Prevention of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)


Carolyn V. Gould, MD, MSCR 1; Craig A. Umscheid, MD, MSCE 2; Rajender K. Agarwal,
MD, MPH 2; Gretchen Kuntz, MSW, MSLIS 2; David A. Pegues, MD 3 and the
Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) 4

1 Divisionof Healthcare Quality Promotion

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA

2 Center for Evidence-based Practice

University of Pennsylvania Health System
Philadelphia, PA

3 Division
of Infectious Diseases
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Los Angeles, CA

Available from:

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
Chair Department of Pathology
University of Florida Health Science
BRENNAN, Patrick J., MD Center-Jacksonville
Chief Medical Officer
Division of Infectious Diseases
University of Pennsylvania Health System MURPHY, Denise M., MPH, RN, CIC
Vice President, Safety and Quality
Executive Secretary Barnes-Jewish Hospital at Washington
University Medical Center
BELL, Michael R., MD
Associate Director for Infection Control OLMSTED, Russell N., MPH
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion Epidemiologist
National Center for Infectious Diseases Infection Control Services
Centers for Disease Control and St. Joseph Mercy Health System
PEGUES, David Alexander, MD
Members Professor of Medicine, Hospital Epidemiologist
David Geffen School of Medicine at
Infection Control Coordinator
Infectious Diseases Department, RAMSEY, Keith M., MD
Greenwich Hospital Professor of Medicine
Medical Director of Infection Control
ELWARD, Alexis, MD, MPH Pitt County Memorial
Medical Director of Infection Control
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Infectious SINGH, Nalini, MD, MPH
Diseases Professor of Pediatrics
Washington University School of Medicine Epidemiology and International Health
George Washington University
ENGEL, Jeffrey, MD Childrens National Medical Center
Chief, Epidemiology Section, North
Carolina Division of Public Health SOULE, Barbara M., RN, MPA, CIC
North Carolina State Epidemiologist Practice Leader
Infection Prevention Services
LUNDSTROM, Tammy, MD, JD Joint Commission Resources/Joint
Chief Medical Officer Commission International
Providence Hospital
SCHECTER, William, P., MD
GORDON, Steven M., MD Department of Surgery, Ward 3A 17
Chairman, Department of Infectious San Francisco General Hospital
Hospital Epidemiologist STEVENSON, Kurt Brown, MD, MPH
Cleveland Clinic Foundation Division of Infectious Diseases
Department of Internal Medicine
MCCARTER, Yvette S., PhD The Ohio State University Medical Center
Director, Clinical Microbiology

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Ex-officio Members Infection Control Consultant

Infection Control Associates
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Ex-Officio American Health Care Association
BAINE, William B., MD FITZLER, Sandra L., RN
Senior Medical Advisor Senior Director of Clinical Services
Center for Outcomes and Evidence American Health Care Association
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
American College of Occupational and
National Institute of Health Environmental Medicine
Ex-Officio RUSSI, Mark, MD, MPH
HENDERSON, David, MD American College of Occupational and
Deputy Director for Clinical Care Environmental Medicine
National Institute of Health
Advisory Council for the Elimination of
Health Resources and Services Tuberculosis STRICOF, Rachel L., MPH
Administration Ex-Officio New York State Department of Health
JAY, Lorine J., MPH, RN, CPHQ
Regional Coordinator American Hospital Association
Food and Drug Administration Senior Associate Director, Policy
Ex-Officio Development
MURPHEY, Sheila A., MD
Chief, Infection Control Devices Branch Association of periOperative Registered
Division of Anesthesiology, General Hospital Nurses
Infection Control and Dental Devices BLANCHARD, Joan C., RN, BSN,
Center for Devices and Radiology Health MSS, CNOR, CIC
Food and Drug Administration Association of periOperative Registered
Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS) Ex-Officio Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
Deputy Director, Office of Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Standards and Quality/ Clinical Standards Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Healthcare Organizations
ROSELLE, Gary A., MD WISE, Robert A., MD
National Program Director, Infectious Division of Standards & Survey
Diseases Methods
VA Central Office Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Cincinnati VA Medical Center Healthcare Organizations

Liaisons Consumers Union

Senior Policy Analyst on
Association of Professionals of Infection MCGIFFERT, Lisa
Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Health Issues, Project Director
BJERKE, Nancy BSN, RN, MPH, CIC Stop Hospital Infections Organization

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists

Medical Epidemiologist/Infections
Diseases Physician Director, Hospital
Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance
Program, Tennessee Department of Health

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

HICPAC thanks the following members who served on the HICPAC CAUTI Guideline
subcommittee during the guideline development process: Russell N. Olmsted, MPH, Yvette S.
McCarter, PhD, Barbara M. Soule, RN, MPA, CIC, and Nalini Singh, MD, MPH.

HICPAC thanks the following outside experts for reviewing a draft of this guideline: Edward S.
Wong, MD, Lindsay E. Nicolle, MD, Anthony J. Schaeffer, MD, and Harriett M. Pitt, RN, MS,
CIC. The opinions of the reviewers might not be reflected in all the recommendations contained
in this document.

HICPAC would also like to thank the many individuals and organizations who provided valuable
feedback on the guideline during the public comment period.

Disclosure of Financial Interests and Relationships

The authors C.V.G., C.A.U., R.K.A., and G.K. report no actual or potential conflicts of interest.
D.A.P. is on the Speakers Bureau of Merck, Pfizer, Schering, and Cubist and is a consultant for
Dow Pharmaceuticals, DaVita, and Vasonova. C.A.U. and R.K.A. received funding from the
CDC to support the guideline development process.

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Table of Contents
Abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 6
I. Executive Summary ..................................................................................................... 8
II. Summary of Recommendations ................................................................................ 10
III. Implementation and Audit......................................................................................... 18
IV. Recommendations for Further Research ................................................................. 20
V. Background ............................................................................................................... 22
VI. Scope and Purpose ................................................................................................. 25
VII. Methods .................................................................................................................. 26
VIII. Evidence Review ................................................................................................... 34
References .................................................................................................................... 49

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Abbreviation Meaning
ADL Activities of daily living
APACHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II
ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists
ASB Asymptomatic bacteriuria
BUN Blood urea nitrogen
CAUTI Catheter-associated urinary tract infection
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CFU Colony-forming units
CI Confidence interval
CIC Clean intermittent catheterization
CICU Coronary intensive care unit
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
ED Emergency department
F/U Follow-up
GRADE Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation system
Hb Hemoglobin concentration
HICPAC Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
H/O History of
HPF High power field
HR Hazard ratio
ICU Intensive care unit
IDR Incidence-density ratio
LOS Length of stay
MDR Multi-drug resistant
MICU Medical intensive care unit
NHSN National Healthcare Safety Network
NIH National Institutes of Health
NS Not significant
OBS Observational controlled study
OR Odds ratio
P P value
PACU Post-anesthesia care unit
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
RCT Randomized controlled trial

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Abbreviation Meaning
RD Risk difference
RH Relative hazard
RR Relative risk
SAPS II Simplified Acute Physiology Score II
SICU Surgical intensive care unit
SR Systematic review
SUTI Symptomatic urinary tract infection
TMP/SMX Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
TURP Transurethral resection of prostate
UTI Urinary tract infection
VAS Visual analog scale
WMD Weighted mean difference

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

I. Executive Summary
This guideline updates and expands the original Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)
published in 1981. Several developments necessitated revision of the 1981 guideline, including
new research and technological advancements for preventing CAUTI, increasing need to
address patients in non-acute care settings and patients requiring long-term urinary
catheterization, and greater emphasis on prevention initiatives as well as better defined goals
and metrics for outcomes and process measures. In addition to updating the previous guideline,
this revised guideline reviews the available evidence on CAUTI prevention for patients requiring
chronic indwelling catheters and individuals who can be managed with alternative methods of
urinary drainage (e.g., intermittent catheterization). The revised guideline also includes specific
recommendations for implementation, performance measurement, and surveillance. Although
the general principles of CAUTI prevention have not changed from the previous version, the
revised guideline provides clarification and more specific guidance based on a defined,
systematic review of the literature through July 2007. For areas where knowledge gaps exist,
recommendations for further research are listed. Finally, the revised guideline outlines high-
priority recommendations for CAUTI prevention in order to offer guidance for implementation.

This document is intended for use by infection prevention staff, healthcare epidemiologists,
healthcare administrators, nurses, other healthcare providers, and persons responsible for
developing, implementing, and evaluating infection prevention and control programs for
healthcare settings across the continuum of care. The guideline can also be used as a resource
for societies or organizations that wish to develop more detailed implementation guidance for
prevention of CAUTI.

Our goal was to develop a guideline based on a targeted systematic review of the best available
evidence, with explicit links between the evidence and recommendations. To accomplish this,
we used an adapted GRADE system approach for evaluating quality of evidence and
determining strength of recommendations. The methodology, structure, and components of this
guideline are approved by HICPAC and will be used for subsequent guidelines issued by
HICPAC. A more detailed description of our approach is available in the Methods section.

To evaluate the evidence on preventing CAUTI, we examined data addressing three key
questions and related subquestions:

1. Who should receive urinary catheters?

A. When is urinary catheterization necessary?
B. What are the risk factors for CAUTI?
C. What populations are at highest risk of mortality related to urinary catheters?
2. For those who may require urinary catheters, what are the best practices?
Specifically, what are the risks and benefits associated with:
A. Different approaches to catheterization?
B. Different catheters or collecting systems?
C. Different catheter management techniques?
D. Different systems interventions (i.e., quality improvement programs)?
3. What are the best practices for preventing CAUTI associated with obstructed urinary

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Evidence addressing the key questions was used to formulate recommendations, and explicit
links between the evidence and recommendations are available in the Evidence Review in the
body of the guideline and Evidence Tables and GRADE Tables in the Appendices
( It is
important to note that Category I recommendations are all considered strong
recommendations and should be equally implemented; it is only the quality of the evidence
underlying the recommendation that distinguishes between levels A and B. Category IC
recommendations are required by state or federal regulation and may have any level of
supporting evidence.

The categorization scheme used in this guideline is presented in Table 1 in the Summary of
Recommendations and described further in the Methods section.

The Summary of Recommendations is organized as follows:

1. recommendations for who should receive indwelling urinary catheters (or, for certain
populations, alternatives to indwelling catheters);
2. recommendations for catheter insertion;
3. recommendations for catheter maintenance;
4. quality improvement programs to achieve appropriate placement, care, and removal of
5. administrative infrastructure required; and
6. surveillance strategies.

The Implementation and Audit section includes a prioritization of recommendations (i.e., high-
priority recommendations that are essential for every healthcare facility), organized by modules,
in order to provide facilities more guidance on implementation of these guidelines. A list of
recommended performance measures that can potentially be used for internal reporting
purposes is also included.

Areas in need of further research identified during the evidence review are outlined in the
Recommendations for Further Research. This section includes guidance for specific
methodological approaches that should be used in future studies.

Readers who wish to examine the primary evidence underlying the recommendations are
referred to the Evidence Review in the body of the guideline, and the Evidence Tables and
GRADE Tables in the Appendices (
guidelines-appendix.pdf). The Evidence Review includes narrative summaries of the data
presented in the Evidence Tables and GRADE Tables. The Evidence Tables include all
study-level data used in the guideline, and the GRADE Tables assess the overall quality of
evidence for each question. The Appendices also contain a clearly delineated search strategy
that will be used for periodic updates to ensure that the guideline remains a timely resource as
new information becomes available.

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

II. Summary of Recommendations

Table 1. Modified HICPAC Categorization Scheme* for Recommendations
Rating Description
Category IA A strong recommendation supported by high to moderate quality
evidence suggesting net clinical benefits or harms. (Please refer to
Methods [p. 29-30] for process used to grade quality of evidence)
Category IB A strong recommendation supported by low quality evidence suggesting
net clinical benefits or harms or an accepted practice (e.g., aseptic
technique) supported by low to very low quality evidence.
Category IC A strong recommendation required by state or federal regulation.
Category II A weak recommendation supported by any quality evidence suggesting
a trade off between clinical benefits and harms.
No Unresolved issue for which there is low to very low quality evidence with
recommendation/ uncertain trade offs between benefits and harms.
unresolved issue
* Please refer to Methods (p.32) for implications of Category designations

I. Appropriate Urinary Catheter Use

A. Insert catheters only for appropriate indications (see Table 2 for guidance), and leave in
place only as long as needed. (Category IB) (Key Questions 1B and 2C)

1. Minimize urinary catheter use and duration of use in all patients, particularly those at
higher risk for CAUTI or mortality from catheterization such as women, the elderly, and
patients with impaired immunity.(Category IB) (Key Questions 1B and 1C)

2. Avoid use of urinary catheters in patients and nursing home residents for management
of incontinence. (Category IB) (Key Question 1A)

a. Further research is needed on periodic (e.g., nighttime) use of external catheters

(e.g., condom catheters) in incontinent patients or residents and the use of catheters
to prevent skin breakdown. (No recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key Question

3. Use urinary catheters in operative patients only as necessary, rather than routinely.
(Category IB) (Key Question 1A)

4. For operative patients who have an indication for an indwelling catheter, remove the
catheter as soon as possible postoperatively, preferably within 24 hours, unless there
are appropriate indications for continued use. (Category IB) (Key Questions 2A and 2C)

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Table 2.
A. Examples of Appropriate Indications for Indwelling Urethral Catheter Use 1-4
Patient has acute urinary retention or bladder outlet obstruction.
Need for accurate measurements of urinary output in critically ill patients.
Perioperative use for selected surgical procedures:
o Patients undergoing urologic surgery or other surgery on contiguous structures of
the genitourinary tract.
o Anticipated prolonged duration of surgery (catheters inserted for this reason should
be removed in PACU).
o Patients anticipated to receive large-volume infusions or diuretics during surgery.
o Need for intraoperative monitoring of urinary output.
To assist in healing of open sacral or perineal wounds in incontinent patients.
Patient requires prolonged immobilization (e.g., potentially unstable thoracic or lumbar
spine, multiple traumatic injuries such as pelvic fractures).
To improve comfort for end of life care if needed.
B. Examples of Inappropriate Uses of Indwelling Catheters
As a substitute for nursing care of the patient or resident with incontinence.
As a means of obtaining urine for culture or other diagnostic tests when the patient can
voluntarily void.
For prolonged postoperative duration without appropriate indications (e.g., structural
repair of urethra or contiguous structures, prolonged effect of epidural anaesthesia, etc.).
Note: The above indications are based primarily on expert consensus.

B. Consider using alternatives to indwelling urethral catheterization in selected patients when


1. Consider using external catheters as an alternative to indwelling urethral catheters in

cooperative male patients without urinary retention or bladder outlet obstruction. (Category
II) (Key Question 2A)
2. Consider alternatives to chronic indwelling catheters, such as intermittent catheterization,
in spinal cord injury patients. (Category II) (Key Question 1A)
3. Intermittent catheterization is preferable to indwelling urethral or suprapubic catheters in
patients with bladder emptying dysfunction. (Category II) (Key Question 2A)
4. Consider intermittent catheterization in children with myelomeningocele and neurogenic
bladder to reduce the risk of urinary tract deterioration. (Category II) (Key Question 1A)
5. Further research is needed on the benefit of using a urethral stent as an alternative to an
indwelling catheter in selected patients with bladder outlet obstruction. (No
recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key Question 1A)
6. Further research is needed on the risks and benefits of suprapubic catheters as an
alternative to indwelling urethral catheters in selected patients requiring short- or long-
term catheterization, particularly with respect to complications related to catheter
insertion or the catheter site. (No recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key Question

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

II. Proper Techniques for Urinary Catheter Insertion

A. Perform hand hygiene immediately before and after insertion or any manipulation of the
catheter device or site. (Category IB) (Key Question 2D)

B. Ensure that only properly trained persons (e.g., hospital personnel, family members, or
patients themselves) who know the correct technique of aseptic catheter insertion and
maintenance are given this responsibility. (Category IB) (Key Question 1B)

C. In the acute care hospital setting, insert urinary catheters using aseptic technique and sterile
equipment. (Category IB)

1. Use sterile gloves, drape, sponges, an appropriate antiseptic or sterile solution for
periurethral cleaning, and a single-use packet of lubricant jelly for insertion. (Category

2. Routine use of antiseptic lubricants is not necessary. (Category II) (Key Question 2C)

3. Further research is needed on the use of antiseptic solutions vs. sterile water or saline
for periurethral cleaning prior to catheter insertion. (No recommendation/unresolved
issue) (Key Question 2C)

D. In the non-acute care setting, clean (i.e., non-sterile) technique for intermittent
catheterization is an acceptable and more practical alternative to sterile technique for
patients requiring chronic intermittent catheterization. (Category IA) (Key Question 2A)

1. Further research is needed on optimal cleaning and storage methods for catheters used
for clean intermittent catheterization. (No recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key
Question 2C)

E. Properly secure indwelling catheters after insertion to prevent movement and urethral
traction. (Category IB)

F. Unless otherwise clinically indicated, consider using the smallest bore catheter possible,
consistent with good drainage, to minimize bladder neck and urethral trauma. (Category II)

G. If intermittent catheterization is used, perform it at regular intervals to prevent bladder

overdistension. (Category IB) (Key Question 2A)

H. Consider using a portable ultrasound device to assess urine volume in patients undergoing
intermittent catheterization to assess urine volume and reduce unnecessary catheter
insertions. (Category II) (Key Question 2C)

1. If ultrasound bladder scanners are used, ensure that indications for use are clearly
stated, nursing staff are trained in their use, and equipment is adequately cleaned and
disinfected in between patients. (Category IB)

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III. Proper Techniques for Urinary Catheter Maintenance

A. Following aseptic insertion of the urinary catheter, maintain a closed drainage system
(Category IB) (Key Question 1B and 2B)

1. If breaks in aseptic technique, disconnection, or leakage occur, replace the catheter and
collecting system using aseptic technique and sterile equipment. (Category IB)

2. Consider using urinary catheter systems with preconnected, sealed catheter-tubing

junctions. (Category II) (Key Question 2B)

B. Maintain unobstructed urine flow. (Category IB) (Key Questions 1B and 2D)

1. Keep the catheter and collecting tube free from kinking. (Category IB)

2. Keep the collecting bag below the level of the bladder at all times. Do not rest the bag on
the floor. (Category IB)

3. Empty the collecting bag regularly using a separate, clean collecting container for each
patient; avoid splashing, and prevent contact of the drainage spigot with the nonsterile
collecting container. (Category IB)

C. Use Standard Precautions, including the use of gloves and gown as appropriate, during any
manipulation of the catheter or collecting system. (Category IB)

D. Complex urinary drainage systems (utilizing mechanisms for reducing bacterial entry such
as antiseptic-release cartridges in the drain port) are not necessary for routine use.
(Category II) (Key Question 2B)

E. Changing indwelling catheters or drainage bags at routine, fixed intervals is not

recommended. Rather, it is suggested to change catheters and drainage bags based on
clinical indications such as infection, obstruction, or when the closed system is
compromised. (Category II) (Key Question 2C)

F. Unless clinical indications exist (e.g., in patients with bacteriuria upon catheter removal post
urologic surgery), do not use systemic antimicrobials routinely to prevent CAUTI in patients
requiring either short or long-term catheterization. (Category IB) (Key Question 2C)

1. Further research is needed on the use of urinary antiseptics (e.g., methenamine) to

prevent UTI in patients requiring short-term catheterization. (No
recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key Question 2C)

G. Do not clean the periurethral area with antiseptics to prevent CAUTI while the catheter is in
place. Routine hygiene (e.g., cleansing of the meatal surface during daily bathing or
showering) is appropriate. (Category IB) (Key Question 2C)

H. Unless obstruction is anticipated (e.g., as might occur with bleeding after prostatic or
bladder surgery) bladder irrigation is not recommended. (Category II) (Key Question 2C)

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

1. If obstruction is anticipated, closed continuous irrigation is suggested to prevent

obstruction. (Category II)

I. Routine irrigation of the bladder with antimicrobials is not recommended. (Category II) (Key
Question 2C)

J. Routine instillation of antiseptic or antimicrobial solutions into urinary drainage bags is not
recommended. (Category II) (Key Question 2C)

K. Clamping indwelling catheters prior to removal is not necessary. (Category II) (Key
Question 2C)

L. Further research is needed on the use of bacterial interference (i.e., bladder inoculation with
a nonpathogenic bacterial strain) to prevent UTI in patients requiring chronic urinary
catheterization. (No recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key Question 2C)

Catheter Materials

M. If the CAUTI rate is not decreasing after implementing a comprehensive strategy to reduce
rates of CAUTI, consider using antimicrobial/antiseptic-impregnated catheters. The
comprehensive strategy should include, at a minimum, the high priority recommendations for
urinary catheter use, aseptic insertion, and maintenance (see Section III. Implementation
and Audit). (Category IB) (Key Question 2B)

1. Further research is needed on the effect of antimicrobial/antiseptic-impregnated

catheters in reducing the risk of symptomatic UTI, their inclusion among the primary
interventions, and the patient populations most likely to benefit from these catheters. (No
recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key Question 2B)

N. Hydrophilic catheters might be preferable to standard catheters for patients requiring

intermittent catheterization. (Category II) (Key Question 2B)

O. Silicone might be preferable to other catheter materials to reduce the risk of encrustation in
long-term catheterized patients who have frequent obstruction. (Category II) (Key Question

P. Further research is needed to clarify the benefit of catheter valves in reducing the risk of
CAUTI and other urinary complications. (No recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key
Question 2B)

Management of Obstruction

Q. If obstruction occurs and it is likely that the catheter material is contributing to obstruction,
change the catheter. (Category IB)

R. Further research is needed on the benefit of irrigating the catheter with acidifying solutions
or use of oral urease inhibitors in long-term catheterized patients who have frequent
catheter obstruction. (No recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key Question 3)

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S. Further research is needed on the use of a portable ultrasound device to evaluate for
obstruction in patients with indwelling catheters and low urine output. (No
recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key Question 2C)

T. Further research is needed on the use of methenamine to prevent encrustation in patients

requiring chronic indwelling catheters who are at high risk for obstruction. (No
recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key Question 2C)

Specimen Collection

U. Obtain urine samples aseptically. (Category IB)

1. If a small volume of fresh urine is needed for examination (i.e., urinalysis or culture),
aspirate the urine from the needleless sampling port with a sterile syringe/cannula
adapter after cleansing the port with a disinfectant. (Category IB)

2. Obtain large volumes of urine for special analyses (not culture) aseptically from the
drainage bag. (Category IB)

Spatial Separation of Catheterized Patients

V. Further research is needed on the benefit of spatial separation of patients with urinary
catheters to prevent transmission of pathogens colonizing urinary drainage systems. (No
recommendation/unresolved issue) (Key Question 2D)

IV. Quality Improvement Programs

A. Implement quality improvement (QI) programs or strategies to enhance appropriate use of
indwelling catheters and to reduce the risk of CAUTI based on a facility risk assessment.
(Category IB) (Key Question 2D)

The purposes of QI programs should be:

1. to assure appropriate utilization of catheters
2. to identify and remove catheters that are no longer needed (e.g., daily review of their
continued need) and
3. to ensure adherence to hand hygiene and proper care of catheters.

Examples of programs that have been demonstrated to be effective include:

1. A system of alerts or reminders to identify all patients with urinary catheters and assess
the need for continued catheterization

2. Guidelines and protocols for nurse-directed removal of unnecessary urinary catheters

3. Education and performance feedback regarding appropriate use, hand hygiene, and
catheter care

4. Guidelines and algorithms for appropriate peri-operative catheter management, such as:

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

a. Procedure-specific guidelines for catheter placement and postoperative catheter


b. Protocols for management of postoperative urinary retention, such as nurse-directed

use of intermittent catheterization and use of bladder ultrasound scanners

V. Administrative Infrastructure
A. Provision of guidelines

1. Provide and implement evidence-based guidelines that address catheter use, insertion,
and maintenance. (Category IB)

a. Consider monitoring adherence to facility-based criteria for acceptable indications for

indwelling urinary catheter use. (Category II)

B. Education and Training

1. Ensure that healthcare personnel and others who take care of catheters are given
periodic in-service training regarding techniques and procedures for urinary catheter
insertion, maintenance, and removal. Provide education about CAUTI, other
complications of urinary catheterization, and alternatives to indwelling catheters.
(Category IB)

2. When feasible, consider providing performance feedback to these personnel on what

proportion of catheters they have placed meet facility-based criteria and other aspects
related to catheter care and maintenance. (Category II)

C. Supplies

1. Ensure that supplies necessary for aseptic technique for catheter insertion are readily
available. (Category IB)

D. System of documentation

1. Consider implementing a system for documenting the following in the patient record:
indications for catheter insertion, date and time of catheter insertion, individual who
inserted catheter, and date and time of catheter removal. (Category II)

a. Ensuring that documentation is accessible in the patient record and recorded in a

standard format for data collection and quality improvement purposes is suggested.
Electronic documentation that is searchable is preferable. (Category II)

E. Surveillance resources

1. If surveillance for CAUTI is performed, ensure that there are sufficient trained personnel
and technology resources to support surveillance for urinary catheter use and outcomes.
(Category IB)

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

VI. Surveillance
A. Consider surveillance for CAUTI when indicated by facility-based risk assessment.
(Category II)

1. Identify the patient groups or units on which to conduct surveillance based on frequency
of catheter use and potential risk of CAUTI.

B. Use standardized methodology for performing CAUTI surveillance. (Category IB)

1. Examples of metrics that should be used for CAUTI surveillance include:

a. Number of CAUTI per 1000 catheter-days

b. Number of bloodstream infections secondary to CAUTI per 1000 catheter-days

c. Catheter utilization ratio: (urinary catheter days/patient days) 100

2. Use CDC/NHSN criteria for identifying patients who have symptomatic UTI (SUTI)
(numerator data) (see NHSN Patient Safety Manual: [This link is no longer active: Current version available on the NHSN website

3. For more information on metrics, please see the U.S. Department of Health & Human
Services (HHS) Action Plan to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections: [This link is no
longer active: Current version
available on HHSs Overview: Health Care-Associated Infections

C. Routine screening of catheterized patients for asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) is not

recommended. (Category II) (Key Question 2D)

D. When performing surveillance for CAUTI, consider providing regular (e.g., quarterly)
feedback of unit-specific CAUTI rates to nursing staff and other appropriate clinical care
staff. (Category II) (Key Question 2D)

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III. Implementation and Audit

Prioritization of Recommendations
In this section, the recommendations considered essential for all healthcare facilities caring for
patients requiring urinary catheterization are organized into modules in order to provide more
guidance to facilities on implementation of these guidelines. The high-priority recommendations
were chosen by a consensus of experts based on strength of recommendation as well as on the
likely impact of the strategy in preventing CAUTI. The administrative functions and infrastructure
listed above in the summary of recommendations are necessary to accomplish the high priority
recommendations and are therefore critical to the success of a prevention program. In addition,
quality improvement programs should be implemented as an active approach to accomplishing
these recommendations and when process and outcome measure goals are not being met
based on internal reporting.

Priority Recommendations for Appropriate Urinary Catheter Use (Module 1)

Insert catheters only for appropriate indications (see Table 2), and leave in place only as
long as needed. (Category IB)
o Avoid use of urinary catheters in patients and nursing home residents for
management of incontinence. (Category IB)
o For operative patients who have an indication for an indwelling catheter, remove
the catheter as soon as possible postoperatively, preferably within 24 hours,
unless there are appropriate indications for continued use. (Category IB)

Priority Recommendations for Aseptic Insertion of Urinary Catheters (Module 2)

Ensure that only properly trained persons (e.g., hospital personnel, family members, or
patients themselves) who know the correct technique of aseptic catheter insertion and
maintenance are given this responsibility. (Category IB)
In the acute care hospital setting, insert catheters using aseptic technique and sterile
equipment. (Category IB)

Priority Recommendations for Proper Urinary Catheter Maintenance (Module 3)

Following aseptic insertion of the urinary catheter, maintain a closed drainage system
(Category IB)
Maintain unobstructed urine flow. (Category IB)

Performance Measures
A. Internal Reporting. Consider reporting both process and outcome measures to senior
administrative, medical, and nursing leadership and clinicians who care for patients
at risk for CAUTI. (Category II)
1. Examples of process measures:
a) Compliance with educational program: Calculate percent of personnel who
have proper training:
Numerator: number of personnel who insert urinary catheters and
who have proper training
Denominator: number of personnel who insert urinary catheters
Standardization factor: 100 (i.e., multiply by 100 so that measure is
expressed as a percentage)

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b) Compliance with documentation of catheter insertion and removal dates:

Conduct random audits of selected units and calculate compliance rate:
Numerator: number of patients on unit with catheters with proper
documentation of insertion and removal dates
Denominator: number of patients on the unit with a catheter in place
at some point during admission
Standardization factor: 100 (i.e., multiply by 100 so that measure is
expressed as a percentage)
c) Compliance with documentation of indication for catheter placement: Conduct
random audits of selected units and calculate compliance rate
Numerator: number of patients on unit with catheters with proper
documentation of indication
Denominator: number of patients on the unit with catheter in place
Standardization factor: 100 (i.e., multiply by 100 so that measure is
expressed as a percentage)
2. Recommended outcome measures:
a) Rates of CAUTI: Use NHSN definitions (see [This link is no longer active: Current version available in Patient
Safety Manual on NHSN website (]).
Measurement of rates allows an individual facility to gauge the longitudinal
impact of implementation of prevention strategies:
Numerator: number of CAUTIs in each location monitored
Denominator: total number of urinary catheter-days for all patients
that have an indwelling urinary catheter in each location monitored
Standardization factor: Multiply by 1000 so that the measure is
expressed as cases per 1000 catheter-days
b) Rate of bloodstream infections secondary to CAUTI: Use NHSN definitions
for laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection, available at [This link is no
longer active: Current version available
in Patient Safety Manual on NHSN website (]
Numerator: number of episodes of bloodstream infections
secondary to CAUTI
Denominator: total number of urinary catheter-days for all patients
that have an indwelling urinary catheter in each location monitored
Standardization factor: Multiply by 1000 so that the measure is
expressed as cases per 1000 catheter-days

B. External Reporting. Current NHSN definitions for CAUTI were developed for
monitoring of rates within a facility; however, reporting of CAUTI rates for facility-to-
facility comparison might be requested by state requirements and external quality

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IV. Recommendations for Further Research

Our literature review revealed that many of the studies addressing strategies to prevent CAUTI
were not of sufficient quality to allow firm conclusions regarding the benefit of certain
interventions. Future studies of CAUTI prevention should:
1. Be primary analytic research (i.e. systematic reviews, meta-analyses, interventional studies,
and observational studies [cohort, case-control, analytic cross-sectional studies])
2. Evaluate clinically relevant outcomes (e.g., SUTI, bloodstream infections secondary to
3. Adjust for confounders as needed using multivariable analyses
4. Stratify outcomes by patient populations at risk for CAUTI
5. Ensure adequate statistical power to detect differences

The following is a compilation of recommendations for further research:

1. Catheter materials
a. Antimicrobial and antiseptic-impregnated catheters
i. Effect of catheters on reducing the risk of SUTI and other clinically
significant outcomes
ii. Patient populations most likely to benefit
iii. Incidence of antimicrobial resistance in urinary pathogens
iv. Role of bacterial biofilms in the pathogenesis of CAUTI
b. Standard catheters
i. Optimal materials for reducing the risk of CAUTI and other urethral

2. Appropriate urinary catheter use

a. Incontinent patients
i. Risks and benefits of periodic (e.g., nighttime) use of external catheters
ii. Risk of local complications (e.g., skin maceration, phimosis) with the use
of external catheters
iii. Appropriate use of urinary catheters to manage sacral or perineal wounds
b. Appropriate indications for continued use in postoperative patients and
associated risks

3. Antiseptics
a. Use of antiseptic vs. sterile solutions for periurethral cleaning prior to catheter
b. Use of antiseptics (e.g., methenamine) to prevent CAUTI

4. Alternatives to indwelling urethral catheters and bag drainage

a. Risks and benefits of suprapubic catheters as an alternative to chronic indwelling
urethral catheters
b. Use of a urethral stent as an alternative to an indwelling catheter in selected
patients with bladder outlet obstruction
c. Use of catheter valves in reducing the risk of CAUTI and other urinary
d. Other alternative methods of urinary drainage

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5. Optimal methods for preventing encrustation in long-term catheterized patients who

have frequent obstruction
a. Optimal catheter materials
b. Irrigation with acidifying solutions or oral urease inhibitors
c. Use of methenamine

6. Other prevention measures

a. Use of portable ultrasound in patients with low-urine output to reduce
unnecessary catheter insertions or irrigations (in catheterized patients)
b. Use of new prevention strategies such as bacterial interference in patients
requiring chronic catheterization
c. Optimal cleaning and storage procedures (e.g., wet vs. dry storage) for catheters
used for clean intermittent catheterization

7. Prevention of transmission
a. Spatial separation of patients with urinary catheters (in the absence of epidemic
spread or frequent cross-infection) to prevent transmission of pathogens
colonizing urinary drainage systems

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V. Background
Urinary tract infections are the most common type of healthcare-associated infection,
accounting for more than 30% of infections reported by acute care hospitals.19 Virtually all
healthcare-associated UTIs are caused by instrumentation of the urinary tract. Catheter-
associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) has been associated with increased morbidity,
mortality, hospital cost, and length of stay.6-9 In addition, bacteriuria commonly leads to
unnecessary antimicrobial use, and urinary drainage systems are often reservoirs for multidrug-
resistant bacteria and a source of transmission to other patients.10,11

An indwelling urinary catheter is a drainage tube that is inserted into the urinary bladder through
the urethra, is left in place, and is connected to a closed collection system. Alternative methods
of urinary drainage may be employed in some patients. Intermittent (in-and-out) catheterization
involves brief insertion of a catheter into the bladder through the urethra to drain urine at
intervals. An external catheter is a urine containment device that fits over or adheres to the
genitalia and is attached to a urinary drainage bag. The most commonly used external catheter
is a soft flexible sheath that fits over the penis (condom catheter). A suprapubic catheter is
surgically inserted into the bladder through an incision above the pubis.

Although UTIs associated with alternative urinary drainage systems are considered device-
associated, CAUTI rates reported to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) only refer
to those associated with indwelling urinary catheters. NHSN has recently revised the UTI
surveillance definition criteria. Among the changes are removal of the asymptomatic bacteriuria
(ASB) criterion and refinement of the criteria for defining symptomatic UTI (SUTI). The time
period for follow-up surveillance after catheter removal also has been shortened from 7 days to
48 hours to align with other device-associated infections. The new UTI criteria, which took effect
in January 2009, can be found in the NHSN Patient Safety Manual [This link is no longer active: Current version available on NHSN website

The limitations and heterogeneity of definitions of CAUTI used in various studies present major
challenges in appraising the quality of evidence in the CAUTI literature. Study investigators
have used numerous different definitions for CAUTI outcomes, ranging from simple bacteriuria
at a range of concentrations to, less commonly, symptomatic infection defined by combinations
of bacteriuria and various signs and symptoms. Futhermore, most studies that used CDC/NHSN
definitions for CAUTI did not distinguish between SUTI and ASB in their analyses.30 The
heterogeneity of definitions used for CAUTI may reduce the quality of evidence for a given
intervention and often precludes meta-analyses.

The clinical significance of ASB in catheterized patients is undefined. Approximately 75% to

90% of patients with ASB do not develop a systemic inflammatory response or other signs or
symptoms to suggest infection.6,31 Monitoring and treatment of ASB is also not an effective
prevention measure for SUTI, as most cases of SUTI are not preceded by bacteriuria for more
than a day.25 Treatment of ASB has not been shown to be clinically beneficial and is associated
with the selection of antimicrobial-resistant organisms.

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Between 15% and 25% of hospitalized patients may receive short-term indwelling urinary
catheters.12,13 In many cases, catheters are placed for inappropriate indications, and healthcare
providers are often unaware that their patients have catheters, leading to prolonged,
unnecessary use.14-16 In acute care hospitals reporting to NHSN in 2006, pooled mean urinary
catheter utilization ratios in ICU and non-ICU areas ranged from 0.23-0.91 urinary catheter-
days/patient-days.17 While the numbers of units reporting were small, the highest ratios were in
trauma ICUs and the lowest in inpatient medical/surgical wards. The overall prevalence of long-
term indwelling urethral catheterization use is unknown. The prevalence of urinary catheter use
in residents in long-term care facilities in the United States is on the order of 5%, representing
approximately 50,000 residents with catheters at any given time.18 This number appears to be
declining over time, likely because of federally mandated nursing home quality measures.
However, the high prevalence of urinary catheters in patients transferred to skilled nursing
facilities suggests that acute care hospitals should focus more efforts on removing unnecessary
catheters prior to transfer.18

Reported rates of UTI among patients with urinary catheters vary substantially. National data
from NHSN acute care hospitals in 2006 showed a range of pooled mean CAUTI rates of 3.1-
7.5 infections per 1000 catheter-days.17 The highest rates were in burn ICUs, followed by
inpatient medical wards and neurosurgical ICUs, although these sites also had the fewest
numbers of locations reporting. The lowest rates were in medical/surgical ICUs.

Although morbidity and mortality from CAUTI is considered to be relatively low compared to
other HAIs, the high prevalence of urinary catheter use leads to a large cumulative burden of
infections with resulting infectious complications and deaths. An estimate of annual incidence of
HAIs and mortality in 2002, based on a broad survey of US hospitals, found that urinary tract
infections made up the highest number of infections (> 560,000) compared to other HAIs, and
attributable deaths from UTI were estimated to be over 13,000 (mortality rate 2.3%).19 And while
fewer than 5% of bacteriuric cases develop bacteremia,6 CAUTI is the leading cause of
secondary nosocomial bloodstream infections; about 17% of hospital-acquired bacteremias are
from a urinary source, with an associated mortality of approximately 10%.20 In the nursing home
setting, bacteremias are most commonly caused by UTIs, the majority of which are catheter-

An estimated 17% to 69% of CAUTI may be preventable with recommended infection control
measures, which means that up to 380,000 infections and 9000 deaths related to CAUTI per
year could be prevented.22

Pathogenesis and Microbiology

The source of microorganisms causing CAUTI can be endogenous, typically via meatal, rectal,
or vaginal colonization, or exogenous, such as via contaminated hands of healthcare personnel
or equipment. Microbial pathogens can enter the urinary tract either by the extraluminal route,
via migration along the outside of the catheter in the periurethral mucous sheath, or by the
intraluminal route, via movement along the internal lumen of the catheter from a contaminated
collection bag or catheter-drainage tube junction. The relative contribution of each route in the
pathogenesis of CAUTI is not well known. The marked reduction in risk of bacteriuria with the
introduction of the sterile, closed urinary drainage system in the1960s23 suggests the

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importance of the intraluminal route. However, even with the closed drainage system,
bacteriuria inevitably occurs over time either via breaks in the sterile system or via the
extraluminal route.24 The daily risk of bacteriuria with catheterization is 3% to 10%,25,26
approaching 100% after 30 days, which is considered the delineation between short and long-
term catheterization.27

Formation of biofilms by urinary pathogens on the surface of the catheter and drainage system
occurs universally with prolonged duration of catheterization.28 Over time, the urinary catheter
becomes colonized with microorganisms living in a sessile state within the biofilm, rendering
them resistant to antimicrobials and host defenses and virtually impossible to eradicate without
removing the catheter. The role of bacteria within biofilms in the pathogenesis of CAUTI is
unknown and is an area requiring further research.

The most frequent pathogens associated with CAUTI (combining both ASB and SUTI) in
hospitals reporting to NHSN between 2006-2007 were Escherichia coli (21.4%) and Candida
spp (21.0%), followed by Enterococcus spp (14.9%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (10.0%),
Klebsiella pneumoniae (7.7%), and Enterobacter spp (4.1%). A smaller proportion was caused
by other gram-negative bacteria and Staphylococcus spp 5.

Antimicrobial resistance among urinary pathogens is an ever increasing problem. About a

quarter of E. coli isolates and one third of P. aeruginosa isolates from CAUTI cases were
fluoroquinolone-resistant. Resistance of gram-negative pathogens to other agents, including
third-generation cephalosporins and carbapenems, was also substantial 5. The proportion of
organisms that were multidrug-resistant, defined by non-susceptibility to all agents in 4 classes,
was 4% of P. aeruginosa, 9% of K. pneumoniae, and 21% of Acinetobacter baumannii. 29

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VI. Scope and Purpose

This guideline updates and expands the original CDC Guideline for Prevention of CAUTI
published in 1981. The revised guideline addresses the prevention of CAUTI for patients in
need of either short- or long-term (i.e., > 30 days) urinary catheterization in any type of
healthcare facility and evaluates evidence for alternative methods of urinary drainage, including
intermittent catheterization, external catheters, and suprapubic catheters. The guideline also
includes specific recommendations for implementation, performance measurement, and
surveillance. Recommendations for further research are also provided to address the
knowledge gaps in CAUTI prevention identified during the literature review.

To evaluate the evidence on preventing CAUTI, we examined data addressing three key
questions and related subquestions:

1. Who should receive urinary catheters?

A. When is urinary catheterization necessary?
B. What are the risk factors for CAUTI?
C. What populations are at highest risk of mortality from catheters?
2. For those who may require urinary catheters, what are the best practices?
Specifically, what are the risks and benefits associated with:
A. Different approaches to catheterization?
B. Different catheters or collecting systems?
C. Different catheter management techniques?
D. Different systems interventions (i.e., quality improvement programs)?
3. What are the best practices for preventing UTI associated with obstructed urinary

This document is intended for use by infection prevention staff, healthcare epidemiologists,
healthcare administrators, nurses, other healthcare providers, and persons responsible for
developing, implementing, and evaluating infection prevention and control programs for
healthcare settings across the continuum of care. The guideline can also be used as a resource
for societies or organizations that wish to develop more detailed implementation guidance for
prevention of CAUTI.

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VII. Methods
This guideline was based on a targeted systematic review of the best available evidence on
CAUTI prevention. We used the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and
Evaluation (GRADE) approach 32-34 to provide explicit links between the available evidence and
the resulting recommendations. Our guideline development process is outlined in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The Guideline Development Process

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Development of Key Questions

We first conducted an electronic search of the National Guideline Clearinghouse (Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality), Medline (National Library of Medicine) using the Ovid
Platform (Ovid Technologies, Wolters Kluwer, New York, NY), the Cochrane Health
Technology Assessment Database (Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK), the NIH Consensus
Development Program, and the United States Preventive Services Task Force database for
existing national and international guidelines relevant to CAUTI. The strategy used for the
guideline search and the search results can be found in Appendix 1A
( A
preliminary list of key questions was developed from a review of the relevant guidelines
identified in the search.1,35,36 Key questions were finalized after vetting them with a panel of
content experts and HICPAC members.

Literature Search
Following the development of the key questions, search terms were developed for identifying
literature relevant to the key questions. For the purposes of quality assurance, we compared
these terms to those used in relevant seminal studies and guidelines. These search terms were
then incorporated into search strategies for the relevant electronic databases. Searches were
performed in Medline (National Library of Medicine) using the Ovid Platform (Ovid
Technologies, Wolters Kluwer, New York, NY), EMBASE (Elsevier BV, Amsterdam,
Netherlands), CINAHL (Ebsco Publishing, Ipswich, MA) and Cochrane (Cochrane
Collaboration, Oxford, UK) (all databases were searched in July 2007), and the resulting
references were imported into a reference manager, where duplicates were resolved. For
Cochrane reviews ultimately included in our guideline, we checked for updates in July 2008.
The detailed search strategy used for identifying primary literature and the results of the search
can be found in Appendix 1B (

Study Selection
Titles and abstracts from references were screened by a single author (C.V.G, R.K.A., or
D.A.P.) and the full text articles were retrieved if they were
1. relevant to one or more key questions,
2. primary analytic research, systematic reviews or meta-analyses, and
3. written in English.

Likewise, the full-text articles were screened by a single author (C.V.G. or D.A.P.) using the
same criteria, and included studies underwent a second review for inclusion by another author
(R.K.A.). Disagreements were resolved by the remaining authors. The results of this process
are depicted in Figure 2.

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Figure 2: Results of the Study Selection Process

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Data Extraction and Synthesis

Data on the study author, year, design, objective, population, setting, sample size, power, follow-
up, and definitions and results of clinically relevant outcomes were extracted into evidence tables
(Appendix 2 (
Three evidence tables were developed, each of which represented one of our key questions.
Studies were extracted into the most relevant evidence table. Then, studies were organized by
the common themes that emerged within each evidence table. Data were extracted by one
author (R.K.A.) and cross-checked by another (C.V.G.). Disagreements were resolved by the
remaining authors. Data and analyses were extracted as originally presented in the included
studies. Meta-analyses were performed only where their use was deemed critical to a
recommendation, and only in circumstances where multiple studies with sufficiently homogenous
populations, interventions, and outcomes could be analyzed. Systematic reviews were included
in our review. To avoid duplication of data, we excluded primary studies if they were also
included in a systematic review captured by our search. The only exception to this was if the
primary study also addressed a relevant question that was outside the scope of the included
systematic review. Before exclusion, data from the primary studies that we originally captured
were abstracted into the evidence tables and reviewed. We also excluded systematic reviews
that analyzed primary studies that were fully captured in a more recent systematic review. The
only exception to this was if the older systematic review also addressed a relevant question that
was outside the scope of the newer systematic review. To ensure that all relevant studies were
captured in the search, the bibliography was vetted by a panel of clinical experts.

Grading of Evidence
First, the quality of each study was assessed using scales adapted from existing methodology
checklists, and scores were recorded in the evidence tables. Appendix 3
( includes the
sets of questions we used to assess the quality of each of the major study designs. Next, the
quality of the evidence base was assessed using methods adapted from the GRADE Working
Group.32 Briefly, GRADE tables were developed for each of the interventions or questions
addressed within the evidence tables. Included in the GRADE tables were the intervention of
interest, any outcomes listed in the evidence tables that were judged to be clinically important, the
quantity and type of evidence for each outcome, the relevant findings, and the GRADE of
evidence for each outcome, as well as an overall GRADE of the evidence base for the given
intervention or question. The initial GRADE of evidence for each outcome was deemed high if the
evidence base included a randomized controlled trial (RCT) or a systematic review of RCTs, low if
the evidence base included only observational studies, or very low if the evidence base consisted
only of uncontrolled studies. The initial GRADE could then be modified by eight criteria.34
Criteria which could decrease the GRADE of an evidence base included quality, consistency,
directness, precision, and publication bias. Criteria that could increase the GRADE included a
large magnitude of effect, a dose-response gradient, or inclusion of unmeasured confounders that
would increase the magnitude of effect (Table 3). GRADE definitions are as follows:
1. High - further research is very unlikely to change confidence in the estimate of effect
2. Moderate - further research is likely to affect confidence in the estimate of effect and
may change the estimate
3. Low - further research is very likely to affect confidence in the estimate of effect and is
likely to change the estimate
4. Very low - any estimate of effect is very uncertain

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After determining the GRADE of the evidence base for each outcome of a given intervention or
question, we calculated the overall GRADE of the evidence base for that intervention or
question. The overall GRADE was based on the lowest GRADE for the outcomes deemed
critical to making a recommendation.

Table 3. Rating the Quality of Evidence Using the GRADE Approach

The format of this section was changed to improve readability and accessibility. The content is

Rating the Quality of Evidence

Type of Evidence Initial Grade
RCT High
Observational study Low
Any other evidence (e.g., expert opinion) Very low

Calculating the Overall GRADE

Criteria to Decrease Grade Criteria to Increase Grade Overall Quality Grade

Quality Strong association High
Serious (-1 grade) or very Strong (+1 grade) or very Moderate
serious (-2 grades) strong evidence of Low
limitation to study quality association (+2 grades) Very Low
Consistency Dose-response
Important inconsistency Evidence of a dose-
(-1 grade) response gradient
Directness (+1 grade)
Some (-1 grade) or major Unmeasured
(-2 grades) uncertainty Confounders
about directness Inclusion of unmeasured
Precision confounders increases
Imprecise or sparse data the magnitude of effect
(-1 grade) (+1 grade)
Publication bias
High risk of bias
(-1 grade)

Formulating Recommendations
Narrative evidence summaries were then drafted by the working group using the evidence and
GRADE tables. One summary was written for each theme that emerged under each key
question. The working group then used the narrative evidence summaries to develop guideline
recommendations. Factors determining the strength of a recommendation included
1. the values and preferences used to determine which outcomes were "critical,"
2. the harms and benefits that result from weighing the "critical" outcomes, and
3. the overall GRADE of the evidence base for the given intervention or question (Table 4).33

If weighing the "critical outcomes" for a given intervention or question resulted in a "net benefit"
or a "net harm," then a "Category I Recommendation" was formulated to strongly recommend
for or against the given intervention respectively. If weighing the "critical outcomes" for a given

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intervention or question resulted in a "trade off" between benefits and harms, then a "Category II
Recommendation" was formulated to recommend that providers or institutions consider the
intervention when deemed appropriate. If weighing the "critical outcomes" for a given
intervention or question resulted in an "uncertain trade off" between benefits and harms, then a
"No Recommendation" was formulated to reflect this uncertainty.

Table 4. Formulating Recommendations

HICPAC Weighing Benefits and Harms
Recommendation for Critical Outcomes Quality of Evidence
IA High to Moderate
Interventions with net benefits or IB Low or Very Low (Accepted
net harms. Practice)
IC High to Very Low (Regulatory)
Inteventions with trade offs
WEAK (II) High to Very Low
between benefits and harms.
No recommendation/ Uncertain trade offs between
Low to Very Low
unresolved issue benefits and harms.

For Category I recommendations, levels A and B represent the quality of the evidence
underlying the recommendation, with A representing high to moderate quality evidence and B
representing low quality evidence or, in the case of an established standard (e.g., aseptic
technique, education and training), very low quality to no evidence based on our literature
review. For IB recommendations, although there may be low to very low quality or even no
available evidence directly supporting the benefits of the intervention, the theoretical benefits
are clear, and the theoretical risks are marginal. Level C represents practices required by state
or federal regulation, regardless of the quality of evidence. It is important to note that the
strength of a Category IA recommendation is equivalent to that of a Category IB or IC
recommendation; it is only the quality of the evidence underlying the IA recommendation that
makes it different from a IB.

In some instances, multiple recommendations emerged from a single narrative evidence

summary. The new HICPAC categorization scheme for recommendations is provided in Table 1,
which is reproduced below.

Table 1. Modified HICPAC Categorization Scheme for Recommendations

Rating Description
Category IA A strong recommendation supported by high to moderate quality
evidence suggesting net clinical benefits or harms.
Category IB A strong recommendation supported by low quality evidence suggesting
net clinical benefits or harms or an accepted practice (e.g., aseptic
technique) supported by low to very low quality evidence.
Category IC A strong recommendation required by state or federal regulation.
Category II A weak recommendation supported by any quality evidence suggesting a
trade off between clinical benefits and harms.
No recommendation/ Unresolved issue for which there is low to very low quality evidence with
unresolved issue uncertain trade offs between benefits and harms.

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Category I recommendations are defined as strong recommendations with the following

1. For patients: Most people in the patients situation would want the recommended course
of action and only a small proportion would not; request discussion if the intervention is
not offered.
2. For clinicians: Most patients should receive the recommended course of action.
3. For policymakers: The recommendation may be adopted as a policy.
Category II recommendations are defined as weak recommendations with the following
1. For patients: Most people in the patients situation would want the recommended course
of action, but many would not.
2. For clinicians: Different choices will be appropriate for different patients, and clinicians
must help each patient to arrive at a management decision consistent with her or his
values and preferences.
3. For policymakers: Policy making will require substantial debate and involvement of many
It should be noted that Category II recommendations are discretionary for the individual
institution and are not intended to be enforced.

The wording of each recommendation was carefully selected to reflect the recommendation's
strength. In most cases, we used the active voice when writing Category I recommendations -
the strong recommendations. Phrases like "do" or "do not" and verbs without auxiliaries or
conditionals were used to convey certainty. We used a more passive voice when writing
Category II recommendations - the weak recommendations. Words like "consider and phrases
like "is preferable, is suggested, is not suggested, or is not recommended were chosen to
reflect the lesser certainty of the Category II recommendations. Rather than a simple statement
of fact, each recommendation is actionable, describing precisely a proposed action to take.
The category "No recommendation/unresolved issue" was most commonly applied to situations
where either
1. the overall quality of the evidence base for a given intervention was low to very low and
there was no consensus on the benefit of the intervention or
2. there was no published evidence on outcomes deemed critical to weighing the risks and
benefits of a given intervention.
If the latter was the case, those critical outcomes will be noted at the end of the relevant
evidence summary.
Our evidence-based recommendations were cross-checked with those from guidelines identified
in our original systematic search. Recommendations from previous guidelines for topics not
directly addressed by our systematic review of the evidence were included in our "Summary of
Recommendations" if they were deemed critical to the target users of this guideline. Unlike
recommendations informed by our literature search, these recommendations are not linked to a
key question. These recommendations were agreed upon by expert consensus and are
designated either IB if they represent a strong recommendation based on accepted practices
(e.g., aseptic technique) or II if they are a suggestion based on a probable net benefit despite
limited evidence.
All recommendations were approved by HICPAC. Recommendations focused only on efficacy,
effectiveness, and safety. The optimal use of these guidelines should include a consideration of
the costs relevant to the local setting of guideline users.

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Reviewing and Finalizing the Guideline

After a draft of the tables, narrative summaries, and recommendations was completed, the
working group shared the draft with the expert panel for in-depth review. While the expert panel
was reviewing this draft, the working group completed the remaining sections of the guideline,
including the executive summary, background, scope and purpose, methods, summary of
recommendations, and recommendations for guideline implementation, audit, and further
research. The working group then made revisions to the draft based on feedback from members
of the expert panel and presented the entire draft guideline to HICPAC for review. The guideline
was then posted on the Federal Register for public comment. After a period of public comment,
the guideline was revised accordingly, and the changes were reviewed and voted on by
HICPAC. The final guideline was cleared internally by CDC and published and posted on the
HICPAC website.

Updating the Guideline

Future revisions to this guideline will be dictated by new research and technological
advancements for preventing CAUTI and will occur at the request of HICPAC.

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

VIII. Evidence Review

Q1. Who should receive urinary catheters?
To answer this question, we focused on three subquestions:
A. When is urinary catheterization necessary?
B. What are the risk factors for CAUTI? and
C. What populations are at highest risk of mortality from urinary catheters?

Q1A. When is urinary catheterization necessary?

The available data examined five main populations. In all populations, we considered CAUTI
outcomes as well as other outcomes we deemed critical to weighing the risks and benefits of
catheterization. The evidence for this question consists of 1 systematic review,37 9 RCTs,38-46
and 12 observational studies.47-58 The findings of the evidence review and the grades for all
important outcomes are shown in Evidence Review Table 1A.
For operative patients, low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of avoiding urinary
catheterization.37-44,47-49 This was based on a decreased risk of bacteriuria/unspecified UTI, no
effect on bladder injury, and increased risk of urinary retention in patients without catheters.
Urinary retention in patients without catheters was specifically seen following urogenital
surgeries. The most common surgeries studied were urogenital, gynecological, laparoscopic,
and orthopedic surgeries. Our search did not reveal data on the impact of catheterization on
peri-operative hemodynamic management.
For incontinent patients, low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of avoiding urinary
catheterization.45,50-52 This was based on a decreased risk of both SUTI and
bacteriuria/unspecified UTI in male nursing home residents without urinary catheters compared
to those with continuous condom catheters. We found no difference in the risk of UTI between
having a condom catheter only at night and having no catheter. Our search did not reveal data
on the impact of catheterization on skin breakdown.

For patients with bladder outlet obstruction, very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of a
urethral stent over an indwelling catheter.53 This was based on a reduced risk of bacteriuria in
those receiving a urethral stent. Our search did not reveal data on the impact of catheterization
versus stent placement on urinary complications.

For patients with spinal cord injury, very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of avoiding
indwelling urinary catheters.54,56 This was based on a decreased risk of SUTI and bacteriuria in
those without indwelling catheters (including patients managed with spontaneous voiding, clean
intermittent catheterization [CIC], and external striated sphincterotomy with condom catheter
drainage), as well as a lower risk of urinary complications, including hematuria, stones, and
urethral injury (fistula, erosion, stricture).

For children with myelomeningocele and neurogenic bladder, very low-quality evidence
suggested a benefit of CIC compared to urinary diversion or self voiding.46,57,58 This was based
on a decreased risk of bacteriuria/unspecified UTI in patients receiving CIC compared to urinary
diversion, and a lower risk of urinary tract deterioration (defined by febrile urinary tract infection,
vesicoureteral reflux, hydronephrosis, or increases in BUN or serum creatinine) compared to
self-voiding and in those receiving CIC early (< 1 year of age) versus late (> 3 years of age).

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Evidence Review Table 1A. When is urinary catheterization necessary?

1A.1. Use urinary catheters in operative patients only as necessary, rather than routinely.
(Category IB)

1A.2. Avoid use of urinary catheters in patients and nursing home residents for management
of incontinence. (Category IB)

1A.2.a. Further research is needed on periodic (e.g., nighttime) use of external catheters in
incontinent patients or residents and the use of catheters to prevent skin
breakdown. (No recommendation/unresolved issue)

1A.3. Further research is needed on the benefit of using a urethral stent as an alternative to
an indwelling catheter in selected patients with bladder outlet obstruction. (No
recommendation/unresolved issue)

1A.4. Consider alternatives to chronic indwelling catheters, such as intermittent

catheterization, in spinal cord injury patients. (Category II)

1A.5. Consider intermittent catheterization in children with myelomeningocele and neurogenic

bladder to reduce the risk of urinary tract deterioration. (Category II)

Q1B. What are the risk factors for CAUTI?

To answer this question, we reviewed the quality of evidence for those risk factors examined in
more than one study. We considered the critical outcomes for decision-making to be SUTI and
bacteriuria. The evidence for this question consists of 11 RCTs59-69 and 37 observational
studies.9,50,54,70-103 The findings of the evidence review and the grades for all important outcomes
are shown in Evidence Review Table 1B.

For SUTI, 50,54,61,62,74,75,79,83,102,103 low-quality evidence suggested that female sex, older age,
prolonged catheterization, impaired immunity, and lack of antimicrobial exposure are risk
factors. Very low quality evidence suggested that catheter blockage and low albumin level are
also risk factors. For bacteriuria, 9,59-61,63-68,72,73,76-78,82,84-86,89-94,96-100 multiple risk factors were
identified; there was high quality evidence for prolonged catheterization and moderate quality
evidence for female sex, positive meatal cultures, and lack of antimicrobial exposure. Low-
quality evidence also implicated the following risk factors for bacteriuria: older age,
disconnection of the drainage system, diabetes, renal dysfunction, higher severity of illness,
impaired immunity, placement of the catheter outside of the operating room, lower professional
training of the person inserting the catheter, incontinence, and being on an orthopaedic or
neurology service. Our search did not reveal data on adverse events and antimicrobial
resistance associated with antimicrobial use, although one observational study found that the
protective effect of antimicrobials lasted only for the first four days of catheterization, and that
antimicrobial exposure led to changes in the epidemiology of bacterial flora in the urine.

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Evidence Review Table 1B. What are the risk factors for CAUTI?
1B.1. Following aseptic insertion of the urinary catheter, maintain a closed drainage system.
(Category IB)a

1B.2. Insert catheters only for appropriate indications, and leave in place only as long as
needed. (Category IB)b

1B.3. Minimize urinary catheter use and duration of use in all patients, particularly those at
higher risk for CAUTI such as women, the elderly, and patients with impaired
immunity. (Category IB)

1B.4. Ensure that only properly trained persons (e.g., hospital personnel, family members, or
patients themselves) who know the correct technique of aseptic catheter insertion and
maintenance are given this responsibility. (Category IB)

1B.5. Maintain unobstructed urine flow. (Category IB)c

More data are available under Question 2B.
More data are available under Question 2C.
More data are available under Question 2D.

Q1C. What populations are at highest risk of mortality from urinary catheters?

To answer this question, we reviewed the quality of evidence for those risk factors examined in
more than one study. The evidence for this question consists of 2 observational studies.7,74 The
findings of the evidence review and the grades for all important outcomes are shown in
Evidence Review Table 1C.

Low-quality evidence suggested that older age, higher severity of illness, and being on an
internal medicine service compared to a surgical service were independent risk factors for
mortality in patients with indwelling urinary catheters. Both studies evaluating these risk factors
found the highest risk of mortality in patients over 70 years of age. Low-quality evidence also
suggested that CAUTI was a risk factor for mortality in patients with catheters.

Evidence Review Table 1C. What populations are at highest risk of mortality from
1C.1. Minimize urinary catheter use and duration in all patients, particularly those who may
be at higher risk for mortality due to catheterization, such as the elderly and patients
with severe illness. (Category IB)

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Q2. For those who may require urinary catheters, what are the best
To answer this question, we focused on four subquestions:
A. What are the risks and benefits associated with different approaches to catheterization?
B. What are the risks and benefits associated with different types of catheters or collecting
C. What are the risks and benefits associated with different catheter management techniques
D. What are the risks and benefits associated with different systems interventions?

Q2A. What are the risks and benefits associated with different approaches to
The available data examined the following comparisons of different catheterization approaches:
1. External versus indwelling urethral
2. Intermittent versus indwelling urethral
3. Intermittent versus suprapubic
4. Suprapubic versus indwelling urethral
5. Clean intermittent versus sterile intermittent
For all comparisons, we considered SUTI, bacteriuria/unspecified UTI, or combinations of these
outcomes depending on availability, as well as other outcomes critical to weighing the risks and
benefits of different catheterization approaches. The evidence for this question consists of 6
systematic reviews,37,104-108 16 RCTs,62,63,109-122 and 18 observational studies.54,73,81,84,123-136 The
findings of the evidence review and the grades for all important outcomes are shown in
Evidence Review Table 2A

Q2A.1. External versus indwelling urethral

Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of using external catheters over indwelling urethral
catheters in male patients who require a urinary collection device but do not have an indication
for an indwelling catheter such as urinary retention or bladder outlet obstruction.81,109,123 This
was based on a decreased risk of a composite outcome of SUTI, bacteriuria, or death as well as
increased patient satisfaction with condom catheters. Differences were most pronounced in men
without dementia. Statistically significant differences were not found or reported for the
individual CAUTI outcomes or death. Our search did not reveal data on differences in local
complications such as skin maceration or phimosis.

Q2A.2. Intermittent versus indwelling urethral

Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of using intermittent catheterization over indwelling
urethral catheters in selected populations.84,104-106,110-114,124-126,135,136 This was based on a
decreased risk of SUTI and bacteriuria/unspecified UTI but an increased risk of urinary retention
in postoperative patients with intermittent catheterization. In one study, urinary retention and
bladder distension were avoided by performing catheterization at regular intervals (every 6-8
hrs) until return of voiding. Studies of patients with neurogenic bladder most consistently found a
decreased risk of CAUTI with intermittent catheterization. Studies in operative patients whose
catheters were removed within 24 hrs of surgery found no differences in bacteriuria with
intermittent vs. indwelling catheterization, while studies where catheters were left in for longer
durations had mixed results. Our search did not reveal data on differences in patient

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Q2A.3. Intermittent versus suprapubic

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of intermittent over suprapubic catheterization in
selected populations115,116,134-136 based on increased patient acceptability and decreased risk of
urinary complications (bladder calculi, vesicoureteral reflux, and upper tract abnormalities).
Although we found a decreased risk of bacteriuria/unspecified UTI with suprapubic
catheterization, there were no differences in SUTI. The populations studied included women
undergoing urogynecologic surgery and spinal cord injury patients.
Q2A.4. Suprapubic versus indwelling urethral
Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of suprapubic catheters over indwelling urethral
catheters in selected populations.37,62,104,107,108,128-133,135,136 This was based on a decreased risk of
bacteriuria/unspecified UTI, recatheterization, and urethral stricture, and increased patient
comfort and satisfaction. However, there were no differences in SUTI and an increased risk of
longer duration of catheterization with suprapubic catheters. Studies involved primarily
postoperative and spinal cord injury patients. Our search did not reveal data on differences in
complications related to catheter insertion or the catheter site.
Q2A.5. Clean intermittent versus sterile intermittent
Moderate-quality evidence suggested no benefit of using sterile over clean technique for
intermittent catheterization.63,73,105,117-122 No differences were found in the risk of SUTI or
bacteriuria/unspecified UTI. Study populations included nursing home residents and adults and
children with neurogenic bladder/spinal cord injury.

Evidence Review Table 2A. What are the risks and benefits associated with different
approaches to catheterization?
2A.1. Consider using external catheters as an alternative to indwelling urethral catheters in
cooperative male patients without urinary retention or bladder outlet obstruction.
(Category II)
2A.2. Intermittent catheterization is preferable to indwelling urethral or suprapubic catheters
in patients with bladder emptying dysfunction. (Category II)
2A.3. If intermittent catheterization is used, perform it at regular intervals to prevent bladder
overdistension. (Category IB)
2A.4. For operative patients who have an indication for an indwelling catheter, remove the
catheter as soon as possible postoperatively, preferably within 24 hours, unless there
are appropriate indications for continued use. (Category IB)*
2A.5. Further research is needed on the risks and benefits of suprapubic catheters as an
alternative to indwelling urethral catheters in selected patients requiring short- or long-
term catheterization, particularly with respect to complications related to catheter
insertion or the catheter site. (No recommendation/unresolved issue)
2A.6. In the non-acute care setting, clean (i.e., non-sterile) technique for intermittent
catheterization is an acceptable and more practical alternative to sterile technique for
patients requiring chronic intermittent catheterization. (Category IA)
* More data are available under Question 2C

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Q2B. What are the risks and benefits associated with different catheters or collecting

The available data examined the following comparisons between different types of catheters
and drainage systems:

1. Antimicrobial/antiseptic catheters vs. standard catheters

a. Silver-coated catheters vs. standard catheters
b. Nitrofurazone-impregnated catheters vs. standard catheters
2. Hydrophilic catheters vs. standard catheters
3. Closed vs. open drainage systems
4. Complex vs. simple drainage systems
5. Preconnected/sealed junction catheters vs. standard catheters
6. Catheter valves vs. catheter bags

For all comparisons, we considered CAUTI outcomes as well as other outcomes critical to
weighing the risks and benefits of different types of catheters or collecting systems. The
evidence for this question consists of 5 systematic reviews,37,137-140 17 RCTs,64,143-158 23
observational studies,82,86,89,97,159-163, 165-178 and 3 economic analyses.179180,181 The findings of the
evidence review and the grades for all important outcomes are shown in Evidence Review
Table 2B.

Q2B.1.a. Silver-coated catheters vs. standard catheters

Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of silver-coated catheters over standard latex

catheters.37,82,86,137-139,143,159-163, 165,166 This was based on a decreased risk of
bacteriuria/unspecified UTI with silver-coated catheters and no evidence of increased urethral
irritation or antimicrobial resistance in studies that reported data on microbiological outcomes.
Differences were significant for silver alloy-coated catheters but not silver oxide-coated
catheters. In a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (see Appendix), silver alloy-coated
catheters reduced the risk of asymptomatic bacteriuria compared to standard latex catheters
(control latex catheters were either uncoated or coated with hydrogel, Teflon, or silicone),
whereas there were no differences when compared to standard, all silicone catheters. The
effect of silver alloy catheters compared to latex catheters was more pronounced when used in
patients catheterized <1 week. The results were robust to inclusion or exclusion of non peer-
reviewed studies. Only one observational study found a decrease in SUTI with silver alloy-
coated catheters.166 The setting was a burn referral center, where the control catheters were
latex, and patients in the intervention group had new catheters placed on admission, whereas
the control group did not. Recent observational studies in hospitalized patients found mixed
results for bacteriuria/unspecified UTI.

Q2B.1.b. Nitrofurazone-impregnated catheters vs. standard catheters

Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of nitrofurazone-impregnated catheters in patients

catheterized for short periods of time.137,138 This was based on a decreased risk of bacteriuria
and no evidence of increased antimicrobial resistance in studies that reported microbiological
outcomes. Differences were significant in a meta-analysis of three studies examining
nitrofurazone-impregnated catheters (only one individual study significant) when duration of
catheterization was <1 week. No differences were seen when duration of catheterization was >1
week, although the meta-analysis was borderline significant.

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Q2B.2. Hydrophilic catheters vs. standard catheters

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of hydrophilic catheters over standard non-
hydrophilic catheters in specific populations undergoing clean intermittent catheterization.137,144-
This was based on a decreased risk of SUTI, bacteriuria, hematuria, and pain during
insertion, and increased patient satisfaction. Differences in CAUTI outcomes were limited to one
study of spinal cord injury patients and one study of patients receiving intravesical
immunochemoprophylaxis for bladder cancer, while multiple other studies found no significant

Q2B.3. Closed vs. open drainage systems

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of using a closed rather than open urinary
drainage system.89,171 This was based on a decreased risk of bacteriuria with a closed drainage
system. One study also found a suggestion of a decreased risk of SUTI, bacteremia, and UTI-
related mortality associated with closed drainage systems, but differences were not statistically
significant. Sterile, continuously closed drainage systems became the standard of care based
on an uncontrolled study published in 1966 demonstrating a dramatic reduction in the risk of
infection in short-term catheterized patients with the use of a closed system.23 Recent data also
include the finding that disconnection of the drainage system is a risk factor for bacteriuria

Q2B.4. Complex vs. simple drainage systems

Low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of complex closed urinary drainage systems over
simple closed urinary drainage systems.150-152,154,172,176,177 Although there was a decreased risk
of bacteriuria with the complex systems, differences were found only in studies published before
1990, and not in more recent studies. The complex drainage systems studied included various
mechanisms for reducing bacterial entry, such as antiseptic-releasing cartridges at the drain
port of the urine collection bag; see evidence table for systems evaluated.

Q2B.5. Preconnected/sealed junction catheters vs. standard catheters

Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of using preconnected catheters with junction seals
over catheters with unsealed junctions to reduce the risk of disconnections.64,153,156,175 This was
based on a decreased risk of SUTI and bacteriuria with preconnected sealed catheters. Studies
that found differences had higher rates of CAUTI in the control group than studies that did not
find an effect.

Q2B.6. Catheter valves vs. drainage bags

Moderate-quality evidence suggested a benefit of catheter valves over drainage bags in

selected patients with indwelling urinary catheters.140 Catheter valves led to greater patient
satisfaction but no differences in bacteriuria/unspecified UTI or pain/bladder spasms. Details
regarding the setting for recruitment and follow-up of the patients in the studies were unclear,
and the majority of subjects were men. Our search did not reveal data on the effect of catheter
valves on bladder function, bladder/urethral trauma, or catheter blockage.

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Evidence Review Table 2B. What are the risks and benefits associated with different
catheters or collecting systems?
2B.1. If the CAUTI rate is not decreasing after implementing a comprehensive strategy to
reduce rates of CAUTI, consider using antimicrobial/antiseptic-impregnated catheters.
The comprehensive strategy should include, at a minimum, the high priority
recommendations for urinary catheter use, aseptic insertion, and maintenance (see
Section III. Implementation and Audit). (Category IB)

2B.1.a. Further research is needed on the effect of antimicrobial/antiseptic-impregnated

catheters in reducing the risk of symptomatic UTI, their inclusion among the primary
interventions, and the patient populations most likely to benefit from these catheters.
(No recommendation/unresolved issue)

2B.2. Hydrophilic catheters might be preferable to standard catheters for patients requiring
intermittent catheterization. (Category II)

2B.3. Following aseptic insertion of the urinary catheter, maintain a closed drainage system.
(Category IB)

2B.4. Complex urinary drainage systems (utilizing mechanisms for reducing bacterial entry
such as antiseptic-release cartridges in the drain port) are not necessary for routine
use. (Category II)

2B.5. Urinary catheter systems with preconnected, sealed catheter-tubing junctions are
suggested for use. (Category II)

2B.6. Further research is needed to clarify the benefit of catheter valves in reducing the risk
of CAUTI and other urinary complications. (No recommendation/unresolved issue)

Q2C. What are the risks and benefits associated with different catheter
management techniques?

The available data examined the following catheter management techniques:

1. Antimicrobial prophylaxis
2. Urinary antiseptics (i.e., methanamine)
3. Bladder irrigation
4. Antiseptic instillation in the drainage bag
5. Periurethral care
6. Routine catheter or bag change
7. Catheter lubricants
8. Securing devices
9. Bacterial interference
10. Catheter cleansing
11. Catheter removal strategies (clamping vs. free drainage prior to removal, postoperative
duration of catheterization)
12. Assessment of urine volumes

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

For all comparisons, we considered CAUTI outcomes as well as other outcomes critical to
weighing the risks and benefits of different catheter management techniques. The evidence for
this question consists of 6 systematic reviews,37,105,106,182-184 56 RCTs,60,61,65-69,143,158,158,185-231 34
observational studies,83,85,88,90,96,102,133,167,178,232-258 and 1 economic analysis.180 The findings of the
evidence review and the grades for all important outcomes are shown in Evidence Review
Table 2C.

Q2C.1. Antimicrobial prophylaxis

Low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of antimicrobial prophylaxis in patients undergoing

short-term catheterization.37,60,61,83,85,133,158,178,182,185,186,189-191,232-234 This was based on
heterogeneous results for SUTI and bacteriuria/unspecified UTI and no adverse events related
to antimicrobials. Lack of consistency in specific factors, such as patient population,
antimicrobial agents, timing of administration, and duration of follow-up, did not allow for a
summary of evidence of the effect of antimicrobial prophylaxis on CAUTI in patients undergoing
short term catheterization. Only two studies evaluated adverse events related to antimicrobials.
Our search did not reveal data on antimicrobial resistance or Clostridium difficile infection.

Low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of antimicrobial prophylaxis in patients undergoing

long-term catheterization (indwelling and clean intermittent catheterization).106,183,192,194,235,238
This was based on a decreased risk of bacteriuria, heterogeneous results for SUTI, and no
differences reported for catheter encrustation or adverse events, although data were sparse.
One systematic review suggested an increase in antimicrobial resistance with antimicrobial use.

Q2C.2. Urinary antiseptics

Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of methenamine for short-term catheterized

patients.196,197 This was based on a reduced risk of SUTI and bacteriuria and no differences in
adverse events. Evidence was limited to two studies of patients following gynecological surgery
in Norway and Sweden.

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of methanamine for long-term catheterized

patients.106,236-239 This was based on a reduced risk of encrustation but no differences in risk of
SUTI or bacteriuria. Data on encrustation was limited to one study. Studies involved primarily
elderly and spinal cord injury patients with chronic indwelling catheters

Q2C.3. Bladder irrigation

Low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of bladder irrigation in patients with indwelling or

intermittent catheters.66,69,199-206,240-242 This was based on no differences in SUTI and
heterogeneous findings for bacteriuria.

Q2C.4. Antiseptic instillation in the drainage bag

Low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of antiseptic instillation in urinary drainage

bags.90,207-211,243-245 This was based on no differences in SUTI and heterogeneous results for

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Q2C.5. Periurethral care

Low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of antiseptic meatal cleaning regimens before or

during catheterization to prevent CAUTI.65,67,68,88,158,212-216,246,247 This was based on no difference
in the risk of bacteriuria in patients receiving periurethral care regimens compared to those not
receiving them. One study found a higher risk of bacteriuria with cleaning of the urethral
meatus-catheter junction (either twice daily application of povidine-iodine or once daily cleaning
with a non-antiseptic solution of green soap and water) in a subgroup of women with positive
meatal cultures and in patients not receiving antimicrobials. Periurethral cleaning with
chlorhexidine before catheter insertion did not have an effect in two studies.

Q2C.6. Routine catheter or bag change

Low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of routine catheter or drainage bag changes to

prevent CAUTI.102,217-219,248,249 This was based on no difference or an increased risk of SUTI and
no difference in bacteriuria with routine compared to as-needed changes or with more frequent
changing intervals. One study in nursing home residents found no differences in SUTI with
routine monthly catheter changes compared to changing only for obstruction or infection, but the
study was underpowered to detect a difference. Another study in home care patients found an
increased risk of SUTI when catheters were changed more frequently than monthly.

Q2C.7. Catheter lubricants

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of using lubricants for catheter insertion.167,220-
This was based on a decreased risk of SUTI and bacteriuria with the use of a pre-
lubricated catheter compared to a catheter lubricated by the patient and a decreased risk of
bacteriuria with use of a lubricant versus no lubricant. Studies were heterogeneous both in the
interventions and outcomes studied. Several studies comparing antiseptic lubricants to non-
antiseptic lubricants found no significant differences.

Q2C.8. Securing devices

Low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of using catheter securing devices to prevent

CAUTI.224 This was based on no significant difference in the risk of SUTI or meatal erosion. The
only study in this category looked at one particular product.

Q2C.9. Bacterial interference

Moderate-quality evidence suggested a benefit of using bacterial interference in catheterized

patients.225 In the one study evaluating this intervention, urinary colonization with a non-
pathogenic Escherichia coli was associated with a decreased risk of SUTI in adults with spinal
cord injury and a history of frequent CAUTI.

Q2C.10. Catheter cleansing

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of wet versus dry storage procedures for
catheters used in clean intermittent catheterization.255 This was based on a decreased risk of
SUTI with a wet storage procedure in one study of spinal cord injury patients undergoing clean
intermittent catheterization compared to a dry storage procedure where the catheter was left to
air dry after washing. In the wet procedure, the catheter was stored in a dilute povidone-iodine
solution after washing with soap and water.

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

Q2C.11. Catheter removal strategies

a. Clamping vs. free drainage prior to removal

Low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of clamping versus free drainage before catheter
removal.37,184 This was based on no difference in risk of bacteriuria, urinary retention, or
recatheterization between the two strategies. One study comparing a clamp and release
strategy to free drainage over 72 hours found a greater risk of bacteriuria in the clamping group.

b. Postoperative duration of catheterization

Moderate-quality evidence suggested a benefit of shorter versus longer postoperative durations

of catheterization.37,184,227,228 This was based on a decreased risk of bacteriuria/unspecified UTI,
decreased time to ambulation and length of stay, no differences in urinary retention and SUTI,
and increased risk of recatheterization. Significant decreases in bacteriuria/unspecified UTI
were found specifically for comparisons of 1 day versus 3 or 5 days of postoperative
catheterization. Recatheterization risk was greater in only one study comparing immediate
removal to removal 6 or 12 hours after hysterectomy.

Q2C.12. Assessment of urine volumes

Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of using portable ultrasound to assess urine volume in
patients undergoing intermittent catheterization.229,230 This was based on fewer catheterizations
but no reported differences in risk of unspecified UTI. Patients studied were adults with
neurogenic bladder in inpatient rehabilitation centers. Our search did not reveal data on the use
of ultrasound in catheterized patients in other settings.

Evidence Review Table 2C. What are the risks and benefits associated with different
catheter management techniques?
2C.1. Unless clinical indications exist (e.g., in patients with bacteriuria upon catheter removal
post urologic surgery), do not use systemic antimicrobials routinely as prophylaxis for
UTI in patients requiring either short or long-term catheterization. (Category IB)
2C.2.a. Further research is needed on the use of urinary antiseptics (e.g., methanamine) to
prevent UTI in patients requiring short-term catheterization. (No
recommendation/unresolved issue)
2C.2.b. Further research is needed on the use of methanamine to prevent encrustation in
patients requiring chronic indwelling catheters who are at high risk for obstruction. (No
recommendation/unresolved issue)
2C.3.a. Unless obstruction is anticipated (e.g., as might occur with bleeding after prostatic or
bladder surgery), bladder irrigation is not recommended. (Category II)
2C.3.b. Routine irrigation of the bladder with antimicrobials is not recommended. (Category II)
2C.4. Routine instillation of antiseptic or antimicrobial solutions into urinary drainage bags is
not recommended. (Category II)
2C.5.a. Do not clean the periurethral area with antiseptics to prevent CAUTI while the catheter
is in place. Routine hygiene (e.g., cleansing of the meatal surface during daily bathing)
is appropriate. (Category IB)

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

2C.5.b. Further research is needed on the use of antiseptic solutions vs. sterile water or saline
for periurethral cleaning prior to catheter insertion. (No recommendation/unresolved
2C.6. Changing indwelling catheters or drainage bags at routine, fixed intervals is not
recommended. Rather, catheters and drainage bags should be changed based on
clinical indications such as infection, obstruction, or when the closed system is
compromised. (Category II)
2C.7.a. Use a sterile, single-use packet of lubricant jelly for catheter insertion. (Category IB)
2C.7.b. Routine use of antiseptic lubricants is not necessary. (Category II)
2C.8. Further research is needed on the use of bacterial interference to prevent UTI in
patients requiring chronic urinary catheterization. (No recommendation/unresolved
2C.9. Further research is needed on optimal cleaning and storage methods for catheters
used for clean intermittent catheterization. (No recommendation/unresolved issue)
2C.10.a. Clamping indwelling catheters prior to removal is not necessary. (Category II)
2C.10.b. Insert catheters only for appropriate indications, and leave in place only as long as
needed. (Category IB)
2C.10.c. For operative patients who have an indication for an indwelling catheter, remove the
catheter as soon as possible postoperatively, preferably within 24 hours, unless there
are appropriate indications for continued use. (Category IB)
2C.11.a. Consider using a portable ultrasound device to assess urine volume in patients
undergoing intermittent catheterization to assess urine volume and reduce
unnecessary catheter insertions. (Category II)
2C.11.b. Further research is needed on the use of a portable ultrasound device to evaluate for
obstruction in patients with indwelling catheters and low urine output. (No
recommendation/unresolved issue)

Q2D. What are the risks and benefits associated with different systems interventions?

The available data examined the following systems interventions:

1. Infection control/quality improvement programs (multifaceted)
2. Catheter reminders
3. Bacteriologic monitoring
4. Hand hygiene
5. Patient placement
6. Catheter team versus self-catheterization
7. Feedback
8. Nurse-directed catheter removal

We considered CAUTI outcomes, duration of catheterization, recatheterization, and

transmission of pathogens when weighing the risks and benefits of different systems
interventions. The evidence for this question consists of 1 RCT259 and 19 observational

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studies.3,25,260-276 The findings of the evidence review and the grades for all important outcomes
are shown in Evidence Review Table 2D.

Q2D.1. Multifaceted infection control/quality improvement programs

Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of multifaceted infection control/quality improvement

programs to reduce the risk of CAUTI.3,260-267 This was based on a decreased risk of SUTI,
bacteriuria/unspecified UTI, and duration of catheter use with implementation of such programs.
Studies evaluated various multifaceted interventions. The studies with significant findings
1. education and performance feedback regarding compliance with catheter care, emphasizing
hand hygiene, and maintaining unobstructed urine flow;
2. computerized alerts to physicians, nurse-driven protocols to remove catheters, and use of
handheld bladder scanners to assess for urinary retention;
3. guidelines and education focusing on perioperative catheter management; and
4. a multifaceted infection control program including guidelines for catheter insertion and
A program using a checklist and algorithm for appropriate catheter use also suggested a
decrease in unspecified UTI and catheter duration, but statistical differences were not reported.

Q2D.2. Reminders

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of using urinary catheter reminders to prevent
CAUTI.268-270 This was based on a decreased risk of bacteriuria and duration of catheterization
and no differences in recatheterization or SUTI when reminders were used. Reminders to
physicians included both computerized and non-computerized alerts about the presence of
urinary catheters and the need to remove unnecessary catheters.

Q2D.3. Bacteriologic monitoring

Very low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of bacteriologic monitoring to prevent

CAUTI.25,271 Although one study found a decreased risk of bacteriuria during a period of
bacteriologic monitoring and feedback, only 2% of SUTI episodes were considered potentially
preventable with the use of bacteriologic monitoring.

Q2D.4. Hand hygiene

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of using alcohol hand sanitizer in reducing
CAUTI. This was based on one study in a rehabilitation facility that found a decrease in
unspecified UTI, although no statistical differences were reported.272 A separate multifaceted
study that included education and performance feedback on compliance with catheter care and
hand hygiene showed a decrease in risk of SUTI.265

Q2D.5. Patient placement

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of spatially separating patients to prevent

transmission of urinary pathogens.273 This was based on a decreased risk of transmission of
urinary bacterial pathogens in nursing home residents in separate rooms compared to residents
in the same rooms.

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Q2D.6. Catheter team versus self-catheterization

Very low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of a catheter team to prevent CAUTI among
patients requiring intermittent catheterization.274 This was based on one study showing no
difference in unspecified UTI between use of a catheter care team and self-catheterization for
intermittent catheterization in paraplegic patients.

Q2D.7. Feedback

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of using nursing feedback to prevent CAUTI.275
This was based on a decreased risk of unspecified UTI during an intervention where nursing
staff were provided with regular reports of unit-specific rates of CAUTI.

Q2D.8. Nurse-directed catheter removal

Very low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of a nurse-directed catheter removal program to

prevent CAUTI.276 This was based on a decreased risk of unspecified UTI during an intervention
where criteria were developed that allowed a registered nurse to remove a catheter without a
physicians order when no longer medically necessary. Of the three intensive care units where
the intervention was implemented, differences were significant only in the coronary intensive
care unit.

Evidence Review Table 2D. What are the risks and benefits associated with different
systems interventions?
2D.1.a. Ensure that healthcare personnel and others who take care of catheters are given
periodic in-service training stressing the correct techniques and procedures for urinary
catheter insertion, maintenance, and removal. (Category IB)
2D.1.b. Implement quality improvement (QI) programs or strategies to enhance appropriate
use of indwelling catheters and to reduce the risk of CAUTI based on a facility risk
assessment. (Category IB)
Examples of programs that have been demonstrated to be effective include:
1. A system of alerts or reminders to identify all patients with urinary catheters and
assess the need for continued catheterization
2. Guidelines and protocols for nurse-directed removal of unnecessary urinary
3. Education and performance feedback regarding appropriate use, hand hygiene,
and catheter care
4. Guidelines and algorithms for appropriate peri-operative catheter management,
such as:
a. Procedure-specific guidelines for catheter placement and postoperative
catheter removal
b. Protocols for management of postoperative urinary retention, such as nurse-
directed use of intermittent catheterization and use of ultrasound bladder
2D.2. Routine screening of catheterized patients for asymptomatic bacteriuria is not
recommended. (Category II)
2D.3. Perform hand hygiene immediately before and after insertion or any manipulation of
the catheter site or device. (Category IB)

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Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (2009)

2D.5. Maintain unobstructed urine flow. (Category IB)

2D.6. Further research is needed on the benefit of spatial separation of patients with urinary
catheters to prevent transmission of pathogens colonizing urinary drainage systems.
(No recommendation/unresolved issue)
2D.7. When performing surveillance for CAUTI, consider providing regular (e.g., quarterly)
feedback of unit-specific CAUTI rates to nursing staff and other appropriate clinical
care staff. (Category II)

Q3: What are the best practices for preventing UTI associated with
obstructed urinary catheters?
The available data examined the following practices:

1. Methods to prevent/reduce encrustations or blockage

2. Catheter materials preventing blockage

For this question, available relevant outcomes included blockage/encrustation. We did not find
data on the outcomes of CAUTI. The evidence for this question consists of 1 systematic
review,277 2 RCTs,278,279 and 2 observational studies.280,281 The findings of the evidence review
and the grades for all important outcomes are shown in Evidence Review Table 3.

Q3.1. Methods to prevent/reduce encrustations or blockage

Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of acidifying solutions or oral acetohydroxamic acid in

preventing or reducing catheter encrustations and blockage in long-term catheterized
patients.277,278,280,281 No differences were seen with daily catheter irrigation with normal saline.

Q3.2. Catheter materials preventing blockage

Low-quality evidence suggested a benefit of silicone over latex or Teflon-coated catheters in

prevention or reducing catheter encrustations in long-term catheterized patients who were prone
to blockage. No differences were seen with different materials in patients considered non-

Evidence Review Table 3. What are the best practices for preventing UTI associated with
obstructed urinary catheters?
3.1.a. Further research is needed on the benefit of irrigating the catheter with acidifying
solutions or use of oral urease inhibitors in long-term catheterized patients who have
frequent catheter obstruction. (No recommendation/unresolved issue)

3.2.a. Silicone might be preferable to other materials to reduce the risk of encrustation in
long-term catheterized patients who have frequent obstruction. (Category II)

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