The Awakening Call To The End-Time Remnant
The Awakening Call To The End-Time Remnant
The Awakening Call To The End-Time Remnant
What a sobering word Isaiah gives early in his book: Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small
remnant (Isa. 1:9). The commencement of the Book of Isaiah refers to the vision of Isaiah which he saw
concerning Judah and Jerusalem. What did this prophet see concerning his contemporary, his Judah and
Jerusalem? Two entities are presented here: Judahthe people, and Jerusalemthe city of God where the
people reside. In our day of the End Time (the consummation of the church ages), the spiritual Judah is the
people who are to be the people of praise, and Jerusalem would appropriately be the institutional Church.
After Isaiah gives a list of the sins of the people and the city collectively, there is the acknowledgment, Except
the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have
been like unto Gomorrah. Isaiah then cries for the rulers of this Sodom city (Jerusalem) and the people of
Gomorrah (the people of Jerusalem). The leaders of this people had set the pace for the falling away of this
What is this small remnant left unto us, or within Jerusalem? The remnant is that of the few godly men who
still inhabit Jerusalem. It is the Lord of Hosts who had preserved this very small remnant. The institutional
Church in the End Time of the last days is in deep apostasy; it has become the Sodom and Gomorrah before
God. As Judah and Jerusalem went, so go the professing people of God and the Church today. We must candidly
acknowledge that Isaiah is not speaking to the world or about the world; he is speaking to Gods people and to
His city.
We can see a spiritual parallel between Old Testament Israel and the New Testament Church. Just as the
Northern ten tribes were taken into captivity, the public realm of Christianity called Christendom has been in
captivity for some time now. It has basically come down to the Fundamentalist movement within the land of
Christendom. This movement has been like the last city left, the last truly identifiable city for Christs sake. But
now it is becoming part of the decline, the falling away. What has kept it from total captivity? It has been a
remnant still within the movement that has honored God. Why has not Fundamentalism, the last of the
movements before the coming of Christ, sunk fully into Neo-Christianity? Is it not because of the fact that there
is the remnant of Christ (though getting smaller and smaller) still within the movement? Otherwise,
Fundamentalism would have plunged a long time ago fully into the dregs of the apostasy.
It is clear that the remnant belong to the Lord of Hosts; His hosts are the remnant. The remnant cannot be
judged by quantity, only by quality. They are the ones that are arresting the disease that has come into the body
of Fundamentalism. While Fundamentalism has gone the way of all flesh, there is still a remnant of believers
who are preaching, living, singing, teaching, and keeping the movement from absolute apostasy. The movement
may be dying (or even dead), but there is a remnant that has kept it from absolute apostasy up to this hour.