Battery Power
Battery Power
Battery Power
Volume 16, Issue 5 Inside this issue of
Editor & Publisher
David Webster
Director of Content
Nick Depperschmidt
Senior Editor
Shannon Given
PRBA Battery Proposals Adopted By UN Transport
Associate Editor
Heather Krier Sub-Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p 4
News Editors Jeremy Fleming,
Sue Hannebrink, Scott Webster
Manager of Administration The Use of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Uninterruptible
Marsha Grillo
Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p 6
Advertising, Sales and Marketing
Jeremy Fleming, Monitor Your Battery Cells for Superior Reliability p 10
Director of Sales
Jennifer Graham,
Marketing Assistant Juicing Up the Battery: Cutting Edge Research
Julie Hammond,
Production Manager Delivers Battery Enhancements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p 13
Director of Support Services
Marc Vang
PEM Fuel Cell Systems Reliable Backup Power
Source for Remote or Extended Run
3616) is published bi-monthly by
Power Outages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p 16
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Monitor Your Battery Cells for Superior Reliability
Chris Kaundart, Tech Writer What if your critical backup batteries are all discharged and
DPS Telecom power fails at a site? This is a far too common disaster because
many companies dont take their backup power seriously, even
Do you know the status of your remote site battery plants? if they think they do. With a battery monitor in place, you
Would you know if one individual cell was falling out of its would have known your batteries were discharging long before
ideal voltage or temperature range? At a lot of companies, bat- it became an issue. You might, for example, have dispatched a
tery cell monitoring is a commonly overlooked opportunity to portable generator that you might not have previously. These
reduce costs and improve reliability. kinds of simple outages and headaches arent hard to prevent;
This creates a huge problem. If youve ever had battery fail- the key is knowing theres a problem.
ures in the past, you know just how painful they can be. A single
bad cell can dramatically affect an entire string of batteries if you 2. Detect Problems with Individual Bad Cells
dont catch it early. An entire site could easily go dark if your Since a single bad battery cell can dramatically degrade the
batteries arent working properly or become fully discharged. performance of an entire string of batteries, its critical to deploy
Unfortunately, monitoring batteries isnt always as simple a thorough battery monitoring system. Monitoring the entire
as slapping a single voltage monitor on each string. To really string is better than no monitoring at all, but its not the most
understand the big picture, you need to understand a lot of little effective way to improve reliability.
pictures of cell voltage and temperature. A good battery monitor will have sensors to monitor each of
Monitoring your battery power doesnt have to be a hassle. cells individually, looking not just for low voltages but a differ-
Just follow this guide to learn more about effective battery volt- ence between the cells and the average of all the cells.
age monitoring.
3. Avoid Complete Battery Discharges
Your batteries wont be very useful if theyre completely
drained. Whats worse is that a drained string can, in some
cases, delay or prevent the site from coming back up even after
power has been restored. With a monitoring device in place,
you can set thresholds for notification. This means if the battery
power drops below a certain percentage, youll receive a notifi-
cation and can quickly respond.
Lets face it, batteries are a part of your safety net and nothing
is worse than a false sense of security. If your primary power
goes down, thats precisely when youll need your batteries the
most. If your units are drained or otherwise impaired, then your
site will go completely dark long before they should; meaning
the critical network gear both you and your customers rely on
will be down. Had you known that your backup batteries were
low, you could have ensured they werent completely discharged.
Monitor the health of individual battery cells
to improve the reliability of your batteries. 4. Monitor Temperature Issues
Its not enough to only monitor voltage. Battery cells can get
The Four Primary Benefits of Monitoring abnormally hot when they are failing, so including temperature
Your Batteries monitoring can help detect battery issues long before they can
Leaving your battery cells unmonitored opens the door for cause serious issues. Early notification gives the time needed to
far too many problems that are easily avoidable. Here are four respond to problems in a controlled manner. Including tem-
of the main benefits youll see when you deploy your own bat- perature monitoring with voltage monitoring is the only way to
tery monitoring system: thoroughly and completely monitor your battery cells.
1. Adequate Capacity
Some battery voltage monitoring systems dont support the
capacity to handle large quantities of battery cells. Its abso-
lutely essential that you have the full support to monitor each
battery cell, otherwise youll find yourself vulnerable to the
weakest link in the battery string. Most critical sites will have
A/B power battery systems. Look for a single device that is
capable of monitoring both strings of batteries. Not all strings
are created equal; make sure the solution can monitor a 125
VDC string.
2. SNMP Support
What good is a battery voltage monitor if it has no way of
reporting problems to you? With a device that supports SNMP,
youll be able to receive SNMP traps to a central NOC or master
station to notify you if theres an issue with the batteries. This
means you can easily bring battery monitoring under the SNMP
monitoring umbrella. Notifications are the key to preventing
outages caused by issues with the batteries.
3. 24/7 Notifications
When it comes to monitoring batteries, and therefore protect-
ing your uptime, you want true flexibility. Having the capabil-
ity to receive 24/7 notifications (via SMS text message, email,
voice alerts, etc.) about the status of your batteries can be the
difference between an outage and keeping power to your gear.
Even if you have a 24/7 NOC (network operations center),
receiving on-the-fly and mobile notifications can provide an
edge in avoiding preventable outages. Look for a battery moni-
tor that can send alerts via emails, SMS text messages, paging,
etc. With flexible alerts that can notify you out of the office, you
can be assured you wont be left in the dark.
Anu Cherian, Senior Industry Analyst in a number of applications has driven the market to maturity
Frost & Sullivan and intense price competition has made it a commodity product.
There are certain niche end user segments that always are ahead
The battery market is currently entrenched with several of the game and a commodity product is just not their forte. For
chemistries. Five decades ago, the lead acid battery was consid- example, the military is always a first responder to any cutting
ered the most versatile, with manufacturers using it for nearly all edge technology. The Army has invested in the development of
applications that needed energy storage. The advantages of long- in-house technology that is proprietary to their use. The military
standing nickel metal hydride (NiMH) were later realized, as is a key end user segment that always provides the initial impetus
it was replacing a very niche segment of the lead acid batterys towards the launch and commercialization of their technology.
applications. Alongside the NiMH was the nickel cadmium Soldiers already carry immense weight on their backs for
(NiCd), which was gradually slowing down as its counterpart basic necessities including food, first aid, as well as communi-
gained momentum due to its lighter weight and versatility of cation equipment, weapons and ammunition. Communication
use. However, the pace of development of the consumer elec- equipment require batteries as well as back-up batteries, all of
tronics markets were rapidly changing and even the NiMH bat- which need to recharge quickly. These factors have triggered
tery could not satisfy power requirements of new applications. It the need for an increase in lighter weight systems and more
was then that the years of research on lithium batteries paid off. energy density of the batteries themselves.
It became the appropriate fit for new electronic applications. The
main requirements were governed by a much smaller form fac- Army Scientists and Their Cutting Edge Work
tor and the lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery delivered just as much, if Scientists are looking for technology that needs to be easily
not more, power in a smaller architecture. available in addition to satisfying the power needs of the ap-
The well known characteristics of the lead acid battery are plications in play. For example, in radios used by soldiers, the
high energy density, low cost, easy availability and versatility time duration of the battery charge, recharge time, as well as the
of operation. However, the primary reason for the significant level of degradation over extensive use are important factors
growth of the lead acid battery was the ubiquity of its compo- that require significant evaluation prior to use. With all of this in
nent materials. Easy availability and market competition spurred mind, the military has funded millions of dollars toward battery
this technology forward. From an end-user standpoint, lead acid research. They have focused on intensifying the voltage per cell,
was well known in the every corner of the world. The term bat- thereby increasing the overall energy density of the system. Fur-
tery was synchronous with the lead acid chemistry. Hence, its thermore, additional research is being conducted on the use of
success was attributed to its early entry into the market and its ubiquitous materials that enable the soldier to carry the battery
low cost that made it easy for the common person to purchase easily in rough terrain. Ongoing research into this area began
and use it. almost five years ago and is estimated to be about a year away
from production and mass deployment to soldiers.
Battery Markets In everyday life, batteries may not seem to be particularly
The energy storage and battery chemistry markets are cur- heavy or obtrusive. But to provide a better picture of a soldiers
rently worth billions of dollars. With the advent of Li-Ion, there load, battery weight constitutes nearly 20 percent of the weight
has been a complementary revolution with mobile power tech- carried by a soldier. This is an average of 70 batteries per sol-
nology in cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs). dier, or about 50 to 70 pounds. Even a reduction of five pounds
Mobile, on-the-go power has driven several generations of tech- would be a huge step, although scientists are proposing reduc-
nology driven concepts. Beginning with Apples iPod, iPhone tions by 20 pounds per soldier.
and iPad, competition has picked up and the number of competi- R&D has not been able to increase the energy density dra-
tors in this field has driven the application markets into billions matically. Current progress is only at a rate of about 1 percent
of dollars. However, as is the case every year, the smallest and per year. Scientists are therefore trying to understand ways of
lightest weight device is just not sufficient enough, resulting in a tweaking the energy density of cells by increasing the voltage
push for another device that is smaller and lighter than the previ- inside a single cell. Understanding micro level characteristics
ous generation. of the cell, its functioning and means to increase voltage are
expected to create the necessary rectification to technology that
A Key End User Market can push it further into the market. While taking an internal look
Increase in the performance of battery chemistries is es- at battery technologies, the voltage per cell has been at a nomi-
sential for its application base to expand. The use of lead acid nal 4 volts (V) in the Li-Ion battery chemistry. Army scientists
are now recognizing means to increase the single cell voltage.
or adverse climatic conditions, they require basic
necessities such as a torch for light, water puri-
fication, battery run communication equipment,
among others. The biggest advantage would be a
versatile battery that can be used at low tempera-
tures. Temperatures in mountaineering signifi-
cantly decrease as the altitude of the explorer
increases. Trekking, biking, car and bike racing,
and a plethora of areas in sports could change
radically in the event of a moldable battery that
becomes available for commercial use.
Other possible uses for malleable and higher
energy dense batteries are in the world of con-
sumer electronics where the size of laptops could Mid-Continent Instrument Company, a leading manufacturer
be further reduced if the battery material could of acclaimed aircraft instruments, avionics and power supplies
be made to encompass the basic framework of is taking aviation to new heights. The companys True Blue
the laptop design. Power division is harnessing the power of Nanophosphate
lithium-ion cell technology to design the next generation
The Future: Unimaginable Possibilities of aircraft power solutions. Interested?
For Energy Storage
The need for increasing energy density is
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driving technological innovation in the energy
storage market. From the dissatisfaction with
lead acid batteries, to the innovation of new
Were hiring Electrical Engineers Battery Systems
alternatives such as ultracapacitors and fuel
Electrical Engineers Power Electronics
cells, there is an increased push to enable these Mechanical Engineers
technologies to move forward in the market. Certification Engineers
Advancements in each competing technology
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Kathy Fosberg dont always work effectively. A battery string can be expected
IdaTech to provide anywhere from one to four hours of backup power,
but battery functionality can be impacted by age, temperature,
In todays world, on-demand communications is needed deterioration of charge during down time and corrosion.
24/7/365, businesses, individuals, emergency systems and gov- In addition, there are environmental problems with the
ernments rely on their instant access to voice, data and/or video disposal of batteries. A diesel or propane generator, on its own
through their wireless devices to be able to function effectively. or in combination with batteries, provides longer backup. A
In order to provide customers with instant communications generators run time is based on how much fuel is available
anywhere in the world, wireless telecom companies have to con- for the generator and how much power is needed to replace the
struct and maintain cell phone towers, radio relay stations, etc., electricity lost from the grid outage. The problem with genera-
at times in remote areas where the grid reliability is marginal. tors is that they are noisy, produce noxious emissions and since
Despite grid outages, telecommunications engineers they have several moving parts, need a lot of maintenance,
must keep these sites operating without interruption to retain repair and lubrication.
customer loyalty and avoid the high cost and potentially life- In recent years, an alternative to the traditional backup
threatening situations that would arise from a wireless commu- electric power for telecom installations has become commer-
nications failure. cially available. It is the fuel cell. A fuel cell produces electricity
In anticipation of grid outages, most wireless telecom sites through an electrochemical reaction. The science behind fuel
have backup power systems, traditionally consisting of valve- cells is not new. It was discovered by Welsh lawyer-turned-
regulated lead acid (VRLA) battery strings and/or gensets. scientist William Robert Grove in 1838, but it wasnt until the
These traditional solutions arent always appropriate for mid 20th Century that the design and building of fuel cells with
sites requiring extended run times (days vs. hours), and they commercial potential was explored.
The type of fuel cell commercially available today and most
appropriate for use with wireless telecommunications sites is
the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell. These fuel
cells are compact, durable, reliable, quiet and operate at peak
efficiency in a wide range of climates (-40C to 50C) and
adverse weather conditions. In addition, they have few moving
parts (thus needing minimal maintenance), come in sizes rang-
ing from 250 W to 250 kW, can readily adjust their electronic
output to meet
shifting power
demands and of-
fer a high energy
density. Also,
fuel cells are fast
starting and can
begin deliver-
ing electricity
within seconds of
The typical
run time for one
of todays fuel cells operating on six bottles of hydrogen (one
bottle = 1 T-cylinder) is 10 hours at 5 kW of output power. For
longer run times, additional bottles of hydrogen can be hot-
swapped into the hydrogen storage cabinet. However, there can
be limitations as to how much extended backup run time can be
achieved by hot swapping bottles of hydrogen. The extended
backup run time can be limited by the amount of space for stor-
Real-Time Protection
- Monitor ALL the vital aspects of your batteries:
- String: (Voltage, Current)
- Jar/Cell: (Voltage, Internal Resistance, Connection Resistance & Temperature)
- Utilizes a patented ripple-removing algorithm for the most precise & repeated results in
any environment
- Comprehensive software for 24/7 monitoring
- Battery Trending & Reporting
- Displays VDC & IDC in Real-Time
- Sends message if battery is at warning or failure level
- Easy-to-Install with custom, pre-assembled installation materials
- Meets IEEE/NERC Recommendations for Battery Monitoring
SBS-ULTRA Internal Resistance Tester GL-1000 Constant Current 1,000 Watts Load Tester
Polarized, CR2 and CR123A Lithium Battery Holders Large pass through holes on the sides and bottom of the new
A broad selection of polarized shroud allow debris to freely flow through the shroud. This
SMT and THM CR2 and CR123A minimizes the chance of large debris being caught between the
lithium battery holders has joined shroud and displacer, while still protecting the internal com-
the Keystone Electronics roster. ponents from impact. Improved shroud and displacer designs
With polarized contacts, a princi- achieve a 0.20 inch lower shut off level while maintaining the
pal design feature, the advanced same overall valve length. This provides more room for electro-
design holders accommodate all lyte expansion inside the cell.
CR2 or CR123A batteries from The non-mechanical optical level indicator allows the opera-
major manufacturers. tor to verify that each cell has been properly filled after water-
Equipped with heat resistant ing. Millennium Plus+ features a built-in indicator that is inde-
Nylon housings, the entries are pendent from the valve function, giving a true reading even if
suited for traditional soldering and reflow processing. Surface the valve is damaged. The indicator simply signals the presence
mount types feature gold-plated phosphor bronze contacts as- of liquid, with black for full and white for water needed.
suring low contact resistance and solder joints where lead-free Flip tops are now color coded to match valves for quick
soldering or reflow processes are employed. Thru-hole mount valve length identification. These user-friendly access ports
versions are equipped with tin-plated phosphor bronze contacts. eliminate drilling cell covers and removing the watering system
A wide range of applications includes OEM photographic, medi- to check specific gravity levels.
cal, consumer and industrial electronics. A 35P (DIN) adapter for the standard bayonet style valve
is now available. The latest valve for GNB works on all GNB
Advancements Made to Millennium Plus+ batteries including Flooded Classic, Liberator and Titan. These
Flow-Rite has announced advancements to the Millennium improvements in versatility can save hundreds of dollars in in-
Plus+ single point battery watering system. The latest features ventory costs. In addition, valves are faster and easier to install
include a debris resistant shroud, lower shut off level, improved with the new ergonomic spanner tool.
versatility and a new ergonomic installation tool.
Secondary Cell
Test System
32 Test Positions
per Desktop
High Capabilities
for Single-Cell
Testing at a Very
Economical Price
such as the FPF2165R and FPF2195, are well suited for applica- approach for power-supply applications from 9 W to 90 W.
tions with physical connectors like USB and HDMI devices that LinkSwitch-HP devices automatically select their con-
may encounter large current conditions. Input power budget con- trol mode according to prevailing line and load conditions to
trol can be easily adjusted with a current limit with an external optimize conversion efficiency and response to transient load
resistor that offers reverse current blocking to prevent unwanted demands, while minimizing output ripple and audible noise.
reverse current when the device is turned off. The devices oper- Continuous-conduc-
ate in a constant-current mode to help protect against current tion-mode (CCM)
damage and maintain limited current after a current limit fault. operation results in
reduced RMS currents,
Power Integrations ICs Introduce Primary-Side leading to higher ef-
Regulation to Power Supplies Up to 90 Watts ficiency and less heat
Power Integrations has released the LinkSwitch-HP, a family dissipation, while 132
of energy-efficient, off-line switcher ICs that can deliver up to kHz, full-load operat-
90 W output power with accurate primary-side regulation (PSR). ing frequency enables
LinkSwitch-HP ICs utilize innovative control algorithms and the use of smaller
the properties of the main power transformer and output diode, magnetics and LC post-
instead of optocouplers and related feedback circuitry, to de- filter components. LinkSwitch-HP ICs are capable of no-load
termine the amount of power to deliver from the primary to the power consumption of less than 30 mW at 230 VAC and are
isolated secondary side. This method reduces component count, more than 50 percent efficient at 0.1 W input power, meeting all
saving space and cost while enhancing reliability. Popularized global energy efficiency regulations such as ErP (EuP), EN-
more than a decade ago with the advent of Power Integrations ERGY STAR EPS V2.0 and EC Ecodesign Directive Tier 2 for
LinkSwitch line, PSR is now standard in many low-power external power supplies.
applications such as mobile-phone chargers but until now has LinkSwitch-HP ICs feature a comprehensive protection suite,
lacked the constant-voltage accuracy required in higher-power including selectable current limit, programmable shutdown
products. LinkSwitch-HP devices feature a multi-mode control delay-time extension, brown-out, brown-in, overvoltage, over-
architecture that radically advances the PSR, making it a viable current and over-temperature protections.
on behalf of our client
Christa-McAuliffe-Str. 1 - 85521 Ottobrunn - Germany
Calendar of Events
18-19 - Battery Power 2012, Denver, Colo.
23-25 - Advanced Energy Solutions Conference,
San Diego, Calif.
13-15 - The Battery Show, Novi, Mich.
4-5 - Lithium Battery Power 2012, Las Vegas, Nev.
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