25 700 19.9 1-1/4 11/2 1 24,000 10,909
FA5A 10,000 4,545 60 18 7/8 22 3/4 19 12-3/4 324 25 600 17.0 1-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 17,000 7,727
FA5 11,000 5,000 65 20 1 25 3/4 19 15 381 25 700 19.9 1-1/4 1-1/2 1 24,000 10,909
FA7T 12,600 5,727 50 15 1-1/8 29 7/8 22 16 406 25 750 21.3 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/8 36,000 16,364
FA7 15,400 7,000 45 14 1-1/8 29 7/8 22 16 406 25 750 21.3 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/8 36,000 16,364
FA10 22,000 10,000 30 9 1-3/8 35 1-1/8 29 20 508 31 800 22.7 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/8 38,000 17,273
1 Lifting capacity rating complies with ASME B30.7 for base mounted drum hoists. Provides 5:1 design factor based on the rated line pull for lifting. 2 Extra improved plow steel
IWRC wire rope 3 The PS1000R and PS2400R are fitted as standard with a free spool clutch. These winches can be used for lifting at reduced capacity to maintain 5:1 DF only
in those countries that allow it, eg, USA where PS1000R and PS2400R have same lift rating as LS600 and 1500 respectively. 4 Call for Liftstar and Pullstar specifications
Note: Adding -E to model states compliance with European Machinery Directive.

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337

11 Winches
Air Winches

Heavy Duty Air Winches - Jeamar

Jeamar Air Winches are designed and manufactured for continuous, features of the motors, which have been designed for long life and low-
heavy duty operation with minimum service factor of 1. Both tugger and cost operation. Control valves feature proportional flow with spring return
lifting winches are offered in a wide variety of sizes. Jeamar air motors are to neutral for 'deadman' operation. Valves control the winch speed by
fully reversible vane type. Positive starting and precise control are central varying air flow to the motor.

HA Series (Tugger) LA Series (Lifting)

WLL Line Speed Rope Rope Cap. Air WLL Line Speed Rope Rope Cap. Air
Model 1st layer 1st layer Dia. 4th layer Consumption Wt. Model 1st layer 1st layer Dia. 4th layer Consumption Wt.
No. (lbs) (ft/mni) (in) (ft) (cfm) (lbs) No. (lbs) (ft/mni) (in) (ft) (cfm) (lbs)
HA 550 550 25 1/8 125 58 92 LA 400 400 24 1/8 125 58 128
HA 1100 1100 28 3/16 160 110 130 LA 900 900 24 3/16 187 110 196
HA 1900 1900 27 1/4 215 110 190 LA 1400 1400 24 1/4 250 110 289

GRIPWINCH is a Low Maintenance Saves Money applications, the GRIPWINCH is fixed permanently
motorized hoist The simplicity and the reliability of its design make the and the traction wire rope lead over reversing pulleys
with a self-reeving GRIPWINCH a low maintenance cost machine. Gentle and attached at both end to the load (Fig. 6).
wire rope, specially treatment of the wire rope give it a long life. The The GRIPWINCH can also be fixed to the load to be
designed for GRIPWINCH has an efficient gear drive that reduces moved (f. ex. conveyor belts).
MATERIAL hoisting the motor load and reduces current draw. It moves then with the load along the rope that has
and pulling. Due to been fixed at both ends of the distance to be covered
Thanks to its outstanding features, the GRIPWINCH can
the originality and (Fig. 7).
be used as a winch as well as material hoist. It can
reliability of its rope
operate conveyor belts or large hangar doors, move NOTE: In case of need, for lifting as well as pulling, the
driving system, this rated capacity of the GRIPWINCH can always be
stage settings and arrangements, position railroad cars
portable hoist can increased by reeving the traction rope.
and rolling loads, pull underground power lines, etc.
easily replace drum
It can also be used for numerous hoisting and
winches in a
pulling applications in plants and workshops, as well
majority of applica-
as for various maintenance or repair services.
tions. Rated capac-
Its universality cannot be disputed!
ity up to 2000 lbs.

Of course, the GRIPWINCH can be fixed above the
Fig.1 load, the most usual method for great heights (Fig. 1 Fig. 3 Fig. 4
& 3). But why not anchor it within reach, on the
ground, anywhere for small heights, in particular
and use a reversing pulley (Fig. 4)! This is the most
Characteristics common method, generally recommended for this
Unlimited pulling and lifting distance type of job and the operator's safety.
Provided the wire rope is long enough (Fig. 1). Not Pulling
stored in the machine, the wire rope is driven by a The most common method for pulling applications is
patented wire rope drive system (Fig. 2). to fix the GRIPWINCH and to pull the load toward it
(Fig. 5). When pulling, do not confuse the weight of
the load with the effort required to move it which can
Fig. 2 greatly vary depending on the contact surface, the Fig. 6
amount of friction, the degree of the slope, etc. It is a
well-known fact that the effort required to move any-
thing on wheels is much bellow the weight of the item
Symmetrical Configuration to be moved.
Allows pulling in both directions - at full capacity. One Moving To-and-Fro
GRIPWINCH can replace two counteracting winches. Fig. 7
Since the GRIPWINCH can pull in both directions, it
Lightweight and Compact can move a load to-and-fro (f. ex. position rolling
The crane in the suit case! Two men can carry loads, open and close hangar doors, etc.). For these
the GRIPWINCH to any place, where it is
needed. Try this with a 1-ton drum
winch! And the installation for driving Fig. 5
applications is no problem, thanks to
the compact design.

Gripwinch Information continues

Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337
Air Winches

Gripwinch Information (continued) Dimensions
Models g h i j k l
T-400/500 Series 13.4 7.3 0.6 1.0 2.2 0.6
Technical Specifications Standard Models T-1000 Series 17.7 10.0 0.6 1.0 2.2 0.5


Model G411M G510M G412M G 1000M G 1002M 410M 1000M 510M 510M 1000M 1000M
Admissible Ioad 3 lbs 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000
Lifting speed ft/min 35 35 70 35 70 35 35 up to 60
Weight lbs 140 114 117 161 167 100 187 88 97 134 165
Dimensions in
overall a 24.3 20.9 20.9 24.3 24.3 17 20 16.71 20.3 26 26.6
b 13.6 13.2 13.2 12.2 12.2 12 12.4 12 11.4
c 12.8 9.8 9.8 10.7 10.7 10.2 12.6 10 12.6
Wire Rope Mechanism d 15.1 15.1 15.1 19.9 19.9 15.1 19.9 15.1 19.9
e 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7
f 10.2 10.2 10.2 12.6 12.6 10.2 12.6 10.2 12.6
Motor specifications: electrical motor air motor hydraulic motor
3-phase 220 or 440V 60 cycles kw 0.9 1.8 2.2 3
single ph. 100 or 200V 60 cycles kw 1.1
compressed air pressure psi 85 85
min. air consumption ft3/min 53 78
max. work pressure psi 2,200 2,200
motor cubic cap. cu/in. 0.24 0.72
Wire rope specifications: type A6 A6 A6 C8 C8 A6 C8 A6 C8
diameter in. 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 1/4 5/16 1/4 5/16
min. breaking strength lbs 6,600 6,600 6,600 10,600 10,600 6,600 110,600 6,600 10,600
construction 4 x 26 or 6 x 19 IWCR galv. IPS
1 Model without brake, only for horizontal traction 2 Model with brake; for hoisting and pulling on a slope
3 If the rated capacity of the hoist is not sufficient in direct traction, it can be easily increased by reeving the traction wire rope.


Buffalo - Headquarters: 716.826.2636 FAX: 716.826.4412 Hanes Supply of SC, Inc.
Albany/NE Division: 518.438.0139 FAX: 518.438.5343 CCISCO: 843.238.1338
Rochester Division: 585.235.0160 FAX: 585.235.0229 FAX: 843.238.8337



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