Background Bacterial meningitis is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries, but the Lancet 2011; 377: 183745
duration of treatment is not well established. We aimed to compare the ecacy of 5 and 10 days of parenteral Published Online
ceftriaxone for the treatment of bacterial meningitis in children. May 26, 2011
Methods We did a multicountry, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised equivalence study of 5 versus
See Comment page 1809
10 days of treatment with ceftriaxone in children aged 2 months to 12 years with purulent meningitis caused by
*See webappendix for study
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus inuenzae type B, or Neisseria meningitidis. Our study was done in ten contributors
paediatric referral hospitals in Bangladesh, Egypt, Malawi, Pakistan, and Vietnam. We randomly assigned
University of Malawi Medical
children who were stable after 5 days of treatment, through site-balanced computer-generated allocation lists, to School Department of
receive a further 5 days of ceftriaxone or placebo. Patients, their guardians, and sta were masked to study-group Paediatrics, Queen
allocation. Our primary outcomes were bacteriological failure or relapse. Our analysis was per protocol. This Elizabeth Central Hospital,
Blantyre, Malawi
study is registered with the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register, (Prof E Molyneux FRCPCH);
number ISRCTN38717320. Division of Maternal and Child
Health, Aga Khan University,
Findings We included 1004 of 1027 children randomly assigned to study groups in our analyses; 496 received treatment Karachi, Pakistan
(Prof S Q Nizami FCPS,
with ceftriaxone for 5 days, and 508 for 10 days. In the 5-day treatment group, two children (one infected with HIV) Prof Z A Bhutta FRCPCH);
had a relapse; there were no relapses in the 10-day treatment group and there were no bacteriological failures in either Department of Microbiogy,
study group. Side-eects of antibiotic treatment were minor and similar in both groups. Dhaka Shishu Hospital, Dhaka,
Bangladesh (Prof S Saha PhD);
Children Hospital No 1,
Interpretation In children beyond the neonatal age-group with purulent meningitis caused by S pneumoniae, H inuenzae Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
type b, or N meningitidis who are stable by day 5 of ceftriaxone treatment, the antibiotic can be safely discontinued. (Prof K T Huu MD); Department
of Paediatrics, Wah Medical
Funding United States Agency for International Development. College, Islamabad, Pakistan
(Prof M Azam FRCPCH);
Department of Paediatrics,
Introduction limiting the usefulness of this antibiotic for empirical Abbasia Fever Hospital, Cairo,
Bacterial meningitis is an important cause of morbidity treatment of meningitis, and in Africa resistance is Egypt (Prof R Zaki MD); and
and mortality in children in developing countries.1,2 increasing against both antibiotics.1215 In most regions, Department of Child and
Adolescent Health and
Prospective hospital-based and population-based studies fewer than 1% of bacterial strains are highly resistant to Development, World Health
in Latin America, Africa and, most recently, Asia have both penicillin and third-generation cephalosporins.16,17 Organization, Geneva,
shown that Haemophilus inuenzae and Streptococcus Third-generation cephalosporins given to children Switzerland
(M W Weber DrMedHabil,
pneumoniae are the leading causes of bacterial meningitis with bacterial meningitis result in rapid sterilisation of
S A Qazi MD)
in young children.27 Worldwide, H inuenzae type b the cerebrospinal uid in almost all patients.18,19
Correspondence to:
causes about 173 000 cases of meningitis every year Ceftriaxone is a highly eective antibiotic for treatment Dr Shamim Ahmad Qazi,
in children younger than 5 years (uncertainty of meningitis, and it is the recommended treatment in Department of Child and
range 85 300226 000) and an additional 103 000 cases many countries, but the optimum duration of treatment Adolescent Health and
are caused by S pneumoniae (51 000131 000).8,9 is uncertain and recommendations have varied.20 Development, World Health
Organization, 20 Avenue Appia,
The mortality from meningitis is close to 100% in The duration of treatment of bacterial infection in Geneva 27, 1211, Switzerland
untreated individuals and is still up to 40% in children general, and of meningitis specically, is not based on [email protected]
who receive appropriate antibiotic treatment in solid evidence.11,21 For meningitis, the duration of
developing countries.10,11 Most of these fatalities are within antibiotic treatment is long and often continued in
72 h of admission to hospitals, and a high proportion of children with neurological sequelae, even though viable
survivors have neurological sequelae.26 bacteria are no longer present, because the treating
Early identication and prompt antibiotic treatment are physician fears stopping prematurely. This prolonged
essential for reducing mortality and morbidity. Standard treatment leads to unnecessary costs and potential side-
treatment for meningitis has been chloramphenicol, eects related to admission to hospital, so it is not in
often in combination with penicillin. However, pneumo- the interest of the patient, the family, or the health
coccal resistance to penicillin is increasing worldwide, system. The recommended duration of treatment is
treatment, nurses, and patients were unaware of the recorded and patients were managed in accordance with
contents of each syringe provided for each patient. clinical need. Patients who did not keep their
Parenteral ceftriaxone (80100 mg/kg bodyweight) was appointments were traced at home and encouraged to
given once daily for 5 days before random assignment to return for follow-up. If children were not found they
the study groups. On day 5 after the start of treatment, were declared lost to follow-up.
enrolment criteria were reviewed, and eligible patients Hearing was assessed by trained sta with otoacoustic
were randomly assigned to receive either ceftriaxone emissions tests and at some centres by auditory brain-
or placebo. stem response. All children were subsequently tested
Our primary endpoint was the rate of bacteriological with age-appropriate hearing tests on the two scheduled
failure dened as positive cultures of cerebrospinal uid follow-up visits (days 40 and 190). Hearing loss was
or blood on days 640 for the originally identied classied in accordance with the International
organism or for H inuenzae, S pneumoniae, or Classication of Impairments, Activities and Partici-
N meningitidis on days 640 in a patient from whom the pation37 as mild (2640 dB), moderate (4160 dB), severe
rst sample of cerebrospinal uid had been culture (6180 dB), and profound (>80 dB), and those identied
negative. Our secondary endpoints were death and with moderate to severe hearing loss were referred to
hearing, neurological, or visual sequelae at any time local audiological services for management. Children
during the study. were screened by age-appropriate tests for high-grade
All study sta were trained in study procedures and visual impairment, and those suspected of having any
documentation. Patients were assessed daily and a study impairment were referred for an ophthalmological
form was completed for each day, at discharge on day 10, opinion. Neurological and developmental status was
and at each follow-up visit at which all children were assessed and recorded by trained clinicians. The age and
assessed for hearing, visual, developmental, and stages questionnaire38 was used to assess development
neurological outcomes. After discharge, patients were and the score was used to quantify delayed development
reviewed on day 40 and day 190 after enrolment into our in personal and social interactions, ne motor
study, when full physical, neurological, and hearing movements, gross motor movements, and competency
assessments were done. Unscheduled visits were in the use of language.
23 excluded
10 completely missing data or not assigned
8 had other organisms identied in
cerebrospinal uid or blood, such as
Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus
5 opened assignment envelopes in error
422 completed follow-up day 190* 417 completed follow-up day 190*
Our analysis was per protocol, which is suitable for Age (months) 386 (425); 16 (661) 378 (416); 17 (661)
equivalence trials. We stratied baseline characteristics Presenting features
by treatment groups to look for dierences in the severity Irritability 287 (58%) 288 (57%)
and characteristics of presenting illnesses. We sum- Duration of illness before admission 38 (38); 3 (25) 35 (23); 3 (24)
marised study variable with proportions, mean, median,
Antibiotic use in previous 48 h 128 (26%) 138 (27%)
and IQRs. We tested for equivalence between the two
Drowsiness 229 (46%) 252 (50%)
treatments by calculating the risk dierence and two-
Vomiting 291 (59%) 289 (57%)
sided 95% CI for the primary and secondary outcomes.
We used SPSS (version 16) and Stata (version 11) for Poor feeding 335 (68%) 340 (67%)
analysis. This study is registered with the International Seizures 262 (53%) 266 (52%)
Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register, Weight for age less than 3 Z score 37 (8%) 47 (9%)
number ISRCTN38717320. Temperature (C) 383 10 384 09
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg; 971 (152); 100 (90107) 977 (146); 100 (90110)
Role of the funding source
Glasgow coma score (n=454) 126 (28); 13 (1115) 129 (25); 14 (1115)
The sponsor of the study had no role in study design,
Blantyre score (n=615) 41 (12); 5 (35) 41 (12); 5 (35)
data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or
Todd-Herson meningitis score (n=669) 37 (18); 3 (255) 36 (19); 3 (25)
writing of the report. SAQ and MWW, as employees of
WHO, were involved in study design, collating analyses Laboratory data
and interpretation of data, and writing of the report. Glucose in cerebrospinal uid (mg/dL)* 326 (533); 15 (0429) 361 (578); 18 (050)
The writing committee had full access to all the data in Protein in cerebrospinal uid (mg/dL) 2140 (1640); 200 (98300) 2075 (1791); 200 (90300)
the study, and the principal investigators, SAQ and Haemoglobin <6 g/dL 23 (5%) 41 (8%)
MWW, had nal responsibility for the decision to Haemoglobin 69 g/dL 201 (41%) 190 (37%)
submit for publication. Haemoglobin >9 g/dL 263 (53%) 265 (52%)
Total leucocyte count per L (n=968) 17 861 (18 593); 16 314 (11 279);
13 700 (947520 000) 14 000 (997520 225)
Blood glucose <60 mg/dL 58 (12%) 52 (10%)
The gure shows the trial prole. Panel 2 lists the details
Blood glucose 6079 mg/dL 73 (15%) 66 (13%)
of children not randomly assigned to study groups.
Table 1 shows the accrual of patients by site and table 2 Blood glucose 80 mg/dL 341 (69%) 361 (71%)
lists the patients baseline characteristics. 20 enrolled Cerebrospinal uid culture positive 227 (46%) 240 (47%)
children had a positive second culture of cerebrospinal Cerebrospinal uid 155 (31%) 143 (28%)
latex-agglutination test positive
uid. 17 were caused by Salmonella spp, two by
Cerebrospinal uid gram stain 188 (38%) 188 (37%)
S pneumoniae (who died before day 5), and one by (gram-negative bacillus, gram-positive
H inuenzae type b. Mean age at presentation was cocci, gram-negative cocci)
38 months. On average children were ill for 4 days Blood culture positive 100 (20%) 100 (20%)
before enrolment. Bacteria identied by either means 334 (67%) 340 (67%)
Table 3 lists the outcomes of our study. There were no (signicant clinically)
bacteriological failures with either 5-day or 10-day treat- Infected with HIV 51 (10%) 66 (13%)
ment. The proportion of children that completed
Data are n (%) or mean (SD); median (IQR). *Glucose in cerebrospinal uid in one centre was checked by urine dipstick
treatment was similar between the two groups (gure). method. Positive for Haemophilus inuenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Neisseria meningitides. HIV-positive
Treating physicians judged that treatment had failed in patients only reported from Malawi.
33 children, equally divided in the two therapeutic
Table 2: Baseline comparison between study groups
groups. Four children were diagnosed with tuberculous
meningitis. After discharge, 23 children had another
episode of meningitis (table 3), of which two were had been admitted. There was no statistical dierence in
classied as relapse (one child was infected with HIV) study outcomes between the two groups whether as a
since the episodes were caused by the same organism whole or when analysed separately by bacterial cause
within 2 weeks of discharge. Of 919 children seen on (table 3). In children with pneumococcal meningitis,
either day 40 or day 190, 140 had moderate or severe survival with sequelae was more common in the 10-day
hearing loss, 14 had visual loss, and 51 other neurological than the 5-day group (p=059; table 3). Of the 21 children
sequelae (table 3). 16 children had both neurological and with pneumococcal meningitis who died, 15 were
moderate to severe hearing loss. 41 children died within infected with HIV: ten in the 5-day group and ve in the
the 190 day study period (webappendix p 5), including 10-day group (p=06). See Online for webappendix
two during admission to hospital, but only 15 deaths By day 40 after discharge, 39 children had been lost to
were related to the episode of meningitis for which they follow-up, nine children had died in the 5-day group, and
Our ndings show that further antibiotic treatment is Panel 3: Research in context
not needed in children beyond the neonatal age-group Systematic review
with purulent bacterial meningitis caused or presumably Before this study, we searched Medline and Embase for studies
caused by one of the three major pathogens, and in comparing short-course with long-course antimicrobial
whom the clinical condition is stable or improving by day treatment for childhood bacterial meningitis. Our search terms
5 of treatment with ceftriaxone. Both death and long- were bacterial, paediatric, pediatric, children,
term sequelae are the consequence of inammatory and childhood, short course, therapy, and antibiotic. We
ischaemic neural damage,41 which peak before or in the limited the search to publications in English, but not by date.
early stages of antibiotic treatment. Early diagnosis and We also searched reference lists of articles identied by this
prompt use of antibiotics are probably more important in strategy and this was updated during the write-up of our
reducing the mortality and morbidity than an extended study. Previous studies were small and did not give a
antibiotic treatment regimen. Studies of short versus conclusive answer. Several were limited to one cause, dierent
long duration of treatment with antibiotics have shown antibiotics were used, and outcome measures varied. A recent
no dierence in outcome (panel 3). systematic review42 summarised ve trials with a total of less
Most clinicians are particularly concerned about than 400 patients and found no dierence between short and
adequate treatment of meningitis caused by S pneumoniae, long treatment duration, but suered from the variability of
a notoriously dicult pathogen to eliminate. It is notable treatment approaches.
that the outcome of the subgroup of cases with proven
pneumococcal meningitis is similar in the two treatment Findings
groups in our study. Our study was powered to answer the question of short-
Hearing decit is one of the most common compli- course versus long-course treatment with ceftriaxone in
cations of bacterial meningitis and can vary from 5% to childhood bacterial meningitis. It was done where bacterial
36% in survivors.4347 Decit was similar between our meningitis is common, included the most important causes,
study groups during and by the end of our study. We and also children infected with HIV. Our results are conclusive
expected this nding because we believe that the hearing and conrm previous small study ndings.
decit is due to cochlear damage caused by the infection
and the hosts inammatory response, and by the time of
random assignment on day 5, this damage had already The overall outcome of meningitis in our study is far
been done. Similarly, neurological decits including from good, even with optimum antimicrobial treatment
developmental delay, quadriplegia, and isolated cranial- and much better care than is routinely available in the
nerve palsy, or any of these in combination, happened in participating countries. Many children died in the rst
a similar proportion of children in the two groups: 21 in few days before random assignment, or left hospital
the 5-day group and 30 in the 10-day group (p=029). with sequelae. To prevent this burden of disease,
At the design stage of our study, we decided to restrict preventive vaccines are vital and their development and
our trial to ceftriaxone, even though combination treatment deployment are of crucial importance. The H inuenzae
with chloramphenicol and penicillin were still the rst-line type b vaccine, as part of the pentavalent vaccine, was
treatment recommended by WHO.1 The emergence of introduced into the Malawian expanded programme for
pneumococci and H inuenzae increasingly resistant to immunisation in February, 2002. The number of cases
conventional rst-line treatment is making the combination of meningitis caused by H inuenzae type b fell
of chloramphenicol and penicillin less useful in meningitis substantially and, by 2005, the incidence rates fell
treatment. Ceftriaxone has several advantages that make it from 2040 per 100 000 to almost zero.48 Nevertheless,
the rst-line treatment of meningitis in most developed prompt access to good quality care is important for every
countries. In developing countries, the cost was the infected child. This means improving health systems
principal disadvantage but this has reduced in recent years a dicult and daunting task.
since the expiration of the drugs patent. There are We did our trial in children presenting with purulent
substantial advantages to a shorter course of in-hospital meningitis presumably caused by S pneumoniae,
treatment. Indirect costs of admission to hospital are H inuenzae type b, and N meningitidis, and could nd
important constraints for poor families. The maintenance evidence for these organisms in 67% of our cases. We
of intravenous access over a 10-day period is dicult and is excluded organisms other than the three main bacterial
a burden on the scarce hospital resources available in causes of meningitis from our trial, in particular non-
many developing countries. Risk of nosocomial infections typhoid salmonellae, which might become more
and spread of hepatitis B and other infections during prominent as other causes decline. Invasive infections
admission to hospital are major risks. Short hospital stays caused by non-typhoid salmonellae are common in
reduce in-patient numbers, bed occupancy, and total malarial parts of Africa. In such settings a gram stain of
management cost. Early discharge to home means less cerebrospinal uid is helpful in identifying the presence
loss of family income because of loss of working hours. of bacteria. Non-typhoid salmonellae are adapted to
survival in the intracellular environment, which makes and Chandiram, M Nand Lal (Hyderabad, Pakistan). We thank
them dicult to eradicate and means that they need Medochemie Limited (Cyprus) for the donation, free of charge, of active
and placebo ceftriaxone. The donor did not have any say in development
longer treatment courses than usual. A third-generation of the protocol, interpretation of results, or the conclusions.
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