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Name of Classification/ Specific Contra- Side Effects/ Nursing Responsibilities

Drugs Mechanism of Indication indication Adverse

Action Effects
Brand Neuromascular Facilitation -Hyper- -Bradycardia -Check doctors order
Name: blocker/ of endo- sensitivity -tachycardia -maximize the
Anectine inhibits tracheal -malignant -hypotension therapeutic effects of
transmission of intubation hyperthermia - succinylcholine by
Generic nerve impulses skeletal -penetrating hypertension helping decrease fear
Name: by binding w/ muscle eye injuries -dysrhytmias, and anxiety
Succinyl- cholinergic relaxation -acute -increased -before administration,
choline receptor sites. during narrow- secretions explain to the patient
Antagonizing ortho-pedic angle -increased and relatives that the
Dosage: action of manipula- glaucoma IOP drug will paralyze
25-75 mg Acetylcholine tion. -Rash muscle and that pt.
for IV; IM causes release -flushing won’t be able to move,
1-2.5 of histamine. -Myalgia speak or breathe
mg/kg -weakness unassisted, but it
should subside soon
Route: after drug is
IV/IM discontinued.
-as emergency drug,
tell that pt. maybe
Name of Classification/ Specific Contra- Side Nursing Responsibilities
Drugs Mechanism of Indication indication Effects/
Action Adverse
Brand Hemostatic -Short- -Severe renal -Nausea, - Check for doctor’s order
Name: term failure -vomiting - Perform ANST prior to
Tranexa- manage- - active -vision admission
mic acid ment of  intravascular changes, - administer via SIVP
Generic hemor- clotting – -dizziness -Advise patient to inform
Name: rhage  thrombo- -diarrhea health care professional
Hemostan - Long- embolic -DOB of any changes in vision
cykloka- term disease -swelling of -Caution patient to avoid
pron manage- -colour vision face, lips, products containing
Dosage: ment of disorders tongue and aspirin or NSAIDs without
1-1.5 g hereditary -sub- throat consulting health care
2-4times/ angio- arachnoid -hives professional
day edema bleeding. -weakness - Instruct patient to notify
health care professional if
Route: signs and symptoms of
PO/ IV thrombosis occur.
Name of Classifica- Specific Contra- Side Nursing Responsibilities
Drugs tion/ Indication indication Effects/
Mechanism Adverse
of Action Effects
Brand Central Moderate -patients -Malaise -Assess for level of pain relief.
Name: to taking -Vaso- -Monitor vital signs and assess
Ultram acting moderately MAOI’s dilation for orthostatic hypotension
analgesic/ severe pain -hyper- -Abdominal
-Discontinue drug and notify
Generic sensitivity pain
Binds to mu- physician if S&S of
Name: - Caution in  -Anorexia
Tramadol opioid epileptics & -Flatulence hypersensitivity occur.
receptors. those on - Visual -Assess bowel and bladder
tricyclics, distur- function; report urinary
SSRIs, high bance frequency or retention.
reuptake of dose opioids -Hyper- -Use seizure precautions for
serotonin tension patients who have a history of
- Hypo seizures or who are
concurrently using drugs that
norepinephr - pulmo-
lower the seizure threshold.
ine in the nary
embolism -Monitor ambulation and take
CNS. appropriate safety precautions.
Name of Classifica- Specific Contra- Side Nursing Responsibilities
Drugs tion/ Indication indication Effects/
Mechanism Adverse
of Action Effects
Brand Antihyperte -chronic, -sick sinus -headache -Caution pt. to avoid hazardous
Name: nsive stable syndrome -drowsi- activities until stabilized on
Isoptin; (Calcium angina -2nd-3rd ness drug, dizziness is no longer a
Calan channel pectoris degree -dizziness problem.
Generic blocker) -vaso- heart block -anxiety -instruct patient to comply with
Name: Anti- spastic - -depression medical regimen (diet,
Verapami anginal/ angina hypotension -weakness exercise, stress reduction, drug
l Inhibits -dysrhyth- less than - insomnia therapy)
calcium ion mias 90mmHg -confusion -instruct patient to notify
Dosage: influx across -hyperten- systolic -Edema prescriber of irregukar heart
cell sion -cardiogenic -light- beat, SOB, swelling of hands
membrane shock headed- and feet, pronounced dizziness,
Fre- during -severe CHF ness constipation, nausea and
quency: cardiac hypotension.
depolari- Instruct to limit caffeine
zation consumption; to avoid alcohol
Route: and OTC drugs unless directed
by prescriber
-teach pt. to use as directed
even if feeling gets better.

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