Numerical Methods For Engineers, Second Edition: Chapter 1 Errata
Numerical Methods For Engineers, Second Edition: Chapter 1 Errata
Numerical Methods For Engineers, Second Edition: Chapter 1 Errata
2. p.2 sixth line of the first proper paragraph, fe95.res should be re-
placed by nm95.res
1. p.26, the superscript in equation (2.22) should not be bold and should
be as follows
[U] = [D][U1 ]
2. p.32, The matrix expression in Solution 2.5 has a u22 and u33 which
should be l22 and l33 as follows
16 4 8 l11 0 0 l11 l21 l31
4 5 4 = l21 l22 0 0 l22 l32
8 4 22 l31 l32 l33 0 0 l33
5. p.54, The matrices on p.54 in Solution 2.7 should read 0.3636 in the
(3,1) position and not 0.2626.
1. p.96, Table near bottom of page. Entry 13.35 should be 13.28 and
entry 8.41 should be 8.29.
3. p.123, Just above the start of Program 3.8 the Updated values should
3. Strange line break at the top line of p.151 . stiffness matrix should
all be on second line.
6. p.160, third paragraph, comma should be at the end of the line (not
the beginning)
1. On p. 219, last line of Section 5.4.2 should state Tables 5.2, 5.3 and
5.4 respectively.
2. p.230, Table 5.5, the penultimate row, third column should have
Y = ln
3. On p.239, question 7 the solutions should be,
Answer: First order 0.4803, second order 0.4710, third order 0.4695,
fourth order 0.4695.
12. p.300 One line below equation (6.89) should be This is analogous to
equation (6.53)...
You may assume symmetry of weights and sampling points about the
middle of the range. p
Answer: w1 = w3 = 5/9, w2 = 8/9, x1 = x3 = 3/5, x2 = 0
1. p.331, eq. (7.44) initial values of x should be included in all the terms,
dy d2 y dn1 y
y(x0 ) = A1 , (x0 ) = A2 , (x0 ) = A 3 , , (x0 ) = An
dx dx2 dxn1
1. On p.407, Figure 8.6, the label in the middle of the figure should be
hi,j (not ui,j ).
9. On p.440, question 13, the answers should be in upper case for consis-
tency with Figure 8.24, hence
Answer: Case 1: 3Hi,j 2Hi,j+1 Hi+1,j = 0,
Case 2: 5Hi,j 2Hi,j+1 2Hi+1,j Hi,j1 = 0