Scopes of Smart Grid

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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET) ISSN: 22780882

IEERET-2014 Conference Proceeding, 3-4 November, 2014


Sharad Gupta1
( student,Department of Electrical Engi.
Suresh Gyanvihar university, Jaipur, India.)
Email: [email protected]
Mo.- 8107008457

Abstract:- The present power grid using the stochastic demand and the optimal answer to the
technology of 1970, but are connected to smart device. It is a tool, the power company to
increase with the progress in different you by focusing on the changing real business
concept of power generation, problems with drivers, cost containment, end-to-end power
the power outages and theft, and also due to delivery control and a secure infrastructure. The
the demand, we need a modernized grid to fit grid is as observability node with data
the needs of the customers even in the to take integration and analysis have the advances in
the situation in claim hype, what can be system operation and control support. These
called "Smart Grid". include power delivery and the high integration
The Smart Grid performs various functions, of strategic planning utility functions.
so that it increases network stability, The existing distribution systems and use
reliability, efficiency and ultimately reduces techniques and strategies that are old and there is
the conduction losses. limited use of digital communication and control
The Smart Grids are the two-way processing technology. In order to achieve improved,
power of the consumers who may have reliable and economical power delivery flow of
distributed generation. Various technologies information and ensure integrated
such as sensors and measurement, use of communication proposed. The smart grid with
advanced components are used for the smart functions, it is expected to process self-
successful functioning of the network. correction, reconfiguration and recovery, and
Confronted in this paper, Smart Grid, its provide able loads and randomness of market
features, technologies in smart grid used, participants in real time while creating complex
implementation and challenges of Smart Grid interactive behavior with smart devices,
in India are discussed. communication protocols, standard and smart
algorithms to achieve complex interaction with
Keywords:- Scope and future in India, functions, Smart communication and transport system.
challenges and implementation in India.
A. Characteristics of Smart Grid
1. Self-healing:- A grid, which is able to rapidly
A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers detect, analyze, respond and restore from
to consumers using two-way digital technology perturbations
to control appliances at consumers homes to 2. Empower and Incorporate the consumer:-
save energy, reduce cost and reliability and The ability to incorporate consumer equipment
transparency. It is capable of assessing their and behavior in the design and operation of the
health in real-time, the prediction of their grid.
behavior, predictive behavior, adaptation to new 3. Tolerant of Attack:- A grid that mitigates and
environments, handling of distributed resources,

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302025, India
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET) ISSN: 22780882
IEERET-2014 Conference Proceeding, 3-4 November, 2014

stands resilient to physical and cyber security as: inadequate access to electricity supply
attacks. shortages (peak and energy), high network
4. Provides power quality needed by 21st losses, poor quality and reliability and rampant
century users:- A grid that provides a quality of theft. The development towards Smart Grid
power consistent with consumer and industry would address these issues and to transform the
needs. existing network in an efficient, reliable, safe
5. Accommodates a wide variety of generation and less restricted grid that would help, access to
options:- A grid that accommodates a wide electricity for all.
variety of local and regional generation Smart Grid integrated energy infrastructure,
technologies (including green power). processes, devices, information and markets a
6. Fully enables maturing electricity markets:- coordinated and collaborative process that
Provides competitive markets for those who generates energy, distributed and can be used
want them. effectively and efficiently.
A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers
A smart grid can be used as a coherent system of to consumers using two-way digital technology
information and communication technologies to control appliances at consumers homes to
and control systems for the automation and save energy, reduce costs and increase reliability
business processes across the entire power sector and transparency. It overlays the electricity
comprises electricity generation, transmission, distribution grid with an information and net
distribution and consumers interact are defined. metering system. Power travels from the power
The idea of a smart grid is to make the existing plant to your house through an amazing system
network infrastructure as efficiently and reliably called the power grid. As a modernized
as possible, by the use of intelligence and electricity network is being promoted by many
automation. Secure communications, standard governments, including the Government of India
protocols, data management and efficient as a way of addressing energy independence
architecture that can facilitate the exchange of were, global warming and emergency resilience
data, some of the most important questions for issues.
the implementations of the smart grid in India. Demand Side Management (DSM) is essential
for an optimized and efficient use of electricity.
Given limited resources, the main problem DSM
II. INDIA TOWARDS SMART GRID is in the Indian system, where the demand is the
identifies of the available generation, leading to
A "smart grid" is a concept for transforming a reductions inevitably invite. DSM is the
power grid, with the modern communication, implementation of measures that effectively
automated checks and other forms of electricity to help the customers by using their
information technology. It integrates new, peak load pattern. DSM can be achieved by:
innovative tools and technologies of generation, 1.Development and promotion of energy
transmission and distribution to home appliances efficient technologies.
and equipment. 2.Improving the efficiency of various end use
The urgency for Smart Grids in India arises from through increased energy utility correction leaks,
the challenges that the industry is currently in system conversion. losses, etc.
front. India operates the third largest 3.Demand management through the introduction
transmission and distribution network in the of soft options like higher prices during peak
world, still faces a number of challenges, such periods, at preferential rates during off-peak


Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302025, India

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET) ISSN: 22780882
IEERET-2014 Conference Proceeding, 3-4 November, 2014

season rates, interruptible tariffs, etc. 2.Smart meter:- A smart grid replaces analog
Advent of smart grid are performed for Indian mechanical meters with digital meters that
markets for future; record usage in real time. Smart meters are
1.Data management system that includes data similar to Advanced Metering Infrastructure
standards and data management. meters and a communication path extending
2.Secure Communications and standard from generation plants to the power grid (smart
protocols. socket) and other smart grid-enabled devices.
3.Retail player rising priorities and introduction
to the services on the basis of network quality.

Table 1:- Communication technologies of Smart


3.Advanced components:- Technologies within

these broad R & D categories include: flexible
Figure 2: - Logical Domains and important alternating current transmission system devices,
elements of the Smart Grid high voltage direct current, first and second
generation superconducting wire, high
There are several companies who take the temperature superconducting cable, distributed
initiatives for smart grid in India: energy generation and storage devices,
a).Crompton Greaves smart grid initiatives. composite conductors, and "intelligent" devices.
b).North Delhi Power Limited (NDPL) Smart 4.Reduced transmission and distribution line
Grid initiatives. losses:- About 5% of the electricity generated is
c).Bangalore Electricity Supply Company. lost during transmission and distribution. Smart
Grid enables utilities to reduce transmission and
distribution losses without expensive updates the
III. TECHNOLOGY IN SMART GRID USED structure of the network infrastructure.

1.Integrated communication: - Some messages

are up to date, but are not uniform because they IV. CHALLENGES SMART GRID IN INDIA
developed in an incremental fashion and not FACED
fully integrated. In most cases, data via modem
instead of direct network connection to be 1.Environmental Impact:- Smart Grid
collected. To enable integrated communication development in a very fast pace because of the
for real-time control, information and data wide interest of politics and utilities in reducing
exchange to optimize system reliability, asset the adverse impact that happens the energy
utilization and security. consumption on the environment. Since the

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302025, India
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET) ISSN: 22780882
IEERET-2014 Conference Proceeding, 3-4 November, 2014

maximum generation today in greenhouse gas of subsidies for various solar applications. A gap
emissions, smart grids reduces the results of air of renewable raw materials is that their supply
pollution and plays a significant role in the fight may be interrupted, ie the offer may only during
against global climate change issue. a certain time of the day, these conditions can
2 Cost:- The ability to bypass the cost of the not be controlled be harnessed. For this reason,
plant and network expansion is a great it is necessary to have a grid that is very
advantage, both the utilities and customers and adaptable (in terms of supply and demand) to
smart grids will not reduce fund expansion, of have. Therefore, the opportunities for the
course; therefore invested heavily to set up a development of smart grids in India are
connection between the customer and the smart immense, like a good power supply is one of the
grid required. Energy efficiency would be the most important infrastructure requirements to
second priority in order to save the costs in support the overall development.
terms of customer. Current Smart Grid activities in India are:
3 Theft Control:- This is not a problem in 1.DRUM India - Distribution Reform upgrade
developed countries such as USA, but in management.
developing countries like India, where people a 2.Four pilot sites (North Delhi, Bangalore,
glimpse of the grid and higher poverty rate, the Gujarat, Maharashtra).
electricity theft is quite common. With the 3.Smart Grid Vision for India.
development of smart grid electricity theft can 4.Smart Grid Task Force - headed by Sam
be controlled to a greater extent, thereby Pitroda.
improving the efficiency of our distribution 5.Project BESCOM- Bangalore- integration of
system. So Grids to create higher quality and renewable and decentralized energy sources in
reliable power supply, and it will be less power power grid.


According to the Ministry of Energy, the

transmission and distribution losses in India
among the highest in the world, averaging 26
percent of total electricity production, and as
high as 62 percent in some states. These losses
do not include non-technical losses such as theft
etc.; If these losses are present, the average loss
of 50 percent. Some of the technical deficiencies
in the Indian power grid are - it is a poorly Figure 3: - All levels of future Indian market
planned distribution network, there is an information grid
overload of the system components, it is the lack
of reactive power support and regulation
services. India is rapidly venturing into
With the growing world population and thus
renewable energy (RE) resources such as wind
increasing demand and the need for resource-
and solar. The government will also provide
depleting intelligent and efficient in our energy
incentives for solar power generation in the form

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302025, India
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET) ISSN: 22780882
IEERET-2014 Conference Proceeding, 3-4 November, 2014

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Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302025, India

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