Prepared Remarks Dr. Jody Hice, President, Ten Commandments - Georgia, Inc

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My friends, my fellow Americans, my fellow Georgians:

We have come to the steps of our capitol to deliver a strong

message to our elected representatives both those in this
building and our federal legislators in Washington and this is our

We are people of faith who reverence God.

We are people of faith who acknowledge God.
We are people who love liberty, including freedom of religious
We are people who support the Constitution of the United States as
written by our Founders.
We are people who believe in a constitutional republic form of
government with its unique system of checks and balances.

And we are no longer going to tolerate the relentless assault

on our God, our faith, and our freedom by the ACLU and by
tyrannical federal judges!

Therefore, we demand that our elected officials fulfill their

oaths to uphold the Constitution by supporting legislation that
will restore our Republic by limiting the jurisdiction of the federal

Because the pattern of arrogance, abusiveness, and arbitrary

behavior by activist, left-wing, anti-God, anti-Christian judges who
are hostile to our faith and our values, is so compellingly clear, we
will not allow our elected officials to delay, to equivocate, and to
merely do lip service to the cause of freedom and justice.
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Let there be no doubt that millions of Americans are with us in

spirit today. And let there be no doubt, that millions of registered,
informed, and motivated voters are going to hold elected officials
from city councils members to county commissioners, from state
legislators to Congressmen and Senators, from the Governor here in
Georgia to President Bush accountable, not for what they say, but
for what they do or fail to do.

My friends, if we are to experience a New Birth of Freedom in

America and we must it is not going to come from the federal
bench or from professional politicians, it is going to come from
ordinary men and women like you and me who have decided that
enough is enough and we want our country back!

For over two and a quarter centuries, Americas heritage has

been the twin pillars of faith and freedom. As long as there is the
breath of life in me, I intend to see that it remains so, for the sake of
my children and my grandchildren and for many generations of
Americans yet unborn.

Ladies and gentlemen, you and I are not politicians; we are

just regular folks who work hard every day, do our best to live right,
treat our neighbors right, love our families, worship God, and love
our country. But we have a conviction in our soul that it is now up to
us to make a difference.

We must keep the light of freedom burning in America. We

must save our land from being pulled into the dark midnight of a
chilling, oppressive tyranny imposed by judges who ignore our
Constitution and steal our liberties with the flow of ink from their pens
as they sign more and more decrees that come from their own

These are judges who forget justice. These are judges who
have abandoned their oath. These are judges who pervert the
Constitution and usurp the powers of the legislative and executive
branches of government and who usurp the powers of the
individual states.
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These judges in their elitist arrogance presume to tell us that

there is no room for the acknowledgement of God in the public
institutions of this nation. They tell us that we can have all of the
freedom of religion we want in private. But they want to silence us in
the public arena. They want to relegate us to the four walls of the
church. They want to build for us a stained glass prison.

My friends, part of the problem in America today is the result of

the church having abdicated its responsibility to be salt and light
in our society. You know it and, I know it. But, from this day forth, I am
calling upon people of faith to get actively involved in the political

Are we going to communicate with our officials? Are we

going to vote? Are we going to register others to vote? Are we
going to be diligent in monitoring how our public officials vote and
the decisions they make about publicly acknowledging God and
the Ten Commandments as the very foundation of Americas system
of law and justice? Are we going to hold them accountable? Yes,
we are!

As president of Ten Commandments GA I am today calling

upon the members of the Georgia General Assembly to have the
courage to stand up to renegade federal judges who pervert the

Legislators, we expect you to be men and women of

character who are not afraid, ashamed or reluctant to make
Almighty God part of public life in Georgia.

Fully confident that 80% of Georgians, agree that it is

appropriate to honor God and to publicly Display the Ten
Commandments, I call upon members of the Georgia Congressional
Delegation to support legislation to limit The jurisdiction of federal
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As your constituents, we are saying to you that we are sick and

tired of having our country and its religious heritage and its freedoms
hijacked by a judicial terrorists.

We are sick and tired of being lorded over by federal judges

who despise and mock our values, demean our faith, and steal our
liberty. Senators and Representatives, we know the Constitution
gives you authority to act. And we are telling you that you have an
obligation to act.

The recent decision by Federal Judge William OKelley against

Habersham Countys right to display the Ten Commandments is a
disgrace! To believe his ruling is correct, one must also believe that
for 200 plus years prominent Americans were incorrect.

According to Judge OKelley, the men who wrote the

Constitution neither knew what it meant or what is said. His decision
dishonors our forefathers and our Constitution. This is alarming!

If he is unable to read and understand the First Amendment,

then he is obviously incapable of fulfilling his position as judge. Either
he is incapable of understanding it, or his biased opinion is so strong
that he refuses to accept it. Either way, if he has any integrity
regarding the oath he took to uphold the Constitution, he ought to
resign due to his outright refusal to abide by it.

He, along with certain other Federal Judges, are challenging

the people of this country to a contest. Together, we must send a
message to Congress that they have appointed a judge in our area
whose opinions and rulings are hostile to the beliefs and morals of
our communities, and we want him removed.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here. God bless
you. And God bless America.

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