Handbook FOR Presiding Officers: (For The Conduct of Panchayat Elections)
Handbook FOR Presiding Officers: (For The Conduct of Panchayat Elections)
Handbook FOR Presiding Officers: (For The Conduct of Panchayat Elections)
(For the conduct of Panchayat Elections)
Issued by
Election Authority under Panchayati Raj Act, 1989
(Chief Electoral Officer, Jammu and Kashmir)
The Presiding Officer has to play a very important role in the successful conduct of
the elections. It would not be an exaggeration to state that all the good efforts of the
Returning Officer would be set to naught due to failures on the part of any of the Presiding
Officers. Though the procedures involved in the Panchayat polls are simpler as compared to
the procedures in the conduct of the Parliamentary or the Assembly polls, those are also
different. It is therefore, absolutely essential for every Presiding Officer to understand his
role and duties properly to ensure the successful conduct of the Panchayat polls. Whereas it is
desirable that the Presiding Officer browse through all the chapters of this book, he must go
through at least the first chapter which summarizes the instructions contained in all the
chapters of this Handbook and also suggests a check memo. One need not be surprised to
find repetition of some instructions in a number of chapters as it is part of deliberate design
and has nothing to do with effective editing. It is hoped that this Handbook will aid the
Presiding Officers in the performance of their duties in a professional and competent manner.
Mr. Harcharan Singh, KAS, Joint Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. Puneet Sharma, KAS,
Dy. Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. Ram Lal Sharma (Tehsildar) Asstt. Chief Electoral Officer,
Jammu, Sh. Bansi Lal, Election Officer and other staff have worked hard to bring out this
useful document of instructions. I would like to place in records my appreciation for their
valuable contribution. Suggestions for further improvements and refinements would be
July, 2010
(Sd.) B. R. SHARMA, IAS,
Election Authority
under Panchayati Raj Act, 1989.
Chapter Page
Annexures :
1.1 As a Presiding Officer, you have an important role to play in the conduct of poll. You enjoy
full legal power to control the proceedings in the polling station under your charge. It is your
primary duty and responsibility to ensure a free and fair poll at your polling station. You must
equip yourself fully with the law and procedure and the relevant instructions and directions of
the Election Authority in relation to the conduct of elections so as to enable you to act strictly
in accordance with those and give no room for any reasonable complaint.
1.2 The provisions of the laws which have a bearing on your duties as a Presiding Officer are as
contained in these guidelines. While detailed instructions and guidance are contained in the
various chapters of this Handbook, some of the salient and important aspects of your duty are
reproduced below for your guidance :__
i. You must acquaint yourself with members of your polling party and keep contact with
them right from your appointment as Presiding Officer.
ii. You must keep in ready possession all relevant instructions of the Returning Officer.
iii. You must have a clear idea of the location of your polling station and your itinerary to
and from the polling station.
iv. You must attend all rehearsals and training classes without fail.
v. While collecting election materials, you should ensure that all items have been handed
over to you. The most important items are ballot papers, ballot boxes, marked copy of
electoral roll and other copy, indelible ink, arrow cross mark rubber stamp for voting,
self inking pad, statutory forms and sealing wax. The term marked copy of the
Electoral Roll wherever it appears in this Handbook implies that copy of the
Electoral Roll which is supplied to the polling party for the conduct of polls.
Unlike the marked copy used in the Assembly and Parliamentary polls it will not
bear the markings relating to the Postal ballots or EDCs.
vi. On arrival at the polling station, you should have clear idea of the arrangement to be
made for setting-up of a polling station especially to secure secrecy of voting,
regulation of queue of voters, protection of poll proceedings free from outside
interference etc.
vii. You should ensure that the ballot box/boxes issued to you are in good working order
and properly numbered (embossed/painted). These should be made ready with fixing
of paper seals as per instructions contained in Para 4.7 of Chapter IV and after showing
to the candidates/polling agents present that those are empty.
viii. You are required to sign your name in full on the back of each ballot paper before
issue (but not on the counterfoil of the ballot paper). To enable the commencement of
poll at the appointed time, you should keep in advance some ballot papers signed in
ix. The identity of an elector should be properly verified by the First Polling Officer and
the unofficial identity slips carried by an elector should not be accepted as a matter of
routine and ballot paper issued on that basis.
x. The instructions for establishing the identity of the elector should be followed
xi. After an elector is identified with reference to his entry with particulars in the electoral
roll, his left forefinger should be marked with, the indelible ink. His signature or
thumb impression should also be obtained on the counterfoil of the ballot paper and
then alone he should be issued with the ballot paper.
xii. In order to ensure that the indelible ink mark put on the voter's finger has properly
dried up and developed into a distinct indelible ink mark, it may be necessary that his
left forefinger is again checked up by the 2nd Polling Officer before the elector leaves
the station. If the ink mark is not distinct or found removed, the elector's forefinger
should again be marked with the indelible ink.
xiii. After an elector has been identified in the marked copy of the electoral roll, the entry
relating to the elector should be underlined. A tick mark () will also be put in the
case of a female elector. The serial No. of the ballot paper should not be noted at all in
the marked copy of the electoral roll against the elector's name.
xiv. Signatures/thumb impression of the elector on the counterfoil of the ballot paper is
obligatory before an elector is issued a ballot paper. If an elector refuses to put his
signature or thumb impression on the counterfoil, he should not be issued a ballot
xv. The ballot papers need not be issued to electors in consecutive serial order as that
would enable the polling agents to work out the serial number of ballot paper that is
being issued to individual voters. At the same time, if the first one or two bundles of
ballot papers (50 in a bundle) are shuffled and bundles used at random and not in
consecutive serial order, then the object would be served. At the close of the poll, the
numbers of the ballot papers issued to the electors should be in continuous and in an
unbroken series to avoid confusion in drawing up the ballot paper account.
xvi. If you consider an elector to be much below the minimum age of voting, i.e., 18 years,
but otherwise satisfied about his identity and the fact of inclusion of name in the
electoral roll you should obtain a declaration from him about his age on a plain paper
in the format indicated at Annexure IV.
xvii. If an elector to whom a ballot paper is issued, refuses even after warning given to him
to observe the procedure relating to the maintenance of secrecy of voting within the
polling station, the ballot paper issued to him shall, whether he has recorded his vote or
not, be taken from him by you or under your direction and thereafter cancelled.
xviii. You have to go on recording the relevant events as and when they occur in the
Presiding Officer's diary given to you.
xix. You have to regulate the proceedings in the polling station for peaceful and smooth
conduct of poll. This requires tact but at the same time you should be firm and
xx. You are required to make available authenticated copies of ballot paper account to the
candidates or their agents present at the close of the poll.
xxi. You should ensure that after the closing hour of poll, nobody is allowed to join the
queue and for that purpose, you should distribute slips to all electors' standing in the
queue at the closing hour, starting the operation from the end of the queue.
xxii. You should follow carefully the instructions for sealing election papers in different
covers so that no avoidable mistake is committed which cannot be rectified later.
xxiii. It is your responsibility to hand over the ballot boxes and other election materials after
poll under proper receipt at the collection/counting centre.
1.3 To ensure that you have fulfilled the various statutory requirements in connection with the
election, Election Authority has drawn up a CHECK MEMO for you and placed at the end of
this chapter. Refer to the check memo as frequently as necessary so that nothing is missed.
1.4 It is likely that you may have performed the duties of the Presiding Officer in the past
during conduct of the Parliamentary/Assembly Elections. However, the procedure for
conduct of Panchayat Elections differs in a number of stages from the procedure for the
conduct of Lok Sabha/Assembly Elections. You should, therefore, be careful and go through
these instructions minutely.
1.5 While performing your duty as Presiding Officer you have to be tactful, firm and impartial.
Treat all the parties and candidates equally and decide all the disputed points in an impartial
manner. Neither you nor any of your Polling Officers should do any act which could be
interpreted as furthering the prospects of any candidate at the elections.
1.6 If any person behaves in a disorderly manner, report the matter to the police personnel on
duty. Similarly nobody should be allowed to use megaphone or a loudspeaker as it may
interfere with the smooth conduct of the poll.
1.7 If any person unauthorisedly takes or attempts to take a ballot paper out of a polling station,
report the matter to the police at once.
1.8 If any Presiding or Polling officer is without reasonable cause, found guilty of any act or
omission, he shall be liable to disciplinary action under Rules.
7. Allowing the polling agents to note the Serial No. Whether done
on the paper seal and the ballot box.
10. Allowing polling agents to see the bundles of ballot Whether allowed
papers and note the first and last serial number of the
ballot papers.
15. Supply of copies of ballot paper account to the agents of Whether supplied
the candidates
i. The District Panchayat Election Officer shall appoint such number of Presiding
Officers as may be required for holding of elections. Generally one Presiding
Officer would be simultaneously incharge of two polling stations.
ii. The District Panchayat Election Officer may appoint for each polling station two
Polling Officers and one attendant to assist the Presiding Officer in the
performance of his functions.
iii. The Presiding Officer shall perform the functions required to be performed by
him under these rules and it shall be his general duty to keep order at polling
station/stations assigned to him and to see that the poll is fairly taken.
i. At an election to the Panchayat Halqa your party will consist of yourself and two
Polling Officers. While appointing the polling party, your District Panchayat
Election Officer/Returning Officer will authorize one of the Polling Officers in
your party to perform the duties of Presiding Officer in case you are to be
unavoidably absent from the polling station.
ii. Taking into consideration the constraints on suitable manpower you may be
appointed as Presiding Officer simultaneously for two polling stations in the same
Ascertain as soon as it is practicable, who the other members of your polling party are
going to be. It is necessary for you to have the residential addresses of all the Polling
Officers appointed to work under you. You should get together with them as frequently
as possible, and explain to them, the part to be taken at the poll by each member of the
party. Unless there is teamwork, your task as Presiding Officer will be more difficult.
i. Attend as many polling rehearsals as you can. This is essential for obtaining a
clear idea of the procedure to be followed and for understanding the provisions of
the law.
ii. You must take with you the Polling Officer authorized to perform your duties in
case of your unavoidable absence to these rehearsals. It is very necessary that you
and such authorized Polling Officer should do the various operations with the
ballot box yourself/himself and should not be content with simply watching the
demonstration. Both of you should also familiarize yourselves with the fixing of
the blue paper seals.
iii. You should also prepare a sample ballot paper account and paper seal account.
iv. Even in case you had worked as a Presiding Officer in some earlier election, you
must attend the training classes/rehearsals, as the election law and procedure are
being amended from time to time and it is necessary that you should follow the
revised procedure as otherwise the conduct of election may not be in accordance
with the latest procedures or instructions. You must appreciate that the procedures
involved during the conduct of Panchayat Elections are somewhat different than
the procedures during the Assembly/Parliamentary Elections. Further, it is always
advantageous to refresh your memory even if there is no change in the law and
i. On the day previous to the poll or on, the day of departure to the polling station
you will be supplied with all the election materials, a list of which is enclosed at
the end of this chapter. Before leaving for your polling station, make sure that you
have received all the items. Check in particular that each of the ballot boxes is in
working order, that there is sufficient quantity of indelible ink in each of the
phials supplied to you and that the stamp pads are not dry. Compare the two
copies of the electoral rolls carefully and see that both the copies are identical in
every respect, in particular, the manuscript of page numbering and that
(a) the relevant part given to you pertains to the area for which the polling station
has been set up and that it is complete in all respects along with the
supplements, if any, in every copy ;
(b) all deletions of names and corrections of clerical or other errors as per the
supplement have been incorporated in all the copies ;
(c) all the pages in each working copy of the roll have been serially numbered in
manuscript from No. 1 onwards ;
(d) the printed serial numbers of the voters are not corrected and no new numbers
are substituted for them ;
(e) give one copy of the roll to the first Polling Officer and keep one copy with
ii. The Retuning Officer will supply you one self inking pad of purple color, for
taking the thumb impression of the voter on the counterfoil of the ballot paper and
also for marking the ballot paper by arrow cross mark rubber stamp. Check that
the ink on the pad has not dried.
iii. Check also that, the ballot papers supplied to you are for the constituency in
which the polling station assigned to you is situated and that they are not defective
in any respect. You should also check that the serial numbers tally with the details
supplied to you. You must meticulously check each and every ballot paper and its
counterfoil in every stitched bundle of ballot papers issued to you to ensure that
the serial number on the ballot paper and its counterfoil is identical. In case the
serial number of the ballot paper and its counterfoil does not tally, you should
cancel that ballot paper and should not issue it to the elector. Defective ballot
papers cancelled by you at the polling station may also be kept in the cover
containing cancelled ballot papers. On the counterfoil of such ballot paper will be
iv. Also check that the ballot boxes supplied to you have their serial numbers duly
engraved/embossed on them. Do not accept any ballot box, which is not so
serially numbered.
vi. Check that the arrow cross mark rubber stamps given to you are in good
vii. Check that the serial numbers of the paper seals tally with your record.
1. Ballot Box 1
2. Self Inking Pad (Purple) 1
3. Ball Pointed pen (Red) 1
4. Ball Pointed pen (Blue) 1
5. Fool Scape White Paper 1 sheet
6. Pins (packet of 50 pins) 1 packet
7. Sutli (plastic) 250 gm
8. Sealing Wax 2 sticks
9. Voting Compartment 1
10. Pins for Voting Compartment 6
11. Gum paste (100 gm) 1
12. Thin Metal Pusher 1
13. Match Box 1
14. Blade 1
15. Plastic Scale (1 feet) 1
16. Arm band for Presiding Officer 1
17. Arm band for Polling Officer 2
18. Card Board pieces 2
19. Flexible wire 2 pieces
20. Plastic cup to fix phial of indelible ink 1
4.1 Itinerary :
Have a clear idea of the routes and timings that you have to follow to reach your station
or stations. Details of the itinerary including the means of transport for yourself and for
the other members belonging to your party will be supplied to you in advance by the
Returning Officer / Assistant Returning Officer.
You should be at the polling station with your party at least 45 minutes before the poll is
due to commence.
If any Polling Officer appointed for your polling station is absent from the polling station,
you have the power to appoint another on the spot in his place. Later you have to inform
the District Panchayat Election Officer/Returning Officer of such appointment formally.
Do not, however, appoint any person who is an active supporter of any of the candidates
or an active opponent of any candidate.
i. If you yourself have to be absent from the polling station on account of illness or
other unavoidable reason, the Polling Officer previously authorised in this behalf
by the District Panchayat Election Officer/Returning Officer will act in your
place. He will exercise all the powers and duties of the Presiding Officer.
ii. You may also delegate any of your functions in the polling station to any Polling
Officer working with you at the polling station. Such delegation, however, does
not relieve you of your own responsibility as you are in overall charge of the
entire polling station in any case.
i. On your arrival at the place where the polling station is to be set up, inspect the
building proposed for the purpose. Diagram of a model polling station showing
the layout is set out in Annexure I. It is open to you to make minor modifications
in the actual set up of the polling station, but make sure__
a) that there is enough space for the voters to wait outside the polling station ;
b) that there is separate waiting space for men and women as far as practicable ;
c) that there is separate entrance and exit for voters. This purpose can be
achieved by tying a rope to make separate entrance and exit through the
same door ;
d) that there is easy flow of voters from the time they enter the polling station to
the time they leave it and there is no criss cross movement within the polling
station ;
e) that the polling agents should be seated in such a way that they can see the
face of an elector as and when he enters the polling station and is identified by
the first Polling Officer so that they can challenge the identity of the elector, if
need be. But they should not in any event be seated in a place where they have
the chance of seeing voter actually marking ballot papers on the symbol of his
choice ;
f) that the seating arrangement of both the Polling Officers should be such that
they are not in a position to see the voter actually marking the ballot papers ;
g) that even if there is only one door to the room housing the polling station,
separate entrance and exit can be provided with the help of a bamboo and
ropes in the middle of the doorway ;
ii. If sufficiently large number of pardanashin women electors are assigned to your
polling station, you should make special arrangements for their identification and
application of indelible ink on their left forefinger by a lady Polling Officer in a
separate enclosure having due regard to privacy, dignity and decency. For such
special enclosure you may use locally available but absolutely inexpensive
devices and using ingenuity such as use of charpoys or cloth such as bed spreads.
iii. If more polling stations than one are located in same building you should satisfy
yourself that necessary arrangements have been made for segregating the voters
and making them wait in different parts of the space in front of each polling
station without causing confusion.
iv. If the polling station is located in a private building, the building and the area
around it up to a radius of 200 meters should be under your control. No watch and
ward or other personnel connected with the owner, whether armed or unarmed,
should be allowed to remain either at the polling station or within a radius of
hundred meters around it. The security arrangements at the polling station and
within the above area will be entirely the responsibility of the Police under your
vi. No cooking or lighting of fire for any purpose should be allowed inside the
polling station during the day of the poll.
(a) a notice specifying the polling area or the particulars of electors to be served
by the polling station ; and
(b) a copy of the list of contesting candidates in Form PEL-10 (given at the end of
this Chapter) and wherever practicable the facsimile of the symbol of each
ii. The language of the notice should be the same as for the list of contesting
candidates and the order of the names should also be the same.
iii. These documents may be prepared by you in neat hand, if the same have not been
provided to you by the Returning Officer.
ii. Study carefully the diagram of ballot box given at Annexure -XII
iii. Start preparation of Ballot Boxes at least 15 minutes before the time of the
commencement of poll
iv. Paste a label outside the Box indicating number and name of the Panchayat Halqa
and the number of the Panch Constituency and the serial number of the ballot box
(1, 2 etc.). Format of the label is given at Annexure II.
v. Obtain the signatures of the polling agents present on the white side of the paper
seal. Check that the signatures tally with those given in their appointment letters.
Allow the candidates/polling agents to note down the serial number of the paper
seal. You should also put your signatures on the white side of the paper seal
alongwith date. In addition, you should put your full signatures at the centre on
the blue side of the paper seal with the help of the red pen supplied to you, put a
dash and then add the serial number of the Ballot Box.
vi. Insert the ends of the paper seal through the inner chinks on either side of the
central part of the frame so that white side of the paper seal should be visible
below the lid of the box (from inside). In effect, the blue side of the paper seal
will be visible from the window of the ballot box. Adjust the paper seal in such a
way that your signatures made in red ink are also visible through the window.
Since the paper seal will be 10 inches long, you should take care that the ends of
the paper seal are properly folded and do not hang loose inside the ballot box. The
padding of the paper seal should be thick enough so that the paper seal is held
firmly in position, check this by pulling it gently. The paper seal should not move
at all. It would be desirable that two top corners of the cardboard are secured to
the paper seal and to the inner side of the lid of the ballot box by sealing wax.
After the paper seal is inserted, close the lid of the box gently. Take care that the
loose ends of paper seal remain within the ballot box. Turn the button clock-wise
until it stops with a click. The slit should now be fully opened in the correct
balloting position. Do not turn the button further otherwise the slit will get closed
and no ballot paper can be inserted thereafter. If this happens through
carelessness, the box will have to be reopened after destroying the paper seal and
will have to be prepared afresh once again for balloting with a fresh paper seal. As
a mark of precaution to prevent damage to the paper seal during polling, the
window cover should be turned anti clockwise so as to cover the window and
other end of the window cover be tied with a wire to the button to prevent its
inadvertent movement during the polling.
vii. Only one paper seal is to be used for one ballot box ;
viii. Prepare a paper seal account on the proforma (see Annexure V) supplied to you at
the end of the day and keep it in a sealed envelop for handing over at the
collection centre.
During the course of poll, if it becomes necessary to use more than one ballot box, follow
the procedure as above in respect of the new Box.
No candidate should be allowed to set up an election booth as such booths near the
polling station can pose many difficulties in the way of holding free, fair and smooth
elections by creating obstructions to voters, confrontation among various party workers
and law and order problem. You may, however, allow the candidates to provide one table
and two chairs for the use of their agents and workers for the distribution of unofficial
identity slips to voters beyond a distance of two hundred metres from the polling station
with an umbrella or a piece of tarpaulin over their head to protect them from the Sun/
rain. No crowd should be allowed to collect around such tables. If any instance of
violation of these instructions is brought to your notice, you should report the matter to
the Sector Magistrate or the other officials responsible for maintenance of law and order
around your polling station for necessary remedial action by them.
As only one phial of indelible ink has been supplied for use at your polling station,
adequate precautions should be taken to ensure that the phial does not get tilted and the
ink spilt during the poll. For this purpose, take some sand or loose earth in a plastic cup
(supplied to you) and push the phial down three quarters of its length into the centre of
the cup, so that it is steadily embedded in the sand or earth. Also ensure that the plastic
rod attached to the cork is left standing in the phial and not taken out except for the
purpose of marking the voters forefinger. The rod should always be held with its marking
end pointing vertically downwards. Otherwise, some of the ink will drop down the rod
and spoil the finger of the person using it.
i. Maintain close relation with members of your Polling Party. Unless there is team-
work, your task becomes more difficult.
ii. Ensure that all the Polling materials have been given to you.
iii. Check up ballot papers, ballot box, marked copies of electoral roll, arrow cross
mark rubber stamp for voting, paper seal, sealing wax, indelible ink, rubber stamp,
iv. Compare marked copies of Electoral Roll and see that both are identical and are
superscribed for use during polls by the polling parties.
v. Check that all pages of working copies of Roll are serially numbered in
vi. Check that the printed serial numbers of voters are not corrected and no new
number substituted.
Notice is hereby given that the following is the list of contesting candidates (in
alphabetical order) for the above constituency.
Returning Officer ..
For efficient and smooth conduct of poll at your polling station, you should be thoroughly
conversant with the procedure that is to be followed from the time an elector comes into
the polling station and till he/she leaves it after casting his /her vote. Such voting
procedure and the duties, which each Polling Officer has, to perform in this whole
operation are explained below.
i. First Polling Officer: He will be basically in charge of the marked copy of the
Electoral Roll and will be responsible for identifying the elector:-
(a) On entering the polling station the elector will proceed direct to the First
Polling Officer who will be in-charge of the marked copy of the electoral
roll and responsible for identification of the electors. Usually each voter
comes in with an unofficial identity slip, which he has received, from a
candidate. The slip should be on plain paper and may contain the name of
the elector, his serial number in the electoral roll, the number of the electoral
roll part and the number and name of the polling station where he is to cast
his vote. The slip should not contain the name of the candidate and or the
name of his party and/or facsimile of symbol allotted to him. The elector
should not be compelled to bring an identity slip, nor should he be turned
away solely because he has not brought such a slip. The Polling Officer
should not treat the identity slip brought by an elector as conclusive proof of
his identity ;
(b) In case no identity slip is brought by the elector, the first Polling Officer will
himself locate the name of the elector in the electoral roll and after checking
it with the particulars in the relevant entry in the roll, will call out loudly the
page number, the part number, the serial number and the name of the elector
for the benefit of the hearing of the polling agents and the second Polling
Officer ;
(c) In case an elector brings an identity slip, it aids the Polling Officer to locate
the name in the Electoral Roll but otherwise the method of establishing his
identity remains the same as above. Thereafter the identity slip brought by
the elector should be torn into pieces ;
(d) If there is no challenge as regards the identity of the voter, the Polling
Officer will underline in every case the entry relating to the elector in the
marked copy of the electoral roll with him and where the elector is female,
put a tick mark () also on the left hand side of the name of the female
elector. Such tick marking will not be necessary at polling station set-up
exclusively for women. At the end of the day's polling he should count the
number of men and women voters who have voted and record the result in
the Presiding Officer's diary. One easy method of doing this would be to
write down all the serial numbers from 1 to 200 or 300 on two separate
sheets of paper before the commencement of the poll. One such sheet may
be used for recording the number of men voters and the other for women
voters. The serial number on the relevant number sheet should be struck off
in consecutive order, according to the sex of the voters as and when they
come to vote. This will also help in ascertaining instantly the total number
of men and women voters who have voted up to a particular hour. Thus the
job of the first Polling officer is two fold viz., to establish the identity of the
elector and at the same time keep track of the number of ballot papers issued
to the electors.
(a) The Second Polling Officer will be in-charge of indelible ink and the
bundles of ballot papers. As the First Polling Officer reads aloud the part
number and serial number of the elector, the Second Polling Officer will
record on the counter foil of the ballot paper the electoral roll part number
and the serial number of the elector, as entered in the marked copy of the
electoral roll.
(b) He will then inspect the voters left forefinger to see that it does not bear any
sign or trace of indelible ink and then put a mark with indelible ink above
the root of the nail in such a way that the ink also spreads on the ridge
between the skin and the root of the nail and a clear mark is left on the
forefinger. Note that the voter need not be touched at the time of applying
the indelible ink on his left forefinger and care be taken not to take excess
ink with the whole length of the rod, Only the tip of the rod should be
dipped in the ink. This will avoid wastage of the ink. The glass (plastic) rod
after dipping in the ink should be gently pressed on the finger and rotated so
that a clear mark is left on the finger.
finger of the elector. The voter should not be allowed to rub off the mark for
at least half a minute after it has been applied on the finger. If an elector has
no left forefinger, then indelible ink should be applied on any such finger,
which he has on his left hand, If he does not have any finger on his left hand
the ink should be applied on his right forefinger and if he has no right
forefinger, on any other finger which he has on his right hand starting with
his right forefinger. If he has no finger on either hand ink should be applied
on such extremity (stump) of his left or right hand, as he possesses. It would
be perfectly lawful for the Presiding Officer to allow an attendant to perform
this task of application of indelible ink on the finger of the electors under the
supervision of the second Polling Officer.
(d) The Polling Officer will then obtain the signature/thumb impression of the
voter on the counterfoil of ballot paper. For the purpose of obtaining the
thumb impression, the stamp pad of purple colour supplied to your polling
station should be used and for obtaining signature the ball-pointed pen
should be used. For the use of voters whose thumb impression has been
taken on the counterfoil of the ballot paper, a wet piece of cloth may be kept
on the table of this Polling Officer for removing the ink. The ballot paper
will then be detached from the counterfoil with the help of the plastic scale
having a sharp edge on the lengthwise side. It will thereafter be delivered to
the voter and he will be directed to the voting compartment which will be
located in between the row of the two polling officers and the table of the
Presiding Officer on which the ballot box will be kept. No ballot paper
should be delivered to an elector unless he has put his signature or
thumb impression on the counterfoil of the ballot paper. It is not
necessary to have the thumb impression of the elector on the counterfoil
attested by the Presiding Officer or a Polling Officer or by any other officer.
(f) Before the voter leaves the polling station, the Second Polling Officer will
examine his/her forefinger and satisfy that the indelible mark has not been
rubbed off. If the voter has done so, the Polling Officer will put the mark
again in such a way that the marking is clear and is not immediately
(g) The Second Polling Officer will also be incharge of the arrow cross mark
rubber stamps and the self inking pad. He will guide the elector about the
voting procedure.
i. No person whose name is not entered in the electoral roll pertaining to the
constituency shall be entitled to vote in that constituency.
iii. Every voter shall have only one vote, meaning thereby that he has a right to caste
one vote for the Panch and one vote for the Sarpanch.
iv. Every vote shall be casted by the elector in person and not by proxy or by post.
i. Apart from the electors assigned to your polling station, the following persons can
be admitted into the Polling Station ;
a) Polling officers ;
b) Each candidate, his election agent and one polling agent of each candidate for
Sarpanch election at a time ;
h) Such other persons as you may from time to time admit for the purpose of
identifying voters or otherwise assisting you in taking the poll.
ii. The Returning Officers have been asked to issue identity cards to the contesting
candidates. In case a necessity arises, you may ask for its production. Similarly,
the election agents of the candidates can be asked to produce the duplicate copy of
their appointment letters, which is attested by the Returning Officer.
iii. You should note that the term Public servant on duty in connection with
election does not normally include police officers. Such officer, whether in
uniform or in plain clothes, should not as a general rule, be allowed to enter inside
the polling booth, unless you decide to call them in for the maintenance of law
and order or some similar purpose. Their presence in the polling booth without
any compelling reason on occasions can give rise to complaints by some
candidates or parties who may allege that their agents are overawed by
unwarranted show of force.
v. You should also note that the expression, Public servant on duty in connection
with election does not include the Ministers, State Ministers and Deputy
Ministers of the Union and the States. The Election Authority has made it already
clear that they cannot be allowed to be appointed even as election agents / polling
agents / counting agents.
vi. Even the Returning Officer is not empowered to authorise any person who is not
an elector or who is not required to assist you in taking the poll, to enter a polling
station. Any such person including publicity officials of the State Government
should not be allowed inside a polling station without a letter of authority from
the Election Authority or the D.P.E.O.
vii. Entry of persons should be strictly regulated as detailed above otherwise, the
smooth and orderly conduct of poll may be vitiated. You should allow only three
or four-electors to enter the polling station at a time.
viii. If you have a reasonable doubt about the credentials of any person present in the
polling booth you can have him searched, if necessary, even though the person
concerned may be in possession of a valid authority letter to enter the polling
ix. In the performance of your duties, you are only bound by the instructions of the
Election Authority. You are not to take orders from or show any favour to your
official superiors or political leaders including Ministers. Even in the matter of
requests for entry into the polling station from these persons, you should allow
them only if they are in possession of a valid authority letter issued by the
Election Authority/District Panchayat Election Officer.
i. The polling agents of the candidates should be asked to reach the polling station at
least 15 minutes before commencement of poll in order to be present when you
are going through the preliminaries. If any part of these preliminaries has already
been gone through the proceedings need not be commenced de novo to
accommodate any late comer.
ii. The law does not specify any time limit for the appointment of polling agents and
even if a polling agent turns up late at a polling station he should be allowed to
participate in the further proceedings at the polling station.
i. Every polling agent must produce before you the appointment letter in a format as
given in Annexure III. Check that the appointment is for your polling station. The
polling agent should then complete the document, sign the declaration therein in
your presence, and then deliver it to you before he can be admitted into the
polling station. Preserve all such appointment letters and at the end of the poll
send them in a cover to the Returning Officer along with other documents.
ii. In case of any doubt about the genuineness of appointment letter in the said
prescribed format of any polling agent presented before you, you should compare
the specimen signature of the candidate/his election agent with their specimen
signatures as provided by the Returning Officer.
i. Each candidate for the seat of Sarpanch can appoint one polling agent and two
relief polling agents at each polling station. However, only one polling agent of a
candidate should be allowed inside the polling station at any point of time. Give
every polling agent who is admitted into the polling station a permit or pass on the
authority of which he can come in and go out of the polling station as may be
ii. The candidates for the seat for Panch or their election agents are not allowed to
appoint any polling agent.
i. Give the polling agents seats close behind the Polling Officer in-charge of marked
copy of the electoral roll. Where this is not practicable because of the situation of
the door for entrance, they may be given seat just opposite these polling officers.
In any seating arrangement they should be provided opportunity of seeing the
faces of the electors and challenging their identity whenever necessary. The
polling agents should not be allowed to move about in the polling station.
ii. The Election Authority has made it clear that the seating arrangement at the
polling station for the polling agents of candidates shall be guided by the
following categories of priorities, namely :
You should not allow smoking inside the polling station. If any of the polling agents
desires to smoke, he may go out of the polling station without causing any dislocation to
the polling.
During the day of poll, some Observers appointed by the Election Authority might visit
your polling station. It is quite possible that the Observer may start his round of the
constituency with the visit to your polling station and may be present there when you are
going through the preliminaries before the commencement of poll. You should show him
due courtesy and regard when he visits your polling station and should furnish him with
such information as he may require from you for the purpose of his report to Election
Authority. He will only observe the poll being taken at your polling station, but will not
give you any direction. If, however, he makes any suggestion with a view to providing
more convenience to electors or making the poll process at your polling station smoother
you may consider such suggestion. In case, you are facing any particular problem or
feeling any difficulty at your polling station, you may bring it to his notice, as he might
be of help to you in solving that problem or removing that difficulty by bringing the
matters to the notice of the Returning Officer or other authorities concerned for necessary
remedial action.
Observers will be wearing badges issued by the Election Authority on their person and
will also be carrying appointment letters and authority letters issued by the Election
i. No person should be allowed within the polling station or within 100 metres
thereof wearing badges, emblems, etc. bearing the names of candidates or
political leaders and/or their symbols or pictorial representation thereof.
ii. The polling agents may, however; display on their person a badge showing the
name of the candidate whose agents they are.
In order that the poll is commenced at the hour fixed for the purpose, you should start
making preliminary preparations, like the preparation of ballot box for reception of votes,
preparation of ballot papers for issue to elector, etc., at least 15 minutes before the time
fixed for the commencement of poll.
i. You will be supplied ballot papers with counterfoils equal to the number of voters
allotted to your polling station, rounded off to the next ten. The ballot papers will
be ordinarily in bundles of 50 each and one or more bundles containing less than
50 ballot papers. As there will be only one polling station for every Panch
Constituency the requirement of the distinguishing mark has been dispensed with.
However, in order to eliminate the possibility of fraud the following procedure be
adopted : __
(a) the Presiding Officer shall put only his full signatures (not initials) on the back
of each of the ballot papers (white) meant for the Panch Constituency ;
(b) in case of coloured ballot paper (normally pink) meant for the Sarpanch seat
the Presiding Officer shall put his full signatures & also mention in his own
hand the number of the Panch Constituency for which he is the Presiding
Officer. This number can be seen on the front portion of the white ballot paper
meant for the election of Panch. (Please note this refers to the number of the
constituency and not the serial number of the ballot paper) ;
(c) to facilitate the issue of ballot papers without interruption and to avoid the
chance of any ballot paper being issued without your signatures, you should
have the above process completed on the day of poll before the poll is
commenced as directed by the Returning Officer.
ii. You may put your signatures on about 50% of the ballot papers issued to you
immediately before the commencement of the poll. This should be done a few
minutes before the commencement of the poll. Usually it would take only about 5
minutes to sign 100 ballot papers and so the signing of the ballot papers should
begin not more than 15 minutes before the commencement of the poll. Thereafter
you should sign the remaining ballot papers according to necessity as the poll
iii. Where the number of contesting candidates exceeds 9, the ballot paper would
have been printed in two or more columns and the manner of putting the
signatures on the back of such ballot papers will be slightly different. In such
case, the signature may be put on the back of the ballot paper immediately on the
top right side of the shaded line dividing the ballot paper vertically into two
halves. Though such middle line will be printed only on the front side of the ballot
paper, its impression on the back of ballot paper will be visible through the ballot
paper. The object of putting the signatures in this way is that it should be clearly
seen from outside after the ballot paper is folded for being put in the ballot box.
The signatures on the back of the counterfoil will continue to be on the top right
hand corner.
iv. At the closing stage of the poll, it would be necessary for you to sign each ballot
paper as and when a voter turns up for voting. This will ensure that no signed
ballot paper is kept in the bundle of unused ballot papers after the poll.
v. All the above instructions notwithstanding, if there are more than one polling
station in a Panch constituency, those polling stations would be assigned different
serial numbers and these would be indicated by you on the back of the ballot
paper and the counterfoil along with your signatures in your hand.
In a nut shell
b) Indicate serial No. of Panch Constituency on back of Ballot papers meant for election
of Sarpanch. This is not necessary in case of Ballot papers meant for the Election of a
c) Allow polling agents to see the bundles of Ballot papers and note the first and last
serial number of Ballot paper and the serial number of defective Ballot paper at the
time of the commencement of the poll.
d) Initially shuffle a few bundles of Ballot papers and use bundles at random.
f) Obtain signature or thumb impression of voters on the counterfoil of Ballot paper and
then only issue Ballot paper.
g) Do not issue Ballot paper unless signature or thumb impression is given by elector.
Commence the poll at the stroke of the hour fixed for the purpose. Your preliminaries
like preparation of Ballot box & preparation of ballot papers etc. should be over by then.
If unfortunately the preliminaries are not over, admit about half a dozen voters at hour
fixed for the commencement of the poll and let the Polling Officers deal with them in
regard to their identification, etc. until the preliminaries by you are over. However, this
sort of overlapping of preliminaries is very undesirable and every effort should be made
to avoid it. Even if for any unforeseen reason you do not commence the poll at the
appointed hour, you shouldnt extend the appointed closing time except as provided in
Chapter-I (item xxi).
Considering the smaller No. of votes, the polling time would be considerably less (4 to
5 hrs.) than that is fixed for the Assembly or Parliamentary Polls.
Ascertain carefully from the Returning Officer, the exact timing fixed by the Election
Authority and adhere to it strictly. Remember any deviation from it may complicate the
8.3 Serial number of ballot paper to be used at polling station and shuffling of bundles :
i. Before commencing the poll, you should allow the polling agents to see the
bundles of ballot papers and note the first and last of serial numbers of the ballot
papers which will be used at the polling station and also any ballot paper duly
cancelled by you on account of its defective nature.
ii. The polling agents should not, however, be permitted to take notes of the serial
number of any ballot paper issued to any voter. Nor should they take any other
notes, which may enable one to workout these serial numbers, as this would
destroy the secrecy of the vote. You have the authority to prevent anyone from
taking any such notes as this amounts to misconduct as being an attempt to violate
the secrecy of the vote. You are competent to seize and forfeit any document on
which a polling agent may have taken any such note. If any polling agent persists
in taking such notes inspite of warnings, you should not allow him to remain in
the polling station.
iii. In order to see that the polling agents are not able to note down the serial number
of ballot papers issued to particular voters, the Election Authority has issued
instructions that the ballot papers may not be issued in consecutive serial order
You have to see that two or more ballot papers do not stick together (as a result of which
more than one ballot paper are issued to a voter). The best way to check this is that the
Polling Officer in-charge of ballot papers should take out the ballot paper meant for a
voter while the voter's identity is being verified and to see that the serial number of the
ballot paper left at the top of the bundle is next to the serial number of the ballot paper
taken out for issue.
While issuing ballot papers if any ballot paper is found defective, it should not be issued
to any voter but should be cancelled by you. Such a cancelled ballot paper should also be
kept in the cover meant for returned and other ballot papers cancelled on any account.
The counterfoil of such a ballot paper will remain in the bundle with an endorsement
cancelled: defective ballot paper. It has to be accounted for in the ballot paper account.
Before a ballot paper is handed over to an elector for marking his vote thereon, the
Polling Officer incharge of ballot papers will fold the same first vertically and then
horizontally in such a way that the signature of the Presiding Officer on the back of the
ballot paper is clearly visible at the top right hand corner. He will then unfold the ballot
paper and hand it over to the elector.
In case of ballot paper where the number of the contesting candidates exceeds 9, the
mode of folding the ballot paper will be different. In such a case the ballot paper may be
folded vertically first in the middle of each of the two halves and thereafter the third fold
may be made along the shaded vertical line dividing the two halves. It should then be
folded horizontally in such a manner that the signature of the Presiding Officer on the
back of the ballot paper is clearly visible at the top right hand corner. He will then unfold
the same and hand it over to the elector.
Immediately before the ballot paper is delivered to a voter, the Polling Officer shall
satisfy himself as to the identity of the voter with reference to the entries relating to that
voter in the voters list. He shall also hear and decide, then and there, any objection raised
in this behalf. He may refuse to issue a ballot paper to any person who declines to answer
any reasonable question put to him for the purpose of ascertaining such identity or whose
identity is not established to his satisfaction, but issue of ballot papers shall not be refused
merely on the ground of any clerical error or omission in the relevant entries in the voters
list, if the identity of voters is otherwise established.
The particulars in respect of a voter as entered in the electoral roll are sometimes
incorrectly printed or have become out of date e.g. regarding the exact age of the voter.
You should overlook mere clerical and printing errors in any entry relating to a voter in
the roll provided that you are otherwise satisfied about the identity of the person claiming
to be the voter according to other particulars entered in the electoral roll. When the
electoral roll has been prepared in two languages i.e. Urdu and Hindi and even if the
name of a person appears in the electoral roll in one version only, such a person should be
allowed to vote. An entry in respect of every such elector should be noted by you in the
electoral roll in other version.
(i) The Polling Officer shall while issuing a ballot paper to a voter, put an indelible
ink mark on his left-finger ; and thereafter issue the ballot paper/papers to the
voter. While doing so, he shall obtain the signatures/thumb impression of the
voter on the counterfoil/s of the ballot paper/s.
(ii) If the voter has no left forefinger, then go by the instructions contained in sub-
para (c) of para 5.2 (ii) of Chapter V.
(iii) While the Second Polling Officer issues a ballot paper to a voter, the first Polling
Officer shall underline the name of voter in the Electoral Roll in all cases and also
place a tick mark against the serial number of female voter in the copy of the
voter list in use with him to denote that the voter has received a ballot paper.
i. The Polling Officer in charge of ballot paper will instruct the voter
by any voter, the procedure for marking may be explained by affixing the
stamp on a plain piece of paper) ;
ii. It should be ensured that the arrow cross mark rubber stamp is adequately but not
excessively inked before it is handed over to the elector.
iii. The Polling Officer concerned should check from time to time that the self-inking
pad is not dry and the rubber of the cross-mark of the stamp is intact.
iv. It should also be ensured that the self-inking pad is never kept inside the voting
v. Particularly in respect of illiterate voters the Polling Officer must see that the
voter has understood the use of the stamp.
vi. If you have reason to believe that the voter has not put the mark on the ballot
paper or has wrongly put the mark on the backside of the ballot paper, you may
direct him to go back to the voting compartment and put the mark on the symbol
of the candidate of his choice and then put the ballot paper in a folded form inside
the ballot box.
vii. If the voter comes out of the voting compartment with the ballot paper unfolded
or folded in a wrong manner then you should rectify the defect maintaining the
secrecy of the vote as far as is practicable.
viii. The genuineness of the ballot paper being put in the ballot box should be checked
by looking for your signatures put on the back of the ballot paper.
A voter shall on receiving the ballot paper issued to him forthwith proceed to the polling
compartment and mark his ballot paper by affixing a seal provided to him by the
Presiding Officer opposite the name (or on the symbol) of the candidate in whose favour
he desires to cast his vote and put the ballot paper so folded up in the ballot box which
shall be placed within the view of the Presiding Officer.
An elector who has inadvertently dealt with his ballot paper in such a manner that it can
not conveniently be used as such may on delivering it to Polling Officer and satisfying
him of the inadvertence obtain another ballot paper in place of the spoiled ballot paper
and such a spoiled ballot paper together with its counterfoil shall be marked by the
Polling Officer as cancelled and put in the cover meant for returned or other ballot
papers cancelled on any account.
If any elector, after obtaining a ballot paper for the purpose of casting his vote, decides
not to use the same to cast his vote, he shall return the ballot paper so issued to him to the
Polling Officer and the ballot paper so returned shall then be marked by the Polling
Officer as cancelled on account of such return and put in the cover meant for returned or
other ballot papers cancelled on any account.
1) it shall be serially the last in the bundle of ballot papers supplied to you ; and
2) the words tendered ballot paper are written on the back of such ballot paper
and its counterfoil by you in your own hand and signatures
ii. The voter shall then mark the tendered ballot paper in the voting compartment,
fold it and return it to you. He shall not be allowed to put that ballot paper inside
the ballot box. You should keep all the tendered ballot papers and the list in Form
18 in a cover specially provided for the purpose and seal it at the close of the poll.
Record of the tendered ballot papers should be reflected in the ballot paper
account at the appropriate place. The packet containing the envelop of Tendered
Votes and Form-18 shall be handed over separately along with other covers at the
collection centre.
i. The candidate or a polling agent can also challenge the identity of a person
claiming to be a particular elector by depositing a sum of Rs. 2/- in cash with the
Presiding Officer for each such challenge. The Presiding Officer shall hold a
summary inquiry into the challenge. If after the inquiry the Presiding Officer
considers that the challenge has not been established, he shall allow the person
challenged to vote. On the contrary if he considers that the challenge has been
established he shall debar the person challenged from voting and shall handover
such person to the police with a written complaint. The challenge fee collected
should then be returned to the challenger.
ii. The Presiding Officer shall keep a record of such challenged votes in Form 19
appended to this book (Annexure VII).
iii. In the case where the challenge is not proved and the person is allowed to vote,
the challenge fee be forfeited to the Government and the challenger be issued a
written receipt.
iv. All the amount of challenge fee collected during the poll shall be deposited by the
Presiding Officer with the Returning Officer at the time of depositing used ballot
boxes at the collection centres.
If a voter owing to illiteracy or physical infirmity is unable to record his vote in the
manner laid down in rule 26, the Presiding Officer or Polling Officer shall do so
according to the direction of the elector and shall record on the counterfoil of the ballot
paper the reason for such action.
You must ensure that an elector to whom a ballot paper has been issued maintains the
secrecy of voting and in case he refuses to do so take back from him the ballot paper
issued to him, whether he has recorded his vote or not. After the ballot paper has been
taken back, you will record on its back and the counterfoil of the ballot paper, the words
Cancelled: Voting procedure violated and put your signatures below these words. Keep
such ballot papers in the cover meant for returned and other cancelled ballot papers on
any account.
a. You should draw up the proceedings connected with the taking of the poll in
the polling station in the diary to be maintained for the purpose. The proforma
of diary is reproduced at Annexure XI.
b. You will be furnished the format of the diary and that alone should be used by
c. You must go on recording the relevant events as and when they occur. You
should mention therein all important events in the relevant columns.
Ballot paper account (See Annexure VIII) is simply a tally of the ballot papers
supplied to you. The number used and the balance left out. Before filling up the
required details on the standard proforma of the ballot paper account supplied to
you, it would be desirable to tally the figures on a plain paper to avoid cuttings,
overwriting and corrections in this important document. Fill up the format
carefully attest it by putting your signatures and supply copies to the polling
agents present on the spot. The ballot paper account should then be put in an
envelope provided for the purpose and seal it.
Rule 22 states that if a contesting candidate dies and the news of death is received by the
Presiding Officer before the commencement of the poll, and the number of candidates left
in the contest is more than one, "the symbol in respect of the candidate who has died shall
be deemed to have been cancelled. In fact it would be appropriate that the name and
symbol of the dead candidate written/printed in the panel of the ballot paper is scored off
by the Presiding Officer after he (the Presiding Officer) has satisfied himself about the
fact of death and he should issue the modified ballot paper accordingly for polling. If it
be possible to prepare a fresh ballot paper, the same should be prepared instead of
modifying the ballot paper already available. No postponement of poll is required in such
cases nor any countermanding of election is involved.
ii. The position stated above shall equally apply if the news of death of a candidate is
received before the commencement of or during the counting of votes.
The Presiding Officer may adjourn the poll on account of the following factors : __
(a) a natural calamity like flood, heavy snowfall, a severe storm and the like ; or
(b) non-receipt or loss or damage to essential polling materials like ballot papers,
ballot boxes, marked copy of electoral roll and the like ; or
(c) disturbance of peace at the polling station making it impossible to take the
poll ; or
(d) non-arrival of the polling party at the polling station due to obstruction of the
way or any other serious difficulty ; or
In case of a riot or any attempt of open violence the Presiding Officer may use the Police
to control the same. However, if it can not be controlled and it is impossible to continue
the poll, he should adjourn the poll. The poll should be adjourned also if the taking of
poll is rendered impossible on account of any calamity or other sufficient cause. A
passing shower of rain or strong wind would not be a sufficient cause for adjournment of
poll. The discretion given to him to adjourn the poll should be exercised most sparingly
and only in cases where it has become physically impossible to take the poll. In every
case of adjournment of poll, the Presiding Officer should report immediately full facts to
the Returning Officer and wherever, a poll is adjourned he should announce formally to
all present that the poll will be taken on a day to be notified subsequently by the District
Panchayat Election Officer.
On the adjournment of poll the Presiding Officer should seal and secure ballot box used,
ballot paper to be used, counterfoils of used ballot papers and all election papers in
presence of the polling agents as if the poll has come to a close in the normal way.
The Presiding Officer should stop the polling if at that polling station__
(a) any ballot paper or ballot box has been unlawfully taken away by any
unauthorized person ; or
(b) any ballot paper or ballot box has been accidentally or intentionally destroyed
or lost or damaged or tempered with and the result of the poll at that polling
station cannot be ascertained for that reason ; or
(c) any error or irregularity in procedure as is likely to vitiate the poll has been
committed ; or
He should then immediately report full facts to the Returning Officer to enable him to
report the matter to the District Panchayat Election Officer for directions. In case the
District Panchayat Election Officer directs fresh poll to be taken at a polling station, such
fresh poll shall be taken in the same manner as the original poll. All electors entitled to
vote at polling station in question will be entitled to vote again at a fresh poll. The mark
of indelible ink made at a original poll should be ignored at the fresh poll. To distinguish
the marks to be made at the fresh poll from those already made at the original poll, the
mark of indelible ink at the fresh poll should be put on the voter's left middle finger.
The date of adjourned poll /repoll should always proceed the day of counting and for
this purpose the day of counting could be postponed suitably. Orders of District
Panchayat Election Officer in this respect should be obtained after sending the report to
i. The Returning Officer after looking into the reasons of adjournment decide as to
when the adjourned poll shall be taken. He will announce the revised date and
timing of the poll after approval by the D.P.E.O. and inform the candidates and
their election/polling agents accordingly through a written announcement which
shall be read over by him loudly and signatures of those present shall be obtained
on the written statement.
ii. Before the recommencement of the adjourned poll, the sealed packet containing
the marked copy of the electoral roll shall be re-opened by the Presiding Officer
in the presence of the candidates or their agents who may be present at the polling
station and this very marked copy of the electoral roll shall be used for adjourned
iii. The Presiding Officer will not open the packets containing counterfoils of used
ballot papers unless it becomes absolutely necessary when a person comes to the
polling station claiming to be an elector in whose place somebody else has
already voted and a tendered ballot paper is to be issued to such a person.
In case of adjourned poll the polling shall commence at the stage where it was adjourned.
i.e., those who had earlier voted shall not be allowed to vote again. The Presiding Officer
shall use as far as is possible the old ballot box containing ballot papers already polled.
However, if the polling was adjourned due to reasons which had vitiated the earlier
polling, a fresh poll shall be ordered by the District Panchayat Election Officer. In such
case, a new ballot box and fresh ballot papers shall be used and all the electors including
those who had voted earlier shall be entitled to participate in the fresh poll. All the
instructions for polling shall apply to fresh poll as well.
i. After the ballot boxes and all election papers have been sealed and secured by you
on the close of poll in the manner explained in this Chapter, you have to transfer
them or cause them to be transferred at such place as the Returning Officer may
direct and in accordance with such arrangements as the Returning Officer may
ii. Ballot boxes and the election papers should be delivered or caused to be delivered
at the collection centre with zero delay. Any delay in this behalf will be viewed by
the Election Authority with utmost concern and will invite severe disciplinary
action against all concerned.
9.2 Closing and sealing of the ballot box after the poll:
After all the voters present at the close of the poll have voted, close the slit of the ballot
box in the presence of the polling agents in the following manner : (Refer diagram of
ballot box at Annexure XII) : __
(i) remove the wire and cut the twine so as to free the window cover ;
(ii) move the window cover clock-wise and turn the button hard in a clock-wise
direction so as to close the slit completely ;
(iii) turn the window cover anti clock-wise so as to close the window fully. Hold the
button and the window cover together, run a piece of wire through the hole in the
window cover and the button and secure them together firmly by twisting the
wire. The ends of the wire should be made into a loop on which the sealing wax
be applied, to formally seal the ballot box ;
(iv) Polling agents if they so desire may be allowed to paste a paper with their
signature or seal on the window cover ;
(v) Considering the fact that the counting will be held normally on the day of the poll
itself, the process of further keeping the ballot box in a canvas bag or wrapping it
in a cloth has been dispensed with. You must take note of this.
At the end of poll you have to prepare an account of ballot papers supplied to you both
for Sarpanch and Panch Election in the Form PEL-11 as per Annexure VIII appended to
this Hand Book. Further you shall supply a copy of the account so prepared to all the
candidates or their agents who may be present at that time. Also see instruction at
para 8.18 (ii).
9.4 Delivery and checking of election records and materials at the collection centre :
You will hand over to the official -incharge of the collecting centre the following items of
election records and obtain a receipt : _
(B) The first bundle containing the following two envelopes stitched together:
i. cover containing the paper seal account & the ballot paper account;
D) The polythene bag containing the following items of election materials etc. :
iv. all other stationery items, left after the conduct of polls.
All the items (excluding the stationery items) will be checked by the receiving officials at
the collection centre in your presence and thereafter you will be relieved.
Po llin g Po llin g
O fficer-I O fficer-II
B .B o x
P re s id in g
O ffic e r
B .B o x
Po llin g Po llin g
O fficer-I O fficer-II
PA Polling Agent
VC Voting Compartment
appoints Shri/Smt....of
Signature of candidate
Date ..
I hereby solemnly declare and affirm that my age was more than 18 years on the First day
of January ..i.e., the qualifying date with reference to which
the existing roll of the Panch Constituency was prepared/revised.
Part No. of Electoral Roll.....
Certified that the above declaration was made and subscribed by the above named elector
before me.
Date :
(See rule 30)
Constituency/Panchayat Halqa
(See rule 31)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Form PEL 11
Panchayat halqa..
S. No. & Name of polling station
Total (a+b)__________
Total (a+b)__________
Signature of Counting Supervisor
S. No..
Shripolling agent of
only which was forfeited as after the enquiry the identity of the elector was found to be in order.
P/S .
Presiding Officer
other elector in todays poll and that I will maintain the secrecy of his/her vote.
Date ...
1. Name of Constituency
Men .
Total .
8. Challenged votes .
Number allowed .
10. Total number of ballot papers issued (including tendered votes and votes allowed in
column 8)-
(a) Riot
Presiding Officer
Place .
Date .
(This diary should be forwarded to the Returning Officer in a separate cover along with the ballot