Wireless Power Transfer in The Radiative Near Field
Wireless Power Transfer in The Radiative Near Field
Wireless Power Transfer in The Radiative Near Field
AbstractA scheme for wireless power transfer (WPT) in the in the far-field region, which begins at a distance of z = 2D2 /0
radiative near-field (Fresnel) region is presented. The proposed from the transmitting (Tx) antenna [7], where D is the largest
Fresnel WPT scheme is designed to focus microwaves to a
diffraction-limited region where a detector can be positioned,
aperture dimension, 0 is the free-space wavelength, and the
achieving reasonably high power transfer efficiency over moder- aperture lies in the xy-plane. However, achievable power trans-
ate distances. The configuration consists of transmit and receive fer efficiencies in the far-field region are often unacceptably
microstrip patch array antennas, with the receiving antenna con- low. Moreover, the footprint of the receiving (Rx) aperture must
nected to a power-harvesting half-wave rectifier (rectenna). Fres- increase with distance to intercept the power diverging from the
nel region operation enables the fields radiated by the transmitting
aperture to be localized both in range and cross-range. Using Fres-
Tx aperture.
nel region focusing, we achieve an increase of 66.8% in the amount Near-field schemes can still be considered if the target to
of received power when compared to the performance of a con- be powered lies within the radiating near field of the source,
ventional beamforming array. We also demonstrate the efficiency where quasi-optical approaches can be used. In this intermediate
improvement by powering an LED using the on-axis and off-axis Fresnel zone, which begins at a distance z = 0.62 D3 /0 [7],
focusing configurations.
a focal point, F (x, y, z), can be defined by optimizing the phase
Index TermsFocusing, Fresnel, near field, wireless power distribution across the Tx aperture [8][10]. This enables control
transfer. of the field radiated by an aperture not only in the cross-range,
xy-plane, but also in range, z-axis. The field intensity from the
source can thus be localized, increasing the amount of power
IRELESS power transfer (WPT) schemes have been
W proposed that leverage both the near-field and far-field
(Fraunhofer) zones. The near-field zone is divided into the re-
received by the Tx aperture placed at the focal point.
In this letter, we consider focusing in the radiating near field
to enhance WPT efficiency. Our configuration consists of planar
active and radiating (Fresnel) near fields. Most WPT schemes Tx and Rx microstrip patch array antennas, with the Tx antenna
demonstrated in the literature have been designed for the reac- producing a focused beam and the Rx antenna placed at the focal
tive near-field [1][3] and far-field [4][6] zones, where com- point. Using the Rx aperture and a half-wave rectifier (HWR)
plete systems have been demonstrated. In the reactive near- circuit, we form a rectenna structure that converts the RF signal
field zone, power is transferred between resonant circuits via to dc. The output of the Rx antenna is alternatively connected
magneto-inductive coupling. Systems operating in this zone to a microwave power meter to measure and compare the power
can have high WPT transfer efficiencies, but their usability is received with and without focusing.
restricted to small separation distances d between source and
target, since the efficiency of magneto-inductive systems falls
as 1/d6 [3]. In addition, the strong coupling can introduce a res- II. TRANSMITTING FRESNEL REGION ANTENNA DESIGN
onance frequency shift that varies strongly as distance between Analyzing the characteristics of the fields produced by an
the resonant circuits [1], necessitating some method of either antenna aperture within each of the surrounding field regions
changing the operating frequency or dynamically retuning the plays an important role in visualizing the concept of Fresnel
resonators to maintain optimal efficiency. focusing. A depiction of a square aperture focusing a beam in
For distances beyond the reactive near field, magneto- the Fresnel region is demonstrated in Fig. 1. As shown in Fig. 1,
inductive coupling becomes insignificant. Long-range WPT ap- the reactive near-field region of the aperture is dominated by
plications with microwave or laser sources [5], [6] can be applied evanescent waves, rapidly decaying as a function of distance.
Within the Fresnel region, the radiated fields can be confined
Manuscript received December 12, 2015; revised February 6, 2016; accepted to a desired focal point by optimizing the phase distribution of
March 12, 2016. Date of publication March 15, 2016; date of current version
December 7, 2016. the aperture. Once the far-field limit is reached, the fields start
V. R. Gowda, O. Yurduseven, G. Lipworth, and D. R. Smith are with forming a diverging beam.
the Center for Metamaterials and Integrated Plasmonics, Department of Our Fresnel region WPT implementation makes use of two
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708
USA (e-mail: [email protected]; okan.yurduseven@duke. planar microstrip patch arrays, illustrated in Fig. 2, with an 8 8
edu; [email protected]; [email protected]). array and a 4 4 array serving as Tx and Rx antennas, respec-
T. Zupan is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Uni- tively. Both antennas were designed using low-loss 1.524-mm-
versity of Zagreb, Zagreb 10000, Croatia (e-mail: [email protected]).
M. S. Reynolds is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni- thick Rogers 4003 substrate (r = 3.55 and tan = 0.0027).
versity of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 USA (e-mail: matt.reynolds@ Investigating Fig. 2, it can be seen that different from the Rx
ee.washington.edu). antenna composed of edge-fed patches, the Tx antenna consists
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. of inset-fed patches to better accommodate the varying-length
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2016.2542138 microstrip transmission lines. We designed the antennas to
1536-1225 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Fig. 1. Depiction of fields produced by a square aperture (D = 20 cm) within Fig. 3. One-dimensional plot of the simulated (dotted) and measured (solid)
the surrounding field regions. Focusing can be achieved in the Fresnel zone. normalized electric field magnitude plots at the focal plane.