Multicultural Literature and Discussion As Mirror and Window?
Multicultural Literature and Discussion As Mirror and Window?
Multicultural Literature and Discussion As Mirror and Window?
Integrating language arts through literature and thematic units betty d roe. And july 20 201-0 elinor p.
Harkins 2001
International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL) Volume 4, Issue 10, October
2016, PP 37-40 ISSN 2347-3126 (Print) & ISSN 2347-3134 (Online)
3134.0410007 ARC Page | 37 Importance of Teaching Literature to Kids by
Parents: A Critical Perspective Mr Syed Firoz Ahmad BA Honours, MA, B Ed, M Phil, TESOL Head,
Department of English Woodbine Modern School, Darbhanga Affiliated to the CBSE up to 10+2 level