Epigenetics - Basic Concept
Epigenetics - Basic Concept
Epigenetics - Basic Concept
The total DNA content of a cell makes up the genome (eg. Nuclear genome +
Mitochondrial genome + Chloroplast genome) and this genetic blueprint builds phenotypes of
living organism (except some virus which have RNA as genetic material). One must note that,
although every cell of an individual human body contains genetically identical sequences, they
still manage to show different functional and morphological characteristics (eg. skin cell versus
hematopoietic lineages of blood cells).
One can therefore conclude that not all characteristics of living organisms can be explained by
their genes, although genetics is necessary but not sufficient to explain variations of all
phenotypes in living organisms. There is a higher level of complexity known as the epigenome
which the field of epigenetics tries to understand. This is crucial not only in our understanding of
normal functioning of the cell but also applicable in developmental diseases such as alzheimers,
neurological disorders, obesity, diabetes and cancer to name a few.
A single genome equivalent from a human cell (46 chromosomes) when aligned end to
end in physical distance, contains DNA approx. 2 meters long. This is tightly coiled around the
core histone proteins (pairs of H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) to form beads (nucleosome) on a string
structure. Each homologous strand of DNA binds to octamers forming histone-DNA complexes
which forms a single unit called Chromatid. These chromatids undergo further higher order
packaging (Fig 1) into what we call a Chromosome.
Histone proteins are highly basic/positively charged which allows DNA to associate with the
sugar phosphate backbone which is negatively charged. These reversible electrostatic
interactions change depending on the position of a nucleosome with respect to the
promoter/gene, and accordingly alter the accessibility of DNA binding transcription factors
and/or RNA polymerases.
The modification of chromatin (the tightly packed complex of proteins and genomic DNA) is
responsible for epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Like genetic changes, epigenetic
changes are preserved when a cell divides. A cell's epigenome is the overall epigenetic state of
a cell.
1. Euchromatin: Gene promoters in this state can be accessed easily by transcription factors or in
other words the gene is correlated with an active transcriptional state.
In summary its not the genetic mechanisms alone which decides the expression of a
gene, we need to invoke epigenetic mechanisms which regulate the expression of the gene by
making the DNA available for binding of transcription factors/RNA polymerases or
downregulate expression by not occluding the same.
The Term Epigenetics was first coined by Conrad Waddington (1905 1975), in
1940s. Many new evolving terms in biology are defined differently by researchers and
Epigenetics is no exception to that. Epigenetics, Epi = above, on top of or beside
therefore epigenetics equates to the layer of control above or on top of genetics
To Conrad Waddington, it was the study of epigenesis: that is, how genotypes give rise to
phenotypes during development
Arthur Riggs and colleagues defined epigenetics as the study of mitotically and/or meiotically
heritable changes in gene function that cannot be explained by changes in DNA sequence
Constraint that initiation of the new epigenetic state should involve a transient mechanism
separate from the one required to maintain it
Epigenetics is defined as 'molecular factors and processes around DNA that regulate genome
activity independent of DNA sequence and are mitotically stable
The best-studied epigenetic modification is the methylation of DNA at cytosine bases. Cytosine
methylation indicates gene silencing: methylated genes are not transcribed.
Histone modifications also play an important role in epigenetic regulation. Histones are highly
basic proteins that act as spools around which DNA winds in chromatin. This compacting allows
the DNA to fit into a much smaller space than it would otherwise as explained previously.
Histones possess long N-terminal tails composed mainly of basic amino-acids residues (histidine,
lysine and arginine). Post-translational epigenetic modification of the basic side-chains in histone
tails takes the form of methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation and ubiquitinylation.
*(Replication of methylated DNA results in hemimethylated DNA in which the parent strand is
methylated while the daughter strand is unmethylated. Methylation of this hemimethylated DNA
is necessary to complete the replication of methylated DNA.)*
(In general DNMTs catalyse the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenyl methionine (SAM) to
the fifth carbon of cytosine residue to form 5-methylcytosine (5mC). (a) DNMT3a and DNMT3b
are the de novo DNMTs and transfer methyl groups (red, Fig 5) onto naked DNA. (b) DNMT1 is
the maintenance DNMT and maintains DNA methylation pattern during replication. When DNA
undergoes semiconservative replication as depicted in Fig 5, the parental DNA strand 8 retains
the original DNA methylation pattern (grey, Fig 5). DNMT1 associates at the replication foci
and precisely replicates the original DNA methylation pattern by adding methyl groups (red)
onto the newly formed daughter strand (blue, Fig 5).
Whenever a protein targets a single base within a DNA duplex, a mechanism must exist
to make the base accessible to the enzyme. For prokaryotic methyltransferases (and other DNA-
modifying enzymes), crystal structures have shown that the target cytosine swings out of the
helix completely and rotates through 180 on binding to the enzyme (Figure 4). It is thought that
this base flipping mechanism is also employed by mammalian methyltransferases.
Changes in DNA methylation profiles are common features of development and in a number of
human diseases, such as cancer and imprinting disorders like BeckwithWiedemann and Prader
Willi/Angelman syndromes. This suggests that DNA methylation is required for proper gene
regulation during development in differentiated tissues and has clinical relevance. DNA
methylation is also involved in X-chromosome inactivation and the allele-specific silencing of
imprinted genes.
Methylation of cytosine bases was initially thought to be irreversible, and no direct DNA
demethylase enzyme has been identified; but DNA demethylation is now known to be an
important process.
DNA demethylation is necessary for the reactivation of silenced genes, and in 'cleaning the
genomic slate' during embryonic development (this allows embryonic stem cells to differentiate
into any cell).
It is easy to envisage how DNA demethylation might occur across generations, through a
loss of methylation information during DNA replication. An absence of maintenance methylation
following DNA replication will result in globally demethylated DNA.
The maintenance DNA methyltransferase DNMT1 does not recognize 5-hydroxymethylcytosine,
so a possible pathway for more specific passive methylation starts with the oxidation of 5-
methylcytosine to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine has the same base-
pairing chemistry as cytosine and 5-methylcytosine, so it will be replicated to cytosine; but no
subsequent methylation/hydroxymethylation will occur. The overall result is demethylation.
Both of these mechanisms of passive cytosine demethylation require DNA replication. Such
replication-dependent pathways are of no use if demethylation is required before the next round
of DNA replication. Despite the apparent lack of a mammalian DNA demethylase enzyme, a
pathway involving active (replication-independent) demethylaton has recently been proposed.
In plants, active DNA demethylation is achieved through base excision repair, beginning
with the hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic bond of 5-methylcytosine by a specific DNA
glycosylase. However, no demethylation pathway involving a 5-methylcytosine-specific DNA
glycosylase has been identified in mammals. If 5-methylcytosine is first converted into another
base, a base excision repair pathway might be feasible.
Following the oxidation of mC to hmC, further oxidation to 5-formylcytosine (fC) and then 5-
carboxycytosine (caC) has been observed, also catalyzed by TET enzymes. These 'seventh' and
'eighth' bases have been detected in cells, and may be important epigenetic states in their own
right. Two alternative mechanisms have been suggested for conversion of 5-carboxycytosine to
cytosine: direct decarboxylation of 5-carboxycytosine, catalyzed by an as yet unidentified
decarboxylase; or base excision repair, initiated by excision of 5-carboxycytosine by a thymine
DNA glycosylase (TDG). Another pathway has been suggested, in which enzyme-catalyzed
deamination of cytosine is followed by mismatch repair.
Chromatin is the state in which DNA is packaged within the cell. The nucleosome is the
fundamental unit of chromatin and it is composed of an octamer of the four core histones (H3,
H4, H2A, H2B) around which 147 base pairs of DNA are wrapped Histone modifications exert
their effects via two main mechanisms. The first involves the modification(s) directly influencing
the overall structure of chromatin, either over short or long distances. The second involves the
modification regulating (either positively or negatively) the binding of effector molecules or by
influencing the positional affinity of the nucleosome on DNA.
The regulatory role of lysine methylation is complex: methylation of some lysine residues
is associated with transcription, while methylation of other lysines is associated with repression
of transcription.
Histone lysine residues undergo methylation at the N() atom, catalyzed by lysine
methyltransferases (KMTs). Histone Lysine methyltransferases catalyze mono-, di- and
trimethylation of lysine (Figure 13).
Histones can also be methylated at arginine residues. As with lysine methylation, the regulatory
role of arginine methylation is complex.
These protein complexes have a common ATPase domain and the energy from the hydrolysis of
ATP allows these remodelling complexes to reposition (slide, twist or loop) nucleosomes along
the DNA, expel histones away from DNA or facilitate exchange of histone variants, and thereby
sometimes creating nucleosome-free regions (NFRs) of DNA for gene activation. The larger the
NFR, the higher is the level of induction of gene activity since this directly effects the binding of
RNA Pol II to the promoter regions. (Wang, Allis, & Chi, 2007)
The position of nucleosomes determines the expression of the gene. If position of Nucleosome
interferes with the transcription factor binding site or transcription start site (TSS), then
ultimately it leads to the silencing of gene otherwise the TSS of the gene can be modulated and
potentially get transcribed. Chromatin remodellers are categorised into at least five families:
SWI/SNF, ISWI, NuDRD/Mi-2/CHD, INO80 and SWR1. First two remodellers being very well
studied so far, especially in the yeast model, and are responsible for a variety of chromatin
transitions involving canonical nucleosomes. The ISWI family mobilises nucleosome along the
DNA (translational only) therefore playing a role in nucleosomal spacing/positioning.
(Badenhorst, Voas, Rebay, & Wu, 2002), Whereas SWI/SNF transiently alters the structure of
nucleosome by looping or octamer eviction drastically affecting transcription rates. (Boris G &
Charles W.M. Roberts, 2011)
The discovery of the role epigenetics plays in cancer has made epigenetics an area of
huge recent interest, and understanding it has led to new cancer treatments.
Epigenetic modifications are essential in the development and function of healthy cells. Changes
in the epigenome (for example, in the methylation pattern of DNA), leading to incorrect
activation or inactivation of signalling pathways, are a hallmark of cancer. Cancer was long seen
as a genetic disease, but it has become clear recently that epigenetic factors are equally
Cancer cells show genome-wide aberrations at the epigenetic level, including hypomethylation,
promoter-specific hypermethylation, histone deacetylation, down-regulation of miRNAs, and up-
regulation of certain factors of the epigenetic machinery such as PRC2/4 complex including
SirT1 and EZH2. These epigenetic changes result in global deregulation of gene expression
profiles leading to the development and progression of disease states. Activation of oncogenes or
the deactivation of tumour suppressor genes mechanism have been proposed to lead towards
carcinogenesis. Hypermethylation of the CpG islands in the promoter regions of tumour-
suppressor genes has been hypothesized as a major driving event in the origin of cancers. This
model enables us to query the role of environment in epigenetic modulations and how different
cues that finally lead to such hypomethylation and gene silencing can become the seed to pre-
cancerous stem cells (Esteller, 2005). DNA hypermethylation can also indirectly silence
additional classes of genes by silencing transcription factors and DNA repair genes. Silencing of
DNA repair genes (e.g. MLH1, BRCA1 etc.) enables cells leading to the rapid progression of
In normal cells, DNA methylation occurs at CpG sites, but CpG islands remain
unmethylated. In tumour cells, the level of DNA methylation at CpG sites is generally low
(hypomethylation), while CpG islands may be methylated (hypermethylation). DNA
hypomethylation leads to aberrant activation of genes.
DNA methylation effects on pathway alterations can be either direct, by affecting promoters of
tumour suppressor genes, or indirect, by silencing known inhibitors of oncogenes, such as
silencing of the secreted frizzled-related protein (SFRP) family of genes, leading to the activation
Cancers show global loss of histone H4 K16 monoacetylation and H4K20 trimethylation
(Esteller, 2007). Loss of histone H3K9 acetylation and H3K4 dimethylation or trimethylation
and gain of histone H3K9 dimethylation or trimethylation and H3K27 trimethylation can be
found at specific gene promoters and can contribute to tumourigenesis by silencing critical
tumour suppressor genes (Esteller, 2007). In prostate cancer, EZH2 expression has been
correlated with aberrant H3K27 trimethylation affecting potential tumour suppressor
genes.(Kondo et al., 2008).
Specific histone modifications are associated with tumour formation, including deacetylation of
histone 4 lysine 16 (H4K16), mediated by histone deacetylases (HDACs). It is thought that this
histone deacetylation results in the repression of tumour-suppressor genes. Cancer cells also
display changes in the methylation patterns of lysine residues including H3K9 and H3K27.
The transition between the euchromatin and heterochromatin are regulated by the many of the
transcription activator and repressor complexes, such as PRC2 and PRC1 cellular transcription
repressor complexes, which regulated the histone modification, H3K4me (transcriptionally
active) Euchromatin state to H3K27 (transcriptionally inactive) heterochromatin state, ultimately
inhibition of the particular gene expression (Toth et al., 2013). The epigenetic anomalies can be
reversed makes them inviting targets for a new generation of drugs. The drugs can be affected at
two stage, 1. prognostic significance or diagnostic and 2. Therapeutic uses. Based on the
epigenetic variation, the different type of the drugs can be use.
Based on the mode of action of Drug, Epigenetic Drugs can be classified into two major
type:(Nebbioso, Carafa, Benedetti, & Altucci, 2012)
1) DNA methyltransferase inhibitors and
2) HDAC inhibitors (HDACi).
Azacytidine and decitabine are incorporated into the DNA of rapidly growing tumour cells
during DNA replication and, after replication, inhibit methyltransferases. This loss of
methylation leads to activation of tumour-suppressor genes, inhibiting tumour growth.
Non-nucleoside compounds that can inhibit DNA methyltransferases without being incorporated
into DNA are being pursued, but no potent inhibitors have yet been found.
Decitabine and Azacytibine a cytidine analogues that get incorporated into the DNA
covalently trap the DNMTs on the DNA and forms a complex. After DNMT binding to the C6 of
the 5-aza-CdR incorporated into the DNA, methyl group transfer will occur, but no H is present
on the N5, which precludes the resolution of the complex. As a result, further methylation of
cytosine residues is inhibited leading to a loss of DNA methylation which result into
hypomethylation of the genome and activate certain genes previously silenced.
Among current epigenetic drugs, histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors induce changes
in gene expression that can lead to cell death in tumours. HDAC inhibitors include Short-chain
fatty acid, hydroxamic, and cyclic tetrapeptides. Valproic acid (VPA) is a HDAC inhibitor that
has antitumour activity at mM range (Gu et al., 2012). The restoration of histone acetylation
patterns has been shown to correlate with antitumor activity, and histone deacetylase (HDAC)
inhibitors have been investigated to this end. Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA;
Vorinostat; Zolinza), an inhibitor of some classes of HDACs, was approved for the treatment of
cutaneous T cell lymphoma in 2006. SAHA can bind to a zinc ion in the catalytic domain of
HDAC resulting in inhibition of the enzyme.
Sodium butyrate: Its a short-chain fatty acid. Sodium butyrate inhibits HDAC activity and
inhibition of HDAC activity affects the expression of only 2% of mammalian genes.
Dietary factors play a role in many normal biological processes and are also involved in
the regulation of pathological progressions. Dietary factors have become agents of strong interest
in the field of epigenetics. A number of bioactive dietary components have potential to prevent
disease. Polyphenols are present in fruits and vegetables and are a vital part of the human diet.
Polyphenols include EGCG (from green tea), curcumin (from curry), resveratrol (from grapes
and berries) and Quercetin (citrus fruits and buckwheat) .
Figure 22: Illustration depicting major plants with evidence for epigenetic modifications
Quercetin is predominantly present in citrus fruits and its a potent anti-tumour dietary
polyphenol. Quercetin have chemo-preventive activities because of its ability to reverse certain
epigenetic aberrations observed in cancers (Zheng, Wang, Yang, & Wu, 2014). Quercetin was
associated with inhibition of the HAT activity.(Link et al., 2010)
Cinnamic acid:
Cinnamic acid are natural substances. Cinnamic acids are abundant in various natural
resources. Cinnamic acids have an antibacterial and antifungal properties (Guzman, 2014).
Cinnamic acids known to have an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic properties
(Pontiki, Hadjipavlou-Litina, Litinas, & Geromichalos, 2014). Cinnamic acid and its natural
analogues are unique as anticancer agents (De, Baltas, & Bedos-Belval, 2011).