Q5-1. The cost attached to a product is an amount The unit costs by cost category as well as
assigned by the costing methods usedan total unit cost for each process (department)
amount controlled by the circumstances, are necessary for product costing purposes.
assumptions, and limitations of the method Q5-4. A job order cost sheet is used:
under which it was compiled. Product costs (a) to keep track of the direct materials and
are composites of historical outlay that have, direct labor used on a job plus an appro-
perhaps, been modified by estimates or stan- priate share of factory overhead;
dards, by processes assigning or prorating (b) to compare actual costs to estimated
expenditures to periods, or by tracing the costs;
direct costs and allocating the indirect costs (c) as a subsidiary ledger for the work in
to particular products so that the total period process account.
outlay is spread over the aggregate output. Q5-5. The work in process account is a control
Despite these shortcomings, product costs account in the general ledger, reflecting total
are useful in costing inventories, comparing costs assigned or applied to jobs. The individ-
prices and total unit cost, measuring current ual job cost sheets form the work in process
profit or loss, and indicating the minimum cost accounts subsidiary ledger, indicating the
below which a sales price cannot go in the direct materials, direct labor, and factory over-
long run. Some confusion will result at times head charged to each job.
in using cost information in making manage- Q5-6. Job order cost sheets serve a control func-
ment decisions unless information relevant tion. Comparisons are made between esti-
only to the decision is used. mates of job costs and costs actually
Q5-2. The primary objective in job order costing is to accumulated for the job. In addition, cost con-
determine the cost of materials, labor, and trol is enhanced by accumulating direct mate-
factory overhead used to produce a specific rials and labor as well as factory overhead
order or contract. Cost estimates are made costs by cost centers or departments, and by
when the order is taken, and the job order comparing the actual costs to cost center
procedures are designed to reveal costs as budgets.
the order goes through production, thereby Q5-7. Actual factory overhead consists of the day-
giving an opportunity to control costs. by-day costs that are actually experienced
Q5-3. The type of cost accumulation method used and incurred by the company. Applied factory
by a company will be determined by the type overhead is the overhead charged to jobs
of manufacturing operations performed. A based on the predetermined factory overhead
manufacturing company should use process rate. This rate is created by dividing total esti-
cost accumulation for product costing pur- mated overhead by total estimated number of
poses when like units are continuously mass units (or any other appropriate base). The dif-
produced; when custom-made or unique ference between actual and applied factory
goods are produced, job order costing would overhead is the over- or underapplied factory
be more appropriate. Process costing is often overhead.
used in industries such as chemicals, food Q5-8. The characteristic of a service business that
processing, oil, mining, rubber, and electrical makes likely the use of job order costing is
appliances. With a continuous mass produc- that all jobs are not alike and cost information
tion of like units, the center of attention is the for each job is desired.
individual process (usually a department).
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5-2 Chapter 5
E5-1 Job 5575
Direct material............................................................... $24,070
Direct labor.................................................................... 22,832
Applied overhead ......................................................... 10,024
Total job cost ....................................................... $56,926
(1) The amount of direct labor in finished goods:
Finished goods ............................................................. $37,500
Materials included in finished goods ($15,500 $3,200) 12,300
Direct labor and factory overhead in finished goods $25,200
Factory overhead charged to work in process $11, 800
= = .8
ork in process
Direct labor charged to wo $14, 750
(1) December materials used:
Materials inventory, December 1............... $ 8,000
Materials purchased ................................... $87,000
Freight-in .................................................... 1,500 88,500
Materials available ...................................... $96,500
Materials inventory, December 31............. 6,500
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Chapter 5 5-3
E5-4 (Concluded)
5-4 Chapter 5
E5-5 Materials:
Beginning inventory ............................................ $ 75
Purchases............................................................. 336 (1)
Materials available for use.................................. $411
Less ending inventory ........................................ 85
Materials used...................................................... $326
Direct labor (($686 $326) 1.6) ................................ 225 (2)
Factory overhead ($225 .6) ....................................... 135
Total manufacturing cost............................................. $686
Add work in process, beginning inventory................ 80
Less work in process, ending inventory .................... 30
Cost of goods manufactured ...................................... $736 (3)
Add finished goods, beginning inventory.................. 90
Cost of goods available for sale ................................. $826
Less finished goods, ending inventory...................... 110
Cost of goods sold....................................................... $716 (4)
(1) Materials ...................................................................... $13,000
Direct labor .................................................................. 15,000
Factory overhead:
Molding (1,000 DLH $2.70)............................... 2,700
Decorating ($6,000 35%) .................................. 2,100
Estimated cost to produce .......................................... $32,800
Chapter 5 5-5
Debit Credit
(1) Work in Process (35,000 + 45,000 + 55,000) .............. 135,000
Materials ............................................................... 135,000
5-6 Chapter 5
Materials Work in Process
Inv. 10,000 WIP 110,000 Inv. 30,000 FG 300,000
Purch. 138,000 Materials 110,000
148,000 Factory
38,000 overhead 90,000
Labor 180,000
Finished Goods Cost of Goods Sold
Inv. 50,000 CGS 205,000 FG 205,000
WIP 300,000
Chapter 5 5-7
5-8 Chapter 5
(1) Total cost of work put into process:
Materials ............................................................... $ 60,000
Labor: Grinding (8,000 hrs. $5.60) ................. 44,800
Machining (4,600 hrs. $6) ................... 27,600
Factory overhead: Grinding (8,000 hrs. $6)..... 48,000
Machining (4,600 hrs. $8) .. 36,800
Chapter 5 5-9
(1) Materials
4/1 2,700 Indirect
Purchases 11,550 Material 2,790
14,250 Direct
1,755 Material 9,705*
5-10 Chapter 5
P5-2 (Concluded)
(5) Jobs 201, 202, and 205 were sold. Their costs are $8,450 + $9,550 +
$6,280 = $24,280.
Sales ($24,280 1.5) .................................................... $36,420
Cost of goods sold....................................................... (24,280)
Underapplied overhead................................................ (1,765)
Gross profit for April .................................................... $10,375
Finished Goods Work in Process
Bal. 80,000 360,000 Bal. 20,000 (i) 320,000
(i) 320,000 (c) 150,000
400,000 (e) 80,000
40,000 100,000 *
Chapter 5 5-11
P5-3 (Concluded)
5-12 Chapter 5
Units in finished goods inventory, Oct. 1..................... 2,800
Units manufactured ..................................... 20,400
Units sold...................................................... (20,700) (300)
Units in finished goods inventory, Oct. 31................... 2,500
Chapter 5 5-13
P5-4 (Concluded)
5-14 Chapter 5
Current assets:
Cash ........................................................... $19,000
Accounts receivable ................................. 10,000
Finished goods ................................ $4,000
Work in process ............................... 1,000
Materials ........................................... 2,000 7,000
Prepaid expenses ..................................... 500
Total current assets......................... $36,500
Property, plant, and equipment (net) ............... 26,000
Total assets ........................................................ $62,500
Stockholders Equity
Chapter 5 5-15
P5-5 (Concluded)
5-16 Chapter 5
Chapter 5 5-17
P5-6 (Concluded)
Dr. Cr.
(h) Work in Process................................................... 16,720.00
Factory Overhead Control (or Applied
Factory Overhead) ................................. 16,720.00
5-18 Chapter 5
Over- or Underapplied
Various Credits Factory Overhead
(e) 28,461.87 (3) 10,741.72 3/1 Bal. 12,300.00
(g) 117,500.00
*$5,800 could also be posted directly to the work in process account, reducing entry
(d) to $47,930.
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Chapter 5 5-19
P5-7 (Concluded)
Dr. Cr.
(a) Materials ............................................................... 115,020
Accounts Payable ....................................... 115,020
5-20 Chapter 5
P5-8 (Continued)
Cash Materials
1/1 Bal. 47,000 (h) 37,680 1/1 Bal. 21,500 (d) 115,695
(g) 247,000 (i) 85,000 (a) 115,020
294,000 122,680 136,520
171,320 20,825
Accumulated Depreciation
Finished Goods Machinery
1 /1 Bal. 32,500 1/1 Bal. 10,000
(h) 2,000
Chapter 5 5-21
P5-8 (Continued)
Retained Earnings
1/1 Bal. 34,925
Common Stock
1/1 Bal. 100,000
Job 102
1/1 Bal.-Mat 600 (f) 102,000
1/1 Bal.-Lab 1,000
1/1 Bal.-OH 400
(c) Labor 40,000
(d) Materials 42,000
(e) Overhead 18,000
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5-22 Chapter 5
P5-8 (Concluded)