Kapustin Ski I
Kapustin Ski I
Kapustin Ski I
Kapustinskii's teaching activities started in 1930 in the department of physical chemistry of the Moscow higher
Technical Institute. In the following years he became Frofessor and Itirector of the department of physical chemistry
of Gor'kii State University (1933-1937), the Moscow Steel Institute (1937-1941), and Kazan State University (1941 ~
1943). In 1943 he was elected professor in in charge of the department of general and inorganic chemistry of the
D . I . Mendeleev Moscow Chemicotechnological Institute and he worked there till the end of his life. Kapustinskii
was a remarkable orator and excellent lecturer. The numerous students and all who heard him wiI1 always remember
his lectures and reports, which were brilliant both in content and form.
Kapustinskii's work covered an exeptionally wide range. He carried out a large number of investigations on
many very important problems of chemistry. We should mention his work on the thermodynamics of metallurgical
processes, crystal chemistry and especially the energetics of crystals, heats of formation of inorganic compounds,
theoretical work on problems of the Periodic Law, geochemistry, solvation of ions in solutions, and the history of
chemistry. The list of his works includes 350 titles. His best known work is that connected with problems of crystal
chemistry. The equation he derived for the lattice energy of an ionic crystal (1933, 1943, and 1956) is given in all
monographs and textbooks on crystal chemistry. In 1934 he introduced the very important concept of "thermochem-
ical radii ~ of ions, which was particularly valuable in investigations of complex ions. tn 1949 A. F. Kapustinskii
proposed a new ionic constant, that of "crystaUochemical electronegativity," which characterizes the electronic af-
finity of an ion in a crystal. In 1956 he derived a very simple equation which related such fundamental characteris-
tics of ions in crystals as the radius, the charge, and the total number of electrons.
Kapustinskii's investigations throw light upon the most general and fundamental problems of chemistry. Thus,
he was able to extend one of the most general laws of chemistry, Avogadro's Law, to cover the electronic structure
of atoms and ions. In his investigations of the solvation of ions in solutions, Kapustinskii worked out a theory of
quantitative characteristics of individual ions in solution and this made it possible for him to derive a single system
for the entropy and radii of ions in aqueous solutions, as weI1 as to propose an electronic mechanism for the hydra-
tion of ions in solutions.
His activity in the publishing field and popularization of science was very varied and fruitful. For almost
twenty years he was a member and vice-chairman of the Editorial Board of the journal "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk
SSSR, Otdelenie Khimicheskikh Nauk." In 1946 he became a member of the Main Editorial Board of the second
edition of the Large Soviet Encyclopedia and headed the section on chemistry. He was editor of translated foreign
monographs and textbooks. From 1957 Kapustinskii was chairman of the National Union of Soviet Historians of
Chemistry. In 1960 he was elected honorary member of the Polish Chemical Society. For his outstanding contribu-
tions to the development of chemical science he was awarded the Order of the Red Labor Banner and medals. All
those who knew the outstanding Soviet scientist and remarkable man Anatolii Fedorivich Kapustinskii, will always
remember him.