Objectives Success) Curriculum: Springfield Name: School: Grade: Class Unit/Theme
Objectives Success) Curriculum: Springfield Name: School: Grade: Class Unit/Theme
Objectives Success) Curriculum: Springfield Name: School: Grade: Class Unit/Theme
Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
My Plate printouts
List of different statements
My Plate Powerpoint.
Exit Slips
List Assessment(s) informal or formal how do you know they have learned
the desired content and you have achieved your objectives?
Exit slip: showing what they have learned
Seeing where the students go for each statement whether they agree or disagree
The c ompleted my plate worksheet.
Exit Slip: Students will be filling out a short informal exit slip and they will be asked to write
down what they think they know about nutrition, what they want to know about nutrition, and
what they have learned about nutrition over the next few days of the short unit. This should take
the last 2/3 minutes of class for them to write these three things down and it gives me more of a
basis to go over for the next few days.