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1921 - Timoshenko - On The Correction For Shear of The Diferential Equation For Transverse Vibrations

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[ r~4 ]

LXVI. 0~ the Correctionfor 8hear of the D~erential Equa-

tion for Transverse Vibrations of _Prismatic Bars. B:V
Prof. S. P. TI~tOS~IEI~KO*.
N studying the transverse vibrations of prismatic bars,
I we usually start from the differential equation

b~ + =0, . . . . . (1)
g bt "~
in which E [ denotes the flexural rigidity of the bar,
t~ the area of the cross-section,
and P- the density of the material.
When the "rotatory inertia" is taken into consideration,
the equation takes the form

EI~ - Ip b4# 4 p~b~y

~ b.~~i~ - a/~ =0. (~)

I now propose to show how the effect of the shear may be

taken into account in investigating transverse vibrations,
and I shall deduce the general equation of vibration, from
which equations (1) and (2) may be obtained as special
Fig. 1.
0 ~DC

Y 7

Let a b c d (fig. 1) be an element bounded by two

adjacent cross-sections of ~ prismatic bar. M and Q denote
respectively the bending moment and the shearing force.
Communicated by Mr. R. V. Southwell, M.A. Translated from
the Russian by Prof. M. G. Yatsevitch.
On the Transverse Vibratlol~sof Prismatic Bars. 745
The position of the element during vibration will be deter-
mined by the displacement of its centre of gravity and by
tha angular rotation ~b in the (x,y) plane : the axis Ox may
be taken as coinciding with the initial position of the axis
of the bar.
The angle at which the tangent to the curve into which
the axis of the bar is bent (the curve of deflexion) is inclined
to the axis Ox will differ from the angle ~b by the angle
9of shear 7. Hence, for very small deflexions, we may wrim
~ c = ~ +v. . . . . . . (3)
For determining M and Q we have the familiar expressions

M=--EI~, Q=XCI27=XCI2[~'Y--dp~,
\~ . (4)
where C denotes the modulus of rigidity, for the material of
Che bar, and ;~ is a constant which depends upon the shape
of the cross-section.
The equations of motion will now be : -
for the rotation--
5M ~ 5~q,.
~x da',T Qdx= ~ ~ - a x ,
or _p,i~}'q~q_XC~(~y_d?)
_~ . - - jOI ~'dp_
~t.~-o, (5)
if we substitute from equations (4) ;
for translation in the direction of O y - -

or pgn ~~ v - x c,a [5:y

_( ~ ~5-r~ ] - . . . . . (G)
Eliminating ~b from (5) arid (6), we obtain the required
equation in the form
EI ~)4y
P~ b~Y PI/'l+E ~ " ~4y
.q () t~ gk XC!~
p,[ ~4y
+ g2~,(
- ~ bt 4 =0. (7)
Introducing the notation
EIfl ,
pfl =a-, ~I = k ,
we may wr~te equation (7) in the form
746 On the Transverse Vibrations o f P r i s m a t i c B a r s .
In order to estimate the influence of the shear upon the
frequency of the vibrations, let us consider the case of a
prismatic bar with supported ends. The type of the
vibrations may be assumed to be given by
y = Y sin - u - c o s p , , t , . . . . . (9)

where 1 represents the length of tile bar, and p,~ is the re-
quired frequency. By substitution from (9) in equation (8),
we obtain the following equation for the frequency :
m%r4 m~qr~'k"~I . E '~ ~ k~p 4
~-~--pJ ~ (l+~,]p~ +g--z0,p, , = 0 . (aO)
[f only the first two terms on the left side of this equation
are retained (this will correspond to the equation (1)), we
?n27r~ ~.,Tp9
p m = a l.2 -- L~ , . . . . . (11)
where L = / represents the length of a wave.
By retaining the first three terms of equation (10) (i. e. by
neglecting the terms which involve X), we find
i~ ~7r2 ( f- 1 ~-'k='~
L-~/ . . . . . 02)

approximately: this result corresponds to equation (2),

where the rotatory inertia is taken into consideration.
By using the complete equation (10), and neglecting small
quantities of the second order, we find
Assuming the values
x ---3'
~ E=~C,
we have k-C ----4,
and hence we see that the correction for shear is four
times greater than the correction for rotatory inertia. The
value of the correction of course increases with a decrease in
the wave~length L, i. e., with an increase in m.
Yougoslavia, u
Summer 1920.

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