5th Grade Composting Lesson Plan Using Layar

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5th Grade Science Lesson Plan (Composting Experiment)

What subject area are you
teaching? 5th grade Stability and Change via Science (Compost: What Happens To Our Trash)

Content Standards: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations 3-5: Make observations and/or
What content standards measurements to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence for an explanation of a
does this lesson address? phenomenon or test a design solution.

LS2.A: Interdependent relationships in ecosystems The food of almost any kind of

animal can be traced back to plants. Organisms are related in food webs in which some
animals eat plants for food and other animals eat the animals that eat plants. Some
organisms, such as fungi and bacteria, break down dead organisms (both plants or plants
parts and animals) and therefore operate as decomposers. Decomposition eventually
restores (recycles) some materials back to the soil. Organisms can survive only in
environments in which their particular needs are met. A healthy ecosystem is one in
which multiple species of different types are each able to meet their needs in a relatively
stable web of life. Newly introduced species can damage the balance of an ecosystem.

What are the specific Students will be able to:
learning objectives you 1. observe that organic and inorganic waste break down at different rates.
want students to be able 2. explain the role decomposers such as fungi, microorganisms, and insects have in
to do or learn? decomposition.
At the end of the lesson
students will be able to

Technology Standards: RI 7: Use spreadsheets and other applications to make predictions, solve problems
What technology and draw conclusions
Standards are you
incorporating? W 6, SL 5: Use painting and drawing tools/applications to create and edit work

Materials: - 1 Weekly Observation Template for each student

List of resources, articles - 1 science notebook for each student
or manipulatives you - 12 clear yogurt containers or mason jars
need. This helps you - Soil, enough to fill the 12 containers (from outside, not store-bought, so that it has
organize everything prior microorganisms in it)
to the lesson. - 2 sets of the following (or similar) items: Apple, Bagel, Leaf, Plastic spoon, Paper plate,
- Smartphones or school-provided iPads.

Optional: A third set of the same items, to use as a control set (keep this set out of soil).

Introduction: Talk about what happens to our groceries once we take them home from the market
How will you introduce where we pick them at their prime. How do our groceries change over time?
the content or engage Introduce vocab:
students in inquiry? - Decompose: to separate into components or elements
How will you engage - Decomposer: an organism that breaks down the cells of dead plants and animals
students in the lesson? into simpler substances
- Compost: a mixture of decayed or decaying organic matter used to fertilize soil
- Microorganism: Micro = small, Organism = living thing. A living thing so small that
it can only be seen with a microscope

Activity: 1. Predictions + Initial Observations

What will students be - Introduce the focus question for the investigation: How do different objects
doing? change over time?
- Show the students each object and have them share I notice observations out
- Have students hypothesize (on their own) how each item will change when
placed in soil for seven weeks, and record their predictions on the first page of
the Weekly Observation Template.
- Have each student record initial observations of each object in collaborative
excel doc. Make sure they include size (length, width, and height), color, shape,
and a simple sketch. They should include the date.
2. Weekly observations (input to excel), vocabulary building
- Have table captains each retrieve one object, in its container of soil. This object
will remain on their table throughout the observation session.
- Instruct students to complete a detailed, labeled sketch of each object in the
appropriate place in their Weekly Observation Templates. They can switch
tables/objects at their own pace. Give them regular timing reminders so they can
be sure to complete all six observations in the allotted time.
3. Compare & Contrast (record in working excel doc)
- 1. After students complete their weekly observations for Week 2, instruct them to
compare one object at the start of the investigation to the same object in Week 2.
Provide the following sentence-frames for students to paste into their notebooks:
When I started observing the __________, I noticed that.
After two weeks in the soil, I notice that
2. After students complete their weekly observations for Week 4, instruct them to
compare one object in the soil to the same object out of the soil (the control).
Provide the following sentence-frames for students to paste into their notebooks:
There are some similarities between the ______ that is in soil and the one that is
not in soil:
There are some differences, too. I noticed
3. After students complete their weekly observations for Week 6, instruct them to
compare one object from the start of the investigation to the same object in Week
6. Provide the following sentence-frame for students to paste into their
notebooks: After 6 weeks of observations, I noticed the following changes in the
4. Record data via the Layar app using schools available ipads or students

Wrap-Up: After 7 weeks of observations, have students return to their original hypotheses and
How will you wrap-up the make a chart where they note, for each item, whether their hypothesis was correct.
lesson and summarize What evidence can they find in their notebook to support this claim? For example,
student learning and My hypothesis that the apple would rot was correct. My evidence is it changed
major student take-aways? colors, it shrunk, and a fuzzy mold grew on it.

Give students a final prompt to drive home the meaning of the investigation: Using
what youve learned about microorganisms and waste, what are the benefits of

Brainstorm a class list of lingering questions. Ask: What are you still wondering

Encourage students to continue logging and contributing to the inventory of

information about how other items compost (via layar or even just the working excel
doc). Students can reference the app when out and about to learn and show others
how the foods in front of them may weather.

Interconnectedness of what we consume.

Accommodations: Modifications include:

What modifications will
you include to support Having photographic instantiations of the vocabulary words.
different learning styles
and needs? How will you Prioritizing symbols and photographs, instead of written word, when contributing to
make this lesson accessible the layar app.
to all of your students?

Assessment(s): Vocab quiz on introduced vocabulary.

How do you know they
got it? How will you See if students continue contributing or sharing about their school lunches.
formatively assess what
you students know and Ask students to reflect on their lunches (specifically about interconnectedness of
learn? organisms).

Continue asking students to gather data and make predictions based on collected


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