Does The Moment of Fiber Post Cutting Influence On The Retention To Root Dentin?
Does The Moment of Fiber Post Cutting Influence On The Retention To Root Dentin?
Does The Moment of Fiber Post Cutting Influence On The Retention To Root Dentin?
Correspondence: Murilo de
Sousa Menezes, Avenida Par,
Despite several advantages associated with pre-fabricated glass-fiber posts, the coronal 1720, Bloco 4LA, 3 Piso, Sala
portion of these posts must be cut to allow their use in various clinical situations. However, 42, Campus Umuarama, 38405-
cutting the cemented post can generate stress on the bonding interface and affect the 320 Uberlndia, MG, Brasil.
bond strength. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect the of fiber post cutting Tel:+55-34-3225-8106. e-mail:
on the bond strength of root canals. Sixty bovine incisor roots were included in resin [email protected]
cylinders with simulated periodontal ligaments. Glass-fiber posts were luted using regular
resin cement RelyX ARC (3M ESPE) or self-adhesive cement RelyX Unicem (3M ESPE). The
posts were cut prior to cementation, immediately after luting or after building up the
core (n=10). After storage for 24 h, the samples were cut and subject to push-out testing
using a mechanical testing machine (EMIC DL 2000). Data were analyzed using two-way
ANOVA (resin cement x moment of post cutting) and Tukeys post hoc test (=0.05). The
moment of fiber post cutting did not affect the bond strength when Unicem was used.
However, the bond strength was reduced when ARC was used and when the post was cut
immediately. In conclusion, the moment of fiber post cutting may affect the retention Key Words: dental bonding, resin
of root canal posts when a regular resin cement is used. cements, post and core technique.
Introduction during the post cementation (7), the resin cements usually
Fiber posts are commonly used to restore endodontically exhibit a low degree of conversion immediately after the
treated teeth when the coronal remains are unable to cementation and thus reduce the bond strength to dentin
retain the restoration (1). These post systems present (8). In contrast, when post sectioning is performed after
biomechanical properties similar to dentin (2), leading to the core build-up, the resin cement exhibits an increased
a more homogeneous stress distribution than metal posts degree of conversion. Furthermore, the core that is bonded
(3) and thus decreasing the risk of root fracture (4). The to the remaining coronal dentin aids in dissipation of the
use of these glass fiber posts may also enhance aesthetic stress generated by bur vibrations.
restorations and reduce the time required to finalize the Additionally, it is reasonable to assume that the
restoration due mainly to the elimination of laboratory interaction between luting agents and dentin may also
procedures (5). These effects are attributed to the fact exacerbate the possible deleterious effects of stress caused
that pre-fabricated posts are used; thus, the restorative by post sectioning. During the past several years, resin
procedures, including direct restorations, can be performed cements have been used as an adhesive system for luting
immediately after cementation of the post (6). fiber posts to root canals. More recently, self-adhesive
The pre-fabricated posts are available in standardized resin cements (SARCs) were introduced to facilitate
lengths and require partial sectioning to the coronal luting procedures (9). The bonding mechanism of SARCs is
portion to adjust the clinical condition. Post sectioning can attributed to both a chemical reaction between phosphate
be performed prior to post insertion into the root canal, methacrylates and hydroxyapatite as well as the infiltration
immediately after post cementation or after core/restoration of these materials into the tooth tissues (10). Various
build-up. Sectioning of cemented posts may generate stress studies have demonstrated that SARCs exhibit a more stable
via bur vibrations on the bonding interface between the bonding interface compared with regular resin cements (11).
luting agent and dentin. This stress can reduce the bond Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect
strength or promote areas of debonding, compromising of the moment of post cutting on its retention to root
the longevity of the post-retained restoration. These canal when cemented with regular or self-adhesive resin
deleterious effects mainly occur when post sectioning cement. The hypotheses tested were: (I) the moment when
is performed immediately after post cementation. Since post cutting occurs does not affect the bond strength of
cement setting is mainly activated by chemical initiation the fiber post to the root canal; and (II) the type of resin
Braz Dent J 26(2) 2015
cement (regular or self-adhesive) does not influence on cervical limit and the periodontal ligament was simulated.
the retention of posts cut at different moments. For this purpose, the external surfaces of the root
remainders were dipped in melted wax, resulting in a 0.2-
Material and Methods to 0.3-mm thick wax layer. Then, the wax-covered roots
were included in the acrylic resin cylinders. Following resin
Study Design polymerization, the roots were removed from the cylinder
This in vitro investigation was conducted using a 23 and wax was removed from the root surface, creating
factorial study design to evaluate the factors moment a space in the resin cylinder. The polyether impression
of fiber post cutting in three levels (before the luting material (Impregum Soft; 3M ESPE) was mixed and placed
procedure, immediately after post luting or after resin in the space created in the resin cylinder. The tooth was
core build-up) and adhesive luting agents in two levels. re-inserted into the cylinder, and the excess material was
The evaluated luting agents included the regular resin removed with a scalpel blade (12).
cement RelyX ARC (3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) and the
self-adhesive resin cement RelyX Unicem (3M ESPE). The Post Cutting and Cementation
bond strengths of the fiber posts to the root canals of Twenty posts (21 mm long) were cut 5 mm below the
bovine incisors were evaluated by push-out testing (n=10). upper side of the post prior to the luting procedure using
The experimental design is illustrated in Figure 1. a #2200 diamond bur (KG Sorensen) operated by a high-
speed hand-piece using copious water spray, whereas the
Sample Preparation other 40 posts had the original dimensions maintained.
Sixty bovine incisor roots with similar dimensions and Prior to cementation, the fiber posts were etched with
shapes were chosen for this study. Coronal portions of the 24% hydrogen peroxide for 1 min, rinsed with distilled
teeth were sectioned 15.0 mm above the root apex, using water and air-dried (13). A layer of silane coupling agent
a diamond double-faced disk (KG Sorensen, Barueri, SP, Prosil (FGM) was applied on the etched surface of post
M.G. Borges et al.
Brazil) mounted in a slow-speed hand-piece that was cooled and gently air-dried after 60 s. The Scotchbond Multi-
with an air/water spray. The root canal was instrumented Purpose Plus adhesive system (3M ESPE) was applied over
in its full extension using #2 and #3 Gates Glidden drills the post surface and light-cured for 20 s. The fiber post
(Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland). The #4 drill was cemented into the root canal using the regular resin
was used exclusively in the cervical third of the root cement RelyX ARC (ARC; 3M ESPE) associated with the
canal. Following, the canals were rinsed with 1% sodium Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus adhesive system or a self-
hypochlorite solution (Asfer; Industrial Qumica, So Paulo, adhesive cement RelyX Unicem (UNI; 3M ESPE) associated
SP, Brazil). Instrumented root canals were obturated with with one of the protocols explained below.
gutta-percha cones and Sealer-26 resin sealer (Dentsply RelyX ARC: The intraradicular dentin was etched with
Ind. e Com. LTDA, Petrpolis, RJ, Brazil) using the lateral 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s and rinsed. The water excess
condensation technique. was removed with absorbent paper points. The Scotchbond
Post-hole spaces 10 mm deep were prepared using Multipurpose Plus (3M ESPE) activator was applied into
#4 largo drills followed by burs provided by the post the root canal with a microbrush of compatible size and
manufacturer (White Post DC3; FGM, Joinvile, SC, Brazil). air-dried for 5 s. Afterwards, the primer followed by the
Then, each root was embedded in a polystyrene resin catalyst were applied and air-dried. The resin cement was
cylinder (Cristal; Piracicaba, SP, Brazil) 2 mm below the placed over the post, and the post/cement was inserted
into the root canal and light-cured for 40 s after removal
of the excess. After 5 min, the resin cement was light-
cured for 80 s.
RekyX Unicem: The root canal walls were rinsed with
water using a syringe and then gently dried with absorbent
paper points. The self-adhesive cement RelyX Unicem
(3M ESPE) was mixed and placed over the posts, which
were inserted into the root canal using light pressure. The
luting material excess was removed and light activation
was performed for 40 s. After 5 min, the resin cement was
light-cured for 80 s.
All light activations were performed using a LED
Figure 1. Experimental design. light-curing unit (Radii Cal, SDI, Bayswater, Victoria,
Braz Dent J 26(2) 2015
Australia) with 800 mW/cm2 irradiance. Immediately after both major and minor post diameters in millimeters and to
cementation, 20 posts were cut 6 mm above the root using identify potential defects caused by cutting. Samples with
a previously described bur. For the other 20 samples, a defects were excluded. Each slab was positioned in a push-
6-mm-high core was made using Filtek Z-350 composite out jig and subjected to a compressive load (0.5 mm/min)
(3M ESPE) before the cutting procedure. To standardize in a mechanical testing machine (EMIC DL 2000; EMIC, So
the core, a matrix was designed using BIO-CAD software Jos dos Pinhais, PR, Brazil) until the post was dislodged. The
(Computer Assisted Desing; Rhino 3D, Rhinoceros, USA). bond strength value for each slab was calculated in MPa,
A prototypal resin with the dimensions of the designed and the average values of all slabs for each root were used
cores (6 mm high) was created and used to obtain acetate in the statistical analysis. Data were statistically analyzed
matrixes. The fiber posts were sectioned to the same level using two-way ANOVA (resin cement x moment of post
of the resin core. cutting) and Tukeys post hoc test (=0.05).
Despite the advantages of using pre-fabricated posts
to extensively restore damaged teeth, partial cut of the
coronal portion of the post is necessary to allow the build-
Figure 2. Push-out bond strength results. Distinct letters (lowercase letters up of the core restoration moment of post cutting on the
for RelyX ARC; capital letters for RelyX Unicem) indicate statistically
significant difference among the moments of fiber post cutting (p<0.05).
bond strength of the fiber post to the root canal. In the
The p-values for comparison between cement at each moment of fiber present study, fiber post cutting immediately after post
post cutting are indicated. cementation resulted in reduced bond strength values when
compared with other post
cutting moments only when
Table 1. Means (95% CI) of push-out bond strength in each root third the post was luted using
the regular resin cement
Root third
Resin cement Fiber post-cutting moment RelyX ARC. Thus, the study
Cervical Middle Apical hypotheses (I effect of
Previously to cementation 10.7 (6.3-15.2) 10.1 (5.8-14.4) 12.3 (6.9-17.7) moment of post cutting, and
II effect of resin cement
RelyX ARC Immediately after cementation 4.5 (3.3-5.7) 4.0 (2.4-5.6) 8.6 (6.4-10.8)
type) were rejected.
After core build-up 13.2 (8.1-18.3) 9.66 (5.4-13.9) 10.3 (6.7-14.0) Fiber posts are commonly
Previously to cementation 13.4 (8.0-18.8) 13.7 (8.9-18.6) 11.8 (7.6-16.0) luted to root canals using
RelyX Unicem Immediately after cementation 13.2 (9.4-17.0) 15.3 (11.6-19.1) 13.7 (8.2-18.5)
dual-cured resin cements
that are either associated or
After core build-up 11.9 (8.5-15.2) 11.6 (6.6-16.6) 14.6 (7.4-21.9)
not with adhesive systems.
Braz Dent J 26(2) 2015
The use of dual-cured luting agents is preferable in this Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the results
procedure to achieve proper cement polymerization indicate that the moment of fiber post cutting can reduce
along the entire root canal space and to obtain an initial the retention of glass fiber posts to root canal, whereas this
stabilization of the fiber post (14). Once the chemically reduction appears to be material-dependent. However, it is
activated reaction is slowed, light activation of the cement important to emphasize that the immediate bond strengths
promotes the polymerization of the cement in more cervical of only two resin cements were evaluated. Further studies
regions, thereby establishing post retention in the first with additional resin cements and aged samples are required
minutes after post cementation (10,15,16). However, even to confirm these findings.
using translucent fiber posts, a significant reduction in
light intensity occurs in the deepest areas of the root canal, Resumo
and only the slower chemically activated polymerization Apesar das diversas vantagens associadas aos pinos de fibra de vidro
reaction occurs (17,18). Thus, reduced mechanical strength pr-fabricados, o corte da sua poro coronria deve ser realizado para
permitir seu uso em algumas situaes clnicas. Entretanto, o corte do pino
of the cement and decreased bonding to the dentin root cimentado pode gerar tenses na interface adesiva e afetar a resistncia
canal is evident, particularly in the early stages after de unio. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do momento do
cementation procedures (19). corte do pino na resistncia de unio ao canal radicular. Sessenta razes
de incisivos bovinos foram includas em cilindros de resina com simulao
The presence of areas of resin cement in deeper regions do ligamento periodontal. Pinos de fibra de vidro foram cimentados
of root canals in the initial minutes following the fiber utilizando um cimento resinoso convencional RelyX ARC (3M ESPE) ou
post cementation can explain the reduced bond strength autoadesivo RelyX Unicem (3M ESPE). Os pinos foram cortados previamente
cimentao, imediatamente aps a cimentao, ou aps a reconstruo
observed for post cutting immediately after cementation do ncleo de preenchimento (n=10). Aps o armazenamento por 24 h,
with RelyX ARC. The use of diamond burs to cut the post as amostras foram seccionadas e submetidas ao ensaio de cisalhamento
vibrates the fiber post and may induce stress in the bonding por extruso utilizando mquina de ensaio mecnico (EMIC DL 2000).
Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA dois fatores (cimento resinoso x
interface, thereby reducing the bond strength. In this momento do corte do pino) e teste de Tukey (=0,05). O momento do
scenario, it is reasonable to hypothesize that the cervical corte do pino de fibra de vidro no afetou a resistncia de unio quando
o RelyX Unicem foi utilizado. No entanto, o corte do pino imediatamente
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Received September 27, 2014
Accepted December, 15, 2014