Blood Pressure Homeostasis Poster
Blood Pressure Homeostasis Poster
Blood Pressure Homeostasis Poster
By: Alexis Bishop, Matt Cassidy, Brittany Fung and Joell Vaca
STEM Marin, San Marin High School
Acknowledgement: We would like to thank Ms. Mathews for teaching us about homeostasis and providing
us with the tool we needed for our tests.
Hypothesis Materials Conclusion
We tested this to see how homeostasis We thought the runners blood pressure For our materials we used a
Our hypothesis was incorrect
affects our blood pressure. The brain, would rise when they stopped running the blood pressure cuff, the San
Marin track, a timer, and a because we thought the blood
heart, kidneys, and blood vessels are two laps around the San Marin Football pressure would rise but what we
the organs that regulate our bodies Field. discovered that after exercise
blood pressure. High blood pressure is Results blood pressure goes up quickly
linked to overactive nerves in the then slowly decreases. Overall,
sympathetic nervous system. A poor Abstract
the only things that really was
diet, lack of exercise, and certain successful was them running at a
2 test subjects ran 2 labs around
medication can cause blood pressure to constant speed throughout the
A track. We measured the variable of
raise. Our hypothesis was that after their blood pressure. We tested to see two laps that they ran. Our
running the two laps the runners blood how long it took after the run for the materials were provided by the
pressure will just increase. runners blood pressure to reach normal. As you can see, the results school which were not very
We discovered that the subjects blood for the first graph is functional. For our timing we
pressure rose quickly then slowly
inaccurate while the other couldve have gotten an more
drops below the resting blood pressure .
is more accurate than the accurate time while measuring
other. blood pressure after the run.