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The lihologic types must be carefully mapped and studied in the field, and the thickness and

sucession of beds, flows, or minor instrusions determined. Samples should be taken for
laboratory test of strength and permeability and for the preparation of thin section
microscopic study. The Laboratory studies, supplementary to the field work, are of highest
importance for some types of lithology, namely, the unconsolidated or the weakly
consolidated sediments.

Coincident with the lithologic mapping and study, structures are mapped. Structural studies
include mapping the attitude of beds, joints, faullts, shear zones, and cleavage planes. The
spacing and minor features of structures should be noted, insofar as they bear on the problem
at hand. The weathering of the rock should be noted and the characteristics and localization
of the weatherd materials determined.

At this stage of the examination, preliminary cross-sections are drwan across the valley. The
drawing of the cross-section brings out clearly where more information is necessary. For
whereas in much geology work cross-section are often based in large part on inference,
engineering workrequires that the work be checked and that the gaps filled in by inference
must be so small as to leave no chance for major error.

After the surficial investigations, a drilling program can be planned to obtain the
suplementary geological data, and drill holes spotted which will yield the maximumk
information. Core drilling is the most satisfactory drilling method, and shot drilling is
preferable to diamond drilling because of the sensitivity of the former in detecting open joins
and cavities. Core should be carefully preserved in their original sequence and accurate
records kept of the drilling, especially should water be losses be noted. Unfortunately, core
recovery is highest for sound rock types and least for soft or fractured rocks. Crackes and
openings do not appear in the drill cores.

Water under pressure is often forced in the exploration holes to obtain information on
openings. Grunting of the drill holes give similiar information. Grout should not be forced in
under to high pressures. Mead 3 estimates that about one pound of pressure per foot of depth
is a safe maximum.

Large holes which can be drilled up to 36 inchies or more in diameter are often used because
they permit through inspection of the rock in place. The cores can be handled by bulldozer,
Fig,19-1. Locally because water enterring the hole make trouble, small diameter holes are
drilled and grouted either inside or outside area of the large hole before the latter is put down.
If this is done, the engineer or geologist lowerde into the hole can examined not only the rock
but also the action and penetration of the grout.

A systematic search for suitable construction material for the dam is an important part of the
survey. Because of the large volumes required for many projects, excessive haulage or import
of material might be prohibitively expensive. If necessary, quary sides should be chosen as
sources for crushed stone. The engineer must know location of material sources, and also
their qualities and volumes.

Geological Characteristic of foundation and Abuments. The physical characteristics of the

foundation abutment rock must be careflly determined. A very concise and able summary of
these characteristic has been given by Warren J Mead4. Particullar attention should be paid to
those factory which bear on the success of the dam. The strength of the rock, its structure and
permeability are the important items. For purpose of the discussion which follows, rock can
be divided into five main groupa. The strong massive rocks,cavernous rocks, thin-bedded
sediments,weak rocks, and the unconsodilated rocks.

Strong massive rocks. Dam sites underline by fresh igneous intrusives, franite, monzonite,
syenite, gabbro, and other varieties are strong enough to support any load imposed upon
them. The problem is to determine possible avenues of excessive perculation. Shatter or shear
zones may be present; often the structurally weak zones are marked by decomposed rock.
Joint systems may be sufficiently open in the surface zone to require grouting. The fresh rock
surfaces of these types bond well with concrete and require no special treatment.

In this category of foundation and abutment materials are included also thick massive lava
flows. Many lava flows are complexily jointed; it may be necessary therefore to excavate and
grout a portion that permits too ready circulation. Some flows are scoriaceous, or vesiculated.
If the vesicules have been plugged with mineral matter, the rock is satisfactory. Vesiculation
should be carefully noted in the study of volcanics.

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