5th Grade Composting Lesson Plan Using Layar
5th Grade Composting Lesson Plan Using Layar
5th Grade Composting Lesson Plan Using Layar
What subject area are you
teaching? 5th grade Stability and Change via Science (Compost: What Happens To Our Trash)
Content Standards: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations 3-5: Make observations and/or
What content standards measurements to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence for an explanation of a
does this lesson address? phenomenon or test a design solution.
What are the specific Students will be able to:
learning objectives you 1. observe that organic and inorganic waste break down at different rates.
want students to be able 2. explain the role decomposers such as fungi, microorganisms, and insects have in
to do or learn? decomposition.
At the end of the lesson
students will be able to
Technology Standards: RI 7: Use spreadsheets and other applications to make predictions, solve problems
What technology and draw conclusions
Standards are you
incorporating? W 6, SL 5: Use painting and drawing tools/applications to create and edit work
Optional: A third set of the same items, to use as a control set (keep this set out of soil).
Introduction: Talk about what happens to our groceries once we take them home from the market
How will you introduce where we pick them at their prime. How do our groceries change over time?
the content or engage Introduce vocab:
students in inquiry? - Decompose: to separate into components or elements
How will you engage - Decomposer: an organism that breaks down the cells of dead plants and animals
students in the lesson? into simpler substances
- Compost: a mixture of decayed or decaying organic matter used to fertilize soil
- Microorganism: Micro = small, Organism = living thing. A living thing so small that
it can only be seen with a microscope
Wrap-Up: After 7 weeks of observations, have students return to their original hypotheses and
How will you wrap-up the make a chart where they note, for each item, whether their hypothesis was correct.
lesson and summarize What evidence can they find in their notebook to support this claim? For example,
student learning and My hypothesis that the apple would rot was correct. My evidence is it changed
major student take-aways? colors, it shrunk, and a fuzzy mold grew on it.
Give students a final prompt to drive home the meaning of the investigation: Using
what youve learned about microorganisms and waste, what are the benefits of
Brainstorm a class list of lingering questions. Ask: What are you still wondering
Continue asking students to gather data and make predictions based on collected