L e A R N e R G U I D e
L e A R N e R G U I D e
L e A R N e R G U I D e
Learner Guide
Primary Agriculture
U nd e r s t a nd B a s i c
So i l Fe r t i l i t y a nd
Pl a nt N u t r i t i o n
My name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Company: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Commodity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The availability of this product is due to the financial support of the National
Department of Agriculture and the AgriSETA. Terms and conditions apply.
Understand basic soil fertility and plant nutrition
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Before we start
Dear Learner - This Learner Guide contains all the information to acquire all the
knowledge and skills leading to the unit standard:
The full unit standard will be handed to you by your facilitator. Please read the unit
standard at your own time. Whilst reading the unit standard, make a note of your
questions and aspects that you do not understand, and discuss it with your
This unit standard is one of the building blocks in the qualifications listed below.
Please mark the qualification you are currently doing:
This Learner Guide contains all the information, and more, as well as the activities
that you will be expected to do during the course of your study. Please keep the
activities that you have completed and include it in your Portfolio of Evidence.
Your PoE will be required during your final assessment.
You will be assessed during the course of your study. This is called formative
assessment. You will also be assessed on completion of this unit standard. This is
called summative assessment. Before your assessment, your assessor will discuss
the unit standard with you.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Assessment takes place at different intervals of the learning process and includes
various activities. Some activities will be done before the commencement of the
program whilst others will be done during programme delivery and other after
completion of the program.
The assessment experience should be user friendly, transparent and fair. Should
you feel that you have been treated unfairly, you have the right to appeal. Please
ask your facilitator about the appeals process and make your own notes.
The activities that follow are designed to help you gain the skills, knowledge
and attitudes that you need in order to become competent in this learning
It is important that you complete all the activities and worksheets, as directed
in the learner guide and at the time indicated by the facilitator.
When you have completed all the activities and worksheets, hand this
workbook in to the assessor who will mark it and guide you in areas where
additional learning might be required.
You should not move on to the next step in the assessment process until this
step is completed, marked and you have received feedback from the
Please note that all completed activities, tasks and other items on which you
were assessed must be kept in good order, as it becomes part of your
Portfolio of Evidence for final assessment.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
What does it mean? Each learning field is characterized by unique terms and definitions
it is important to know and use these terms and definitions correctly. These terms and
definitions are highlighted throughout the guide in this manner.
You will be requested to complete activities, which could be group activities, or individual
activities. Please remember to complete the activities, as the facilitator will assess it and
these will become part of your portfolio of evidence. Activities, whether group or individual
activities, will be described in this box.
My Notes
You can use this box to jot down questions you might have, words that you do not understand,
instructions given by the facilitator or explanations given by the facilitator or any other remarks that
will help you to understand the work better.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Glossary ...................................................................................... 46
Bibliography .............................................................................. 47
Acknowledgements ..................................................................... 48
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this learning module, you must is able to demonstrate a
basic knowledge and understanding of:
Fertilisers, mixtures, single, etc. if appropriate.
Nutrient sources such as organic, compost, etc.
Soil conservation.
Soil preparation and improvement.
Basic ecological principles.
Sampling (soil, leaf, and fruit).
Basic soil properties.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Session 1 T h e p r op e r t i e s a n d
s t r u c t u r e of s oi l
After completing this session, you should be able to:
SO 3:.Understand the properties o soil and soil composition
The ability of plant roots to grow, take up nutrients and water, and breathe is
influenced by the physical and chemical properties of the soil. It is therefore
essential that these properties are well understood.
In most cases, the soil available for crop cultivation is not ideal. This means the
farmer has to correct or improve on these soil conditions.
In almost all cultivation practices, plants require soil to grow in. Plants need soil for
four main purposes, they are:
Stay Upright Plant roots anchor the plant in the soil. This means that the
roots must be able to penetrate the soil sufficiently to enable the plant to be
Nutrient Absorption Plants take up, or absorb, nutrients from the soil
through their roots. Plants can also absorb nutrients through their leaves, or
foliage, but most often they use their roots.
Water Absorption Plants absorb water through their roots from the soil.
Absorption of Oxygen (Air) The roots of a plant, like the rest of the plant
above the soil, has to absorb the air that the roots need for metabolic
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Soil properties can be divided into two groups, physical properties and chemical
Layering or stratification.
Roll the soil between the palms of your hands into a sausage; and
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
It is possible to roll a
sausage, but the sausage
Loamy Sand
cannot be bent at all 10 to 15%
without cracking or
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Soil Structure
Soil structure refers to the manner in which all the soil particles, including
organic material, are arranged to form structural units. The structural units
are named according to their physical appearance, as follows:
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
An aspect of soil texture is the content of particles larger than 2mm. This
fraction is referred to as gravel and/or stones. When the gravel content of the
soil exceeds 10%, it should be taken into account when interpreting the
chemical composition of the soil. Gravel dilutes the concentration of available
nutrient elements.
Clay and organic matter (humus) are the active materials in soil. The humus
content of soil can be intentionally increased, but it is more often decreased by
agricultural practises. The clay content, however, is a fixed property and
cannot be changed economically. The type and concentration of clay
determines the cation-exchange capacity, water-holding capacity, aeration,
and many other soil properties. The type of soil preferred by different crops
differs between crops. The ideal soil for example for citrus production is one
that contains less than 50% small particles (fine sand, silt and clay) and less
than 25% clay. The figure below shows the relationship between clay content
and soil suitability for citrus production.
Clay Content
7% 30% 40%
Soil Depth
The depth at which impermeable layers and/or parent material are present
determines soil-depth. Soils with a depth of less than 500mm are generally
regarded as soil of low potential. The effective depth of a soil is the depth to
which the crop roots can penetrate with ease.
It takes about 1,000 years for a 25mm layer of soil to develop. During the
formation of soil, soil particles are separated and accumulate at various
depths. Soils are also carried and deposited by water and wind to form soil
layers with different soil properties.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
The soil layers have an influence on the potential of the soil. If the properties,
especially the texture, of two underlying soil layers differ too much, plant roots
will not grow into the next layer. Similarly water will not penetrated the second
layer, but rather flow away along the merger of the two layers. A simple way
to determine if layering could be a problem is by determining the texture of
both layers. If the texture differs by more than 50% the layer will cause a
problem. If for example, if the top soil contains 20% clay and the next layer
more than 30% (50% of 20=10%), the stratification of the soil is too severe
and will impede root growth and water movement.
Soil Aeration
Plant roots respire (use oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide) and so soil oxygen
must be replaced constantly. The rate at which oxygen-carrying air moves
through soil depends on factors such as soil pore-size. The size of the soil
pores depends on the texture, structure and strength of the soil.
The soil pores are filled with water and air, with the ratio between air and
water being determined by the water content of the soil. At field water
capacity (FWC), the soil air content is at its minimum. As the plant roots
absorb the water in the soil, the air content in the soil increases. In soils that
are poorly drained, the pores are filled with more water than at FWC and less
air (oxygen) will be present. Water logged soil therefore contain very little
oxygen and the anaerobic conditions that develop cause roots to die.
Organic matter.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Soil pH
The optimal pH (water) of soil for most crops ranges between 6.50 to 7.50.
When the pH (water) drops below 5.30, too much aluminium is present in the
soil. Aluminium is toxic to roots and root growth will be affected. If the pH
(water) exceeds 7.50, nutrient elements like phosphate, zinc and manganese
become insoluble and deficiencies can be induced.
In soils with a neutral to acid pH, the pH of the subsoil will usually be lower
than that of the topsoil.
The resistance of soil is an indication of the total dissolved salts in the soil
solution. The measurement of resistance is a quick method to scan soils for
salts. If the sample is too salty the electrical conductivity (EC) of the saturated
paste is measured.
The resistance is expressed in ohm and the following general classification can
be used:
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Soil Fertility
Soil fertility is a collective expression to describe the status of the soil in terms
of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and to some
extent, nitrogen (N). Fertile soil contains these nutrient elements in adequate
quantities to sustain plant growth.
If too little plant nutrients are present, it poses less of a problem in commercial
agriculture than if too much is present. It is relatively quite easy and fairly
cheap to add nutrient elements to the soil, but seldom easy and cheap, if
possible at all, to remove excess nutrients.
Soil Salinity
Salts accumulate in soils due to poor drainage and irrigation using saline
water. This is usually a slow process and affects the fertility of the soil and
eventually also the physical properties and soil structure.
Organic matter present in soil ranges from dead plant and animal material,
organic debris, microbial debris and all stages of humus. Humus is processed
and condensed organic matter and it takes thousands of years to reach a
stable form. Humus contributes to the activity in soils and consists of humic
acid (or humates, the salts of humic acids), fulvic acid (or fulvates, the salts of
fulvic acid) and humins (a very stable form).
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Macro elements are required in relatively large amounts, while micro nutrients are
required in very small amounts. The roll of each element is complex and elements
are involved in many physiological processes of which some are still not
Essential Nutrient
Forms part of all protein and enzyme molecules and is therefore involved in
Nitrogen (N)
almost every physiological process in plant production.
Is involved in all energy transfer reactions in the plant. It is also part of the
Phosphorus (P)
nucleic acids in cells.
Forms a vital part of all cell-walls, keeping the cells together in the same way
Calcium (Ca)
as cement in a brick wall.
Forms the centre metal ion in the chlorophyll molecule, which is required for
Magnesium (Mg)
photosynthesis, apart from its role in other physiological processes.
Is in fact also a micro-nutrient, with plants requiring about 20mg per litre in
Chloride (Cl) their nutrient solution. Chloride is involved in the reactions where water
molecules are split during photosynthesis.
Micro nutrient
elements Cu, Fe, Mn, Are involved in many physiological reactions as catalysts.
Zn, B and Mo
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Identify and research My Name:
My Workplace:
My ID Number:
SO 3 AC 1-3
1 Take a handful of soil from the soil sample you have taken and mix it properly
with water in a glass beaker. Let it stand for a day for the soil particles to
settle down. Describe and explain your observation. Measure the layers in the
beaker and determine the percentages of each. Use the textural triangle to
determine the soil textural type. Write down your answer your Learner Guide.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
2 Take a handful of the same soil sample (from Activity 1.1) and wet it with a bit
of water. Use this sample to determine the texture type by hand as explained
in class. Now compare the results from this hand method with the results from
Activity 1. Is it the same or does it differ? Write down your answer in your
Learner Guide.
Facilitator comments:
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
My Notes
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Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Session 2 T h e r ol e of m i n e r a l s i n s oi l
hea l th
After completing this session, you should be able to:
SO 2: Take an appropriate sample for nutrient analysis.
All plants need the following to grow and produce food, and to successfully complete
their lifecycles:
If the soil that a plant grows in is managed well, it the plant will grow well and
produce optimally. To manage soil we need to know:
What nutrients the crop requires and in what quantities;
The characteristics of the soil that will allow this plant to take up water and air
The soil type that will allow the plant to anchor and grow optimally.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Once we know what the ideal soil is for the crop, we also need to determine what
we could do to optimise the soil we have available.
Once the symptoms of a possible nutrient deficiency have been observed, the
deficiency must be confirmed through leaf- or soil analysis. Not all abnormalities
observed are necessarily due to nutrient deficiency. Pests and diseases may cause
symptoms similar to those of nutrient deficits.
The first principle of any sampling action is that the sample must be
representative of the bulk of the medium that is being sampled. A sample should
not be viewed as a section of the whole, but rather the whole reduced to a
manageable volume.
Sampling Procedures
In this section, we look at procedures used for taking the following samples:
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
In the case of tree crops soil and leaf samples are taken at and from the same set of
trees every year. This is to comply with the first principle of sampling, and to
minimise the effects of other factors on the nutritional status of the trees. Two to
four rows that represent the orchard in all respects are selected for sampling, and
are referred to as the index blocks or rows. The rows are marked, and samples
for that orchard are always taken from those trees.
Enter the path between two of the rows in the index block and pick leaves from
every second tree on the left and right.
Pick leaves that are between 1 and 2 metres from the orchard floor, i.e.
between about the waist and head of a person of average height;
Pick leaves from fruit bearing twigs.
Keep the samples until they are dispatched to the laboratory in the shade or in
a cool area, but do not freeze the samples.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Specific sampling procedures are available for other tree and field crops and
vegetables. Depending on the specific crop you are working with, the learner should
get hold of these procedures and collect plant samples accordingly.
Identify areas under every second to fourth tree for collecting sub-samples;
Remove any visible plant debris from the surface of the soil, but take care not
to remove the top soil;
Take the sub-sample from the surface down to a depth of 30cm depth using a
spade or soil auger;
Label the sample as is prescribed by the laboratory. Never put a label in the
sample bag with the soil.
Take the 200g to represent the top, middle and bottom of the bag;
Remove 500g of the mixed sample and place into a suitable clean plastic bag;
A spatula used for taking grain samples can also be used. In this case press the
spatula into the top, middle and bottom of the bags and collect these sub-samples
in a bucket.
When sampling is done for a legal dispute, the Registrar of Fertilisers prescribes
specific procedures and samples must be taken in the presence of both parties to
the dispute.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Remove and place 500ml of the mixed sample into a suitable, clean plastics
Seal properly;
Stick or tie a label to the bottle, as prescribed by the laboratory to be used for
Labelling Samples
Attach a label to the plastic bag or bottle, by either sticking it on, or tying it
securely with string;
Do not write the information directly onto the bag or bottle, as even
permanent marker ink rubs off during transport;
Never place a label inside the bag with the sample;
If more than one sample is sent, at least one of the labels should contain all
the details of the sender, including:
Telephone number;
Fax number;
Contact person
Details of analysis required in case of fertiliser samples and special
instructions, where required;
Type of sample;
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
handle the samples will understand it. These simple rules make the
whole process of recording, reporting and record keeping much easier.
The labels on the remainder of the samples can reflect only the name, sample
reference and type of sample.
Before packing the samples, ensure that all the samples are labelled correctly,
and that the labels are legible;
Check the samples against a Samples Dispatched list as they are being packed;
Pack the samples in a sturdy box and fill the box with packing material such as
bubble wrap and/or newspaper, to steady the samples.
My Notes
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Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Explore and research My Name:
My Workplace:
My ID Number:
SO 2 AC 1-3
Study the procedures to take soil samples and use these in taking a
representative soil sample of where your crop is growing and submit it for
analysis. Request the lab to make recommendations for amendments.
Write a short report in your Learner Guide on the sampling performed and
the recommendations which you received back from the lab.
Study the procedures to take plant samples and use these in taking
representative leaf samples of your crop and submit it for analysis. Request
the lab to make recommendations for amendments.
Write a short report in your Learner Guide on the sampling performed and
the recommendations which you received back from the lab.
Facilitator comments:
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
My Notes
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Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
3 Ba s i c s y m p t om s of
n u t r i t i on a l d e f i c i e n c i e s
After completing this session, you should be able to:
SO 3: Identify and interpret the basic symptoms of
nutritional deficiencies in crops.
3.1 Introduction
Plant nutrient elements are divided into two groups called Macro- and Micro-
elements. The effect of the most limiting nutrient element can be illustrated by
trying to fill a drum or barrel with holes at various levels in its side. Each hole
represents the relative optimal concentration of a nutrient element. In the sketch
below, nitrogen (N) is present at 90% and potassium (K) at 30% of their respective
optimal concentrations. To fill the drum, one has to first of all block the hole
representing K. Thereafter, you can fill the drum to the level where phosphorus (P)
becomes the most limiting nutrient element.
If you first block the nitrogen (N) hole before blocking the K hole you still will not be
able to fill the drum more than 30%. Therefore, to fill the drum all nutrient elements
must be present at their respective optimal concentration (100% level), but getting
the N level to 100% and not the K level will not enable the plant to produce at
100% capacity. Although molybdenum is required in very small quantities compared
to nitrogen, the shortage of this element will still cause the plant to produce at only
40% of its capacity in the example below.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
o N (90%)
o Mn o Ca
o Zn o B o Mg o Fe
oS o Cu
o Na o Cl
o Mo (40%)
o K (30%)
Macro elements
Soil fertility is a collective term used to describe the status of the soil in terms of
phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and to some extent,
nitrogen (N). Fertile soil contains these nutrient elements in adequate quantities to
sustain plant growth.
Plant Part
(first to display Mild Expression Severe Expression
Yellowing of all leaves just
Yellowing of all the old leaves, to a before or during a new leaf
Nitrogen (N) Old leaves
light yellow colour. flush which will result in
leaf drop.
Open centre resembling over- Thick skins and puffy fruit
Phosphorus (P) Fruit
matured fruit. with high acid level.
Small fruit with thin skins
combined with a low yield.
Potassium (K) Fruit Small fruit
On young trees the leaves
may turn bronze.
Chlorosis (yellowing) of
Increase incidence of creasing, (a very young leaves and
Calcium (Ca) Fruit physiological disorder) although dieback of growth tips.
not yet confirmed.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Plant Part
(first to display Mild Expression Severe Expression
Chlorosis of the front part of the
leaf from the tip and sides of the
Magnesium leaf. An inverted green V with the Leaf drop and decrease in
Old leaves
(Mg) open end of the V at the petiole fruit set.
side appears as the symptom
Yellowing to the colour of butter of
Sulphur (S) New leaves Extremely reduced fruit set.
emerging leaves on a green twig.
Gum pockets in the albedo
Extra large leaves on strong new (white part of the peel) of
Copper (Cu) New leaves
growth. the fruit. Fruit is small, thin
skinned and hard.
Yellowing of the lamina (leaf
blade) of young leaves leaving a
Iron (Fe) New leaves Reduced fruit set.
well defined network of small
Inter-veinal yellowing of a normal-
sized leaf, almost over the entire
Manganese leaf. Broad green areas around the Increase in the number of
New leaves
(Mn) veins and Chlorotic areas between leaves affected.
veins are the most obvious
Interveinal yellowing of a small-
sized leaf, starting at the tip of the
Increase in the number of
leaf. Resembles manganese
Zinc (Zn) New leaves leaves affected and
deficiency, but appears on small
reduction in fruit size.
leaves and the chlorosis starts at
the tip of the leaf.
Corking of the midrib vein on the Gum pockets around the
Boron (B) New leaves underside of the leaves. This centre of the fruit. Fruit size
resembles cold damage of leaves. is reduced.
The leaf should display the same symptom on both the left-hand and right-
hand side of the midrib. This is important in distinguishing between nutrient
deficiencies and leaf symptoms caused by other factors.
Nutrient deficiency symptoms appear first on either new or old leaves. From
there the symptom can spread to the entire plant.
Nutrient deficiency starts with mild symptoms and develops into severe
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Once it has been applied to the plant, there is no guarantee that the active form will
last long enough to result in the required physiological reactions. To maintain
optimal concentrations of the available nutrient elements in the trees, enough of the
nutrient in the available form must be present to be utilised by the plant.
The table below lists that most common causes of and factors associated with
nutrient deficiencies, and the corrective measure that can be taken.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Identify, explore and My Name:
discussion ..................
My Workplace:
My ID Number:
SO 4 AC 1-2
3.1 Compare the plant you have received with a healthy plant. Inspect your crop
for any nutrient deficiencies and try to identify the deficiency. Take a photo
of the healthy and affected plant and paste it in your Learner Guide, or write
down characteristic symptoms of the two plants. Write down the cause of
this deficiency.
Facilitator comments:
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
My Notes
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Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Session 4 P r oc e d u r e s f or t h e
a p p l i c a t i on of n u t r i e n t s
After completing this session, you should be able to:
SO 1: Accurately prepare and measure the appropriate and
quality of required soil nutrient preparations.
Preparing fertilisers.
Measuring fertilisers.
Applying fertilisers.
4.1 Introduction
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
For field crops the amount of fertiliser required will be given as a dosage rate per
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
The total amount of LAN needed for the July application is calculated as:
Number of Trees in Orchard = Orchard Size in Hectare (ha) x Number of Trees per
= 3.0ha x 316
Total Amount of Fertiliser Required = Fertiliser per Tree g or ml) x Number of Trees
in Orchard
= 500g x 948 trees
This means that 474 kg of LAN is required for the July application of LAN
to orchard 10.
Once the total amount of fertiliser required for the orchard has been calculated, the
fertiliser can be collected from the store and prepared for application.
In a field crop situation, the fertiliser will be based on leaf and soil analyses. The
recommendations will indicate the amount of fertiliser to be applied per m2 or per
ha. Before planting, fertiliser containing N, P and K will be broadcasted, while N will
be applied as a top dressed later during the season. The required nitrogen is usually
split into smaller amounts, which are then applied at intervals during the growing
In line with the standards of good agricultural practises (GAP) fertilisers must
be stored according to their type and packaging. Fertilisers have a fairly long shelf
life, provided it is stored in the manner prescribed by the suppliers. However,
contamination can occur and bags might lose their labels. If in doubt of the contents
or concentration of any fertiliser, take samples and send it for analysis.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
To ensure that the correct fertilisers are selected, double-check the following before
Granular and powdered fertilisers are supplied in 25kg or 50kg bags. LAN is mostly
supplied in 50kg bags. In the case such as the example above, ten 50 kg bags, i.e.
500 kg of fertiliser will be collected from the store. Half a bag should be left after the
application, and this should be returned to the store and sealed properly for future
use. When collecting fertiliser from the store, check that there are no half-used bags
that should be used first.
Once the correct fertiliser and its concentration are confirmed, the instruction to load
the required number of bags or containers can be executed.
For fertigation and foliar applications, the fertiliser is merely mixed with the amount
of water prescribed in the fertilisation program.
When applied to field crops the fertiliser is either applied through the irrigation
system (fertigation) for vegetables and pivot systems, or in granular form by hand or
using spreaders.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
In the case of manual application, the amount of powdered or granular fertiliser that
is to be applied is normally stated on the fertilisation program in g/tree. This
prescribed mass per tree cannot be weighed for every tree, as this would take a long
time and be unproductive. Follow the steps below:
Make scoops to hold the exact volume of fertiliser that is required, by for
instance cutting used oil or canned fruit tins to the correct size. Apply one or
two scoops of the specified fertiliser.
In the case of fertigation and foliar applications, the liquid or powdered fertilisers are
measured or weighed carefully and added to the prescribed amount of water.
The feeder-roots of a orchard trees are concentrated in the area around the trunk of
the tree. This is normally the area, which is wetted during irrigation.
Irrigate the orchard for about 30minutes before application to demarcate the
area in which the feeder-roots grow;
Spread the fertiliser evenly on the wetted area, with little or no fertiliser
against the trunk of the tree.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Calculation. My Name:
Identify and research. ..................
My Workplace:
My ID Number:
SO 1 AC 1-3
4.1 The returned nutrient analysis suggests that the land require 185 kg of
nitrogen, 37 kg of phosphate and 185 kg of potassium per hectare. Now
draw up the ratios and decide between the two lots of fertiliser (2:3:2 (22)
and 5:1:5 (25)) which one would best suit your need. And how many 50 kg
bags you would require.
Show all calculations and make short notes on what was done write it in
the Learner Guide.
4.2 Making use of the information in Activity 1.1, work out how many kg of
organic fertiliser would be required for the area. Remember that compost
needs to be applied at about 30000 kg per hectare to supply an equivalent
amount of 2:3:2 (26%).
Show all calculations and make short notes on what was done write it in
the Learner Guide.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
4.3 Go to the fertilizer shed and collect the following bags of commercial
Limestone ammonium nitrate (28%)
Super-phosphate (21%)
2:3:2 (22%)
Measure out 630 g of each type of commercial fertilizer with the aid of:
A food tin which contained baked beans/Pilchards fish or any other type
of food stuff weighing 210 g,
A measuring scale.
Write short notes in your Learner Guide on what was done and also the
outcome of the two ways of measuring.
Facilitator comments:
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
My Notes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
My Notes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
The assessor will complete a checklist that gives details of the points that are
checked and assessed by the assessor.
The assessor will write commentary and feedback on that checklist. They will
discuss all commentary and feedback with you.
You will be asked to give your own feedback and to sign this document.
It will be placed together with this completed guide in a file as part
of you portfolio of evidence.
The assessor will give you feedback on the test and guide you if there are
areas in which you still need further development.
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Paperwork to be done
Please assist the assessor by filling in this form and then sign as instructed.
Program Date(s)
Assessment Date(s)
First Name
Learner ID / SETA
Home Language
Date of Birth
ID Number
Contact Telephone
Email Address
Postal Address
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Term Description
The process by which air in the soil is replaced by air from the
The part (ion) of a molecule like (KNO3) with a negative charge (NO3-)
A kind of drill used as a tool for making holes in the ground or taking soil
Cation-exchange A measure of the total amount of exchangeable cationes (like K+) that
capacity the soil can hold
Foliar fertilisers Fertilisers that are dissolved in water and applied to the leaves
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Term Description
The percentage of water remaining in the soil two or three days after
Soil field water
having been saturated and after drainage due to gravity has practically
Soil pore size The size of the openings (pores) between adjacent soil particles
The arrangement of primary soil particles (clay and silt) into secondary
Soil Structure
units or peds with specific size or shape
Top dressing Applying fertiliser on top the ground close to the root system of plants
Water holding The percentage of water retained by the soil particles after the excess
capacity water from the pores between particles has leached out
CHAPMAN, H. D. 1968: The Mineral Nutrition of Citrus: Chapter 3 in The
Citrus Industry, Volume 2 Univ. California, Division of Agriculture
ITSC: Pamphlet numbers B3, E4, E5, E6, E7 and E8 in The Cultivation of Citrus,
Private Bag X11208, Nelspruit, 1200
Primary Agriculture NQF Level 2 Unit Standard No: 116053
Project Management:
M H Chalken Consulting
IMPETUS Consulting and Skills Development
Prof P J Robbertse
Citrus Academy
Dr D Marais
Technical Editing:
Mr R H Meinhardt
OBE Formatting:
Ms B Enslin
Didacsa Design SA (Pty) Ltd
Ms P van Dalen
Learners will gain specific knowledge and skills in soil nutrient and preparation and will be able to operate
in a plant production environment implementing sustainable and economically viable production principles.
They will be capacitated to gain access to the mainstream agricultural sector, in plant production,
impacting directly on the sustainability of the sub-sector. The improvement in production technology will
also have a direct impact on the improvement of agricultural productivity of the sector.
Accurately prepare and measure the appropriate quantity and quality of required soil nutrient
Soil nutrient preparations refer to either agro-chemical or organic production methods. These can include
preparation of compost and liquid nutrients, management of lime, single or mixed fertilizers, or other
The ability to identify the appropriate nutrients for a specific context is demonstrated.
The ability to prepare and collect the correct amount of the appropriate nutrients from the storage area of
an agricultural production environment is demonstrated (in the case of conventional systems, this would
involve selecting the appropriate fertiliser; for organic systems it would involve storing manure optimally
and making compost with due understanding of the processes outlined in the NQF 1 unit standard).
The ability to measure the required amount of soil nutrient accurately is demonstrated.
Take an appropriate sample for nutrient analysis.
A sample refers, but is not limited to leaf, soil and fruit analysis samples.
An appropriate sample is taken according to prescribed procedures.
The sample is labelled according to required procedures.
The sample is prepared and packaged according to specified procedures.
Understand the properties of soil and soil composition.
Soil properties refer to the texture and structure, water holding and drainage capacity, and soil composition
in terms of silt/clay/gravel ratios. Soil composition refers to the basic mineral content of soil. These should
be related to the basic interaction between soil composition and productivity.
Soil structure and texture are identified using elementary tests and observations, and based on this
information the learner is able to express an opinion on its condition and remediation.
The composition of soil based on elementary tests and observations is identified and, based on these
results, an opinion regarding the condition of the soil and its fertility requirements is demonstrated.
The role of minerals in soil health and how this relates to plant production is described.
Identify and interpret the basic symptoms of nutritional deficiencies in crops.
Different crops may include (among others) field crops and horticultural crops. Macro elements may include
(among others) Nitrogen, Phosphorous Potassium and Calcium.
The colour change on plant leaves, and/or fruit/ plant abnormalities, is interpreted and related to the
specific macro-element deficiencies compared with healthy plants.
Steps are taken (or explain the steps needed) to rectify basic deficiencies.
It will be necessary to develop assessment activities and tools, which are appropriate to the contexts in
which the qualifying learners are working. These activities and tools may include an appropriate
combination of self-assessment and peer assessment, formative and summative assessment, portfolios and
observations etc.
The assessment should ensure that all the specific outcomes; critical cross-field outcomes and essential
embedded knowledge are assessed.
The specific outcomes must be assessed through observation of performance. Supporting evidence should
be used to prove competence of specific outcomes only when they are not clearly seen in the actual
Essential embedded knowledge must be assessed in its own right, through oral or written evidence and
cannot be assessed only by being observed.
The specific outcomes and essential embedded knowledge must be assessed in relation to each other. If a
qualifying learner is able to explain the essential embedded knowledge but is unable to perform the specific
outcomes, they should not be assessed as competent. Similarly, if a qualifying learner is able to perform
the specific outcomes but is unable to explain or justify their performance in terms of the essential
embedded knowledge, then they should not be assessed as competent.
Evidence of the specified critical cross-field outcomes should be found both in performance and in the
essential embedded knowledge.
Performance of specific outcomes must actively affirm target groups of qualifying learners, not unfairly
discriminate against them. Qualifying learners should be able to justify their performance in terms of these
Anyone assessing a learner against this unit standard must be registered as an assessor with the
relevant ETQA.
Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of this unit standard or assessing this unit
standard must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA.
Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the moderation guidelines
in the relevant qualification and the agreed ETQA procedures.
All qualifications and unit standards registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only
payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is
reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.