Innovative Teaching Units Applied To Physical Education - Changing The Curriculum Management For Authentic Outcomes

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Viciana, J., and Mayorga-Vega, D.: INNOVATIVE TEACHING UNITS APPLIED...

Kinesiology 48(2016)1:142-152



Jess Viciana and Daniel Mayorga-Vega

Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

Original scientific paper

UDC: 796:37.01

The aim of this article is to reflect on the original attributes that define planning in order to reformulate
the concept of teaching units in Physical Education (PE), providing teachers with new structures of planning
that allow them to achieve authentic outcomes. Some issues related to students learning are raised as regards
the duration of a traditional teaching unit, as well as the total time amount and allocation dedicated to
students learning. Based on previous psychological and learning theories, as well as on in-service teachers
experience, four proposals of innovative teaching units are provided. Providing opportunities for significant
and meaningful learning level in PE is not an easy task for teachers. The main objective of the proposals is to
provide students with substantial learning experiences and to accomplish authentic outcomes by planning PE
classes. Intermittent, alternated, irregular, and reinforced teaching units are analysed. The proposals focus on
new approaches to time allocation in PE, and on a renovated concept of unit planning and curriculum design.
Several applications for each type of teaching unit are shown in order to highlight PE teachers opportunities
to innovate their planning. The proposals of intermittent, alternated, irregular, and reinforced teaching units
could guide teachers through planning of PE based on related learning and may provide an effective tool for
PE planning to overcome learning deficiencies attributed to traditional teaching units.

Key words: learning process, physical education teachers, traditional teaching unit, curriculum
organization, length of a teaching unit

Introduction regard to the general profile of their students, and

The evolution of planning in education was ini- their community characteristics). Following these
tially marked by the United Nations Educational, educational goals planned by the centres, teachers
Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, programme Physical Education (PE) adapting their
1962) recommendations, whereby planning was teaching to the students (Kelly & Melograno, 2004;
associated with the evolution of society (attend- Viciana, 2002).
ing to pupils future needs more than the present
requirements), thus giving rise to short- and long- A teaching unit in Physical Education
-term planning concepts applied to educational In contrast to the original planning charac-
stages: Recommendation number 18 referred to teristics of flexibility, efficiency and being objec-
institutional planning should be directed to ensur- tive-based (Siedentop, 1998; Viciana, 2002), one
ing maximum efficiency and flexibility in use of the most used planning structures in the subject
(UNESCO, 1974: 8). As a result of this recom- of PE has been developed around the concept of a
mendation, planning in education has been theo- teaching unit (TU) or unit of instruction (Kelly &
retically associated with the characteristics of flex- Melograno, 2004; Piron, 1992). Teaching unit is
ibility, efficiency, and based on objectives (Viciana, understood as a closed and traditional concept asso-
2002). All nations, depending on their own educa- ciated with several problems. First, TU has been
tional policy, socio-cultural and socio-economic defined as a part of the annual plan made by physi-
characteristics, political and ideological factors, as cal educators (Pesquie, 1988; Piron, 1992), a period
well as external influences, have developed their of time that teachers only fill with several subject
standard guidelines or educational aims from which matters. The concept of covering the curriculum
districts (communities/neighbourhoods) and school (Siedentop & Tanehill, 2000), where teachers feel
centres programme their educational goals (with the necessity of treating a wide range of contents

Viciana, J., and Mayorga-Vega, D.: INNOVATIVE TEACHING UNITS APPLIED... Kinesiology 48(2016)1:142-152

during a year, has caused ineffective short TUs new variables for including students social skills in
(Himberg, Hutchinson, & Roussell, 2003; Robles, the model of the teaching/learning process (McIl-
Gimnez, & Abad, 2010). In this line, for example, rath & Huitt, 1995).
pre-service and novice PE teachers usually design However, based on the original UNESCOs con-
very short TUs (two or four weeks, twice a week) ception of planning (i.e. recognising the attributes
with the main objective to make students develop of flexibility and efficiency and based on educa-
their physical fitness (Prez-Pastur, 2010). tional objectives), and on an innovative TU concept
Nevertheless, recent studies express concern (beyond the traditional point of view), a new varia-
that the length of TU is crucial in learning (Arajo, ble could be taken into account for improving those
Mesquita, & Hastie, 2014). Secondly, TU has been models and students learning: this is the innovative
conceived as a particular number of classes con- distribution of TU time throughout an annual plan
secutively conducted in the school centre to attain in PE. This new element could be included in the
the set objective (or a group of them), and in the numerator of the formula of the school model for
best case scenario, teachers consider the neces- learning (and the subsequent modified models) in
sary learning-time (based on their own experi- order to improve three important elements regarding
ence or taking the reference of previous studies) to learning (but maintaining the time spent in learning
achieve it/them (Viciana, Salinas, & Cocca, 2008). and the time needed to learn constant): (a) provide
Despite, although many studies have been effective situational learning in PE; (b) improve the relational
in increasing the levels of students learning in PE cognitive-behavioural learning between PE con-
settings (i.e. fitness, motor skills, tactical under- tents; and (c) develop and maintain the cognitive
standing in games) (Ardoy, et al., 2010; Westen- and behavioural learning level already achieved.
dorp, et al., 2014; Gray & Sproule, 2011), none of This new perspective of the time-learning distribu-
them mentioned for how long the achieved learn- tion along the academic year could facilitate teach-
ing level was sustained afterwards. However, recent ers to attain authentic outcomes, based on meaning-
research has started to analyse this issue (Mesquita, ful learning, instead of being contented with easily
Farias, & Hastie, 2012; Pereira, et al., 2015). Lastly, forgettable simple goals (Mayorga-Vega, Merino-
the traditional concept of TU raises the third issue. Marban, Vera-Estrada, & Viciana, 2014).
Traditional TUs have usually been based on the Consequently, the purpose of this article is to
achievement of isolated objectives and isolated con- highlight the importance of innovative forms in
tents acquisition (Kelly & Melograno, 2004; Piron, the distribution of time planning in PE along the
1992; Siedentop & Tanehill, 2000) failing to estab- annual plan, and to provide new planning possibil-
lish the relationships between those objectives and ities (foreseeing particular divisions and distribu-
the rest of the subject, or the situational perspective tions of time for learning) for teachers in order to
of the learning (Smith, 2011). solve some planning-related learning issues in PE.
From the traditional point of view, the most
important aspect of TU in PE has been its dura- Planning-related learning issues in
tion that is represented by the number of classes
(minutes) needed to achieve the objective/es (Delau-
Physical Education
nay & Pineau, 1989; Viciana, 2002). This duration With regard to curriculum and planning errors,
includes the overall learning time spent and the time Siedentop and Tanehill (2000) commented that one
students needed to learn something as a part of it major culprit was the continued widespread use of
(Van der Mars, 2006). Based on the Carrolls model the short-unit multi-activity curriculum model that
of school learning (1963), saying that the degree many referred to as the smorgasbord curriculum.
of learning could be represented by a function, Because PE has many contents and goals, some
many authors modified the model in order to com- teachers plan the curriculum as a series of short
plete the variables that ensured an effective teach- activity units, with a few classes of isolated basic
ing process (Cruickshank, 1985; Huitt, 2006; Van skills practice. This approach could lead to conti-
der Mars, 2006). In the numerator of the models nued students efforts to learn in those short periods
function was the time spent learning (that will of teaching, since students are continuously in a dis-
be the academic learning time in the future: it is covery phase, and are not able to achieve the learn-
composed of the allocated time or opportunity to ing with so limited opportunities for successful
learn, and of the time students spent in tasks learn- practice (Viciana, 2002). Consequently, boredom
ing or in perseverance). The denominator was time emerges in students and the failure of learning
needed to learn (composed of students aptitude is certain. Although simple objectives could be
for learning the contents, their ability to understand achieved after a short TU, depending on the nature
the instruction, and the quality of that instruction). of learning pursued, authentic outcomes commonly
This model, modified by successive authors, has fail. Moreover, learning is usually isolated, with
contributed step-by-step to the total comprehension no relationship to the whole subject matter (Zhang,
of a good framework for students motor learning et al., 2014). Recent studies regarding other cur-
in PE (mainly in behavioural skills), and also added ricular models such as the sport education model

Viciana, J., and Mayorga-Vega, D.: INNOVATIVE TEACHING UNITS APPLIED... Kinesiology 48(2016)1:142-152

(usually centered in social interactions) addressed time and learning, considering that proper instruc-
these issues, showing importance and complexity of tions are provided during that time (such as feed-
the factors related to learning (Arajo, et al., 2014). back, presentation of the task or motor problem to
Regarding the time of learning opportunities, be solved by students, or the style of teaching) (Van
Van der Mars (2006) represented a multi-level der Mars, 2006; Viciana, Lozano, Cocca, & May-
scheme of the influences that determine the stu- orga-Vega, 2012). None of them has treated inno-
dents time/opportunity to learn in PE. This scheme vative distribution of TU time that could facilitate
includes: (a) a national and state level legislation comprehensive learning in PE, instead of consider-
that regulates the recommended minutes of PE per ing the TU as an accumulative number of lessons
week; (b) a district level legislation that sets the consecutively delivered, and usually conceived as
length/calendar of the lesson; (c) school level reg- a short-term planning.
ulations that decide on the length of TU and pre- The proposals of innovative TUs below address
ferred activities; and (d) program/class level regula- those issues, mainly concentrated in those countries
tions that define the time of lesson, allocated time, (and some states of the USA) where the PE sched-
engagement time, moderate-to-vigorous physical ule is composed of two (or three) lessons a week,
activity time, and academic learning time in PE. showing different opportunities to organise learn-
For instance, in Spain the Ministry of Educa- ing/teaching periods planned by PE teachers in the
tion has established two one-hour lessons per week annual curriculum. However, some limitations such
(65-68 hours/lessons per year) for PE in the cur- as local regulations, school contexts, or students
riculum of elementary and high school, which, in characteristics could affect the application of the
reality, are reduced to 45-50 min each due to the proposals presented in this article.
transition and displacement between classrooms
(Ministry of Education, 2006). This aspect of the New structures for planning teaching
current Spanish educational law is widely criti- units in Physical Education
cised by PE teachers (Viciana, 2002). This similarly The educational objective is the key element of
limited time assigned to PE is shared by numer- the curriculum that guides the teaching-learning
ous European countries, where the average time process and planning (Kelly & Melograno, 2004). It
allocation ranges from 53-81 hours/year (European is defined as a statement of instructional intent that
Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2013) and, conse- specifies what knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours
quently, all of them share this learning-regarded are meant to be learned (in fitness, motor, cognitive,
problem and its consequences. It supposes 65 hours or social domains) (Siedentop & Tanehill, 2000).
per year approximately (varying among the coun- An outcome is a description of what a student will
tries, i.e. in primary education the minimum recom- know and be able to do as the result of participating
mendation ranges from 37 hours in Ireland to 108 in the activities of the programme. Outcomes could
hours in France; European Commission/EACEA/ be conceived as ends, and curriculum objectives
Eurydice, 2013) with a great number of contents to as means (Lambert, 1996). However, the adjec-
deliver and objectives to achieve. Despite several tive of authentic comes from the authentic peda-
studies demonstrating that PE teachers could gogy theory of Newmann, Marks, and Gamoran
increase, for instance, students physical fitness (1995) that has been assigned to outcomes in order
within the traditional design and time allocation to specify the contextual performance where skill,
(Mayorga-Vega, Viciana, Cocca, & Rueda, 2012; knowledge, or social strategy will be used by the
Viciana, et al., 2008), many PE teachers still con- students. The characteristics of meaningful learn-
sider that it is impossible with only two lessons a ing (connections with previous knowledge), stu-
week (Salinas, 2011; Corbin, et al., 2014). dents engagement and analysis (psychological
Most authors reveal their concern about the involvement of students in their learning), and con-
time they need to achieve an objective in PE. nection to the world (application of the information
Some authors have observed that it is necessary to and performance to other real sport and physical
deliver a great number of lessons, because a reduced activity contexts in the students life) are related
number tends to situate students at a discovery level, to this authentic pedagogy theory, and they con-
with not enough time to produce sustained effects stitute the theoretical basis of the following units
on learning (Seners, 2001; Siedentop & Tanehill, of planning proposals. Newmann (1992) defined
2000). Hbrard (1986) specified that 10 lessons were student engagement in an educational setting as
insufficient for reaching the stage of learning in PE the students psychological investment in an effort
and that students would probably forget the learn- focused on situated learning. Situated learning, in
ing gained. Himberg et al. (2003) suggested that contrast with many classroom activities that are out
the first change for increasing the effectiveness of of context, refers to the deliberate situated perfor-
the curriculum would be to lengthen teaching units mances for learning, developed in authentic con-
from two or three weeks to four to eight weeks. All texts (with social interactions, collaboration and
studies regarding time/opportunity and learning performed in situations that would normally involve
in the PE research line support the link between that knowledge).

Viciana, J., and Mayorga-Vega, D.: INNOVATIVE TEACHING UNITS APPLIED... Kinesiology 48(2016)1:142-152

Proposal I: Intermittent teaching unit ers usually develop day by day (i.e. the warm-up,
First proposal of innovative TU is called the methods of training in flexibility, muscular relaxa-
intermittent teaching unit. This proposal is based tion methods, prevention of injuries, etc.). It seems
on the frequency of practices distributed during a that these subject matters should not be developed
year or a particular period of time, thus changing during a traditional TU, because if they are concen-
the concept of a conventional TU and connecting trated in several consecutive PE sessions, it could
students learning with other knowledge of the be boring and ineffective for students learning, and
subject of PE. the performance would be decontextualized. More-
In Figure 1 the traditional TU is shown in com- over, the application of this learning to several phys-
parison with the intermittent TU (shaded areas). ical activities is unusually linked to other subject
The intermittent TU is composed of many lessons matters, but isolated.
pieces of time (from 5 to 15 min) that allow PE It could seem that the total amount of time allo-
teachers to develop a particular content matched to cated to this intermittent TU would be less than
the rest of the physical activity developed during the time of a traditional TU, because only very
the lessons that compose this intermittent TU. short periods of time of each lesson are allocated.
This conception of TU allows teachers to carry out However, when all these short periods are summed,
applied lessons instead of artificial lessons based on then it gives the same or more learning opportuni-
isolated and decontextualized contents. The inter- ties for students than a traditional TU. Instead of
mittent TU could be applied around ten minutes in traditional lessons, this innovative TU organises the
the introductory or in the cool down phase (first or phases dedicated to learnings advance in groups
final parts of lessons). Several studies with variable of a particular number of lessons (i.e. 10 minutes
durations, ranging between nine weeks to one aca- during several periods of 5-10 lessons). In each
demic year, have carried out different examples of phase of lessons, the content is organised progres-
this situational perspective of the development of sively in order to facilitate the students understand-
flexibility in elementary and secondary school set- ing and participation (see examples in Figure 2).
tings (Constantino, Aires, & Ramos, 2012; Snchez The number and duration of the phases that
Rivas, Mayorga-Vega, Fernndez Rodrguez, & compose the total process is adaptable, depend-
Merino-Marban, 2014). ing on the objectives programmed by PE teach-
The application of the intermittent TU is centred ers. In Figure 2, there are three different exam-
on some learning and contents that PE teach- ples of objectives centred on students autonomy in 23

Figure 1. Comparison of intermittent and traditional teaching units.

Figure 1. Comparison of intermittent and traditional teaching units.

Viciana, J., and Mayorga-Vega, D.: INNOVATIVE TEACHING UNITS APPLIED... Kinesiology 48(2016)1:142-152

2. Examples
Examples ofofintermittent
intermittent teaching
teaching units units progression.

warming-up, on the development of several kinds Proposal II: Alternated teaching units
of flexibility training methods and their application 25
Alternated TUs allow students to link the learn-
to specific physical activities, and on the attitudi- ing developed by both TUs (the objectives of the two
nal and cognitive learning related to alimentation TUs alternated), thus allowing students to under-
and caloric balance. stand the fundamentals that connect them (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Comparison of alternated and traditional teaching units.

Figure 3. Comparison of alternated and traditional teaching units.

Figure 3. Comparison of alternated and traditional teaching units.

Viciana, J., and Mayorga-Vega, D.: INNOVATIVE TEACHING UNITS APPLIED... Kinesiology 48(2016)1:142-152

The example of Figure 3 is based on the teaching Teaching alternated lessons, as in the examples
games for understanding developed by Bunker and of Figure 4, allows teachers to relate the learning,
Thorpe (1982), although many other applications make them aware of these relationships between
could be incorporated into these alternated TUs contents and methods in PE, and help them in reach-
(Figure 4). The main applications of the alternated ing authentic and meaningful outcomes.
TUs to PE are: (a) to relate concepts and behav-
ioural skills belonging to the PE syllabus; and (b) Proposal III: Irregular teaching unit
to connect the learning developed in classroom to
From the characteristics of flexible and dynamic
the students life. The transfer between concepts
and learning has been previously verified in sec- planning at its maximum level, having the main
ondary school, in motor skills as well as in team propose of a TU in mind: to reach the objective
sports (Romn, Miranda, Martnez, Martnez, & and authentic outcomes, arises the irregular TU
Viciana, 2007; Yez & Castejn, 2011). that provides a wide range of possibilities in PE.
Although the transfer and relational learning The irregular TU means to distribute the lessons
can be applied between two or more tasks in the that compose it over the whole academic year with
same PE lesson, often the learning that PE teachers regard to the main centre of interest pursued by
are interested in is developed within different con- the PE teacher. Thus, many possibilities emerge
texts (e.g. indoor-outdoor), or each one needs differ- from this perspective applied to several curricu-
ent materials and organisations that make it difficult lum models (see example within sport education
to put into practice both types of tasks in the same model in Figure 5).
lesson (e.g. skating-skiing). In these cases, the alter- The amount or time related to learning oppor-
nated TUs are a good solution for promoting signifi- tunities is variable and depends on the number of
cant learning in PE. Moreover, some school centres lessons used and the optional use of the extracur-
also have a shared schedule by two PE teachers in ricular time (depending on the maturity and auton-
the same hour of the same day of the week that omy of the students). In Figure 5 the irregular TU
produce the problem of sharing the gym. Using uses recess time in order to develop the competi-
alternated TUs teachers could solve this problem: tion phase, the season, in a sport education model.
one day an indoor content is taught and the other Moreover, the use of extra-curricular time for learn-
day of the week an outdoor content, thus facilitat- ing in an irregular TU allows PE teachers to collab-
ing the sharing of the available gym between PE orate with students families in achieving authen-
teachers. Nevertheless, some limitations such as tic outcomes and performances applied to life (e.g.
adverse weather conditions could affect the feasi- irregular TU centred on the daily calculation of
bility of this proposal. caloric balance needs collaboration with the fami-

Figure 4. Examples of alternated teaching units.

Figure 4. Examples of alternated teaching units.

Viciana, J., and Mayorga-Vega, D.: INNOVATIVE TEACHING UNITS APPLIED... Kinesiology 48(2016)1:142-152


Figure 5.Figure of irregular
5. Comparison and traditional
of irregular teaching units.
and traditional teaching units.

lies, or combining PE lessons with physical activity be foreseen according to the objective pursued and
carried out during the weekend with families col- revised according to previous experiences carried
laboration in order to increase the students fitness out in similar contexts. Delivering extra practice
level). The increment of active time for learning after learning (overlearning) is a crucial factor to
in extra-curricular periods (i.e. after school time, provide successful practice for students.
recesses, weekends, holidays) allows teachers to A large problem related to physical fitness,
pursue many important objectives (e.g. improve motor skills, and tactical learning is the expected
the alimentation, improve daily physical activity decrease after a period of detraining. Several
levels, reduce sedentary habits, increase the stu- authors confirm that, for instance, after five to 12
dents autonomy). For instance, if students have the weeks of detraining children lose a significant part
required maturity and responsibility, teachers could of their achieved physical fitness gains (Da Fon-
use extra-curricular time aimed at increasing phys- toura, Schneider, & Meyer, 2004; Ingle, Sleap, &
ical activity during leisure time, thus developing Tolfrey, 2006; Mayorga-Vega, et al., 2014). There-
their physical fitness. This could be performed by fore, applying intermittent reinforcements in order
means of providing the students with the methods to maintain the gain obtained during the initial
of physical fitness development that are character- period is an inherent contribution of the reinforced
istic for PE classes, and delegating the responsibil- TU (Figure 6). The intervals of detraining could
ity of their development using an individualized be used by PE teachers to develop other contents
style of teaching (individualized programmes per- of PE or to consider the holiday periods as detrain-
formed in couples). ing. It is necessary to clarify that the instructional
approach and the content developed in the first
Proposal IV: Reinforced teaching unit intervention program could affect the detraining
The reinforced TU deals with the quantity of period (and the decrease or increase of the learning
practice needed to obtain an increase in a particular achieved). Recent studies demonstrated an increase
learning experience and its reinforcement along the in the levels of students learning after a detrain-
academic course of PE in order to avoid the loss of ing period in PE, due to the voluntary involvement
the attained learning. The length of the unit needs to in practising physical activity during their leisure

Viciana, J., and Mayorga-Vega, D.: INNOVATIVE TEACHING UNITS APPLIED... Kinesiology 48(2016)1:142-152

Figure 6. Comparison
Figure 6. Comparison of reinforced
of reinforced and traditional
and traditional teaching units.
teaching units.

time when they had been previously motivated by Discussion and conclusions
the teacher and content (i.e. sports) (Mesquita, et From the very beginning of educational plan-
al., 2012; Pereira, et al., 2015). ning, the characteristics of flexibility, efficiency,
It is important to know that the intermittent and being based on objectives were central to this
reinforcement will have a particular design of concept. The current contribution has been based
activities depending on the learning pursued. For
on the theory of authentic pedagogy (Newmann, et
instance, if students cardiorespiratory endurance
al., 1995), and proposes new approaches to teach-
during the initial period is to be developed, the
ing units planning that comply with the original
design of the tasks during the intermittent reinforce-
ment will include a moderate-to-vigorous intensity attributes of planning reccomended by UNESCO
performance of generic movements that involve (1962). First, flexibility is one of the main charac-
most muscle groups, as well as tasks with continu- teristics of the developed proposals that discontinue
ous movements and with enough practice time. It the traditional concept of TU composed of sessions
is not important whether these tasks are developed consecutively delivered, and provide a great variety
through sports or dance, etc., if they follow an ade- of allocation and distribution of the time dedicated
quate methodology. Teachers could apply the inter- to learning. Efficiency in students learning is the
mittent reinforcement during several lessons con- aim of the flexibility applied to these proposals of
secutively delivered or alternating lessons between curriculum design, making possible a situational
other contents. The moment for applying the rein- and meaningful learning, as well as retention of the
forcements will depend on the learning contents learning achieved during the academic course. And
(endurance, muscular strength, tactical sport, etc.), finally, objective-based planning is the motor of
and always before students revert to the baseline the renovated concept of the teaching unit because
levels. The study carried out by Mayorga-Vega, these proposals have been designed in the form of
Viciana, and Cocca (2013) has confirmed effective- an educational objective (searching for authentic
ness of the intermittent reinforcement in PE setting experiences in PE).
on physical fitness, creating the fundamentals of the The use of extended or longer units has been
reinforced TUs. a common factor of all proposals throughout this

Viciana, J., and Mayorga-Vega, D.: INNOVATIVE TEACHING UNITS APPLIED... Kinesiology 48(2016)1:142-152

article (with variations according to each of the and reinforced TUs could guide teachers for plan-
innovative unit proposed), as suggested by litera- ning relational PE contents; facilitate the consecu-
ture (Himberg, et al., 2003; Viciana, et al., 2012): tion of situated and significant cognitive and behav-
(a) intermittent units have used the concept of ioural learning, maintaining it over the academic
pieces of lessons over the whole year in order to year; and provide teachers with a planning tool for
provide a higher learning time-opportunity for stu- avoiding the usual loss of learning.
dents; (b) alternated units have added their lessons We must not forget mediational processes that
(teacher efforts) in order to provide more time to occur within the classrooms relationships, between
learn related concepts and behaviours; (c) irreg- the teacher and student, and among students (McIl-
ular units have used the extra-curricular time to rath & Huitt, 1995). Variables such as teacher expec-
increase the total amount of learning time, and at tations, feedback (its quantity and quality), interac-
the same time, the unconnected distribution of its tions provided by the tasks, communication between
lessons along the months and semesters provide an teachers and students, communication among stu-
intermittent stimulus focused on the same objective dents, autonomy support, or class size, influence the
in order to provide situated learning and authentic learning outcomes. Therefore, just as a boring or
outcomes in PE; and (d) reinforced units have used an unstructured curriculum is destined for failure,
three aspects related to learning-time in PE. The an exciting and relevant curriculum could also fail
first aspect was to extend the unit as far as other pre- if it is taught ineffectively (Siedentop & Tanehill,
vious studies did in order to assure a certain guar- 2000). As Silverman, Woods, and Subramaniam
antee of success. The second aspect was the applied (1999) stated, many variables interact for learning
overlearning that extended successful practice for to occur. In this article, the authors have pointed to
learning, and higher motivation caused by success- several points as guidance for PE teachers, provid-
ful practice for students. The third aspect related to ing help to them in planning with the innovative
learning-time was the application of the intermit- structures of TUs, but the rest of the variables that
tent reinforcements in order to preserve the learn- interact in the students learning process need to be
ing previously acquired during the initial period, taken into account and carefully designed. These
and to avoid the loss of the acquisition. variables may limit for the application of any of the
As Harnischfeger and Wiley (1985) stated, the proposals presented here. Teachers need to consider
active learning time variable is mainly influenced all these variables and decide in which cases the
by policy decisions at multiple levels (country, presented proposals could be limited, depending
state, district, community, and educational centre). on the context in which they are to be applied. For
Examples of this influence have been shown by the example, a lack of students maturity or autonomy
block scheduling innovation made in the USA. could cause a failure in the application of irregu-
This block scheduling consists of longer segments lar teaching units that use extracurricular time (i.e.
of time for learning provided by increasing the recess, weekend), due to the absence of a teacher
length of a traditional secondary school class period during that time. Future research could be devel-
(Hackman, Hecht, Harmston, Pliska, & Ziomek, oped into experiencing the provided proposals their
2001). Models such us 4 x 4 (four by four, four effectiveness and difficulties arising from the nature
classes per semester), or A-B (alternating day, of the learning and applied PE contents (i.e. sports,
classes met every other day for 90 min for an entire physical fitness, dance), as well as from different
school year) have been applied, thus increasing time school contexts.
for learning and obtaining positive results (Bryant Using the original characteristics of planning
& Claxton, 1996; Shortt & Thayer, 1999; Stader, flexibly, dynamically and based on objectives, the
2001). However, because scheduling modifications presented proposals have been supported by a new
depend mostly on external decisions, the treatment concept of teaching unit. It was modified from the
of the students learning time has been utilised in traditional structure of a particular number of ses-
the proposals presented in this article from the per- sions consecutively delivered to a new distribution
spective of the PE teacher, providing several strat- of time according to the educational objective, thus
egies to increase it merely by the tool of planning. achieving the maximum learning efficiency based
The proposed intermittent, alternated, irregular, on time allocation.

Authors want to thank Aliisa Hatten for the English revision of the manuscript. Daniel Mayorga-Vega is supported by
a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport (AP2010-5905).

Viciana, J., and Mayorga-Vega, D.: INNOVATIVE TEACHING UNITS APPLIED... Kinesiology 48(2016)1:142-152

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Submitted: September 20, 2014

Accepted: April 17, 2015

Correspondence to:
Prof. Jess Viciana, Ph.D.
Department of Physical Education and Sport,
University of Granada
Ctra. Alfacar s/n, 18011, Spain
Phone: +34 958246641
Fax: +34 958244369
E-mail: [email protected]


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