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By Nikko G. Lagmay 1
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
Cases in which preliminary attachment Requisites for the issuance of an
is proper order/writ of preliminary attachment
By Nikko G. Lagmay 2
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
3. that the attachment is excessive and II. Preliminary Injunction
must be discharged as to the excess,
or Preliminary injunction is an ancillary or
4. that the property is exempt from preventive remedy where a court requires
execution. a person, a party or even a court or
tribunal either to refrain (prohibitory) from
Damages for wrongful attachment or to perform (mandatory) particular acts
during the pendency of the action.
Damages may be awarded on
account of improper irregular or excessive Its sole objective is to preserve the
attachment. status quo until the merits of the case can
be heard fully.
Even the party who loses in the main
case but is able to establish a right to See sec 3 Rule 58
damages by reason of improper, irregular or
excessive attachment may be entitled to The evidence to be submitted by
damages. the plaintiff need not be conclusive and
complete. The plaintiffs are only required
An improper, irregular or excessive to show that they have an ostensible right
attachment is not validated by the fact that to the final relief prayed for in their
the attaching party prevailed in the main complaint.
Findings of the trial court granting
Attachment or property under custodia or denying a petition for a writ of
legis preliminary injunction based on the
evidence on record are merely provisional
Property in custodial egis may be until after the trial on the merits of the
subject to a writ of preliminary attachment. case shall have been concluded.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 3
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
Preliminary injunction distinguished acts and if not enjoined would work
from final injunction injustice to the applicant
4. the applicant must post a bond,
An injunction is preliminary when it unless exempted
refers to the writ secured before the finality
of the judgment. Quantum of evidence required
By Nikko G. Lagmay 4
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
other judge than the executive judge of said been issued against the respondent
court. tribunal or officer.
2. when a petition for relief under
The rule against non-extendibility of Rule 38 is filed. Assuming that the
the 20 day effectivity of the TRO is absolute prevailing party has not yet filed a
if issued by the RTC. motion for an order of execution,
the pendency of a petition for relief
What is a TRO and how does it differ will not prevent the execution of
from a writ of preliminary injunction? judgment.
3. a preliminary mandatory injunction
A TRO is an order to maintain the may be availed of to restore the
status quo between or among the parties plaintiff on his possession in a
until the determination of the prayer for a complaint for forcible entry or
writ of preliminary injunction. unlawful detainer.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 5
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
b. when necessary for the Rule 59 presupposes that there is
orderly administration of an action and that property subject of the
justice or to avoid oppression action requires its preservation.
or multiplicity of actions;
c. when double jeopardy is In an action for the foreclosure of a
clearly apparent; mortgage, the court may appoint a
d. where the charges are receiver if it can be shown that the
manifestly false and property mortgaged is in danger of being
motivated by lust for wasted and dissipated or materially
vengeance; or injured, and that its value is probably
e. there is no prima facie case insufficient to discharge the mortgage
against the accused and a debt.
motion to quash on that
ground has been denied. Receivership is not available in a
mere suit for collection of a sum of money.
How to dissolve a writ of preliminary It is available when the property or fund
injunction or a restraining order that is the subject of the litigation is in
danger of being lost, removed or materially
The party may file a motion to injured.
dissolve the injunction or TRO with notice
and hearing of the motion upon showing of Court that can grant receivership
affidavits that the person enjoined would
suffer irreparable damage while the applicant By the court where the action is
can be fully compensated for such damages pending, by the CA, SC, or any member of
he may suffer. the CA or SC.
The movant must also file a bond Procedure for appointment or receiver
conditioned upon the payment of all
damages which the applicant may suffer by 1. A verified application must be filed
the dissolution of the injunction or by the party applying for the
restraining order. appointment of a receiver;
2. the applicant must have an interest
If it appears that the extent of the in the property or funds subject of
preliminary injunction or restraining order is the action;
too great, it may be modified. 3. the applicant must show that the
property or funds is in danger of
being lost, wasted or dissipated;
III. RECEIVERSHIP 4. the application must be with notice
and must be set for hearing;
Nature 5. before issuing the appointment of a
receiver, the court shall require the
The purpose of receivership as a applicant to post a bond in favor of
provisional remedy is to protect and the adverse party;
preserve the rights of the parties during the 6. the receiver shall also file a bond;
pendency of the main action, during the 7. before entering his duties, the
pendency of an appeal or as an aid in the receiver must be sworn to perform
execution of a judgment when the writ of his duties faithfully.
execution has been returned unsatisfied.
Powers of receiver
The receivership in Rule 59 is
directed to the property which is the subject See sec 6 Rule 59.
of the action and does not refer to the
receivership authorized under the banking Investment of funds by receiver
laws and other rules or laws.
A receiver may not invest funds
without an order from the court and
without the written consent of the parties
to the action.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 6
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
taken for tax assessment, or
Suits against a receiver otherwise in custodia legis.
5. the affidavit must state the actual
No action may be filed against a market value of the property
receiver without leave of the court which 6. the applicant must give a bond,
appointed him. executed to the adverse party and
double the value of the property.
Appointment of a party as receiver
Replevin cannot be available when
A party to a litigation is supposed to the property is in custodia legis or has
he a disinterested person hence, neither been seized pursuant to law.
party to the litigation should be appointed as
a receiver without the consent of the other. How adverse party can seek the return
of the property
If within 5 days from the taking of
Replevin may be a main action or a the property by the sheriff, the adverse
provisional remedy. party decides to have the property back,
he may require the return thereof by:
As a principal action, its ultimate goal a. filing with the court where
is to recover personal property capable of the action is pending a
manual delivery wrongfully detained by a redelivery bond, executed
person. to the applicant, in double
value of the property
The main action for replevin is conditioned upon the
primarily possessory in nature and generally payment of such sum as
determines nothing more than the right of may be recovered against
possession. the adverse party, and
b. by serving a copy of such
Seeking to have possession of the bond on the applicant.
property prior to the determination of the
action is the provisional remedy of replevin
and not the main action for replevin. V. Support Pendente Lite
By Nikko G. Lagmay 7
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
shall be issued by the court either motu It is filed by the person against
proprio or upon motion. He may also be whom the conflicting claims are made. He
liable for contempt. shall pay the docket fees.
When the judgment finds that the The petitioner need not have a
person giving support is not liable therefore, cause of action. The petition cannot be
the court shall order the recipient to make a dismissed on the ground that there is
restitution of what has been received with failure to state a cause of action.
legal interest from the date of actual
payment. Should the recipient fail to do so, Upon filing of the complaint and
the person who gave the support may file an the payment of the docket feds, the court
action against the person legally obliged to shall issue an order requiring the
give support. conflicting claimants to interplead with one
Although a SCA and an ordinary civil Within the time for filing an
action are governed by the rules of ordinary answer, each claimant may file a motion to
civil actions, there are certain rules that are dismiss. The ground relied upon may be
applicable only to SCA. any of the grounds in Rule 16 or, as
provided in Rule 62, impropriety of the
An ordinary civil action must be action for interpleader.
based on a cause of action.
Court with jurisdiction
The cause of action as required and
defined in an ordinary civil action finds no If the subject matter is personal
application to the SCA of declaratory relief. property, valued not more than 300k or
400k, the MTC has jurisdiction.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 8
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
3. contract or other written instrument The question raised is a question of
4. statute construction or validity arising under an
5. executive order or regulation instrument or statute.
6. ordinance
7. any other governmental regulation. The judgment in a declaratory
relief is said o stand by itself and no
The enumeration of the subject executory process follows as of course.
matter is exclusive. An action not based on
any of the enumerated subject matters Petitioner and other parties
cannot be the proper subject of declaratory
relief. If the subject matter is a deed,
will, contract or other written instrument,
Even if the subject is one the petitioner is the person interested in
enumerated under the Rules, where the the same. Ex. Parties, assignees, heirs.
contract or statute is clear in its terms and
there is no doubt as to its meaning and If it be a statute, executive order,
validity, a petition for declaratory relief is regulation or ordinance, the petitioner is
improper. There would be no need for one whose rights are affected by the same.
construction or a declaration of rights
thereunder. Where the action involves the
validity of a local government ordinance,
Whether or not the student is to be the corresponding prosecutor or attorney
conferred with Latin honors is not a proper of the LGU involved shall be similarly
subject of the petition. notified and entitled to be heard.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 9
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
b. the controversy must be ownership of the property in the person of
between persons whose the vendee or buyer but for the
interests are adverse; registration of the property.
c. the party seeking the relief
must have a legal interest in The lapse of the redemption period
the controversy; and without the seller a retro exercising his
d. that the issue is ripe for right of redemption, consolidated
judicial determination. ownership or title upon the person of the
vendee by operation of law. Art 1607
Reformation of an instrument requires the filing of the petition to
consolidate ownership because the law
An action for reformation is not an precludes registration of the consolidated
action brought to reform a contract but to title without a judicial order.
reform the instrument evidencing the
contract. Quieting of title
By Nikko G. Lagmay 10
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
the petition shall be filed within 30 days from Certiorari is an extraordinary
notice of judgment. Under 65, 60 days. remedy available only when there
is no appeal, nor any plain, speedy or
The petition shall contain a sworn adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
certification against forum shopping. law.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 11
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
acted without or in excess of jurisdiction
or with grave abuse of discretion; Grave abuse of discretion
3. that there is no appeal nor any plain, Certiorari will not lie when there is
speedy and adequate remedy in the a mere abuse of discretion by the tribunal,
ordinary cours of law; board or officer exercising judicial or quasi-
4. that petition shall be accompanied by a judicial functions.
certified true copy of the judgment, Such kind of abuse does not
order or resolution subject thereof, amount to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
copies of all pleadings and documents
relevant and pertinent thereto, and a For certiorari to lie, the abuse must
sworn certification of non-forum be "grave".
shopping; By GRAVE ABUSE of discretion is
5. that the petition must be verified and meant by capricious and whimsical
filed in the proper court within the exercise of judgment as is equivalent to
reglementary period; lack of jurisdiction.
6. that the petitioner must, as a general It means such capricious and
rule, file the petition after a prior motion whimsical exercise of judgment by the
for reconsideration. tribunal exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
functions as to amount to lack of power.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 12
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
The filing of a motion for The person aggrieved may file a
reconsideration is a condition sine qua non to verified petition in the proper court alleging
the filing of a petition for certiorari the facts with certainty and praying that
The rule requiring a prior MR is judgment be rendered annulling or
intender to allow the tribunal, board or modifying the proceedings of the tribunal,
officer to rectify the errors it may have board or officer, and granting such
lapsed into. incidental reliefs as law and justice may
Filing a petition for certiorari without
first moving for reconsideration of the The petition shall be accompanied
assailed resolution generally warrants the by a certified true copy of the judgment,
outright dismissal of the petition. order or resolution subject of the petition,
copies of all relevant pleadings and
documents, and a sworn certification of
Exceptions: non-forum shopping.
1. where the order is a patent nullity, as The petition is to be filed within 60
where the court a quo has no days from notice of the judgment, order or
jurisdiction; resolution.
2. where the questions raised in the In case a MR or a motion for NT is timely
certiorari proceeding have been duly filed, whether such motion is required or
raised and passed by the lower court, or not, the 60 day period shall be counted
are the same as those raised and passed from notice of the denial of said motion.
upon in the lower court; No extension of time to file the
3. where there is an urgent necessity for petition shall be granted except for
the resolution of the questions and any compelling reason and in no case
further delay would prejudice the exceeding 15 days.
interests of the government or the
Where to file the petition
4. where the subject matter of the action is
perishable; RTC, CA, Sandiganbayan, Sc.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 13
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
court and not any person who feels injured manifestly for delay, or that the questions
by the lower courts order. raised therein are too unsubstantial to
Where the petition relates to the acts require consideration, the court may
or omissions of a judge, court, quasi-judicial dismiss the petition.
agency, tribunal, corporation, board, officer
or person, the petitioner shall join as private Necessity for a writ of injunction;
respondent/s, the persons interested in certiorari not sufficient
sustaining the proceedings in the court.
The private respondent/s should The filing of a petition for certiorari
appear and defend not only in his or their does not interrupt the course of the
own behalf but also in behalf of the public principal action nor the running of the
respondent/s affected by the proceedings. reglamentary periods involved in the
proceeding, unless an application for a
If costs are awarder in favor of the restraining order or a writ of preliminary
petitioner, such costs shall be against the injunction to the appellate court is granted.
private respondent/s only and not against
the public respondent/s. No petition for certiorari in a summary
The public respondent/s shall not proceeding
appear in or file an answer or comment to
the petition or any pleading therein, unless In a summary proceeding, petitions
specifically directed by the court where the for certiorari, prohibition or mandamus
action is pending. against an interlocutory order of the court
are not allowed.
Order to comment
If the petition is sufficient in form B. PROHIBITION
and substance to justify such process, the
court shall issue an order requiring the Prohibition is an extraordinary writ
respondents to comment on the petition commanding a tribunal, corporation, board
within 10 days from receipt of a copy or person, whether exercising function that
thereof. are judicial, quasi-judicial or ministerial to
desist from further proceedings when said
In petitions for certiorari before the proceedings are without or in excess of its
SC and the CA, the respondent may also be jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of its
required to file a comment to the petition discretion, there being no appeal or any
and not a motion to dismiss. other plain, speedy and adequate remedy
Thereafter, the court may require the in the ordinary course of law.
filing of a reply and such other responsive or
other pleadings as it may deem necessary The purpose of prohibition is to
and proper. secure an order to command the
respondent tribunal, board or corporation
or officer to desist from further
Proceedings after comment; Relief proceedings in the action.
After the comment or other pleadings
are filed, the court may hear the case or Stated in another way, the purpose
require the parties to submit memoranda. of prohibition is to prevent an
encroachment, excess usurpation or
If after such hearing or submission of assumption of jurisdiction on the part of
memoranda, the court finds the allegations the tribunal, corporation, board or officer.
of the petition are true, it shall render
judgment for the relief prayed for or to which It bears in stressing that an action
the petitioner is entitled. for prohibition or certiorari, for that matter,
The relief means that the judgment, does not divest the inferior or trial court of
order or resolution subject of the petition is its jurisdiction validly acquired over the
annulled or modified. case pending before it; it is merely an
invocation for the exercise of its
If the court finds the petition to be
supervisory power over the lower court to
patently without merit, prosecuted
By Nikko G. Lagmay 14
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Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
insure that the lower court acts within its resolution or proceedings of the
jurisdiction. public respondent. The purpose of
prohibition is to command the
Prohibition, not mandamus is the respondent to desist from further
proper remedy when a motion to dismiss is proceedings.
wrongfully denied.
Mandamus is an extraordinary writ
a. the petition must be directed commanding a tribunal, corporation, board
against a tribunal, corporation, or or person, to an act required to be done;
board or person exercising a. when it or he unlawfully neglects
judicial, quasi-judicial, or the performance of an act which
ministerial functions; the law specifically enjoins as a
b. the tribunal, corporation, board duty, and there is no other plain,
or person must have acted speedy and adequate remedy on
without or in excess of the ordinary course of law.
jurisdiction or with grave abuse b. It is also available when one
of discretion amounting to lack of unlawfully excludes another form
jurisdiction; the use and enjoyment of a right or
c. there is no appeal or any other office to which the other is entitled.
plain, speedy, and adequate
remedy in the ordinary course of The principal function of
law; mandamus is to command, not to inquire,
d. the petition for prohibition shall expedite or adjudicate.
be accompanied by a certified
true cop of the judgment or Mandamus does not establish a
order subject of the petition, legal right, but merely enforces one that is
copies of all pleadings and already clearly established.
documents relevant and
pertinent thereto, and a sworn Requisites
certification of non-forum
shopping. 1. the plaintiff has a clear legal right
to the act demanded. It will never
be issued in doubtful cases.
Prohibition vs. Injunction 2. it must be the duty of the
defendant to perform the act
An injunction is directed against a because the same is mandated by
party in an action. Prohibition is directed to law;
the court or tribunal directing it to refrain 3. the defendant unlawfully neglects
from performance of acts which it has no the performance of the duty
jurisdiction to perform. enjoined by law;
4. the act to be performed is
Prohibition distinguished from certiorari ministerial, not discretionary;
5. there is no appeal or an other
1. A writ of certiorari seeks to annul a plain, speedy and adequate
judicial or a quasi-judicial act. A writ remedy in the ordinary course of
of prohibition is directly not only to a law.
judicial or a quasi-judicial act but
even to a ministerial act.
2. a writ of certiorari is directed to the Ministerial act or duty
action of the court which is sought to
be annulled. A writ of prohibition is For mandamus to lie, the act must
directed to the court itself to restrain not only be ministerial but must also be a
it from further proceeding with the duty enjoined by law, a duty which the
case. tribunal or person unlawfully neglects to
3. the purpose of certiorari is to annul perform.
or modify the judgment, order,
By Nikko G. Lagmay 15
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
Mandamus applies only to acts and legal duty while the
required by law to be done. purpose of injunction is for the
defendant to either refrain
The tenor of the rule excludes from from an act or to perform not
its operation the performance of a necessarily a legal or
contractual duty. ministerial duty; and
d. the purpose of mandamus is to
Mandamus is proper to compel the perform positive legal duty
payment of the benefits to which an and not to undo what has been
employee is entitled under the law such as done.
holiday pay.
Mandamus vs. Quo Warranto
It is not proper against a school or
an official with a duty that involves the Recall that mandamus also is
exercise of discretion like on the matters of available when one is unlawfully excluded
admission of students or to complete an from the use or enjoyment of an office.
academic institution to allow the graduation This is similar to a quo warranto
of a student who has failed to comply with proceeding in this respect although in
the academic rules of the school. mandamus, the suit is brought against the
person who is responsible for excluding the
Mandamus will not lie to compel a petitioner from office. The respondent does
prosecutor to file an information. not have to usurp, intrude into or hold the
office. Quo warranto is brought against the
Mandamus will lie to compel holder of the office, who is the person
execution of a judgment, because execution claiming the office as against the
of a final and executory judgment is a matter petitioner, not necessarily the one who
of right. excludes the petitioner.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 16
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
As a general rule, the Solicitor Quo warranto in an elective office
General. against quo warranto in appointive
office distinguished
But the petition may be commenced
by a private person in his own name where 1. in the first, the governing law is
he claims to be entitled to the public office or the election law; in the second, the
position alleged to have been usurped or rules that govern are the Rules of
unlawfully held or exercised by another. Court.
2. in the first, the issue is the
Jurisdiction and venue eligibility of the person elected; in
the second, the issue is the legality
SC, CA, Sandigan (in its appellate of the occupancy of the office b
jurisdiction) or RTC over the territorial area virtue of a legal appointment
where any of the respondents reside. 3. in the first, the petition is filed
within 10 days after the
If filed by the SolGen, it may be filed proclamation, in the second, it is
in the RTC of Manila. within 1 year from the time the
cause of ouster, or the right of the
A quo warranto proceeding is one of petitioner to hold office arose.
the instances where exhaustion of 4. in the first, the petitioner ma be
administrative remedies is not required. any voter, even if he is not entitled
to the office; in the second, the
Quo warranto under the Omnibus Election petitioner is the person entitled to
Code the office.
h?v=IbO- 1.
an ordinance is enacted authorizing
the chief executive to exercise the
SxHLY7c must be brought in power of eminent domain or
pursue expropriation proceedings
the appropriate RTC.
over a particular property;
2. the power of eminent domain is
If it is against any barangay official,
exercised for public use, purpose
the petition must be brought before the
or welfare, or for the benefit of the
appropriate MTC.
poor and the landless;
By Nikko G. Lagmay 17
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
3. thee is payment of just appropriate the same for public use or
compensation, as required under the purpose.
Constitution and other pertinent
laws; Multiple appeals are permitted and
4. a valid and definite offer has been the reglamentary period is 30 days.
previously made to the owner of the
property sought to be expropriated, Just compensation
buy said offer was not affected.
Sec. 4 of Rule 67 provides that the
Stages just compensation shall be determined as
of the date of the taking of the property or
1. determination of the authority of the the filing of the complaint, whichever came
plaintiff to expropriate its necessity first.
and the public purpose;
2. determination of just compensation Nonpayment of just compensation;
through the court-appointed effect
Non payment of just compensation
Entry upon the property does not entitle the private landowner to
recover possession of the expropriated
Under sec. 2 of rule 67, in order to lots.
be entitled to the possession of the property
subject of the complaint for expropriation, However in cases where the
the plaintiff upon the filing of the complaint government failed to pay just
or at any time thereafter, must deposit with compensation within 5 years from the
the proper government authority an amount finality of judgment in the expropriation
equivalent to the assessed value of the proceedings, the owners concerned shall
property for purposes of taxation. have the right to recover possession of
their property.
The deposit shall be n money, unless
the court authorizes a deposit in the form of Title to the property expropriated
a certificate of deposit of a government bank passes from the owner to the expropriator
of the Republic payable on demand to the only upon full payment of just
authorized depository. compensation.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 18
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Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
mortgage contract allowing an extra-judicial No independent action need be
foreclosure sale. filed to recover the deficiency from the
mortgagor. The deficiency judgment shall
Where there is no such special be rendered upon motion of the
power, the foreclosure shall be done mortgagee.
judicially following the procedure set under
Rule 68. A deficiency judgment is by nature
in personam and jurisdiction over the
Applicability of Rule 68 person is mandatory. Having been outside
the country, jurisdiction over his person
Rule 68 applies only to judicial could not have been acquired.
foreclosures of real estate mortgage.
Judicial vs. extra-judicial foreclosure
1. judicial, governed by Rules of
A foreclosure suit proceeds like an Court; extra-judicial, by Act. No.
ordinary action. 3135;
2. judicial, involves the filing of an
Equity of redemption independent action; extra, does
not require filing of an action
It is the right to extinguish the 3. judicial, there is equity of
mortgage and retain ownership of the redemption and no right of
property by paying the debt. redemption except when the
mortgagee is a banking institution;
The equity of redemption may be extra, there is a right of
exercised even after the foreclosure sale redemption.
provided it is made before the sale is 4. judicial, there could be a deficiency
confirmed by order of the court. judgment; extra, no deficiency
judgment because there is no
The equity of redemption of the judicial proceeding, although
mortgagor may be exercised prior to the recovery of the deficiency is
confirmation of the sale. After its allowed.
confirmation no further redemption may be
VIII Partition (69)
Right of redemption
Partition is the separation, division
It is a right granted to a mortgagor and assignment of a thing held in common
to repurchase the property even after the among those to whom it may belong.
confirmation of the sale and even after the
registration of the certificate of sale. There must be co-ownership.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 19
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Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
5. condition imposed upon voluntary date of last demand, in case of unlawful
heir before they can demand detainer.
partition has not yet been fulfilled.
The issue in said cases is the right
Prescription does not run in favor of to physical possession.
a co-owner or co-heir.
Accion publiciana and accion
The action for partition cannot be reivindicatoria
barred by prescription as long as the co-
ownership exists. Accion publiciana is the
plenary action to recover the right of
The proceedings had before the possession which should be brought when
commissioners shall not bind the parties or dispossession has lasted for more than one
pass title to property until the court shall year.
have accepted the report of the
commissioners and rendered judgment It is an ordinary civil proceeding to
thereon. determine the better right of possession of
realty independent of title.
IX Forcible Entry and Unlawful
Detainer If at the time of the filing of the
complaint more than one year had elapsed
since defendant had turned plaintiff out of
Under existing law and
possession or defendants possession had
jurisprudence, there are 3 kinds of actions
become illegal, the action will be, not one
available to recover possession of real
of the forcible entry or illegal detainer, but
an accion publiciana.
a. accion interdictal;
Accion reivindicatoria involves
b. accion publiciana;
not only possession, but ownership of the
c. accion revindicatoria
Accion interdictal
Real and in personam actions
The actions of FE and UD belong to
FEUD actions are actions affecting
the class of actions known by the generic
possession of real property, hence are real
name accion interdictal (ejectment) where
actions, the venue is the place where the
the issue is the right of physical or material
property subject of the action is situated.
possession of the subject real property
independent of any claim of ownership by
They are actions in personam.
the parties involved.
Jurisdiction of the MTC; summary
Forcible entry, one is deprived of
physical possession of real property by
means of force, intimidation, strategy,
Actions of FEUD are within the
threats, or stealth.
exclusive jurisdiction of the MTC and shall
be governed by the rules on summary
Unlawful detainer, one illegally
procedure irrespective of the amount of
withholds possession after the expiration or
damages or rentals sought to be
termination of his right to hold possession
under any contract, express or implied.
The decision in an ejectment case
The jurisdiction of these 2 actions,
does not bind the title to or ownership of
which are summary in nature, lies in the
the land or building. It does not also bar an
proper MTC.
action between the same parties respecting
title to the property.
Both actions must be brought within
one year form the date of actual entry on the
land, in case of forcible entry, and from the
By Nikko G. Lagmay 20
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Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
Effect of the pendency of an action involving in the premises. The demand may also be
ownership on the action for forcible entry made by posting a written notice on the
and unlawful detainer premises if no person can be found therein.
The action for specific performance in If the demand is not complied with
the RTC has no effect on the ejectment case after 15 days in the case of land or 5 days
and shall proceed irrespective of the in the case of buildings, the lessor may
outcome of the RTC case. The issues in the now proceed against the lessee.
ejectment case is mere possession while the
issue in the specific performance case is the When demand is not required in
validity as well as the enforceability of the unlawful detainer case
option to purchase.
1. there is a stipulation dispensing
When defendant occupies premises by mere with demand
tolerance 2. when the ground for the suit is
based on the expiration of the
If the defendant stays in the lease because when the lease
premises by mere tolerance of the owner, expires the cause of action for
the possession becomes unlawful upon unlawful detainer immediately
failure to comply with the demand to vacate arises.
made by the owner. The unlawful
withholding of possession is to be counted Demand to vacate is, however,
from the date of the demand to vacate. required when the lease is on a month-to-
month basis to terminate the lease upon
Demands in unlawful detainer cases the expiration of the month in order to
prevent the application of the rule of tacita
An unlawful detainer case shall be reconduccion or implied new lease.
commenced only after demand to pay or
comply with the conditions of the lease and Tacita reconduccion
to vacate is made upon the lessee, unless
there exists a stipulation to the contrary. If at the end of the lease, the
lessee continues to enjoy the property
Where the suit is based on the leased for 15 days with the consent of the
defendants failure to pay the rentals agreed lessor, and no notice to the contrary has
upon, the proper demand should be to to been given, it is understood that there is
pay and vacate. It should not be to pay or an implied new lease, not for the period in
vacate. The latter demand which I in the the original contract, but for the time
alternative does not make out a case for established in articles 1682 and 1687 of
unlawful detainer since it is not in the Civil Code.
accordance with the required tenor of the
demand prescriber by sec. 2 of Rule 70 Defense of tenancy
By Nikko G. Lagmay 21
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is determined by the determination is only initial and is made
allegations of the complaint. merely for the purpose of settling the issue
of possession.
Defense of ownership
Immediate execution of judgment
The assertion by the defendant of
ownership over the disputed property does A judgment on a FEUD action is
not serve to divest the inferior court of its immediately executory to avoid injustice to
jurisdiction. a lawful possessor, and the courts duty to
order the execution is practically
The defendant cannot deprive the ministerial.
court of jurisdiction by merely claiming
ownership of the property involved. How to stay immediate execution of
When defendant raises the issue of
ownership, the court may resolve the issue The defendant must take the
of ownership but only under the ff. following steps:
conditions: 1. perfect an appeal;
2. file a supersedeas bond; and
a. when the issue of possession 3. deposit periodically with the RTC
cannot be resolved without during the pendency of the appeal,
resolving the issue of the adjudged mount of rent due
ownership; and under the contract or if there be no
b. the issue of ownership shall contract, the reasonable value of
be resolved only to the use and occupation of the
determine the issue of premises.
Where to appeal
In letter b., the judgment would not
bar an action between the same parties Appealable to the appropriate RTC.
respecting title to the land or building. The
resolution of the MTC on the ownership of Mode of appeal is the same as in
the property is merely provisional or ordinary civil actions under Rule 40 where
interlocutory. Any question involving the a notice of appeal is filed with and the
issue of ownership should be raised and docket fee paid in the court of origin, which
resolved in a separate action brought is the MTC.
specifically to settle the question with
By Nikko G. Lagmay 22
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
By Nikko G. Lagmay 23
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
Contempt in relation to execution of however, have the effect of suspending the
judgment judgment if the person adjudged in
contempt does not file a bond in an
Generally, Contempt is not a means amount fixed by the court from which the
of enforcing a judgment. appeal is taken. This bond is conditioned
upon his performance of the judgment or
final order if the appeal is decided against
How a proceeding for indirect contempt him.
is commenced
contempt is to be punished only after charge
in writing and hearing.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 24
San Sebastian Law
Provisional Remedies / Special Civil Actions / Summary Procedure
There shall be a preliminary
conference held but there will be no trial.
Instead the parties shall submit
affidavits and position papers.
By Nikko G. Lagmay 25
San Sebastian Law