Explain The Major Characteristics of Typical Insurance Plan ?
Explain The Major Characteristics of Typical Insurance Plan ?
Explain The Major Characteristics of Typical Insurance Plan ?
According to the Law of Large Numbers, the greater the number of exposures, the
more closely will the actual results approach the probable results that are expected
from an infinite number of exposures.
Risk transfer A pure risk is transferred from the insured to the insurer, who
typically is in a stronger financial position
Economically feasible premium so people can afford to purchase the policy For
insurance to be an attractive purchase, the premiums paid must be substantially less
than the face value, or amount, of the policy
What is the law of large numbers? Why is the law of large numbers important to
private insurers?
is a mathematical principle which states that as the sample size increases, the
deviation between actual results and expected results declines. This principle is
important to private insurers because insurers can reduce objective risk by increasing
the number of loss exposures insured.
Chapter 3
Define risk management . how does risk management differ from insurance
Explain the objectives of a risk management program both before and after a
Pre-loss objectives:
Reduce anxiety
Plain the four basic functions of a risk management ?or Risk Management
How can the risk manager identify potential losses ? how does the risk manager
evaluate and analyze each potential?
Loss frequency refers to the probable number of losses that may occur during some
time period
Loss severity refers to the probable size of the losses that may occur
The maximum possible loss is the worst loss that could happen to the firm during
its lifetime The probable maximum loss is the worst loss that is likely to happen
Retention means that the firm retains part or all of the losses that can result from a
given loss
The retention level is the dollar amount of losses that the firm will retain
Non-insurance Transfers
A non-insurance transfer is a method other than insurance by which a pure risk and
its potential financial consequences are transferred to another party
Less expensive
If the other party fails to pay, firm is still responsible for the loss
Insurers may not give credit for Chapter 3: Risk Management transfers
Chapter 5
The question of insurable interest does not arise when you purchase life insurance
on your own life
Insurable interest in another persons life can be shown by close family ties,
marriage, or a pecuniary (financial) interest
To prevent the insured from collecting twice for the same loss
The insurer is entitled only to the amount it has paid under the policy