21 Great Ways To Build A High Profit Business - Brian Tracy
21 Great Ways To Build A High Profit Business - Brian Tracy
21 Great Ways To Build A High Profit Business - Brian Tracy
Hello, I'm Brian Tracy and welcome to this program. Over the last 25
years, I have worked with hundreds of businesses, large and small,
from entrepreneurial start-ups to Fortune 500 corporations. I have
read thousands of books and articles, taken a Masters Degree in
Business and consulted with more than 500 businesses. I have saved
or made my clients many, many millions of dollars over the years by
helping them to apply the ideas you are going to learn in this
The fact is that 20% of the businesses in any industry make 80% of the
profits in that industry. Some companies, selling very much the same
product or service in the same market, earn ten times as much as
other companies. The question is, "Why are some businesses more
profitable than others?"
The very best thinking tool for ongoing flexibility is what I call "Zero-
Based Thinking." This requires that you continually ask yourself this
question, "Is there anything that I am doing in my business today
that, knowing what I now know, I wouldn't start up again today, if I
had to do it over?"
The inability to stop doing things that are no longer working and to
discontinue people who are no longer performing, is the primary
reason for failure in business. On the other hand, your ability to be
fast and flexible in the face of this dynamic market environment is the
key to your success and the success of your business.
To put these 21 power principles into action, you must be open to the
possibility that what you are doing today is no longer appropriate for
the current situation. You must learn to make three statements, over
and over again, for the rest of your business life.
First, you must learn to say, "I was wrong!" Fully 70% of your
decisions will turnout to be wrong in the fullness of time. The sooner
you realize that you are on the wrong road and turn back, the faster
you will get to your destination of business growth and high
You must be willing to say, "I made a mistake." The fact is that
everyone around you is aware that you have made a mistake and
they are just waiting for you to have the courage and character to face
up to it. The sooner you admit that you have made a mistake and
stop doing whatever it is, the faster you move toward your real goals.
The third statement that you must learn to say, over and over again
is, "I changed my mind." The superior executive is always willing to
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change his or her mind in the face of new information that challenges
the old ideas or the established way of doing things.
For you, your business and your people to perform at a high level,
they need a clear vision of what the business stands for and where it
is going. Why does your business exist at all? A mission must always
be defined in terms of how your business serves and benefits other
people. A good mission statement will contain a method by which
the mission is to be achieved. In addition, a good mission statement
will contain a measure so that an objective third party can assess
whether or not the business is living up to the mission that it set for
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To apply for the Baldridge Award for Quality, you must fill out a 50
page application and then invite Baldrigde inspectors to walk around
your company for many months. The inspectors are empowered to
stop any employee, at an level, and ask that employee what the
values, vision and mission of the company are. 95% of all the
employees that the Baldridge inspectors interview must be able to
give the answer without referring to notes. If the employees do not
know your values, vision and mission, the Baldridge inspectors close
the file and drop your application.
What are your corporate values? What is your vision for your
company in the years ahead? What is your mission and how will you
know that you have accomplished it? Why does your company exist
in the first place? What great service is your enterprise committed to
offering to the world? These are the most important questions of all
in building a high profit business.
Key number two: Determine exactly what business you are in.
It is absolutely amazing how many people are not quite sure what
business they are in, even though they work in that business all day
long. You always define your business from the point of view of your
customer. You always define the business you are in in terms of what
your products or services do for your customer. What effects do your
products or services have in the lives and work of your customer?
What are the specific benefits that your customers enjoy from using
your products or services?
What business are you in today, from the point of view of your
customer? What business will you be in tomorrow with the way
things are going in your industry? What business should you be in if
you want to survive and thrive in this dynamic and competitive
environment? What business could you be in if you were to make the
critical changes necessary to lead your field? Remember, the very
best way to predict the future is to create it. And, as Michael Kamay,
the strategic planner said, "Those who do not plan for the future
cannot have one."
Why does your potential customer buy from your competitors? What
would you have to do to get your non-customers to switch to your
products or services?
is perhaps the most important question that you ask and answer in
building and maintaining a high profit business.
Every company that survives and thrives has a specific and valued
competitive advantage that customers recognize and appreciate.
Every company that gets into trouble is a company that has either
lost its competitive advantage, relative to its competitors in the
marketplace, or a company that never had one at all.
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Jack Welch of General Electric is famous for his belief that you must
be either number one or number two in your industry or you must
get out and concentrate your resources where becoming number one
or number two is possible. He says, If you dont have competitive
advantage, dont compete! The major competitive advantages today
are Faster, Better, Cheaper combined with superb and timely
customer service. All the most successful and most profitable
companies offer high quality products and services and they offer
them quickly. In addition, they give excellent customer service which
they continually improve. As the result, they are amongst the most
successful companies in their industries.
Your ability to think well about your business today and about your
business in the future have an inordinate impact on the success and
profitability of your enterprise. All top executives are long term
thinkers. They project forward five years and think about where they
want to be and what they will have to be doing at that time in order
to achieve those goals.
you have to take today in order to begin developing those skills and
Your job is to stand back, think about the future, and then begin
taking steps in the short term to guarantee that you will achieve the
profitability that you desire in the long term. This ability to think
long term has never been more important or more valuable than it is
You have heard it said that , when you are up to your "you know
what" in alligators, it's hard to remember that you came here to drain
the swamp.
But this is not for you. You need to set clear targets for yourself and
for every part of your business. In fact, perhaps your most important
responsibility to your people is to give them a clear sense of direction
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There is a simple five part formula that you can use for the rest of
your career. It is called the "GOSPA Formula." "G" stands for Goals.
"O" stands for Objectives. These are the sub-goals that you will have
to accomplish in order to achieve your long term goal. If your one
year goal was a certain dollar level of profitability, your objectives
could be in the areas of sales, distribution, manufacturing, cost
control, staff development, technology installation and so on.
The third letter in GOSPA, "S" stands for Strategies. Your strategy is
the method that you are going to use to accomplish the objective on
the way to your goal. For example, with regard to sales, your strategy
could be to build an internal sales force. Your strategy could also be
to outsource all selling to a professional sales organization. And there
could be numerous sub-strategies within the single sales strategy.
The fourth letter in the GOSPA formula, "P," stands for Priorities.
What are the things that you will have to do first and what are the
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things that you will have to do second? Which items are more
important and which items are less important?
The final letter in the GOSPA formula is "A," which stands for
Activities. These are the specific daily functions that are clearly
delegated to specific individuals with standards of performance and
If you have thought out this process completely, each activity will be
determined by the current priorities. The achievement of the
priorities will lead to the accomplishing of the strategy. When your
strategy is carried out, you will achieve your objectives, and at the
end of the time period, you will have reached your goal of a specific
level of profitability.
the products and services that yield the highest possible profit to
your organization.
Too many companies are offering too many products and services, at
too many price points, to too many different markets, in too many
different ways. The proper strategy is for you to focus and
concentrate your corporate resources on those specific areas where
the highest levels of profitability are possible.
Make a list of every product or service you offer. Gather all of the
costs that are involved in bringing that product or service to the
market. Examine the level of sales volume of that product and then
determine exactly how much profit you make for each one of those
products or services that you sell.
You will find that, if you have a dozen products and services, one of
those products and services is yielding more profit that any of the
others. You will find that 20% of your products or services are
yielding 80% of the total profits of the business. You will also find
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that the 80% of products and services that are only giving you 20% of
the profits are probably consuming 80% of your costs of operation.
When you do the analysis, it is often surprising, and sometimes
Then, because you are a long term thinker, you should ask, "What are
going to be the high profit products or services of tomorrow? What
are the trends? What will we have to do today to be in a position to
dominate the high profit markets of the future?" This is a major key
to profitability.
The best executives spend 75% of their time walking around and
interacting with their staff. This enables them to get accurate and
timely feedback about what is going on, long before it ever appears
on a report or monthly statement.
Lou Gersner turned IBM around within one year by freeing up the
sales managers from paperwork and sending them out into the field
with their salespeople to visit customers and make sales. Since in the
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There are four levels of customer service in your business. The first is
to meet expectations. If all you do today is meet expectations, you are
living on borrowed time.
The key to high profitability is high sales. The key to business success
is high sales. The key to high stock prices and a great future for
yourself and others is high sales. On the other hand, the primary
reason for business failure is low sales. The primary cause for stress,
frustration, firings, takeovers and bankruptcies is low sales.
In the best companies, the sales and marketing people are the most
respected people of all. They are paid well and promoted faster. The
entire company thinks and talks about sales and customers all the
time, all day long.
The keys to great sales are simple. First, hire well. The best
companies have the best salespeople. And they have the best
salespeople because they hire them very carefully. Second, train them
thoroughly. The best and most profitable companies have the most
advanced sales training programs. The worst companies do no sales
training at all.
The fastest way for you to move to the front in your business is for
you to do more than you are paid for, for you to ask for or grab
additional responsibility and then get more and better results than
anyone expected. A company can only achieve high profits if it has
competent executives in every key position. The absence of just one
key executive in one key position can be enough to cause the
company to under perform.
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The best companies have the best people. The second best companies
have the second best people. The third best companies are on their
way out of business. Your ability to select good people and then to
manage them well is the critical determinant of the success of your
business. People are everything.
95% of your success will be determined by the people you hire for
key positions. 95% of your problems will come from having put the
wrong people in the wrong positions. The rule is for you to "hire slow
and fire fast." Interview people at least three times and check their
references carefully. Take your time. Be patient. And once you have
hired a person, provide someone to work with that person full time
until he or she feels comfortable with the job.
Fortunately, you can learn how to interview and hire good people. It
is a key skill, a key result area. Your ability to pick excellent people
can be the major factor in your success as an executive.
The rule is that you cannot expect people to perform at high levels
unless they have been thoroughly trained to perform at those levels.
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The president of a Fortune 500 company said recently that, "Our only
source of sustainable competitive advantage is our ability to learn
and apply new ideas faster than our competition."
You've heard it said that, "They don't care how much you know until
they know how much you care." Not only are the people the most
important asset of your business, but people are also completely
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emotional. People perform to the degree to which they feel that their
superiors care about them as individuals.
In today's tight labor markets, your ability to attract and keep good
people is vital to your success. And the better your people are, the
more demanding they are that they be treated with kindness,
courtesy, respect and openness.
Treat your staff as though they were members of your own family.
Treat them as though they were volunteers who were working
without pay and who could withhold their services at any time. Treat
them as though they have just received a job offer from another
company at a higher salary. Treat them as if your whole business and
future depends on them, because it does.
Only hire and keep people who are willing to put their whole heart
into the job and into making the company successful. Your very best
people will always be those with the highest level of personal
commitment to you and to getting results. Your biggest problems
will always come from people who are uncommitted in some way,
for some reason.
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The average person works at less than 50% of capacity. Many of them
complain, criticize and condemn on a regular basis. This form of
negativity undermines all your best efforts to build a top team.
You should do the same. Run a tight ship. Be deadly serious about
costs and expenses. Pay very close attention to every dollar that flows
in and out of the company. Cut out, cut back, and eliminate all non-
essential expenditures on a regular basis.
All good companies are very thoughtful and careful about money. As
a result, they make far better buying and selling decisions and turn to
be more profitable in the long term.
Strategic alliances are essential for the long term health and
prosperity of your company. Business is so complex today that the
only way you can succeed is by aligning yourself with a variety of
other business enterprises, at all levels, so that you can all perform at
your very best.
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Form strategic alliances with your suppliers and work together with
them to improve quality, delivery times and inventory levels. Form
strategic alliances with your customers so that they see you and your
business as an essential part of their business as well.
you, talk about you and describe you to others when you are not
A great rule for business success is this, "Only do those things that
you can do in an excellent fashion." If you can not do it in an excellent
fashion, better than any of your competitors, and you do not have the
resources to bring your standards up to that level, you should not be
in that area of business at all.
essential. Make any sacrifice, pay any price and even take any loss, if
necessary, to keep up your high standards. This will add to your
profitability as much or more than any other single factor.
with brand new products and services that enable them to become
giants in their industries. And this is only possible with a senior
executive focus, combined with substantial budgets, on developing
the products and services of tomorrow.
There was a study completed a few years ago entitled, "A great place
to work." In this study, they interviewed many thousands of
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First, the work was challenging and interesting. Second, there was a
high level of trust and support, which was demonstrated in that the
managers did not criticize people for making mistakes. This was an
extremely important part of a great place to work.
Third, people felt that they were "in the know." The company had
wide open communications, in all directions, and everybody felt as if
they were active participants in everything that was going on.
Fifth, the happiest employees said that they knew exactly what they
were supposed to do, and to what standard, and by what time.
Finally, in a great place to work, people felt that there were
opportunities for advancement based on hard work and excellent
positive, supportive and at the same time, result oriented boss. These
are the ingredients necessary to create a great morale, high
productivity, high levels of creativity and a loyal staff.
Let me summarize this message with a few key points. Perhaps the
most important is that the real key to business success is leadership.
The key to leadership is for you to accept 100% responsibility for
results, with no excuses, no complaining and no blaming of other
Be open to new ideas, all the time. Be willing to try something new
and different with no guarantees. Read, learn, discuss and seek forth
good ideas everywhere. Invite and encourage suggestions and input
from everyone.