Bachelor of Alternative Medical System - B.A.M.S. (A.M.) : (Distance Education Programme)

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Established 1996 AIAMC is a nationally recognized Academy with international reach, based in

Nainital (Uttrakhand), city of largest universities / colleges / Schools & Institutes in India. We provide a
full range of quality services and invest the time to develop highly professional, long term business
Bachelor of Alternative Medical System - B.A.M.S.(A.M.)
(Distance Education Programme)
1) Bachelor of Alternative Medicine and Basic Surgery B.A.M.S (A.M) is a 4 year under Graduate
Courses and all Bachelor, Diploma , M.D Membership certificate Course conduct by the all India
Council of Alternative Medicine duly registered by the Government of India and Govt. of U.K India
under Act Indian Society (Council) based on the central Government Act 1860 (India) Student
completing the all courses (A.M) course can register his/her name as a registered medical practitioner
under rule 7-A AIAMC can be practice anywhere in India article 19(I) G of the constitution of India.

International students or Indian students migrating abroad can apply for government attestation of the
certificate with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and the Ministry of External Affairs
(Foreign Ministry), Government of India on completion of the course for using it internationally.
Students will also be eligible to register as a Holistic Health Practitioner and practice in U.S.A.,
Canada, U.K. (Europe), Australia and New Zealand on completion of the programme.

Eligibility / Pre-Requisite: Twelfth Grade ./ Intermediate XStandard Xllth / A Level or Equivalent.

Duration: 2 Years. (It may be completed in a shorter duration based on the student's ability and

Course Structure: The programme is made up of 11 subjects with 7 compulsory and 4 electives as
Compulsory Subjects (7):
Human Body Structure (Anatomy) Human Body Function (Physiology) Human Body

Natural Health Laws (Hygiene) Medical Ethics & Laws (Medical Jurisprudence) Women Dise

Description of Diseases & its Management (Practice of Medicine)

Elective Subjects (4):

Four alternative therapies of student's choice.
Acupressure Acupuncture Aromatherepy

Bach Flower Remedies Beauty Therapy Counselling and Psychotherapy

Chiropractic Comparative and In-Depth Study of Crystal Healing

Naturopathy with Ayurveda and Homeopathy

Diet and Nutrition Electro Homeopathy Feng Shui

Herbal Medicines Hypnotherapy

Iridoloqy Kinesiology Magnet Therapy

Medical Astroloay Meditation Naturopathy

Osteopathy Physiotherapy Pranic Healing

Radiesthesia and Radionics Reflexology Reiki Healing

Spiritual Healing Tibetan Medicines Vitamin Therapy

Course Materials:
The study materials required for the course are provided by the All India Alternative Medical Council.
The syllabus of the courses of the Council are as per standard of and based on the syllabus
prescribed by the Ministry of Health, Government of India and various other national and international
universities, premiere medical institutions and important societies working in the field of alternative
National (Indian) students - Tentative duration within which Indian students can expect to receive their
study materials is 2 weeks.
International students - Tentative duration within which International students can expect to receive their
study 3 weeks.
One set of final examinations will be conducted at the end of the course.

Examinations can be taken either in the center in Nainital, Uttarakhand, India or by postal / online
mode from outside Uttarakhand from the student's residence.
Students should intimate their choice of examination at the time of enrollment. Different sets of papers
are set based on the mode of examination being conducted by the AIAMC (Center / Online / Postal)
and students are provided with Model Test papers of last few years for assistance in preparation
based on the examination mode notified.
Total Fees: US $650 / Rs. 31850. Full fees should be sent with the form.
Course Materials and Directions-
According to our Indian constitution, alternative medicine there is different type of combination therapy
used to make medicine and provided to the patients.
According to our countrys population we can see a large no. of shortage of doctors in the country.
Our country provided ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE PRACTICE RIGHT by the high court and health
management MCI N.O.C and W.H.O has given a written notice to practice in social health program
whose letter is given on the website of the council.
Doctors practicing in ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE can give sickness, fitness to their patients and
doctors can write it also. Doctors can check the patients without any self profit as a free health check
up to contribute in social programs.
According to the councils directions time to time exams will hold and students are provided the study
material. Exams will be held in three parts according to the councils directions exam center will be in
any part of the India. All type of information of council will notice to students through post, mail and
Students can get all the information on the education direction website which is provided by the
Candidate are required to submit a photocopy of their education qualification, 3 passport sized
photographs, course application and the fees for admission.

Educational Qualification certificates andand photographes can be submitted either through email by
scanning them to AIAMC or through postal mail to Department of Admissions, All India Alternative
Medical Council, Nanital, Uttarakhand (India).

All Course certificate verification & second copy will be charged RS. 2100.00 payed in AIAMC.


CMS DIPLOMA HOLDER The List Is Based On The Book Essential Drugs For Primary Health Care
Published By W.H.O. Genewa, Switzarland And The Book Written By Spanish Dr. David Warner
l/ The List had been Send To The Health Ministry. the Govt Of India, By ICM&HC (The Moved Iosms
University) Vide No (SPEU-563552573 IN) According To The Hon Supreme Court Judgement, CMS
Diploma holder can provide his Basic Medical Services to the distressed

Vitamin E Sulphadimidene
Glucose Powder D&C Isabgoal Powder Penciline
Oral Rehydration Salt Senna Leaves Amoxycilline
Soda Bi Card (Sodium Bi Carbonate) Ampicilline
Lime Water Yeast Tablets Gentamycin
Camphor Water Piperazine Powder Tetracycline
Mebendazol Chloremphenicol
Chlorine Water Ferrus Sulphate (Iron Preparations) Dextrose 5% Sodium Ch
Hydrogen Per Oxide Procain Hydrochloride Tabramycin
Furazolidone Grisofulwin Tablets
Acriflavin Powder (Lotion) Metronidazole Streptomycin
Gention Violet Paint Kaolin Powder DDS (Sulphone)
Liver Pills & Syrup Rifampicin Capsules
Carbolic Acid Folic Acid Clofazimine Tablets
Povidine Lodine (Solution , Ointment) Magnesium Tricillicate Streptomycin
Calcium Pills Isoniazid Tablets
Ring Warm Ointment(White Fields Liniment) Calcium Lactate Refampicin Capsule
Neomycin- Bac&icine Ointment Ashoka Cordial Thiocetazone Isoniazid
Oral Contraceptive pills & syrup Pyrizinamide Tablets
Benzyl Benzoate Lotion Enzyme Tablets Tuberculosis Tablet
Gama Benzene Hexa Chloride (Lindane) Haemostatic Tablets Streptomycin
Diethyl Carbamazine Citrate (Benocide) Sumag & Mag Mag
Potassium Per Magnate (KMn04) Ephedrine Boroglycerine
Calamine Lotion Aminophyllin Tablets Codine Sulphate ParacetamoR ibuprofen
Codine Sulphate Iodex Ointment
Zinc Sulphate Powder Dexamethasone Corex Or Vies 44 Coug
Betamethasone Multivitamin Tablets Or
Sulphur Powder I Boric Powder
Chloroquine Etophyllin Tablets
Boric Powder Primoquine Betnovate N., C., Skin O
Dome peridome DPT Vaccine
Castor Oil
Degepam Carminative Mixture
Glycerin Dicyclomine Hydro Chloride
Magnesium Sulphate Co- Trimoxazole
Chlorempheniramine Maleate
Cetrizine Hydrochloride
Gripe Water
Vitamin A
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin C
Vitamin D

Alternative Medicines
Alternative medicines means any form of medicine that is outside the mainstream of western
medicine. There are more than 100 system of alternative medicines which are still in practice all over
the world, some of the very popular system are Herbal Medicine. Acupuncture, Indo Allopathy.
Naturopath/, Yoga, Acupressure, Magnetotherapy. Electro-Homoeopathy. Bach Flower Remedies,
Gem 8. Teletherapy, Aroma Therapy, Reiki Healing, Spritual Healing Oriental Diagnosis & Therapy,
Music Therapy, etc.. After decades of serious obsession with modern medicine, recently there has
been a boom in various systems of alternative medicines and more and more people in general and
patients in articular are opting for these traditional systems of maintaining health and curing diseases.
One of the most important reasons for this renewed interest is the increasing side - effects and
spiraling cost of westernmedicines.


Considers the human body as a whole, being i.e., the sum total of its physical, social & spiritual

No Side effects Remedies are based on natural ingredients or drugless.

Low Cost Simple to prescribe and practise. Preventive and promotive aspects of health are equally
cared for. Permanent cures for many also called incurable and chronic disease Faith of the people.


Ayurveda Panch Karma Chikitsa
Acupuncture (T.F.H/Touch for Health)
Auricular Therapy Kerlian Photography Reiki
Alexander Technique Radiesthesia
Art Therapy Radionics
Aromatherapy Rolfing
Autogenic Training&Therapy Sleep Therapy
Auto-suggestion Shaitsu
Anthroposophical Medicine Shamanism
Auras Sound Therapy
Auto-urine Therapy Spiritual Healing
Astrotherapy Silva Method
Bach Flower Remedies Tantra Therapy
Bioenergetics Therapeutic Touch
Body Oriented Psychotherpies Tibetan Medicine
Oriental Medicine & Diagnosis Trager Work
Biorhythems Teletherapy
Breath Therapy Tibb
Vastu Chikitsa Unani
Transmission Therapy Pyramid Healing
Chiropractic Voice Therapy
Cellular Therapy Vegetarianism
Chromo therapy Visualisation Therapy
Colonic Hygiene & Therapy Wheat-Grass- Therapy
Reflexology Yoga TherapyZen Therapy
Acupressure Modern Allopath Medicine

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