Comparison of Supersonic Bullet Ballistic Models For Accurate Localisation of Small Arms Fire
Comparison of Supersonic Bullet Ballistic Models For Accurate Localisation of Small Arms Fire
Comparison of Supersonic Bullet Ballistic Models For Accurate Localisation of Small Arms Fire
Research Article
Abstract: This study evaluates and compares the accuracies of five different ballistic models in predicting the speed profile of a
supersonic bullet using radar measured speed data for 36 types of bullets. Each of the five ballistic models is parameterised by
a ballistic constant and the muzzle speed of the bullet. In practice, each of these two parameters spans a wide range of values
because of the large number of different bullet types that are available for use in a variety of applications. For a given bullet
type, the bullet's ballistic constant and muzzle speed are determined by fitting the ballistic model to the data in a least-squares
(LS) sense, and the root-mean-square (RMS) and maximum absolute (MA) deviations of the LS fit of the model from the data
are computed. The best ballistic model (out of the five) is the one that has the smallest RMS and MA errors for the maximum
number of bullet types. This ballistic model has been applied to accurate ranging of small arms fire using a single sensor node,
with and without a priori knowledge of the model parameters, and its effectiveness for both cases is demonstrated using real
data recorded from a field experiment.
1Introduction supersonic bullet using Doppler radar measured speed data for 36
types of bullets which are manufactured for a variety of activities
The firing of a supersonic bullet produces two acoustic impulses including sports shooting, hunting, national defence, and law
[1, 2]: the muzzle blast (MB) generated during the launch of the enforcement. The best ballistic model is then used for ranging
bullet from the rifle and the ballistic shock wave (SW) generated small arms fire using a single sensor node, with and without a
by the supersonic flight of the bullet. There has been considerable priori knowledge of the ballistic model parameters.
research in locating the shooter (or point of fire) using both MB
and ballistic SW arrivals at a single sensor node (which consists of
a small array of sensors) [35], a network of sensor nodes [6, 7], or 2Ballistic models
distributed sensors [811]. For accurate localisation results, A supersonic bullet is subject to a gravitational force and a drag
especially for long range shooting, the deceleration of the bullet force as it travels along its trajectory. For flat fire, the gravitational
must be taken into account, and this is accomplished by force is much smaller than the drag force and can be ignored [14].
incorporating an external ballistics model of the bullet into the With this assumption, the trajectory of a supersonic bullet is
localisation algorithm [36, 10]. Experimental results obtained approximately linear. Let v(x) denote the supersonic speed of the
with a single sensor node at long firing ranges have shown that bullet at a range x from the point of fire. The drag force acting on
using an accurate ballistic (or speed) model for the bullet results in the supersonic bullet can be expressed as [12, 13]
much smaller range estimation bias errors than using a constant
speed model [4, 5]. The employment of a ballistic model for the d 1
bullet also enables the point of fire to be located using only the SW D = = D2 (1)
d 2
arrivals at a network of sensor nodes or distributed sensors [5, 12].
There are two different but equivalent approaches to this where m and A are the mass and cross-sectional area of the bullet,
localisation problem. The first approach [5] is to locate directly the respectively, is the air density, and CD is the drag coefficient
point of fire, while the second approach [12] is to first estimate the (dimensionless) . In many practical applications, if the elevation
bullet trajectory, which is then traced back to the point where the
angle of fire is <10, (1) can be used to derive an accurate
speed of the bullet equals its muzzle speed. In all cases, whether
expression for the speed of the bullet [14].
using both MB and SW or only SW, the ballistic model parameters:
The drag coefficient is given by [12, 13]
the muzzle speed of the bullet and its ballistic constant need to be
known a priori; any uncertainty in these parameters will degrade
the localisation accuracy.
D = (2)
Different ballistic models have been used to improve the
accuracy of localisation for small arms fire [35, 10, 12]. The
degree of improvement depends on how accurately the adopted where c is the speed of sound in air, is a factor that depends on
ballistic model predicts the speed profile of the bullet (which is the the actual shape of the bullet, and the exponent 0. Substituting
variation with distance travelled of the bullet's speed). Using (2) into (1) and rearranging the result yields
simulated data, Kozick et al. [13] studied the effect of mismatch
between a given ballistic model and the actual speed profile of the d
= 21
bullet on the localisation accuracy for the point of fire. The d
simulated data used in their study were generated using an accurate
ballistic model, assuming that this model predicted exactly the where Cb, referred to as the ballistic constant, is given by
speed profile of the bullet. In practice, Doppler radars are used to
provide accurate measurements of a bullet's speed along its 4
b = . (4)
trajectory. This paper evaluates and compares the accuracies of five
different ballistic models in predicting the speed profile of a
IET Radar Sonar Navig. 1
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Writing the left hand side of (3) as vdv/dx, then integrating both 3Model evaluation
sides of (3) with respect to x and imposing the initial condition: v=
V0 at x=0 gives an expression for the speed of the bullet as a The accuracies of the five different models in predicting bullet
speed profiles are evaluated using real data for 36 different types of
function of x (i.e. the speed profile) [4, 5]
bullets which are manufactured for a variety of activities including
sports shooting, hunting, national defence, and law enforcement.
1/ 1
() = 0 21
b , 0 ( ) (5) The speed profiles for these 36 types of bullets were obtained from
2 b 0 the manufacturer's data tables [15]. The data table for each type of
bullet (e.g. 0.338 Lapua Mag.) has columns for the calibre (8.6
where V0 is the muzzle (or initial) speed of the bullet. In (5), the mm70mm); product no. (N318020); type/weight/code
upper limit on x defines the maximum distance beyond which the (Naturalis/15.0g/N508); velocity at 0m (920m/s), 100m (835
bullet speed becomes subsonic. As Cb, v(x)V0 for all x m/s), 200m (753m/s), 300m (674m/s), 600m/s (473m/s), 800m
which, in the limit, is equivalent to the bullet travelling at a (375m/s); test barrel length (680mm). The bullet was fired in a
constant speed V0 [4, 5]. horizontal direction and its speed profile was measured using
The five different ballistic models [35, 10, 12, 13] considered Doppler radar, which provides the most accurate measurement of a
in this paper correspond to the five different values of : 0, 0.5, bullet's flight characteristics of any method yet devised [16]. With
0.514, 1, and 2. The five models are referred to as the exponential Doppler radar technology, the muzzle speed for each shot can be
speed (=0) [3, 13], quadratic speed (=0.5) [4, 5, 13], determined to be typically within 0.1m/s [16]. Multiple shots were
Duckworth (=0.514) [12], linear speed (=1) [10, 13], and used to measure the speed profile for each type of bullet. There are
constant drag force (=2) [13] models, respectively. a total of 36 data sets, each representing the radar measured speed
profile for a particular type of bullet. The speed data were available
2.1 Quadratic speed model (=0.5) at ranges of 0, 100, 200, 300, 600, 800, and for some bullet types,
900 and 1000m from the point of fire. Speed data falling below
When =0.5, (5) becomes 330m/s were discarded. The calibres of the 36 bullet types ranged
from 5.56 to 12.95mm, and the barrel lengths of the rifles ranged
() = 1/2
0 1
b , 0 b(1/2
0 1/2) . (6) from 510 to 960mm.
A least-squares (LS) fit of the ballistic model (5) (for a specific
The decreasing speed of the bullet is a quadratic function of the value of ) to the radar measured speed data for a given bullet type
distance travelled. Kozick et al. [13] referred to this model as the is given by
drag force model and used it to generate simulated data for their
^ 1 1/
study of the effect of model mismatch on the localisation accuracy ^
^ LS() = 0 2b , 1 (10)
for the point of fire.
^ ^
2.2 Duckworth model (=0.514) where K is the number of data points, and (0, b) are the values of
(V0, Cb) that provide the LS fit, or more precisely, that minimise
By postulating that the sound radiation (SW) dominates the drag the sum of the squared deviations of the observed bullet speeds
for supersonic bullets, Duckworth et al. [12] were able to find that from their predicted values
the exponent in the expression for the drag coefficient CD has a
numerical value of 0.514. Substituting =0.514 into (5) gives the
1/ 2
^ ^
Duckworth model. The decreasing speed of the bullet is a near- (0, b) = argmin ^ () 0 21
b (11)
(0, b) = 1
quadratic function of the distance travelled.
where ^ () is the observed bullet speed at range xk from the point
2.3 Exponential speed model (=0)
of fire. The root-mean-square (RMS) deviation rms and the
This model can be derived from (5) by taking the limit 0 maximum absolute (MA) deviation max of the LS fit of the
ballistic model from the speed data are defined, respectively, as
1 follows:
() = 0e , 0 (ln 0 ln ) . (7)
2 b
1 ^
The speed of the bullet decreases exponentially with the distance rms = () ^ LS() (12)
travelled. When =0, the drag coefficient CD as given by (2) is =1
independent of the bullet speed (i.e. CD=constant). Therefore, this
model is also called the constant drag coefficient model. max = max ^ () ^ LS() . (13)
2.4 Linear speed model (=1) The 36 data sets were processed in turn using (10)(13) for five
different values of : 0.5, 0.514, 0, 1, and 2, which correspond to
When =1, (5) becomes
the five specific ballistic models considered in this paper. The non-
1 linear LS minimisation (11) was implemented in MATLAB using
() = 0 21
b , 0 ( ) . (8) the optimisation toolbox function lsqnonlin. Figs. 1a and b show,
2 b 0
as examples, the LS fits of the respective quadratic speed and
The speed of the bullet decreases linearly with the distance constant drag force models to the radar measured speed data for
travelled (i.e. dv/dx=constant). bullet type 28, with the estimated values of (V0, Cb) shown on the
top of the associated figure. Fig. 2 shows for each of the 36 bullet
types, the values of (V0, Cb) that provide the LS fit of the quadratic
2.5 Constant drag force model (=2)
speed model to the corresponding set of radar measured speed data,
When =2, it can be shown using (1) and (2) that the drag force and Fig. 3 shows the resulting RMS error rms and the MA error
FD is independent of the bullet speed (i.e. FD=constant). max. Define the difference in RMS (MA) error between model k
Substituting =2 into (5) gives the constant drag force model and model 1 as the value of rms (max) for model k minus the value
of rms (max) for model 1, where 2k5 and models 15
1/2 1
() = 20 41
b , 0 (2 2) . (9) represent the quadratic speed, Duckworth, exponential speed,
4 b 0
linear speed, and constant drag force models, respectively. Fig. 4
shows (a) the difference in RMS error and (b) the difference in MA
= . (15)
1 cos
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